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Real Number System as a Complete Ordered Field and Archimedean Property - CSIR-NET Mathematical | Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET PDF Download

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2 The real numbers as a complete ordered ¯eld
In this section are presented what can be thought of as \the rules of the game:"
the axioms of the real numbers. In this work, we present these axioms as
rules without justi¯cation. There are other approaches which can be used. For
example, another standard technique is to begin with the Peano axioms|the
axioms of the natural numbers|and build up to the real numbers through
several \completions" of this system. In such a setup, our axioms are theorems.
2.1 Field Axioms
This ¯rst set of axioms are called the ¯eld axioms because any object satisfying
them is called a ¯eld. They give the algebraic properties of the real numbers.
A ¯eld is a nonempty set F along with two functions, multiplication£ :
F£F!F and addition + :F£F!F satisfying the following axioms.
Axiom 1 (Associative Laws). If a;b;c2 F, then (a +b)+c =a+(b+c)
and (a£b)£c =a£ (b£c).
Axiom 2 (Commutative Laws). If a;b2F, then a +b =b +a and a£b =
Axiom 3 (Distributive Law). Ifa;b;c2F, then a£ (b +c)=a£b+a£c.
Axiom 4 (Existence of identities). There are 0; 12F such that a+0 =a
and a£1=a,8a2F.
Axiom 5 (Existence of an additive inverse). For eacha2F there is¡a2
F such that a+(¡a)=0.
Axiom 6 (Existence of a multiplicative inverse). For each a 2 Fnf0g
there is a
2F such that a£a
Although these axioms seem to contain most of the properties of the real
numbers we normally use, there are other ¯elds besides the real numbers.
Example 2.1. From elementary algebra we know that the rational numbers,Q,
are a ¯eld.
Example 2.2. LetF =f0; 1; 2g with with addition and multiplication calculated
modulo 3. It is easy to check that the ¯eld axioms are satis¯ed.
Theorem 2.1. The additive and multiplicative identities of a ¯eldF are unique.
Proof. Suppose e
and e
are both multiplicative identities inF. Then
so the multiplicative identity is unique. The proof for the additive identity is
essentially the same.
The functions + and£ are often called binary operations. The standard notation of
+(a;b)=a+b and£(a;b)=a£b is used here.
Page 2

2 The real numbers as a complete ordered ¯eld
In this section are presented what can be thought of as \the rules of the game:"
the axioms of the real numbers. In this work, we present these axioms as
rules without justi¯cation. There are other approaches which can be used. For
example, another standard technique is to begin with the Peano axioms|the
axioms of the natural numbers|and build up to the real numbers through
several \completions" of this system. In such a setup, our axioms are theorems.
2.1 Field Axioms
This ¯rst set of axioms are called the ¯eld axioms because any object satisfying
them is called a ¯eld. They give the algebraic properties of the real numbers.
A ¯eld is a nonempty set F along with two functions, multiplication£ :
F£F!F and addition + :F£F!F satisfying the following axioms.
Axiom 1 (Associative Laws). If a;b;c2 F, then (a +b)+c =a+(b+c)
and (a£b)£c =a£ (b£c).
Axiom 2 (Commutative Laws). If a;b2F, then a +b =b +a and a£b =
Axiom 3 (Distributive Law). Ifa;b;c2F, then a£ (b +c)=a£b+a£c.
Axiom 4 (Existence of identities). There are 0; 12F such that a+0 =a
and a£1=a,8a2F.
Axiom 5 (Existence of an additive inverse). For eacha2F there is¡a2
F such that a+(¡a)=0.
Axiom 6 (Existence of a multiplicative inverse). For each a 2 Fnf0g
there is a
2F such that a£a
Although these axioms seem to contain most of the properties of the real
numbers we normally use, there are other ¯elds besides the real numbers.
Example 2.1. From elementary algebra we know that the rational numbers,Q,
are a ¯eld.
