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CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Updated Syllabus 
CBSE Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus Course Structure 
The table below shows the course structure and the distribution of marks in the updated 
Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus. 
Part Unit Periods Marks 
A: Financial Accounting-1 Theoretical Framework 25 12 
A: Financial Accounting-1 Accounting Process 115 44 
B: Financial Accounting-II 
Financial Statements of Sole 
Proprietorship 60 24 
C: Project Work Project Work 20 20 
Quick Overview of Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus  
The Class 11 Accountancy Syllabus provides interesting chapters and topics. It starts with the 
basics of Accounting and later into complex concepts. Check out the table below for a 
breakdown of what you'll be learning in each unit. 
PART A: Financial Accounting - I  
Unit-1: Theoretical Framework 
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes 
Introduction to 
* Describe the meaning, significance, objectives, advantages, and 
limitations of accounting in the modern economic environment.  
* Identify the users of accounting information and their needs.  
Page 2

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Updated Syllabus 
CBSE Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus Course Structure 
The table below shows the course structure and the distribution of marks in the updated 
Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus. 
Part Unit Periods Marks 
A: Financial Accounting-1 Theoretical Framework 25 12 
A: Financial Accounting-1 Accounting Process 115 44 
B: Financial Accounting-II 
Financial Statements of Sole 
Proprietorship 60 24 
C: Project Work Project Work 20 20 
Quick Overview of Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus  
The Class 11 Accountancy Syllabus provides interesting chapters and topics. It starts with the 
basics of Accounting and later into complex concepts. Check out the table below for a 
breakdown of what you'll be learning in each unit. 
PART A: Financial Accounting - I  
Unit-1: Theoretical Framework 
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes 
Introduction to 
* Describe the meaning, significance, objectives, advantages, and 
limitations of accounting in the modern economic environment.  
* Identify the users of accounting information and their needs.  
* Explain the various accounting terms and differentiate between related 
* Provide examples of accounting terms and concepts.  
* Explain that sales and purchases include both cash and credit 
Theory Base of 
* Differentiate between income, profit, and gains. 
* Explain the fundamental accounting assumptions and their 
* Describe the situations where accounting assumptions are applied. * 
Explain the meaning, applicability, objectives, advantages, and 
limitations of accounting standards.  
* Understand the importance of national and global accounting standards 
for consistent financial reporting.  
* Recognize that accounting transactions are recorded using the double-
entry system.  
* Explain the cash basis and accrual basis of accounting and why accrual 
basis is preferred.  
* Explain the meaning, advantages, and characteristics of the Goods and 
Services Tax (GST). 
Unit-2: Accounting Process  
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes 
Recording of Business 
* Explain the accounting equation and how transactions impact 
* Explain how transactions affect elements like assets, liabilities, 
capital, revenue, and expenses.  
* Prepare accounting vouchers based on source documents.  
* Record transactions in the journal and calculate GST.  
* Understand the purpose and use different cash book formats to 
record cash transactions.  
* Record non-cash transactions in appropriate subsidiary books.  
* Prepare a bank reconciliation statement to reconcile differences 
between the cash book and bank balances.  
* Understand ledger posting and develop the skill to post 
transactions from journals and subsidiary books. 
Page 3

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Updated Syllabus 
CBSE Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus Course Structure 
The table below shows the course structure and the distribution of marks in the updated 
Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus. 
Part Unit Periods Marks 
A: Financial Accounting-1 Theoretical Framework 25 12 
A: Financial Accounting-1 Accounting Process 115 44 
B: Financial Accounting-II 
Financial Statements of Sole 
Proprietorship 60 24 
C: Project Work Project Work 20 20 
Quick Overview of Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus  
The Class 11 Accountancy Syllabus provides interesting chapters and topics. It starts with the 
basics of Accounting and later into complex concepts. Check out the table below for a 
breakdown of what you'll be learning in each unit. 
PART A: Financial Accounting - I  
Unit-1: Theoretical Framework 
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes 
Introduction to 
* Describe the meaning, significance, objectives, advantages, and 
limitations of accounting in the modern economic environment.  
