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Class 11 Political Science Previous Year Paper - 1 | Political Science Class 11 - Humanities/Arts PDF Download

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 Page 1

Date:                               Class: XI 
Political Science(028) 
Time: 3 hrs.                                                       M. M: 100 
General Instructions: 
i) All questions are compulsory. 
ii) Question numbers 1 to 5 are of 1 mark each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
20 words each. 
iii) Question numbers 6 to 10 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
40 words each. 
iv) Question numbers 11 to 16 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not 
exceed 100 words each. 
v) Question numbers 17-21 are of 5 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
150 words each. 
v) Question numbers 22-27 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
150 words each. 
What was the stand of Motilal Nehru Report on Universal Adult Franchise? 
2 Which part of the Indian constitution mentions the number of members to be elected to the Rajya 
Sabha from each State? 
3 What was Voltaire’s stand on freedom of expression? 
4 Who are refugees? 
5 Why Friedrich Nietzsche did not value peace? 
6 What are Directive Principles of State Policy? Why were they incorporated in the Indian 
7 Mention any two conditions when the Lok Sabha can be dissolved before the completion of two 
8 Explain briefly any two limitations of the Indian constitution.    
9 According to Rawls, what is the merit of ‘veil of ignorance’? 
10 What was MOSOP? Which famous personality of Nigeria is associated with it? 
11 Discuss the functions of a constitution in the Indian context.  
12 Critically analyse the proposal to have an elected administration instead of an appointed 
13 Discuss briefly the provisions of the 74
 amendment act.                                                                                 
14 Discuss J.S.Mill’s Harm Principle. How do you associate it with the term ‘reasonable 
15 Differentiate between free market and state intervention as policies to ensure social justice. 
Page 2

Date:                               Class: XI 
Political Science(028) 
Time: 3 hrs.                                                       M. M: 100 
General Instructions: 
i) All questions are compulsory. 
ii) Question numbers 1 to 5 are of 1 mark each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
20 words each. 
iii) Question numbers 6 to 10 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
40 words each. 
iv) Question numbers 11 to 16 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not 
exceed 100 words each. 
v) Question numbers 17-21 are of 5 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
150 words each. 
v) Question numbers 22-27 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
150 words each. 
What was the stand of Motilal Nehru Report on Universal Adult Franchise? 
2 Which part of the Indian constitution mentions the number of members to be elected to the Rajya 
Sabha from each State? 
3 What was Voltaire’s stand on freedom of expression? 
4 Who are refugees? 
5 Why Friedrich Nietzsche did not value peace? 
6 What are Directive Principles of State Policy? Why were they incorporated in the Indian 
7 Mention any two conditions when the Lok Sabha can be dissolved before the completion of two 
8 Explain briefly any two limitations of the Indian constitution.    
9 According to Rawls, what is the merit of ‘veil of ignorance’? 
10 What was MOSOP? Which famous personality of Nigeria is associated with it? 
11 Discuss the functions of a constitution in the Indian context.  
12 Critically analyse the proposal to have an elected administration instead of an appointed 
13 Discuss briefly the provisions of the 74
 amendment act.                                                                                 
14 Discuss J.S.Mill’s Harm Principle. How do you associate it with the term ‘reasonable 
15 Differentiate between free market and state intervention as policies to ensure social justice. 
16 Concept of global citizenship is fast gaining popularity. Discuss why has it become so essential to 
encourage people to think as global citizens.  
17 The foremost right among rights to freedom is the right to life and personal liberty. No citizen can 
be denied his or her life except by procedure as laid down under the law. Similarly no one can be 
denied his/her personal liberty.  
Discuss how the scope of right to life and liberty has expanded over the years. Do you think the 
provision for preventive detention contradicts the right to life and personal liberty? Comment.  
Answer the following questions based on the above cartoon. 
i) What does the cartoon signify? 
ii) Why do you think leaders fear the election commission? 
iii) Do you think this fear is good for democracy? Why? 
Page 3

Date:                               Class: XI 
Political Science(028) 
Time: 3 hrs.                                                       M. M: 100 
General Instructions: 
i) All questions are compulsory. 
ii) Question numbers 1 to 5 are of 1 mark each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
20 words each. 
iii) Question numbers 6 to 10 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
40 words each. 
iv) Question numbers 11 to 16 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not 
exceed 100 words each. 
v) Question numbers 17-21 are of 5 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
150 words each. 
v) Question numbers 22-27 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
150 words each. 
