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MPPSC State Services 2020 Mains GS Paper - III | Course for MPPSC Preparation - MPPSC (Madhya Pradesh) PDF Download

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 Page 1

r`rh; ç'u&i=k THIRD PAPER
	 ç'u% 1.	 bl	ç'u	esa	30	vfry?kqÙkjh;	mi&ç'u	gS]	çR;sd	ç'u	ds	mÙkj	gsrq	vkn'kZ	'kCn	lhek	10	'kCn@,d	iafDr	gksxhA	
lHkh	ç'u	vfuok;Z	gSaA	çR;sd	ç'u	 03	(rhu)	vadksa	dk	gSA	 (30 × 3 = 90)
Que.:	 1-	 This question contains 30 very short answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 10 
words/one line. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 03 (three) marks.
	 ç'u%	 (1.1)	 200 N	dk	,d	cy	50	fdxzk-	æO;eku	dh	,d	Lyst	dks	f•aprk	gS	rFkk	40 N	ds	?k"kZ.k	cy	dks	dkcw	
djrk	gSA	Lyst	dk	Roj.k	D;k	gksxk\
	 		 A force of 200 N pulls a sledge of mass 50 kg and overcomes a frictional force of 40 N. What 
is the acceleration of the sledge?
	 ç'u%	 (1.2)	 VfeZuy	osx	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	djsaA
	 		 Define terminal velocity.
 ç'u%	 (1.3)	 tc	çdk'k	,d	inkFkZ	ls	nwljs	inkFkZ	ls	xqtjrk	gS	rks	mldh	vko`fÙk]	rjaxnS?;Z	vkSj	xfr	ij	D;k	çHkko	
	 		 When light is transmitted from one material to another, then what will be the effect on its 
frequency, wavelength and speed?
	 ç'u%	 (1.4)	 ,d	v/krq	dk	uke	fyf•;s	tks	fd	/krqvksa	ds	leku	pedhyk	xq.k	j•rh	gSA
	 		 Write name of a non-metal having lustrous property similar to metals.
	 ç'u%	 (1.5)	 fuEufyf•r	esa	ls	ywbl	vEyksa	dks	igpkfu;s%
, CI
, SnCI
  	 Identify the Lewis acids in the following :
, CI
, SnCI
	 ç'u%	 (1.6)	 P-ukbVªksiQhukWy	vkSj	O-ukbVªksiQhukWy	esa	gkbMªkstu	ca/	ds	çdkj	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write the types of hydrogen bonding in P-nitrophenol and O-nitrophenol.
	 ç'u%	 (1.7)	 ok"iksRltZu	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	dhft;sA
	 		 Define the transpiration.
	 ç'u%	 (1.8)	 gheksXyksfcu	D;k	gS\
	 		 What is haemoglobin?
	 ç'u%	 (1.9)	 olk	esa	?kqyu'khy	,oa	ty	esa	?kqyu'khy	foVkfeal	ds	uke	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write the names of fat soluble and water soluble vitamins.
	 ç'u%	 (1.10)	daik;yj	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	djsaA
	 		 Define the compiler.
Page 2

r`rh; ç'u&i=k THIRD PAPER
	 ç'u% 1.	 bl	ç'u	esa	30	vfry?kqÙkjh;	mi&ç'u	gS]	çR;sd	ç'u	ds	mÙkj	gsrq	vkn'kZ	'kCn	lhek	10	'kCn@,d	iafDr	gksxhA	
lHkh	ç'u	vfuok;Z	gSaA	çR;sd	ç'u	 03	(rhu)	vadksa	dk	gSA	 (30 × 3 = 90)
Que.:	 1-	 This question contains 30 very short answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 10 
words/one line. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 03 (three) marks.
	 ç'u%	 (1.1)	 200 N	dk	,d	cy	50	fdxzk-	æO;eku	dh	,d	Lyst	dks	f•aprk	gS	rFkk	40 N	ds	?k"kZ.k	cy	dks	dkcw	
djrk	gSA	Lyst	dk	Roj.k	D;k	gksxk\
	 		 A force of 200 N pulls a sledge of mass 50 kg and overcomes a frictional force of 40 N. What 
is the acceleration of the sledge?
	 ç'u%	 (1.2)	 VfeZuy	osx	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	djsaA
	 		 Define terminal velocity.
 ç'u%	 (1.3)	 tc	çdk'k	,d	inkFkZ	ls	nwljs	inkFkZ	ls	xqtjrk	gS	rks	mldh	vko`fÙk]	rjaxnS?;Z	vkSj	xfr	ij	D;k	çHkko	
	 		 When light is transmitted from one material to another, then what will be the effect on its 
frequency, wavelength and speed?
	 ç'u%	 (1.4)	 ,d	v/krq	dk	uke	fyf•;s	tks	fd	/krqvksa	ds	leku	pedhyk	xq.k	j•rh	gSA
	 		 Write name of a non-metal having lustrous property similar to metals.
	 ç'u%	 (1.5)	 fuEufyf•r	esa	ls	ywbl	vEyksa	dks	igpkfu;s%
, CI
, SnCI
  	 Identify the Lewis acids in the following :
, CI
, SnCI
	 ç'u%	 (1.6)	 P-ukbVªksiQhukWy	vkSj	O-ukbVªksiQhukWy	esa	gkbMªkstu	ca/	ds	çdkj	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write the types of hydrogen bonding in P-nitrophenol and O-nitrophenol.
	 ç'u%	 (1.7)	 ok"iksRltZu	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	dhft;sA
	 		 Define the transpiration.
	 ç'u%	 (1.8)	 gheksXyksfcu	D;k	gS\
	 		 What is haemoglobin?
	 ç'u%	 (1.9)	 olk	esa	?kqyu'khy	,oa	ty	esa	?kqyu'khy	foVkfeal	ds	uke	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write the names of fat soluble and water soluble vitamins.
	 ç'u%	 (1.10)	daik;yj	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	djsaA
	 		 Define the compiler.
	 ç'u%	 (1.11)	 Cykx	D;k	gS\
	 		 What is blog?
	 ç'u%	 (1.12)	bZ&xouZsl	ds	fofHkUu	pj.kksa	dks	lwphc¼	dhft;sA
	 		 List the different stages of e-governance.
