Class 10 Exam  >  Class 10 Notes  >  NTSE for Class 10  >  Madhya Pradesh: State Level Question Paper (MAT, LANG & SAT) - 2016-17

Madhya Pradesh: State Level Question Paper (MAT, LANG & SAT) - 2016-17 | NTSE for Class 10 PDF Download

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 Page 1

Y'fj 'R Shillct, .
lffia,:rr c.nTs : SENT - 10
crtf 2016-2017
T-- -
Printed No. on Answer Sheet Seal ofExarnination Centre
; '1il~n'if "'1 311",lfi'f;
f.Til'Bofi.'" \,kIRH
\WT - I-QI~r~",,; <itn«rr .
~ - 45 fir;R: (11.001111.45 'l'if <I'!»
\WT - II - '1T'lT.rru tW8!T
~ - 45 fTffi: (12.001112.45 'l'if <I'!»
\WT - III -#'~ <itn«rr t!U8!T
~ - 1.30 >i21~ 1.00 11 2.30 'l'if <I'!>
t!U~ <lITf.$r
'it# ffrrj S'<~m<nTwq~ rZ, ~ "flG fflf '"
3ff( ~ "R'II mnI q;f ;-
1. >1'1"l, fr;tiTq 1('i ij<i\'l \lf7T i\; ii:n< m'l'!-m'l'! "3U(
'l'I'I' K« t 'IT<;.rul' -'!T'R>13m "3U( u-oif'«l 'WT
i\; out -""'" 'IT lit fqf~ q;f-l %I
2. 1l'R'r; 1('i~"3U( 'IiI"'.'l{ 3l'Rl~ ~'IT-
"" ilK« 7J1( ~ i\; "T:JBn 1;1f~ I
3. WI<iI :M-<f' ~ iI 1;1fu<ii I '('" ~ if 1('li lit
3i<f; fu<ii I
4. 'Ij; 'lit~ iiR 'WIT iI C'fl;;{I "'I .~I "!I'l'T 'IjJ'1 i( 1 if
50 ~FF -qR~- "'W7-RfT ~. lJ"!.~ ~ I ffr~fl;l-i 'TIll -q"
Tune - 45 Minutes (l1.00 to \1451'.1\'1.)
Max. Marks - 50
Tune -45 Minutes (l2.00to l7..45 P~'I.)
Max. Marks - 50
Tune - I hour 30 minutes 1.00 to 2.30 1'.lvl.
Max. Marks - 100
Read the loUon'ing instructions care/lilly before
you answer the questions on Answer Sheet :..
J. The answer sheets for Part-l, Pan-II &
Part-HI arc different. Remember you have III
mark you answer on related anSWTr sheet
2. Write Roll No. as given in admission card oilihis
Question paper as ",,'ellas on the Answer shect.
3. \Vrilc all the Nos. in English numbers on I).: ..•... Vrire
only one digit in om: block.
4. This question paper cOlltains three pans. 1-1),11"1
contains I-50 questions (1f ITlt:nt.J1 abllity_ II-parr
contains I-50 questions in Hilldl l:ln,~~Lla~~l: and
Page 2

Y'fj 'R Shillct, .
lffia,:rr c.nTs : SENT - 10
crtf 2016-2017
T-- -
Printed No. on Answer Sheet Seal ofExarnination Centre
; '1il~n'if "'1 311",lfi'f;
f.Til'Bofi.'" \,kIRH
\WT - I-QI~r~",,; <itn«rr .
~ - 45 fir;R: (11.001111.45 'l'if <I'!»
\WT - II - '1T'lT.rru tW8!T
~ - 45 fTffi: (12.001112.45 'l'if <I'!»
\WT - III -#'~ <itn«rr t!U8!T
~ - 1.30 >i21~ 1.00 11 2.30 'l'if <I'!>
t!U~ <lITf.$r
'it# ffrrj S'<~m<nTwq~ rZ, ~ "flG fflf '"
3ff( ~ "R'II mnI q;f ;-
1. >1'1"l, fr;tiTq 1('i ij<i\'l \lf7T i\; ii:n< m'l'!-m'l'! "3U(
'l'I'I' K« t 'IT<;.rul' -'!T'R>13m "3U( u-oif'«l 'WT
i\; out -""'" 'IT lit fqf~ q;f-l %I
2. 1l'R'r; 1('i~"3U( 'IiI"'.'l{ 3l'Rl~ ~'IT-
"" ilK« 7J1( ~ i\; "T:JBn 1;1f~ I
3. WI<iI :M-<f' ~ iI 1;1fu<ii I '('" ~ if 1('li lit
3i<f; fu<ii I
4. 'Ij; 'lit~ iiR 'WIT iI C'fl;;{I "'I .~I "!I'l'T 'IjJ'1 i( 1 if
50 ~FF -qR~- "'W7-RfT ~. lJ"!.~ ~ I ffr~fl;l-i 'TIll -q"
Tune - 45 Minutes (l1.00 to \1451'.1\'1.)
Max. Marks - 50
Tune -45 Minutes (l2.00to l7..45 P~'I.)
Max. Marks - 50
Tune - I hour 30 minutes 1.00 to 2.30 1'.lvl.
Max. Marks - 100
Read the loUon'ing instructions care/lilly before
you answer the questions on Answer Sheet :..
J. The answer sheets for Part-l, Pan-II &
Part-HI arc different. Remember you have III
mark you answer on related anSWTr sheet
2. Write Roll No. as given in admission card oilihis
Question paper as ",,'ellas on the Answer shect.
3. \Vrilc all the Nos. in English numbers on I).: ..•... Vrire
only one digit in om: block.