What was the stand of Motilal Nehru Report on Universal Adult Franchise? 
2 Which part of the Indian constitution mentions the number of members to be elected to the Rajya 
Sabha from each State? 
3 What was Voltaire’s stand on freedom of expression? 
4 Who are refugees? 
5 Why Friedrich Nietzsche did not value peace? 
6 What are Directive Principles of State Policy? Why were they incorporated in the Indian 
7 Mention any two conditions when the Lok Sabha can be dissolved before the completion of two 
8 Explain briefly any two limitations of the Indian constitution.    
9 According to Rawls, what is the merit of ‘veil of ignorance’? 
10 What was MOSOP? Which famous personality of Nigeria is associated with it? 
11 Discuss the functions of a constitution in the Indian context.  
12 Critically analyse the proposal to have an elected administration instead of an appointed 
13 Discuss briefly the provisions of the 74
 amendment act.                                                                                 
14 Discuss J.S.Mill’s Harm Principle. How do you associate it with the term ‘reasonable 
15 Differentiate between free market and state intervention as policies to ensure social justice. 
16 Concept of global citizenship is fast gaining popularity. Discuss why has it become so essential to 
encourage people to think as global citizens.  
17 The foremost right among rights to freedom is the right to life and personal liberty. No citizen can 
be denied his or her life except by procedure as laid down under the law. Similarly no one can be 
denied his/her personal liberty.  
Discuss how the scope of right to life and liberty has expanded over the years. Do you think the 
provision for preventive detention contradicts the right to life and personal liberty? Comment.  
Answer the following questions based on the above cartoon. 
i) What does the cartoon signify? 
ii) Why do you think leaders fear the election commission? 
iii) Do you think this fear is good for democracy? Why? 
Answer the following questions based on the above cartoon. 
i) What does the cartoon signify? 
ii) Give a brief summary of development in India after independence.  
iii) What changes has the concept of development undergone over the years? 
20 In the 17
 and 18
 centuries, political theorists argued that rights are given to us by nature or 
God. The rights of men were derived from natural law…..In recent years the term human rights is 
being used more than the term natural rights. 
Why do you think rights are increasingly seen as guarantees that human beings themselves seek or 
arrive at in order to lead a minimally good life?   
21 Virtually every state in the world today faces the dilemma of how to deal with movements for self-
determination and this has raised questions about the right to national self-determination. More 
and more people are beginning to realise that the solution does not lie in creating new states but 
What do you think is the solution for the above problem? Why do you think the idea of one 
culture one state should be abandoned? 
22 What do we study in political theory? What are the objectives of the same?  
Discuss the different ways to promote equality. On what grounds can the policy of affirmative 
action be justified? 
23 What are the important provisions in the constitution which create a strong central government? 
Explain the lawmaking procedure in the Parliament.  
24  Critically analyse the Indian model of secularism. 
  Discuss the principles of justice. 
25 Discuss Mahatma Gandhi’s views on non-violence and its relevance in contemporary world.  
The development models adopted by different countries in the world have come under a great deal 
of criticism. What are these criticisms? What are the alternative conceptions of development?           
26 The Supreme Court of India is one of the very powerful courts anywhere in the world. The 
functions and responsibilities of the Supreme Court are defined by the constitution.  
 Explain the above statement with reference to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India.                           
Which article deals with the amendment procedure? Discuss its important features.   
27 Differentiate between the FPTP system and the Proportional Representation systems of elections. 
Do you think India needs to change its system of election? Why? 
What are the rights covered under Right to Equality in the list of Fundamental Rights? Critically 
analyse whether these rights been effective in removing inequality in the Indian society. 
Page 4

Date:                               Class: XI 
Political Science(028) 
Time: 3 hrs.                                                       M. M: 100 
General Instructions: 
i) All questions are compulsory. 
ii) Question numbers 1 to 5 are of 1 mark each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
20 words each. 
iii) Question numbers 6 to 10 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
40 words each. 
iv) Question numbers 11 to 16 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not 
exceed 100 words each. 
v) Question numbers 17-21 are of 5 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
150 words each. 
v) Question numbers 22-27 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
150 words each. 
What was the stand of Motilal Nehru Report on Universal Adult Franchise? 
