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 Page 1

3.1 IntroductIon The concept of physical education is generally understood 
as organisation of some games, sports or physical education 
activities  in schools. There are schools where specific periods 
are allocated for this subject in the time table. It has been 
noticed that during such periods, most of the students are 
either left on their own to play the games in a way they like 
or they are taken to the field where they engage themselves 
in different sports without the guidance or supervision of 
teachers. In some schools, selected students play games like 
football, cricket, volleyball, hockey, basketball, and so on. 
Annual sports are organised, but again in such activities only 
a few selected students participate. All 
these experiences taken together provide 
a basic understanding of the physical 
education as a concept. However, when 
we go into details of the aims, objectives 
and concepts of physical education, we 
learn that they go beyond these traditional 
3.2 PhysIcal EducatIon As we know, education, particularly 
school education, aims at the holistic 
development of children. It provides 
students with opportunities to grow and 
develop as adults to be useful for the 
society. It is important for us to know that 
one of the most important requirements 
for growing into healthy adulthood is the 
physical growth which supports cognitive 
development. It is, therefore, necessary 
that all children get adequate opportunity 
to participate in free play, informal and 
formal games, sports and yoga activities. 
It is in this context that health has been 
made a significant component of the 
subject of Physical Education in the 
school education system of the country. 
The subject “Health and Physical 
Physical Education
Box 3.1
1.  According to Webster’s Dictionary 
 Physical education is a integral part 
of education which gives instructions 
in the development and care of the 
body ranging from simple calisthenic 
exercises to a course of study providing 
training in hygiene, gymnastics and 
the performance and management of 
athletics games. 
2.  Columbia Encyclopaedia
 Physical education and training, is 
an organised instruction in motor 
activities that contribute to the 
physical growth, health and body 
image of the individual.
3.  Central Advisory Board of Physical 
Education and Recreation defines 
Physical education as an education 
through physical activities for the 
development of total personality of 
the child to its fullness and perfection 
in body, mind and spirit.
Page 2

3.1 IntroductIon The concept of physical education is generally understood 
as organisation of some games, sports or physical education 
activities  in schools. There are schools where specific periods 
are allocated for this subject in the time table. It has been 
noticed that during such periods, most of the students are 
either left on their own to play the games in a way they like 
or they are taken to the field where they engage themselves 
in different sports without the guidance or supervision of 
teachers. In some schools, selected students play games like 
football, cricket, volleyball, hockey, basketball, and so on. 
Annual sports are organised, but again in such activities only 
a few selected students participate. All 
these experiences taken together provide 
a basic understanding of the physical 
education as a concept. However, when 
we go into details of the aims, objectives 
and concepts of physical education, we 
learn that they go beyond these traditional 
3.2 PhysIcal EducatIon As we know, education, particularly 
school education, aims at the holistic 
development of children. It provides 
students with opportunities to grow and 
develop as adults to be useful for the 
society. It is important for us to know that 
one of the most important requirements 
for growing into healthy adulthood is the 
physical growth which supports cognitive 
development. It is, therefore, necessary 
that all children get adequate opportunity 
to participate in free play, informal and 
formal games, sports and yoga activities. 
It is in this context that health has been 
made a significant component of the 
subject of Physical Education in the 
school education system of the country. 
The subject “Health and Physical 
Physical Education
Box 3.1
1.  According to Webster’s Dictionary 
 Physical education is a integral part 
of education which gives instructions 
in the development and care of the 
body ranging from simple calisthenic 
exercises to a course of study providing 
training in hygiene, gymnastics and 
the performance and management of 
athletics games. 
2.  Columbia Encyclopaedia
 Physical education and training, is 
an organised instruction in motor 
activities that contribute to the 
physical growth, health and body 
image of the individual.
3.  Central Advisory Board of Physical 
Education and Recreation defines 
Physical education as an education 
through physical activities for the 
development of total personality of 
the child to its fullness and perfection 
in body, mind and spirit.
Physical Education 
Education” adopts a holistic definition of health within which 
physical education and yoga contribute to the physical, social, 
emotional and mental development of a child.
In view of the above, the meaning of physical education 
becomes a little different from what is commonly understood. 
