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UPPSC (Prelims) CSAT Paper II (24 September 2017) | UPPSC Previous Year Papers - UPPSC (UP) PDF Download

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 Page 2

ft 1 '-i I? ? - 11 
? 31:Jwiti<fi ffl1A" ? ? 3fq;) if 3FGx? 
? "ij, '1"ffi °ij, ? ? cf;IB ilra-'Ccfrlc ? cf>T ?<R I 
31?:Jff \RR-lf?r<f; lR '3ffi ? ? ? ? 31:\??ri q;) -fflc1?14'l£44> 'q"c, ? I 
'1??'1°, ?? ,, 
1. xi????? 1?'41??3lcf, '{1?11t I
?-4-5t<t> 1R ? ? atjst>'iict>, ?- ?-lP-1 '<f>l ? ? ? ,a>t;ft? ?Fc\,a ?
?'3ffl-tp5fq; q;1 4FUi<f>1 ?f<m:n Gll(?
11 aftx '3-<1<6) Rit+4GI? ? ?ctft mlfi I
? 4?? 01 ?fffi<f>I q 100 ? t I Skilcf> ™ "ij) ? (4) ?cf>k,qcf> '3m ? ? t I??
? ? ? t-e ? ? \Rll ? ih cl &I ? ? ? ? cf>1 ?-? tR q;ra 
ffl-<41? e. q.J ? ?? cf>x ?I????? ctft Gfflll ? ? ?<JTTlIT'@ lWfT u11q:r11 ? ?
u1i=q1 ? 
Gf 1(?
11 I 
3lja>'1i4> ? 3l&flcH ?afOT g?q,I ? 
cf>cR ? tR ? ? ? I? 3l&tlcH ?? 'jfffi<f>t
? 3FGx 3tR ? 1 fcra I ? 3TTQ ? ? ct>'< 11 tt l6d t. fil 3TTQ f.rtlanJ> ? cl ffl> 
1 "fltc lTTlT ?cf? tR qjfga fii:l11q ? ? I
?? ???I (jlcl? ? gx;,a ifTG ? <f>-<4> ? ? ? q??o1 ??<Iii??? ?-iflftt
u-q?t-, ? q??
, ??cf> 1 1t??ID, m Pt?1t1cf> cm ?u1ef>i< ? ??s,, tt??
Note  : English  version o f the i nstructions i s p rinted o n t he b ack c over o f this  Booklet. 
Page 3

ft 1 '-i I? ? - 11 
? 31:Jwiti<fi ffl1A" ? ? 3fq;) if 3FGx? 
? "ij, '1"ffi °ij, ? ? cf;IB ilra-'Ccfrlc ? cf>T ?<R I 
31?:Jff \RR-lf?r<f; lR '3ffi ? ? ? ? 31:\??ri q;) -fflc1?14'l£44> 'q"c, ? I 
'1??'1°, ?? ,, 
1. xi????? 1?'41??3lcf, '{1?11t I
?-4-5t<t> 1R ? ? atjst>'iict>, ?- ?-lP-1 '<f>l ? ? ? ,a>t;ft? ?Fc\,a ?
?'3ffl-tp5fq; q;1 4FUi<f>1 ?f<m:n Gll(?
11 aftx '3-<1<6) Rit+4GI? ? ?ctft mlfi I
? 4?? 01 ?fffi<f>I q 100 ? t I Skilcf> ™ "ij) ? (4) ?cf>k,qcf> '3m ? ? t I??
? ? ? t-e ? ? \Rll ? ih cl &I ? ? ? ? cf>1 ?-? tR q;ra 
ffl-<41? e. q.J ? ?? cf>x ?I????? ctft Gfflll ? ? ?<JTTlIT'@ lWfT u11q:r11 ? ?
u1i=q1 ? 
Gf 1(?
11 I 
3lja>'1i4> ? 3l&flcH ?afOT g?q,I ? 
cf>cR ? tR ? ? ? I? 3l&tlcH ?? 'jfffi<f>t
? 3FGx 3tR ? 1 fcra I ? 3TTQ ? ? ct>'< 11 tt l6d t. fil 3TTQ f.rtlanJ> ? cl ffl> 
1 "fltc lTTlT ?cf? tR qjfga fii:l11q ? ? I
?? ???I (jlcl? ? gx;,a ifTG ? <f>-<4> ? ? ? q??o1 ??<Iii??? ?-iflftt
u-q?t-, ? q??