4. This question paper cOlltains three pans. 1-1),11"1
contains I-50 questions (1f ITlt:nt.J1 abllity_ II-parr
contains I-50 questions in Hilldl l:ln,~~Lla~~l: and
1 <1 50 >f'A ~ 'If'I1 <1;-f v:<i 1 <1 50 >f'A ~
'If'I1 <1;-f I f",wf>l<.'i aa..m " ~ ~ 'llT'IT
q;r~~t aJ~«Tit ~«T ~I~
jr{ 'fT'l1"ii m'iRl <1 <f<f{ ~ 'ITWI TIll:R>mlO
<'lR 'l{ ;,if'!>" i'fiB1.~litBt 'WI -if -itt~ ${ctl
'Iil~n <1;-1 11 100 >f'A f I "H>i\ 'H'l 3lFF!1'1 .~ I
'I~'F "T-l<1;-Fm: 1 3lq; FmWd .~ I
5. ~ <m <f<f{ "l>l ~ at'!> 1Ii;R f'l,'I1 "IRJTff I
6. .~ 'lil~11 <1;- ~ 'WI <1;- ~ ~ 1!'I'l 'til Wn{U1
M '1'0t 13lJ<lq ~ >f'A<1;- fuil .'lRl WFI 1
Ti<ua S'( f-l'1Iful Wfll "l>l ~ ~ I
7. 'ff1I - I (q Hf«.., -.wmrr) <1;- >f'A--q- 0; "ii 11.4 5
'Iii "'" 'lltlT'<l <g.~ q T-d{-~ m~"iiui<I
'wm "hi'll 'ff1I -II - ('IT'IT ofl'U ~) <1;- >f'A-
'I'! "ii 12.45 'Iii "'" 'lltlT'<l <g ~ <f<f{ ~
m~ "ii n-rn <wm m 1 'ff1I-III (~~
-.wmrr ~) <1;- ~ "ii 2.30 'Iii "'" W1T!l
m <f<f{-~ 'l't€l~ "ii "Il'rn mI
8. ~ >f'A- 'I'! "l>l ~ ilOI w <iiT't <nB iii fui\
f<;lrr 1'fll1 t I
9. TnT'0 <!iT oful;-r :
<f<f{ ~ <1;- fu« ai\.1!.".3lR. T,j{ ~ -if ~ >f'A
$ Of'"!. '-'f WI T[it 'ffi: TjffiT -if <l if><l<'I 1.,"h'*'"ii
''l./J'H"I qilfun( I
10. TnT 3if<n<f ~ il; fffi1:~ <iiIMTr-iTffi <ffiol -
~~ -q-, q;r '1'iP1 <lit 1
11. W«l \I'liT{ <1;- <\; <:i"!' <9" (,<:i171 ~f.l<'l<il 3P1
,-aq;;if.rq; ~, ~ 'fiR 3l1R "l>l p:ITq
qfu %1
12 '1""i..,., ~ -
J«il", if11 <1;-'ffi: -.i'lTfiffl <f<f{t~ <1 ~ <f<f{
wt Iif11 "l>lW <f<f{ 3ifil;q -.rn<l~ 3lq; 'W<l
m I 71fi:: ~ <l ~ '*' "!>TR fiI;-it ;;nil fit,,;;
T/Rl ~ f'l,- wwoff "ii lPR "l>l "H',ft <f<f{m
7lT<f!t 3'11< '3l! ~ 3lq; mWI ~ I
13. TnT mz- ~ <fiT -
<i\~ <fiT<f<f{ mo WA il;~ ~f-1""d<g <9
f'l,- <f<f{ mo <1;-GWi 'f"3T 'IT -m1 'If<!'ri~ - 1f'l,
cilct 1'<R, -n<T!8R, >f'A~ "l>l1'<R 3l1Rfl'lffur
'fl'lR 'l{ <Wf;-<Wf; 'R T[itf 1
14. TnT 'lit< il; ::JmlP1 -if m<raRl -
"" m1< "l>l 'J<irtJ 'i!>'(d 1l'1''l lit <f{'(' <1 ,f1o(':niT
~ Inl "I>R, ,,),,) <n "Hct'f<~ 11mT'l1 m
15. ~l:lil¥r<T;~~'~~~
16. ~ j;,i'f(1'1 -if 3'fd>: <l T& f'l;-ffi >i\ f~ qil
wlfu -if >f'A 'I'! <1;- ~ ~ ",) ~'!> 'n-11
"lT1('l1 I
I-50 questions in English Language. The
candidate has to altern!'t this test only in
one language i.e. either in Hindi or in English.
Mark the language opted by you very carefully
on the answer sheet. III part contains 1-100
Questions. All the questions are compulsary.
Each Question carry one mark.
5. Every correct answer will he awarded one mark.
6. Since the time allotted to the two parts of this
Question Papcr is limited, you should make the
best usc of it by not spending too much time on
anyone question.
7. Solve the Part-I (Mental Ability) of the
Question Paper by 11.45 am and related Answer
sheet quickly sum it to the Invi~ilator. Part-II
(Language) paper should be solved by 12,45
pm and Answer sheet submit to the invigilator
Answer sheet Part-III (Scholastic ahility)
should be by 2.30 pm. and answer sheet should
the submitted on previous manncr.
8. The last page of this Question booklet is meant
for Rough work.
9. Method of marking Answer -
To answer aquestion, please darken one bubble
out of the given four, inthe OMRAnswer Sheet
against that question.
10. Use only Black / Blue Ball-point Pen to
mar-k the answer-.
11. Usc of any calculator, lo~ tahles or any other
electronic Gadgets, Mobile phones isprohihited.
12. Valuation procedure -
There arc four alternative answer to aquestion,
only onc of them is correct answcr. If more
then one bubble are darkened for a question, it
will be presumed that the candidate does not
know the correct answer; hence, no mark shall
be awarded.
13. Handing over of Answer Sheet to
Invigilator -
Please ensure that all entries in the answer sheet
are filled up properly i.e. Name, Roll No.,
Signature, Question !looklet No. language, etc.
14. Care in Handling the answer sheet -
Whilc.using answer sheet adequate care should
be taken not to tear or spoil due to folds or
15. Please return Answer-Sheet to the
invigilator after the test.
16. English version of the question paper will be
considered as final in case of any dispute arising
out of variation on translated version.
Page 3

Y'fj 'R Shillct, .
lffia,:rr c.nTs : SENT - 10
crtf 2016-2017
T-- -
Printed No. on Answer Sheet Seal ofExarnination Centre
; '1il~n'if "'1 311",lfi'f;
f.Til'Bofi.'" \,kIRH
\WT - I-QI~r~",,; <itn«rr .
~ - 45 fir;R: (11.001111.45 'l'if <I'!»
\WT - II - '1T'lT.rru tW8!T
~ - 45 fTffi: (12.001112.45 'l'if <I'!»