Physical education comprises holistic education for the 
development of personality of the child to its fullest and 
perfection in body, mind and spirit through engaging in regular 
physical activities. Physical education through the medium of 
physical activities helps individuals to attain and maintain 
physical fitness. It contributes to physical efficiency, mental 
alertness and the development of qualities like perseverance, 
team spirit, leadership and obedience to rules. It develops 
personal and social skills among the learners and makes a 
positive impact on their physical, social, emotional and mental 
development. It also contributes to the total health of learners 
and the community. Physical education thus, can be defined 
as a subject that is not only focused on physical fitness but is 
also concerned with development of a number of skills, abilities 
and attitudes for leading a healthy lifestyle. It inculcates values 
like cooperation, respect to others, loyalty, self-confidence, 
winning with grace and losing with hope.
3.3 o BjEctIvEs of PhysIcal EducatIon As discussed above, by now it may be clear to you that the 
aim of physical education is not only physical development 
but also to equip learners with knowledge, skills, capacities, 
values, and the enthusiasm to maintain and carry on a healthy 
lifestyle.  It promotes physical fitness, develops motor skills 
and the understanding of rules, concepts and strategies of 
playing games and sports. Students learn to either work as 
part of a team, or as individuals in a wide variety of competitive 
activities. The main objectives of physical education are to:
•	 develop motor abilities like strength, speed, endurance, 
coordination, flexibility, agility and balance, as they are 
important aspects for good performance in different 
games and sports.
•	 develop techniques and tactics involved in organised 
physical activities, games and sports.
•	 acquire knowledge about human body as its functioning 
is influenced by physical activities.
•	 understand the process of growth and development 
as participation in physical activities has positive 
relationship with it.
•	 develop socio-psychological aspects like control of 
emotions, balanced behaviour, development of leadership 
and followership qualities and team spirit through 
participation in games and sports.
Page 3

3.1 IntroductIon The concept of physical education is generally understood 
as organisation of some games, sports or physical education 
activities  in schools. There are schools where specific periods 
are allocated for this subject in the time table. It has been 
noticed that during such periods, most of the students are 
either left on their own to play the games in a way they like 
or they are taken to the field where they engage themselves 
in different sports without the guidance or supervision of 
teachers. In some schools, selected students play games like 
football, cricket, volleyball, hockey, basketball, and so on. 
Annual sports are organised, but again in such activities only 
a few selected students participate. All 
these experiences taken together provide 
a basic understanding of the physical 
education as a concept. However, when 
we go into details of the aims, objectives 
and concepts of physical education, we 
learn that they go beyond these traditional 
3.2 PhysIcal EducatIon As we know, education, particularly 
school education, aims at the holistic 
development of children. It provides 
students with opportunities to grow and 
develop as adults to be useful for the 
society. It is important for us to know that 
one of the most important requirements 
for growing into healthy adulthood is the 
physical growth which supports cognitive 
development. It is, therefore, necessary 
that all children get adequate opportunity 
to participate in free play, informal and 
formal games, sports and yoga activities. 
It is in this context that health has been 
made a significant component of the 
subject of Physical Education in the 
school education system of the country. 
The subject “Health and Physical 
Physical Education
Box 3.1
1.  According to Webster’s Dictionary 
 Physical education is a integral part 
of education which gives instructions 
in the development and care of the 
body ranging from simple calisthenic 
exercises to a course of study providing 
training in hygiene, gymnastics and 
the performance and management of 
athletics games. 
2.  Columbia Encyclopaedia
 Physical education and training, is 
an organised instruction in motor 
activities that contribute to the 
physical growth, health and body 
image of the individual.
3.  Central Advisory Board of Physical 
Education and Recreation defines 
Physical education as an education 
through physical activities for the 
development of total personality of 
the child to its fullness and perfection 
in body, mind and spirit.
Physical Education 
Education” adopts a holistic definition of health within which 
physical education and yoga contribute to the physical, social, 
emotional and mental development of a child.
In view of the above, the meaning of physical education 
becomes a little different from what is commonly understood. 