, ??cf> 1 1t??ID, m Pt?1t1cf> cm ?u1ef>i< ? ??s,, tt??
Note  : English  version o f the i nstructions i s p rinted o n t he b ack c over o f this  Booklet. 
?1q1? ?-11 
In trucrion for Qul',rion No, . I to 5. 
l he c!r?·.u g.r.unm.tr or P mm "h,ch
ctl?·dt\ L'h ,1.1b1I L"I.I 1h? "-nn knt langua •c. 
pr?,ur1"1(l-.c, t'L' \\ ,,rk of m n} earlier 
gm mm J n .t n, 
had u ceded m 
\\ h1d1 1 1h h u. ck I m ,1 
( ) Pr ft 
(h) Suffi
(c') RtK l 
(d) lnfk "'"
Fill m the hi n m the H.-n :m 
Th C rlJ Cl)111 I gJ l dt.9' ,scd pnrll...,pl 
\\ ord. and had cla,?1tit.-d S< ne 2000 
mono ? llah ? -(l\)l "'hich. \\ ith the add1t1on of 
prdht.?. sutti '\C?. Jnd in tlexion , t:rc thought 
to pr°' de all the \\ .,nJ-.. of the language. 
Though t'1t! car? d?n1ologi?t:-. ,, en: c,,m ... ·d in 
pnn?1ple. , ,?? mJdc man) errors and abe 
den\ auons. anJ started a prcl!'--xicnt \\ hich 
pro<luced mterc ting re:-.ult:-. in man? brancht.? 
of lndi:m thlluuhl. Thoul!h it fuml! i much 
- '-' 
r?1nL:h.:d by it ,pcdalt/cJ nature. then: i no 
douht thut Panini· grammar •? , nc of the 
grcate<:>t intellectual achic, emcnh of any 
ancient <.:h 1111.Jllon. und the mo t dctatk-d and 
"-Cicnti fie grammar corn pc cd hdon: the I gt h 
century in any part of the "orld.
I. Which grammar hr,ok 1 c in 1dcr?-d lh ·
most sdcntific '!
- ?u ( .
(h) Patanjali.
(c) An unknm\n grammm n
(d) Katyan:f.
(al whi h \\ete rtl) corn.'---, 
(b) \\ hich \\ cre pant m ,r:rcct
\\ hid, "ere l!llITT.'\.1
Panini' grmnm r • , c 
s?n,krit hmgua gc. 
(n) inst b1lit
..Jh tnb1ht 
(c) bilit)
tdl an b1ht 
\\ h m d-- m n 
( 1) p 111111
Tr( I 
Page 4

ft 1 '-i I? ? - 11 
? 31:Jwiti<fi ffl1A" ? ? 3fq;) if 3FGx? 
? "ij, '1"ffi °ij, ? ? cf;IB ilra-'Ccfrlc ? cf>T ?<R I 
31?:Jff \RR-lf?r<f; lR '3ffi ? ? ? ? 31:\??ri q;) -fflc1?14'l£44> 'q"c, ? I 
'1??'1°, ?? ,, 
1. xi????? 1?'41??3lcf, '{1?11t I
?-4-5t<t> 1R ? ? atjst>'iict>, ?- ?-lP-1 '<f>l ? ? ? ,a>t;ft? ?Fc\,a ?
?'3ffl-tp5fq; q;1 4FUi<f>1 ?f<m:n Gll(?
11 aftx '3-<1<6) Rit+4GI? ? ?ctft mlfi I
? 4?? 01 ?fffi<f>I q 100 ? t I Skilcf> ™ "ij) ? (4) ?cf>k,qcf> '3m ? ? t I??
? ? ? t-e ? ? \Rll ? ih cl &I ? ? ? ? cf>1 ?-? tR q;ra 
ffl-<41? e. q.J ? ?? cf>x ?I????? ctft Gfflll ? ? ?<JTTlIT'@ lWfT u11q:r11 ? ?
u1i=q1 ? 
