Humanities/Arts Exam  >  Humanities/Arts Notes  >  History Class 12  >  Class 12 History Solved Paper (2022) - 12

Class 12 History Solved Paper (2022) - 12 | History Class 12 - Humanities/Arts PDF Download

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61/5/2 1 [P.T.O.
ZmoQ> / NOTE :
(i) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| _w{ÐV n¥ð> 13+1 _mZ{MÌ h¢&
Please check that this question paper contains 13 printed pages + 1 Map.
(ii) àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo N>mÌ CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥ð> na {bI|&
Q.P . Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
(iii) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| 10 àíZ h¢&
Please check that this question paper contains 10 questions.
(iv) H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go nhbo, CÎma-nwpñVH$m _| àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$ Adí` {bI|&
Please write down the Serial Number of the question in the answer-book before attempting
(v) Bg àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ> H$m g_` {X`m J`m h¡& àíZ-nÌ H$m {dVaU nydm©• _| 10.15 ~Oo
{H$`m OmEJm& 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>|Jo Am¡a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ do
CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo&
15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period.
{ZYm©[aV g_` … 2 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ … 40
Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 40
amob> Z§.
Roll No.
SET No. 2
narjmWu àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$
_wI-n¥ð> na Adí` {bI|&
Candidates must write the Q.P . Code
on the title page of the answer-book.
Series AB5CD/5
àíZ nÌ H$moS>
Q.P. Code
Page 2

61/5/2 1 [P.T.O.
ZmoQ> / NOTE :
(i) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| _w{ÐV n¥ð> 13+1 _mZ{MÌ h¢&
Please check that this question paper contains 13 printed pages + 1 Map.
(ii) àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo N>mÌ CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥ð> na {bI|&
Q.P . Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
(iii) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| 10 àíZ h¢&
Please check that this question paper contains 10 questions.
(iv) H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go nhbo, CÎma-nwpñVH$m _| àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$ Adí` {bI|&
Please write down the Serial Number of the question in the answer-book before attempting
(v) Bg àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ> H$m g_` {X`m J`m h¡& àíZ-nÌ H$m {dVaU nydm©• _| 10.15 ~Oo
{H$`m OmEJm& 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>|Jo Am¡a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ do
CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo&
15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period.
{ZYm©[aV g_` … 2 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ … 40
Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 40
amob> Z§.
Roll No.
SET No. 2
narjmWu àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$
_wI-n¥ð> na Adí` {bI|&
Candidates must write the Q.P . Code
on the title page of the answer-book.
Series AB5CD/5
àíZ nÌ H$moS>
Q.P. Code
61/5/2 2
gm_mÝ` {ZX}e…
{ZåZ{b{IV {ZX}em| H$mo Ü`mZ go n‹T>| Am¡a CZH$m g»Vr go nmbZ H$a| …
1. Bg àíZ-nÌ _| Hw$b 10 àíZ h¢& àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ gm_Zo àíZ Ho$ A§H$ {XE JE h¢&
2. g^r àíZ A{Zdm`© h¢&
3. `h àíZ-nÌ Mma IÊS>m| _| {d^m{OV {H$`m J`m h¡, IÊS>-H$, I, J VWm K&
4. IÊS> H$ … àíZ g§»`m 1 go 4 VH$ bKw-CÎmar` àH$ma Ho$ àíZ h¢ {Og_| àË`oH$ àíZ 3 A§H$m| H$m
h¡& BZ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma 80 eãXm| go A{YH$ Zht {XE OmZo Mm{hE&
5. IÊS> I … àíZ g§»`m 5 go 7 VH$ XrK©-CÎmar` àH$ma Ho$ àíZ h¢ {Og_| àË`oH$ àíZ 6 A§H$m| H$m
h¡& BZ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma 150 go 200 eãXm| go A{YH$ Zht {XE OmZo Mm{hE&
6. IÊS> J … àíZ g§»`m 8 VWm 9 òmoV AmYm[aV àíZ h¢, àË`oH$ n«íZ 4 A§H$m| H$m h¡&
7. IÊS> K … àíZ g§»`m 10 _mZ{MÌ AmYm[aV 2 A§H$m| H$m àíZ h¡&
8. àíZ-nÌ _| H$moB© g_J« {dH$ën Zht h¡& hmbm§{H$, Hw$N> àíZm| _| Am§V[aH$ {dH$ën H$m M`Z àXmZ
{H$`m J`m h¡& Bg àH$ma Ho$ àíZm| _| go Ho$db EH$ hr àíZ H$m CÎma {b{IE&
Page 3

61/5/2 1 [P.T.O.
