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Page 1 Roll Number PSYCHOLOGY CLASS: XII Time Allotted: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. All the questions are compulsory. 2. The Part – A is short answer questions carries 1 mark. 3. The Part – B questions are short answer type questions and each question carries 2 marks. 4. The Part – C questions are Short essay type questions and each question carries 3 marks. 5. The Part – D questions are essay type questions and each question carries 4 marks. 6. Part – e question is a long essay question and carries 6 marks. PART - A 1 ___________ defined the intelligence as the ability to judge well, understand well and reason well. 1 2 _______ Theory assumes that intelligence as one similar set of abilities. 1 3 Sternberg’s notion of contextual intelligence is a product of ___________ 1 4 What is the structural unit of personality for the behaviorist is? 1 5 ___________ Scale has been helpful in assessment of anxiety, hostility, hallucinations, phobias and suicidal impulses. 1 6 The _______ are fat soft and round. 1 7 The measure of stressful life events inventory was developed by _____________ 1 FIRST TERM EXAMINATION SET 1 Page 2 Roll Number PSYCHOLOGY CLASS: XII Time Allotted: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. All the questions are compulsory. 2. The Part – A is short answer questions carries 1 mark. 3. The Part – B questions are short answer type questions and each question carries 2 marks. 4. The Part – C questions are Short essay type questions and each question carries 3 marks. 5. The Part – D questions are essay type questions and each question carries 4 marks. 6. Part – e question is a long essay question and carries 6 marks. PART - A 1 ___________ defined the intelligence as the ability to judge well, understand well and reason well. 1 2 _______ Theory assumes that intelligence as one similar set of abilities. 1 3 Sternberg’s notion of contextual intelligence is a product of ___________ 1 4 What is the structural unit of personality for the behaviorist is? 1 5 ___________ Scale has been helpful in assessment of anxiety, hostility, hallucinations, phobias and suicidal impulses. 1 6 The _______ are fat soft and round. 1 7 The measure of stressful life events inventory was developed by _____________ 1 FIRST TERM EXAMINATION SET 1 8 Disease causing agents are known as ______________ 1 9 What is exorcism? 10 Schizophrenia is due to excess activity of ________ 1 PART - B 11 What is integral intelligence and how it is different from the western concept of technological intelligence? 2 12 Explain the views of Karen Horney on personality and how this views are different from the concept of psychoanalysis? 2 13 What is fixation in psychosexual stages of development? 2 14 “Karan is ready to seek the challenges in daily life and he is facing a good amount of stress and he is not feeling any kind of sickness”? What factors are contributing in behavior of Karan? 2 15 What is resilience? 2 16 Explain diathesis-stress model to explain abnormal behavior? 2 PART -C 17 What are the characteristics of Giftedness? 3 18 Define coping and explain various coping strategies of Endler and Parker? 3 19 What are the various sources of stress explain in detail? 3 20 What is phobia and what are its types explain in detail? 3 PART - D 21 What are the various non directive techniques of personality assessment and explain any four techniques in detail? 4 22 Which of the two, IQ or EQ, do you think would be more related to success in life and why? 4 23 How does the triarchic theory help us to understand intelligence? 4 24 Explain the structure of personality according to Sigmund Freud? 4 25 What are the views of Seyle on stress explain it in relation with GAS theory with graphical representation? 4 26 Explain various approaches to explain abnormal behavior? 4 Page 3 Roll Number PSYCHOLOGY CLASS: XII Time Allotted: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. All the questions are compulsory. 2. The Part – A is short answer questions carries 1 mark. 3. The Part – B questions are short answer type questions and each question carries 2 marks. 4. The Part – C questions are Short essay type questions and each question carries 3 marks. 5. The Part – D questions are essay type questions and each question carries 4 marks. 6. Part – e question is a long essay question and carries 6 marks. PART - A 1 ___________ defined the intelligence as the ability to judge well, understand well and reason well. 1 2 _______ Theory assumes that intelligence as one similar set of abilities. 1 3 Sternberg’s notion of contextual intelligence is a product of ___________ 1 4 What is the structural unit of personality for the behaviorist is? 1 5 ___________ Scale has been helpful in assessment of anxiety, hostility, hallucinations, phobias and suicidal impulses. 1 6 The _______ are fat soft and round. 1 7 The measure of stressful life events inventory was developed by _____________ 1 FIRST TERM EXAMINATION SET 1 8 Disease causing agents are known as ______________ 1 9 What is exorcism? 