\WT - III -#'~ <itn«rr t!U8!T
~ - 1.30 >i21~ 1.00 11 2.30 'l'if <I'!>
t!U~ <lITf.$r
'it# ffrrj S'<~m<nTwq~ rZ, ~ "flG fflf '"
3ff( ~ "R'II mnI q;f ;-
1. >1'1"l, fr;tiTq 1('i ij<i\'l \lf7T i\; ii:n< m'l'!-m'l'! "3U(
'l'I'I' K« t 'IT<;.rul' -'!T'R>13m "3U( u-oif'«l 'WT
i\; out -""'" 'IT lit fqf~ q;f-l %I
2. 1l'R'r; 1('i~"3U( 'IiI"'.'l{ 3l'Rl~ ~'IT-
"" ilK« 7J1( ~ i\; "T:JBn 1;1f~ I
3. WI<iI :M-<f' ~ iI 1;1fu<ii I '('" ~ if 1('li lit
3i<f; fu<ii I
4. 'Ij; 'lit~ iiR 'WIT iI C'fl;;{I "'I .~I "!I'l'T 'IjJ'1 i( 1 if
50 ~FF -qR~- "'W7-RfT ~. lJ"!.~ ~ I ffr~fl;l-i 'TIll -q"
Tune - 45 Minutes (l1.00 to \1451'.1\'1.)
Max. Marks - 50
Tune -45 Minutes (l2.00to l7..45 P~'I.)
Max. Marks - 50
Tune - I hour 30 minutes 1.00 to 2.30 1'.lvl.
Max. Marks - 100
Read the loUon'ing instructions care/lilly before
you answer the questions on Answer Sheet :..
J. The answer sheets for Part-l, Pan-II &
Part-HI arc different. Remember you have III
mark you answer on related anSWTr sheet
2. Write Roll No. as given in admission card oilihis
Question paper as ",,'ellas on the Answer shect.
3. \Vrilc all the Nos. in English numbers on I).: ..•... Vrire
only one digit in om: block.
4. This question paper cOlltains three pans. 1-1),11"1
contains I-50 questions (1f ITlt:nt.J1 abllity_ II-parr
contains I-50 questions in Hilldl l:ln,~~Lla~~l: and
1 <1 50 >f'A ~ 'If'I1 <1;-f v:<i 1 <1 50 >f'A ~
'If'I1 <1;-f I f",wf>l<.'i aa..m " ~ ~ 'llT'IT
q;r~~t aJ~«Tit ~«T ~I~
jr{ 'fT'l1"ii m'iRl <1 <f<f{ ~ 'ITWI TIll:R>mlO
<'lR 'l{ ;,if'!>" i'fiB1.~litBt 'WI -if -itt~ ${ctl
'Iil~n <1;-1 11 100 >f'A f I "H>i\ 'H'l 3lFF!1'1 .~ I
'I~'F "T-l<1;-Fm: 1 3lq; FmWd .~ I
5. ~ <m <f<f{ "l>l ~ at'!> 1Ii;R f'l,'I1 "IRJTff I
6. .~ 'lil~11 <1;- ~ 'WI <1;- ~ ~ 1!'I'l 'til Wn{U1
M '1'0t 13lJ<lq ~ >f'A<1;- fuil .'lRl WFI 1
Ti<ua S'( f-l'1Iful Wfll "l>l ~ ~ I
7. 'ff1I - I (q Hf«.., -.wmrr) <1;- >f'A--q- 0; "ii 11.4 5
'Iii "'" 'lltlT'<l <g.~ q T-d{-~ m~"iiui<I
'wm "hi'll 'ff1I -II - ('IT'IT ofl'U ~) <1;- >f'A-
'I'! "ii 12.45 'Iii "'" 'lltlT'<l <g ~ <f<f{ ~
m~ "ii n-rn <wm m 1 'ff1I-III (~~
-.wmrr ~) <1;- ~ "ii 2.30 'Iii "'" W1T!l
m <f<f{-~ 'l't€l~ "ii "Il'rn mI
8. ~ >f'A- 'I'! "l>l ~ ilOI w <iiT't <nB iii fui\
f<;lrr 1'fll1 t I
9. TnT'0 <!iT oful;-r :
<f<f{ ~ <1;- fu« ai\.1!.".3lR. T,j{ ~ -if ~ >f'A
$ Of'"!. '-'f WI T[it 'ffi: TjffiT -if <l if><l<'I 1.,"h'*'"ii
''l./J'H"I qilfun( I
10. TnT 3if<n<f ~ il; fffi1:~ <iiIMTr-iTffi <ffiol -
~~ -q-, q;r '1'iP1 <lit 1
11. W«l \I'liT{ <1;- <\; <:i"!' <9" (,<:i171 ~f.l<'l<il 3P1
,-aq;;if.rq; ~, ~ 'fiR 3l1R "l>l p:ITq
qfu %1
12 '1""i..,., ~ -
J«il", if11 <1;-'ffi: -.i'lTfiffl <f<f{t~ <1 ~ <f<f{
wt Iif11 "l>lW <f<f{ 3ifil;q -.rn<l~ 3lq; 'W<l
m I 71fi:: ~ <l ~ '*' "!>TR fiI;-it ;;nil fit,,;;
T/Rl ~ f'l,- wwoff "ii lPR "l>l "H',ft <f<f{m
7lT<f!t 3'11< '3l! ~ 3lq; mWI ~ I
13. TnT mz- ~ <fiT -
<i\~ <fiT<f<f{ mo WA il;~ ~f-1""d<g <9
f'l,- <f<f{ mo <1;-GWi 'f"3T 'IT -m1 'If<!'ri~ - 1f'l,
cilct 1'<R, -n<T!8R, >f'A~ "l>l1'<R 3l1Rfl'lffur
'fl'lR 'l{ <Wf;-<Wf; 'R T[itf 1
14. TnT 'lit< il; ::JmlP1 -if m<raRl -
"" m1< "l>l 'J<irtJ 'i!>'(d 1l'1''l lit <f{'(' <1 ,f1o(':niT
~ Inl "I>R, ,,),,) <n "Hct'f<~ 11mT'l1 m
15. ~l:lil¥r<T;~~'~~~
16. ~ j;,i'f(1'1 -if 3'fd>: <l T& f'l;-ffi >i\ f~ qil
wlfu -if >f'A 'I'! <1;- ~ ~ ",) ~'!> 'n-11
"lT1('l1 I
I-50 questions in English Language. The
candidate has to altern!'t this test only in
one language i.e. either in Hindi or in English.