2 Which part of the Indian constitution mentions the number of members to be elected to the Rajya 
Sabha from each State? 
3 What was Voltaire’s stand on freedom of expression? 
4 Who are refugees? 
5 Why Friedrich Nietzsche did not value peace? 
6 What are Directive Principles of State Policy? Why were they incorporated in the Indian 
7 Mention any two conditions when the Lok Sabha can be dissolved before the completion of two 
8 Explain briefly any two limitations of the Indian constitution.    
9 According to Rawls, what is the merit of ‘veil of ignorance’? 
10 What was MOSOP? Which famous personality of Nigeria is associated with it? 
11 Discuss the functions of a constitution in the Indian context.  
12 Critically analyse the proposal to have an elected administration instead of an appointed 
13 Discuss briefly the provisions of the 74
 amendment act.                                                                                 
14 Discuss J.S.Mill’s Harm Principle. How do you associate it with the term ‘reasonable 
15 Differentiate between free market and state intervention as policies to ensure social justice. 
16 Concept of global citizenship is fast gaining popularity. Discuss why has it become so essential to 
encourage people to think as global citizens.  
17 The foremost right among rights to freedom is the right to life and personal liberty. No citizen can 
be denied his or her life except by procedure as laid down under the law. Similarly no one can be 
denied his/her personal liberty.  
Discuss how the scope of right to life and liberty has expanded over the years. Do you think the 
provision for preventive detention contradicts the right to life and personal liberty? Comment.  
Answer the following questions based on the above cartoon. 
i) What does the cartoon signify? 
ii) Why do you think leaders fear the election commission? 
iii) Do you think this fear is good for democracy? Why? 
Answer the following questions based on the above cartoon. 
i) What does the cartoon signify? 
ii) Give a brief summary of development in India after independence.  
iii) What changes has the concept of development undergone over the years? 
20 In the 17
 and 18
 centuries, political theorists argued that rights are given to us by nature or 
God. The rights of men were derived from natural law…..In recent years the term human rights is 
being used more than the term natural rights. 
Why do you think rights are increasingly seen as guarantees that human beings themselves seek or 
arrive at in order to lead a minimally good life?   
21 Virtually every state in the world today faces the dilemma of how to deal with movements for self-
determination and this has raised questions about the right to national self-determination. More 
and more people are beginning to realise that the solution does not lie in creating new states but 
What do you think is the solution for the above problem? Why do you think the idea of one 
culture one state should be abandoned? 
22 What do we study in political theory? What are the objectives of the same?  
Discuss the different ways to promote equality. On what grounds can the policy of affirmative 
action be justified? 
23 What are the important provisions in the constitution which create a strong central government? 
Explain the lawmaking procedure in the Parliament.  
24  Critically analyse the Indian model of secularism. 
  Discuss the principles of justice. 
25 Discuss Mahatma Gandhi’s views on non-violence and its relevance in contemporary world.  
The development models adopted by different countries in the world have come under a great deal 
of criticism. What are these criticisms? What are the alternative conceptions of development?           
26 The Supreme Court of India is one of the very powerful courts anywhere in the world. The 
functions and responsibilities of the Supreme Court are defined by the constitution.  
 Explain the above statement with reference to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India.                           
Which article deals with the amendment procedure? Discuss its important features.   
27 Differentiate between the FPTP system and the Proportional Representation systems of elections. 
Do you think India needs to change its system of election? Why? 
What are the rights covered under Right to Equality in the list of Fundamental Rights? Critically 
analyse whether these rights been effective in removing inequality in the Indian society. 
Political Science(028) (Answer Key) 
Date:                       Class: XI 
Time: 3 hrs.                                                M. M: 100 
General Instructions: 
i) All questions are compulsory. 
ii) Question numbers 1 to 5 are of 1 mark each. The answers to these questions should not 
exceed 20 words each. 
iii) Question numbers 6 to 10 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not 
exceed 40 words each. 
iv) Question numbers 11 to 16 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not 
exceed 100 words each. 
v) Question numbers 17-21 are of 5 marks each. The answers to these questions should not 
exceed 150 words each. 
v) Question numbers 22-27 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not 
exceed 150 words each. 
What was the stand of Motilal Nehru Report on Universal Adult Franchise? 
Every person of either sex who has attained the age of twenty-one is entitled to vote for the 
House of Representatives or Parliament.  
