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CBSE Class 11 History Sample Paper SA2 2015 (4) | History for Grade 11 PDF Download

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Time : 3 hrs. M.M. : 80 
General Instructions : 
 1. Answer all the questions. Marks are indicated against each question. 
 2. Answers to questions carrying 2 marks (‘Part A’-questions 1-4) should not exceed 30 words. 
 3. Answers to questions carrying 4 marks (Part B-Section I questions 5-9) should not exceed 100 words.  
 4. Part B-(Section II Question 10) is a value based question and answer should not exceed 100-120 
 5. Answers to questions carrying 8 marks (Part C – questions 11-15) should not exceed 350 words. 
 6. Part D has questions based on 3 sources. 
 7. Part E is a map based question. Attach the map with the answer script.  
 1. How has archaeology helped in knowing about the past?    (2) 
 2. How can we say that the Roman Empire was culturally very diverse?    (2) 
 3. When was the institution of the caliphate created? What were its twin objectives? (2) 
 4. Assess the various sources of income of the church in medieval Europe.    (2) 
  Answer any four of the following : - 
 5. Discuss the town planning of the city of Ur in Mesopotamia.     (4) 
 6. How can we say that the Roman economy was very sophisticated?    (4) 
 7. Discuss how the Prophet organised the Islamic state in Medina?       (4) 
 8. What led the Mongols to enter into a relationship with the Chinese? Assess its impact 
on the Chinese.    (4) 
 9. What were cathedral towns?  Describe their main features.     (4) 
PART – B (SECTION – II (Value Based Question) 
 10. Describe the values that mankind has inherited from Islam.    (4) 
Page 2

Time : 3 hrs. M.M. : 80 
General Instructions : 
 1. Answer all the questions. Marks are indicated against each question. 
 2. Answers to questions carrying 2 marks (‘Part A’-questions 1-4) should not exceed 30 words. 
 3. Answers to questions carrying 4 marks (Part B-Section I questions 5-9) should not exceed 100 words.  
 4. Part B-(Section II Question 10) is a value based question and answer should not exceed 100-120 
 5. Answers to questions carrying 8 marks (Part C – questions 11-15) should not exceed 350 words. 
 6. Part D has questions based on 3 sources. 
 7. Part E is a map based question. Attach the map with the answer script.  
 1. How has archaeology helped in knowing about the past?    (2) 
 2. How can we say that the Roman Empire was culturally very diverse?    (2) 
 3. When was the institution of the caliphate created? What were its twin objectives? (2) 
 4. Assess the various sources of income of the church in medieval Europe.    (2) 
  Answer any four of the following : - 
 5. Discuss the town planning of the city of Ur in Mesopotamia.     (4) 
 6. How can we say that the Roman economy was very sophisticated?    (4) 
 7. Discuss how the Prophet organised the Islamic state in Medina?       (4) 
 8. What led the Mongols to enter into a relationship with the Chinese? Assess its impact 
on the Chinese.    (4) 
 9. What were cathedral towns?  Describe their main features.     (4) 
PART – B (SECTION – II (Value Based Question) 
 10. Describe the values that mankind has inherited from Islam.    (4) 
  Answer any four of the following : - 
 11. What kind of themes have been painted on the walls of early caves? What message 
do cave paintings convey?     (8) 
 12. How can we classify the mesopotamians as urban people?   (8) 
 13. Discuss the role of the Emperor, Senate and the army in the Roman Empire.         (8) 
 14. Discuss Ghengis Khan’s political and military organisation.     (8) 
 15. Discuss the factors that brought an end to Feudalism in Europe.     (8) 
  PART – D (Source Based Questions) 
 16. Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow : - 
  On the Treatment of Slaves 
  ‘Soon afterwards the City Prefect, Lucius Pedanius Secundus, was murdered by one 
of his slaves. After the murder, ancient custom required that every slave residing 
under the same roof must be executed. But a crowd gathered, eager to save so many 
innocent lives; and rioting began. The senate-house was besieged. Inside, there was 
feeling against excessive severity, but the majority opposed any change (….) [The 
senators] favouring execution prevailed. However, great crowds ready with stones 
and torches prevented the order from being carried out. Nero rebuked the 
population by edict, and lined with troops the whole route along which those 
condemned were taken for execution.’ – Tacitus (55-117), historian of the early 
  a) What punishment was required of the slaves due to the murder?  (1) 
  b) Who was Nero? How did he try to prevent the people from revolting?    (2) 
  c) How were slaves treated by the Romans?   (2) 
 17. Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow : - 
  Islamic Calendar 
  The Hijri era was established during the caliphate of Umar, with the first year falling 
in 622 CE. A date in the Hijri calendar is followed by the letters AH. The Hijri year is a 
lunar year of 354 days, 12 months (Muharram to Dhul Hijja) of 29 or 30 days. Each 
day begins at sunset and each month with the sighting of the crescent moon. The 
Hijri year is about 11 days shorter than the solar year. Therefore, none of the Islamic 
religious festivals, including the Ramazan fast, Id and hajj, corresponds in any way to 
seasons. There is no easy way to match the dates in the Hijri calendar with the dates 
Page 3