Physical education comprises holistic education for the 
development of personality of the child to its fullest and 
perfection in body, mind and spirit through engaging in regular 
physical activities. Physical education through the medium of 
physical activities helps individuals to attain and maintain 
physical fitness. It contributes to physical efficiency, mental 
alertness and the development of qualities like perseverance, 
team spirit, leadership and obedience to rules. It develops 
personal and social skills among the learners and makes a 
positive impact on their physical, social, emotional and mental 
development. It also contributes to the total health of learners 
and the community. Physical education thus, can be defined 
as a subject that is not only focused on physical fitness but is 
also concerned with development of a number of skills, abilities 
and attitudes for leading a healthy lifestyle. It inculcates values 
like cooperation, respect to others, loyalty, self-confidence, 
winning with grace and losing with hope.
3.3 o BjEctIvEs of PhysIcal EducatIon As discussed above, by now it may be clear to you that the 
aim of physical education is not only physical development 
but also to equip learners with knowledge, skills, capacities, 
values, and the enthusiasm to maintain and carry on a healthy 
lifestyle.  It promotes physical fitness, develops motor skills 
and the understanding of rules, concepts and strategies of 
playing games and sports. Students learn to either work as 
part of a team, or as individuals in a wide variety of competitive 
activities. The main objectives of physical education are to:
•	 develop motor abilities like strength, speed, endurance, 
coordination, flexibility, agility and balance, as they are 
important aspects for good performance in different 
games and sports.
•	 develop techniques and tactics involved in organised 
physical activities, games and sports.
•	 acquire knowledge about human body as its functioning 
is influenced by physical activities.
•	 understand the process of growth and development 
as participation in physical activities has positive 
relationship with it.
•	 develop socio-psychological aspects like control of 
emotions, balanced behaviour, development of leadership 
and followership qualities and team spirit through 
participation in games and sports.
 Health and Physical Education — Class IX
•	 develop positive health related fitness habits which 
can be practised  lifelong so as to prevent degenerative 
3.4 s coPE of PhysIcal EducatIon Physical education has evolved as a multi-disciplinary subject 
over time and its scope is not confined to physical fitness and 
knowing the rules of games and sports. It includes many topics 
which belong to other subjects like science, biology, genetics, 
psychology and sociology. It is possible that all the contents 
that constitute the scope of physical education may not find a 
place in the syllabus meant for school education. However, it 
contains all the content areas as stated below.
3.4.1 Games and Sports as a Cultural Heritage
The games and sport activities that you play today have a 
strong linkage to our culture. Sport activities which dominate 
any region is embedded in the cultural milieu. Some of the 
sports that reflect the culture of a region of our country are 
Kho-Kho, Kabbadi, Archery, Lezim, Wrestling and so on. Our 
ancestors survived on hunting with the use of throwing 
stones as well as bow and arrows, running, jumping etc. 
were used for survival and recreation. Later when man 
became more civilised, it took the shape of competitive 
sports like athletics, wrestling, archery and so on. So, we 
can see a strong bonding of our culture in the present 
evolution of games and sports. 
3.4.2 Mechanical Aspects in Physical Education
Physical education takes into consideration the 
mechanical aspects of various physical activities 
being performed. You are aware that the concepts 
regarding laws of motion, lever, force and its generation, 
maintenance of equilibrium, centre of gravity and its 
impact on movements, law of acceleration, speed and 
a ctIvIty 3.1
1. Find out the following facts about your school and prepare a write-up. 
•	 Periods allocated for physical education in your school?  
•	 What do students do during physical education periods? How many students 
of a class actually participate in activities during such periods?
•	 What type of knowledge is provided by the teachers about the concerned games 
and sports related skills?
•	 What do the students do during these classes when they are left free?
2. Compare your write-up with the above objectives.
3.  What will you do, if some of the objectives are not covered?
Box 3.2
Physical education 
consists of:
•	 games and sports as a 
cultural heritage
•	 mechanical aspects in 
physical education
•	 biological contents 
•	 health education and 
wellness contents 
•	 psycho-social content
•	 talent identification and 
training contents.
