Page 1
Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. The social expectations at each stage of development
are referred to as
(1) Developmental tasks
(2) Developmental needs
(3) Developmental hazards
(4) Developmental domains
2. Development ............... .
(1) proceeds from centre of the body in an outward
(2) development proceeds from bottom to top.
(3) is unidimensional.
(4) is not influenced by environmental efforts.
3. Assertion (A): Cognitive development progresses
quite rapidly untill middle childhood and then
comes to a stop.
Reason (R): Human beings cannot learn new things
after the stage of middle childhood.
Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
4. A group of children enact scenes from a popular
dance reality show in their play. As a judge,
8-year-old Sana gives comments on other children’s
dances. This situation highlights the important role
of ............... in the socialization of children.
(1) religious institutions (2) family
(3) media (4) school
5. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive
development, in which stage children gain the
ability to seriate objects in a specified order?
(1) Sensory motor
(2) Pre operational
(3) Concrete operational
(4) Formal operational
6. According to Jean Piaget, an ongoing process which
refines and transforms mental structures is called
............... .
(1) Deferred Imitation
(2) Object Permanence
(3) Assimilation
(4) Equilibration
7. After seeing students struggling to solve a problem,
a teacher gave them hints and half solved examples
to assist them.
As per Lev Vygotsky’s theory, this is an example of
............... .
(1) scaffolding (2) reversibility
(3) seriation (4) expository teaching
8. Which theorist asserted that cognitive development
is a collaborative process?
(1) Lev Vygotsky (2) Ivan Pavlov
(3) B. F . Skinner (4) John B. Watson
9. One of the chief criticisms of Lawrence Kohlberg’s
theory is that
(1) his theory undermines the feminine perspective
(2) he did not refer to Piaget’s theory of moral
(3) he does not propose specific responses of
children at each stage
(4) he did not conduct any research on children
10. Howard Gardner suggested that there are distinct
kinds of intelligence. Which of the following
intelligence was not proposed by Gardner?
(1) Musical (2) Linguistic
(3) Body-Kinesthetic (4) Practical
11. Which of the following illustrates a constructivist
learning approach in a progressive classroom?
(1) Multiple interpretations
(2) Rote memorization and verbatim recall
(3) Rewards and punishment
(4) Repeated drill and practice
12. In context of multilingualism, which of the following
is an appropriate approach?
(1) Students should be penalized for using their
mother tongue or local language during school
(2) The schools should admit only those students
whose mother tongue is same as the language of
(3) The teacher should accept & respect diverse
languages and create a classroom environment
which supports inclusion of all students.
(4) The teacher should ignore children who use
their mother tongue in the class.
13. Children who often see their parents cross
normative gender lines such as mothers repairing
the appliances and fathers taking care of the baby,
(1) less likely to adhere to gender stereotypes.
(2) more likely to practice gender segregation.
(3) more likely to practice gender stereotypes.
(4) less likely to break gender norms prevalent in
14. The purposes of assessment according to National
Education Policy (2020) are:
(i) to generate stress and induce fear amongst
students to ensure learning levels.
(ii) to revise-teaching learning processes.
(iii) to optimize learning and development.
(iv) to support students inside and outside the
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (4) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Paper - 2 (Social Science)
3rd January 2022
Page 2
Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. The social expectations at each stage of development
are referred to as
(1) Developmental tasks
(2) Developmental needs
(3) Developmental hazards
(4) Developmental domains
2. Development ............... .
(1) proceeds from centre of the body in an outward
(2) development proceeds from bottom to top.
(3) is unidimensional.
(4) is not influenced by environmental efforts.
3. Assertion (A): Cognitive development progresses
quite rapidly untill middle childhood and then
comes to a stop.
Reason (R): Human beings cannot learn new things
after the stage of middle childhood.
Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
4. A group of children enact scenes from a popular
dance reality show in their play. As a judge,
8-year-old Sana gives comments on other children’s
dances. This situation highlights the important role
of ............... in the socialization of children.
(1) religious institutions (2) family
(3) media (4) school
5. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive
development, in which stage children gain the
ability to seriate objects in a specified order?
(1) Sensory motor
(2) Pre operational
(3) Concrete operational
(4) Formal operational
6. According to Jean Piaget, an ongoing process which
refines and transforms mental structures is called
............... .
(1) Deferred Imitation
(2) Object Permanence
(3) Assimilation
(4) Equilibration
7. After seeing students struggling to solve a problem,
a teacher gave them hints and half solved examples
to assist them.
