Card: 1 / 38 |
Erosion is primarily caused by geomorphic agents such as running water, wind, glaciers, and waves. True or False? |
Card: 3 / 38 |
The two components of running water include overland flow and ___ flow as streams and rivers. |
Card: 6 / 38 |
A peneplain is an almost flat landform created through the extensive erosion by running water, where irregularities such as hills and valleys are worn down over time, leaving low resistant remnants called monadnocks. |
Card: 7 / 38 |
In the early stages of river development, what erosional features are commonly found? |
Card: 8 / 38 |
Waterfalls and cascades are commonly found as down-cutting dominates in the early stages. |
Card: 9 / 38 |
True or False: As a river matures, the velocity of its flow increases due to continued erosion. |
Card: 10 / 38 |
False. As a river matures, the velocity decreases due to the gentler gradients and increased deposition. |
Card: 11 / 38 |
The youth stage of stream development is characterized by ___ and ___ valleys. |
Card: 13 / 38 |
True or False: In the mature stage of stream development, waterfalls and rapids are common features. |
Card: 19 / 38 |
True or False: The valleys in the old age of stream development are generally narrow and steep. |
Card: 29 / 38 |
True or False: Deltas develop only at the mouth of rivers where they flow into lakes. |
Card: 30 / 38 |
False; deltas develop at the mouth of rivers where they flow into seas or oceans. |
Card: 31 / 38 |
Floodplains are a major landform of river deposition and are referred to as ___ in deltas. |
Card: 33 / 38 |
True or False: Point bars are found on the concave side of meanders in large rivers. |
Card: 35 / 38 |
The term 'ox-bow lakes' refers to ___ that are formed when meanders are cut off. |
Card: 37 / 38 |
What geological features are created by the lateral erosion of banks in braided river systems? |