ZmoQ> / NOTE :
(i) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| _w{ÐV n¥ð> 13+1 _mZ{MÌ h¢&
Please check that this question paper contains 13 printed pages + 1 Map.
(ii) àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo N>mÌ CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥ð> na {bI|&
Q.P . Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
(iii) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| 10 àíZ h¢&
Please check that this question paper contains 10 questions.
(iv) H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go nhbo, CÎma-nwpñVH$m _| àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$ Adí` {bI|&
Please write down the Serial Number of the question in the answer-book before attempting
(v) Bg àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ> H$m g_` {X`m J`m h¡& àíZ-nÌ H$m {dVaU nydm©• _| 10.15 ~Oo
{H$`m OmEJm& 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>|Jo Am¡a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ do
CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo&
15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period.
{ZYm©[aV g_` … 2 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ … 40
Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 40
amob> Z§.
Roll No.
SET No. 2
narjmWu àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$
_wI-n¥ð> na Adí` {bI|&
Candidates must write the Q.P . Code
on the title page of the answer-book.
Series AB5CD/5
àíZ nÌ H$moS>
Q.P. Code
61/5/2 2
gm_mÝ` {ZX}e…
{ZåZ{b{IV {ZX}em| H$mo Ü`mZ go n‹T>| Am¡a CZH$m g»Vr go nmbZ H$a| …
1. Bg àíZ-nÌ _| Hw$b 10 àíZ h¢& àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ gm_Zo àíZ Ho$ A§H$ {XE JE h¢&
2. g^r àíZ A{Zdm`© h¢&
3. `h àíZ-nÌ Mma IÊS>m| _| {d^m{OV {H$`m J`m h¡, IÊS>-H$, I, J VWm K&
4. IÊS> H$ … àíZ g§»`m 1 go 4 VH$ bKw-CÎmar` àH$ma Ho$ àíZ h¢ {Og_| àË`oH$ àíZ 3 A§H$m| H$m
h¡& BZ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma 80 eãXm| go A{YH$ Zht {XE OmZo Mm{hE&
5. IÊS> I … àíZ g§»`m 5 go 7 VH$ XrK©-CÎmar` àH$ma Ho$ àíZ h¢ {Og_| àË`oH$ àíZ 6 A§H$m| H$m
h¡& BZ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma 150 go 200 eãXm| go A{YH$ Zht {XE OmZo Mm{hE&
6. IÊS> J … àíZ g§»`m 8 VWm 9 òmoV AmYm[aV àíZ h¢, àË`oH$ n«íZ 4 A§H$m| H$m h¡&
7. IÊS> K … àíZ g§»`m 10 _mZ{MÌ AmYm[aV 2 A§H$m| H$m àíZ h¡&
8. àíZ-nÌ _| H$moB© g_J« {dH$ën Zht h¡& hmbm§{H$, Hw$N> àíZm| _| Am§V[aH$ {dH$ën H$m M`Z àXmZ
{H$`m J`m h¡& Bg àH$ma Ho$ àíZm| _| go Ho$db EH$ hr àíZ H$m CÎma {b{IE&
61/5/2 3 [P.T.O.