10 Schizophrenia is due to excess activity of ________ 1 PART - B 11 What is integral intelligence and how it is different from the western concept of technological intelligence? 2 12 Explain the views of Karen Horney on personality and how this views are different from the concept of psychoanalysis? 2 13 What is fixation in psychosexual stages of development? 2 14 “Karan is ready to seek the challenges in daily life and he is facing a good amount of stress and he is not feeling any kind of sickness”? What factors are contributing in behavior of Karan? 2 15 What is resilience? 2 16 Explain diathesis-stress model to explain abnormal behavior? 2 PART -C 17 What are the characteristics of Giftedness? 3 18 Define coping and explain various coping strategies of Endler and Parker? 3 19 What are the various sources of stress explain in detail? 3 20 What is phobia and what are its types explain in detail? 3 PART - D 21 What are the various non directive techniques of personality assessment and explain any four techniques in detail? 4 22 Which of the two, IQ or EQ, do you think would be more related to success in life and why? 4 23 How does the triarchic theory help us to understand intelligence? 4 24 Explain the structure of personality according to Sigmund Freud? 4 25 What are the views of Seyle on stress explain it in relation with GAS theory with graphical representation? 4 26 Explain various approaches to explain abnormal behavior? 4 PART - E 27 What is defense mechanism and what are the different types of defense mechanisms proposed by Sigmund Freud? (OR) What are the views of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers on Personality development explain in detail? 6 28 What are the various stress management techniques and how will you use these techniques in daily life to overcome the stress? (OR) What are Life skills and How these skills will be helpful in overcoming the stress related challenges? 6 End of the Question Paper Page 4 Roll Number PSYCHOLOGY CLASS: XII Time Allotted: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. All the questions are compulsory. 2. The Part – A is short answer questions carries 1 mark. 3. The Part – B questions are short answer type questions and each question carries 2 marks. 4. The Part – C questions are Short essay type questions and each question carries 3 marks. 5. The Part – D questions are essay type questions and each question carries 4 marks. 6. Part – e question is a long essay question and carries 6 marks. PART - A 1 ___________ defined the intelligence as the ability to judge well, understand well and reason well. 1 2 _______ Theory assumes that intelligence as one similar set of abilities. 1 3 Sternberg’s notion of contextual intelligence is a product of ___________ 1 4 What is the structural unit of personality for the behaviorist is? 1 5 ___________ Scale has been helpful in assessment of anxiety, hostility, hallucinations, phobias and suicidal impulses. 1 6 The _______ are fat soft and round. 1 7 The measure of stressful life events inventory was developed by _____________ 1 FIRST TERM EXAMINATION SET 1 8 Disease causing agents are known as ______________ 1 9 What is exorcism? 10 Schizophrenia is due to excess activity of ________ 1 PART - B 11 What is integral intelligence and how it is different from the western concept of technological intelligence? 2 12 Explain the views of Karen Horney on personality and how this views are different from the concept of psychoanalysis? 2 13 What is fixation in psychosexual stages of development? 2 14 “Karan is ready to seek the challenges in daily life and he is facing a good amount of stress and he is not feeling any kind of sickness”? What factors are contributing in behavior of Karan? 2 15 What is resilience? 2 16 Explain diathesis-stress model to explain abnormal behavior? 2 PART -C 17 What are the characteristics of Giftedness? 3 18 Define coping and explain various coping strategies of Endler and Parker? 3 19 What are the various sources of stress explain in detail? 3 20 What is phobia and what are its types explain in detail? 3 PART - D 21 What are the various non directive techniques of personality assessment and explain any four techniques in detail? 4 22 Which of the two, IQ or EQ, do you think would be more related to success in life and why? 4 23 How does the triarchic theory help us to understand intelligence? 4 24 Explain the structure of personality according to Sigmund Freud? 4 25 What are the views of Seyle on stress explain it in relation with GAS theory with graphical representation? 4 26 Explain various approaches to explain abnormal behavior? 4 PART - E 27 What is defense mechanism and what are the different types of defense mechanisms proposed by Sigmund Freud? (OR) What are the views of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers on Personality development explain in detail? 6 28 What are the various stress management techniques and how will you use these techniques in daily life to overcome the stress? (OR) What are Life skills and How these skills will be helpful in overcoming the stress related challenges? 