Example 2.2. LetF =f0; 1; 2g with with addition and multiplication calculated
modulo 3. It is easy to check that the ¯eld axioms are satis¯ed.
Theorem 2.1. The additive and multiplicative identities of a ¯eldF are unique.
Proof. Suppose e
and e
are both multiplicative identities inF. Then
so the multiplicative identity is unique. The proof for the additive identity is
essentially the same.
The functions + and£ are often called binary operations. The standard notation of
+(a;b)=a+b and£(a;b)=a£b is used here.
Theorem 2.2. Let F be a ¯eld. If a;b2F with b6=0, then¡a and b
Proof. Supposeb
are both multiplicative inverses forb6= 0. Then, using
Axiom 1,
This shows the multiplicative inverse in unique. The proof is essentially the
same for the additive inverse.
From now on we will assume the standard notations for algebra; e. g., we
will writeab instead ofa£b anda=b instead ofa£b
. There are many other
properties of ¯elds which could be proved here, but they correspond to the usual
properties of the real numbers learned in beginning algebra, so we omit them.
Problem 8. Prove that if a;b2F, whereF is a ¯eld, then (¡a)b =¡(ab)=
Page 3

2 The real numbers as a complete ordered ¯eld
In this section are presented what can be thought of as \the rules of the game:"
the axioms of the real numbers. In this work, we present these axioms as
rules without justi¯cation. There are other approaches which can be used. For
example, another standard technique is to begin with the Peano axioms|the
axioms of the natural numbers|and build up to the real numbers through
several \completions" of this system. In such a setup, our axioms are theorems.
2.1 Field Axioms
This ¯rst set of axioms are called the ¯eld axioms because any object satisfying
them is called a ¯eld. They give the algebraic properties of the real numbers.
A ¯eld is a nonempty set F along with two functions, multiplication£ :
F£F!F and addition + :F£F!F satisfying the following axioms.
Axiom 1 (Associative Laws). If a;b;c2 F, then (a +b)+c =a+(b+c)
and (a£b)£c =a£ (b£c).
Axiom 2 (Commutative Laws). If a;b2F, then a +b =b +a and a£b =
Axiom 3 (Distributive Law). Ifa;b;c2F, then a£ (b +c)=a£b+a£c.
Axiom 4 (Existence of identities). There are 0; 12F such that a+0 =a
and a£1=a,8a2F.
Axiom 5 (Existence of an additive inverse). For eacha2F there is¡a2
F such that a+(¡a)=0.
Axiom 6 (Existence of a multiplicative inverse). For each a 2 Fnf0g
there is a
2F such that a£a
Although these axioms seem to contain most of the properties of the real
numbers we normally use, there are other ¯elds besides the real numbers.
Example 2.1. From elementary algebra we know that the rational numbers,Q,
are a ¯eld.
Example 2.2. LetF =f0; 1; 2g with with addition and multiplication calculated
modulo 3. It is easy to check that the ¯eld axioms are satis¯ed.
Theorem 2.1. The additive and multiplicative identities of a ¯eldF are unique.
Proof. Suppose e
and e
are both multiplicative identities inF. Then
so the multiplicative identity is unique. The proof for the additive identity is
essentially the same.
The functions + and£ are often called binary operations. The standard notation of
+(a;b)=a+b and£(a;b)=a£b is used here.
Theorem 2.2. Let F be a ¯eld. If a;b2F with b6=0, then¡a and b
Proof. Supposeb
are both multiplicative inverses forb6= 0. Then, using
Axiom 1,
This shows the multiplicative inverse in unique. The proof is essentially the
same for the additive inverse.
From now on we will assume the standard notations for algebra; e. g., we
will writeab instead ofa£b anda=b instead ofa£b
. There are many other
properties of ¯elds which could be proved here, but they correspond to the usual
properties of the real numbers learned in beginning algebra, so we omit them.