Mark the language opted by you very carefully
on the answer sheet. III part contains 1-100
Questions. All the questions are compulsary.
Each Question carry one mark.
5. Every correct answer will he awarded one mark.
6. Since the time allotted to the two parts of this
Question Papcr is limited, you should make the
best usc of it by not spending too much time on
anyone question.
7. Solve the Part-I (Mental Ability) of the
Question Paper by 11.45 am and related Answer
sheet quickly sum it to the Invi~ilator. Part-II
(Language) paper should be solved by 12,45
pm and Answer sheet submit to the invigilator
Answer sheet Part-III (Scholastic ahility)
should be by 2.30 pm. and answer sheet should
the submitted on previous manncr.
8. The last page of this Question booklet is meant
for Rough work.
9. Method of marking Answer -
To answer aquestion, please darken one bubble
out of the given four, inthe OMRAnswer Sheet
against that question.
10. Use only Black / Blue Ball-point Pen to
mar-k the answer-.
11. Usc of any calculator, lo~ tahles or any other
electronic Gadgets, Mobile phones isprohihited.
12. Valuation procedure -
There arc four alternative answer to aquestion,
only onc of them is correct answcr. If more
then one bubble are darkened for a question, it
will be presumed that the candidate does not
know the correct answer; hence, no mark shall
be awarded.
13. Handing over of Answer Sheet to
Invigilator -
Please ensure that all entries in the answer sheet
are filled up properly i.e. Name, Roll No.,
Signature, Question !looklet No. language, etc.
14. Care in Handling the answer sheet -
Whilc.using answer sheet adequate care should
be taken not to tear or spoil due to folds or
15. Please return Answer-Sheet to the
invigilator after the test.
16. English version of the question paper will be
considered as final in case of any dispute arising
out of variation on translated version.
NTSE STAGE – 1 (2016) (STATE OF M.P.) 
SENT - 10 
 Direction :  In question nos 1 to 5 there is a number series with one term missing shown 
by question mark (?) This term is one of the alternative given. Choose that number. 
1. 36, ?, 24, 18, 12 
 (A) 22   (B) 28   (C) 38   (D) 30 
2. 1, 1, 4, 8, 9, 27, 16, 64, 25, ? 
 (A) 81   (B) 100   (C) 125   (D) 121 
3. 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ?, 55 
 (A) 25   (B) 49   (C) 36   (D) 34 
4. 80, 78, 75, 71, ?, 60 
 (A) 76   (B) 73   (C) 65   (D) 66 
5. 2, 7, 17, 32, 52, ? 
 (A) 77   (B) 64   (C) 72   (D) 81 
 Direction: In Question no. 6-10, there is a question mark in the blank space and it is only 
one of the four alternatives given under the question which satisfies the same relation as 
is found between the two pat terns to the left of the sign :: given in the question. Find the 
correct alternatives. 
6.       BEGK: ADFJ :: PSVY : ? 
 (A) LOQT  (B)   ROUX  (C)  OTUZ  (D)   ORUX 
7. A B C D : N P R T : : F G H I : ? 
 (A) K L M N  (B) O Q R T   (C) R T U W  (D) S U W Y  
 (A)  LAUNCH        (B) DEBATE  (C)  LABOUR        (D) RESULT 
9. aCE : bdF :: fhJ : ? 
 (A) ghk   (B) gik   (C)  dfH   (D) fhL 
10. Menu: Food:: Catalogue: ? 
 (A)   Rack  (B)  Newspaper  (C)   Library  (D)   Books 
 Direction : In Question no. 11 to 15, there are four terms in each question. The terms left to the 
symbol: : have the same relationship as the two terms to the right of symbol:: out of four terms 
one is missing which is one of the four alternative given, select and write the correct one in the 
answer sheet. 
11. Teacher: Student:: Doctor: ? 
 (A) Hospital  (B) Nurse  (C) Patient  (D)  Pathology 
12. Feather: Soft:: Glass:? 
 (A) Black  (B) White  (C)  Light  (D) Hard 
13. Sky: Cloud:: Water:? 
 (A)  River  (B) Steam  (C) Ice   (D) Hot 
14. Bird: Flying:: Animal: ? 
 (A) Running  (B) Flying  (C) Walking  (D) Crying 
15. Court: Justice:: School:? 
 (A)   Teacher         (B) Education   (C) Ignorance    (D) Student 
Page 4

Y'fj 'R Shillct, .
lffia,:rr c.nTs : SENT - 10
crtf 2016-2017
T-- -
Printed No. on Answer Sheet Seal ofExarnination Centre
; '1il~n'if "'1 311",lfi'f;
f.Til'Bofi.'" \,kIRH
\WT - I-QI~r~",,; <itn«rr .
~ - 45 fir;R: (11.001111.45 'l'if <I'!»
\WT - II - '1T'lT.rru tW8!T
~ - 45 fTffi: (12.001112.45 'l'if <I'!»
\WT - III -#'~ <itn«rr t!U8!T
~ - 1.30 >i21~ 1.00 11 2.30 'l'if <I'!>
t!U~ <lITf.$r
'it# ffrrj S'<~m<nTwq~ rZ, ~ "flG fflf '"
3ff( ~ "R'II mnI q;f ;-
1. >1'1"l, fr;tiTq 1('i ij<i\'l \lf7T i\; ii:n< m'l'!-m'l'! "3U(
'l'I'I' K« t 'IT<;.rul' -'!T'R>13m "3U( u-oif'«l 'WT
i\; out -""'" 'IT lit fqf~ q;f-l %I
2. 1l'R'r; 1('i~"3U( 'IiI"'.'l{ 3l'Rl~ ~'IT-
"" ilK« 7J1( ~ i\; "T:JBn 1;1f~ I
3. WI<iI :M-<f' ~ iI 1;1fu<ii I '('" ~ if 1('li lit
3i<f; fu<ii I
4. 'Ij; 'lit~ iiR 'WIT iI C'fl;;{I "'I .~I "!I'l'T 'IjJ'1 i( 1 if
50 ~FF -qR~- "'W7-RfT ~. lJ"!.~ ~ I ffr~fl;l-i 'TIll -q"
Tune - 45 Minutes (l1.00 to \1451'.1\'1.)
Max. Marks - 50
Tune -45 Minutes (l2.00to l7..45 P~'I.)
Max. Marks - 50
Tune - I hour 30 minutes 1.00 to 2.30 1'.lvl.
