CTET & State TET Exam  >  CTET & State TET Notes  >  CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Mock Test Series 2024  >  CTET Previous Year Question Paper - 2 Set G (Aug - 2023)

CTET Previous Year Question Paper - 2 Set G (Aug - 2023) | CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Mock Test Series 2024 - CTET & State TET PDF Download

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Main Test Booklet No.
                                                           Main Test Booklet Code
_w»` narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m               This Booklet contains 64 printed pages.   _w»` narjm nwpñVH$m H$moS>
  Bg nwpñVH$m _| 64 _w{ÐV n¥ð> h¢ &        
  Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so. 
  Bg narjm nwpñVH$m H$mo V~ VH$ Z Imob| O~ VH$ H$hm Z OmE & 
                                               Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet. 
  Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ {nN>bo AmdaU na {XE JE {ZX}em| H$mo Ü`mZ go n‹T>| & 
       INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES                                                  narjm{W©`m|  Ho$  {bE  {ZX}e
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When 
you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the 
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and  
Side-2 carefully with blue / black ball point pen only. 
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of  
150 questions. There is no negative marking. 
3. Use Blue / Black Ball Point Pen only for writing 
particulars on this page / marking responses in the Answer 
4. The CODE for this Booklet is G. Make sure that the CODE 
printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that 
on this Booklet. Also ensure that your Test Booklet No. and 
Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case of discrepancy, the 
candidate should immediately report the matter to the 
Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the 
Answer Sheet. 
5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V, 
consisting of 150 Objective Type Questions and each carries 
1 mark : 
 Part I : Child Development and Pedagogy   (Q. Nos. 1 – 30) 
Part II : Mathematics and Science              (Q. Nos. 31 – 90) 
Part III : Social Studies / Social Science     (Q. Nos. 31 – 90) 
Part IV : Language I – (English/Hindi)    (Q. Nos. 91 – 120) 
Part V : Language II – (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 121 – 150) 
6. Candidates have to do questions 31 to 90 EITHER from  
Part II (Mathematics and Science) OR from Part III (Social 
Studies / Social Science) as filled by the candidates in their  
online application form. 
7. Part IV contains 30 questions for Language I and Part V 
contains 30 questions for Language II. In this Test Booklet, 
only questions pertaining to English and Hindi language 
have been given. In case the language(s) you have opted 
for as Language I and/or Language II is a language 
other than English or Hindi, please ask for a 
Supplement (Language) Test Booklet of G Code that 
contains questions on that language. The languages 
being answered must tally with the languages opted 
for in your Application Form. No change in languages 
is allowed. 
8. Candidates are required to attempt questions in  
Language II (Part V) in a language other than the one 
chosen as Language I (Part IV) from the list of 
9. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the 
Test Booklet for the same. 
10. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet 
only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener is allowed 
for changing answers. 
11. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions 
of questions/answers, English version will be taken as final. 
1. OMR CÎma nÌ Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa aIm h¡ & O~ AmnH$mo 
narjm nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo H$hm OmE, Vmo CÎma nÌ {ZH$mb H$a n¥ð>-1 Ed§ 
n¥ð>-2 na Ü`mZ go Ho$db Zrbo / H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ go {ddaU ^a| & 
2. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2½ K§Q>o h¡ Ed§ narjm _| 150 àíZ h¢ & H$moB©   
G$UmË_H$ A§H$Z Zht h¡ & 
3. Bg n¥ð> na {ddaU A§{H$V H$aZo Ed§ CÎma nÌ na {ZemZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE 
Ho$db Zrbo / H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ H$m à`moJ H$a| & 
4. Bg nwpñVH$m H$m H$moS> G h¡ & `h gw{ZpíMV H$a b| {H$ Bg nwpñVH$m H$m 
H$moS>, CÎma nÌ Ho$ n¥ð>-2 na N>no H$moS> go {_bVm h¡ & `h ^r gw{ZpíMV 
H$a b| {H$ narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m Am¡a CÎma nÌ g§»`m {_bVo h¢ & AJa 
`h {^Þ hm| Vmo narjmWu Xÿgar narjm nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma nÌ boZo Ho$ {bE 
{ZarjH$ H$mo VwaÝV AdJV H$amE± & 
5. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| nm±M ^mJ I, II, III, IV Am¡a V h¢, {OZ_|  
150 dñVw{Zð> àíZ h¢, VWm àË`oH$ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ : 
 ^mJ I : ~mb {dH$mg d {ejmemñÌ   (àíZ g§. 1 – 30) 
 ^mJ II : J{UV d {dkmZ  (àíZ g§. 31 – 90) 
 ^mJ III : gm‘m{OH$ Aܶ¶Z / gm‘m{OH$ {dkmZ (àíZ g§. 31 –90) 
 ^mJ IV : ^mfm I – (A§J«oµOr / {hÝXr)            (àíZ g§. 91 – 120) 
 ^mJ V : ^mfm II – (A§J«oµOr / {hÝXr) (àíZ g§. 121 – 150) 
6. narjm{W©¶m| H$mo àíZ 31 go 90 ¶m Vmo ^mJ II (J{UV d {dkmZ) ¶m 
^mJ III (gm‘m{OH$ Aܶ¶Z/gm‘m{OH$ {dkmZ) go H$aZo h¢ O¡gm {H$ 
narjm{W©`m| Zo AnZo Am°ZbmBZ AmdoXZ nÌ _| ^am h¡ &  
7. ^mJ IV _| ^mfm I Ho$ {bE 30 àíZ Am¡a ^mJ V _| ^mfm II Ho$ {bE  
30 àíZ {XE JE h¢ & Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| Ho$db A§J«oµOr d {hÝXr ^mfm 
go gå~pÝYV àíZ {XE JE h¢ & `{X ^mfm I Am¡a/`m ^mfm II _| AmnHo$ 
Ûmam MwZr JB© ^mfm(E±) A§J«oµOr `m {hÝXr Ho$ Abmdm h¡/h¢, Vmo H¥$n`m 
G H$moS> dmbr Cg ^mfm dmbr n[a{eï> (^mfm) narjm nwpñVH$m _m±J 
br{OE & {OZ ^mfmAm| Ho$ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Amn Xo aho h¢ dh AmdoXZ nÌ 
_| MwZr JB© ^mfmAm| go Adí` _ob ImZr Mm{hE & ^mfmAm| H$m 
n[adV©Z AZw_Ý` Zht h¡ & 
8. narjmWu ^mfm II (^mJ V) Ho$ {bE, ^mfm gyMr go Eogr ^mfm MwZ| 
Omo CZHo$ Ûmam ^mfm I (^mJ IV) _| MwZr JB© ^mfm go {^Þ hmo & 
9. a\$ H$m`© narjm nwpñVH$m _| Bg à`moOZ Ho$ {bE Xr JB© Imbr OJh na hr 
H$a| & 
10. g^r CÎma Ho$db OMR CÎma nÌ na hr A§{H$V H$a| & AnZo CÎma 
Ü`mZnyd©H$ A§{H$V H$a| & CÎma ~XbZo hoVw ídoV a§OH$ H$m à`moJ {Z{fÕ h¡ & 
11. `{X A§J«oµOr Am¡a {hÝXr g§ñH$aU Ho$ àíZm|/CÎmam| _| H$moB© {dg§J{V hmo, Vmo 
A§J«oµOr g§ñH$aU A§{V_ _mZm OmEJm &  
Name of the Candidate (in Capital Letters) : _________________________________________________________ 
narjmWu H$m Zm_ (~‹S>o Ajam| _|)  : 
Roll Number (AZwH«$_m§H$) : in figures (A§H$m| _|) _________________________________________________________ 
  : in words  (eãXm| _|) _________________________________________________________ 
Centre of Examination (in Capital Letters) : _________________________________________________________ 
narjm Ho$ÝÐ (~‹S>o Ajam| _|) : 
Candidate’s Signature : _____________________ Invigilator’s Signature : ________________________________ 
narjmWu Ho$ hñVmja :                           {ZarjH$ Ho$ hñVmja : 
Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent _________________________________________________
     PAPER II 
 àíZ-nÌ II 
MAIN TEST BOOKLET / _w»` narjm nwpñVH$m 
Page 2

Main Test Booklet No.
                                                           Main Test Booklet Code
_w»` narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m               This Booklet contains 64 printed pages.   _w»` narjm nwpñVH$m H$moS>
  Bg nwpñVH$m _| 64 _w{ÐV n¥ð> h¢ &        
  Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so. 
  Bg narjm nwpñVH$m H$mo V~ VH$ Z Imob| O~ VH$ H$hm Z OmE & 
                                               Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet. 
  Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ {nN>bo AmdaU na {XE JE {ZX}em| H$mo Ü`mZ go n‹T>| & 
       INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES                                                  narjm{W©`m|  Ho$  {bE  {ZX}e
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When 
you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the 
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and  
Side-2 carefully with blue / black ball point pen only. 
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of  
150 questions. There is no negative marking. 
3. Use Blue / Black Ball Point Pen only for writing 
particulars on this page / marking responses in the Answer 
4. The CODE for this Booklet is G. Make sure that the CODE 
printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that 
on this Booklet. Also ensure that your Test Booklet No. and 
Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case of discrepancy, the 
candidate should immediately report the matter to the 
Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the 
Answer Sheet. 
5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V, 
consisting of 150 Objective Type Questions and each carries 
1 mark : 
 Part I : Child Development and Pedagogy   (Q. Nos. 1 – 30) 
Part II : Mathematics and Science              (Q. Nos. 31 – 90) 
Part III : Social Studies / Social Science     (Q. Nos. 31 – 90) 
Part IV : Language I – (English/Hindi)    (Q. Nos. 91 – 120) 
Part V : Language II – (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 121 – 150) 
6. Candidates have to do questions 31 to 90 EITHER from  
Part II (Mathematics and Science) OR from Part III (Social 
Studies / Social Science) as filled by the candidates in their  
online application form. 
7. Part IV contains 30 questions for Language I and Part V 
contains 30 questions for Language II. In this Test Booklet, 
only questions pertaining to English and Hindi language 
have been given. In case the language(s) you have opted 
for as Language I and/or Language II is a language 
other than English or Hindi, please ask for a 
Supplement (Language) Test Booklet of G Code that 
contains questions on that language. The languages 
being answered must tally with the languages opted 
for in your Application Form. No change in languages 
is allowed. 
8. Candidates are required to attempt questions in  
Language II (Part V) in a language other than the one 
chosen as Language I (Part IV) from the list of 
9. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the 
Test Booklet for the same. 
10. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet 
only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener is allowed 
for changing answers. 
11. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions 
of questions/answers, English version will be taken as final. 