Problem 8. Prove that if a;b2F, whereF is a ¯eld, then (¡a)b =¡(ab)=
2.2 Order Axiom
The axiom of this section gives us the order properties of the real numbers.
Axiom 7 (Order axiom.). There is a set P½F such that
(i) If a;b2P, then a +b;ab2P.
(ii) Ifa2F, then exactly one of the following is true: a2P,¡a2P ora=0.
Of course, theP is known as the set of positive elements ofF. Using Axiom
7(ii), we see that F is divided into three pairwise disjoint sets: P, f0g and
f¡x :x2Pg. The latter of these is the set of negative elements ofF.
De¯nition 2.1. We writea<b orb>a,ifb¡a2P. The meanings of a·b
and b¸a are now as expected.
Example 2.3. The rational numbersQ are an ordered ¯eld. This example shows
there are ordered ¯elds which are not equal toR.
Extra Credit 2. Prove there is no setP½Z
which makesZ
into an ordered
Following are a few standard properties of ordered ¯elds.
Theorem 2.3. a6=0 i® a
> 0.
Proof. ())Ifa> 0, then a
> 0 by Axiom 7(a). Ifa< 0, then¡a> 0by
Axiom 7(b) and above, a
> 0.
(() Since 0
= 0, this is obvious.
Theorem 2.4. IfF is an ordered ¯eld and a;b;c2F, then
(a) a<b () a +c<b+c,
(b) a<b^b<c =) a<c,
(c) a<b^c>0=) ac<bc,
(d) a<b^c<0=) ac>bc.
Proof. (a)a<b () b¡a2 P () (b +c)¡ (a +c)2 P () a +c<b+c.
(b) By supposition, both b¡a;c¡b2 P. Using the fact that P is closed
under addition, we see (b¡a)+(c¡b)=c¡a2P. Therefore,c>a.
(c) Sinceb¡a2P andc2P andP is closed under multiplication,c(b¡a)=
cb¡ca2P and, therefore,ac<bc.
(d) By assumption, b¡a;¡c2P. Apply part (c) and Problem 8.
Theorem 2.5 (Two out of three rule). LetF be an ordered ¯eld anda;b;c2
F.If ab =c and any two of a, b or c are positive, then so is the third.
Page 4

2 The real numbers as a complete ordered ¯eld
In this section are presented what can be thought of as \the rules of the game:"
the axioms of the real numbers. In this work, we present these axioms as
rules without justi¯cation. There are other approaches which can be used. For
example, another standard technique is to begin with the Peano axioms|the
axioms of the natural numbers|and build up to the real numbers through
several \completions" of this system. In such a setup, our axioms are theorems.
2.1 Field Axioms
This ¯rst set of axioms are called the ¯eld axioms because any object satisfying
them is called a ¯eld. They give the algebraic properties of the real numbers.
A ¯eld is a nonempty set F along with two functions, multiplication£ :
F£F!F and addition + :F£F!F satisfying the following axioms.
Axiom 1 (Associative Laws). If a;b;c2 F, then (a +b)+c =a+(b+c)
and (a£b)£c =a£ (b£c).
Axiom 2 (Commutative Laws). If a;b2F, then a +b =b +a and a£b =
Axiom 3 (Distributive Law). Ifa;b;c2F, then a£ (b +c)=a£b+a£c.
Axiom 4 (Existence of identities). There are 0; 12F such that a+0 =a
and a£1=a,8a2F.
Axiom 5 (Existence of an additive inverse). For eacha2F there is¡a2
F such that a+(¡a)=0.
Axiom 6 (Existence of a multiplicative inverse). For each a 2 Fnf0g
there is a
2F such that a£a
Although these axioms seem to contain most of the properties of the real
numbers we normally use, there are other ¯elds besides the real numbers.
Example 2.1. From elementary algebra we know that the rational numbers,Q,
are a ¯eld.
