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Page 1 J JI IP PM ME ER R M MB BB BS S E EN NT TR RA AN NC CE E T TE ES ST T 2 20 01 18 8 E EX XA AM MI IN NA AT TI IO ON N P PA AP PE ER R ( (B BA AS SE ED D O ON N M ME EM MO OR RY Y R RE ET TE EN NT TI IO ON N) ) Date : 03-06-2018 (Sunday) | Time : 10.00 am - 12.30 pm | Morning Session NOTE:- 1. Questions are collected from the appeared students. 2. The solutions are prepared by the expert faculty team of Resonance Pre-Medical division, Kota. 3. Questions may not be in the order or sequence as asked in the actual examination paper. 4. The questions collected may not have all the options similar to the actual paper. Students are advised to see the question and answer / solutions. 5. Actual JIPMER Paper has 200 questions but we have included only those many questions which have been collected from the students as per following table :- Subject No. of Question in Actual JIPMER Paper No. of Question in this Paper Chemistry 60 39 Physics 60 45 Biology 60 55 English & Comprehension + Logical & Quantitative Reasoning 20 07 Total 200 146 Page 2 J JI IP PM ME ER R M MB BB BS S E EN NT TR RA AN NC CE E T TE ES ST T 2 20 01 18 8 E EX XA AM MI IN NA AT TI IO ON N P PA AP PE ER R ( (B BA AS SE ED D O ON N M ME EM MO OR RY Y R RE ET TE EN NT TI IO ON N) ) Date : 03-06-2018 (Sunday) | Time : 10.00 am - 12.30 pm | Morning Session NOTE:- 1. Questions are collected from the appeared students. 2. The solutions are prepared by the expert faculty team of Resonance Pre-Medical division, Kota. 3. Questions may not be in the order or sequence as asked in the actual examination paper. 4. The questions collected may not have all the options similar to the actual paper. Students are advised to see the question and answer / solutions. 5. Actual JIPMER Paper has 200 questions but we have included only those many questions which have been collected from the students as per following table :- Subject No. of Question in Actual JIPMER Paper No. of Question in this Paper Chemistry 60 39 Physics 60 45 Biology 60 55 English & Comprehension + Logical & Quantitative Reasoning 20 07 Total 200 146 PART - A (CHEMISTRY) 1. OH – 3 CHCl OH ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? OH CHO Intermediate of above reaction is : (1) :CCl2 (2) : CHCl (3) 2 CHCl ? (4) 3 CCl ? Ans. (1) Sol. This is a Reimer-Tieman reaction This is a electrophilic substitution reaction of phenol ;g ,d jkbej fVeku vfHkfØ;k gS ;g fQukWy dh bysDVªkWuLusgh izfrLFkkiu vfHkfØ;k gS OH + CHCl 3 + NaOH O – Na + CHO I : CHCl3 + NaOH –— ?? 3 CCl ? + H2O –Cl – CCl 2 ? ? dichloro carbene (MkbZDyksjksdkchZu) ? ??Incomplete octate (viw.kZ v"Vd) ? ??6e – ? ??act as a electrophile (bysDVªkWuLusgh dh rjg O;ogkj) II : CCl 2 ONa ? ? + Rds ?? ? ? O CCl 2 + ? O H CCl 2 ? III : CCl 2 O ? 2 HO ?? ? ? OH OH OH ? OH CHCl 2 H 3 O + —CH OH —CH=O Page 3 J JI IP PM ME ER R M MB BB BS S E EN NT TR RA AN NC CE E T TE ES ST T 2 20 01 18 8 E EX XA AM MI IN NA AT TI IO ON N P PA AP PE ER R ( (B BA AS SE ED D O ON N M ME EM MO OR RY Y R RE ET TE EN NT TI IO ON N) ) Date : 03-06-2018 (Sunday) | Time : 10.00 am - 12.30 pm | Morning Session NOTE:- 1. Questions are collected from the appeared students. 2. The solutions are prepared by the expert faculty team of Resonance Pre-Medical division, Kota. 3. Questions may not be in the order or sequence as asked in the actual examination paper. 4. The questions collected may not have all the options similar to the actual paper. Students are advised to see the question and answer / solutions. 