Which part of the Indian constitution mentions the number of members to be elected to 
the Rajya Sabha from each State? 
What was Voltaire’s stand on freedom of expression? 
I disapprove of what you say but I will defendto death your right to say it.  
Who are refugees? 
Illegal migrants, not granted citizenship by any state. 
Why Friedrich Nietzsche did not value peace? 
He believed only conflict could facilitate the growth of civilizartion. 
What are Directive Principles of State Policy? Why were they incorporated in the 
Indian constitution? 
Guidelines those are non-justiciable. So that the moral force behind these guidelines would 
ensure that the government would take them seriously. Also, the people would also hold the 
govts responsible for implementing these directives.  
Mention any two conditions when the Lok Sabha can be dissolved before the completion 
of two years. 
1. If no party or coalition can form the govt 
2. If the PM advices the President to dissolve the Lok Sabha and hold fresh elections.  
Explain briefly any two limitations of the Indian constitution. 
• Has a centralized idea of national unity. 
• It has ignored important issues of gender justice, especially within family. 
• Certain socio economic rights have been downgraded to the status of Directive 
Principles and not made part of Fundamental Rights.     
According to Rawls, what is the merit of ‘veil of ignorance’? 
It expects people to just be their rational selves, they are expected to think for themselves and 
choose what they regard to be in their interests.  
What was MOSOP? Which famous personality of Nigeria is associated with it? 
Movement for the survival of the Ogoni people.- an open grassroots community based pol 
movt. Ken Saro Wiwa.  
Discuss the functions of a constitution in the Indian context.  
• The first function of a constitution is to provide a set of basic rules that allow for 
minimal coordination amongst members of a society.  
• The second function of a constitution is to specify who has the power to make 
Page 5

Date:                               Class: XI 
Political Science(028) 
Time: 3 hrs.                                                       M. M: 100 
General Instructions: 
i) All questions are compulsory. 
ii) Question numbers 1 to 5 are of 1 mark each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
20 words each. 
iii) Question numbers 6 to 10 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
40 words each. 
iv) Question numbers 11 to 16 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not 
exceed 100 words each. 
v) Question numbers 17-21 are of 5 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
150 words each. 
v) Question numbers 22-27 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 
150 words each. 
What was the stand of Motilal Nehru Report on Universal Adult Franchise? 
2 Which part of the Indian constitution mentions the number of members to be elected to the Rajya 
Sabha from each State? 
3 What was Voltaire’s stand on freedom of expression? 
4 Who are refugees? 
5 Why Friedrich Nietzsche did not value peace? 
6 What are Directive Principles of State Policy? Why were they incorporated in the Indian 
7 Mention any two conditions when the Lok Sabha can be dissolved before the completion of two 
8 Explain briefly any two limitations of the Indian constitution.    
9 According to Rawls, what is the merit of ‘veil of ignorance’? 
10 What was MOSOP? Which famous personality of Nigeria is associated with it? 
11 Discuss the functions of a constitution in the Indian context.  
12 Critically analyse the proposal to have an elected administration instead of an appointed 
13 Discuss briefly the provisions of the 74
 amendment act.                                                                                 
14 Discuss J.S.Mill’s Harm Principle. How do you associate it with the term ‘reasonable 
15 Differentiate between free market and state intervention as policies to ensure social justice. 
16 Concept of global citizenship is fast gaining popularity. Discuss why has it become so essential to 
encourage people to think as global citizens.  
17 The foremost right among rights to freedom is the right to life and personal liberty. No citizen can 
be denied his or her life except by procedure as laid down under the law. Similarly no one can be 
denied his/her personal liberty.  
Discuss how the scope of right to life and liberty has expanded over the years. Do you think the 
provision for preventive detention contradicts the right to life and personal liberty? Comment.  
Answer the following questions based on the above cartoon. 
i) What does the cartoon signify? 
ii) Why do you think leaders fear the election commission? 
iii) Do you think this fear is good for democracy? Why? 
Answer the following questions based on the above cartoon. 
i) What does the cartoon signify? 
ii) Give a brief summary of development in India after independence.  
iii) What changes has the concept of development undergone over the years? 
20 In the 17
 and 18
 centuries, political theorists argued that rights are given to us by nature or 
God. The rights of men were derived from natural law…..In recent years the term human rights is 
being used more than the term natural rights. 