Example 2.2. LetF =f0; 1; 2g with with addition and multiplication calculated
modulo 3. It is easy to check that the ¯eld axioms are satis¯ed.
Theorem 2.1. The additive and multiplicative identities of a ¯eldF are unique.
Proof. Suppose e
and e
are both multiplicative identities inF. Then
so the multiplicative identity is unique. The proof for the additive identity is
essentially the same.
The functions + and£ are often called binary operations. The standard notation of
+(a;b)=a+b and£(a;b)=a£b is used here.
Theorem 2.2. Let F be a ¯eld. If a;b2F with b6=0, then¡a and b
Proof. Supposeb
are both multiplicative inverses forb6= 0. Then, using
Axiom 1,
This shows the multiplicative inverse in unique. The proof is essentially the
same for the additive inverse.
From now on we will assume the standard notations for algebra; e. g., we
will writeab instead ofa£b anda=b instead ofa£b
. There are many other
properties of ¯elds which could be proved here, but they correspond to the usual
properties of the real numbers learned in beginning algebra, so we omit them.
Problem 8. Prove that if a;b2F, whereF is a ¯eld, then (¡a)b =¡(ab)=
2.2 Order Axiom
The axiom of this section gives us the order properties of the real numbers.
Axiom 7 (Order axiom.). There is a set P½F such that
(i) If a;b2P, then a +b;ab2P.
(ii) Ifa2F, then exactly one of the following is true: a2P,¡a2P ora=0.
Of course, theP is known as the set of positive elements ofF. Using Axiom
7(ii), we see that F is divided into three pairwise disjoint sets: P, f0g and
f¡x :x2Pg. The latter of these is the set of negative elements ofF.
De¯nition 2.1. We writea<b orb>a,ifb¡a2P. The meanings of a·b
and b¸a are now as expected.
Example 2.3. The rational numbersQ are an ordered ¯eld. This example shows
there are ordered ¯elds which are not equal toR.
Extra Credit 2. Prove there is no setP½Z
which makesZ
into an ordered
Following are a few standard properties of ordered ¯elds.
Theorem 2.3. a6=0 i® a
> 0.
Proof. ())Ifa> 0, then a
> 0 by Axiom 7(a). Ifa< 0, then¡a> 0by
Axiom 7(b) and above, a
> 0.
(() Since 0
= 0, this is obvious.
Theorem 2.4. IfF is an ordered ¯eld and a;b;c2F, then
(a) a<b () a +c<b+c,
(b) a<b^b<c =) a<c,
(c) a<b^c>0=) ac<bc,
(d) a<b^c<0=) ac>bc.
Proof. (a)a<b () b¡a2 P () (b +c)¡ (a +c)2 P () a +c<b+c.
(b) By supposition, both b¡a;c¡b2 P. Using the fact that P is closed
under addition, we see (b¡a)+(c¡b)=c¡a2P. Therefore,c>a.
(c) Sinceb¡a2P andc2P andP is closed under multiplication,c(b¡a)=
cb¡ca2P and, therefore,ac<bc.
(d) By assumption, b¡a;¡c2P. Apply part (c) and Problem 8.
Theorem 2.5 (Two out of three rule). LetF be an ordered ¯eld anda;b;c2
F.If ab =c and any two of a, b or c are positive, then so is the third.
Proof. Ifa> 0 andb> 0, then Axiom 7(a) impliesc> 0. Next, supposea>0
andc> 0. In order to force a contradiction, supposeb· 0. In this case, Axiom
7(b) shows
which is impossible.
Corollary 2.6. LetF be an ordered ¯eld and a2F.Ifa>0, then a
> 0.If
a<0, then a
< 0.
Proof. The proof is Problem 9.
Problem 9. Prove Corollary 2.6.
Supposea> 0. Since 1a =a, Theorem 2.5 implies 1> 0. Applying Theorem
2.4, we see that 1 + 1> 1> 0. It's clear that by induction, we can ¯nd a copy
of N in any ordered ¯eld. Similarly, Z and Q also have unique copies in any
ordered ¯eld.