Time : 3 hrs. M.M. : 80 
General Instructions : 
 1. Answer all the questions. Marks are indicated against each question. 
 2. Answers to questions carrying 2 marks (‘Part A’-questions 1-4) should not exceed 30 words. 
 3. Answers to questions carrying 4 marks (Part B-Section I questions 5-9) should not exceed 100 words.  
 4. Part B-(Section II Question 10) is a value based question and answer should not exceed 100-120 
 5. Answers to questions carrying 8 marks (Part C – questions 11-15) should not exceed 350 words. 
 6. Part D has questions based on 3 sources. 
 7. Part E is a map based question. Attach the map with the answer script.  
 1. How has archaeology helped in knowing about the past?    (2) 
 2. How can we say that the Roman Empire was culturally very diverse?    (2) 
 3. When was the institution of the caliphate created? What were its twin objectives? (2) 
 4. Assess the various sources of income of the church in medieval Europe.    (2) 
  Answer any four of the following : - 
 5. Discuss the town planning of the city of Ur in Mesopotamia.     (4) 
 6. How can we say that the Roman economy was very sophisticated?    (4) 
 7. Discuss how the Prophet organised the Islamic state in Medina?       (4) 
 8. What led the Mongols to enter into a relationship with the Chinese? Assess its impact 
on the Chinese.    (4) 
 9. What were cathedral towns?  Describe their main features.     (4) 
PART – B (SECTION – II (Value Based Question) 
 10. Describe the values that mankind has inherited from Islam.    (4) 
  Answer any four of the following : - 
 11. What kind of themes have been painted on the walls of early caves? What message 
do cave paintings convey?     (8) 
 12. How can we classify the mesopotamians as urban people?   (8) 
 13. Discuss the role of the Emperor, Senate and the army in the Roman Empire.         (8) 
 14. Discuss Ghengis Khan’s political and military organisation.     (8) 
 15. Discuss the factors that brought an end to Feudalism in Europe.     (8) 
  PART – D (Source Based Questions) 
 16. Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow : - 
  On the Treatment of Slaves 
  ‘Soon afterwards the City Prefect, Lucius Pedanius Secundus, was murdered by one 
of his slaves. After the murder, ancient custom required that every slave residing 
under the same roof must be executed. But a crowd gathered, eager to save so many 
innocent lives; and rioting began. The senate-house was besieged. Inside, there was 
feeling against excessive severity, but the majority opposed any change (….) [The 
senators] favouring execution prevailed. However, great crowds ready with stones 
and torches prevented the order from being carried out. Nero rebuked the 
population by edict, and lined with troops the whole route along which those 
condemned were taken for execution.’ – Tacitus (55-117), historian of the early 
  a) What punishment was required of the slaves due to the murder?  (1) 
  b) Who was Nero? How did he try to prevent the people from revolting?    (2) 
  c) How were slaves treated by the Romans?   (2) 
 17. Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow : - 
  Islamic Calendar 
  The Hijri era was established during the caliphate of Umar, with the first year falling 
in 622 CE. A date in the Hijri calendar is followed by the letters AH. The Hijri year is a 
lunar year of 354 days, 12 months (Muharram to Dhul Hijja) of 29 or 30 days. Each 
day begins at sunset and each month with the sighting of the crescent moon. The 
Hijri year is about 11 days shorter than the solar year. Therefore, none of the Islamic 
religious festivals, including the Ramazan fast, Id and hajj, corresponds in any way to 
seasons. There is no easy way to match the dates in the Hijri calendar with the dates 
in the Gregorian calendar (established by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 CE). One can 
calculate the rough equivalents between the Islamic (H) and Gregorian Christian (C) 
years with the following formulae: (H × 32 / 33) + 622 = C (C – 622) × 33 / 32 = H 
  a) Which event marked the first Hijri year?    (2) 
  b) Describe the hijri year.    (2) 
  c) Name the calendar that is followed by most of the people in the world today. 
 18. Read the following excerpts and answer the questions that follow : - 
  In Benedictine monasteries, there was a manuscript with 73 chapters of rules which 
were followed by monks for many centuries. Here are some of the rules they had to 
follow: Chapter 6: Permission to speak should rarely be granted to monks. Chapter 7: 
Humility means obedience. Chapter 33: No monk should own private property 
Chapter 47: Idleness is the enemy of the soul, so friars and sisters should be occupied 
at certain times in manual labour, and at fixed hours in sacred reading. Chapter 48: 
The monastery should be laid out in such a way that all necessities be found within its 
bounds: water, mill, garden, workshops 
  a) Who were Monks?  Where did they live?   (1) 
  b) How did the monks spend their time?          (2) 
  c) Give an example to show that the monks contributed towards the arts.   (2) 
 19. On the map provided show and identify the following : - 
  a) River Euphrates   (1) 
  b) Mecca   (1) 
  c) Medina    (1) 
  Identify : - 
  a) The  country where the Mongols came from.    (1) 
  b) The capital of the Ummayid  dynasty.     (1) 
Page 4