1. OMR CÎma nÌ Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa aIm h¡ & O~ AmnH$mo 
narjm nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo H$hm OmE, Vmo CÎma nÌ {ZH$mb H$a n¥ð>-1 Ed§ 
n¥ð>-2 na Ü`mZ go Ho$db Zrbo / H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ go {ddaU ^a| & 
2. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2½ K§Q>o h¡ Ed§ narjm _| 150 àíZ h¢ & H$moB©   
G$UmË_H$ A§H$Z Zht h¡ & 
3. Bg n¥ð> na {ddaU A§{H$V H$aZo Ed§ CÎma nÌ na {ZemZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE 
Ho$db Zrbo / H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ H$m à`moJ H$a| & 
4. Bg nwpñVH$m H$m H$moS> G h¡ & `h gw{ZpíMV H$a b| {H$ Bg nwpñVH$m H$m 
H$moS>, CÎma nÌ Ho$ n¥ð>-2 na N>no H$moS> go {_bVm h¡ & `h ^r gw{ZpíMV 
H$a b| {H$ narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m Am¡a CÎma nÌ g§»`m {_bVo h¢ & AJa 
`h {^Þ hm| Vmo narjmWu Xÿgar narjm nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma nÌ boZo Ho$ {bE 
{ZarjH$ H$mo VwaÝV AdJV H$amE± & 
5. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| nm±M ^mJ I, II, III, IV Am¡a V h¢, {OZ_|  
150 dñVw{Zð> àíZ h¢, VWm àË`oH$ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ : 
 ^mJ I : ~mb {dH$mg d {ejmemñÌ   (àíZ g§. 1 – 30) 
 ^mJ II : J{UV d {dkmZ  (àíZ g§. 31 – 90) 
 ^mJ III : gm‘m{OH$ Aܶ¶Z / gm‘m{OH$ {dkmZ (àíZ g§. 31 –90) 
 ^mJ IV : ^mfm I – (A§J«oµOr / {hÝXr)            (àíZ g§. 91 – 120) 
 ^mJ V : ^mfm II – (A§J«oµOr / {hÝXr) (àíZ g§. 121 – 150) 
6. narjm{W©¶m| H$mo àíZ 31 go 90 ¶m Vmo ^mJ II (J{UV d {dkmZ) ¶m 
^mJ III (gm‘m{OH$ Aܶ¶Z/gm‘m{OH$ {dkmZ) go H$aZo h¢ O¡gm {H$ 
narjm{W©`m| Zo AnZo Am°ZbmBZ AmdoXZ nÌ _| ^am h¡ &  
7. ^mJ IV _| ^mfm I Ho$ {bE 30 àíZ Am¡a ^mJ V _| ^mfm II Ho$ {bE  
30 àíZ {XE JE h¢ & Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| Ho$db A§J«oµOr d {hÝXr ^mfm 
go gå~pÝYV àíZ {XE JE h¢ & `{X ^mfm I Am¡a/`m ^mfm II _| AmnHo$ 
Ûmam MwZr JB© ^mfm(E±) A§J«oµOr `m {hÝXr Ho$ Abmdm h¡/h¢, Vmo H¥$n`m 
G H$moS> dmbr Cg ^mfm dmbr n[a{eï> (^mfm) narjm nwpñVH$m _m±J 
br{OE & {OZ ^mfmAm| Ho$ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Amn Xo aho h¢ dh AmdoXZ nÌ 
_| MwZr JB© ^mfmAm| go Adí` _ob ImZr Mm{hE & ^mfmAm| H$m 
n[adV©Z AZw_Ý` Zht h¡ & 
8. narjmWu ^mfm II (^mJ V) Ho$ {bE, ^mfm gyMr go Eogr ^mfm MwZ| 
Omo CZHo$ Ûmam ^mfm I (^mJ IV) _| MwZr JB© ^mfm go {^Þ hmo & 
9. a\$ H$m`© narjm nwpñVH$m _| Bg à`moOZ Ho$ {bE Xr JB© Imbr OJh na hr 
H$a| & 
10. g^r CÎma Ho$db OMR CÎma nÌ na hr A§{H$V H$a| & AnZo CÎma 
Ü`mZnyd©H$ A§{H$V H$a| & CÎma ~XbZo hoVw ídoV a§OH$ H$m à`moJ {Z{fÕ h¡ & 
11. `{X A§J«oµOr Am¡a {hÝXr g§ñH$aU Ho$ àíZm|/CÎmam| _| H$moB© {dg§J{V hmo, Vmo 
A§J«oµOr g§ñH$aU A§{V_ _mZm OmEJm &  
Name of the Candidate (in Capital Letters) : _________________________________________________________ 
narjmWu H$m Zm_ (~‹S>o Ajam| _|)  : 
Roll Number (AZwH«$_m§H$) : in figures (A§H$m| _|) _________________________________________________________ 
  : in words  (eãXm| _|) _________________________________________________________ 
Centre of Examination (in Capital Letters) : _________________________________________________________ 
narjm Ho$ÝÐ (~‹S>o Ajam| _|) : 
Candidate’s Signature : _____________________ Invigilator’s Signature : ________________________________ 
narjmWu Ho$ hñVmja :                           {ZarjH$ Ho$ hñVmja : 
Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent _________________________________________________
     PAPER II 
 àíZ-nÌ II 
MAIN TEST BOOKLET / _w»` narjm nwpñVH$m 
P-II/G ( 2 )  
PART I / ^mJ I 
Directions : Answer the following questions by 
selecting the correct/most appropriate option. 
1. A conducive classroom environment for 
learning in middle classes centres around 
(1) co-operative learning 
(2) fear of punishment and embarrassment 
(3) competitive ethos 
(4) conditioning and reinforcement 
2. How can a teacher help Aman who is 
struggling with complex problems develop 
problem-solving skills ? 
(1) Tell him to give up on the problem  
(2) Encourage him to brainstorm and 
generate ideas 
(3) Discourage him from experimenting and 
taking risks 
(4) Provide him with the answers 
3. The underlying principle of  
‘understanding-based teaching’ is the belief 
that : 
(1) learners are passive recipients and the 
teacher has the ‘right’ knowledge. 
(2) learners’ abilities and needs are diverse 
which cannot be catered to without 
focusing on standard instructions. 
(3) learners can construct knowledge when 
provided with a facilitative environment 
to do so. 
(4) learners know little and teaching involves 
transmission of facts to students. 
4. Students struggling with ‘dyslexia’ can be 
taught to read : 
(1) by providing higher grade level reading 
(2) by encouraging them to study in multiple 
(3) through use of strict punishment to 
ensure corrective reading. 
(4) through systemic phonological training. 
{ZX}e : {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma XoZo Ho$ {bE ghr /g~go 
C{MV {dH$ën Mw{ZE &  
1. ‘mܶ{‘H$ H$jmAm| ‘| A{YJ‘ Ho$ {bE EH$ AZwHy$b 
H$jm H$m dmVmdaU __________ na H|${ÐV hmoVm h¡ &  
(1) ghH$mar A{YJ_  
(2) gµOm Am¡a e{‘ªXJr Ho$ S>a  
(3) à{VñnYu bmoH$mMma  
(4) AZw~§YZ Am¡a nwZ~©bZ 
2. O{Q>b g‘ñ¶mAm| go OyP aho A‘Z Ho$ g‘ñ¶m-g‘mYmZ 
H$m¡eb {dH${gV H$aZo ‘| EH$ {ejH$ {H$g àH$ma ‘XX 
H$a gH$Vm h¡ ?  
(1) Cggo H$hH$a {H$ dh g‘ñ¶m H$mo gwbPmZm N>mo‹S> 
(2) Cgo ‘§WZ H$aZo Am¡a {dMma CËnÞ H$aZo Ho$ {bE 
àmoËgm{hV H$aHo$ 
(3) Cgo à¶moJ H$aZo Am¡a Omo{I‘ boZo go hVmoËgm{hV 
(4) Cgo CÎma àXmZ H$aHo$ 
3. ‘~moY-AmYm[aV {ejU’ H$m A§V{Z©{hV {gÕm§V ¶h 
{dídmg h¡ {H$ :  
(1) {ejmWu {ZpîH«$¶ àmßVH$Vm© h¢ Am¡a {ejH$ Ho$ 
nmg ‘ghr’ kmZ h¡ &  
(2) {ejm{W©¶m| H$s j‘VmE± Am¡a Amdí¶H$VmE± {d{dY 
h¢ {OÝh| ‘mZH$ {ZX}em| na ܶmZ H|${ÐV {H$E {~Zm 
nyam Zht {H$¶m Om gH$Vm h¡ &  
(3) Eogm H$aZo Ho$ {bE EH$ gw{dYmOZH$ dmVmdaU 
àXmZ {H$E OmZo na {ejmWu kmZ H$m {Z‘m©U H$a 
gH$Vo h¢ & 
(4) {ejmWu H$‘ OmZVo h¢ Am¡a {ejU ‘| {dÚm{W©`m| 
Ho$ {bE V϶m| H$m àgmaU em{‘b h¡ &  
4. dh {dÚmWu Omo ‘nR>Z-d¡H$붒 go OyP aho h¢, H$mo n‹T>Zm 
{gIm¶m Om gH$Vm h¡ :  
(1) Cƒ J«oS> ñVa Ho$ nR>Z J«§W àXmZ H$aHo$ &  
(2) CÝh| H$B© {dH$f©Um| ‘| Aܶ¶Z H$aZo Ho$ {bE 
àmoËgm{hV H$aHo$ &  
(3) gwYmamË‘H$ nR>Z gw{ZpíMV H$aZo Ho$ {bE g™V 
X§S> Ho$ Cn¶moJ Ho$ ‘mܶ‘ go &   
(4) àUmbrJV ÜdݶmË‘H$ à{ejU Ho$ ‘mܶ‘ go &  
Page 3

Main Test Booklet No.
                                                           Main Test Booklet Code
_w»` narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m               This Booklet contains 64 printed pages.   _w»` narjm nwpñVH$m H$moS>
  Bg nwpñVH$m _| 64 _w{ÐV n¥ð> h¢ &        
  Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so. 
  Bg narjm nwpñVH$m H$mo V~ VH$ Z Imob| O~ VH$ H$hm Z OmE & 
                                               Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet. 
  Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ {nN>bo AmdaU na {XE JE {ZX}em| H$mo Ü`mZ go n‹T>| & 
       INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES                                                  narjm{W©`m|  Ho$  {bE  {ZX}e
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When 
you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the 
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and  
Side-2 carefully with blue / black ball point pen only. 
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of  
150 questions. There is no negative marking. 
3. Use Blue / Black Ball Point Pen only for writing 
particulars on this page / marking responses in the Answer 
4. The CODE for this Booklet is G. Make sure that the CODE 
printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that 
on this Booklet. Also ensure that your Test Booklet No. and 
Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case of discrepancy, the 
candidate should immediately report the matter to the 
Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the 
Answer Sheet. 