	 ç'u%	 (1-13)	fuEu	lehdj.k	esa	ç'uokpd	fpÉ	fdl	eku	}kjk	çfrLFkkfir	gksxk\
	 		 What value will replace the question mark in the following equation?
	 ç'u%	 (1-14)	;fn	•jhnh	ewY;	fcØh	ewY;	dk	 96%	gS]	rc	ykHk	çfr'kr	fdruk	gksxk\
	 		 If the cost price is 96% of the selling price, then what is the profit percentage?
	 ç'u%	 (1-15)	ewY;kadu	djks % 450	dk	28% + 280	dk	45%A
	 		 Evaluate : 28% of 450 + 45% of 280.
	 ç'u%	 (1-16)	,u-ih-lh-Mh-lh-,l-	la{ksik{kj	gS
	 		 NPCDCS is abbreviated form of
	 ç'u%	 (1-17)	Msaxw	Toj	laØe.k	dk	dkjd	gS
	 		 The causative agent of Dengue fever is
	 ç'u%	 (1-18)	vk;q"eku	Hkkjr	;kstuk	vax	gS
	 		 Ayushman Bharat Yojana is the part of
	 ç'u%	 (1-19)	jk"Vªh;	foKku	fnol	 2022	dh	Fkhe	D;k	Fkh\
	 		 What was the theme of National Science Day 2022?
	 ç'u%	 (1-20)	tSo&çkS|ksfxdh	esa	lqugjk	jax	D;k	çnf'kZr	djrk	gS\
	 		 What is represented by gold color in biotechnology?
	 ç'u%	 (1-21)	bljks	}kjk	fodflr	yk¡p	Oghdy	dh	ik¡pksa	ihf<+;ksa	ds	uke	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write names of five generations of launch vehicles developed by ISRO.
	 ç'u%	 (1-22)	egklkxjh;	ÅtkZ	ls	fo|qr	ÅtkZ	fdl	çdkj	çkIr	gksrh	gS\
   How is electric energy obtained from oceanic energy?
	 ç'u%	 (1-23)	ÅtkZ	çca/u	ls	vki	D;k	le>rs	gSa\
	 		 What do you mean by energy management?
	 ç'u%	 (1-24)	ÅtkZ	laj{k.k	}kjk	ÅtkZ	j.kuhfr;ksa	esa	dSls	lgk;rk	feyrh	gS\
   How does energy conservation helps in energy strategies?
	 ç'u%	 (1.25)	fuEufyf•r	ds	iw.kZ	:i	fyf•;s%
	 		 (i)	IUCN (ii) UNEP
	 		 Write the full forms of the following:
	 		 (i)	IUCN (ii) UNEP
Page 3

r`rh; ç'u&i=k THIRD PAPER
	 ç'u% 1.	 bl	ç'u	esa	30	vfry?kqÙkjh;	mi&ç'u	gS]	çR;sd	ç'u	ds	mÙkj	gsrq	vkn'kZ	'kCn	lhek	10	'kCn@,d	iafDr	gksxhA	
lHkh	ç'u	vfuok;Z	gSaA	çR;sd	ç'u	 03	(rhu)	vadksa	dk	gSA	 (30 × 3 = 90)
Que.:	 1-	 This question contains 30 very short answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 10 
words/one line. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 03 (three) marks.
	 ç'u%	 (1.1)	 200 N	dk	,d	cy	50	fdxzk-	æO;eku	dh	,d	Lyst	dks	f•aprk	gS	rFkk	40 N	ds	?k"kZ.k	cy	dks	dkcw	
djrk	gSA	Lyst	dk	Roj.k	D;k	gksxk\
	 		 A force of 200 N pulls a sledge of mass 50 kg and overcomes a frictional force of 40 N. What 
is the acceleration of the sledge?
	 ç'u%	 (1.2)	 VfeZuy	osx	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	djsaA
	 		 Define terminal velocity.
 ç'u%	 (1.3)	 tc	çdk'k	,d	inkFkZ	ls	nwljs	inkFkZ	ls	xqtjrk	gS	rks	mldh	vko`fÙk]	rjaxnS?;Z	vkSj	xfr	ij	D;k	çHkko	
	 		 When light is transmitted from one material to another, then what will be the effect on its 
frequency, wavelength and speed?
	 ç'u%	 (1.4)	 ,d	v/krq	dk	uke	fyf•;s	tks	fd	/krqvksa	ds	leku	pedhyk	xq.k	j•rh	gSA
	 		 Write name of a non-metal having lustrous property similar to metals.
	 ç'u%	 (1.5)	 fuEufyf•r	esa	ls	ywbl	vEyksa	dks	igpkfu;s%
, CI
, SnCI
  	 Identify the Lewis acids in the following :
, CI
, SnCI
	 ç'u%	 (1.6)	 P-ukbVªksiQhukWy	vkSj	O-ukbVªksiQhukWy	esa	gkbMªkstu	ca/	ds	çdkj	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write the types of hydrogen bonding in P-nitrophenol and O-nitrophenol.
	 ç'u%	 (1.7)	 ok"iksRltZu	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	dhft;sA
	 		 Define the transpiration.
	 ç'u%	 (1.8)	 gheksXyksfcu	D;k	gS\
	 		 What is haemoglobin?
	 ç'u%	 (1.9)	 olk	esa	?kqyu'khy	,oa	ty	esa	?kqyu'khy	foVkfeal	ds	uke	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write the names of fat soluble and water soluble vitamins.
	 ç'u%	 (1.10)	daik;yj	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	djsaA
	 		 Define the compiler.
	 ç'u%	 (1.11)	 Cykx	D;k	gS\
	 		 What is blog?
	 ç'u%	 (1.12)	bZ&xouZsl	ds	fofHkUu	pj.kksa	dks	lwphc¼	dhft;sA
	 		 List the different stages of e-governance.
	 ç'u%	 (1-13)	fuEu	lehdj.k	esa	ç'uokpd	fpÉ	fdl	eku	}kjk	çfrLFkkfir	gksxk\
	 		 What value will replace the question mark in the following equation?
	 ç'u%	 (1-14)	;fn	•jhnh	ewY;	fcØh	ewY;	dk	 96%	gS]	rc	ykHk	çfr'kr	fdruk	gksxk\
	 		 If the cost price is 96% of the selling price, then what is the profit percentage?