General Instructions :
Please read the following instructions carefully and strictly follow them :
1. This question paper contains 10 questions. Marks have been indicated
against each question.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. This question paper is divided into FOUR sections, Section-A, B, C
and D.
4. Section A : Question numbers 1 to 4 are Short-answer type questions of 3
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 80 words.
5. Section B : Question numbers 5 to 7 are Long-answer type questions
carrying 6 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 150 to
200 words.
6. Section C : Question numbers 8 and 9 are source based questions carrying
4 marks each.
7. Section D : Question number 10 is Map based question carrying 2 marks.
8. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal
choice has been provided in some questions. Only one of the choices in
such questions have to be attempted.
Page 4

61/5/2 1 [P.T.O.
ZmoQ> / NOTE :
(i) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| _w{ÐV n¥ð> 13+1 _mZ{MÌ h¢&
Please check that this question paper contains 13 printed pages + 1 Map.
(ii) àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo N>mÌ CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥ð> na {bI|&
Q.P . Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
(iii) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| 10 àíZ h¢&
Please check that this question paper contains 10 questions.
(iv) H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go nhbo, CÎma-nwpñVH$m _| àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$ Adí` {bI|&
Please write down the Serial Number of the question in the answer-book before attempting
(v) Bg àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ> H$m g_` {X`m J`m h¡& àíZ-nÌ H$m {dVaU nydm©• _| 10.15 ~Oo
{H$`m OmEJm& 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>|Jo Am¡a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ do
CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo&
15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period.
{ZYm©[aV g_` … 2 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ … 40
Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 40
amob> Z§.
Roll No.
SET No. 2
narjmWu àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$
_wI-n¥ð> na Adí` {bI|&
Candidates must write the Q.P . Code
on the title page of the answer-book.
Series AB5CD/5
àíZ nÌ H$moS>
Q.P. Code
61/5/2 2
gm_mÝ` {ZX}e…
{ZåZ{b{IV {ZX}em| H$mo Ü`mZ go n‹T>| Am¡a CZH$m g»Vr go nmbZ H$a| …
1. Bg àíZ-nÌ _| Hw$b 10 àíZ h¢& àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ gm_Zo àíZ Ho$ A§H$ {XE JE h¢&
2. g^r àíZ A{Zdm`© h¢&
3. `h àíZ-nÌ Mma IÊS>m| _| {d^m{OV {H$`m J`m h¡, IÊS>-H$, I, J VWm K&
4. IÊS> H$ … àíZ g§»`m 1 go 4 VH$ bKw-CÎmar` àH$ma Ho$ àíZ h¢ {Og_| àË`oH$ àíZ 3 A§H$m| H$m
h¡& BZ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma 80 eãXm| go A{YH$ Zht {XE OmZo Mm{hE&
5. IÊS> I … àíZ g§»`m 5 go 7 VH$ XrK©-CÎmar` àH$ma Ho$ àíZ h¢ {Og_| àË`oH$ àíZ 6 A§H$m| H$m
h¡& BZ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma 150 go 200 eãXm| go A{YH$ Zht {XE OmZo Mm{hE&
6. IÊS> J … àíZ g§»`m 8 VWm 9 òmoV AmYm[aV àíZ h¢, àË`oH$ n«íZ 4 A§H$m| H$m h¡&
7. IÊS> K … àíZ g§»`m 10 _mZ{MÌ AmYm[aV 2 A§H$m| H$m àíZ h¡&
8. àíZ-nÌ _| H$moB© g_J« {dH$ën Zht h¡& hmbm§{H$, Hw$N> àíZm| _| Am§V[aH$ {dH$ën H$m M`Z àXmZ
{H$`m J`m h¡& Bg àH$ma Ho$ àíZm| _| go Ho$db EH$ hr àíZ H$m CÎma {b{IE&
61/5/2 3 [P.T.O.
