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NCERT Textbook: Growth & Development during Adolescence | Health and Physical Education for Class 10 PDF Download

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You have learnt in previous classes that growth is a natural 
phenomenon. ‘Growth’ is a characteristic of all living beings. 
The period of growth and development from childhood to 
adulthood is a period full of joy and challenges is known as 
‘adolescence’. This chapter deals with key aspects and issues 
related to the period of adolescence.
Growin G up durin G Adolescence 
Life cycle begins at birth. It is generally divided into seven 
functional stages of development of life as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Biological changes in human life cycle—names, 
duration and characteristics
stages of 
human life
Duration Characteristics of growth 
and development
Prenatal 280 days of 
Development of foetus in 
mother’s womb till delivery of 
fully formed fetus.
Neonatal Birth to 28 
Rapid growth and development 
such as smiling, recognising 
mother, etc. 
Infancy 28 days to 1 
Speedy growth in size and 
height, beginning of milk tooth, 
trying to stand and take steps.
Childhood 1 to 10 years Rapid to moderate growth 
depending on nutrition. 
Permanent molar teeth 
Growth and 
d evelopment durinG 
a dolescence Chap-3.indd   23 8/24/2020   4:15:38 PM
Page 2

You have learnt in previous classes that growth is a natural 
phenomenon. ‘Growth’ is a characteristic of all living beings. 
The period of growth and development from childhood to 
adulthood is a period full of joy and challenges is known as 
‘adolescence’. This chapter deals with key aspects and issues 
related to the period of adolescence.
Growin G up durin G Adolescence 
Life cycle begins at birth. It is generally divided into seven 
functional stages of development of life as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Biological changes in human life cycle—names, 
duration and characteristics
stages of 
human life
Duration Characteristics of growth 
and development
Prenatal 280 days of 
Development of foetus in 
mother’s womb till delivery of 
fully formed fetus.
Neonatal Birth to 28 
Rapid growth and development 
such as smiling, recognising 
mother, etc. 
Infancy 28 days to 1 
Speedy growth in size and 
height, beginning of milk tooth, 
trying to stand and take steps.
Childhood 1 to 10 years Rapid to moderate growth 
depending on nutrition. 
Permanent molar teeth 
Growth and 
d evelopment durinG 
a dolescence Chap-3.indd   23 8/24/2020   4:15:38 PM
Healt H and PHysical e ducation - c lass X
Adolescence 10 to 19 
Rapid physical, mental, 
emotional and social changes. 
Adulthood 20 years 
Maturation, reproductive 
period of life.
Old age 60 years and 
Slow weakening of body 
functions, organs and organ 
Note: Adolescence is a crucial period in the life cycle of 
human beings.
u nderst Andin G Adolescence The period of adolescence begins with the onset of puberty, 
during which certain hormones gets activated. It is an 
increase in secretion of sex hormones (testosterone in males, 
estrogen and progesterone in females). Puberty merges into 
adolescence at around 10 years of age, and adolescence 
generally lasts till 19 years of age. You may recall the 
discussion on adolescence in the chapters of your Class VIII 
textbook of science and the Class IX textbook of Health and 
Physical Education.
During this phase, significant physical and psychological 
changes take place. However, as you have already learnt in 
your previous classes, the timing of these changes varies 
with every individual.
Unique features of adolescence 
The two unique features of adolescence are —
 (i) The spurt in physical growth, when a physical 
appearance of an individual gradually becomes 
different. This is due to the rapid acceleration in 
growth of skeletal tissue (bones and cartilage) and 
muscular and glandular tissue. For examples, breasts 
begin to develop in girls due to the release of estrogen 
hormone. Changes in voice are quite noticeable 
among boys.
 (ii) It is a time period between the onset of puberty and 
Growth spurt in adolescents 
As you would have experienced yourself, the changes during 
adolescence occur speedily and alter the body size and shape 
of adolescents. Suddenly the child seems to have grown up 
into a young adult. This is called growth spurt and is shown 
through the following flow chart.