5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V, 
consisting of 150 Objective Type Questions and each carries 
1 mark : 
 Part I : Child Development and Pedagogy   (Q. Nos. 1 – 30) 
Part II : Mathematics and Science              (Q. Nos. 31 – 90) 
Part III : Social Studies / Social Science     (Q. Nos. 31 – 90) 
Part IV : Language I – (English/Hindi)    (Q. Nos. 91 – 120) 
Part V : Language II – (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 121 – 150) 
6. Candidates have to do questions 31 to 90 EITHER from  
Part II (Mathematics and Science) OR from Part III (Social 
Studies / Social Science) as filled by the candidates in their  
online application form. 
7. Part IV contains 30 questions for Language I and Part V 
contains 30 questions for Language II. In this Test Booklet, 
only questions pertaining to English and Hindi language 
have been given. In case the language(s) you have opted 
for as Language I and/or Language II is a language 
other than English or Hindi, please ask for a 
Supplement (Language) Test Booklet of G Code that 
contains questions on that language. The languages 
being answered must tally with the languages opted 
for in your Application Form. No change in languages 
is allowed. 
8. Candidates are required to attempt questions in  
Language II (Part V) in a language other than the one 
chosen as Language I (Part IV) from the list of 
9. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the 
Test Booklet for the same. 
10. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet 
only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener is allowed 
for changing answers. 
11. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions 
of questions/answers, English version will be taken as final. 
1. OMR CÎma nÌ Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa aIm h¡ & O~ AmnH$mo 
narjm nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo H$hm OmE, Vmo CÎma nÌ {ZH$mb H$a n¥ð>-1 Ed§ 
n¥ð>-2 na Ü`mZ go Ho$db Zrbo / H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ go {ddaU ^a| & 
2. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2½ K§Q>o h¡ Ed§ narjm _| 150 àíZ h¢ & H$moB©   
G$UmË_H$ A§H$Z Zht h¡ & 
3. Bg n¥ð> na {ddaU A§{H$V H$aZo Ed§ CÎma nÌ na {ZemZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE 
Ho$db Zrbo / H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ H$m à`moJ H$a| & 
4. Bg nwpñVH$m H$m H$moS> G h¡ & `h gw{ZpíMV H$a b| {H$ Bg nwpñVH$m H$m 
H$moS>, CÎma nÌ Ho$ n¥ð>-2 na N>no H$moS> go {_bVm h¡ & `h ^r gw{ZpíMV 
H$a b| {H$ narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m Am¡a CÎma nÌ g§»`m {_bVo h¢ & AJa 
`h {^Þ hm| Vmo narjmWu Xÿgar narjm nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma nÌ boZo Ho$ {bE 
{ZarjH$ H$mo VwaÝV AdJV H$amE± & 
5. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| nm±M ^mJ I, II, III, IV Am¡a V h¢, {OZ_|  
150 dñVw{Zð> àíZ h¢, VWm àË`oH$ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ : 
 ^mJ I : ~mb {dH$mg d {ejmemñÌ   (àíZ g§. 1 – 30) 
 ^mJ II : J{UV d {dkmZ  (àíZ g§. 31 – 90) 
 ^mJ III : gm‘m{OH$ Aܶ¶Z / gm‘m{OH$ {dkmZ (àíZ g§. 31 –90) 
 ^mJ IV : ^mfm I – (A§J«oµOr / {hÝXr)            (àíZ g§. 91 – 120) 
 ^mJ V : ^mfm II – (A§J«oµOr / {hÝXr) (àíZ g§. 121 – 150) 
6. narjm{W©¶m| H$mo àíZ 31 go 90 ¶m Vmo ^mJ II (J{UV d {dkmZ) ¶m 
^mJ III (gm‘m{OH$ Aܶ¶Z/gm‘m{OH$ {dkmZ) go H$aZo h¢ O¡gm {H$ 
narjm{W©`m| Zo AnZo Am°ZbmBZ AmdoXZ nÌ _| ^am h¡ &  
7. ^mJ IV _| ^mfm I Ho$ {bE 30 àíZ Am¡a ^mJ V _| ^mfm II Ho$ {bE  
30 àíZ {XE JE h¢ & Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| Ho$db A§J«oµOr d {hÝXr ^mfm 
go gå~pÝYV àíZ {XE JE h¢ & `{X ^mfm I Am¡a/`m ^mfm II _| AmnHo$ 
Ûmam MwZr JB© ^mfm(E±) A§J«oµOr `m {hÝXr Ho$ Abmdm h¡/h¢, Vmo H¥$n`m 
G H$moS> dmbr Cg ^mfm dmbr n[a{eï> (^mfm) narjm nwpñVH$m _m±J 
br{OE & {OZ ^mfmAm| Ho$ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Amn Xo aho h¢ dh AmdoXZ nÌ 
_| MwZr JB© ^mfmAm| go Adí` _ob ImZr Mm{hE & ^mfmAm| H$m 
n[adV©Z AZw_Ý` Zht h¡ & 
8. narjmWu ^mfm II (^mJ V) Ho$ {bE, ^mfm gyMr go Eogr ^mfm MwZ| 
Omo CZHo$ Ûmam ^mfm I (^mJ IV) _| MwZr JB© ^mfm go {^Þ hmo & 
9. a\$ H$m`© narjm nwpñVH$m _| Bg à`moOZ Ho$ {bE Xr JB© Imbr OJh na hr 
H$a| & 
10. g^r CÎma Ho$db OMR CÎma nÌ na hr A§{H$V H$a| & AnZo CÎma 
Ü`mZnyd©H$ A§{H$V H$a| & CÎma ~XbZo hoVw ídoV a§OH$ H$m à`moJ {Z{fÕ h¡ & 
11. `{X A§J«oµOr Am¡a {hÝXr g§ñH$aU Ho$ àíZm|/CÎmam| _| H$moB© {dg§J{V hmo, Vmo 
A§J«oµOr g§ñH$aU A§{V_ _mZm OmEJm &  
Name of the Candidate (in Capital Letters) : _________________________________________________________ 
narjmWu H$m Zm_ (~‹S>o Ajam| _|)  : 
Roll Number (AZwH«$_m§H$) : in figures (A§H$m| _|) _________________________________________________________ 
  : in words  (eãXm| _|) _________________________________________________________ 
Centre of Examination (in Capital Letters) : _________________________________________________________ 
narjm Ho$ÝÐ (~‹S>o Ajam| _|) : 
Candidate’s Signature : _____________________ Invigilator’s Signature : ________________________________ 
narjmWu Ho$ hñVmja :                           {ZarjH$ Ho$ hñVmja : 
Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent _________________________________________________
     PAPER II 
 àíZ-nÌ II 
MAIN TEST BOOKLET / _w»` narjm nwpñVH$m 
P-II/G ( 2 )  
PART I / ^mJ I 
Directions : Answer the following questions by 
selecting the correct/most appropriate option. 
1. A conducive classroom environment for 
learning in middle classes centres around 
(1) co-operative learning 
(2) fear of punishment and embarrassment 
(3) competitive ethos 
(4) conditioning and reinforcement 
2. How can a teacher help Aman who is 
struggling with complex problems develop 
problem-solving skills ? 
(1) Tell him to give up on the problem  
(2) Encourage him to brainstorm and 
generate ideas 
(3) Discourage him from experimenting and 
taking risks 
(4) Provide him with the answers 
3. The underlying principle of  
‘understanding-based teaching’ is the belief 
that : 
(1) learners are passive recipients and the 
teacher has the ‘right’ knowledge. 
(2) learners’ abilities and needs are diverse 
which cannot be catered to without 
focusing on standard instructions. 
(3) learners can construct knowledge when 
provided with a facilitative environment 
to do so. 
(4) learners know little and teaching involves 
transmission of facts to students. 
4. Students struggling with ‘dyslexia’ can be 
taught to read : 
(1) by providing higher grade level reading 
(2) by encouraging them to study in multiple 
(3) through use of strict punishment to 
ensure corrective reading. 
(4) through systemic phonological training. 
{ZX}e : {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma XoZo Ho$ {bE ghr /g~go 
C{MV {dH$ën Mw{ZE &  
1. ‘mܶ{‘H$ H$jmAm| ‘| A{YJ‘ Ho$ {bE EH$ AZwHy$b 
H$jm H$m dmVmdaU __________ na H|${ÐV hmoVm h¡ &  
(1) ghH$mar A{YJ_  
(2) gµOm Am¡a e{‘ªXJr Ho$ S>a  
(3) à{VñnYu bmoH$mMma  
(4) AZw~§YZ Am¡a nwZ~©bZ 
2. O{Q>b g‘ñ¶mAm| go OyP aho A‘Z Ho$ g‘ñ¶m-g‘mYmZ 
H$m¡eb {dH${gV H$aZo ‘| EH$ {ejH$ {H$g àH$ma ‘XX 
H$a gH$Vm h¡ ?  
(1) Cggo H$hH$a {H$ dh g‘ñ¶m H$mo gwbPmZm N>mo‹S> 
(2) Cgo ‘§WZ H$aZo Am¡a {dMma CËnÞ H$aZo Ho$ {bE 
àmoËgm{hV H$aHo$ 
(3) Cgo à¶moJ H$aZo Am¡a Omo{I‘ boZo go hVmoËgm{hV 
(4) Cgo CÎma àXmZ H$aHo$ 
3. ‘~moY-AmYm[aV {ejU’ H$m A§V{Z©{hV {gÕm§V ¶h 
{dídmg h¡ {H$ :  
(1) {ejmWu {ZpîH«$¶ àmßVH$Vm© h¢ Am¡a {ejH$ Ho$ 
nmg ‘ghr’ kmZ h¡ &  
(2) {ejm{W©¶m| H$s j‘VmE± Am¡a Amdí¶H$VmE± {d{dY 
h¢ {OÝh| ‘mZH$ {ZX}em| na ܶmZ H|${ÐV {H$E {~Zm 
nyam Zht {H$¶m Om gH$Vm h¡ &  
(3) Eogm H$aZo Ho$ {bE EH$ gw{dYmOZH$ dmVmdaU 
àXmZ {H$E OmZo na {ejmWu kmZ H$m {Z‘m©U H$a 
gH$Vo h¢ & 
(4) {ejmWu H$‘ OmZVo h¢ Am¡a {ejU ‘| {dÚm{W©`m| 
Ho$ {bE V϶m| H$m àgmaU em{‘b h¡ &  
4. dh {dÚmWu Omo ‘nR>Z-d¡H$붒 go OyP aho h¢, H$mo n‹T>Zm 
{gIm¶m Om gH$Vm h¡ :  
(1) Cƒ J«oS> ñVa Ho$ nR>Z J«§W àXmZ H$aHo$ &  
(2) CÝh| H$B© {dH$f©Um| ‘| Aܶ¶Z H$aZo Ho$ {bE 
àmoËgm{hV H$aHo$ &  
(3) gwYmamË‘H$ nR>Z gw{ZpíMV H$aZo Ho$ {bE g™V 
X§S> Ho$ Cn¶moJ Ho$ ‘mܶ‘ go &   
(4) àUmbrJV ÜdݶmË‘H$ à{ejU Ho$ ‘mܶ‘ go &  
  ( 3 ) P-II/G 
5. Sibling relationships : 
(1) are similar to relationships with parents 
and peers and play an important role in 
socialization throughout childhood.  