As per Lev Vygotsky’s theory, this is an example of
............... .
(1) scaffolding (2) reversibility
(3) seriation (4) expository teaching
8. Which theorist asserted that cognitive development
is a collaborative process?
(1) Lev Vygotsky (2) Ivan Pavlov
(3) B. F . Skinner (4) John B. Watson
9. One of the chief criticisms of Lawrence Kohlberg’s
theory is that
(1) his theory undermines the feminine perspective
(2) he did not refer to Piaget’s theory of moral
(3) he does not propose specific responses of
children at each stage
(4) he did not conduct any research on children
10. Howard Gardner suggested that there are distinct
kinds of intelligence. Which of the following
intelligence was not proposed by Gardner?
(1) Musical (2) Linguistic
(3) Body-Kinesthetic (4) Practical
11. Which of the following illustrates a constructivist
learning approach in a progressive classroom?
(1) Multiple interpretations
(2) Rote memorization and verbatim recall
(3) Rewards and punishment
(4) Repeated drill and practice
12. In context of multilingualism, which of the following
is an appropriate approach?
(1) Students should be penalized for using their
mother tongue or local language during school
(2) The schools should admit only those students
whose mother tongue is same as the language of
(3) The teacher should accept & respect diverse
languages and create a classroom environment
which supports inclusion of all students.
(4) The teacher should ignore children who use
their mother tongue in the class.
13. Children who often see their parents cross
normative gender lines such as mothers repairing
the appliances and fathers taking care of the baby,
(1) less likely to adhere to gender stereotypes.
(2) more likely to practice gender segregation.
(3) more likely to practice gender stereotypes.
(4) less likely to break gender norms prevalent in
14. The purposes of assessment according to National
Education Policy (2020) are:
(i) to generate stress and induce fear amongst
students to ensure learning levels.
(ii) to revise-teaching learning processes.
(iii) to optimize learning and development.
(iv) to support students inside and outside the
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (4) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Paper - 2 (Social Science)
3rd January 2022
15. Dynamic assessment helps to understand
(1) the intelligence Quotient of a child
(2) relative rank of the student in comparison to her
(3) the specific learning needs of a child
(4) if child is fit to study in a regular school or not.
16. For successful inclusion of students with ‘giftedness’,
which of the following strategy a teacher should
avoid to use?
(1) Allow opportunities to express diverse
(2) Provide academic enrichment activities to
(3) Implement teacher-centred curriculum.
(4) Allow students to pursue independent projects
based on their interests.
17. In order to create a system which respects individual
differences among learners, it is important to:
(1) use standardised curriculum for all learners
(2) allow variation in learning pace and perspectives
(3) keep low expectations of learning from all
(4) pay attention only towards high achievers in
18. A student is unable to pay attention in class, becomes
distracted easily, can’t sit in the assigned seat, fidgets
and loses things. These characteristics are indicative
(1) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(2) Visual impairment
(3) Dyslexia
(4) Dysgraphia
19. For inclusion of students with hearing impairment,
a teacher should ............... .
(1) avoid speaking anytime when student can’t see
her face
(2) discourage use of sign language
(3) avoid use of assistive technology
(4) avoid giving extra time for processing
20. Choosing activities that provide scope for insightful
and divergent answers promote ............... .
(1) rote memorisation
(2) creativity
(3) frustration
(4) competition
21. Students who score less marks during exams should
............... .
(1) be placed in special schools.
(2) be guided to pursue only vocational education.
(3) be subjected to corporal punishment.
(4) be provided with necessary support as per their
individual needs.
22. Assertion (A): To ensure meaningful learning, it is
essential to connect new materials with something
the child already knows.
Reason (R): Learning occurs in a linear manner.
Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
23. Which of the following notions of success in school
needs to be challenged?
(1) Students achieve success in school by proving
themselves to be better than others.
(2) Success need not to be about competition.
(3) Schools should give importance to cognitive as
well as emotional domains while conceptualising
(4) In creating an evaluation sytem in which
someone comes ‘first’, we also create a system in
which someone is destined to ‘last’.
24. While teaching a concept which of the following, a
teacher should avoid?
(1) Use of analogies across and within domains
(2) Highlight correlations among different
(3) Ask students to look for cause-effect relations
(4) Exclude non-examplers and exceptions.
25. Which of the following form of learning, a teacher
should emphasize upon:
(1) learning through stimulus-response
(2) learning through process of structured enquiry
(3) learning through rote-memorisation
(4) learning to achieve more marks than others
26. Which of the following is NOT an example of
extrinsic motivation?