Chap-3.indd   24 8/24/2020   4:15:38 PM
Page 3

You have learnt in previous classes that growth is a natural 
phenomenon. ‘Growth’ is a characteristic of all living beings. 
The period of growth and development from childhood to 
adulthood is a period full of joy and challenges is known as 
‘adolescence’. This chapter deals with key aspects and issues 
related to the period of adolescence.
Growin G up durin G Adolescence 
Life cycle begins at birth. It is generally divided into seven 
functional stages of development of life as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Biological changes in human life cycle—names, 
duration and characteristics
stages of 
human life
Duration Characteristics of growth 
and development
Prenatal 280 days of 
Development of foetus in 
mother’s womb till delivery of 
fully formed fetus.
Neonatal Birth to 28 
Rapid growth and development 
such as smiling, recognising 
mother, etc. 
Infancy 28 days to 1 
Speedy growth in size and 
height, beginning of milk tooth, 
trying to stand and take steps.
Childhood 1 to 10 years Rapid to moderate growth 
depending on nutrition. 
Permanent molar teeth 
Growth and 
d evelopment durinG 
a dolescence Chap-3.indd   23 8/24/2020   4:15:38 PM
Healt H and PHysical e ducation - c lass X
Adolescence 10 to 19 
Rapid physical, mental, 
emotional and social changes. 
Adulthood 20 years 
Maturation, reproductive 
period of life.
Old age 60 years and 
Slow weakening of body 
functions, organs and organ 
Note: Adolescence is a crucial period in the life cycle of 
human beings.
u nderst Andin G Adolescence The period of adolescence begins with the onset of puberty, 
during which certain hormones gets activated. It is an 
increase in secretion of sex hormones (testosterone in males, 
estrogen and progesterone in females). Puberty merges into 
adolescence at around 10 years of age, and adolescence 
generally lasts till 19 years of age. You may recall the 
discussion on adolescence in the chapters of your Class VIII 
textbook of science and the Class IX textbook of Health and 
Physical Education.
During this phase, significant physical and psychological 
changes take place. However, as you have already learnt in 
your previous classes, the timing of these changes varies 
with every individual.
Unique features of adolescence 
The two unique features of adolescence are —
 (i) The spurt in physical growth, when a physical 
appearance of an individual gradually becomes 
different. This is due to the rapid acceleration in 
growth of skeletal tissue (bones and cartilage) and 
muscular and glandular tissue. For examples, breasts 
begin to develop in girls due to the release of estrogen 
hormone. Changes in voice are quite noticeable 
among boys.
 (ii) It is a time period between the onset of puberty and 
Growth spurt in adolescents 
As you would have experienced yourself, the changes during 
adolescence occur speedily and alter the body size and shape 
of adolescents. Suddenly the child seems to have grown up 
into a young adult. This is called growth spurt and is shown 
through the following flow chart.
Chap-3.indd   24 8/24/2020   4:15:38 PM
Growth and d evelopment durin G a dolescence Organs of the Circulatory system
Differences in
structure of
males and females
in body size and
secondary sexual
maturity of
Development of
attraction towards
opposite sex and
maturation of
social behavior
c h An Ges in Body s ize And s tructure Under the influence of growth hormone, the body size 
increases. Sex hormones stimulate growth and maturity of 
gonads (reproductive organs).  In males, testes grow in size and 
start producing sperms. In females, the eggs or ova present 
in the ovary since birth begins to mature.  Sex organs also 
increase in size. Thus, there is an overall growth in body size.  