Gf 1(?
11 I 
3lja>'1i4> ? 3l&flcH ?afOT g?q,I ? 
cf>cR ? tR ? ? ? I? 3l&tlcH ?? 'jfffi<f>t
? 3FGx 3tR ? 1 fcra I ? 3TTQ ? ? ct>'< 11 tt l6d t. fil 3TTQ f.rtlanJ> ? cl ffl> 
1 "fltc lTTlT ?cf? tR qjfga fii:l11q ? ? I
?? ???I (jlcl? ? gx;,a ifTG ? <f>-<4> ? ? ? q??o1 ??<Iii??? ?-iflftt
u-q?t-, ? q??
, ??cf> 1 1t??ID, m Pt?1t1cf> cm ?u1ef>i< ? ??s,, tt??
Note  : English  version o f the i nstructions i s p rinted o n t he b ack c over o f this  Booklet. 
?1q1? ?-11 
In trucrion for Qul',rion No, . I to 5. 
l he c!r?·.u g.r.unm.tr or P mm "h,ch
ctl?·dt\ L'h ,1.1b1I L"I.I 1h? "-nn knt langua •c. 
pr?,ur1"1(l-.c, t'L' \\ ,,rk of m n} earlier 
gm mm J n .t n, 
had u ceded m 
\\ h1d1 1 1h h u. ck I m ,1 
( ) Pr ft 
(h) Suffi
(c') RtK l 
(d) lnfk "'"
Fill m the hi n m the H.-n :m 
Th C rlJ Cl)111 I gJ l dt.9' ,scd pnrll...,pl 
\\ ord. and had cla,?1tit.-d S< ne 2000 
mono ? llah ? -(l\)l "'hich. \\ ith the add1t1on of 
prdht.?. sutti '\C?. Jnd in tlexion , t:rc thought 
to pr°' de all the \\ .,nJ-.. of the language. 
Though t'1t! car? d?n1ologi?t:-. ,, en: c,,m ... ·d in 
pnn?1ple. , ,?? mJdc man) errors and abe 
den\ auons. anJ started a prcl!'--xicnt \\ hich 
pro<luced mterc ting re:-.ult:-. in man? brancht.? 
of lndi:m thlluuhl. Thoul!h it fuml! i much 
- '-' 
r?1nL:h.:d by it ,pcdalt/cJ nature. then: i no 
douht thut Panini· grammar •? , nc of the 
grcate<:>t intellectual achic, emcnh of any 
ancient <.:h 1111.Jllon. und the mo t dctatk-d and 
"-Cicnti fie grammar corn pc cd hdon: the I gt h 
century in any part of the "orld.
I. Which grammar hr,ok 1 c in 1dcr?-d lh ·
most sdcntific '!
- ?u ( .
(h) Patanjali.
(c) An unknm\n grammm n
(d) Katyan:f.
(al whi h \\ete rtl) corn.'---, 
(b) \\ hich \\ cre pant m ,r:rcct
\\ hid, "ere l!llITT.'\.1
Panini' grmnm r • , c 
s?n,krit hmgua gc. 
(n) inst b1lit
..Jh tnb1ht 
(c) bilit)
tdl an b1ht 
\\ h m d-- m n 
( 1) p 111111
Tr( I 
Which part of speech is w:ccl in lhc
underlined word'! 
He takes atler his father. 
(-a) Ad\'crh (h) 
(c) Conjum:tion .(?
Fill in the hlank in the given sentence 
choosing the correct option 
The rule is applicabk __ everyone. 
(a) for 
(c) about
,. (b) to 
(d) with
Change the following sentence 
indirect fonn : 
He said. "'Alas ! I am undone."
The correct option is 
_,.( - -ar 
He lamented that he was undone.
(h) He exclaimed sadly that he was
(c) He felt sorry to say that he ,s
He repeated and said I am undone.
9. Choose the correct passive voice of the
given sentence :
Why did you not give him proper advice '?
(a) Why he was not given proper advi ce
hy you'? 