The standard notation for intervals will be used on an ordered ¯eld,F; i. e.,
(a;b)=fx2F :a<x<bg,(a;1)=fx2F :a<xg,[a;b]=fx2F :a·x·
bg, etc.
2.2.1 Metric Properties
The order axiom on a ¯eld F allows us to introduce the idea of a distance
between points inF. To do this, we begin with the following familiar de¯nition.
De¯nition 2.2. LetF be an ordered ¯eld. The absolute value function onF is
a functionj¢j :F!F de¯ned as
jxj =
x; x¸ 0
¡x; x< 0
The most important properties of the absolute value function are contained
in the following theorem.
Theorem 2.7. LetF be an ordered ¯eld. Then
(a)jxj¸0 for all x2F andjxj =0 () x=0;
(b) jxj =j¡xj for all x2F;
(c) ¡jxj·x·jxj for all x2F;
(d)jxj·y () ¡y· x· y; and,
(e) jx +yj·jxj+jyj for all x;y2F.
Proof. (a) The fact thatjxj¸ 0 for all x2F follows from Axiom 7(b). Since
0=¡0, the second part is clear.
Page 5

2 The real numbers as a complete ordered ¯eld
In this section are presented what can be thought of as \the rules of the game:"
the axioms of the real numbers. In this work, we present these axioms as
rules without justi¯cation. There are other approaches which can be used. For
example, another standard technique is to begin with the Peano axioms|the
axioms of the natural numbers|and build up to the real numbers through
several \completions" of this system. In such a setup, our axioms are theorems.
2.1 Field Axioms
This ¯rst set of axioms are called the ¯eld axioms because any object satisfying
them is called a ¯eld. They give the algebraic properties of the real numbers.
A ¯eld is a nonempty set F along with two functions, multiplication£ :
F£F!F and addition + :F£F!F satisfying the following axioms.
Axiom 1 (Associative Laws). If a;b;c2 F, then (a +b)+c =a+(b+c)
and (a£b)£c =a£ (b£c).
Axiom 2 (Commutative Laws). If a;b2F, then a +b =b +a and a£b =
Axiom 3 (Distributive Law). Ifa;b;c2F, then a£ (b +c)=a£b+a£c.
Axiom 4 (Existence of identities). There are 0; 12F such that a+0 =a
and a£1=a,8a2F.
Axiom 5 (Existence of an additive inverse). For eacha2F there is¡a2
F such that a+(¡a)=0.
Axiom 6 (Existence of a multiplicative inverse). For each a 2 Fnf0g
there is a
2F such that a£a
Although these axioms seem to contain most of the properties of the real
numbers we normally use, there are other ¯elds besides the real numbers.
Example 2.1. From elementary algebra we know that the rational numbers,Q,
are a ¯eld.
Example 2.2. LetF =f0; 1; 2g with with addition and multiplication calculated
modulo 3. It is easy to check that the ¯eld axioms are satis¯ed.
Theorem 2.1. The additive and multiplicative identities of a ¯eldF are unique.
Proof. Suppose e
and e
are both multiplicative identities inF. Then
so the multiplicative identity is unique. The proof for the additive identity is
essentially the same.
The functions + and£ are often called binary operations. The standard notation of
+(a;b)=a+b and£(a;b)=a£b is used here.
Theorem 2.2. Let F be a ¯eld. If a;b2F with b6=0, then¡a and b
Proof. Supposeb
are both multiplicative inverses forb6= 0. Then, using
Axiom 1,
This shows the multiplicative inverse in unique. The proof is essentially the
same for the additive inverse.
From now on we will assume the standard notations for algebra; e. g., we
will writeab instead ofa£b anda=b instead ofa£b
. There are many other
properties of ¯elds which could be proved here, but they correspond to the usual
properties of the real numbers learned in beginning algebra, so we omit them.