* Identify the users of accounting information and their needs.  
* Explain the various accounting terms and differentiate between related 
* Provide examples of accounting terms and concepts.  
* Explain that sales and purchases include both cash and credit 
Theory Base of 
* Differentiate between income, profit, and gains. 
* Explain the fundamental accounting assumptions and their 
* Describe the situations where accounting assumptions are applied. * 
Explain the meaning, applicability, objectives, advantages, and 
limitations of accounting standards.  
* Understand the importance of national and global accounting standards 
for consistent financial reporting.  
* Recognize that accounting transactions are recorded using the double-
entry system.  
* Explain the cash basis and accrual basis of accounting and why accrual 
basis is preferred.  
* Explain the meaning, advantages, and characteristics of the Goods and 
Services Tax (GST). 
Unit-2: Accounting Process  
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes 
Recording of Business 
* Explain the accounting equation and how transactions impact 
* Explain how transactions affect elements like assets, liabilities, 
capital, revenue, and expenses.  
* Prepare accounting vouchers based on source documents.  
* Record transactions in the journal and calculate GST.  
* Understand the purpose and use different cash book formats to 
record cash transactions.  
* Record non-cash transactions in appropriate subsidiary books.  
* Prepare a bank reconciliation statement to reconcile differences 
between the cash book and bank balances.  
* Understand ledger posting and develop the skill to post 
transactions from journals and subsidiary books. 
Depreciation, Provisions, 
and Reserves 
* Explain the concept of depreciation, its purpose, causes, and 
* Differentiate between depreciation, depletion, and 
* Understand and use different methods of depreciation (straight 
line and written down value).  
* Record depreciation using two methods: charging to the asset 
account and creating a provision for depreciation.  
* Explain the accounting treatment of asset disposal.  
* Understand the need for provisions and reserves.  
* Differentiate between provisions and reserves, and various 
types of reserves (revenue, capital, general, specific, and secret).  
* Distinguish between capital and revenue reserves. 
Trial Balance and 
Rectification of Errors 
* Explain the purpose and objectives of preparing a trial balance, 
and develop the skill to create one.  
* Understand different types of accounting errors and their impact 
on the trial balance.  
* Identify, locate, and rectify errors, including those that don't 
affect the trial balance.  
* Prepare a suspense account. 
Part B: Financial Accounting - II  
Unit 3: Financial Statements of Sole Proprietorship 
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes 
* Explain the meaning and purpose of financial statements.  
* Define gross profit, operating profit, and net profit, and prepare a trading 
and profit and loss account.  
* Understand the need for and prepare a balance sheet.  
* Apply techniques for grouping and marshalling assets and liabilities.  
* Recognize the need for adjustments to the trial balance when preparing 
financial statements.  
* Understand and perform adjustments for various items (depreciation, 
closing stock, provisions, etc.) in financial statements.  
* Develop the skill to prepare trading and profit and loss accounts and 
balance sheets. 
Page 4

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Updated Syllabus 
CBSE Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus Course Structure 
The table below shows the course structure and the distribution of marks in the updated 
Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus. 
Part Unit Periods Marks 
A: Financial Accounting-1 Theoretical Framework 25 12 
A: Financial Accounting-1 Accounting Process 115 44 
B: Financial Accounting-II 
Financial Statements of Sole 
Proprietorship 60 24 
C: Project Work Project Work 20 20 
Quick Overview of Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus  
The Class 11 Accountancy Syllabus provides interesting chapters and topics. It starts with the 
basics of Accounting and later into complex concepts. Check out the table below for a 
breakdown of what you'll be learning in each unit. 
PART A: Financial Accounting - I  
Unit-1: Theoretical Framework 
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes 
Introduction to 
* Describe the meaning, significance, objectives, advantages, and 
limitations of accounting in the modern economic environment.  
* Identify the users of accounting information and their needs.  
* Explain the various accounting terms and differentiate between related 
* Provide examples of accounting terms and concepts.  