) Why proper .advice did you not give
him? >:. M Why was he nor given proper advice hy 
(d) Why he was not given by you proper
ZPSB-02 3 
10. Clwosc lhc wo,d wl11d1 i, opp11,1h; ,ri
111e11ning lo 'odd' !
(U) llUCCI
(c) even
( h) !?1111 c
(cl) :illlUI I 
11. Identify the sy11011y111 of ·Pl,A!J<; IBI r'
from the following .
(a) Problematic (I->) C<,stly 
(c) Bclicvahlc (d) Prohahlc
12. Select the com.:ct n11:a111ng of the 1d1om
from the following :
Govind has lct1 his coumry •for good'
,..... ?be tter opportunr ucs 
(h) for ever
(c) on an important mission
( d) lo return soon
13. Fill in the blank in the given sentence
with the co1Tcct preposition
I have decided to give __ drinkmg.
(a) Ill
(c) away
(b) with
14. Fill in the hlank in th1.: g" en ?cnt?n??
with the correct prcpmation .
At last, he made his minJ w 
support us. 
(n) with (h) on
JPY' up \d) of
15. Find out the word in1..:um.:ctly spelt.
(a) Pcm1issi()n
( c) .,....... Admision
(h) f\mhttion
td) 'ubm1ssi\)ll
Page 5

ft 1 '-i I? ? - 11 
? 31:Jwiti<fi ffl1A" ? ? 3fq;) if 3FGx? 
? "ij, '1"ffi °ij, ? ? cf;IB ilra-'Ccfrlc ? cf>T ?<R I 
31?:Jff \RR-lf?r<f; lR '3ffi ? ? ? ? 31:\??ri q;) -fflc1?14'l£44> 'q"c, ? I 
'1??'1°, ?? ,, 
1. xi????? 1?'41??3lcf, '{1?11t I
?-4-5t<t> 1R ? ? atjst>'iict>, ?- ?-lP-1 '<f>l ? ? ? ,a>t;ft? ?Fc\,a ?
?'3ffl-tp5fq; q;1 4FUi<f>1 ?f<m:n Gll(?
11 aftx '3-<1<6) Rit+4GI? ? ?ctft mlfi I
? 4?? 01 ?fffi<f>I q 100 ? t I Skilcf> ™ "ij) ? (4) ?cf>k,qcf> '3m ? ? t I??
? ? ? t-e ? ? \Rll ? ih cl &I ? ? ? ? cf>1 ?-? tR q;ra 
ffl-<41? e. q.J ? ?? cf>x ?I????? ctft Gfflll ? ? ?<JTTlIT'@ lWfT u11q:r11 ? ?
u1i=q1 ? 
Gf 1(?
11 I 
3lja>'1i4> ? 3l&flcH ?afOT g?q,I ? 
cf>cR ? tR ? ? ? I? 3l&tlcH ?? 'jfffi<f>t
? 3FGx 3tR ? 1 fcra I ? 3TTQ ? ? ct>'< 11 tt l6d t. fil 3TTQ f.rtlanJ> ? cl ffl> 
1 "fltc lTTlT ?cf? tR qjfga fii:l11q ? ? I
?? ???I (jlcl? ? gx;,a ifTG ? <f>-<4> ? ? ? q??o1 ??<Iii??? ?-iflftt
u-q?t-, ? q??
, ??cf> 1 1t??ID, m Pt?1t1cf> cm ?u1ef>i< ? ??s,, tt??
Note  : English  version o f the i nstructions i s p rinted o n t he b ack c over o f this  Booklet. 
?1q1? ?-11 
In trucrion for Qul',rion No, . I to 5. 
l he c!r?·.u g.r.unm.tr or P mm "h,ch
ctl?·dt\ L'h ,1.1b1I L"I.I 1h? "-nn knt langua •c. 
pr?,ur1"1(l-.c, t'L' \\ ,,rk of m n} earlier 
gm mm J n .t n, 
had u ceded m 
\\ h1d1 1 1h h u. ck I m ,1 
( ) Pr ft 
(h) Suffi
(c') RtK l 
(d) lnfk "'"
Fill m the hi n m the H.-n :m 
Th C rlJ Cl)111 I gJ l dt.9' ,scd pnrll...,pl 
\\ ord. and had cla,?1tit.-d S< ne 2000 
mono ? llah ? -(l\)l "'hich. \\ ith the add1t1on of 
prdht.?. sutti '\C?. Jnd in tlexion , t:rc thought 
to pr°' de all the \\ .,nJ-.. of the language. 