Page 4

3.1 IntroductIon The concept of physical education is generally understood 
as organisation of some games, sports or physical education 
activities  in schools. There are schools where specific periods 
are allocated for this subject in the time table. It has been 
noticed that during such periods, most of the students are 
either left on their own to play the games in a way they like 
or they are taken to the field where they engage themselves 
in different sports without the guidance or supervision of 
teachers. In some schools, selected students play games like 
football, cricket, volleyball, hockey, basketball, and so on. 
Annual sports are organised, but again in such activities only 
a few selected students participate. All 
these experiences taken together provide 
a basic understanding of the physical 
education as a concept. However, when 
we go into details of the aims, objectives 
and concepts of physical education, we 
learn that they go beyond these traditional 
3.2 PhysIcal EducatIon As we know, education, particularly 
school education, aims at the holistic 
development of children. It provides 
students with opportunities to grow and 
develop as adults to be useful for the 
society. It is important for us to know that 
one of the most important requirements 
for growing into healthy adulthood is the 
physical growth which supports cognitive 
development. It is, therefore, necessary 
that all children get adequate opportunity 
to participate in free play, informal and 
formal games, sports and yoga activities. 
It is in this context that health has been 
made a significant component of the 
subject of Physical Education in the 
school education system of the country. 
The subject “Health and Physical 
Physical Education
Box 3.1
1.  According to Webster’s Dictionary 
 Physical education is a integral part 
of education which gives instructions 
in the development and care of the 
body ranging from simple calisthenic 
exercises to a course of study providing 
training in hygiene, gymnastics and 
the performance and management of 
athletics games. 
2.  Columbia Encyclopaedia
 Physical education and training, is 
an organised instruction in motor 
activities that contribute to the 
physical growth, health and body 
image of the individual.
3.  Central Advisory Board of Physical 
Education and Recreation defines 
Physical education as an education 
through physical activities for the 
development of total personality of 
the child to its fullness and perfection 
in body, mind and spirit.
Physical Education 
Education” adopts a holistic definition of health within which 
physical education and yoga contribute to the physical, social, 
emotional and mental development of a child.
In view of the above, the meaning of physical education 
becomes a little different from what is commonly understood. 
Physical education comprises holistic education for the 
development of personality of the child to its fullest and 
perfection in body, mind and spirit through engaging in regular 
physical activities. Physical education through the medium of 
physical activities helps individuals to attain and maintain 
physical fitness. It contributes to physical efficiency, mental 
alertness and the development of qualities like perseverance, 
team spirit, leadership and obedience to rules. It develops 
personal and social skills among the learners and makes a 
positive impact on their physical, social, emotional and mental 
development. It also contributes to the total health of learners 
and the community. Physical education thus, can be defined 
as a subject that is not only focused on physical fitness but is 
also concerned with development of a number of skills, abilities 
and attitudes for leading a healthy lifestyle. It inculcates values 
like cooperation, respect to others, loyalty, self-confidence, 
winning with grace and losing with hope.
3.3 o BjEctIvEs of PhysIcal EducatIon As discussed above, by now it may be clear to you that the 
aim of physical education is not only physical development 
but also to equip learners with knowledge, skills, capacities, 
values, and the enthusiasm to maintain and carry on a healthy 
lifestyle.  It promotes physical fitness, develops motor skills 
and the understanding of rules, concepts and strategies of 
playing games and sports. Students learn to either work as 
part of a team, or as individuals in a wide variety of competitive 
activities. The main objectives of physical education are to:
•	 develop motor abilities like strength, speed, endurance, 
coordination, flexibility, agility and balance, as they are 
important aspects for good performance in different 
games and sports.
•	 develop techniques and tactics involved in organised 
physical activities, games and sports.
•	 acquire knowledge about human body as its functioning 
is influenced by physical activities.
•	 understand the process of growth and development 
as participation in physical activities has positive 
relationship with it.
•	 develop socio-psychological aspects like control of 
emotions, balanced behaviour, development of leadership 
and followership qualities and team spirit through 
participation in games and sports.