* Explain that sales and purchases include both cash and credit 
Theory Base of 
* Differentiate between income, profit, and gains. 
* Explain the fundamental accounting assumptions and their 
* Describe the situations where accounting assumptions are applied. * 
Explain the meaning, applicability, objectives, advantages, and 
limitations of accounting standards.  
* Understand the importance of national and global accounting standards 
for consistent financial reporting.  
* Recognize that accounting transactions are recorded using the double-
entry system.  
* Explain the cash basis and accrual basis of accounting and why accrual 
basis is preferred.  
* Explain the meaning, advantages, and characteristics of the Goods and 
Services Tax (GST). 
Unit-2: Accounting Process  
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes 
Recording of Business 
* Explain the accounting equation and how transactions impact 
* Explain how transactions affect elements like assets, liabilities, 
capital, revenue, and expenses.  
* Prepare accounting vouchers based on source documents.  
* Record transactions in the journal and calculate GST.  
* Understand the purpose and use different cash book formats to 
record cash transactions.  
* Record non-cash transactions in appropriate subsidiary books.  
* Prepare a bank reconciliation statement to reconcile differences 
between the cash book and bank balances.  
* Understand ledger posting and develop the skill to post 
transactions from journals and subsidiary books. 
Depreciation, Provisions, 
and Reserves 
* Explain the concept of depreciation, its purpose, causes, and 
* Differentiate between depreciation, depletion, and 
* Understand and use different methods of depreciation (straight 
line and written down value).  
* Record depreciation using two methods: charging to the asset 
account and creating a provision for depreciation.  
* Explain the accounting treatment of asset disposal.  
* Understand the need for provisions and reserves.  
* Differentiate between provisions and reserves, and various 
types of reserves (revenue, capital, general, specific, and secret).  
* Distinguish between capital and revenue reserves. 
Trial Balance and 
Rectification of Errors 
* Explain the purpose and objectives of preparing a trial balance, 
and develop the skill to create one.  
* Understand different types of accounting errors and their impact 
on the trial balance.  
* Identify, locate, and rectify errors, including those that don't 
affect the trial balance.  
* Prepare a suspense account. 
Part B: Financial Accounting - II  
Unit 3: Financial Statements of Sole Proprietorship 
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes 
* Explain the meaning and purpose of financial statements.  
* Define gross profit, operating profit, and net profit, and prepare a trading 
and profit and loss account.  
* Understand the need for and prepare a balance sheet.  
* Apply techniques for grouping and marshalling assets and liabilities.  
* Recognize the need for adjustments to the trial balance when preparing 
financial statements.  
* Understand and perform adjustments for various items (depreciation, 
closing stock, provisions, etc.) in financial statements.  
* Develop the skill to prepare trading and profit and loss accounts and 
balance sheets. 
* Explain the features, reasons, and limitations of incomplete records.  
* A Certain profit or loss using the statement of affairs method (excluding 
the conversion method). 
Part C: Project Work (Any One) 
 1. Collection of source documents, preparation of vouchers, and recording of transactions 
with the help of vouchers.  
2. Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement with the given cash book and the pass book 
with twenty to twenty-five transactions.  
3. Comprehensive project of any sole proprietorship business. This may be stated with 
journal entries and their lingering preparation of Trial balance. Trading and Profit and Loss 
Account and Balance Sheet. Expenses, incomes, profit (loss), assets, and liabilities are to be 
depicted using a pie chart/bar diagram. This may include simple GST-related transactions. 
CBSE Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus - (055) Question Paper Design  
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the question paper design for 
the upcoming academic year Accountancy exam for Class 11 (code 055). This breakdown 
outlines the format and types of questions you can expect for the test. 