Max. Marks - 100
Read the loUon'ing instructions care/lilly before
you answer the questions on Answer Sheet :..
J. The answer sheets for Part-l, Pan-II &
Part-HI arc different. Remember you have III
mark you answer on related anSWTr sheet
2. Write Roll No. as given in admission card oilihis
Question paper as ",,'ellas on the Answer shect.
3. \Vrilc all the Nos. in English numbers on I).: ..•... Vrire
only one digit in om: block.
4. This question paper cOlltains three pans. 1-1),11"1
contains I-50 questions (1f ITlt:nt.J1 abllity_ II-parr
contains I-50 questions in Hilldl l:ln,~~Lla~~l: and
1 <1 50 >f'A ~ 'If'I1 <1;-f v:<i 1 <1 50 >f'A ~
'If'I1 <1;-f I f",wf>l<.'i aa..m " ~ ~ 'llT'IT
q;r~~t aJ~«Tit ~«T ~I~
jr{ 'fT'l1"ii m'iRl <1 <f<f{ ~ 'ITWI TIll:R>mlO
<'lR 'l{ ;,if'!>" i'fiB1.~litBt 'WI -if -itt~ ${ctl
'Iil~n <1;-1 11 100 >f'A f I "H>i\ 'H'l 3lFF!1'1 .~ I
'I~'F "T-l<1;-Fm: 1 3lq; FmWd .~ I
5. ~ <m <f<f{ "l>l ~ at'!> 1Ii;R f'l,'I1 "IRJTff I
6. .~ 'lil~11 <1;- ~ 'WI <1;- ~ ~ 1!'I'l 'til Wn{U1
M '1'0t 13lJ<lq ~ >f'A<1;- fuil .'lRl WFI 1
Ti<ua S'( f-l'1Iful Wfll "l>l ~ ~ I
7. 'ff1I - I (q Hf«.., -.wmrr) <1;- >f'A--q- 0; "ii 11.4 5
'Iii "'" 'lltlT'<l <g.~ q T-d{-~ m~"iiui<I
'wm "hi'll 'ff1I -II - ('IT'IT ofl'U ~) <1;- >f'A-
'I'! "ii 12.45 'Iii "'" 'lltlT'<l <g ~ <f<f{ ~
m~ "ii n-rn <wm m 1 'ff1I-III (~~
-.wmrr ~) <1;- ~ "ii 2.30 'Iii "'" W1T!l
m <f<f{-~ 'l't€l~ "ii "Il'rn mI
8. ~ >f'A- 'I'! "l>l ~ ilOI w <iiT't <nB iii fui\
f<;lrr 1'fll1 t I
9. TnT'0 <!iT oful;-r :
<f<f{ ~ <1;- fu« ai\.1!.".3lR. T,j{ ~ -if ~ >f'A
$ Of'"!. '-'f WI T[it 'ffi: TjffiT -if <l if><l<'I 1.,"h'*'"ii
''l./J'H"I qilfun( I
10. TnT 3if<n<f ~ il; fffi1:~ <iiIMTr-iTffi <ffiol -
~~ -q-, q;r '1'iP1 <lit 1
11. W«l \I'liT{ <1;- <\; <:i"!' <9" (,<:i171 ~f.l<'l<il 3P1
,-aq;;if.rq; ~, ~ 'fiR 3l1R "l>l p:ITq
qfu %1
12 '1""i..,., ~ -
J«il", if11 <1;-'ffi: -.i'lTfiffl <f<f{t~ <1 ~ <f<f{
wt Iif11 "l>lW <f<f{ 3ifil;q -.rn<l~ 3lq; 'W<l
m I 71fi:: ~ <l ~ '*' "!>TR fiI;-it ;;nil fit,,;;
T/Rl ~ f'l,- wwoff "ii lPR "l>l "H',ft <f<f{m
7lT<f!t 3'11< '3l! ~ 3lq; mWI ~ I
13. TnT mz- ~ <fiT -
<i\~ <fiT<f<f{ mo WA il;~ ~f-1""d<g <9
f'l,- <f<f{ mo <1;-GWi 'f"3T 'IT -m1 'If<!'ri~ - 1f'l,
cilct 1'<R, -n<T!8R, >f'A~ "l>l1'<R 3l1Rfl'lffur
'fl'lR 'l{ <Wf;-<Wf; 'R T[itf 1
14. TnT 'lit< il; ::JmlP1 -if m<raRl -
"" m1< "l>l 'J<irtJ 'i!>'(d 1l'1''l lit <f{'(' <1 ,f1o(':niT
~ Inl "I>R, ,,),,) <n "Hct'f<~ 11mT'l1 m
15. ~l:lil¥r<T;~~'~~~
16. ~ j;,i'f(1'1 -if 3'fd>: <l T& f'l;-ffi >i\ f~ qil
wlfu -if >f'A 'I'! <1;- ~ ~ ",) ~'!> 'n-11
"lT1('l1 I
I-50 questions in English Language. The
candidate has to altern!'t this test only in
one language i.e. either in Hindi or in English.
Mark the language opted by you very carefully
on the answer sheet. III part contains 1-100
Questions. All the questions are compulsary.
Each Question carry one mark.
5. Every correct answer will he awarded one mark.
6. Since the time allotted to the two parts of this
Question Papcr is limited, you should make the
best usc of it by not spending too much time on
anyone question.
7. Solve the Part-I (Mental Ability) of the
Question Paper by 11.45 am and related Answer
sheet quickly sum it to the Invi~ilator. Part-II
(Language) paper should be solved by 12,45
pm and Answer sheet submit to the invigilator
Answer sheet Part-III (Scholastic ahility)
should be by 2.30 pm. and answer sheet should
the submitted on previous manncr.
8. The last page of this Question booklet is meant
for Rough work.
9. Method of marking Answer -
To answer aquestion, please darken one bubble
out of the given four, inthe OMRAnswer Sheet
against that question.
10. Use only Black / Blue Ball-point Pen to
mar-k the answer-.
11. Usc of any calculator, lo~ tahles or any other
electronic Gadgets, Mobile phones isprohihited.
12. Valuation procedure -
There arc four alternative answer to aquestion,
only onc of them is correct answcr. If more
then one bubble are darkened for a question, it
will be presumed that the candidate does not
know the correct answer; hence, no mark shall
be awarded.