5. Actual JIPMER Paper has 200 questions but we have included only those many questions which have been collected from the students as per following table :- Subject No. of Question in Actual JIPMER Paper No. of Question in this Paper Chemistry 60 39 Physics 60 45 Biology 60 55 English & Comprehension + Logical & Quantitative Reasoning 20 07 Total 200 146 PART - A (CHEMISTRY) 1. OH – 3 CHCl OH ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? OH CHO Intermediate of above reaction is : (1) :CCl2 (2) : CHCl (3) 2 CHCl ? (4) 3 CCl ? Ans. (1) Sol. This is a Reimer-Tieman reaction This is a electrophilic substitution reaction of phenol ;g ,d jkbej fVeku vfHkfØ;k gS ;g fQukWy dh bysDVªkWuLusgh izfrLFkkiu vfHkfØ;k gS OH + CHCl 3 + NaOH O – Na + CHO I : CHCl3 + NaOH –— ?? 3 CCl ? + H2O –Cl – CCl 2 ? ? dichloro carbene (MkbZDyksjksdkchZu) ? ??Incomplete octate (viw.kZ v"Vd) ? ??6e – ? ??act as a electrophile (bysDVªkWuLusgh dh rjg O;ogkj) II : CCl 2 ONa ? ? + Rds ?? ? ? O CCl 2 + ? O H CCl 2 ? III : CCl 2 O ? 2 HO ?? ? ? OH OH OH ? OH CHCl 2 H 3 O + —CH OH —CH=O 2. 23 Br AlBr ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Br Which is intermediate of above reaction : (1) Br H (2) Br H (3) AlCl 3 (4) Br AlBr 3 Ans. (2) Sol. Step 1 : Formation of a stronger electrophile. Br – : : : Br + FeBr 3 : : : Br – : : : Br – : : ? ? FeBr 3 : ? ? Step 2 : Electrophilic attack and formation of the sigma complex. Br – : : : Br FeBr 3 : : : + H H H H H H ? ? ? ? ? ? + FeBr 4 ¯ Step 3 : Loss of a proton gives the products. Br H H H H H bromobenzene + HBr + FeBr 3 Other halogenating agents are ICl, HOCl etc. order of effectiveness – Cl 2 > BrCl > Br 2 > ICl > I 2 3. Which of the following is substitution reaction - (1) R–C–OH O ROH/H ? ? ? ? ? ? R–C–OR O (2) OH H ? ? ? ? ? ? (3) R C=O R 2 H O/H ? ? ? ? ? ? R C R OH OH (4) R–MgBr + CH3COOH —? R–H Ans. (1) Sol. Reaction involving replacement of –OH group : This is nucleophilic substitution reactions. Page 4 J JI IP PM ME ER R M MB BB BS S E EN NT TR RA AN NC CE E T TE ES ST T 2 20 01 18 8 E EX XA AM MI IN NA AT TI IO ON N P PA AP PE ER R ( (B BA AS SE ED D O ON N M ME EM MO OR RY Y R RE ET TE EN NT TI IO ON N) ) Date : 03-06-2018 (Sunday) | Time : 10.00 am - 12.30 pm | Morning Session NOTE:- 1. Questions are collected from the appeared students. 2. The solutions are prepared by the expert faculty team of Resonance Pre-Medical division, Kota. 3. Questions may not be in the order or sequence as asked in the actual examination paper. 4. The questions collected may not have all the options similar to the actual paper. Students are advised to see the question and answer / solutions. 5. Actual JIPMER Paper has 200 questions but we have included only those many questions which have been collected from the students as per following table :- Subject No. of Question in Actual JIPMER Paper No. of Question in this Paper Chemistry 60 39 Physics 60 45 Biology 60 55 English & Comprehension + Logical & Quantitative Reasoning 20 07 Total 200 146 PART - A (CHEMISTRY) 1. OH – 3 CHCl OH ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? OH CHO Intermediate of above reaction is : (1) :CCl2 (2) : CHCl (3) 2 CHCl ? (4) 3 CCl ? Ans. (1) Sol. This is a Reimer-Tieman reaction This is a electrophilic substitution reaction of phenol ;g ,d jkbej fVeku vfHkfØ;k gS ;g fQukWy dh bysDVªkWuLusgh izfrLFkkiu vfHkfØ;k gS OH + CHCl 3 + NaOH O – Na + CHO I : CHCl3 + NaOH –— ?? 3 CCl ? + H2O –Cl – CCl 2 ? ? dichloro carbene (MkbZDyksjksdkchZu) ? ??Incomplete octate (viw.kZ v"Vd) ? ??6e – ? ??act as a electrophile (bysDVªkWuLusgh dh rjg O;ogkj) II : CCl 2 ONa ? ? + Rds ?? ? ? O CCl 2 + ? O H CCl 2 ? III : CCl 2 O ? 