Problem 8. Prove that if a;b2F, whereF is a ¯eld, then (¡a)b =¡(ab)=
2.2 Order Axiom
The axiom of this section gives us the order properties of the real numbers.
Axiom 7 (Order axiom.). There is a set P½F such that
(i) If a;b2P, then a +b;ab2P.
(ii) Ifa2F, then exactly one of the following is true: a2P,¡a2P ora=0.
Of course, theP is known as the set of positive elements ofF. Using Axiom
7(ii), we see that F is divided into three pairwise disjoint sets: P, f0g and
f¡x :x2Pg. The latter of these is the set of negative elements ofF.
De¯nition 2.1. We writea<b orb>a,ifb¡a2P. The meanings of a·b
and b¸a are now as expected.
Example 2.3. The rational numbersQ are an ordered ¯eld. This example shows
there are ordered ¯elds which are not equal toR.
Extra Credit 2. Prove there is no setP½Z
which makesZ
into an ordered
Following are a few standard properties of ordered ¯elds.
Theorem 2.3. a6=0 i® a
> 0.
Proof. ())Ifa> 0, then a
> 0 by Axiom 7(a). Ifa< 0, then¡a> 0by
Axiom 7(b) and above, a
> 0.
(() Since 0
= 0, this is obvious.
Theorem 2.4. IfF is an ordered ¯eld and a;b;c2F, then
(a) a<b () a +c<b+c,
(b) a<b^b<c =) a<c,
(c) a<b^c>0=) ac<bc,
(d) a<b^c<0=) ac>bc.
Proof. (a)a<b () b¡a2 P () (b +c)¡ (a +c)2 P () a +c<b+c.
(b) By supposition, both b¡a;c¡b2 P. Using the fact that P is closed
under addition, we see (b¡a)+(c¡b)=c¡a2P. Therefore,c>a.
(c) Sinceb¡a2P andc2P andP is closed under multiplication,c(b¡a)=
cb¡ca2P and, therefore,ac<bc.
(d) By assumption, b¡a;¡c2P. Apply part (c) and Problem 8.
Theorem 2.5 (Two out of three rule). LetF be an ordered ¯eld anda;b;c2
F.If ab =c and any two of a, b or c are positive, then so is the third.
Proof. Ifa> 0 andb> 0, then Axiom 7(a) impliesc> 0. Next, supposea>0
andc> 0. In order to force a contradiction, supposeb· 0. In this case, Axiom
7(b) shows
which is impossible.
Corollary 2.6. LetF be an ordered ¯eld and a2F.Ifa>0, then a
> 0.If
a<0, then a
< 0.
Proof. The proof is Problem 9.
Problem 9. Prove Corollary 2.6.
Supposea> 0. Since 1a =a, Theorem 2.5 implies 1> 0. Applying Theorem
2.4, we see that 1 + 1> 1> 0. It's clear that by induction, we can ¯nd a copy
of N in any ordered ¯eld. Similarly, Z and Q also have unique copies in any
ordered ¯eld.
The standard notation for intervals will be used on an ordered ¯eld,F; i. e.,
(a;b)=fx2F :a<x<bg,(a;1)=fx2F :a<xg,[a;b]=fx2F :a·x·
bg, etc.
2.2.1 Metric Properties
The order axiom on a ¯eld F allows us to introduce the idea of a distance
between points inF. To do this, we begin with the following familiar de¯nition.
De¯nition 2.2. LetF be an ordered ¯eld. The absolute value function onF is
a functionj¢j :F!F de¯ned as
jxj =
x; x¸ 0
¡x; x< 0
The most important properties of the absolute value function are contained
in the following theorem.