Why do you think rights are increasingly seen as guarantees that human beings themselves seek or 
arrive at in order to lead a minimally good life?   
21 Virtually every state in the world today faces the dilemma of how to deal with movements for self-
determination and this has raised questions about the right to national self-determination. More 
and more people are beginning to realise that the solution does not lie in creating new states but 
What do you think is the solution for the above problem? Why do you think the idea of one 
culture one state should be abandoned? 
22 What do we study in political theory? What are the objectives of the same?  
Discuss the different ways to promote equality. On what grounds can the policy of affirmative 
action be justified? 
23 What are the important provisions in the constitution which create a strong central government? 
Explain the lawmaking procedure in the Parliament.  
24  Critically analyse the Indian model of secularism. 
  Discuss the principles of justice. 
25 Discuss Mahatma Gandhi’s views on non-violence and its relevance in contemporary world.  
The development models adopted by different countries in the world have come under a great deal 
of criticism. What are these criticisms? What are the alternative conceptions of development?           
26 The Supreme Court of India is one of the very powerful courts anywhere in the world. The 
functions and responsibilities of the Supreme Court are defined by the constitution.  
 Explain the above statement with reference to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India.                           
Which article deals with the amendment procedure? Discuss its important features.   
27 Differentiate between the FPTP system and the Proportional Representation systems of elections. 
Do you think India needs to change its system of election? Why? 
What are the rights covered under Right to Equality in the list of Fundamental Rights? Critically 
analyse whether these rights been effective in removing inequality in the Indian society. 
Political Science(028) (Answer Key) 
Date:                       Class: XI 
Time: 3 hrs.                                                M. M: 100 
General Instructions: 
i) All questions are compulsory. 
ii) Question numbers 1 to 5 are of 1 mark each. The answers to these questions should not 
exceed 20 words each. 
iii) Question numbers 6 to 10 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not 
exceed 40 words each. 
iv) Question numbers 11 to 16 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not 
exceed 100 words each. 
v) Question numbers 17-21 are of 5 marks each. The answers to these questions should not 
exceed 150 words each. 
v) Question numbers 22-27 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not 
exceed 150 words each. 
What was the stand of Motilal Nehru Report on Universal Adult Franchise? 
Every person of either sex who has attained the age of twenty-one is entitled to vote for the 
House of Representatives or Parliament.  
Which part of the Indian constitution mentions the number of members to be elected to 
the Rajya Sabha from each State? 
What was Voltaire’s stand on freedom of expression? 
I disapprove of what you say but I will defendto death your right to say it.  
Who are refugees? 
Illegal migrants, not granted citizenship by any state. 
Why Friedrich Nietzsche did not value peace? 
He believed only conflict could facilitate the growth of civilizartion. 
What are Directive Principles of State Policy? Why were they incorporated in the 
Indian constitution? 
Guidelines those are non-justiciable. So that the moral force behind these guidelines would 
ensure that the government would take them seriously. Also, the people would also hold the 
govts responsible for implementing these directives.  
Mention any two conditions when the Lok Sabha can be dissolved before the completion 
of two years. 
1. If no party or coalition can form the govt 
2. If the PM advices the President to dissolve the Lok Sabha and hold fresh elections.  
Explain briefly any two limitations of the Indian constitution. 
• Has a centralized idea of national unity. 
• It has ignored important issues of gender justice, especially within family. 
• Certain socio economic rights have been downgraded to the status of Directive 
Principles and not made part of Fundamental Rights.     
According to Rawls, what is the merit of ‘veil of ignorance’? 
It expects people to just be their rational selves, they are expected to think for themselves and 
choose what they regard to be in their interests.  
What was MOSOP? Which famous personality of Nigeria is associated with it? 
Movement for the survival of the Ogoni people.- an open grassroots community based pol 
movt. Ken Saro Wiwa.  
Discuss the functions of a constitution in the Indian context.  
• The first function of a constitution is to provide a set of basic rules that allow for 
minimal coordination amongst members of a society.  
• The second function of a constitution is to specify who has the power to make 
decisions in a society. It decides how the governments will the constituted. 
• The third function of a constitution is to set some limits on what a government can 
impose on its citizens. These limits are fundamental in the sense that government may never 
trespass them. 
• The fourth function of a constitution is to enable the government to fulfill the 
aspirations of a society and create conditions for a just society.  