(2) are different than relationships with 
parents and peers and play an important 
role in socialization throughout 
(3) play an important role only during early 
(4) do not have much role in socialization. 
6. Read the following statements and choose the 
correct option : 
 Assertion (A) : 
Considerable variations exist in 
developmental rates among children.  
Reason (R) : 
Developmental differences are an inevitable 
result of complex interaction of genetic and 
experiential variations. 
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not 
the correct explanation of (A). 
(2) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 
(3) Both (A) and (R) are false. 
(4) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the 
correct explanation of (A).   
7. Which principle of development is illustrated 
in the following statement ? 
 “Children who are deprived of a conducive 
environment for learning language in their 
early years have some difficulty in picking 
language later in life.”  
(1) Language and cognition are complexly 
(2) Development of language is totally 
dependent on genetics. 
(3) Development is disorderly and 
(4) There is a sensitive period of language 
5. ^mB©-~hZ Ho$ [aíVo/[aíVm| : 
(1) ‘mVm-{nVm Am¡a gm{W¶m| Ho$ gmW g§~§Ym| Ho$ g‘mZ 
h¢ Am¡a ~më`mdñWm ‘| g‘mOrH$aU ‘| ‘hÎdnyU© 
^y{‘H$m {Z^mVo h¢ & 
(2) ‘mVm-{nVm Am¡a gm{W¶m| Ho$ gmW g§~§Ym| go {^Þ 
hmoVo h¢ Am¡a ~më`mdñWm ‘| g‘mOrH$aU ‘| 
‘hÎdnyU© ^y{‘H$m {Z^mVo h¢ &  
(3) Ho$db àma§{^H$ ~më`mdñWm ‘| hr ‘hÎdnyU© 
^y{‘H$m {Z^mVo h¢ & 
(4) H$s g‘mOrH$aU ‘| A{YH$ ^y{‘H$m Zht h¡ &  
6. ????????? ? ????? ?? ? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ?? 
??? ???  ? : 
 A{^H$WZ (A) :  
 ~ƒm| Ho$ ~rM {dH$mgmË‘H$ Xam| ‘| H$m’$s {^ÞVmE± ‘m¡OyX 
hmoVr h¢ &  
 H$maU (R) :  
 {dH$mgmË‘H$ A§Va, AmZwd§{eH$ Am¡a AZw^dmË‘H$ 
{d{dYVmAm| H$s O{Q>b A§V:{H«$¶m H$m EH$ A{Zdm¶© 
n[aUm‘ h¢ &    
(1) (A) ?? (R) ????? ??? ??? , ?????? (R), (A) ??  
??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????  ?? ? 
(2) (A) ??? ?? , ?????? (R) ???? ?? ? 
(3) (A) ?? (R) ????? ???? ??? ? 
(4) (A) ?? (R) ????? ??? ??? ??? (R), (A) ??  ??? 
?? ???? ?? ?? ? 
7. {ZåZ{b{IV H$WZ ‘| {dH$mg Ho$ {H$g {gÕm§V H$mo 
Xem©¶m J¶m h¡ ?  
 “Omo ~ƒo AnZo ewéAmVr dfm] ‘| ^mfm grIZo Ho$ {bE 
AZwHy$b dmVmdaU go d§{MV ahVo h¢, CÝh| ~mX Ho$ OrdZ 
‘| ^mfm MwZZo ‘| Wmo‹S>r H${R>ZmB© hmoVr h¡ &” 
(1) ^mfm Am¡a AZw^y{V O{Q>b ê$n go nañna g§~§{YV 
h¢ &  
(2) ^mfm H$m {dH$mg nyar Vah AmZwd§{eH$s na {Z^©a 
h¡ &  
(3) {dH$mg Aì¶dpñWV Am¡a Aà˶m{eV hmoVm h¡ & 
(4) ^mfm Ho$ {dH$mg H$m EH$ g§doXZerb H$mb h¡ &  
Page 4

Main Test Booklet No.
                                                           Main Test Booklet Code
_w»` narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m               This Booklet contains 64 printed pages.   _w»` narjm nwpñVH$m H$moS>
  Bg nwpñVH$m _| 64 _w{ÐV n¥ð> h¢ &        
  Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so. 
  Bg narjm nwpñVH$m H$mo V~ VH$ Z Imob| O~ VH$ H$hm Z OmE & 
                                               Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet. 
  Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ {nN>bo AmdaU na {XE JE {ZX}em| H$mo Ü`mZ go n‹T>| & 
       INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES                                                  narjm{W©`m|  Ho$  {bE  {ZX}e
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When 
you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the 
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and  
Side-2 carefully with blue / black ball point pen only. 
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of  
150 questions. There is no negative marking. 
3. Use Blue / Black Ball Point Pen only for writing 
particulars on this page / marking responses in the Answer 
4. The CODE for this Booklet is G. Make sure that the CODE 
printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that 
on this Booklet. Also ensure that your Test Booklet No. and 
Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case of discrepancy, the 
candidate should immediately report the matter to the 
Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the 
Answer Sheet. 
5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V, 
consisting of 150 Objective Type Questions and each carries 
1 mark : 
 Part I : Child Development and Pedagogy   (Q. Nos. 1 – 30) 
Part II : Mathematics and Science              (Q. Nos. 31 – 90) 
Part III : Social Studies / Social Science     (Q. Nos. 31 – 90) 
Part IV : Language I – (English/Hindi)    (Q. Nos. 91 – 120) 
Part V : Language II – (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 121 – 150) 
6. Candidates have to do questions 31 to 90 EITHER from  
Part II (Mathematics and Science) OR from Part III (Social 
Studies / Social Science) as filled by the candidates in their  
online application form. 
7. Part IV contains 30 questions for Language I and Part V 
contains 30 questions for Language II. In this Test Booklet, 
only questions pertaining to English and Hindi language 
have been given. In case the language(s) you have opted 
for as Language I and/or Language II is a language 
other than English or Hindi, please ask for a 
Supplement (Language) Test Booklet of G Code that 
contains questions on that language. The languages 
being answered must tally with the languages opted 
for in your Application Form. No change in languages 
is allowed. 
8. Candidates are required to attempt questions in  
Language II (Part V) in a language other than the one 
chosen as Language I (Part IV) from the list of 
9. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the 
Test Booklet for the same. 
10. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet 
only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener is allowed 
for changing answers. 
11. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions 
of questions/answers, English version will be taken as final. 
1. OMR CÎma nÌ Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa aIm h¡ & O~ AmnH$mo 
narjm nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo H$hm OmE, Vmo CÎma nÌ {ZH$mb H$a n¥ð>-1 Ed§ 
n¥ð>-2 na Ü`mZ go Ho$db Zrbo / H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ go {ddaU ^a| & 
2. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2½ K§Q>o h¡ Ed§ narjm _| 150 àíZ h¢ & H$moB©   
G$UmË_H$ A§H$Z Zht h¡ & 
3. Bg n¥ð> na {ddaU A§{H$V H$aZo Ed§ CÎma nÌ na {ZemZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE 
Ho$db Zrbo / H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ H$m à`moJ H$a| & 
4. Bg nwpñVH$m H$m H$moS> G h¡ & `h gw{ZpíMV H$a b| {H$ Bg nwpñVH$m H$m 
H$moS>, CÎma nÌ Ho$ n¥ð>-2 na N>no H$moS> go {_bVm h¡ & `h ^r gw{ZpíMV 
H$a b| {H$ narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m Am¡a CÎma nÌ g§»`m {_bVo h¢ & AJa 
`h {^Þ hm| Vmo narjmWu Xÿgar narjm nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma nÌ boZo Ho$ {bE 
{ZarjH$ H$mo VwaÝV AdJV H$amE± & 
5. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| nm±M ^mJ I, II, III, IV Am¡a V h¢, {OZ_|  
150 dñVw{Zð> àíZ h¢, VWm àË`oH$ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ : 
 ^mJ I : ~mb {dH$mg d {ejmemñÌ   (àíZ g§. 1 – 30) 
 ^mJ II : J{UV d {dkmZ  (àíZ g§. 31 – 90) 
 ^mJ III : gm‘m{OH$ Aܶ¶Z / gm‘m{OH$ {dkmZ (àíZ g§. 31 –90) 
 ^mJ IV : ^mfm I – (A§J«oµOr / {hÝXr)            (àíZ g§. 91 – 120) 
 ^mJ V : ^mfm II – (A§J«oµOr / {hÝXr) (àíZ g§. 121 – 150) 
6. narjm{W©¶m| H$mo àíZ 31 go 90 ¶m Vmo ^mJ II (J{UV d {dkmZ) ¶m 
^mJ III (gm‘m{OH$ Aܶ¶Z/gm‘m{OH$ {dkmZ) go H$aZo h¢ O¡gm {H$ 
narjm{W©`m| Zo AnZo Am°ZbmBZ AmdoXZ nÌ _| ^am h¡ &  
7. ^mJ IV _| ^mfm I Ho$ {bE 30 àíZ Am¡a ^mJ V _| ^mfm II Ho$ {bE  
30 àíZ {XE JE h¢ & Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| Ho$db A§J«oµOr d {hÝXr ^mfm 
go gå~pÝYV àíZ {XE JE h¢ & `{X ^mfm I Am¡a/`m ^mfm II _| AmnHo$ 
Ûmam MwZr JB© ^mfm(E±) A§J«oµOr `m {hÝXr Ho$ Abmdm h¡/h¢, Vmo H¥$n`m 
G H$moS> dmbr Cg ^mfm dmbr n[a{eï> (^mfm) narjm nwpñVH$m _m±J 
br{OE & {OZ ^mfmAm| Ho$ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Amn Xo aho h¢ dh AmdoXZ nÌ 
_| MwZr JB© ^mfmAm| go Adí` _ob ImZr Mm{hE & ^mfmAm| H$m 
n[adV©Z AZw_Ý` Zht h¡ & 
8. narjmWu ^mfm II (^mJ V) Ho$ {bE, ^mfm gyMr go Eogr ^mfm MwZ| 
Omo CZHo$ Ûmam ^mfm I (^mJ IV) _| MwZr JB© ^mfm go {^Þ hmo & 
9. a\$ H$m`© narjm nwpñVH$m _| Bg à`moOZ Ho$ {bE Xr JB© Imbr OJh na hr 
H$a| & 
10. g^r CÎma Ho$db OMR CÎma nÌ na hr A§{H$V H$a| & AnZo CÎma 
Ü`mZnyd©H$ A§{H$V H$a| & CÎma ~XbZo hoVw ídoV a§OH$ H$m à`moJ {Z{fÕ h¡ & 
11. `{X A§J«oµOr Am¡a {hÝXr g§ñH$aU Ho$ àíZm|/CÎmam| _| H$moB© {dg§J{V hmo, Vmo 
A§J«oµOr g§ñH$aU A§{V_ _mZm OmEJm &  
Name of the Candidate (in Capital Letters) : _________________________________________________________ 
narjmWu H$m Zm_ (~‹S>o Ajam| _|)  : 
Roll Number (AZwH«$_m§H$) : in figures (A§H$m| _|) _________________________________________________________ 
  : in words  (eãXm| _|) _________________________________________________________ 
Centre of Examination (in Capital Letters) : _________________________________________________________ 
narjm Ho$ÝÐ (~‹S>o Ajam| _|) : 
Candidate’s Signature : _____________________ Invigilator’s Signature : ________________________________ 
narjmWu Ho$ hñVmja :                           {ZarjH$ Ho$ hñVmja : 
Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent _________________________________________________
     PAPER II 
 àíZ-nÌ II 
MAIN TEST BOOKLET / _w»` narjm nwpñVH$m 
P-II/G ( 2 )  
PART I / ^mJ I 
Directions : Answer the following questions by 
selecting the correct/most appropriate option. 