13. Handing over of Answer Sheet to
Invigilator -
Please ensure that all entries in the answer sheet
are filled up properly i.e. Name, Roll No.,
Signature, Question !looklet No. language, etc.
14. Care in Handling the answer sheet -
Whilc.using answer sheet adequate care should
be taken not to tear or spoil due to folds or
15. Please return Answer-Sheet to the
invigilator after the test.
16. English version of the question paper will be
considered as final in case of any dispute arising
out of variation on translated version.
NTSE STAGE – 1 (2016) (STATE OF M.P.) 
SENT - 10 
 Direction :  In question nos 1 to 5 there is a number series with one term missing shown 
by question mark (?) This term is one of the alternative given. Choose that number. 
1. 36, ?, 24, 18, 12 
 (A) 22   (B) 28   (C) 38   (D) 30 
2. 1, 1, 4, 8, 9, 27, 16, 64, 25, ? 
 (A) 81   (B) 100   (C) 125   (D) 121 
3. 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ?, 55 
 (A) 25   (B) 49   (C) 36   (D) 34 
4. 80, 78, 75, 71, ?, 60 
 (A) 76   (B) 73   (C) 65   (D) 66 
5. 2, 7, 17, 32, 52, ? 
 (A) 77   (B) 64   (C) 72   (D) 81 
 Direction: In Question no. 6-10, there is a question mark in the blank space and it is only 
one of the four alternatives given under the question which satisfies the same relation as 
is found between the two pat terns to the left of the sign :: given in the question. Find the 
correct alternatives. 
6.       BEGK: ADFJ :: PSVY : ? 
 (A) LOQT  (B)   ROUX  (C)  OTUZ  (D)   ORUX 
7. A B C D : N P R T : : F G H I : ? 
 (A) K L M N  (B) O Q R T   (C) R T U W  (D) S U W Y  
 (A)  LAUNCH        (B) DEBATE  (C)  LABOUR        (D) RESULT 
9. aCE : bdF :: fhJ : ? 
 (A) ghk   (B) gik   (C)  dfH   (D) fhL 
10. Menu: Food:: Catalogue: ? 
 (A)   Rack  (B)  Newspaper  (C)   Library  (D)   Books 
 Direction : In Question no. 11 to 15, there are four terms in each question. The terms left to the 
symbol: : have the same relationship as the two terms to the right of symbol:: out of four terms 
one is missing which is one of the four alternative given, select and write the correct one in the 
answer sheet. 
11. Teacher: Student:: Doctor: ? 
 (A) Hospital  (B) Nurse  (C) Patient  (D)  Pathology 
12. Feather: Soft:: Glass:? 
 (A) Black  (B) White  (C)  Light  (D) Hard 
13. Sky: Cloud:: Water:? 
 (A)  River  (B) Steam  (C) Ice   (D) Hot 
14. Bird: Flying:: Animal: ? 
 (A) Running  (B) Flying  (C) Walking  (D) Crying 
15. Court: Justice:: School:? 
 (A)   Teacher         (B) Education   (C) Ignorance    (D) Student 
16. Satyajit Ray is related to films in the same way as Picasso is related to  
 (A)  Literature  (B) Drama  (C) Poetry  (D)   Painting 
17. Find the relationship -  
 Lucknow: Patna: Bhopal: Jaipur: ? 
 (A)   Indore  (B)   Mysore  (C)   Pune  (D) Shimla 
18. Which of the following does not be long to others? 
 (A)   Tomato          (B)   Mango  (C)   Guava  (D)   Papaya  
19. If today is Sunday, after 90 days it will be....  
 (A)   Friday  (B)   Saturday  (C)   Sunday              (D)   Monday 
20. Pointing to a lady, a man said "The son of her only brother is the brother of my wife". How is the 
lady related to the man?  
 (A)   Mother's sister           (B) Grandmother   
 (C) Sister of father-in-law   (D) Maternal aunt 
21. Raza said "This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother". Who is Raza to the girl? 
 (A)   Father  (B)   Grandfather (C)   Husband         (D) Father-in-law 
22.  If the 2nd September 2016 was Friday. How many Friday were there in the month? 
 (A)   3   (B) 4   (C)   5   (D)  None of these 
23. Sara is older than Mala. Gopal is older than Mala but younger than Sara. Kapil is younger than 
Ram and Mala. Mala is older than Ram.  Who is the eldest? 
 (A) Sara  (B)   Mala  (C)   Kapil  (D)   Gopal 
24. You go north, turn right, then right again and then go the left. In which direction are you now? 
 (A)   North  (B)   South  (C) East       (D) West      
25.     In the given words find the odd one out 
 (A)   Winter  (B)   Summer  (C)   Spring           (D) Cloud  
 Question no. 26 to 30 have a series with three figures. Bearing series in mind, pickup the fourth 
correct figure from the answer figure. 
          A                   B                     C                     D 
          A                   B                     C                     D 
Page 5

Y'fj 'R Shillct, .
lffia,:rr c.nTs : SENT - 10
crtf 2016-2017
T-- -
Printed No. on Answer Sheet Seal ofExarnination Centre
; '1il~n'if "'1 311",lfi'f;
f.Til'Bofi.'" \,kIRH
\WT - I-QI~r~",,; <itn«rr .
~ - 45 fir;R: (11.001111.45 'l'if <I'!»
\WT - II - '1T'lT.rru tW8!T
~ - 45 fTffi: (12.001112.45 'l'if <I'!»
\WT - III -#'~ <itn«rr t!U8!T
~ - 1.30 >i21~ 1.00 11 2.30 'l'if <I'!>
t!U~ <lITf.$r
'it# ffrrj S'<~m<nTwq~ rZ, ~ "flG fflf '"
3ff( ~ "R'II mnI q;f ;-
1. >1'1"l, fr;tiTq 1('i ij<i\'l \lf7T i\; ii:n< m'l'!-m'l'! "3U(
'l'I'I' K« t 'IT<;.rul' -'!T'R>13m "3U( u-oif'«l 'WT
i\; out -""'" 'IT lit fqf~ q;f-l %I
2. 1l'R'r; 1('i~"3U( 'IiI"'.'l{ 3l'Rl~ ~'IT-
"" ilK« 7J1( ~ i\; "T:JBn 1;1f~ I
3. WI<iI :M-<f' ~ iI 1;1fu<ii I '('" ~ if 1('li lit
3i<f; fu<ii I
4. 'Ij; 'lit~ iiR 'WIT iI C'fl;;{I "'I .~I "!I'l'T 'IjJ'1 i( 1 if
50 ~FF -qR~- "'W7-RfT ~. lJ"!.~ ~ I ffr~fl;l-i 'TIll -q"
Tune - 45 Minutes (l1.00 to \1451'.1\'1.)