6 End of the Question Paper MID TERM EXAMINATION PSYCHOLOGY ANSWER KEY SET – A SI NO PART - A Marks 1 Alfred Binet 1 2 Uni Factor theory of Intelligence 1 3 Culture 1 4 Response 1 5 MMPI -II 1 6 Endomorphs 1 7 Holmes & Rahe 1 8 Pathogens 1 9 Removing the evil through counter magic and prayer 1 10 Dopamine 1 PART - B 11 Integral Intelligence is an Indian concept of intelligence and it gives importance on both the verbal and non verbal concepts of intelligence and it is holistic perspective. Technological intelligence is only focusing on the various cognitive abilities. 2 12 Horney rejected the views of Freud as females are inferior. She said that the Gender is not having any significance in personality development; it is not the base to judge people as superior and inferior. She argued that the psychological disorders are due to disturbed interpersonal relationship during childhood. 2 13 Failure of a child to pass successfully through a stage leads to fixation to that stage. In this situation, the child’s development gets arrested at an earlier stage. for example a child who does not pass successfully through the phallic stage fails to resolve the oedipal complex and have hostility towards the parent of the same sex. 2 14 According to Kobasa people with more stress and less sickness posses three characteristics. Control, Commitment and Challenge and these 3 C’s together known as hardiness. 2 15 Resilience is a dynamic process referring to the maintenance of positive adjustment under challenging life conditions. it has been described as the capacity bounce back in face of stress and adversity. 2 16 Diathesis stress model of abnormal behavior is explaining psychological disorders on base of three factors. Psychological disorders are inherited from the ancestors. The presence of pathogenic stressors in the environment is leading to the development of the psychological disorders. The vulnerability or the readiness to develop the psychological disorders is one of the factors. 2 PART - B 17 A child who shows consistently remarkable performance in any field or activity is known as a gifted child. Advanced logical thinking, questioning and problem solving behavior. High speed in processing information. 3 Page 5 Roll Number PSYCHOLOGY CLASS: XII Time Allotted: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. All the questions are compulsory. 2. The Part – A is short answer questions carries 1 mark. 3. The Part – B questions are short answer type questions and each question carries 2 marks. 4. The Part – C questions are Short essay type questions and each question carries 3 marks. 5. The Part – D questions are essay type questions and each question carries 4 marks. 6. Part – e question is a long essay question and carries 6 marks. PART - A 1 ___________ defined the intelligence as the ability to judge well, understand well and reason well. 1 2 _______ Theory assumes that intelligence as one similar set of abilities. 1 3 Sternberg’s notion of contextual intelligence is a product of ___________ 1 4 What is the structural unit of personality for the behaviorist is? 1 5 ___________ Scale has been helpful in assessment of anxiety, hostility, hallucinations, phobias and suicidal impulses. 1 6 The _______ are fat soft and round. 1 7 The measure of stressful life events inventory was developed by _____________ 1 FIRST TERM EXAMINATION SET 1 8 Disease causing agents are known as ______________ 1 9 What is exorcism? 10 Schizophrenia is due to excess activity of ________ 1 PART - B 11 What is integral intelligence and how it is different from the western concept of technological intelligence? 2 12 Explain the views of Karen Horney on personality and how this views are different from the concept of psychoanalysis? 2 13 What is fixation in psychosexual stages of development? 2 14 “Karan is ready to seek the challenges in daily life and he is facing a good amount of stress and he is not feeling any kind of sickness”? What factors are contributing in behavior of Karan? 2 15 What is resilience? 2 16 Explain diathesis-stress model to explain abnormal behavior? 2 PART -C 17 What are the characteristics of Giftedness? 3 18 Define coping and explain various coping strategies of Endler and Parker? 3 19 What are the various sources of stress explain in detail? 3 20 What is phobia and what are its types explain in detail? 3 PART - D 21 What are the various non directive techniques of personality assessment and explain any four techniques in detail? 4 22 Which of the two, IQ or EQ, do you think would be more related to success in life and why? 4 23 How does the triarchic theory help us to understand intelligence? 4 24 Explain the structure of personality according to Sigmund Freud? 4 25 What are the views of Seyle on stress explain it in relation with GAS theory with graphical representation? 4 26 Explain various approaches to explain abnormal behavior? 4 PART - E 27 What is defense mechanism and what are the different types of defense mechanisms proposed by Sigmund Freud? (OR) What are the views of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers on Personality development explain in detail? 