Time : 3 hrs. M.M. : 80 
General Instructions : 
 1. Answer all the questions. Marks are indicated against each question. 
 2. Answers to questions carrying 2 marks (‘Part A’-questions 1-4) should not exceed 30 words. 
 3. Answers to questions carrying 4 marks (Part B-Section I questions 5-9) should not exceed 100 words.  
 4. Part B-(Section II Question 10) is a value based question and answer should not exceed 100-120 
 5. Answers to questions carrying 8 marks (Part C – questions 11-15) should not exceed 350 words. 
 6. Part D has questions based on 3 sources. 
 7. Part E is a map based question. Attach the map with the answer script.  
 1. How has archaeology helped in knowing about the past?    (2) 
 2. How can we say that the Roman Empire was culturally very diverse?    (2) 
 3. When was the institution of the caliphate created? What were its twin objectives? (2) 
 4. Assess the various sources of income of the church in medieval Europe.    (2) 
  Answer any four of the following : - 
 5. Discuss the town planning of the city of Ur in Mesopotamia.     (4) 
 6. How can we say that the Roman economy was very sophisticated?    (4) 
 7. Discuss how the Prophet organised the Islamic state in Medina?       (4) 
 8. What led the Mongols to enter into a relationship with the Chinese? Assess its impact 
on the Chinese.    (4) 
 9. What were cathedral towns?  Describe their main features.     (4) 
PART – B (SECTION – II (Value Based Question) 
 10. Describe the values that mankind has inherited from Islam.    (4) 
  Answer any four of the following : - 
 11. What kind of themes have been painted on the walls of early caves? What message 
do cave paintings convey?     (8) 
 12. How can we classify the mesopotamians as urban people?   (8) 
 13. Discuss the role of the Emperor, Senate and the army in the Roman Empire.         (8) 
 14. Discuss Ghengis Khan’s political and military organisation.     (8) 
 15. Discuss the factors that brought an end to Feudalism in Europe.     (8) 
  PART – D (Source Based Questions) 
 16. Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow : - 
  On the Treatment of Slaves 
  ‘Soon afterwards the City Prefect, Lucius Pedanius Secundus, was murdered by one 
of his slaves. After the murder, ancient custom required that every slave residing 
under the same roof must be executed. But a crowd gathered, eager to save so many 
innocent lives; and rioting began. The senate-house was besieged. Inside, there was 
feeling against excessive severity, but the majority opposed any change (….) [The 
senators] favouring execution prevailed. However, great crowds ready with stones 
and torches prevented the order from being carried out. Nero rebuked the 
population by edict, and lined with troops the whole route along which those 
condemned were taken for execution.’ – Tacitus (55-117), historian of the early 
  a) What punishment was required of the slaves due to the murder?  (1) 
  b) Who was Nero? How did he try to prevent the people from revolting?    (2) 
  c) How were slaves treated by the Romans?   (2) 
 17. Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow : - 
  Islamic Calendar 
  The Hijri era was established during the caliphate of Umar, with the first year falling 
in 622 CE. A date in the Hijri calendar is followed by the letters AH. The Hijri year is a 
lunar year of 354 days, 12 months (Muharram to Dhul Hijja) of 29 or 30 days. Each 
day begins at sunset and each month with the sighting of the crescent moon. The 
Hijri year is about 11 days shorter than the solar year. Therefore, none of the Islamic 
religious festivals, including the Ramazan fast, Id and hajj, corresponds in any way to 
seasons. There is no easy way to match the dates in the Hijri calendar with the dates 
in the Gregorian calendar (established by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 CE). One can 
calculate the rough equivalents between the Islamic (H) and Gregorian Christian (C) 
years with the following formulae: (H × 32 / 33) + 622 = C (C – 622) × 33 / 32 = H 
  a) Which event marked the first Hijri year?    (2) 
  b) Describe the hijri year.    (2) 
  c) Name the calendar that is followed by most of the people in the world today. 
 18. Read the following excerpts and answer the questions that follow : - 
  In Benedictine monasteries, there was a manuscript with 73 chapters of rules which 
were followed by monks for many centuries. Here are some of the rules they had to 
follow: Chapter 6: Permission to speak should rarely be granted to monks. Chapter 7: 
Humility means obedience. Chapter 33: No monk should own private property 
Chapter 47: Idleness is the enemy of the soul, so friars and sisters should be occupied 
at certain times in manual labour, and at fixed hours in sacred reading. Chapter 48: 
The monastery should be laid out in such a way that all necessities be found within its 
bounds: water, mill, garden, workshops 
  a) Who were Monks?  Where did they live?   (1) 
  b) How did the monks spend their time?          (2) 
  c) Give an example to show that the monks contributed towards the arts.   (2) 
 19. On the map provided show and identify the following : - 
  a) River Euphrates   (1) 
  b) Mecca   (1) 
  c) Medina    (1) 
  Identify : - 
  a) The  country where the Mongols came from.    (1) 
  b) The capital of the Ummayid  dynasty.     (1) 
Map for Question No. 19 
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FAQs on CBSE Class 11 History Sample Paper SA2 2015 (4) - History for Grade 11