1. A conducive classroom environment for 
learning in middle classes centres around 
(1) co-operative learning 
(2) fear of punishment and embarrassment 
(3) competitive ethos 
(4) conditioning and reinforcement 
2. How can a teacher help Aman who is 
struggling with complex problems develop 
problem-solving skills ? 
(1) Tell him to give up on the problem  
(2) Encourage him to brainstorm and 
generate ideas 
(3) Discourage him from experimenting and 
taking risks 
(4) Provide him with the answers 
3. The underlying principle of  
‘understanding-based teaching’ is the belief 
that : 
(1) learners are passive recipients and the 
teacher has the ‘right’ knowledge. 
(2) learners’ abilities and needs are diverse 
which cannot be catered to without 
focusing on standard instructions. 
(3) learners can construct knowledge when 
provided with a facilitative environment 
to do so. 
(4) learners know little and teaching involves 
transmission of facts to students. 
4. Students struggling with ‘dyslexia’ can be 
taught to read : 
(1) by providing higher grade level reading 
(2) by encouraging them to study in multiple 
(3) through use of strict punishment to 
ensure corrective reading. 
(4) through systemic phonological training. 
{ZX}e : {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma XoZo Ho$ {bE ghr /g~go 
C{MV {dH$ën Mw{ZE &  
1. ‘mܶ{‘H$ H$jmAm| ‘| A{YJ‘ Ho$ {bE EH$ AZwHy$b 
H$jm H$m dmVmdaU __________ na H|${ÐV hmoVm h¡ &  
(1) ghH$mar A{YJ_  
(2) gµOm Am¡a e{‘ªXJr Ho$ S>a  
(3) à{VñnYu bmoH$mMma  
(4) AZw~§YZ Am¡a nwZ~©bZ 
2. O{Q>b g‘ñ¶mAm| go OyP aho A‘Z Ho$ g‘ñ¶m-g‘mYmZ 
H$m¡eb {dH${gV H$aZo ‘| EH$ {ejH$ {H$g àH$ma ‘XX 
H$a gH$Vm h¡ ?  
(1) Cggo H$hH$a {H$ dh g‘ñ¶m H$mo gwbPmZm N>mo‹S> 
(2) Cgo ‘§WZ H$aZo Am¡a {dMma CËnÞ H$aZo Ho$ {bE 
àmoËgm{hV H$aHo$ 
(3) Cgo à¶moJ H$aZo Am¡a Omo{I‘ boZo go hVmoËgm{hV 
(4) Cgo CÎma àXmZ H$aHo$ 
3. ‘~moY-AmYm[aV {ejU’ H$m A§V{Z©{hV {gÕm§V ¶h 
{dídmg h¡ {H$ :  
(1) {ejmWu {ZpîH«$¶ àmßVH$Vm© h¢ Am¡a {ejH$ Ho$ 
nmg ‘ghr’ kmZ h¡ &  
(2) {ejm{W©¶m| H$s j‘VmE± Am¡a Amdí¶H$VmE± {d{dY 
h¢ {OÝh| ‘mZH$ {ZX}em| na ܶmZ H|${ÐV {H$E {~Zm 
nyam Zht {H$¶m Om gH$Vm h¡ &  
(3) Eogm H$aZo Ho$ {bE EH$ gw{dYmOZH$ dmVmdaU 
àXmZ {H$E OmZo na {ejmWu kmZ H$m {Z‘m©U H$a 
gH$Vo h¢ & 
(4) {ejmWu H$‘ OmZVo h¢ Am¡a {ejU ‘| {dÚm{W©`m| 
Ho$ {bE V϶m| H$m àgmaU em{‘b h¡ &  
4. dh {dÚmWu Omo ‘nR>Z-d¡H$붒 go OyP aho h¢, H$mo n‹T>Zm 
{gIm¶m Om gH$Vm h¡ :  
(1) Cƒ J«oS> ñVa Ho$ nR>Z J«§W àXmZ H$aHo$ &  
(2) CÝh| H$B© {dH$f©Um| ‘| Aܶ¶Z H$aZo Ho$ {bE 
àmoËgm{hV H$aHo$ &  
(3) gwYmamË‘H$ nR>Z gw{ZpíMV H$aZo Ho$ {bE g™V 
X§S> Ho$ Cn¶moJ Ho$ ‘mܶ‘ go &   
(4) àUmbrJV ÜdݶmË‘H$ à{ejU Ho$ ‘mܶ‘ go &  
  ( 3 ) P-II/G 
5. Sibling relationships : 
(1) are similar to relationships with parents 
and peers and play an important role in 
socialization throughout childhood.  
(2) are different than relationships with 
parents and peers and play an important 
role in socialization throughout 
(3) play an important role only during early 
(4) do not have much role in socialization. 
6. Read the following statements and choose the 
correct option : 
 Assertion (A) : 
Considerable variations exist in 
developmental rates among children.  
Reason (R) : 
Developmental differences are an inevitable 
result of complex interaction of genetic and 
experiential variations. 
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not 
the correct explanation of (A). 
(2) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 
(3) Both (A) and (R) are false. 
(4) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the 
correct explanation of (A).   
7. Which principle of development is illustrated 
in the following statement ? 
 “Children who are deprived of a conducive 
environment for learning language in their 
early years have some difficulty in picking 
language later in life.”  
(1) Language and cognition are complexly 
(2) Development of language is totally 
dependent on genetics. 
(3) Development is disorderly and 
(4) There is a sensitive period of language 
5. ^mB©-~hZ Ho$ [aíVo/[aíVm| : 
(1) ‘mVm-{nVm Am¡a gm{W¶m| Ho$ gmW g§~§Ym| Ho$ g‘mZ 
h¢ Am¡a ~më`mdñWm ‘| g‘mOrH$aU ‘| ‘hÎdnyU© 
^y{‘H$m {Z^mVo h¢ & 
(2) ‘mVm-{nVm Am¡a gm{W¶m| Ho$ gmW g§~§Ym| go {^Þ 
hmoVo h¢ Am¡a ~më`mdñWm ‘| g‘mOrH$aU ‘| 
‘hÎdnyU© ^y{‘H$m {Z^mVo h¢ &  
(3) Ho$db àma§{^H$ ~më`mdñWm ‘| hr ‘hÎdnyU© 
^y{‘H$m {Z^mVo h¢ & 
(4) H$s g‘mOrH$aU ‘| A{YH$ ^y{‘H$m Zht h¡ &  
6. ????????? ? ????? ?? ? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ?? 
??? ???  ? : 
 A{^H$WZ (A) :  
 ~ƒm| Ho$ ~rM {dH$mgmË‘H$ Xam| ‘| H$m’$s {^ÞVmE± ‘m¡OyX 
hmoVr h¢ &  
 H$maU (R) :  
 {dH$mgmË‘H$ A§Va, AmZwd§{eH$ Am¡a AZw^dmË‘H$ 
{d{dYVmAm| H$s O{Q>b A§V:{H«$¶m H$m EH$ A{Zdm¶© 
n[aUm‘ h¢ &    
(1) (A) ?? (R) ????? ??? ??? , ?????? (R), (A) ??  
??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????  ?? ? 
(2) (A) ??? ?? , ?????? (R) ???? ?? ? 
(3) (A) ?? (R) ????? ???? ??? ? 
(4) (A) ?? (R) ????? ??? ??? ??? (R), (A) ??  ??? 
?? ???? ?? ?? ? 
7. {ZåZ{b{IV H$WZ ‘| {dH$mg Ho$ {H$g {gÕm§V H$mo 
Xem©¶m J¶m h¡ ?  
 “Omo ~ƒo AnZo ewéAmVr dfm] ‘| ^mfm grIZo Ho$ {bE 
AZwHy$b dmVmdaU go d§{MV ahVo h¢, CÝh| ~mX Ho$ OrdZ 
‘| ^mfm MwZZo ‘| Wmo‹S>r H${R>ZmB© hmoVr h¡ &” 
(1) ^mfm Am¡a AZw^y{V O{Q>b ê$n go nañna g§~§{YV 
h¢ &  
(2) ^mfm H$m {dH$mg nyar Vah AmZwd§{eH$s na {Z^©a 
h¡ &  
(3) {dH$mg Aì¶dpñWV Am¡a Aà˶m{eV hmoVm h¡ & 
(4) ^mfm Ho$ {dH$mg H$m EH$ g§doXZerb H$mb h¡ &  
P-II/G ( 4 )  
8. Which of the following questions promotes 
critical and creative thinking in children ? 
(1) Where does water come from in your  
city ?  
(2) Which can be the best way to save water 
and why ? 
(3) How many states and how many capitals 
are there in your country ? 
(4) What is the name of your country and its 
geographical location on the map ? 
9. What does inclusive education entail ? 
(1) Segregation and categorisation of 
students on the basis of their abilities 
(2) Standard curriculum for all learners 
(3) Provisioning of only vocational education 
to learners with special needs 
(4) Flexibility in the curriculum as a result of 
recognition of individual differences 
10. What is the role of evidence in critical 
thinking ? 
(1) Evidence should be accepted without 
(2) Evidence should be evaluated in a logical 
and systematic way. 
(3) Evidence is irrelevant to critical thinking. 