Though t'1t! car? d?n1ologi?t:-. ,, en: c,,m ... ·d in 
pnn?1ple. , ,?? mJdc man) errors and abe 
den\ auons. anJ started a prcl!'--xicnt \\ hich 
pro<luced mterc ting re:-.ult:-. in man? brancht.? 
of lndi:m thlluuhl. Thoul!h it fuml! i much 
- '-' 
r?1nL:h.:d by it ,pcdalt/cJ nature. then: i no 
douht thut Panini· grammar •? , nc of the 
grcate<:>t intellectual achic, emcnh of any 
ancient <.:h 1111.Jllon. und the mo t dctatk-d and 
"-Cicnti fie grammar corn pc cd hdon: the I gt h 
century in any part of the "orld.
I. Which grammar hr,ok 1 c in 1dcr?-d lh ·
most sdcntific '!
- ?u ( .
(h) Patanjali.
(c) An unknm\n grammm n
(d) Katyan:f.
(al whi h \\ete rtl) corn.'---, 
(b) \\ hich \\ cre pant m ,r:rcct
\\ hid, "ere l!llITT.'\.1
Panini' grmnm r • , c 
s?n,krit hmgua gc. 
(n) inst b1lit
..Jh tnb1ht 
(c) bilit)
tdl an b1ht 
\\ h m d-- m n 
( 1) p 111111
Tr( I 
Which part of speech is w:ccl in lhc
underlined word'! 
He takes atler his father. 
(-a) Ad\'crh (h) 
(c) Conjum:tion .(?
Fill in the hlank in the given sentence 
choosing the correct option 
The rule is applicabk __ everyone. 
(a) for 
(c) about
,. (b) to 
(d) with
Change the following sentence 
indirect fonn : 
He said. "'Alas ! I am undone."
The correct option is 
_,.( - -ar 
He lamented that he was undone.
(h) He exclaimed sadly that he was
(c) He felt sorry to say that he ,s
He repeated and said I am undone.
9. Choose the correct passive voice of the
given sentence :
Why did you not give him proper advice '?
(a) Why he was not given proper advi ce
hy you'? 
) Why proper .advice did you not give
him? >:. M Why was he nor given proper advice hy 
(d) Why he was not given by you proper
ZPSB-02 3 
10. Clwosc lhc wo,d wl11d1 i, opp11,1h; ,ri
111e11ning lo 'odd' !
(U) llUCCI
(c) even
( h) !?1111 c
(cl) :illlUI I 
11. Identify the sy11011y111 of ·Pl,A!J<; IBI r'
from the following .
(a) Problematic (I->) C<,stly 
(c) Bclicvahlc (d) Prohahlc
12. Select the com.:ct n11:a111ng of the 1d1om
from the following :
Govind has lct1 his coumry •for good'
,..... ?be tter opportunr ucs 
(h) for ever
(c) on an important mission
( d) lo return soon
13. Fill in the blank in the given sentence
with the co1Tcct preposition
I have decided to give __ drinkmg.
(a) Ill
(c) away
(b) with
14. Fill in the hlank in th1.: g" en ?cnt?n??
with the correct prcpmation .
At last, he made his minJ w 
support us. 
(n) with (h) on
JPY' up \d) of
15. Find out the word in1..:um.:ctly spelt.
(a) Pcm1issi()n
( c) .,....... Admision
(h) f\mhttion
td) 'ubm1ssi\)ll
J.6. So for, all the men with whom I have 
come in contact. ari:! selfish; why should I 
not infer, ther?fore. that n1an is selfish ? 
It involves the fallacy of 
(a) Petitio principii
(b) Illicit generalization
(c) Four tenns
None of the above
17. Assertion: (A) : Silver 1s not used to
make wires. 
Reason (R): Silver is bad conductor. 
Select the co1Tcct answer from the code 
given below : 
(a ) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is
the correct explanation of (A).