	 ç'u%	 (1-15)	ewY;kadu	djks % 450	dk	28% + 280	dk	45%A
	 		 Evaluate : 28% of 450 + 45% of 280.
	 ç'u%	 (1-16)	,u-ih-lh-Mh-lh-,l-	la{ksik{kj	gS
	 		 NPCDCS is abbreviated form of
	 ç'u%	 (1-17)	Msaxw	Toj	laØe.k	dk	dkjd	gS
	 		 The causative agent of Dengue fever is
	 ç'u%	 (1-18)	vk;q"eku	Hkkjr	;kstuk	vax	gS
	 		 Ayushman Bharat Yojana is the part of
	 ç'u%	 (1-19)	jk"Vªh;	foKku	fnol	 2022	dh	Fkhe	D;k	Fkh\
	 		 What was the theme of National Science Day 2022?
	 ç'u%	 (1-20)	tSo&çkS|ksfxdh	esa	lqugjk	jax	D;k	çnf'kZr	djrk	gS\
	 		 What is represented by gold color in biotechnology?
	 ç'u%	 (1-21)	bljks	}kjk	fodflr	yk¡p	Oghdy	dh	ik¡pksa	ihf<+;ksa	ds	uke	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write names of five generations of launch vehicles developed by ISRO.
	 ç'u%	 (1-22)	egklkxjh;	ÅtkZ	ls	fo|qr	ÅtkZ	fdl	çdkj	çkIr	gksrh	gS\
   How is electric energy obtained from oceanic energy?
	 ç'u%	 (1-23)	ÅtkZ	çca/u	ls	vki	D;k	le>rs	gSa\
	 		 What do you mean by energy management?
	 ç'u%	 (1-24)	ÅtkZ	laj{k.k	}kjk	ÅtkZ	j.kuhfr;ksa	esa	dSls	lgk;rk	feyrh	gS\
   How does energy conservation helps in energy strategies?
	 ç'u%	 (1.25)	fuEufyf•r	ds	iw.kZ	:i	fyf•;s%
	 		 (i)	IUCN (ii) UNEP
	 		 Write the full forms of the following:
	 		 (i)	IUCN (ii) UNEP
	 ç'u%	 (1.26)	lrr~	fodkl	dks	le>kb;sA
	 		 Explain the term sustainable development.
	 ç'u%	 (1-27)	ijek.kq	ÅtkZ	D;k	gksrh	gS\
	 		 What is nuclear energy?
	 ç'u%	 (1-28)	fdl	vk/kj	ij	i`Foh	ds	ckgjh	dksj	dks	rjy	ekuk	tkrk	gS\
	 		 On what basis outer core of the earth is assumed to be liquid?
	 ç'u%	 (1-29)	¶vkdkZst¸	D;k	gS\
	 		 What is an ‘Arkose’?
	 ç'u%	 (1.30)	¶v;Ld¸	D;k	gS\
	 		 What is an ‘Ore’?
	 iz'u%	2-	 bl	ç'u	esa	20	y?kqÙkjh;	mi&ç'u	gSaA	çR;sd	ç'u	ds	mÙkj	gsrq	vkn'kZ	'kCn	lhek	50	'kCn@5	ls	6	iafDr;k¡	
gksxhA	lHkh	ç'u	vfuok;Z	gSaA	çR;sd	ç'u	 05	(ik¡p)	vadksa	dk	gSA	 (20 × 5 = 100)
 Que.: 2. This question contains 20 short answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 50 words/5 
to 6 lines. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 05 (Five) marks.
	 ç'u%	 (2.1)	 ywfeax	?kVuk	dk	o.kZu	djsa
	 		 Describe the phenomenon of Looming.
	 ç'u%	 (2-2)	 fojks/h	èofu	dh	vo/kj.kk	dh	O;k[;k	djsaA
	 		 Explain the concept of anti-sound.
	 ç'u%	 (2.3)	 ukfHkdh;	fo•aMu	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	dhft;sA	fo•aMu	vfHkfØ;k	esa	D;ksa	mPp	ek=kk	esa	ÅtkZ	eqDr	gksrh	gS\
	 		 Define nuclear fission. Why fission reaction produces large amount of energy?
	 ç'u%	 (2-4)	 gqaM	dk	vf/dre	cgqyrk	fu;e	ifjHkkf"kr	dhft;s	,oa	p, d	,oa	f	d{kdksa	esa	;qXeu	gksus	ds	fy;s	U;wure	
bysDVªkuksa	dh	la[;k	crkb;sA
	 		 Define Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity and tell the minimum number of electrons for 
pairing in p, d and f orbitals.
	 ç'u%	 (2-5)	 ,M~l	ij	la{ksi	esa	dhft;sA
	 		 Comment on AIDS briefly.
	 ç'u%	 (2-6)	 lelw=kh	dksf'kdk	foHkktu	dh	fofHkUu	voLFkkvksa	ij	dhft;sA
	 		 Comment on different stages of mitosis cell division.
	 ç'u%	 (2-7)	 çFke	ih<+h	ds	daI;wVjksa	dk	o.kZu	dhft;sA
	 		 Explain about first generation of computers.
	 ç'u%	 (2-8)	 lks'ky	ehfM;k	D;k	gS	vkSj	bldk	D;k	egÙo	gS\	blds	dksbZ	nks	mi;qDr	mnkgj.k	nhft;sA
	 		 What is social media and its importance? Give any two suitable examples.
	 ç'u%	 (2-9)	 ,d	iqLrd	dks	10%	ykHk	ds	lkFk	` 27.50 esa	cspk	x;k	FkkA	;fn	bls	`  25.75	esa	cspk	x;k	Fkk	rks	ykHk	
;k	gkfu	dk	çfr'kr	D;k	gksxk\
	 		 A book was sold for ` 27.50 with a profit of 10%. If it were sold for 	`  25.75, then what would 
have been the percentage of profit or loss?