General Instructions :
Please read the following instructions carefully and strictly follow them :
1. This question paper contains 10 questions. Marks have been indicated
against each question.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. This question paper is divided into FOUR sections, Section-A, B, C
and D.
4. Section A : Question numbers 1 to 4 are Short-answer type questions of 3
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 80 words.
5. Section B : Question numbers 5 to 7 are Long-answer type questions
carrying 6 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 150 to
200 words.
6. Section C : Question numbers 8 and 9 are source based questions carrying
4 marks each.
7. Section D : Question number 10 is Map based question carrying 2 marks.
8. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal
choice has been provided in some questions. Only one of the choices in
such questions have to be attempted.
61/5/2 4
(bKw-CÎmar` àH$ma Ho$ àíZ)
1. (H$) ""Jm±dm| _| O_tXmam| H$s VwbZm _| OmoVXma A{YH$ à^mdembr Wo&'' BñV_amar-~§Xmo~ñV
Ho$ g§X^© _| Bg H$WZ H$s naI H$s{OE&
(I) amO_hb H$s nhm{‹S>`m| _| nhm‹S>r bmoJm| H$m OrdZ {H$g àH$ma dZm| go K{Zð> ê$n go Ow‹S>m
Wm ? naI H$s{OE&
2. g§{dYmZ g^m _| àmê$n g{_{V Ûmam g§KdmX na ~ZmB© JB© VrZ gy{M`m| H$m dU©Z H$s{OE&
3. 1857 H$m {dÐmoh AÝ` {H$gr ñWmZ H$s VwbZm _| AdY _| {~«{Q>e emgZ Ho$ à{VamoY H$s
bmoH${à` A{^ì`{º$ Š`m| ~Zm ? ñnîQ> H$s{OE&
4. ""Jm§YrOr Zo ^maV H$s ñdV§ÌVm Ho$ ~mX {d{^Þ joÌm| _| em§{V bmZo H$m à`mg {H$g àH$ma {H$`m ?
ñnï> H$s{OE&
Page 5

61/5/2 1 [P.T.O.
ZmoQ> / NOTE :
(i) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| _w{ÐV n¥ð> 13+1 _mZ{MÌ h¢&
Please check that this question paper contains 13 printed pages + 1 Map.
(ii) àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo N>mÌ CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥ð> na {bI|&
Q.P . Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
(iii) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| 10 àíZ h¢&
Please check that this question paper contains 10 questions.
(iv) H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go nhbo, CÎma-nwpñVH$m _| àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$ Adí` {bI|&
Please write down the Serial Number of the question in the answer-book before attempting
(v) Bg àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ> H$m g_` {X`m J`m h¡& àíZ-nÌ H$m {dVaU nydm©• _| 10.15 ~Oo
{H$`m OmEJm& 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>|Jo Am¡a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ do
CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo&
15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question
paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period.
{ZYm©[aV g_` … 2 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ … 40
Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 40
amob> Z§.
Roll No.
SET No. 2
narjmWu àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$
_wI-n¥ð> na Adí` {bI|&
Candidates must write the Q.P . Code
on the title page of the answer-book.