Theorem 2.7. LetF be an ordered ¯eld. Then
(a)jxj¸0 for all x2F andjxj =0 () x=0;
(b) jxj =j¡xj for all x2F;
(c) ¡jxj·x·jxj for all x2F;
(d)jxj·y () ¡y· x· y; and,
(e) jx +yj·jxj+jyj for all x;y2F.
Proof. (a) The fact thatjxj¸ 0 for all x2F follows from Axiom 7(b). Since
0=¡0, the second part is clear.
(b) If x¸ 0, then¡x· 0 so thatj¡xj =¡(¡x)=x =jxj.Ifx< 0, then
¡x> 0 andjxj =¡x =j¡xj.
(c) If x¸ 0, then¡jxj =¡x·x =jxj.Ifx< 0, then¡jxj =¡(¡x)=x<
(d) This is left as an exercise.
(e) Add the two sets of inequalities¡jxj·x·jxj and¡jyj·y·jyj to see
¡(jxj +jyj)·x +y·jxj+jyj. Now apply (d).
De¯nition 2.3. Let S be a set and d :S£S!R satisfy
(a) for all x;y2S, d(x;y)¸ 0 and d(x;y)=0 () x = y,
(b) for all x;y2S, d(x;y)=d(y;x), and
(c) for all x;y;z2S, d(x;z)·d(x;y)+d(y;z).
Then the function d is a metric on S.
A metric is a function which de¯nes the distance between any two points of
a set.
Example 2.4. Let S be a set and de¯ne d :S£S!S by
It is easy to prove that d is a metric on S. This trivial metric is called the
discrete metric.
Theorem 2.8. IfF is an ordered ¯eld, then d(x;y)=jx¡yj is a metric onF.
Proof. This easily follows from various parts of Theorem 2.7
Problem 10. Provejxj·y i®¡y·x·y.
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FAQs on Real Number System as a Complete Ordered Field and Archimedean Property - CSIR-NET Mathematical - Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET

1. What is the Real Number System?
Ans. The Real Number System is a set of numbers that includes all rational and irrational numbers. It is a complete ordered field, meaning that it satisfies certain properties like closure under addition and multiplication, total ordering, and the existence of supremum and infimum for bounded sets.
2. What does it mean for the Real Number System to be a complete ordered field?
Ans. Being a complete ordered field means that the Real Number System satisfies three important properties. Firstly, it is a field, which means it has addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations. Secondly, it is an ordered set, which means the numbers can be arranged in a specific order. Lastly, it is complete, meaning that every non-empty set of real numbers that is bounded above has a supremum (least upper bound) and every non-empty set of real numbers that is bounded below has an infimum (greatest lower bound).
3. Explain the Archimedean Property of the Real Number System.
Ans. The Archimedean Property states that for any two positive real numbers a and b, there exists a positive integer n such that na > b. In simpler terms, it means that no matter how small a positive real number is, you can always find a positive integer that is larger than it. This property is important because it guarantees that the Real Number System does not have any infinitely large or infinitely small elements.
4. How is the completeness of the Real Number System related to the Archimedean Property?
Ans. The completeness of the Real Number System and the Archimedean Property are connected. The completeness property ensures that the Real Number System has no "gaps" or "holes" and that it is densely populated. It guarantees that every non-empty set of real numbers that is bounded above or below has a supremum or infimum. The Archimedean Property, on the other hand, ensures that the Real Number System does not have any infinitely large or infinitely small elements. Together, they provide a comprehensive framework for understanding the properties of the Real Number System.
5. Why is the concept of a complete ordered field important in mathematics?
Ans. The concept of a complete ordered field is important in mathematics because it provides a solid foundation for various mathematical theories and applications. It allows for precise calculations, accurate measurements, and rigorous proofs. The completeness property ensures that mathematical operations involving real numbers make sense and have meaningful results. The ordered property allows numbers to be arranged in a specific order, which is crucial in various mathematical concepts such as inequalities and limits. Overall, the concept of a complete ordered field plays a fundamental role in the study and application of mathematics.

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