S.No. Typology of Questions Marks  Percentage 
Remembering and Understanding 
Exhibit memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, 
terms, basic concepts, and answers. Demonstrate understanding of 
facts and ideas by organising, comparing, translating, interpreting, 
giving descriptions, and stating main ideas  44 55 
Solve problems in new situations by applying acquired 
knowledge, facts, techniques, and rules in a different way.  19 23.75 
Analysing, Evaluating, and Creating 
Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives 
or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to support 
generalisations. Present and defend opinions by making 
judgments about information, validity of ideas, or quality of work 17 21.25 
Page 5

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Updated Syllabus 
CBSE Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus Course Structure 
The table below shows the course structure and the distribution of marks in the updated 
Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus. 
Part Unit Periods Marks 
A: Financial Accounting-1 Theoretical Framework 25 12 
A: Financial Accounting-1 Accounting Process 115 44 
B: Financial Accounting-II 
Financial Statements of Sole 
Proprietorship 60 24 
C: Project Work Project Work 20 20 
Quick Overview of Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus  
The Class 11 Accountancy Syllabus provides interesting chapters and topics. It starts with the 
basics of Accounting and later into complex concepts. Check out the table below for a 
breakdown of what you'll be learning in each unit. 
PART A: Financial Accounting - I  
Unit-1: Theoretical Framework 
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes 
Introduction to 
* Describe the meaning, significance, objectives, advantages, and 
limitations of accounting in the modern economic environment.  
* Identify the users of accounting information and their needs.  
* Explain the various accounting terms and differentiate between related 
* Provide examples of accounting terms and concepts.  
* Explain that sales and purchases include both cash and credit 
Theory Base of 
* Differentiate between income, profit, and gains. 
* Explain the fundamental accounting assumptions and their 
* Describe the situations where accounting assumptions are applied. * 
Explain the meaning, applicability, objectives, advantages, and 
limitations of accounting standards.  
* Understand the importance of national and global accounting standards 
for consistent financial reporting.  
* Recognize that accounting transactions are recorded using the double-
entry system.  
* Explain the cash basis and accrual basis of accounting and why accrual 
basis is preferred.  
* Explain the meaning, advantages, and characteristics of the Goods and 
Services Tax (GST). 
Unit-2: Accounting Process  
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes 
Recording of Business 
* Explain the accounting equation and how transactions impact 
* Explain how transactions affect elements like assets, liabilities, 
capital, revenue, and expenses.  
* Prepare accounting vouchers based on source documents.  
* Record transactions in the journal and calculate GST.  
* Understand the purpose and use different cash book formats to 
record cash transactions.  
* Record non-cash transactions in appropriate subsidiary books.  
* Prepare a bank reconciliation statement to reconcile differences 
between the cash book and bank balances.  
* Understand ledger posting and develop the skill to post 
transactions from journals and subsidiary books. 
Depreciation, Provisions, 
and Reserves 
* Explain the concept of depreciation, its purpose, causes, and 
* Differentiate between depreciation, depletion, and 
* Understand and use different methods of depreciation (straight 
line and written down value).  
* Record depreciation using two methods: charging to the asset 
account and creating a provision for depreciation.  
* Explain the accounting treatment of asset disposal.  
* Understand the need for provisions and reserves.  
* Differentiate between provisions and reserves, and various 
types of reserves (revenue, capital, general, specific, and secret).  
* Distinguish between capital and revenue reserves. 
Trial Balance and 
Rectification of Errors 
* Explain the purpose and objectives of preparing a trial balance, 
and develop the skill to create one.  
* Understand different types of accounting errors and their impact 
on the trial balance.  
* Identify, locate, and rectify errors, including those that don't 
affect the trial balance.  
* Prepare a suspense account. 
Part B: Financial Accounting - II  
Unit 3: Financial Statements of Sole Proprietorship 
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes 
* Explain the meaning and purpose of financial statements.  
* Define gross profit, operating profit, and net profit, and prepare a trading 
and profit and loss account.  
* Understand the need for and prepare a balance sheet.  
* Apply techniques for grouping and marshalling assets and liabilities.  
* Recognize the need for adjustments to the trial balance when preparing 
financial statements.  
* Understand and perform adjustments for various items (depreciation, 
closing stock, provisions, etc.) in financial statements.  