As sexual maturity progresses during adolescence, hormones 
act on growth centers of bones which are responsible for 
increase in length of bones. The long bones, the vertebrae 
and limbs grow and the adolescent gains height. The limbs 
become stronger. The heart, lungs and other internal organs 
also grow to match the increase in body size. The muscle 
mass undergoes a spurt at adolescence. Eventually, growth 
rate slows down and then stops. Generally, at the age of 14 
to 18 years of age, adult height is already reached. The peak 
of growth of muscle mass is also typically around the age of 
14 to 16 years. In the females, the pelvis region undergoes a 
growth spurt and becomes wider.
s econd Ary s exu Al c h Ar Acteristics In earlier classes, you have learnt about secondary sexual 
characteristics. As a result of physical changes, secondary 
sexual characteristics begin to develop in both girls and 
boys.  Some characteristics are related to girls; some to boys 
and some are common for both. You may understand this 
development better by conducting Activity 3.1.
Activity 3.1
Identify the secondary sexual characteristics of adolescence during 
10 to 19 years in the given table. Fill the following table by putting 
a tick mark (?) at appropriate place in each column.
Chap-3.indd   25 8/24/2020   4:15:39 PM
Page 4

You have learnt in previous classes that growth is a natural 
phenomenon. ‘Growth’ is a characteristic of all living beings. 
The period of growth and development from childhood to 
adulthood is a period full of joy and challenges is known as 
‘adolescence’. This chapter deals with key aspects and issues 
related to the period of adolescence.
Growin G up durin G Adolescence 
Life cycle begins at birth. It is generally divided into seven 
functional stages of development of life as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Biological changes in human life cycle—names, 
duration and characteristics
stages of 
human life
Duration Characteristics of growth 
and development
Prenatal 280 days of 
Development of foetus in 
mother’s womb till delivery of 
fully formed fetus.
Neonatal Birth to 28 
Rapid growth and development 
such as smiling, recognising 
mother, etc. 
Infancy 28 days to 1 
Speedy growth in size and 
height, beginning of milk tooth, 
trying to stand and take steps.
Childhood 1 to 10 years Rapid to moderate growth 
depending on nutrition. 
Permanent molar teeth 
Growth and 
d evelopment durinG 
a dolescence Chap-3.indd   23 8/24/2020   4:15:38 PM
Healt H and PHysical e ducation - c lass X
Adolescence 10 to 19 
Rapid physical, mental, 
emotional and social changes. 
Adulthood 20 years 
Maturation, reproductive 
period of life.
Old age 60 years and 
Slow weakening of body 
functions, organs and organ 
Note: Adolescence is a crucial period in the life cycle of 
human beings.
u nderst Andin G Adolescence The period of adolescence begins with the onset of puberty, 
during which certain hormones gets activated. It is an 
increase in secretion of sex hormones (testosterone in males, 
estrogen and progesterone in females). Puberty merges into 
adolescence at around 10 years of age, and adolescence 
generally lasts till 19 years of age. You may recall the 
discussion on adolescence in the chapters of your Class VIII 
textbook of science and the Class IX textbook of Health and 
Physical Education.
During this phase, significant physical and psychological 
changes take place. However, as you have already learnt in 
your previous classes, the timing of these changes varies 
with every individual.
Unique features of adolescence 
The two unique features of adolescence are —
 (i) The spurt in physical growth, when a physical 
appearance of an individual gradually becomes 
different. This is due to the rapid acceleration in 
growth of skeletal tissue (bones and cartilage) and 
muscular and glandular tissue. For examples, breasts 
begin to develop in girls due to the release of estrogen 
hormone. Changes in voice are quite noticeable 
among boys.
 (ii) It is a time period between the onset of puberty and 
Growth spurt in adolescents 
As you would have experienced yourself, the changes during 
adolescence occur speedily and alter the body size and shape 
of adolescents. Suddenly the child seems to have grown up 
into a young adult. This is called growth spurt and is shown 
through the following flow chart.