2 HO ?? ? ? OH OH OH ? OH CHCl 2 H 3 O + —CH OH —CH=O 2. 23 Br AlBr ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Br Which is intermediate of above reaction : (1) Br H (2) Br H (3) AlCl 3 (4) Br AlBr 3 Ans. (2) Sol. Step 1 : Formation of a stronger electrophile. Br – : : : Br + FeBr 3 : : : Br – : : : Br – : : ? ? FeBr 3 : ? ? Step 2 : Electrophilic attack and formation of the sigma complex. Br – : : : Br FeBr 3 : : : + H H H H H H ? ? ? ? ? ? + FeBr 4 ¯ Step 3 : Loss of a proton gives the products. Br H H H H H bromobenzene + HBr + FeBr 3 Other halogenating agents are ICl, HOCl etc. order of effectiveness – Cl 2 > BrCl > Br 2 > ICl > I 2 3. Which of the following is substitution reaction - (1) R–C–OH O ROH/H ? ? ? ? ? ? R–C–OR O (2) OH H ? ? ? ? ? ? (3) R C=O R 2 H O/H ? ? ? ? ? ? R C R OH OH (4) R–MgBr + CH3COOH —? R–H Ans. (1) Sol. Reaction involving replacement of –OH group : This is nucleophilic substitution reactions. 4. Which is the following undergoes self oxidation and self reduction in same reaction (1) C7H8O (2) CH2O (3) C3H7O (4) C2H4O Ans. (2) Sol. Cannizzaro reaction : Aldehydes which do not have an ?-hydrogen atom, undergo self oxidation and reduction (disproportionation) reaction on treatment with a concentrated alkali. 5. Which of the following reaction produces ethylacetoacetate - (1) Cannizaro reaaction (2) Claisen reaction (3) Reformatsky reaction (4) Aldol reaction Ans. (2) Sol. CH 3 –C–CH 2 –C–O–C 2 H 5 O O (ethyl aceto acetate) This is a ?-keto ester which is form by clasinen ester condensation. 6. CH=O 33 3 CH COOCOCH CH COONa ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? P ; Major product of above reaction : (1) C6H5–CH=CH–COOH (2) C6H5–COOH (3) C6H5–CH=CH–COOCH3 (4) C6H5–CH2–CHO Ans. Sol. Perkin reaction : When aromatic aldehyde like benzaldehyde is treated with anhydride in the presence of sodium salt of acid from which anhydride is derived we get ? ? ? ?-unsaturated acid. 7. Which of the following alcohol will react fastest with HCl (1) CH 3 OH (2) CH 2 OH (3) CH 3 OH (4) H 3 C OH Ans. (4) Page 5 J JI IP PM ME ER R M MB BB BS S E EN NT TR RA AN NC CE E T TE ES ST T 2 20 01 18 8 E EX XA AM MI IN NA AT TI IO ON N P PA AP PE ER R ( (B BA AS SE ED D O ON N M ME EM MO OR RY Y R RE ET TE EN NT TI IO ON N) ) Date : 03-06-2018 (Sunday) | Time : 10.00 am - 12.30 pm | Morning Session NOTE:- 1. Questions are collected from the appeared students. 2. The solutions are prepared by the expert faculty team of Resonance Pre-Medical division, Kota. 3. Questions may not be in the order or sequence as asked in the actual examination paper. 4. The questions collected may not have all the options similar to the actual paper. Students are advised to see the question and answer / solutions. 5. Actual JIPMER Paper has 200 questions but we have included only those many questions which have been collected from the students as per following table :- Subject No. of Question in Actual JIPMER Paper No. of Question in this Paper Chemistry 60 39 Physics 60 45 Biology 60 55 English & Comprehension + Logical & Quantitative Reasoning 20 07 Total 200 146 PART - A (CHEMISTRY) 1. OH – 3 CHCl OH ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? OH CHO Intermediate of above reaction is : (1) :CCl2 (2) : CHCl (3) 2 CHCl ? (4) 3 CCl ? Ans. (1) Sol. This is a Reimer-Tieman reaction This is a electrophilic substitution reaction of phenol ;g ,d jkbej fVeku vfHkfØ;k gS ;g fQukWy dh bysDVªkWuLusgh izfrLFkkiu vfHkfØ;k gS OH + CHCl 3 + NaOH O – Na + CHO I : CHCl3 + NaOH –— ?? 