 Health and Physical Education — Class IX
•	 develop positive health related fitness habits which 
can be practised  lifelong so as to prevent degenerative 
3.4 s coPE of PhysIcal EducatIon Physical education has evolved as a multi-disciplinary subject 
over time and its scope is not confined to physical fitness and 
knowing the rules of games and sports. It includes many topics 
which belong to other subjects like science, biology, genetics, 
psychology and sociology. It is possible that all the contents 
that constitute the scope of physical education may not find a 
place in the syllabus meant for school education. However, it 
contains all the content areas as stated below.
3.4.1 Games and Sports as a Cultural Heritage
The games and sport activities that you play today have a 
strong linkage to our culture. Sport activities which dominate 
any region is embedded in the cultural milieu. Some of the 
sports that reflect the culture of a region of our country are 
Kho-Kho, Kabbadi, Archery, Lezim, Wrestling and so on. Our 
ancestors survived on hunting with the use of throwing 
stones as well as bow and arrows, running, jumping etc. 
were used for survival and recreation. Later when man 
became more civilised, it took the shape of competitive 
sports like athletics, wrestling, archery and so on. So, we 
can see a strong bonding of our culture in the present 
evolution of games and sports. 
3.4.2 Mechanical Aspects in Physical Education
Physical education takes into consideration the 
mechanical aspects of various physical activities 
being performed. You are aware that the concepts 
regarding laws of motion, lever, force and its generation, 
maintenance of equilibrium, centre of gravity and its 
impact on movements, law of acceleration, speed and 
a ctIvIty 3.1
1. Find out the following facts about your school and prepare a write-up. 
•	 Periods allocated for physical education in your school?  
•	 What do students do during physical education periods? How many students 
of a class actually participate in activities during such periods?
•	 What type of knowledge is provided by the teachers about the concerned games 
and sports related skills?
•	 What do the students do during these classes when they are left free?
2. Compare your write-up with the above objectives.
3.  What will you do, if some of the objectives are not covered?
Box 3.2
Physical education 
consists of:
•	 games and sports as a 
cultural heritage
•	 mechanical aspects in 
physical education
•	 biological contents 
•	 health education and 
wellness contents 
•	 psycho-social content
•	 talent identification and 
training contents.
Physical Education 
its development form important content areas of physical 
education. You will also study these aspects in your science 
3.4.3 Biological Contents in Physical Education
The contents drawn from the biological sciences take into 
consideration the areas of heredity and environment, growth 
and development, organs and systems, understanding of joints 
classification, and possible movements around these joints. 
In addition, muscles and their properties, effect of exercise 
on various systems of the body (like circulatory, respiratory, 
muscular, digestive and skeletal systems) are also linked to 
physical activities.
3.4.4 Health Education and Wellness Contents in Physical 
Physical education includes contents related to the area 
of health education through understanding the concept of 
hygiene, knowledge about various communicable and non-
communicable diseases, problems relating to health and their 
prevention, proper nutrition and balanced diet. Community 
health, school health service programme, assessment of health 
status, prevention, safety and first aid for common injuries are 
also included in the scope of physical education.
3.4.5 Psycho-social Content of Physical Education 
Psycho-social aspect of physical education extends to the 
study of areas regarding individual differences, personality 
development, learning of various skills, motivation and its 
techniques, anxiety management, ethical and social values, 
group dynamics, cooperation, cohesiveness and learning. It 
also focuses on emotional development, relationships with 
peer/parents and others, self concept and self esteem.
3.4.6 Talent Identification and Training Content in 
Physical Education
Physical education includes contents with regard to talent 
identification, development of components in relation to 
specific sport, understanding of various types of activities 
like aerobic, anaerobic, rhythmic and calisthenics. Training 
programmes, learning and perfection of various movements, 
sport skills, techniques and tactical patterns, warming up, 
load adaptation, recovery and cooling down are also a part of 
physical education. 
3.5 t EachIng -l EarnIng a PProach We have, so far, discussed the importance of physical education 
as a subject area in the school curriculum. It is an integral 
part of Health and Physical Education which is prescribed as 
Page 5

3.1 IntroductIon The concept of physical education is generally understood 
as organisation of some games, sports or physical education 
activities  in schools. There are schools where specific periods 
are allocated for this subject in the time table. It has been 
noticed that during such periods, most of the students are 
either left on their own to play the games in a way they like 
or they are taken to the field where they engage themselves 
in different sports without the guidance or supervision of 
teachers. In some schools, selected students play games like 
football, cricket, volleyball, hockey, basketball, and so on. 