(h) Both (A) and (R) are true. but (R) is
not the correct explanation of (A).
(A) is true, but (R) is false.
) Both (A) and (R) are false.
18. Which one of the following conclusions
can he validly drawn from the given set
of prem ises'?
I. All Pilots are brave men.
2. All Astronauts are pilots.
Conclusion :
(a) All Pilots are Astronauts.
,,.(-b1 All Astronauts are brave men. 
Some Astronauts arc brave men.
(d) No Astronauts are brave men.
1"9. If the proposition "No Scientists are 
..._ Phil osophers'' is true, what can be 
ed about the truth or falsity of 
the proposition "All Philosophers are 
(a) True
(b) Doubtful
(d) None of the above
Many people die on bed.
Do not, therefore, lie on bed.
i_!J.Y olves the fall
cy nf:
-ta, Non-ohservat1on and illicit 
(b) Four terms
( c) Composition
(d) None of the above
He must be an cxcclh!m man fcx I hav e
been favourably in 1prc?scd with 
nlanncr of talking.
It involves the fallacy of
ta) ..... ignoratio clench,
(IJ)' Composi1ion
( c) Di vision
{d) Illicit genernlizt1110n
22. Wine cannot be injurious to health. for if
it had been so docwrs would nnt ha\ e
prescribed it. It involves the fallacy of
(a) Four tcm1s
{b) lgnoratio clenchi
(c) Petitio principii
...(df Illicit generalization
23. The University is tht: temple (.)f kaming.
and therefore, politics has no place 111 1t.
It involves the fallacy of
(a) lgnoratio elcnchi
(b) Four terms
( e) Bad analogy
_..... (d) Division 
24. Thirteen is one numh t: r.
Six and seven are thirteen
Therefore six and sevt::n are one number
This involves the fallacy of
(b) Division
(c) Four terms
(d) None of the abm c
one of thl.! 
following u.mdu ·1on ?an
be validly drav:n from the gi\'cn stat?ment: 
Statement : Every library ha' book 
Conclusion : 
_......( -a) - o library is W1thuu1 b,.l,lks. 
(b) Librnrics nrc mcunt f or h Ol
k. :- onl\
( c)
Books are only m hbtUI).
(d) Some libraric$ do not IHI\\! rl!Jlk?.
All the work of hakcs1lCarc ?annor he
read in a day. Haml\.! 1 1 • J worl. 
Shakespeare. Therefore Humlct ?amwt he
read in a day. 
This in\'ol\'cs the follm:y of 
(n) Division
(b) Composition
(c) Pctitio principi,
(d) None of thf abt,, ?
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FAQs on UPPSC (Prelims) CSAT Paper II (24 September 2017) - UPPSC Previous Year Papers - UPPSC (UP)

1. What is the UPPSC Prelims CSAT Paper II?
Ans. The UPPSC Prelims CSAT Paper II is an examination conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) for the selection of candidates for various civil service posts in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It is a competitive exam that tests the candidate's aptitude and reasoning abilities.
2. When was the UPPSC Prelims CSAT Paper II conducted in 2017?
Ans. The UPPSC Prelims CSAT Paper II exam was conducted on 24th September 2017.
3. What is the syllabus for UPPSC Prelims CSAT Paper II?
Ans. The syllabus for UPPSC Prelims CSAT Paper II includes topics such as comprehension, logical reasoning, analytical ability, decision-making, general mental ability, basic numeracy, and English language comprehension skills.
4. What are the eligibility criteria for appearing in UPPSC Prelims CSAT Paper II?
Ans. To be eligible for appearing in UPPSC Prelims CSAT Paper II, a candidate must have completed their graduation from a recognized university. The specific eligibility criteria may vary depending on the post for which the candidate is applying.
5. How can I prepare for UPPSC Prelims CSAT Paper II?
Ans. To prepare for UPPSC Prelims CSAT Paper II, candidates can start by thoroughly studying the syllabus and understanding the exam pattern. They can also refer to previous years' question papers and practice mock tests to get familiar with the format and types of questions asked. Additionally, candidates can enroll in coaching institutes or join online courses that provide guidance and study materials for this exam.
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