Chap-3.indd   24 8/24/2020   4:15:38 PM
Growth and d evelopment durin G a dolescence Organs of the Circulatory system
Differences in
structure of
males and females
in body size and
secondary sexual
maturity of
Development of
attraction towards
opposite sex and
maturation of
social behavior
c h An Ges in Body s ize And s tructure Under the influence of growth hormone, the body size 
increases. Sex hormones stimulate growth and maturity of 
gonads (reproductive organs).  In males, testes grow in size and 
start producing sperms. In females, the eggs or ova present 
in the ovary since birth begins to mature.  Sex organs also 
increase in size. Thus, there is an overall growth in body size.  
As sexual maturity progresses during adolescence, hormones 
act on growth centers of bones which are responsible for 
increase in length of bones. The long bones, the vertebrae 
and limbs grow and the adolescent gains height. The limbs 
become stronger. The heart, lungs and other internal organs 
also grow to match the increase in body size. The muscle 
mass undergoes a spurt at adolescence. Eventually, growth 
rate slows down and then stops. Generally, at the age of 14 
to 18 years of age, adult height is already reached. The peak 
of growth of muscle mass is also typically around the age of 
14 to 16 years. In the females, the pelvis region undergoes a 
growth spurt and becomes wider.
s econd Ary s exu Al c h Ar Acteristics In earlier classes, you have learnt about secondary sexual 
characteristics. As a result of physical changes, secondary 
sexual characteristics begin to develop in both girls and 
boys.  Some characteristics are related to girls; some to boys 
and some are common for both. You may understand this 
development better by conducting Activity 3.1.
Activity 3.1
Identify the secondary sexual characteristics of adolescence during 
10 to 19 years in the given table. Fill the following table by putting 
a tick mark (?) at appropriate place in each column.
Chap-3.indd   25 8/24/2020   4:15:39 PM
Healt H and PHysical e ducation - c lass X
Changes Girls
Don’t know
1. Increase in height 
and weight
2. Menstruation
3. Change in voice
4. Growth of hair on 
private parts
5. Widening of 
6. Broadening of hips
7. Development of 
8. Sweat and oil glands 
become active
w et d re Ams Wet dreams are a normal and natural physiological process 
which starts during adolescence among boys. It usually 
occurs during sleep. Wet dreams is a discharge of semen 
(seminal fluid) containing sperms. Many adolescent boys are 
usually not aware of this phenomenon and get worried when 
they face this situation first time.
Semen is the fluid formed by glands associated with male 
reproductive system. Semen carries mature sperms formed 
in the testes.
Read the following case studies which confirm the 
uniqueness of every individual with regard to time of 
occurrence of changes during adolescence.
CASE 1: My father calls me ‘Sher’
Rakesh and Dibang, students of Class IX, are walking home 
together from school. Rakesh begins to tease Dibang, saying 
that he speaks in a girl’s voice. He also laughs at the fact 
that Dibang has got no hair on his upper lip. “Look at me,” 
Rakesh says, “I am a real man. My voice is strong and my 
face is manly - I have so much facial hair. My father calls me 
sher.” Dibang wonders what is wrong with him. He recalls 
that his mother still calls him ‘my sweet boy’. He decides 
to go home and ask his mother why he is so different from 
Rakesh and whether something is wrong with him.
Points for Discussion
 a) What do you think Dibang felt with Rakesh’s remarks?
 b) Do you think that there is something wrong with 
Dibang? Why?
Chap-3.indd   26 8/24/2020   4:15:39 PM
Page 5

You have learnt in previous classes that growth is a natural 
phenomenon. ‘Growth’ is a characteristic of all living beings. 
The period of growth and development from childhood to 
adulthood is a period full of joy and challenges is known as 
‘adolescence’. This chapter deals with key aspects and issues 
related to the period of adolescence.
Growin G up durin G Adolescence 
Life cycle begins at birth. It is generally divided into seven 
functional stages of development of life as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Biological changes in human life cycle—names, 
duration and characteristics
stages of 
human life
Duration Characteristics of growth 
and development
Prenatal 280 days of 
Development of foetus in 
mother’s womb till delivery of 
fully formed fetus.