Page 4

r`rh; ç'u&i=k THIRD PAPER
	 ç'u% 1.	 bl	ç'u	esa	30	vfry?kqÙkjh;	mi&ç'u	gS]	çR;sd	ç'u	ds	mÙkj	gsrq	vkn'kZ	'kCn	lhek	10	'kCn@,d	iafDr	gksxhA	
lHkh	ç'u	vfuok;Z	gSaA	çR;sd	ç'u	 03	(rhu)	vadksa	dk	gSA	 (30 × 3 = 90)
Que.:	 1-	 This question contains 30 very short answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 10 
words/one line. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 03 (three) marks.
	 ç'u%	 (1.1)	 200 N	dk	,d	cy	50	fdxzk-	æO;eku	dh	,d	Lyst	dks	f•aprk	gS	rFkk	40 N	ds	?k"kZ.k	cy	dks	dkcw	
djrk	gSA	Lyst	dk	Roj.k	D;k	gksxk\
	 		 A force of 200 N pulls a sledge of mass 50 kg and overcomes a frictional force of 40 N. What 
is the acceleration of the sledge?
	 ç'u%	 (1.2)	 VfeZuy	osx	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	djsaA
	 		 Define terminal velocity.
 ç'u%	 (1.3)	 tc	çdk'k	,d	inkFkZ	ls	nwljs	inkFkZ	ls	xqtjrk	gS	rks	mldh	vko`fÙk]	rjaxnS?;Z	vkSj	xfr	ij	D;k	çHkko	
	 		 When light is transmitted from one material to another, then what will be the effect on its 
frequency, wavelength and speed?
	 ç'u%	 (1.4)	 ,d	v/krq	dk	uke	fyf•;s	tks	fd	/krqvksa	ds	leku	pedhyk	xq.k	j•rh	gSA
	 		 Write name of a non-metal having lustrous property similar to metals.
	 ç'u%	 (1.5)	 fuEufyf•r	esa	ls	ywbl	vEyksa	dks	igpkfu;s%
, CI
, SnCI
  	 Identify the Lewis acids in the following :
, CI
, SnCI
	 ç'u%	 (1.6)	 P-ukbVªksiQhukWy	vkSj	O-ukbVªksiQhukWy	esa	gkbMªkstu	ca/	ds	çdkj	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write the types of hydrogen bonding in P-nitrophenol and O-nitrophenol.
	 ç'u%	 (1.7)	 ok"iksRltZu	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	dhft;sA
	 		 Define the transpiration.
	 ç'u%	 (1.8)	 gheksXyksfcu	D;k	gS\
	 		 What is haemoglobin?
	 ç'u%	 (1.9)	 olk	esa	?kqyu'khy	,oa	ty	esa	?kqyu'khy	foVkfeal	ds	uke	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write the names of fat soluble and water soluble vitamins.
	 ç'u%	 (1.10)	daik;yj	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	djsaA
	 		 Define the compiler.
	 ç'u%	 (1.11)	 Cykx	D;k	gS\
	 		 What is blog?
	 ç'u%	 (1.12)	bZ&xouZsl	ds	fofHkUu	pj.kksa	dks	lwphc¼	dhft;sA
	 		 List the different stages of e-governance.
	 ç'u%	 (1-13)	fuEu	lehdj.k	esa	ç'uokpd	fpÉ	fdl	eku	}kjk	çfrLFkkfir	gksxk\
	 		 What value will replace the question mark in the following equation?
	 ç'u%	 (1-14)	;fn	•jhnh	ewY;	fcØh	ewY;	dk	 96%	gS]	rc	ykHk	çfr'kr	fdruk	gksxk\
	 		 If the cost price is 96% of the selling price, then what is the profit percentage?
	 ç'u%	 (1-15)	ewY;kadu	djks % 450	dk	28% + 280	dk	45%A
	 		 Evaluate : 28% of 450 + 45% of 280.
	 ç'u%	 (1-16)	,u-ih-lh-Mh-lh-,l-	la{ksik{kj	gS
	 		 NPCDCS is abbreviated form of
	 ç'u%	 (1-17)	Msaxw	Toj	laØe.k	dk	dkjd	gS
	 		 The causative agent of Dengue fever is
	 ç'u%	 (1-18)	vk;q"eku	Hkkjr	;kstuk	vax	gS
	 		 Ayushman Bharat Yojana is the part of
	 ç'u%	 (1-19)	jk"Vªh;	foKku	fnol	 2022	dh	Fkhe	D;k	Fkh\
	 		 What was the theme of National Science Day 2022?
	 ç'u%	 (1-20)	tSo&çkS|ksfxdh	esa	lqugjk	jax	D;k	çnf'kZr	djrk	gS\
	 		 What is represented by gold color in biotechnology?
	 ç'u%	 (1-21)	bljks	}kjk	fodflr	yk¡p	Oghdy	dh	ik¡pksa	ihf<+;ksa	ds	uke	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write names of five generations of launch vehicles developed by ISRO.
	 ç'u%	 (1-22)	egklkxjh;	ÅtkZ	ls	fo|qr	ÅtkZ	fdl	çdkj	çkIr	gksrh	gS\
   How is electric energy obtained from oceanic energy?
	 ç'u%	 (1-23)	ÅtkZ	çca/u	ls	vki	D;k	le>rs	gSa\
	 		 What do you mean by energy management?
	 ç'u%	 (1-24)	ÅtkZ	laj{k.k	}kjk	ÅtkZ	j.kuhfr;ksa	esa	dSls	lgk;rk	feyrh	gS\
   How does energy conservation helps in energy strategies?
	 ç'u%	 (1.25)	fuEufyf•r	ds	iw.kZ	:i	fyf•;s%
	 		 (i)	IUCN (ii) UNEP
	 		 Write the full forms of the following:
	 		 (i)	IUCN (ii) UNEP
	 ç'u%	 (1.26)	lrr~	fodkl	dks	le>kb;sA
	 		 Explain the term sustainable development.
	 ç'u%	 (1-27)	ijek.kq	ÅtkZ	D;k	gksrh	gS\
	 		 What is nuclear energy?
	 ç'u%	 (1-28)	fdl	vk/kj	ij	i`Foh	ds	ckgjh	dksj	dks	rjy	ekuk	tkrk	gS\
	 		 On what basis outer core of the earth is assumed to be liquid?
	 ç'u%	 (1-29)	¶vkdkZst¸	D;k	gS\
	 		 What is an ‘Arkose’?