(4) Evidence should be ignored in favour of 
personal opinion. 
11. Read the following statements and choose the 
correct option : 
 Assertion (A) : 
Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky differ in their 
perspective on the influence of language on 
cognitive development in children.  
Reason (R) : 
In discovery learning, teacher provides 
opportunities and students derive information 
for themselves. 
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not 
the correct explanation of (A). 
(2) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 
(3) Both (A) and (R) are false. 
(4) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the 
correct explanation of (A).   
8. {ZåZ{b{IV ‘| go H$m¡Z-gm àíZ ~ƒm| Ho$ 
g‘mbmoMZmË‘H$ d aMZmË‘H$ qMVZ H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoVm h¡ ?  
(1) AmnHo$ eha ‘| nmZr H$hm± go AmVm h¡ ?  
(2) nmZr Ho$ ~Mmd Ho$ {bE g~go AÀN>m VarH$m 
H$m¡Z-gm hmo gH$Vm h¡ Am¡a ³¶m| ?  
(3) AmnHo$ Xoe ‘| Hw$b {H$VZo amÁ¶ Am¡a {H$VZr 
amOYm{Z`m± h¢ ?  
(4) AmnHo$ Xoe H$m Zm‘ d ‘mZ{MÌ na BgH$s 
^m¡Jmo{bH$ pñW{V ³¶m h¡ ?  
9. g‘mdoer {ejm ‘| ³¶m em{‘b h¡ ?  
(1) {dÚm{W©`m| H$m CZH$s ¶mo½¶VmAm| Ho$ AmYma na 
n¥WŠH$aU d dJuH$aU H$aZm  
(2) g^r {ejm{W©¶m| Ho$ {bE ‘mZH$ nmR>çM¶m©  
(3) {deof Amdí¶H$Vm dmbo {ejm{W©¶m| H$mo Ho$db 
ì¶mdgm{¶H$ {ejm H$m àmdYmZ 
(4) ì¶{º$JV A§Vam| H$s nhMmZ Ho$ n[aUm‘ñdê$n 
nmR>çM¶m© ‘| bMrbmnZ  
10. g‘mbmoMZmË‘H$ qMVZ ‘| à‘mU H$s ³¶m ^y{‘H$m hmoVr 
h¡ ?  
(1) à‘mU H$mo {~Zm {díbofU Ho$ ñdrH$ma {H$¶m OmZm 
Mm{hE & 
(2) à‘mU H$m Vm{H©$H$ Am¡a gw{Z¶mo{OV ê$n go 
‘yë¶m§H$Z {H$¶m OmZm Mm{hE & 
(3) g‘mbmoMZmË‘H$ qMVZ Ho$ {bE à‘mU Aàmg§{JH$ 
hmoVm h¡ & 
(4) ì¶{º$JV am¶ Ho$ nj ‘| à‘mU H$s Cnojm H$s 
OmZr Mm{hE & 
11. ????????? ? ????? ?? ? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ?? 
??? ???  ? : 
 A{^H$WZ (A) :  
 ~ƒm| ‘| g§kmZmË‘H$ {dH$mg na ^mfm Ho$ à^md na OrZ 
{n¶mµOo Am¡a bod dm¶JmoËñH$s Ho$ ÑpîQ>H$moU ‘| {^ÞVm   
h¡ &  
 H$maU (R) :  
 ImoO A{YJ_ _|, {ejH$ Adga àXmZ H$aVm h¡ Am¡a 
{dÚmWu ñd`§ OmZH$mar àmßV H$aZo Ho$ {bE CÝ_wI hmoVo 
h¢ &    
(1) (A) ?? (R) ????? ??? ??? , ?????? (R), (A) ??  
??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????  ?? ? 
(2) (A) ??? ?? , ?????? (R) ???? ?? ? 
(3) (A) ?? (R) ????? ???? ??? ? 
(4) (A) ?? (R) ????? ??? ??? ??? (R), (A) ??  ??? 
?? ???? ?? ?? ? 
Page 5

Main Test Booklet No.
                                                           Main Test Booklet Code
_w»` narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m               This Booklet contains 64 printed pages.   _w»` narjm nwpñVH$m H$moS>
  Bg nwpñVH$m _| 64 _w{ÐV n¥ð> h¢ &        
  Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so. 
  Bg narjm nwpñVH$m H$mo V~ VH$ Z Imob| O~ VH$ H$hm Z OmE & 
                                               Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet. 
  Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ {nN>bo AmdaU na {XE JE {ZX}em| H$mo Ü`mZ go n‹T>| & 
       INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES                                                  narjm{W©`m|  Ho$  {bE  {ZX}e
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When 
you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the 
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and  
Side-2 carefully with blue / black ball point pen only. 
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of  
150 questions. There is no negative marking. 
3. Use Blue / Black Ball Point Pen only for writing 
particulars on this page / marking responses in the Answer 
4. The CODE for this Booklet is G. Make sure that the CODE 
printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that 
on this Booklet. Also ensure that your Test Booklet No. and 
Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case of discrepancy, the 
candidate should immediately report the matter to the 
Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the 
Answer Sheet. 
5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V, 
consisting of 150 Objective Type Questions and each carries 
1 mark : 
 Part I : Child Development and Pedagogy   (Q. Nos. 1 – 30) 
Part II : Mathematics and Science              (Q. Nos. 31 – 90) 
Part III : Social Studies / Social Science     (Q. Nos. 31 – 90) 
Part IV : Language I – (English/Hindi)    (Q. Nos. 91 – 120) 
Part V : Language II – (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 121 – 150) 
6. Candidates have to do questions 31 to 90 EITHER from  
Part II (Mathematics and Science) OR from Part III (Social 
Studies / Social Science) as filled by the candidates in their  
online application form. 
7. Part IV contains 30 questions for Language I and Part V 
contains 30 questions for Language II. In this Test Booklet, 
only questions pertaining to English and Hindi language 
have been given. In case the language(s) you have opted 
for as Language I and/or Language II is a language 
other than English or Hindi, please ask for a 
Supplement (Language) Test Booklet of G Code that 
contains questions on that language. The languages 
being answered must tally with the languages opted 
for in your Application Form. No change in languages 
is allowed. 
8. Candidates are required to attempt questions in  
Language II (Part V) in a language other than the one 
chosen as Language I (Part IV) from the list of 
9. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the 
Test Booklet for the same. 
10. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet 
only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener is allowed 
for changing answers. 
11. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions 
of questions/answers, English version will be taken as final. 
1. OMR CÎma nÌ Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa aIm h¡ & O~ AmnH$mo 
narjm nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo H$hm OmE, Vmo CÎma nÌ {ZH$mb H$a n¥ð>-1 Ed§ 
n¥ð>-2 na Ü`mZ go Ho$db Zrbo / H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ go {ddaU ^a| & 
2. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2½ K§Q>o h¡ Ed§ narjm _| 150 àíZ h¢ & H$moB©   
G$UmË_H$ A§H$Z Zht h¡ & 
3. Bg n¥ð> na {ddaU A§{H$V H$aZo Ed§ CÎma nÌ na {ZemZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE 
Ho$db Zrbo / H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ H$m à`moJ H$a| & 
4. Bg nwpñVH$m H$m H$moS> G h¡ & `h gw{ZpíMV H$a b| {H$ Bg nwpñVH$m H$m 
H$moS>, CÎma nÌ Ho$ n¥ð>-2 na N>no H$moS> go {_bVm h¡ & `h ^r gw{ZpíMV 
H$a b| {H$ narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m Am¡a CÎma nÌ g§»`m {_bVo h¢ & AJa 
`h {^Þ hm| Vmo narjmWu Xÿgar narjm nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma nÌ boZo Ho$ {bE 
{ZarjH$ H$mo VwaÝV AdJV H$amE± & 
5. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| nm±M ^mJ I, II, III, IV Am¡a V h¢, {OZ_|  
150 dñVw{Zð> àíZ h¢, VWm àË`oH$ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ : 
 ^mJ I : ~mb {dH$mg d {ejmemñÌ   (àíZ g§. 1 – 30) 
 ^mJ II : J{UV d {dkmZ  (àíZ g§. 31 – 90) 
 ^mJ III : gm‘m{OH$ Aܶ¶Z / gm‘m{OH$ {dkmZ (àíZ g§. 31 –90) 
 ^mJ IV : ^mfm I – (A§J«oµOr / {hÝXr)            (àíZ g§. 91 – 120) 
 ^mJ V : ^mfm II – (A§J«oµOr / {hÝXr) (àíZ g§. 121 – 150) 
6. narjm{W©¶m| H$mo àíZ 31 go 90 ¶m Vmo ^mJ II (J{UV d {dkmZ) ¶m 
^mJ III (gm‘m{OH$ Aܶ¶Z/gm‘m{OH$ {dkmZ) go H$aZo h¢ O¡gm {H$ 
narjm{W©`m| Zo AnZo Am°ZbmBZ AmdoXZ nÌ _| ^am h¡ &  
7. ^mJ IV _| ^mfm I Ho$ {bE 30 àíZ Am¡a ^mJ V _| ^mfm II Ho$ {bE  
30 àíZ {XE JE h¢ & Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| Ho$db A§J«oµOr d {hÝXr ^mfm 
go gå~pÝYV àíZ {XE JE h¢ & `{X ^mfm I Am¡a/`m ^mfm II _| AmnHo$ 
Ûmam MwZr JB© ^mfm(E±) A§J«oµOr `m {hÝXr Ho$ Abmdm h¡/h¢, Vmo H¥$n`m 
G H$moS> dmbr Cg ^mfm dmbr n[a{eï> (^mfm) narjm nwpñVH$m _m±J 
br{OE & {OZ ^mfmAm| Ho$ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Amn Xo aho h¢ dh AmdoXZ nÌ 
_| MwZr JB© ^mfmAm| go Adí` _ob ImZr Mm{hE & ^mfmAm| H$m 
n[adV©Z AZw_Ý` Zht h¡ & 
8. narjmWu ^mfm II (^mJ V) Ho$ {bE, ^mfm gyMr go Eogr ^mfm MwZ| 
Omo CZHo$ Ûmam ^mfm I (^mJ IV) _| MwZr JB© ^mfm go {^Þ hmo & 
9. a\$ H$m`© narjm nwpñVH$m _| Bg à`moOZ Ho$ {bE Xr JB© Imbr OJh na hr 
H$a| & 
10. g^r CÎma Ho$db OMR CÎma nÌ na hr A§{H$V H$a| & AnZo CÎma 
Ü`mZnyd©H$ A§{H$V H$a| & CÎma ~XbZo hoVw ídoV a§OH$ H$m à`moJ {Z{fÕ h¡ & 
11. `{X A§J«oµOr Am¡a {hÝXr g§ñH$aU Ho$ àíZm|/CÎmam| _| H$moB© {dg§J{V hmo, Vmo 
A§J«oµOr g§ñH$aU A§{V_ _mZm OmEJm &  
Name of the Candidate (in Capital Letters) : _________________________________________________________ 
narjmWu H$m Zm_ (~‹S>o Ajam| _|)  : 
Roll Number (AZwH«$_m§H$) : in figures (A§H$m| _|) _________________________________________________________ 
  : in words  (eãXm| _|) _________________________________________________________ 
Centre of Examination (in Capital Letters) : _________________________________________________________ 
narjm Ho$ÝÐ (~‹S>o Ajam| _|) : 
Candidate’s Signature : _____________________ Invigilator’s Signature : ________________________________ 
narjmWu Ho$ hñVmja :                           {ZarjH$ Ho$ hñVmja : 
Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent _________________________________________________
     PAPER II 
 àíZ-nÌ II 
MAIN TEST BOOKLET / _w»` narjm nwpñVH$m 
P-II/G ( 2 )  
PART I / ^mJ I 
Directions : Answer the following questions by 
selecting the correct/most appropriate option. 