Annual sports are organised, but again in such activities only 
a few selected students participate. All 
these experiences taken together provide 
a basic understanding of the physical 
education as a concept. However, when 
we go into details of the aims, objectives 
and concepts of physical education, we 
learn that they go beyond these traditional 
3.2 PhysIcal EducatIon As we know, education, particularly 
school education, aims at the holistic 
development of children. It provides 
students with opportunities to grow and 
develop as adults to be useful for the 
society. It is important for us to know that 
one of the most important requirements 
for growing into healthy adulthood is the 
physical growth which supports cognitive 
development. It is, therefore, necessary 
that all children get adequate opportunity 
to participate in free play, informal and 
formal games, sports and yoga activities. 
It is in this context that health has been 
made a significant component of the 
subject of Physical Education in the 
school education system of the country. 
The subject “Health and Physical 
Physical Education
Box 3.1
1.  According to Webster’s Dictionary 
 Physical education is a integral part 
of education which gives instructions 
in the development and care of the 
body ranging from simple calisthenic 
exercises to a course of study providing 
training in hygiene, gymnastics and 
the performance and management of 
athletics games. 
2.  Columbia Encyclopaedia
 Physical education and training, is 
an organised instruction in motor 
activities that contribute to the 
physical growth, health and body 
image of the individual.
3.  Central Advisory Board of Physical 
Education and Recreation defines 
Physical education as an education 
through physical activities for the 
development of total personality of 
the child to its fullness and perfection 
in body, mind and spirit.
Physical Education 
Education” adopts a holistic definition of health within which 
physical education and yoga contribute to the physical, social, 
emotional and mental development of a child.
In view of the above, the meaning of physical education 
becomes a little different from what is commonly understood. 
Physical education comprises holistic education for the 
development of personality of the child to its fullest and 
perfection in body, mind and spirit through engaging in regular 
physical activities. Physical education through the medium of 
physical activities helps individuals to attain and maintain 
physical fitness. It contributes to physical efficiency, mental 
alertness and the development of qualities like perseverance, 
team spirit, leadership and obedience to rules. It develops 
personal and social skills among the learners and makes a 
positive impact on their physical, social, emotional and mental 
development. It also contributes to the total health of learners 
and the community. Physical education thus, can be defined 
as a subject that is not only focused on physical fitness but is 
also concerned with development of a number of skills, abilities 
and attitudes for leading a healthy lifestyle. It inculcates values 
like cooperation, respect to others, loyalty, self-confidence, 
winning with grace and losing with hope.
3.3 o BjEctIvEs of PhysIcal EducatIon As discussed above, by now it may be clear to you that the 
aim of physical education is not only physical development 
but also to equip learners with knowledge, skills, capacities, 
values, and the enthusiasm to maintain and carry on a healthy 
lifestyle.  It promotes physical fitness, develops motor skills 
and the understanding of rules, concepts and strategies of 
playing games and sports. Students learn to either work as 
part of a team, or as individuals in a wide variety of competitive 
activities. The main objectives of physical education are to:
•	 develop motor abilities like strength, speed, endurance, 
coordination, flexibility, agility and balance, as they are 
important aspects for good performance in different 
games and sports.
•	 develop techniques and tactics involved in organised 
physical activities, games and sports.
•	 acquire knowledge about human body as its functioning 
is influenced by physical activities.
•	 understand the process of growth and development 
as participation in physical activities has positive 
relationship with it.
•	 develop socio-psychological aspects like control of 
emotions, balanced behaviour, development of leadership 
and followership qualities and team spirit through 
participation in games and sports.
 Health and Physical Education — Class IX
•	 develop positive health related fitness habits which 
can be practised  lifelong so as to prevent degenerative 
3.4 s coPE of PhysIcal EducatIon Physical education has evolved as a multi-disciplinary subject 
over time and its scope is not confined to physical fitness and 
knowing the rules of games and sports. It includes many topics 
which belong to other subjects like science, biology, genetics, 
psychology and sociology. It is possible that all the contents 
that constitute the scope of physical education may not find a 
place in the syllabus meant for school education. However, it 
contains all the content areas as stated below.