1. What is the importance of studying history in CBSE Class 11?
Ans. Studying history in CBSE Class 11 is important as it helps students understand and appreciate the past events, societies, and cultures. It provides insights into the development of civilizations, political systems, economies, and social structures. History also helps in developing critical thinking and analytical skills, as it requires students to analyze and interpret historical sources, evaluate different perspectives, and draw logical conclusions.
2. How can I effectively prepare for the CBSE Class 11 History exam?
Ans. To effectively prepare for the CBSE Class 11 History exam, students should start by understanding the syllabus and exam pattern. They should make a study schedule, allocate sufficient time for each topic, and divide their study sessions into smaller, manageable chunks. It is important to read the textbook thoroughly, take notes, and highlight key points. Additionally, practicing previous years' question papers and sample papers can help in familiarizing with the exam format and identifying areas of improvement.
3. What are some important topics that I should focus on for the CBSE Class 11 History exam?
Ans. Some important topics that you should focus on for the CBSE Class 11 History exam include ancient civilizations like the Indus Valley Civilization and the Vedic Age, the rise and spread of Buddhism and Jainism, the Mauryan Empire, the Gupta Empire, the Delhi Sultanate, Mughal Empire, and the British Raj in India. Additionally, topics related to social and religious reform movements, nationalism, and the Indian freedom struggle should also be given importance.
4. How can I improve my writing skills for the CBSE Class 11 History exam?
Ans. To improve your writing skills for the CBSE Class 11 History exam, it is essential to practice writing answers in a structured and coherent manner. Start by organizing your thoughts and creating an outline before writing the answer. Use clear and concise language, and ensure that your answer is well-structured with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Additionally, make it a habit to read and analyze sample answers and model question papers to understand the expected writing style and format.
5. Is it necessary to memorize dates and specific events for the CBSE Class 11 History exam?
Ans. While it is not necessary to memorize every single date and specific event for the CBSE Class 11 History exam, having a general understanding of important dates and events is beneficial. Focus on understanding the significance and impact of these events rather than memorizing them in isolation. It is important to be able to explain the causes, consequences, and connections between different historical events and their relevance in shaping the course of history.
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CBSE Class 11 History Sample Paper SA2 2015 (4) | History for Grade 11




CBSE Class 11 History Sample Paper SA2 2015 (4) | History for Grade 11


CBSE Class 11 History Sample Paper SA2 2015 (4) | History for Grade 11