1. A conducive classroom environment for 
learning in middle classes centres around 
(1) co-operative learning 
(2) fear of punishment and embarrassment 
(3) competitive ethos 
(4) conditioning and reinforcement 
2. How can a teacher help Aman who is 
struggling with complex problems develop 
problem-solving skills ? 
(1) Tell him to give up on the problem  
(2) Encourage him to brainstorm and 
generate ideas 
(3) Discourage him from experimenting and 
taking risks 
(4) Provide him with the answers 
3. The underlying principle of  
‘understanding-based teaching’ is the belief 
that : 
(1) learners are passive recipients and the 
teacher has the ‘right’ knowledge. 
(2) learners’ abilities and needs are diverse 
which cannot be catered to without 
focusing on standard instructions. 
(3) learners can construct knowledge when 
provided with a facilitative environment 
to do so. 
(4) learners know little and teaching involves 
transmission of facts to students. 
4. Students struggling with ‘dyslexia’ can be 
taught to read : 
(1) by providing higher grade level reading 
(2) by encouraging them to study in multiple 
(3) through use of strict punishment to 
ensure corrective reading. 
(4) through systemic phonological training. 
{ZX}e : {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma XoZo Ho$ {bE ghr /g~go 
C{MV {dH$ën Mw{ZE &  
1. ‘mܶ{‘H$ H$jmAm| ‘| A{YJ‘ Ho$ {bE EH$ AZwHy$b 
H$jm H$m dmVmdaU __________ na H|${ÐV hmoVm h¡ &  
(1) ghH$mar A{YJ_  
(2) gµOm Am¡a e{‘ªXJr Ho$ S>a  
(3) à{VñnYu bmoH$mMma  
(4) AZw~§YZ Am¡a nwZ~©bZ 
2. O{Q>b g‘ñ¶mAm| go OyP aho A‘Z Ho$ g‘ñ¶m-g‘mYmZ 
H$m¡eb {dH${gV H$aZo ‘| EH$ {ejH$ {H$g àH$ma ‘XX 
H$a gH$Vm h¡ ?  
(1) Cggo H$hH$a {H$ dh g‘ñ¶m H$mo gwbPmZm N>mo‹S> 
(2) Cgo ‘§WZ H$aZo Am¡a {dMma CËnÞ H$aZo Ho$ {bE 
àmoËgm{hV H$aHo$ 
(3) Cgo à¶moJ H$aZo Am¡a Omo{I‘ boZo go hVmoËgm{hV 
(4) Cgo CÎma àXmZ H$aHo$ 
3. ‘~moY-AmYm[aV {ejU’ H$m A§V{Z©{hV {gÕm§V ¶h 
{dídmg h¡ {H$ :  
(1) {ejmWu {ZpîH«$¶ àmßVH$Vm© h¢ Am¡a {ejH$ Ho$ 
nmg ‘ghr’ kmZ h¡ &  
(2) {ejm{W©¶m| H$s j‘VmE± Am¡a Amdí¶H$VmE± {d{dY 
h¢ {OÝh| ‘mZH$ {ZX}em| na ܶmZ H|${ÐV {H$E {~Zm 
nyam Zht {H$¶m Om gH$Vm h¡ &  
(3) Eogm H$aZo Ho$ {bE EH$ gw{dYmOZH$ dmVmdaU 
àXmZ {H$E OmZo na {ejmWu kmZ H$m {Z‘m©U H$a 
gH$Vo h¢ & 
(4) {ejmWu H$‘ OmZVo h¢ Am¡a {ejU ‘| {dÚm{W©`m| 
Ho$ {bE V϶m| H$m àgmaU em{‘b h¡ &  
4. dh {dÚmWu Omo ‘nR>Z-d¡H$붒 go OyP aho h¢, H$mo n‹T>Zm 
{gIm¶m Om gH$Vm h¡ :  
(1) Cƒ J«oS> ñVa Ho$ nR>Z J«§W àXmZ H$aHo$ &  
(2) CÝh| H$B© {dH$f©Um| ‘| Aܶ¶Z H$aZo Ho$ {bE 
àmoËgm{hV H$aHo$ &  
(3) gwYmamË‘H$ nR>Z gw{ZpíMV H$aZo Ho$ {bE g™V 
X§S> Ho$ Cn¶moJ Ho$ ‘mܶ‘ go &   
(4) àUmbrJV ÜdݶmË‘H$ à{ejU Ho$ ‘mܶ‘ go &  
  ( 3 ) P-II/G 
5. Sibling relationships : 
(1) are similar to relationships with parents 
and peers and play an important role in 
socialization throughout childhood.  
(2) are different than relationships with 
parents and peers and play an important 
role in socialization throughout 
(3) play an important role only during early 
(4) do not have much role in socialization. 
6. Read the following statements and choose the 
correct option : 
 Assertion (A) : 
Considerable variations exist in 
developmental rates among children.  
Reason (R) : 
Developmental differences are an inevitable 
result of complex interaction of genetic and 
experiential variations. 
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not 
the correct explanation of (A). 
(2) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 
(3) Both (A) and (R) are false. 
(4) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the 
correct explanation of (A).   
7. Which principle of development is illustrated 
in the following statement ? 
 “Children who are deprived of a conducive 
environment for learning language in their 
early years have some difficulty in picking 
language later in life.”  
(1) Language and cognition are complexly 
(2) Development of language is totally 
dependent on genetics. 
(3) Development is disorderly and 
(4) There is a sensitive period of language 
5. ^mB©-~hZ Ho$ [aíVo/[aíVm| : 
(1) ‘mVm-{nVm Am¡a gm{W¶m| Ho$ gmW g§~§Ym| Ho$ g‘mZ 
h¢ Am¡a ~më`mdñWm ‘| g‘mOrH$aU ‘| ‘hÎdnyU© 
^y{‘H$m {Z^mVo h¢ & 
(2) ‘mVm-{nVm Am¡a gm{W¶m| Ho$ gmW g§~§Ym| go {^Þ 
hmoVo h¢ Am¡a ~më`mdñWm ‘| g‘mOrH$aU ‘| 
‘hÎdnyU© ^y{‘H$m {Z^mVo h¢ &  
(3) Ho$db àma§{^H$ ~më`mdñWm ‘| hr ‘hÎdnyU© 
^y{‘H$m {Z^mVo h¢ & 
(4) H$s g‘mOrH$aU ‘| A{YH$ ^y{‘H$m Zht h¡ &  
6. ????????? ? ????? ?? ? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ?? 
??? ???  ? : 
 A{^H$WZ (A) :  
 ~ƒm| Ho$ ~rM {dH$mgmË‘H$ Xam| ‘| H$m’$s {^ÞVmE± ‘m¡OyX 
hmoVr h¢ &  
 H$maU (R) :  
 {dH$mgmË‘H$ A§Va, AmZwd§{eH$ Am¡a AZw^dmË‘H$ 
{d{dYVmAm| H$s O{Q>b A§V:{H«$¶m H$m EH$ A{Zdm¶© 
n[aUm‘ h¢ &    
(1) (A) ?? (R) ????? ??? ??? , ?????? (R), (A) ??  
??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????  ?? ? 
(2) (A) ??? ?? , ?????? (R) ???? ?? ? 
(3) (A) ?? (R) ????? ???? ??? ? 
(4) (A) ?? (R) ????? ??? ??? ??? (R), (A) ??  ??? 
?? ???? ?? ?? ? 
7. {ZåZ{b{IV H$WZ ‘| {dH$mg Ho$ {H$g {gÕm§V H$mo 
Xem©¶m J¶m h¡ ?  
 “Omo ~ƒo AnZo ewéAmVr dfm] ‘| ^mfm grIZo Ho$ {bE 
AZwHy$b dmVmdaU go d§{MV ahVo h¢, CÝh| ~mX Ho$ OrdZ 
‘| ^mfm MwZZo ‘| Wmo‹S>r H${R>ZmB© hmoVr h¡ &” 
(1) ^mfm Am¡a AZw^y{V O{Q>b ê$n go nañna g§~§{YV 
h¢ &  
(2) ^mfm H$m {dH$mg nyar Vah AmZwd§{eH$s na {Z^©a 
h¡ &  
(3) {dH$mg Aì¶dpñWV Am¡a Aà˶m{eV hmoVm h¡ & 
(4) ^mfm Ho$ {dH$mg H$m EH$ g§doXZerb H$mb h¡ &  
P-II/G ( 4 )  
8. Which of the following questions promotes 
critical and creative thinking in children ? 
(1) Where does water come from in your  
city ?  
(2) Which can be the best way to save water 
and why ? 
(3) How many states and how many capitals 
are there in your country ? 
(4) What is the name of your country and its 
geographical location on the map ? 
9. What does inclusive education entail ? 
(1) Segregation and categorisation of 
students on the basis of their abilities 
(2) Standard curriculum for all learners 
(3) Provisioning of only vocational education 
to learners with special needs 
(4) Flexibility in the curriculum as a result of 
recognition of individual differences 
10. What is the role of evidence in critical 
thinking ? 
(1) Evidence should be accepted without 
(2) Evidence should be evaluated in a logical 
and systematic way. 
(3) Evidence is irrelevant to critical thinking. 
(4) Evidence should be ignored in favour of 
personal opinion. 
11. Read the following statements and choose the 
correct option : 
 Assertion (A) : 
Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky differ in their 
perspective on the influence of language on 
cognitive development in children.  
Reason (R) : 
In discovery learning, teacher provides 
opportunities and students derive information 
for themselves. 
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not 
the correct explanation of (A). 
(2) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 
(3) Both (A) and (R) are false. 
(4) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the 
correct explanation of (A).   
8. {ZåZ{b{IV ‘| go H$m¡Z-gm àíZ ~ƒm| Ho$ 
g‘mbmoMZmË‘H$ d aMZmË‘H$ qMVZ H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoVm h¡ ?  