3.4.1 Games and Sports as a Cultural Heritage
The games and sport activities that you play today have a 
strong linkage to our culture. Sport activities which dominate 
any region is embedded in the cultural milieu. Some of the 
sports that reflect the culture of a region of our country are 
Kho-Kho, Kabbadi, Archery, Lezim, Wrestling and so on. Our 
ancestors survived on hunting with the use of throwing 
stones as well as bow and arrows, running, jumping etc. 
were used for survival and recreation. Later when man 
became more civilised, it took the shape of competitive 
sports like athletics, wrestling, archery and so on. So, we 
can see a strong bonding of our culture in the present 
evolution of games and sports. 
3.4.2 Mechanical Aspects in Physical Education
Physical education takes into consideration the 
mechanical aspects of various physical activities 
being performed. You are aware that the concepts 
regarding laws of motion, lever, force and its generation, 
maintenance of equilibrium, centre of gravity and its 
impact on movements, law of acceleration, speed and 
a ctIvIty 3.1
1. Find out the following facts about your school and prepare a write-up. 
•	 Periods allocated for physical education in your school?  
•	 What do students do during physical education periods? How many students 
of a class actually participate in activities during such periods?
•	 What type of knowledge is provided by the teachers about the concerned games 
and sports related skills?
•	 What do the students do during these classes when they are left free?
2. Compare your write-up with the above objectives.
3.  What will you do, if some of the objectives are not covered?
Box 3.2
Physical education 
consists of:
•	 games and sports as a 
cultural heritage
•	 mechanical aspects in 
physical education
•	 biological contents 
•	 health education and 
wellness contents 
•	 psycho-social content
•	 talent identification and 
training contents.
Physical Education 
its development form important content areas of physical 
education. You will also study these aspects in your science 
3.4.3 Biological Contents in Physical Education
The contents drawn from the biological sciences take into 
consideration the areas of heredity and environment, growth 
and development, organs and systems, understanding of joints 
classification, and possible movements around these joints. 
In addition, muscles and their properties, effect of exercise 
on various systems of the body (like circulatory, respiratory, 
muscular, digestive and skeletal systems) are also linked to 
physical activities.
3.4.4 Health Education and Wellness Contents in Physical 
Physical education includes contents related to the area 
of health education through understanding the concept of 
hygiene, knowledge about various communicable and non-
communicable diseases, problems relating to health and their 
prevention, proper nutrition and balanced diet. Community 
health, school health service programme, assessment of health 
status, prevention, safety and first aid for common injuries are 
also included in the scope of physical education.
3.4.5 Psycho-social Content of Physical Education 
Psycho-social aspect of physical education extends to the 
study of areas regarding individual differences, personality 
development, learning of various skills, motivation and its 
techniques, anxiety management, ethical and social values, 
group dynamics, cooperation, cohesiveness and learning. It 
also focuses on emotional development, relationships with 
peer/parents and others, self concept and self esteem.
3.4.6 Talent Identification and Training Content in 
Physical Education
Physical education includes contents with regard to talent 
identification, development of components in relation to 
specific sport, understanding of various types of activities 
like aerobic, anaerobic, rhythmic and calisthenics. Training 
programmes, learning and perfection of various movements, 
sport skills, techniques and tactical patterns, warming up, 
load adaptation, recovery and cooling down are also a part of 
physical education. 
3.5 t EachIng -l EarnIng a PProach We have, so far, discussed the importance of physical education 
as a subject area in the school curriculum. It is an integral 
part of Health and Physical Education which is prescribed as 
 Health and Physical Education — Class IX
a compulsory subject at the Primary (Classes/Grades I-V), 
Upper Primary (Classes/Grades VI-VIII) and Secondary stages 
(Classes/Grades IX-X) and as an optional subject at Higher 
Secondary stage (Classes/Grades XI-XII). But as you may be 
experiencing in actual practices, this subject has not been 
treated at par with other core subjects. It is not transacted 
satisfactorily in majority of schools. And wherever it is 
transacted, either some knowledge about games and sports is 
imparted or only a selected group of students are engaged in 
games and sports as extra-curricular activities.