(1) Avoidance of punishment
(2) Interest
(3) Rewards
(4) Fear of failure
27. Which of the following emotion hinders student’s
(1) Eagerness (2) Gratitude
(3) Curiosity (4) Hopelessness
28. During the classroom discussion on concept of
water, a child responded, “water is not colourless”.
On enquiring by the teacher, child gave reference of
dirty water which he had seen in a drain near his
home. A teacher respond to this misconception of
the child by:
(1) completely discarding this answer
(2) asserting that his logic is baseless
(3) accept the response and explain the logic of
calling the water colourless
(4) emphasing on only one correct answer i.e. water
is colourless
29. Socio-constructivist approach to learning emphasises
on importance of ............... .
(1) Rewards and Punishment
(2) Standardised Assessment
(3) Cultural Context
(4) Expository Teaching
30. Learning is most effective and meaningful when
(1) it occurs in contextualised manner
(2) learners are performance-oriented
(3) learners are motivated by intrinsic factors
(4) information is presented in disconnected chunks
Page 3
Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. The social expectations at each stage of development
are referred to as
(1) Developmental tasks
(2) Developmental needs
(3) Developmental hazards
(4) Developmental domains
2. Development ............... .
(1) proceeds from centre of the body in an outward
(2) development proceeds from bottom to top.
(3) is unidimensional.
(4) is not influenced by environmental efforts.
3. Assertion (A): Cognitive development progresses
quite rapidly untill middle childhood and then
comes to a stop.
Reason (R): Human beings cannot learn new things
after the stage of middle childhood.
Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
4. A group of children enact scenes from a popular
dance reality show in their play. As a judge,
8-year-old Sana gives comments on other children’s
dances. This situation highlights the important role
of ............... in the socialization of children.
(1) religious institutions (2) family
(3) media (4) school
5. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive
development, in which stage children gain the
ability to seriate objects in a specified order?
(1) Sensory motor
(2) Pre operational
(3) Concrete operational
(4) Formal operational
6. According to Jean Piaget, an ongoing process which
refines and transforms mental structures is called
............... .
(1) Deferred Imitation
(2) Object Permanence
(3) Assimilation
(4) Equilibration
7. After seeing students struggling to solve a problem,
a teacher gave them hints and half solved examples
to assist them.
As per Lev Vygotsky’s theory, this is an example of
............... .
(1) scaffolding (2) reversibility
(3) seriation (4) expository teaching
8. Which theorist asserted that cognitive development
is a collaborative process?
(1) Lev Vygotsky (2) Ivan Pavlov
(3) B. F . Skinner (4) John B. Watson
9. One of the chief criticisms of Lawrence Kohlberg’s
theory is that
(1) his theory undermines the feminine perspective
(2) he did not refer to Piaget’s theory of moral
(3) he does not propose specific responses of
children at each stage
(4) he did not conduct any research on children
10. Howard Gardner suggested that there are distinct
kinds of intelligence. Which of the following
intelligence was not proposed by Gardner?
(1) Musical (2) Linguistic
(3) Body-Kinesthetic (4) Practical
11. Which of the following illustrates a constructivist
learning approach in a progressive classroom?
(1) Multiple interpretations
(2) Rote memorization and verbatim recall
(3) Rewards and punishment
(4) Repeated drill and practice
12. In context of multilingualism, which of the following
is an appropriate approach?
(1) Students should be penalized for using their
mother tongue or local language during school
(2) The schools should admit only those students
whose mother tongue is same as the language of
(3) The teacher should accept & respect diverse
languages and create a classroom environment
which supports inclusion of all students.
(4) The teacher should ignore children who use
their mother tongue in the class.
13. Children who often see their parents cross
normative gender lines such as mothers repairing
the appliances and fathers taking care of the baby,
(1) less likely to adhere to gender stereotypes.
(2) more likely to practice gender segregation.
(3) more likely to practice gender stereotypes.
(4) less likely to break gender norms prevalent in
14. The purposes of assessment according to National
Education Policy (2020) are:
(i) to generate stress and induce fear amongst
students to ensure learning levels.
(ii) to revise-teaching learning processes.
(iii) to optimize learning and development.
(iv) to support students inside and outside the
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (4) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Paper - 2 (Social Science)
3rd January 2022
15. Dynamic assessment helps to understand
(1) the intelligence Quotient of a child
(2) relative rank of the student in comparison to her
(3) the specific learning needs of a child
(4) if child is fit to study in a regular school or not.