6 28 What are the various stress management techniques and how will you use these techniques in daily life to overcome the stress? (OR) What are Life skills and How these skills will be helpful in overcoming the stress related challenges? 6 End of the Question Paper MID TERM EXAMINATION PSYCHOLOGY ANSWER KEY SET – A SI NO PART - A Marks 1 Alfred Binet 1 2 Uni Factor theory of Intelligence 1 3 Culture 1 4 Response 1 5 MMPI -II 1 6 Endomorphs 1 7 Holmes & Rahe 1 8 Pathogens 1 9 Removing the evil through counter magic and prayer 1 10 Dopamine 1 PART - B 11 Integral Intelligence is an Indian concept of intelligence and it gives importance on both the verbal and non verbal concepts of intelligence and it is holistic perspective. Technological intelligence is only focusing on the various cognitive abilities. 2 12 Horney rejected the views of Freud as females are inferior. She said that the Gender is not having any significance in personality development; it is not the base to judge people as superior and inferior. She argued that the psychological disorders are due to disturbed interpersonal relationship during childhood. 2 13 Failure of a child to pass successfully through a stage leads to fixation to that stage. In this situation, the child’s development gets arrested at an earlier stage. for example a child who does not pass successfully through the phallic stage fails to resolve the oedipal complex and have hostility towards the parent of the same sex. 2 14 According to Kobasa people with more stress and less sickness posses three characteristics. Control, Commitment and Challenge and these 3 C’s together known as hardiness. 2 15 Resilience is a dynamic process referring to the maintenance of positive adjustment under challenging life conditions. it has been described as the capacity bounce back in face of stress and adversity. 2 16 Diathesis stress model of abnormal behavior is explaining psychological disorders on base of three factors. Psychological disorders are inherited from the ancestors. The presence of pathogenic stressors in the environment is leading to the development of the psychological disorders. The vulnerability or the readiness to develop the psychological disorders is one of the factors. 2 PART - B 17 A child who shows consistently remarkable performance in any field or activity is known as a gifted child. Advanced logical thinking, questioning and problem solving behavior. High speed in processing information. 3 Superior generalization and discrimination ability. Advanced level of original and creative thinking. High level of intrinsic motivation and self esteem. Independent and non conformist thinking. 18 Coping is a dynamic mechanism and specific reaction to stress, The various coping strategies of Endler and Parker are as follows. Task oriented coping strategy Emotion oriented coping strategy Avoidance oriented coping strategy (To be explained in detail) 3 19 The various sources of stress are Life events. Daily Hassles Traumatic events. (To be explained in detail) 3 20 Phobias are the irrational fears related to specific objects, people or situations. phobias often gradually develop or begin with a generalized anxiety disorder. Specific phobias Social phobias Agora phobias. 3 PART - D 21 Non directive techniques of personality assessment are the projective techniques. These techniques will assess the personality with support of unstructured stimuli or stimulus. The very widely used projective techniques of personality assessment are as follows. Roscharch ink blot test Thematic Apperception test Rosen weig’s picture frustration study Sentence completion test. Draw a person test. (Should be explained) 4 22 IQ is a predictor of potential and EQ is predictor of success. Researchers proved that –EQ helps in dealing with students who are stressed and face challenges of the outside world. EQ improves the academic performance. It is very helpful in preparing the students to face the challenges of life outside the class room. The students with good EQ are less anti social and more co-operative. 4 23 Robert Sternberg (1985) defined that intelligence “is the ability to adapt, to shape and select environment to accomplish one’s goals those of one’s society and culture”. Componential intelligence Contextual intelligence Experiential intelligence. (Should be explained in detail) 4 24 The structure of personality according to Freud is as follows. Life instincts Death instincts Libido Id Ego Super Ego (should be explained in detail) 4 25 Hans Seyle is well known for his research work on stress and he is considered as father of modern stress research. Seyle observed the sick and injured animals and human beings in hospitals one side and other side healthy animals and human beings in laboratory setting while giving epinephrine and projecting X rays on them and in all the situations he came to know that the stress response mechanism is similar which he called as GAS theory. Alarm reaction 4Read More
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