Max. Marks - 50
Tune -45 Minutes (l2.00to l7..45 P~'I.)
Max. Marks - 50
Tune - I hour 30 minutes 1.00 to 2.30 1'.lvl.
Max. Marks - 100
Read the loUon'ing instructions care/lilly before
you answer the questions on Answer Sheet :..
J. The answer sheets for Part-l, Pan-II &
Part-HI arc different. Remember you have III
mark you answer on related anSWTr sheet
2. Write Roll No. as given in admission card oilihis
Question paper as ",,'ellas on the Answer shect.
3. \Vrilc all the Nos. in English numbers on I).: ..•... Vrire
only one digit in om: block.
4. This question paper cOlltains three pans. 1-1),11"1
contains I-50 questions (1f ITlt:nt.J1 abllity_ II-parr
contains I-50 questions in Hilldl l:ln,~~Lla~~l: and
1 <1 50 >f'A ~ 'If'I1 <1;-f v:<i 1 <1 50 >f'A ~
'If'I1 <1;-f I f",wf>l<.'i aa..m " ~ ~ 'llT'IT
q;r~~t aJ~«Tit ~«T ~I~
jr{ 'fT'l1"ii m'iRl <1 <f<f{ ~ 'ITWI TIll:R>mlO
<'lR 'l{ ;,if'!>" i'fiB1.~litBt 'WI -if -itt~ ${ctl
'Iil~n <1;-1 11 100 >f'A f I "H>i\ 'H'l 3lFF!1'1 .~ I
'I~'F "T-l<1;-Fm: 1 3lq; FmWd .~ I
5. ~ <m <f<f{ "l>l ~ at'!> 1Ii;R f'l,'I1 "IRJTff I
6. .~ 'lil~11 <1;- ~ 'WI <1;- ~ ~ 1!'I'l 'til Wn{U1
M '1'0t 13lJ<lq ~ >f'A<1;- fuil .'lRl WFI 1
Ti<ua S'( f-l'1Iful Wfll "l>l ~ ~ I
7. 'ff1I - I (q Hf«.., -.wmrr) <1;- >f'A--q- 0; "ii 11.4 5
'Iii "'" 'lltlT'<l <g.~ q T-d{-~ m~"iiui<I
'wm "hi'll 'ff1I -II - ('IT'IT ofl'U ~) <1;- >f'A-
'I'! "ii 12.45 'Iii "'" 'lltlT'<l <g ~ <f<f{ ~
m~ "ii n-rn <wm m 1 'ff1I-III (~~
-.wmrr ~) <1;- ~ "ii 2.30 'Iii "'" W1T!l
m <f<f{-~ 'l't€l~ "ii "Il'rn mI
8. ~ >f'A- 'I'! "l>l ~ ilOI w <iiT't <nB iii fui\
f<;lrr 1'fll1 t I
9. TnT'0 <!iT oful;-r :
<f<f{ ~ <1;- fu« ai\.1!.".3lR. T,j{ ~ -if ~ >f'A
$ Of'"!. '-'f WI T[it 'ffi: TjffiT -if <l if><l<'I 1.,"h'*'"ii
''l./J'H"I qilfun( I
10. TnT 3if<n<f ~ il; fffi1:~ <iiIMTr-iTffi <ffiol -
~~ -q-, q;r '1'iP1 <lit 1
11. W«l \I'liT{ <1;- <\; <:i"!' <9" (,<:i171 ~f.l<'l<il 3P1
,-aq;;if.rq; ~, ~ 'fiR 3l1R "l>l p:ITq
qfu %1
12 '1""i..,., ~ -
J«il", if11 <1;-'ffi: -.i'lTfiffl <f<f{t~ <1 ~ <f<f{
wt Iif11 "l>lW <f<f{ 3ifil;q -.rn<l~ 3lq; 'W<l
m I 71fi:: ~ <l ~ '*' "!>TR fiI;-it ;;nil fit,,;;
T/Rl ~ f'l,- wwoff "ii lPR "l>l "H',ft <f<f{m
7lT<f!t 3'11< '3l! ~ 3lq; mWI ~ I
13. TnT mz- ~ <fiT -
<i\~ <fiT<f<f{ mo WA il;~ ~f-1""d<g <9
f'l,- <f<f{ mo <1;-GWi 'f"3T 'IT -m1 'If<!'ri~ - 1f'l,
cilct 1'<R, -n<T!8R, >f'A~ "l>l1'<R 3l1Rfl'lffur
'fl'lR 'l{ <Wf;-<Wf; 'R T[itf 1
14. TnT 'lit< il; ::JmlP1 -if m<raRl -
"" m1< "l>l 'J<irtJ 'i!>'(d 1l'1''l lit <f{'(' <1 ,f1o(':niT
~ Inl "I>R, ,,),,) <n "Hct'f<~ 11mT'l1 m
15. ~l:lil¥r<T;~~'~~~
16. ~ j;,i'f(1'1 -if 3'fd>: <l T& f'l;-ffi >i\ f~ qil
wlfu -if >f'A 'I'! <1;- ~ ~ ",) ~'!> 'n-11
"lT1('l1 I
I-50 questions in English Language. The
candidate has to altern!'t this test only in
one language i.e. either in Hindi or in English.
Mark the language opted by you very carefully
on the answer sheet. III part contains 1-100
Questions. All the questions are compulsary.
Each Question carry one mark.
5. Every correct answer will he awarded one mark.
6. Since the time allotted to the two parts of this
Question Papcr is limited, you should make the
best usc of it by not spending too much time on
anyone question.
7. Solve the Part-I (Mental Ability) of the
Question Paper by 11.45 am and related Answer
sheet quickly sum it to the Invi~ilator. Part-II
(Language) paper should be solved by 12,45
pm and Answer sheet submit to the invigilator
Answer sheet Part-III (Scholastic ahility)
should be by 2.30 pm. and answer sheet should
the submitted on previous manncr.
8. The last page of this Question booklet is meant
for Rough work.