	 ç'u%	 (1.30)	¶v;Ld¸	D;k	gS\
	 		 What is an ‘Ore’?
	 iz'u%	2-	 bl	ç'u	esa	20	y?kqÙkjh;	mi&ç'u	gSaA	çR;sd	ç'u	ds	mÙkj	gsrq	vkn'kZ	'kCn	lhek	50	'kCn@5	ls	6	iafDr;k¡	
gksxhA	lHkh	ç'u	vfuok;Z	gSaA	çR;sd	ç'u	 05	(ik¡p)	vadksa	dk	gSA	 (20 × 5 = 100)
 Que.: 2. This question contains 20 short answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 50 words/5 
to 6 lines. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 05 (Five) marks.
	 ç'u%	 (2.1)	 ywfeax	?kVuk	dk	o.kZu	djsa
	 		 Describe the phenomenon of Looming.
	 ç'u%	 (2-2)	 fojks/h	èofu	dh	vo/kj.kk	dh	O;k[;k	djsaA
	 		 Explain the concept of anti-sound.
	 ç'u%	 (2.3)	 ukfHkdh;	fo•aMu	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	dhft;sA	fo•aMu	vfHkfØ;k	esa	D;ksa	mPp	ek=kk	esa	ÅtkZ	eqDr	gksrh	gS\
	 		 Define nuclear fission. Why fission reaction produces large amount of energy?
	 ç'u%	 (2-4)	 gqaM	dk	vf/dre	cgqyrk	fu;e	ifjHkkf"kr	dhft;s	,oa	p, d	,oa	f	d{kdksa	esa	;qXeu	gksus	ds	fy;s	U;wure	
bysDVªkuksa	dh	la[;k	crkb;sA
	 		 Define Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity and tell the minimum number of electrons for 
pairing in p, d and f orbitals.
	 ç'u%	 (2-5)	 ,M~l	ij	la{ksi	esa	dhft;sA
	 		 Comment on AIDS briefly.
	 ç'u%	 (2-6)	 lelw=kh	dksf'kdk	foHkktu	dh	fofHkUu	voLFkkvksa	ij	dhft;sA
	 		 Comment on different stages of mitosis cell division.
	 ç'u%	 (2-7)	 çFke	ih<+h	ds	daI;wVjksa	dk	o.kZu	dhft;sA
	 		 Explain about first generation of computers.
	 ç'u%	 (2-8)	 lks'ky	ehfM;k	D;k	gS	vkSj	bldk	D;k	egÙo	gS\	blds	dksbZ	nks	mi;qDr	mnkgj.k	nhft;sA
	 		 What is social media and its importance? Give any two suitable examples.
	 ç'u%	 (2-9)	 ,d	iqLrd	dks	10%	ykHk	ds	lkFk	` 27.50 esa	cspk	x;k	FkkA	;fn	bls	`  25.75	esa	cspk	x;k	Fkk	rks	ykHk	
;k	gkfu	dk	çfr'kr	D;k	gksxk\
	 		 A book was sold for ` 27.50 with a profit of 10%. If it were sold for 	`  25.75, then what would 
have been the percentage of profit or loss?
	 ç'u%	 (2.10)	,d	cSx	esa	50 p, 25 p	vkSj	10 p	ds	flDds	5 : 9 : 4,	ds	vuqikr	esa	gSa]	tks	` 206	gSaA	çR;sd	çdkj	ds	
flDdksa	dh	la[;k	Kkr	dhft;sA
	 		 A bag contains 50 p, 25 p and 10 p coins in the ratio 5 : 9 : 4, amounting to ` 206. Find the 
number of coins of each type.
	 ç'u%	 (2.11)	 laØked	jksx	ls	D;k	rkRi;Z	gS\	O;kf/{keRo	(jks/{keRo)	fdrus	çdkj	dk	gksrk	gS\
	 		 Define communicable diseases and comment on types of immunity.
	 ç'u%	 (2-12)	jk"Vªh;	cky	LokLF;	dk;ZØe	 (RBSK)	D;k	gS\	blds	ewy	mís';ksa	ij	çdk'k	MkysaA
	 		 Write short note on Rashtriya Bal Svasthya Karyakram (RBSK) and its aims and objectives.
	 ç'u%	 (2-13)	Ñf=ke	cqf¼eÙkk	(,-vkbZ-)	ds	mi;ksx	esa	vki	uje	(lkWÝV)	vkSj	n`<+	(gkMZ)	Ñf=ke	cqf¼eÙkk	ls	D;k	
le>rs	gSa\
	 		 What do you understand by soft and hard artificial intelligence in using 	artificial intelligence?
	 ç'u%	 (2-14)	jk"Vªh;	lqnwj	laosnh	dsaæ]	gSnjkckn	}kjk	fd;s	tk	jgs	dk;ks±	dk	laf{kIr	fooj.k	nhft;sA
	 		 Describe briefly the work responsibilities done by National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad.
	 ç'u%	 (2-15)	lkSj	lSy	fdl	fl¼kar	ij	dk;Z	djrk	gS\
	 		 What is the principle of working of solar cell?
	 ç'u%	 (2-16)	ikjaifjd	vkSj	xSj&ikjaifjd	ÅtkZ	lzksrksa	esa	varj	crkb;sA
	 		 Differentiate between conventional and non-conventional sources of ener gy.
	 ç'u%	 (2-17)	çdk'k&jklk;fud	LekWx	dk	laf{kIr	o.kZu	dhft;sA
	 		 Describe in brief about photochemical smog.
	 ç'u%	 (2-18)	ikfjfLFkfrdh	ra=k	lsokvksa	rFkk	muds	ewY;kadu	ij	laf{kIr	esa	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write in short about ecosystem services and their valuation.
	 ç'u%	 (2-19)	vi{k;	vkSj	vijnu	esa	D;k	varj	gS\
	 		 What is the difference between weathering and erosion?
	 ç'u%	 (2-20)	^•fut*	'kCn	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	djsaA
	 		 Define term "mineral".