Neonatal Birth to 28 
Rapid growth and development 
such as smiling, recognising 
mother, etc. 
Infancy 28 days to 1 
Speedy growth in size and 
height, beginning of milk tooth, 
trying to stand and take steps.
Childhood 1 to 10 years Rapid to moderate growth 
depending on nutrition. 
Permanent molar teeth 
Growth and 
d evelopment durinG 
a dolescence Chap-3.indd   23 8/24/2020   4:15:38 PM
Healt H and PHysical e ducation - c lass X
Adolescence 10 to 19 
Rapid physical, mental, 
emotional and social changes. 
Adulthood 20 years 
Maturation, reproductive 
period of life.
Old age 60 years and 
Slow weakening of body 
functions, organs and organ 
Note: Adolescence is a crucial period in the life cycle of 
human beings.
u nderst Andin G Adolescence The period of adolescence begins with the onset of puberty, 
during which certain hormones gets activated. It is an 
increase in secretion of sex hormones (testosterone in males, 
estrogen and progesterone in females). Puberty merges into 
adolescence at around 10 years of age, and adolescence 
generally lasts till 19 years of age. You may recall the 
discussion on adolescence in the chapters of your Class VIII 
textbook of science and the Class IX textbook of Health and 
Physical Education.
During this phase, significant physical and psychological 
changes take place. However, as you have already learnt in 
your previous classes, the timing of these changes varies 
with every individual.
Unique features of adolescence 
The two unique features of adolescence are —
 (i) The spurt in physical growth, when a physical 
appearance of an individual gradually becomes 
different. This is due to the rapid acceleration in 
growth of skeletal tissue (bones and cartilage) and 
muscular and glandular tissue. For examples, breasts 
begin to develop in girls due to the release of estrogen 
hormone. Changes in voice are quite noticeable 
among boys.
 (ii) It is a time period between the onset of puberty and 
Growth spurt in adolescents 
As you would have experienced yourself, the changes during 
adolescence occur speedily and alter the body size and shape 
of adolescents. Suddenly the child seems to have grown up 
into a young adult. This is called growth spurt and is shown 
through the following flow chart.
Chap-3.indd   24 8/24/2020   4:15:38 PM
Growth and d evelopment durin G a dolescence Organs of the Circulatory system
Differences in
structure of
males and females
in body size and
secondary sexual
maturity of
Development of
attraction towards
opposite sex and
maturation of
social behavior
c h An Ges in Body s ize And s tructure Under the influence of growth hormone, the body size 
increases. Sex hormones stimulate growth and maturity of 
gonads (reproductive organs).  In males, testes grow in size and 
start producing sperms. In females, the eggs or ova present 
in the ovary since birth begins to mature.  Sex organs also 
increase in size. Thus, there is an overall growth in body size.  
As sexual maturity progresses during adolescence, hormones 
act on growth centers of bones which are responsible for 
increase in length of bones. The long bones, the vertebrae 
and limbs grow and the adolescent gains height. The limbs 
become stronger. The heart, lungs and other internal organs 
also grow to match the increase in body size. The muscle 
mass undergoes a spurt at adolescence. Eventually, growth 
rate slows down and then stops. Generally, at the age of 14 
to 18 years of age, adult height is already reached. The peak 
of growth of muscle mass is also typically around the age of 
14 to 16 years. In the females, the pelvis region undergoes a 
growth spurt and becomes wider.
s econd Ary s exu Al c h Ar Acteristics In earlier classes, you have learnt about secondary sexual 
characteristics. As a result of physical changes, secondary 
sexual characteristics begin to develop in both girls and 
boys.  Some characteristics are related to girls; some to boys 
and some are common for both. You may understand this 
development better by conducting Activity 3.1.