9. Method of marking Answer -
To answer aquestion, please darken one bubble
out of the given four, inthe OMRAnswer Sheet
against that question.
10. Use only Black / Blue Ball-point Pen to
mar-k the answer-.
11. Usc of any calculator, lo~ tahles or any other
electronic Gadgets, Mobile phones isprohihited.
12. Valuation procedure -
There arc four alternative answer to aquestion,
only onc of them is correct answcr. If more
then one bubble are darkened for a question, it
will be presumed that the candidate does not
know the correct answer; hence, no mark shall
be awarded.
13. Handing over of Answer Sheet to
Invigilator -
Please ensure that all entries in the answer sheet
are filled up properly i.e. Name, Roll No.,
Signature, Question !looklet No. language, etc.
14. Care in Handling the answer sheet -
Whilc.using answer sheet adequate care should
be taken not to tear or spoil due to folds or
15. Please return Answer-Sheet to the
invigilator after the test.
16. English version of the question paper will be
considered as final in case of any dispute arising
out of variation on translated version.
NTSE STAGE – 1 (2016) (STATE OF M.P.) 
SENT - 10 
 Direction :  In question nos 1 to 5 there is a number series with one term missing shown 
by question mark (?) This term is one of the alternative given. Choose that number. 
1. 36, ?, 24, 18, 12 
 (A) 22   (B) 28   (C) 38   (D) 30 
2. 1, 1, 4, 8, 9, 27, 16, 64, 25, ? 
 (A) 81   (B) 100   (C) 125   (D) 121 
3. 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ?, 55 
 (A) 25   (B) 49   (C) 36   (D) 34 
4. 80, 78, 75, 71, ?, 60 
 (A) 76   (B) 73   (C) 65   (D) 66 
5. 2, 7, 17, 32, 52, ? 
 (A) 77   (B) 64   (C) 72   (D) 81 
 Direction: In Question no. 6-10, there is a question mark in the blank space and it is only 
one of the four alternatives given under the question which satisfies the same relation as 
is found between the two pat terns to the left of the sign :: given in the question. Find the 
correct alternatives. 
6.       BEGK: ADFJ :: PSVY : ? 
 (A) LOQT  (B)   ROUX  (C)  OTUZ  (D)   ORUX 
7. A B C D : N P R T : : F G H I : ? 
 (A) K L M N  (B) O Q R T   (C) R T U W  (D) S U W Y  
 (A)  LAUNCH        (B) DEBATE  (C)  LABOUR        (D) RESULT 
9. aCE : bdF :: fhJ : ? 
 (A) ghk   (B) gik   (C)  dfH   (D) fhL 
10. Menu: Food:: Catalogue: ? 
 (A)   Rack  (B)  Newspaper  (C)   Library  (D)   Books 
 Direction : In Question no. 11 to 15, there are four terms in each question. The terms left to the 
symbol: : have the same relationship as the two terms to the right of symbol:: out of four terms 
one is missing which is one of the four alternative given, select and write the correct one in the 
answer sheet. 
11. Teacher: Student:: Doctor: ? 
 (A) Hospital  (B) Nurse  (C) Patient  (D)  Pathology 
12. Feather: Soft:: Glass:? 
 (A) Black  (B) White  (C)  Light  (D) Hard 
13. Sky: Cloud:: Water:? 
 (A)  River  (B) Steam  (C) Ice   (D) Hot 
14. Bird: Flying:: Animal: ? 
 (A) Running  (B) Flying  (C) Walking  (D) Crying 
15. Court: Justice:: School:? 
 (A)   Teacher         (B) Education   (C) Ignorance    (D) Student 
16. Satyajit Ray is related to films in the same way as Picasso is related to  
 (A)  Literature  (B) Drama  (C) Poetry  (D)   Painting 
17. Find the relationship -  
 Lucknow: Patna: Bhopal: Jaipur: ? 
 (A)   Indore  (B)   Mysore  (C)   Pune  (D) Shimla 
18. Which of the following does not be long to others? 
 (A)   Tomato          (B)   Mango  (C)   Guava  (D)   Papaya  
19. If today is Sunday, after 90 days it will be....  
 (A)   Friday  (B)   Saturday  (C)   Sunday              (D)   Monday 
20. Pointing to a lady, a man said "The son of her only brother is the brother of my wife". How is the 
lady related to the man?  
 (A)   Mother's sister           (B) Grandmother   
 (C) Sister of father-in-law   (D) Maternal aunt 
21. Raza said "This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother". Who is Raza to the girl? 
 (A)   Father  (B)   Grandfather (C)   Husband         (D) Father-in-law 
22.  If the 2nd September 2016 was Friday. How many Friday were there in the month? 
 (A)   3   (B) 4   (C)   5   (D)  None of these 
23. Sara is older than Mala. Gopal is older than Mala but younger than Sara. Kapil is younger than 
Ram and Mala. Mala is older than Ram.  Who is the eldest? 
 (A) Sara  (B)   Mala  (C)   Kapil  (D)   Gopal 
24. You go north, turn right, then right again and then go the left. In which direction are you now? 
 (A)   North  (B)   South  (C) East       (D) West      
25.     In the given words find the odd one out 
 (A)   Winter  (B)   Summer  (C)   Spring           (D) Cloud  
 Question no. 26 to 30 have a series with three figures. Bearing series in mind, pickup the fourth 
correct figure from the answer figure. 
          A                   B                     C                     D 
          A                   B                     C                     D 
          A                   B                     C                     D 
          A                   B                     C                     D 
          A                   B                     C                     D 
Direction: On the basis of following arrangement give answer of Question no. 31 and 32. 
 7, 8, 9, 7, 6, 5, 3, 4, 2, 8, 9, 7, 2, 4, 5, 9, 2, 9, 7, 6, 4, 7 
31.     How many 7s are preceded by 9 and followed by 6 
 (A)   2   (B)   3           (C)   4   (D)   5 
32. Which figure has equal frequency? 
 (A)   2, 5, 3           (B) 2, 4, 5  (C) 3, 7, 5           (D)   8, 6, 5 
33.     Which is correct missing letter? 
 (A)   P   (B)   R   (C)   S   (D)   V 
34.     What is (?) missing number 
 (A) 38   (B) 39   (C)   40   (D)   44 
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Sample Paper




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LANG & SAT) - 2016-17 | NTSE for Class 10


Viva Questions