	 ç'u%	3-	 bl	ç'u	esa	10	nh?kZ	mÙkjh;	mi&ç'u	gaSA	çR;sd	ç'u	ds	mÙkj	gsrq	vkn'kZ	'kCn	lhek	200	'kCn	gSA	lHkh	ç'u	
vfuok;Z	gSaA	çR;sd	ç'u	11	(X;kjg)	vadksa	dk	gSA	 (10 × 11 = 10)
	 Que.:	 3.	 This question contains 10 long answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in	 ideal 200 words. 
All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 11 (eleven) marks.
	 ç'u%	 (3-1)	 ykSg	pqacdh;]	vuq	pqacdh;	rFkk	çfr	pqacdh;	inkFkks±	ds	xq.kksa	dh	foLrkj	ls	rqyuk	djsaA
	 		 Compare in detail the properties of ferromagnetic, paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials.
	 ç'u%	 (3-2)	 VSEPR	fl¼kar	D;k	gS\	bl	fl¼kar	ds	vk/kj	ij	CH
, NH
 o	H
O v.kqvksa	dh	vkÑfr	dh	foospuk	
	 		 What is VSEPR theory? Discuss the shapes of CH
, NH
	and	H
O molecules on the basis of 
this theory.
Page 5

r`rh; ç'u&i=k THIRD PAPER
	 ç'u% 1.	 bl	ç'u	esa	30	vfry?kqÙkjh;	mi&ç'u	gS]	çR;sd	ç'u	ds	mÙkj	gsrq	vkn'kZ	'kCn	lhek	10	'kCn@,d	iafDr	gksxhA	
lHkh	ç'u	vfuok;Z	gSaA	çR;sd	ç'u	 03	(rhu)	vadksa	dk	gSA	 (30 × 3 = 90)
Que.:	 1-	 This question contains 30 very short answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 10 
words/one line. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 03 (three) marks.
	 ç'u%	 (1.1)	 200 N	dk	,d	cy	50	fdxzk-	æO;eku	dh	,d	Lyst	dks	f•aprk	gS	rFkk	40 N	ds	?k"kZ.k	cy	dks	dkcw	
djrk	gSA	Lyst	dk	Roj.k	D;k	gksxk\
	 		 A force of 200 N pulls a sledge of mass 50 kg and overcomes a frictional force of 40 N. What 
is the acceleration of the sledge?
	 ç'u%	 (1.2)	 VfeZuy	osx	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	djsaA
	 		 Define terminal velocity.
 ç'u%	 (1.3)	 tc	çdk'k	,d	inkFkZ	ls	nwljs	inkFkZ	ls	xqtjrk	gS	rks	mldh	vko`fÙk]	rjaxnS?;Z	vkSj	xfr	ij	D;k	çHkko	
	 		 When light is transmitted from one material to another, then what will be the effect on its 
frequency, wavelength and speed?
	 ç'u%	 (1.4)	 ,d	v/krq	dk	uke	fyf•;s	tks	fd	/krqvksa	ds	leku	pedhyk	xq.k	j•rh	gSA
	 		 Write name of a non-metal having lustrous property similar to metals.
	 ç'u%	 (1.5)	 fuEufyf•r	esa	ls	ywbl	vEyksa	dks	igpkfu;s%
, CI
, SnCI
  	 Identify the Lewis acids in the following :
, CI
, SnCI
	 ç'u%	 (1.6)	 P-ukbVªksiQhukWy	vkSj	O-ukbVªksiQhukWy	esa	gkbMªkstu	ca/	ds	çdkj	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write the types of hydrogen bonding in P-nitrophenol and O-nitrophenol.
	 ç'u%	 (1.7)	 ok"iksRltZu	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	dhft;sA
	 		 Define the transpiration.
	 ç'u%	 (1.8)	 gheksXyksfcu	D;k	gS\
	 		 What is haemoglobin?
	 ç'u%	 (1.9)	 olk	esa	?kqyu'khy	,oa	ty	esa	?kqyu'khy	foVkfeal	ds	uke	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write the names of fat soluble and water soluble vitamins.
	 ç'u%	 (1.10)	daik;yj	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	djsaA
	 		 Define the compiler.
	 ç'u%	 (1.11)	 Cykx	D;k	gS\
	 		 What is blog?
	 ç'u%	 (1.12)	bZ&xouZsl	ds	fofHkUu	pj.kksa	dks	lwphc¼	dhft;sA
	 		 List the different stages of e-governance.
	 ç'u%	 (1-13)	fuEu	lehdj.k	esa	ç'uokpd	fpÉ	fdl	eku	}kjk	çfrLFkkfir	gksxk\
	 		 What value will replace the question mark in the following equation?
	 ç'u%	 (1-14)	;fn	•jhnh	ewY;	fcØh	ewY;	dk	 96%	gS]	rc	ykHk	çfr'kr	fdruk	gksxk\
	 		 If the cost price is 96% of the selling price, then what is the profit percentage?
	 ç'u%	 (1-15)	ewY;kadu	djks % 450	dk	28% + 280	dk	45%A
	 		 Evaluate : 28% of 450 + 45% of 280.
	 ç'u%	 (1-16)	,u-ih-lh-Mh-lh-,l-	la{ksik{kj	gS
	 		 NPCDCS is abbreviated form of
	 ç'u%	 (1-17)	Msaxw	Toj	laØe.k	dk	dkjd	gS
	 		 The causative agent of Dengue fever is
	 ç'u%	 (1-18)	vk;q"eku	Hkkjr	;kstuk	vax	gS
	 		 Ayushman Bharat Yojana is the part of
	 ç'u%	 (1-19)	jk"Vªh;	foKku	fnol	 2022	dh	Fkhe	D;k	Fkh\
	 		 What was the theme of National Science Day 2022?
	 ç'u%	 (1-20)	tSo&çkS|ksfxdh	esa	lqugjk	jax	D;k	çnf'kZr	djrk	gS\
	 		 What is represented by gold color in biotechnology?
	 ç'u%	 (1-21)	bljks	}kjk	fodflr	yk¡p	Oghdy	dh	ik¡pksa	ihf<+;ksa	ds	uke	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write names of five generations of launch vehicles developed by ISRO.
	 ç'u%	 (1-22)	egklkxjh;	ÅtkZ	ls	fo|qr	ÅtkZ	fdl	çdkj	çkIr	gksrh	gS\
   How is electric energy obtained from oceanic energy?