• The constitution expresses the fundamental identity of the people. 
Critically analyse the proposal to have an elected administration instead of an appointed 
Supposed to be accountable but politically neutral. Elected administration under elected 
ministers might lead to conflict. Efficiency and merit are the norms for recruitment. 
Representation. Reservation on the basis of caste and social backwardness. Elected would 
ensure regional balance in representation.  
Discuss briefly the provisions of the 74
 amendment act.  
Deals with urban local bodies or Nagarpalikas.  
1. Three tier structure- All states now have a uniform 3 tier structure.  
2. Elections- All the three levels of Panchayati Raj institutions are directly elected by the 
people. The term of each Panchayat body is 5 years.  
 3. Reservations- 1/3 of the positions in all panchayat institutions are reserved for women. 
Reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are also provided for at all the three 
levels, in proportion to their population.   
4.  Transfer of subjects- 29 subjects, which were earlier in the State list of subjects, are 
identified and listed in the 11th Schedule of the Constitution.  
5. State Election Commissioners- The State govt. is required to appoint a State Election 
Commissioner who would be responsible for conducting elections to the Panchayati Raj 
6. State Finance Commission- The State govt. is required to appoint a State Finance 
Commission once in five years.                                                                                 (any 4) 
Discuss J.S.Mill’s Harm Principle. How do you associate it with the term ‘reasonable 
John Stuart Mill wrote the ‘Harm Principle’ in his essay On Liberty. 
Mill distinguishes between two types of actions- a) ‘self-regarding’ 
actions- actions that have consequences only for the individual actor and 
nobody else.  
b) ‘other regarding ‘actions- those actions that also have consequences for 
With regard to self-regarding actions, the state has no right to interfere. 
Freedom should only be constrained in special circumstances. The ‘harm 
caused’ must be serious. For minor harm Mill recommends only social 
disapproval and not the force of law. Constraining actions by the force of law 
should happen only when the other regarding actions cause serious harm 
to definite individuals. Otherwise society must bear the inconvenience in the 
spirit of protecting freedom.  
This helps imposing justifiable constraints or reasonable restrictions on freedom.  
Differentiate between free market and state intervention as policies to ensure social 
Free market- individuals should be free to own property and enter into contracts and 
agreements with others regarding prices and wages and profits.  
? They should be free to compete with each other to gain the greatest amount of 
? Supporters believe that if markets are left free of state interference the sum of 
market transactions would ensure overall a just distribution of benefits and 
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FAQs on Class 11 Political Science Previous Year Paper - 1 - Political Science Class 11 - Humanities/Arts

1. What is the significance of studying political science in Class 11?
Ans. Studying political science in Class 11 is significant as it provides students with a foundational understanding of the political systems, concepts, and theories that shape our society. It helps students develop critical thinking skills, gain knowledge about political institutions, and comprehend the dynamics of power and governance.
2. What are the main topics covered in the Class 11 political science syllabus?
Ans. The Class 11 political science syllabus usually covers topics such as the Indian Constitution, political theory, political ideologies, international relations, and comparative politics. These topics aim to introduce students to the fundamental principles and concepts of political science.
3. How can studying political science benefit me in the future?
Ans. Studying political science can benefit you in several ways for future endeavors. It equips you with analytical and research skills, enhances your understanding of political processes, and prepares you for careers in government, law, journalism, international relations, and public administration. Additionally, political science fosters a sense of civic responsibility and empowers you to actively engage in political and social issues.
4. What are some recommended study resources for Class 11 political science?
Ans. There are several recommended study resources for Class 11 political science, such as NCERT textbooks, sample papers, previous year question papers, reference books like "Indian Constitution at Work" by N.C. Saxena and "Political Theory" by O.P. Gauba. Online platforms like Khan Academy and also offer video lessons and practice quizzes to supplement your learning.
5. How can I effectively prepare for the Class 11 political science exam?
Ans. To effectively prepare for the Class 11 political science exam, start by understanding the syllabus and exam pattern. Create a study schedule and allocate sufficient time for each topic. Read the textbooks thoroughly, make concise notes, and revise regularly. Practice solving sample papers and previous year question papers to familiarize yourself with the exam format and improve time management. Additionally, seek clarification from your teachers or classmates if you have any doubts or difficulties in understanding certain concepts.
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