(1) AmnHo$ eha ‘| nmZr H$hm± go AmVm h¡ ?  
(2) nmZr Ho$ ~Mmd Ho$ {bE g~go AÀN>m VarH$m 
H$m¡Z-gm hmo gH$Vm h¡ Am¡a ³¶m| ?  
(3) AmnHo$ Xoe ‘| Hw$b {H$VZo amÁ¶ Am¡a {H$VZr 
amOYm{Z`m± h¢ ?  
(4) AmnHo$ Xoe H$m Zm‘ d ‘mZ{MÌ na BgH$s 
^m¡Jmo{bH$ pñW{V ³¶m h¡ ?  
9. g‘mdoer {ejm ‘| ³¶m em{‘b h¡ ?  
(1) {dÚm{W©`m| H$m CZH$s ¶mo½¶VmAm| Ho$ AmYma na 
n¥WŠH$aU d dJuH$aU H$aZm  
(2) g^r {ejm{W©¶m| Ho$ {bE ‘mZH$ nmR>çM¶m©  
(3) {deof Amdí¶H$Vm dmbo {ejm{W©¶m| H$mo Ho$db 
ì¶mdgm{¶H$ {ejm H$m àmdYmZ 
(4) ì¶{º$JV A§Vam| H$s nhMmZ Ho$ n[aUm‘ñdê$n 
nmR>çM¶m© ‘| bMrbmnZ  
10. g‘mbmoMZmË‘H$ qMVZ ‘| à‘mU H$s ³¶m ^y{‘H$m hmoVr 
h¡ ?  
(1) à‘mU H$mo {~Zm {díbofU Ho$ ñdrH$ma {H$¶m OmZm 
Mm{hE & 
(2) à‘mU H$m Vm{H©$H$ Am¡a gw{Z¶mo{OV ê$n go 
‘yë¶m§H$Z {H$¶m OmZm Mm{hE & 
(3) g‘mbmoMZmË‘H$ qMVZ Ho$ {bE à‘mU Aàmg§{JH$ 
hmoVm h¡ & 
(4) ì¶{º$JV am¶ Ho$ nj ‘| à‘mU H$s Cnojm H$s 
OmZr Mm{hE & 
11. ????????? ? ????? ?? ? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ?? 
??? ???  ? : 
 A{^H$WZ (A) :  
 ~ƒm| ‘| g§kmZmË‘H$ {dH$mg na ^mfm Ho$ à^md na OrZ 
{n¶mµOo Am¡a bod dm¶JmoËñH$s Ho$ ÑpîQ>H$moU ‘| {^ÞVm   
h¡ &  
 H$maU (R) :  
 ImoO A{YJ_ _|, {ejH$ Adga àXmZ H$aVm h¡ Am¡a 
{dÚmWu ñd`§ OmZH$mar àmßV H$aZo Ho$ {bE CÝ_wI hmoVo 
h¢ &    
(1) (A) ?? (R) ????? ??? ??? , ?????? (R), (A) ??  
??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????  ?? ? 
(2) (A) ??? ?? , ?????? (R) ???? ?? ? 
(3) (A) ?? (R) ????? ???? ??? ? 
(4) (A) ?? (R) ????? ??? ??? ??? (R), (A) ??  ??? 
?? ???? ?? ?? ? 
  ( 5 ) P-II/G 
12. In a progressive classroom, the students : 
A. do not ask many questions. 
B. ask questions to the teacher. 
C. ask questions to each other. 
D. ask themselves questions.  
Choose the correct option : 
(1) B and C 
(2) B and D 
(3) B, C and D 
(4) A   
13. Expectations associated with being male or 
female are referred to as __________ and these 
are learned ___________ . 
(1) gender constancy; initially during 
(2) gender roles; throughout childhood and 
into adulthood 
(3) gender stereotypes; only during middle 
(4) gender bias; mainly during early 
14. Which of the following views about 
intelligence supports the respectful 
consideration of diversity among learners ? 
(1) Intelligence is not influenced by genetic 
(2) Intelligence is not influenced by 
environmental factors. 
(3) IQ tests are the only measure of 
(4) Intelligence is multidimensional and can 
change over time. 
15. Who among the following critiqued the concept 
of ‘general’ intelligence and proposed an 
alternative theory of intelligence ? 
(1) Howard Gardner 
(2) Jean Piaget  
(3) Lev Vygotsky 
(4) Charles Spearman 
16. Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory has been 
critiqued by Carol Gilligan for : 
(1) not applying quantitative methods of 
(2) ignoring gender differences in moral 
(3) presenting a stage-theory of moral 
(4) collecting data by means of real-life 
12. EH$ àJ{Verb H$jm ‘|, {dÚmWu :  
A. A{YH$ àíZ Zht nyN>Vo h¢ &  
B. {ejH$ go àíZ nyN>Vo h¢ & 
C. EH$-Xÿgao go àíZ nyN>Vo h¢ &  
D. ñd¶§ go àíZ nyN>Vo h¢ &  
ghr {dH$ën H$m M`Z H$s{OE : 
(1) B Am¡a C 
(2) B Am¡a D 
(3) B, C Am¡a D  
(4) A   
13. nwq„J ¶m ñÌrqbJ hmoZo go Ow‹S>r AnojmAm| H$mo 
________ H$hm OmVm h¡ Am¡a BÝh| __________ grIm 
OmVm h¡ &  
(1) O|S>a pñWaVm; àma§^ ‘| {H$emoamdñWm Ho$ Xm¡amZ  
(2) O|S>a   ^y{‘H$mE±; ~më¶mdñWm H$s g^r 
AdñWmAm| go boH$a d¶ñH$Vm ‘| ^r  
(3) O|S>a ê${‹T>dm{XVm; Ho$db ‘ܶ ~më¶mdñWm Ho$ 
(4) O|S>a nydm©J«h; ‘w»¶ ê$n go àma§{^H$ ~më¶mdñWm 
Ho$ Xm¡amZ  
14. ~w{Õ Ho$ g§X^© ‘| {ZåZ{b{IV ‘| go H$m¡Z-gm ÑpîQ>H$moU 
{ejm{W©¶m| Ho$ ~rM {d{dYVm Ho$ gå‘mZnyU© {dMma H$m 
g‘W©Z H$aVm h¡ ?  
(1) ~w{Õ AmZwd§{eH$ H$maH$m| go à^m{dV Zht hmoVr  
h¡ &  
(2) ~w{Õ dmVmdaUr¶ H$maH$m| go à^m{dV Zht hmoVr  
h¡ &  
(3) ~w{Õ H$mo ‘mnZo Ho$ {bE ~w{Õ-bpãY narjU hr 
EH$‘mÌ gmYZ h¢ & 
(4) ~w{Õ ~hþAm¶m‘r h¡ Am¡a g‘¶ Ho$ gmW ~Xb 
gH$Vr h¡ &  
15. {ZåZ{b{IV ‘| go {H$gZo ‘gm‘mݶ’ ~w{Õ H$s AdYmaUm 
H$s AmbmoMZm H$s Am¡a ~w{Õ H$m EH$ d¡H$pënH$ {gÕm§V 
àñVm{dV {H$¶m ?  
(1) hm°dS>© JmS>©Za  
(2) OrZ {n¶mµOo  
(3) bod dm¶JmoËñH$s 
(4) Mmëg© ñnr¶a‘¡Z  
16. bm°a|g H$moh²b~J© Ho$ {gÕm§V H$s AmbmoMZm H¡$ab 
{J{bJZ Ûmam :  
(1) {díbofU Ho$ ‘mÌmË‘H$ VarH$m| H$mo bmJy Zht H$aZo 
Ho$ {bE H$s JB© h¡ &  
(2) Z¡{VH$ VH©$ ‘| b¢{JH$ {^ÞVmAm| H$s Cnojm H$aZo 
Ho$ {bE H$s JB© h¡ &  
(3) Z¡{VH$ {dH$mg H$m EH$ MaU-{gÕm§V àñVwV H$aZo 
Ho$ {bE H$s JB© h¡ &    
(4) dmñV{dH$-OrdZ H$s pñW{V¶m| Ho$ ‘mܶ‘ go V϶m| 
H$mo EH$Ì H$aZo Ho$ {bE H$s JB© h¡ &  
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FAQs on CTET Previous Year Question Paper - 2 Set G (Aug - 2023) - CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Mock Test Series 2024 - CTET & State TET

1. What is the CTET exam and how can it benefit my teaching career?
Ans. The CTET exam, also known as the Central Teacher Eligibility Test, is a national-level exam conducted in India to assess the eligibility of candidates for teaching positions in primary and upper primary schools. Qualifying the CTET exam can benefit your teaching career as it serves as a mandatory requirement for getting appointed as a teacher in various government schools. Moreover, many private schools also consider CTET scores while hiring teachers, thus increasing your job prospects in both government and private educational institutions.
2. What are the important dates and eligibility criteria for the CTET exam?
Ans. The important dates for the CTET exam vary each year, so it is recommended to refer to the official notification or website for the most accurate and up-to-date information. However, typically, the CTET exam is conducted twice a year. As for the eligibility criteria, candidates must have completed their senior secondary education (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and have a two-year diploma in elementary education. Alternatively, candidates with a bachelor's degree in any discipline and a two-year diploma in elementary education are also eligible to apply.
3. How can I prepare for the CTET exam effectively?
Ans. To prepare for the CTET exam effectively, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the exam pattern and syllabus. Start by familiarizing yourself with the exam pattern, which includes sections on child development and pedagogy, language I (compulsory), language II (compulsory), mathematics, environmental studies, and social studies/science (for upper primary level). Create a study schedule and allocate dedicated time for each subject. Make use of study materials, previous year question papers, and mock tests to practice and assess your knowledge. Additionally, consider joining coaching classes or online courses to gain expert guidance and tips for the exam.
4. Is it necessary to clear both papers of the CTET exam?
Ans. The CTET exam consists of two papers - Paper I and Paper II. Paper I is for candidates who wish to teach classes I to V, while Paper II is for candidates who wish to teach classes VI to VIII. It is not necessary to clear both papers of the CTET exam. Candidates can choose to appear for either Paper I or Paper II, depending on their teaching preferences. However, if a candidate clears both papers, they will have the flexibility to apply for teaching positions in both primary and upper primary schools.
5. Can I apply for the CTET exam if I have completed my education through distance learning?
Ans. Yes, candidates who have completed their education through distance learning or correspondence mode are eligible to apply for the CTET exam, provided they fulfill the other eligibility criteria specified by the conducting authority. As long as the candidate's degree/diploma is recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) or the respective state governments, they can apply for the CTET exam and pursue a teaching career. It is advisable to verify the recognition of your degree/diploma before applying for the exam.
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