	 ç'u%	 (1-23)	ÅtkZ	çca/u	ls	vki	D;k	le>rs	gSa\
	 		 What do you mean by energy management?
	 ç'u%	 (1-24)	ÅtkZ	laj{k.k	}kjk	ÅtkZ	j.kuhfr;ksa	esa	dSls	lgk;rk	feyrh	gS\
   How does energy conservation helps in energy strategies?
	 ç'u%	 (1.25)	fuEufyf•r	ds	iw.kZ	:i	fyf•;s%
	 		 (i)	IUCN (ii) UNEP
	 		 Write the full forms of the following:
	 		 (i)	IUCN (ii) UNEP
	 ç'u%	 (1.26)	lrr~	fodkl	dks	le>kb;sA
	 		 Explain the term sustainable development.
	 ç'u%	 (1-27)	ijek.kq	ÅtkZ	D;k	gksrh	gS\
	 		 What is nuclear energy?
	 ç'u%	 (1-28)	fdl	vk/kj	ij	i`Foh	ds	ckgjh	dksj	dks	rjy	ekuk	tkrk	gS\
	 		 On what basis outer core of the earth is assumed to be liquid?
	 ç'u%	 (1-29)	¶vkdkZst¸	D;k	gS\
	 		 What is an ‘Arkose’?
	 ç'u%	 (1.30)	¶v;Ld¸	D;k	gS\
	 		 What is an ‘Ore’?
	 iz'u%	2-	 bl	ç'u	esa	20	y?kqÙkjh;	mi&ç'u	gSaA	çR;sd	ç'u	ds	mÙkj	gsrq	vkn'kZ	'kCn	lhek	50	'kCn@5	ls	6	iafDr;k¡	
gksxhA	lHkh	ç'u	vfuok;Z	gSaA	çR;sd	ç'u	 05	(ik¡p)	vadksa	dk	gSA	 (20 × 5 = 100)
 Que.: 2. This question contains 20 short answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in ideal 50 words/5 
to 6 lines. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 05 (Five) marks.
	 ç'u%	 (2.1)	 ywfeax	?kVuk	dk	o.kZu	djsa
	 		 Describe the phenomenon of Looming.
	 ç'u%	 (2-2)	 fojks/h	èofu	dh	vo/kj.kk	dh	O;k[;k	djsaA
	 		 Explain the concept of anti-sound.
	 ç'u%	 (2.3)	 ukfHkdh;	fo•aMu	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	dhft;sA	fo•aMu	vfHkfØ;k	esa	D;ksa	mPp	ek=kk	esa	ÅtkZ	eqDr	gksrh	gS\
	 		 Define nuclear fission. Why fission reaction produces large amount of energy?
	 ç'u%	 (2-4)	 gqaM	dk	vf/dre	cgqyrk	fu;e	ifjHkkf"kr	dhft;s	,oa	p, d	,oa	f	d{kdksa	esa	;qXeu	gksus	ds	fy;s	U;wure	
bysDVªkuksa	dh	la[;k	crkb;sA
	 		 Define Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity and tell the minimum number of electrons for 
pairing in p, d and f orbitals.
	 ç'u%	 (2-5)	 ,M~l	ij	la{ksi	esa	dhft;sA
	 		 Comment on AIDS briefly.
	 ç'u%	 (2-6)	 lelw=kh	dksf'kdk	foHkktu	dh	fofHkUu	voLFkkvksa	ij	dhft;sA
	 		 Comment on different stages of mitosis cell division.
	 ç'u%	 (2-7)	 çFke	ih<+h	ds	daI;wVjksa	dk	o.kZu	dhft;sA
	 		 Explain about first generation of computers.
	 ç'u%	 (2-8)	 lks'ky	ehfM;k	D;k	gS	vkSj	bldk	D;k	egÙo	gS\	blds	dksbZ	nks	mi;qDr	mnkgj.k	nhft;sA
	 		 What is social media and its importance? Give any two suitable examples.
	 ç'u%	 (2-9)	 ,d	iqLrd	dks	10%	ykHk	ds	lkFk	` 27.50 esa	cspk	x;k	FkkA	;fn	bls	`  25.75	esa	cspk	x;k	Fkk	rks	ykHk	
;k	gkfu	dk	çfr'kr	D;k	gksxk\
	 		 A book was sold for ` 27.50 with a profit of 10%. If it were sold for 	`  25.75, then what would 
have been the percentage of profit or loss?
	 ç'u%	 (2.10)	,d	cSx	esa	50 p, 25 p	vkSj	10 p	ds	flDds	5 : 9 : 4,	ds	vuqikr	esa	gSa]	tks	` 206	gSaA	çR;sd	çdkj	ds	
flDdksa	dh	la[;k	Kkr	dhft;sA
	 		 A bag contains 50 p, 25 p and 10 p coins in the ratio 5 : 9 : 4, amounting to ` 206. Find the 
number of coins of each type.
	 ç'u%	 (2.11)	 laØked	jksx	ls	D;k	rkRi;Z	gS\	O;kf/{keRo	(jks/{keRo)	fdrus	çdkj	dk	gksrk	gS\
	 		 Define communicable diseases and comment on types of immunity.
	 ç'u%	 (2-12)	jk"Vªh;	cky	LokLF;	dk;ZØe	 (RBSK)	D;k	gS\	blds	ewy	mís';ksa	ij	çdk'k	MkysaA
	 		 Write short note on Rashtriya Bal Svasthya Karyakram (RBSK) and its aims and objectives.
	 ç'u%	 (2-13)	Ñf=ke	cqf¼eÙkk	(,-vkbZ-)	ds	mi;ksx	esa	vki	uje	(lkWÝV)	vkSj	n`<+	(gkMZ)	Ñf=ke	cqf¼eÙkk	ls	D;k	
le>rs	gSa\
	 		 What do you understand by soft and hard artificial intelligence in using 	artificial intelligence?
	 ç'u%	 (2-14)	jk"Vªh;	lqnwj	laosnh	dsaæ]	gSnjkckn	}kjk	fd;s	tk	jgs	dk;ks±	dk	laf{kIr	fooj.k	nhft;sA
	 		 Describe briefly the work responsibilities done by National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad.