16. For successful inclusion of students with ‘giftedness’,
which of the following strategy a teacher should
avoid to use?
(1) Allow opportunities to express diverse
(2) Provide academic enrichment activities to
(3) Implement teacher-centred curriculum.
(4) Allow students to pursue independent projects
based on their interests.
17. In order to create a system which respects individual
differences among learners, it is important to:
(1) use standardised curriculum for all learners
(2) allow variation in learning pace and perspectives
(3) keep low expectations of learning from all
(4) pay attention only towards high achievers in
18. A student is unable to pay attention in class, becomes
distracted easily, can’t sit in the assigned seat, fidgets
and loses things. These characteristics are indicative
(1) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(2) Visual impairment
(3) Dyslexia
(4) Dysgraphia
19. For inclusion of students with hearing impairment,
a teacher should ............... .
(1) avoid speaking anytime when student can’t see
her face
(2) discourage use of sign language
(3) avoid use of assistive technology
(4) avoid giving extra time for processing
20. Choosing activities that provide scope for insightful
and divergent answers promote ............... .
(1) rote memorisation
(2) creativity
(3) frustration
(4) competition
21. Students who score less marks during exams should
............... .
(1) be placed in special schools.
(2) be guided to pursue only vocational education.
(3) be subjected to corporal punishment.
(4) be provided with necessary support as per their
individual needs.
22. Assertion (A): To ensure meaningful learning, it is
essential to connect new materials with something
the child already knows.
Reason (R): Learning occurs in a linear manner.
Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
23. Which of the following notions of success in school
needs to be challenged?
(1) Students achieve success in school by proving
themselves to be better than others.
(2) Success need not to be about competition.
(3) Schools should give importance to cognitive as
well as emotional domains while conceptualising
(4) In creating an evaluation sytem in which
someone comes ‘first’, we also create a system in
which someone is destined to ‘last’.
24. While teaching a concept which of the following, a
teacher should avoid?
(1) Use of analogies across and within domains
(2) Highlight correlations among different
(3) Ask students to look for cause-effect relations
(4) Exclude non-examplers and exceptions.
25. Which of the following form of learning, a teacher
should emphasize upon:
(1) learning through stimulus-response
(2) learning through process of structured enquiry
(3) learning through rote-memorisation
(4) learning to achieve more marks than others
26. Which of the following is NOT an example of
extrinsic motivation?
(1) Avoidance of punishment
(2) Interest
(3) Rewards
(4) Fear of failure
27. Which of the following emotion hinders student’s
(1) Eagerness (2) Gratitude
(3) Curiosity (4) Hopelessness
28. During the classroom discussion on concept of
water, a child responded, “water is not colourless”.
On enquiring by the teacher, child gave reference of
dirty water which he had seen in a drain near his
home. A teacher respond to this misconception of
the child by:
(1) completely discarding this answer
(2) asserting that his logic is baseless
(3) accept the response and explain the logic of
calling the water colourless
(4) emphasing on only one correct answer i.e. water
is colourless
29. Socio-constructivist approach to learning emphasises
on importance of ............... .
(1) Rewards and Punishment
(2) Standardised Assessment
(3) Cultural Context
(4) Expository Teaching
30. Learning is most effective and meaningful when
(1) it occurs in contextualised manner
(2) learners are performance-oriented
(3) learners are motivated by intrinsic factors
(4) information is presented in disconnected chunks
Social Science/Social Studies
31. In which state of India can you find the old sites of
(1) Andhra Pradesh (2) Madhya Pradesh
(3) Maharashtra (4) Karnataka
32. Arrange the following Gupta Kings in the
chronological order.
(i) Sri Gupta (ii) Chandra Gupta II
(iii) Skanda Gupta (iv) Samudra Gupta
(1) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) (2) (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)
(3) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i) (4) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
33. Assertion (A): Al-Biruni wrote Kitab al–Hind.
Reasoning (R): Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni was
interested in finding out more about the people he
Choose the correct option.
(1) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(2) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the reason of
(4) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the reason
of (A).
34. Which is the meaning of Pishtaq, an important
aspect of Mughal architecture?
(1) Forty pillared halls.
(2) Tall gateway.
(3) Central Hall surrounded by eight rooms.
(4) Rectangular walled enclosures.