Arguments like lack of the needed infrastructure and 
equipments, absence of trained teachers and paucity of time 
in schools are given as reasons for indifferent transaction of 
physical education. In fact most significant reason is the lack 
of appreciation of the relevance of this area for the holistic 
development of children by school authorities, teachers and 
3.5.1 Methodology of Teaching-learning
It is generally believed that the methodology of teaching 
learning is the concern of teachers only. Learners have little 
or nothing to do with it. But this is not true. The teaching-
learning methods are concerns of learners as well. Knowing 
and understanding that how different subjects are taught 
are important for the learners of all subjects, but it has more 
relevance for the learners of physical education. When we 
talk about you as learners of physical education, 
we mean that you have actually participated in the 
subject area, rather than merely studied it. It needs a 
suitable learning environment and a positive will for 
participation. As you now know, physical education 
does not mean organisation of a few sports and games 
activities, involving only a selected number of students, 
and that too occasionally. The following points are 
significant for the appreciation of this subject and 
the	 need	 for	 adopting	 appropriate	 teaching	 –	 learning	
•	 Physical education is necessary to ensure 
participation of all children in free play, informal and 
formal games and sports activities. All students must 
be involved in health and physical education activities. 
Those who choose to excel in games and sports need 
to be provided adequate opportunity.
•	 Involvement of all learners means that even those 
students need to be involved, who are at the risk of 
marginalisation, for instance, who are differently abled. 
Such involvement will empower them to overcome the 
Box 3.3
 (i) Why do you feel that it is 
important for students 
to know how physical 
education activities are 
organised in school?
 (ii) Should the focus of 
physical education 
be only on selected 
students or for all? You 
can also discuss with 
your classmates.
 (iii) Seema is a differently 
abled girl and is  on 
a wheelchair in the 
playground. What will 
you do to involve her 
in the game you are 
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FAQs on NCERT Textbook: Physical Education - Physical Education for Grade 9

1. What is the importance of physical education in Class 9?
Ans. Physical education in Class 9 is important as it helps students develop physical fitness, motor skills, and coordination. It also promotes a healthy lifestyle, improves mental well-being, and enhances social skills through team sports and activities. Additionally, physical education helps in reducing stress, increasing concentration, and improving overall academic performance.
2. How can physical education benefit students in Class 9?
Ans. Physical education benefits students in Class 9 by promoting physical fitness and preventing sedentary behavior. It helps in developing gross and fine motor skills, improving flexibility, strength, and endurance. Regular participation in physical activities during physical education classes also aids in weight management, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and enhances cardiovascular health.
3. What are the different components of physical fitness covered in Class 9 physical education?
Ans. The different components of physical fitness covered in Class 9 physical education include: 1. Cardiovascular Endurance: The ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen to the muscles during prolonged physical activity. 2. Muscular Strength: The amount of force a muscle or muscle group can exert against resistance. 3. Muscular Endurance: The ability of a muscle or muscle group to perform repeated contractions or sustain a contraction over time. 4. Flexibility: The range of motion in a joint or series of joints. 5. Body Composition: The proportion of fat, muscle, and other tissues in the body.
4. How does physical education help in the overall development of students in Class 9?
Ans. Physical education helps in the overall development of students in Class 9 by providing opportunities for physical, social, and emotional growth. It enhances motor skills, coordination, and physical fitness while promoting teamwork, cooperation, and leadership skills through various sports and activities. Physical education also instills discipline, self-confidence, and self-esteem in students, contributing to their holistic development.
5. What are the career options related to physical education for Class 9 students?
Ans. There are several career options related to physical education for Class 9 students. Some of them include: 1. Physical Education Teacher: Teaching physical education in schools or colleges. 2. Sports Coach: Coaching individuals or teams in specific sports. 3. Fitness Trainer: Assisting individuals in achieving their fitness goals through personalized training programs. 4. Sports Nutritionist: Providing guidance on nutrition and diet plans for athletes and sports enthusiasts. 5. Sports Medicine Specialist: Dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of sports-related injuries and conditions.
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