* Develop the skill to prepare trading and profit and loss accounts and 
balance sheets. 
* Explain the features, reasons, and limitations of incomplete records.  
* A Certain profit or loss using the statement of affairs method (excluding 
the conversion method). 
Part C: Project Work (Any One) 
 1. Collection of source documents, preparation of vouchers, and recording of transactions 
with the help of vouchers.  
2. Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement with the given cash book and the pass book 
with twenty to twenty-five transactions.  
3. Comprehensive project of any sole proprietorship business. This may be stated with 
journal entries and their lingering preparation of Trial balance. Trading and Profit and Loss 
Account and Balance Sheet. Expenses, incomes, profit (loss), assets, and liabilities are to be 
depicted using a pie chart/bar diagram. This may include simple GST-related transactions. 
CBSE Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus - (055) Question Paper Design  
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the question paper design for 
the upcoming academic year Accountancy exam for Class 11 (code 055). This breakdown 
outlines the format and types of questions you can expect for the test. 
S.No. Typology of Questions Marks  Percentage 
Remembering and Understanding 
Exhibit memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, 
terms, basic concepts, and answers. Demonstrate understanding of 
facts and ideas by organising, comparing, translating, interpreting, 
giving descriptions, and stating main ideas  44 55 
Solve problems in new situations by applying acquired 
knowledge, facts, techniques, and rules in a different way.  19 23.75 
Analysing, Evaluating, and Creating 
Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives 
or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to support 
generalisations. Present and defend opinions by making 
judgments about information, validity of ideas, or quality of work 17 21.25 
based on a set of criteria. Compile information together in a 
different way by combining elements in a new pattern or 
proposing alternative solutions.  
TOTAL 80 100 
Prescribed Books for Class 11 Accountancy:  
• Financial Accounting -I Class XI NCERT Publication  
• Accountancy -II Class XI NCERT Publication 
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64 videos|152 docs|35 tests

FAQs on Syllabus: Accountancy for Class 11 - Accountancy Class 11 - Commerce

1. What is the importance of studying accountancy in Class 11 Commerce?
Ans. Accountancy is important in Class 11 Commerce as it provides a strong foundation for understanding financial transactions, recording them accurately, and preparing financial statements. It helps students develop analytical and problem-solving skills, and also lays the groundwork for pursuing a career in finance, auditing, taxation, or business management.
2. What are the topics covered in the Accountancy syllabus for Class 11 Commerce?
Ans. The Accountancy syllabus for Class 11 Commerce covers various topics such as Introduction to Accounting, Theory Base of Accounting, Recording of Transactions - I, and Recording of Transactions - II. It also includes topics like Bank Reconciliation Statement, Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors, Depreciation, and Financial Statements - I.
3. How can I prepare effectively for the Accountancy exam in Class 11 Commerce?
Ans. To prepare effectively for the Accountancy exam in Class 11 Commerce, you can start by understanding the concepts and principles thoroughly. Practice solving different types of problems and numericals to strengthen your understanding and calculation skills. Make use of textbooks, reference books, and online resources for additional study materials. It is also beneficial to solve previous years' question papers and take mock tests to assess your preparation level.
4. What are the career options after studying Accountancy in Class 11 Commerce?
Ans. Studying Accountancy in Class 11 Commerce opens up various career options. Some popular career choices include pursuing Chartered Accountancy (CA), Cost and Management Accountancy (CMA), Company Secretary (CS), and Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) with specialization in Accountancy or Finance. Accountancy graduates can also work in banking, finance, taxation, auditing, or choose to become entrepreneurs.
5. How can I improve my practical knowledge of Accountancy in Class 11 Commerce?
Ans. To improve your practical knowledge of Accountancy in Class 11 Commerce, you can practice solving real-life scenarios and case studies related to accounting concepts. It is also helpful to maintain a record of financial transactions personally or for a small business to gain hands-on experience. Additionally, participating in workshops, seminars, or internships related to accounting can provide practical exposure and enhance your understanding.
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