Activity 3.1
Identify the secondary sexual characteristics of adolescence during 
10 to 19 years in the given table. Fill the following table by putting 
a tick mark (?) at appropriate place in each column.
Chap-3.indd   25 8/24/2020   4:15:39 PM
Healt H and PHysical e ducation - c lass X
Changes Girls
Don’t know
1. Increase in height 
and weight
2. Menstruation
3. Change in voice
4. Growth of hair on 
private parts
5. Widening of 
6. Broadening of hips
7. Development of 
8. Sweat and oil glands 
become active
w et d re Ams Wet dreams are a normal and natural physiological process 
which starts during adolescence among boys. It usually 
occurs during sleep. Wet dreams is a discharge of semen 
(seminal fluid) containing sperms. Many adolescent boys are 
usually not aware of this phenomenon and get worried when 
they face this situation first time.
Semen is the fluid formed by glands associated with male 
reproductive system. Semen carries mature sperms formed 
in the testes.
Read the following case studies which confirm the 
uniqueness of every individual with regard to time of 
occurrence of changes during adolescence.
CASE 1: My father calls me ‘Sher’
Rakesh and Dibang, students of Class IX, are walking home 
together from school. Rakesh begins to tease Dibang, saying 
that he speaks in a girl’s voice. He also laughs at the fact 
that Dibang has got no hair on his upper lip. “Look at me,” 
Rakesh says, “I am a real man. My voice is strong and my 
face is manly - I have so much facial hair. My father calls me 
sher.” Dibang wonders what is wrong with him. He recalls 
that his mother still calls him ‘my sweet boy’. He decides 
to go home and ask his mother why he is so different from 
Rakesh and whether something is wrong with him.
Points for Discussion
 a) What do you think Dibang felt with Rakesh’s remarks?
 b) Do you think that there is something wrong with 
Dibang? Why?
Chap-3.indd   26 8/24/2020   4:15:39 PM
Growth and d evelopment durin G a dolescence c) What should Dibang’s mother tell him?
 d) Do you think it is important to prepare children 
regarding the  changes likely to occur in them? Why?
CASE 2: Each one is unique
Pooja, Sujatha, Abida and Radha are good friends. All of 
them are 13 years old and love to spend time with one 
another. They have so much to talk about, a new film, a 
new dress, home work, the boys in the class and just about 
Yesterday, Radha seemed uncomfortable. She was 
having her periods and was concerned about staining her 
uniform. Last month, Sujatha’s family had organised a big 
celebration in her honour as she had started her periods. 
Pooja recalled that three months ago, Abida had started her 
periods in school and had to borrow a sanitary napkin from 
her older cousin. Except Pooja, all her friends have started 
their periods. Is there something wrong with her?
Points for Discussion
 a) What do you think Pooja felt when she realised that 
she is the only one who had not started her periods?
 b) Do you think there is something wrong with Pooja?
 c) If Pooja came to you for advice, what would you tell 
her as a peer?
 d) Do you think it is important to prepare children 
regarding the changes likely to occur in them? Why?
CASE 3: Puberty in boys
Suresh heard from someone that wet dream (nocturnal 
emission) causes weakness. When Naresh who is Suresh’s 
best friend first experienced wet dream, he confided in 
Suresh. Suresh encouraged Naresh to visit the nearest 
Health Centre to have a discussion about wet dream with 
the doctor.
Points for Discussion
 a) Do you think something is wrong with Naresh?
 b) According to you, the advice given by Suresh is 
correct or not?
 c) What are the myths associated with wet dream?
 d) What advice was given by the doctor to Naresh?
 • Adolescence is a period of physical and emotional 
changes which are triggered by a set of hormones. 
These changes are part of growing up.
 • These changes occur at different times for different 
Chap-3.indd   27 8/24/2020   4:15:39 PM
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NCERT Textbook: Growth & Development during Adolescence | Health and Physical Education for Class 10