Series AB5CD/5
àíZ nÌ H$moS>
Q.P. Code
61/5/2 2
gm_mÝ` {ZX}e…
{ZåZ{b{IV {ZX}em| H$mo Ü`mZ go n‹T>| Am¡a CZH$m g»Vr go nmbZ H$a| …
1. Bg àíZ-nÌ _| Hw$b 10 àíZ h¢& àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ gm_Zo àíZ Ho$ A§H$ {XE JE h¢&
2. g^r àíZ A{Zdm`© h¢&
3. `h àíZ-nÌ Mma IÊS>m| _| {d^m{OV {H$`m J`m h¡, IÊS>-H$, I, J VWm K&
4. IÊS> H$ … àíZ g§»`m 1 go 4 VH$ bKw-CÎmar` àH$ma Ho$ àíZ h¢ {Og_| àË`oH$ àíZ 3 A§H$m| H$m
h¡& BZ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma 80 eãXm| go A{YH$ Zht {XE OmZo Mm{hE&
5. IÊS> I … àíZ g§»`m 5 go 7 VH$ XrK©-CÎmar` àH$ma Ho$ àíZ h¢ {Og_| àË`oH$ àíZ 6 A§H$m| H$m
h¡& BZ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma 150 go 200 eãXm| go A{YH$ Zht {XE OmZo Mm{hE&
6. IÊS> J … àíZ g§»`m 8 VWm 9 òmoV AmYm[aV àíZ h¢, àË`oH$ n«íZ 4 A§H$m| H$m h¡&
7. IÊS> K … àíZ g§»`m 10 _mZ{MÌ AmYm[aV 2 A§H$m| H$m àíZ h¡&
8. àíZ-nÌ _| H$moB© g_J« {dH$ën Zht h¡& hmbm§{H$, Hw$N> àíZm| _| Am§V[aH$ {dH$ën H$m M`Z àXmZ
{H$`m J`m h¡& Bg àH$ma Ho$ àíZm| _| go Ho$db EH$ hr àíZ H$m CÎma {b{IE&
61/5/2 3 [P.T.O.
General Instructions :
Please read the following instructions carefully and strictly follow them :
1. This question paper contains 10 questions. Marks have been indicated
against each question.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. This question paper is divided into FOUR sections, Section-A, B, C
and D.
4. Section A : Question numbers 1 to 4 are Short-answer type questions of 3
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 80 words.
5. Section B : Question numbers 5 to 7 are Long-answer type questions
carrying 6 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 150 to
200 words.
6. Section C : Question numbers 8 and 9 are source based questions carrying
4 marks each.
7. Section D : Question number 10 is Map based question carrying 2 marks.
8. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal
choice has been provided in some questions. Only one of the choices in
such questions have to be attempted.
61/5/2 4
(bKw-CÎmar` àH$ma Ho$ àíZ)
1. (H$) ""Jm±dm| _| O_tXmam| H$s VwbZm _| OmoVXma A{YH$ à^mdembr Wo&'' BñV_amar-~§Xmo~ñV
Ho$ g§X^© _| Bg H$WZ H$s naI H$s{OE&
(I) amO_hb H$s nhm{‹S>`m| _| nhm‹S>r bmoJm| H$m OrdZ {H$g àH$ma dZm| go K{Zð> ê$n go Ow‹S>m
Wm ? naI H$s{OE&
2. g§{dYmZ g^m _| àmê$n g{_{V Ûmam g§KdmX na ~ZmB© JB© VrZ gy{M`m| H$m dU©Z H$s{OE&
3. 1857 H$m {dÐmoh AÝ` {H$gr ñWmZ H$s VwbZm _| AdY _| {~«{Q>e emgZ Ho$ à{VamoY H$s
bmoH${à` A{^ì`{º$ Š`m| ~Zm ? ñnîQ> H$s{OE&
4. ""Jm§YrOr Zo ^maV H$s ñdV§ÌVm Ho$ ~mX {d{^Þ joÌm| _| em§{V bmZo H$m à`mg {H$g àH$ma {H$`m ?
ñnï> H$s{OE&
61/5/2 5 [P.T.O.
(Short-Answer Type Questions)
1. (a) "The jotedars were more effective than that of zamindars in the
villages." Examine the statement in the context of Permanent
(b) Examine how the lives of Paharias in the hills of Raj Mahal, were
intimately connected to the forests.
2. Describe the three lists of Federalism provided by the Drafting Committee
in the Constituent Assembly.
3. Explain why the Revolt of 1857 became an expression of popular resistance
in Awadh than any where else to the British rule.
4. How did Gandhiji try to bring peace in various areas after the independence
of India ? Explain.
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