	 ç'u%	 (2-15)	lkSj	lSy	fdl	fl¼kar	ij	dk;Z	djrk	gS\
	 		 What is the principle of working of solar cell?
	 ç'u%	 (2-16)	ikjaifjd	vkSj	xSj&ikjaifjd	ÅtkZ	lzksrksa	esa	varj	crkb;sA
	 		 Differentiate between conventional and non-conventional sources of ener gy.
	 ç'u%	 (2-17)	çdk'k&jklk;fud	LekWx	dk	laf{kIr	o.kZu	dhft;sA
	 		 Describe in brief about photochemical smog.
	 ç'u%	 (2-18)	ikfjfLFkfrdh	ra=k	lsokvksa	rFkk	muds	ewY;kadu	ij	laf{kIr	esa	fyf•;sA
	 		 Write in short about ecosystem services and their valuation.
	 ç'u%	 (2-19)	vi{k;	vkSj	vijnu	esa	D;k	varj	gS\
	 		 What is the difference between weathering and erosion?
	 ç'u%	 (2-20)	^•fut*	'kCn	dks	ifjHkkf"kr	djsaA
	 		 Define term "mineral".
	 ç'u%	3-	 bl	ç'u	esa	10	nh?kZ	mÙkjh;	mi&ç'u	gaSA	çR;sd	ç'u	ds	mÙkj	gsrq	vkn'kZ	'kCn	lhek	200	'kCn	gSA	lHkh	ç'u	
vfuok;Z	gSaA	çR;sd	ç'u	11	(X;kjg)	vadksa	dk	gSA	 (10 × 11 = 10)
	 Que.:	 3.	 This question contains 10 long answer type sub-questions. Answer each question in	 ideal 200 words. 
All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 11 (eleven) marks.
	 ç'u%	 (3-1)	 ykSg	pqacdh;]	vuq	pqacdh;	rFkk	çfr	pqacdh;	inkFkks±	ds	xq.kksa	dh	foLrkj	ls	rqyuk	djsaA
	 		 Compare in detail the properties of ferromagnetic, paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials.
	 ç'u%	 (3-2)	 VSEPR	fl¼kar	D;k	gS\	bl	fl¼kar	ds	vk/kj	ij	CH
, NH
 o	H
O v.kqvksa	dh	vkÑfr	dh	foospuk	
	 		 What is VSEPR theory? Discuss the shapes of CH
, NH
	and	H
O molecules on the basis of 
this theory.
	 ç'u%	 ( 3.3)	 çfrj{kk	ra=k	D;k	gS\	blds	?kVdksa	dks	crkb;sA	tUetkr	çfrj{kk	dk	foLr`r	o.kZu	dhft;sA
	 		 What is immune system? Give its components. Describe innate immunity	in detail.
	 ç'u%	 (3.4)	 ekbØkslkWÝV	vkWfiQl	lkWÝVosVj	ds	mi;ksx	vkSj	dk;ks±	dks	le>kb;sA
	 		 Explain the uses and applications of Microsoft Office Software.
	 ç'u%	 (3-5)	 vkRegR;k	djus	okyh	50	efgykvksa	dh	vk;q	uhps	nh	xbZ	gSA	blls	efgyk	dh	vkSlr	vk;q	Kkr	dhft;sA
	 		 o"kZ esa efgyk dh vk;q %	15&20	20&25	25&30	30&35	35&40	40&45	45&50	50&55	55&60	60&65
   efgyk dh la[;k %	 8	 10	 8	 6	 4	 7	 3	 2	 2	 0
	 		 N = 50
	 		 The ages of 50 women who have committed suicide is given below. Find out the average age of the 
women from it.
	 		 Age of women in years: 15&20	20&25	25&30	30&35	35&40	40&45	45&50	50&55	55&60	60&65
	 		 No- of women :	 8	 10	 8	 6	 4	 7	 3	 2	 2	 0
	 		 N = 50
	 ç'u%	 (3-6)	 vk;q"k]	,M~l	,oa	dksfoM& 19	ij	laf{kIr	nsaA
	 		 Give short comments on Ayush, AIDS and Covid-19.
	 ç'u%	 (3-7)	 Hkkjrh;	varfj{k	dk;ZØeksa	dh	lkekftd	Hkwfedk	dk	fo'ys"k.k	dhft;sA
	 		 Analyze the social dimensions of India Space Programmes.
	 ç'u%	 (3-8)	 jk"Vªh;	ÅtkZ	uhfr	ds	lkekftd	,oa	jktuSfrd	dkjdksa	ij	ppkZ	dhft;sA
	 		 Discuss key socio-political factors influencing National Energy Policy.
	 ç'u%	 (3-9)	 tSo&fofo/rk	ds	çeq•	•rjksa	dk	foLr`r	o.kZu	dhft;sA
	 		 Describe in detail about the major threats of biodiversity loss.
	 ç'u%	 (3-10)	e`nk	fuekZ.k	dks	çHkkfor	djus	okys	dkjdksa	dk	o.kZu	djsaA
	 		 Describe the factors affecting soil formation.
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FAQs on MPPSC State Services 2020 Mains GS Paper - III - Course for MPPSC Preparation - MPPSC (Madhya Pradesh)

1. What is the exam pattern for MPPSC State Services 2020 Mains GS Paper - 3?
Ans. The MPPSC State Services 2020 Mains GS Paper - 3 consists of essay writing, general studies, and aptitude test sections.
2. How can I prepare effectively for the MPPSC State Services 2020 Mains GS Paper - 3?
Ans. To prepare effectively for the exam, candidates should focus on current affairs, practice essay writing regularly, and solve previous years' question papers.
3. What are the important topics to cover in the general studies section of MPPSC State Services 2020 Mains GS Paper - 3?
Ans. Important topics to cover in the general studies section include Indian polity, history, geography, economics, environment, and science & technology.
4. Is there negative marking in MPPSC State Services 2020 Mains GS Paper - 3?
Ans. Yes, there is negative marking in the exam. One-third of the marks assigned to a question will be deducted for each wrong answer.
5. How can I improve my writing skills for the essay writing section of MPPSC State Services 2020 Mains GS Paper - 3?
Ans. To improve writing skills, candidates should practice writing essays on various topics, work on structuring their arguments effectively, and focus on grammar and vocabulary.
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