3 CCl ? + H2O –Cl – CCl 2 ? ? dichloro carbene (MkbZDyksjksdkchZu) ? ??Incomplete octate (viw.kZ v"Vd) ? ??6e – ? ??act as a electrophile (bysDVªkWuLusgh dh rjg O;ogkj) II : CCl 2 ONa ? ? + Rds ?? ? ? O CCl 2 + ? O H CCl 2 ? III : CCl 2 O ? 2 HO ?? ? ? OH OH OH ? OH CHCl 2 H 3 O + —CH OH —CH=O 2. 23 Br AlBr ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Br Which is intermediate of above reaction : (1) Br H (2) Br H (3) AlCl 3 (4) Br AlBr 3 Ans. (2) Sol. Step 1 : Formation of a stronger electrophile. Br – : : : Br + FeBr 3 : : : Br – : : : Br – : : ? ? FeBr 3 : ? ? Step 2 : Electrophilic attack and formation of the sigma complex. Br – : : : Br FeBr 3 : : : + H H H H H H ? ? ? ? ? ? + FeBr 4 ¯ Step 3 : Loss of a proton gives the products. Br H H H H H bromobenzene + HBr + FeBr 3 Other halogenating agents are ICl, HOCl etc. order of effectiveness – Cl 2 > BrCl > Br 2 > ICl > I 2 3. Which of the following is substitution reaction - (1) R–C–OH O ROH/H ? ? ? ? ? ? R–C–OR O (2) OH H ? ? ? ? ? ? (3) R C=O R 2 H O/H ? ? ? ? ? ? R C R OH OH (4) R–MgBr + CH3COOH —? R–H Ans. (1) Sol. Reaction involving replacement of –OH group : This is nucleophilic substitution reactions. 4. Which is the following undergoes self oxidation and self reduction in same reaction (1) C7H8O (2) CH2O (3) C3H7O (4) C2H4O Ans. (2) Sol. Cannizzaro reaction : Aldehydes which do not have an ?-hydrogen atom, undergo self oxidation and reduction (disproportionation) reaction on treatment with a concentrated alkali. 5. Which of the following reaction produces ethylacetoacetate - (1) Cannizaro reaaction (2) Claisen reaction (3) Reformatsky reaction (4) Aldol reaction Ans. (2) Sol. CH 3 –C–CH 2 –C–O–C 2 H 5 O O (ethyl aceto acetate) This is a ?-keto ester which is form by clasinen ester condensation. 6. CH=O 33 3 CH COOCOCH CH COONa ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? P ; Major product of above reaction : (1) C6H5–CH=CH–COOH (2) C6H5–COOH (3) C6H5–CH=CH–COOCH3 (4) C6H5–CH2–CHO Ans. Sol. Perkin reaction : When aromatic aldehyde like benzaldehyde is treated with anhydride in the presence of sodium salt of acid from which anhydride is derived we get ? ? ? ?-unsaturated acid. 7. Which of the following alcohol will react fastest with HCl (1) CH 3 OH (2) CH 2 OH (3) CH 3 OH (4) H 3 C OH Ans. (4) 8. Which is correct for cellulose – (1) branched, ?(1,4) – glucose (2) Unbranched, ?(1,6) – glucose (3) Unbranched, ?(1,4) – glucose (4) branched, ?(1,4) band ? (1, 6) Ans. (3) Sol. Polysaccharide Structure Monomeric unit linkage Amylose C1- ? ?D-Glucose + C4- ? ?D-Glucose + C1- ? ?D-Glucose + C4- ? ?D-Glucose... Amylopection C1- ? ?D-Glucose + C4- ? ?D-Glucose... Branching at C1 ? ?D-Glucose + C6 ? ?D-Glucose…. Cellulose CH OH 2 CH OH 2 H H OH OH OH OH H H H H H 6 6 5 5 1 1 4 4 2 2 3 3 O O O H H O n Cellulose H ? ? ? (1 4) C1- ? ?D-Glucose + C4-??D-Glucose + C1- ? ?D-Glucose + C4-??D-Glucose... Unbranched, ?(1,4) – glucose 9. Which of the following is correct for Lactose (1) It is nonreducing sugar (2) Glycosidic bond [1,4] between glucose and galactose (3) Glycosidic bond [1,4] between glucose and fructose (4) Glycosidic bond [1,2] between glucose and galactose Ans. (2) Sol. Lactose = Glycosidic bond [1,4] between glucose and galactose 10. CH 3 CH 3 Cl H H H and CH 2 Cl H H CH 3 H H are :- (1) Enantiomers (2) Conformers (3) Positional isomers (4) None of these Ans. (3) Sol. CH 3 CH 3 Cl H H H CH 2 Cl H H CH 3 H H CH 3 – CH 2 – CH – CH 3 Cl 2–Chlorobutane CH 2 – CH 2 – CH 2 – CH 3 Cl 1–Chlorobutane Position Isomer to each each otherRead More
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