35. Arrange the following in the descending order
(background) starting from the recent period:
A. Composing of Rigveda
B. Emergence of Varna system
C. Rise of Mauryan Empire
D. Emergence of Buddhism.
(1) B, A, C and D (2) D, A, C and B
(3) A, B, D and C (4) C, D, B and A
36. Read the statements A and B and choose the correct
A. Around 2500 years ago, there is evidence for
the growing use of iron tools including axes
for clearing forests and the iron plough share,
which were useful for increasing agricultural
B. Many cities developed from about 2500 years
(1) A is true but B is false.
(2) A is false but B is true.
(3) Both A and B are true and there is a relation
between A and B.
(4) Both A and B are true but there is a relation
between A and B.
37. Match the following categories of land during the
Chola period with the correct option:
List-I List-II
(a) V ellanvagai (i) Land gifted to temple
(b) Brahmadeya (ii) Land for the maintenance
of a school
(c) Shalabhoga (iii) Land of non-Brahmana
peasant proprietors
(d) Devadana (iv) Land gifted to Brahmanas
(1) (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)–(iii), (d)-(ii)
(2) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)–(ii), (d)-(i)
(3) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)–(i), (d)-(ii)
(4) (a)–(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)–(iv), (d)-(i)
38. Read the statements A and B and choose the correct
Assertion (A): The crisis in Bengal economy after
1765 had adverse effect on artisans and peasants.
Artisonal production declined and agricultural
cultivation showed signs of collapse. In 1770 a
famine killed ten million people in Bengal.
Reason (R): The effort of the East India Company
after getting the Diwani of Bengal was to increase
the revenue as much as it could and buy fine cotton
and silk cloth as cheap as possible. The revenue
collected in Bengal was used to finance the purchase
of goods for export.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
39. Who contributed to the banning of Sati in 1829?
(1) Raja Rammohun Roy
(2) Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar
(3) Jyoti Rao Phule
(4) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
40. Read the statements (A) and (R) and choose the
correct option.
Assertion (A): Between 1927 and 1935 Ambedkar
led three temple entry movements.
Reason (R): Ambedkar’s aim was to make everyone
sea the power of British rule in India.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
41. Match the reforms movements with their leaders
List-I List-II
(a) Matua Panth (i) Jyotirao Phule
(b) Satyashodhak
(ii) Raja Rammohan
(c) Arya Samaj (iii) Haridar Thakur
(d) Brahmo Samaj (iv) Swami Dayanand
(1) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iv)
(2) (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iii)
(3) (a)-(i), (b)-(iv), (c)-(iii), (d)-(ii)
(4) (a)-(iii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(ii)
42. Read the following statements on emergence of
Nationalism and choose the correct option.
A. The Indian National Congress was founded in
the year 1885.
B. The early Nationalist leaders were largely from
rural and uneducated background.
(1) A is true but B is false
(2) A is false but B is true
(3) Both A and B are true
(4) Both A and B are false
Page 4
Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. The social expectations at each stage of development
are referred to as
(1) Developmental tasks
(2) Developmental needs
(3) Developmental hazards
(4) Developmental domains
2. Development ............... .
(1) proceeds from centre of the body in an outward
(2) development proceeds from bottom to top.
(3) is unidimensional.
(4) is not influenced by environmental efforts.
3. Assertion (A): Cognitive development progresses
quite rapidly untill middle childhood and then
comes to a stop.
Reason (R): Human beings cannot learn new things
after the stage of middle childhood.
Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
4. A group of children enact scenes from a popular
dance reality show in their play. As a judge,
8-year-old Sana gives comments on other children’s
dances. This situation highlights the important role
of ............... in the socialization of children.
(1) religious institutions (2) family
(3) media (4) school
5. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive
development, in which stage children gain the
ability to seriate objects in a specified order?
(1) Sensory motor
(2) Pre operational
(3) Concrete operational
(4) Formal operational
6. According to Jean Piaget, an ongoing process which
refines and transforms mental structures is called
............... .
(1) Deferred Imitation
(2) Object Permanence
(3) Assimilation
(4) Equilibration
7. After seeing students struggling to solve a problem,
a teacher gave them hints and half solved examples
to assist them.
As per Lev Vygotsky’s theory, this is an example of
............... .
(1) scaffolding (2) reversibility
(3) seriation (4) expository teaching
8. Which theorist asserted that cognitive development
is a collaborative process?
(1) Lev Vygotsky (2) Ivan Pavlov
(3) B. F . Skinner (4) John B. Watson
9. One of the chief criticisms of Lawrence Kohlberg’s
theory is that
(1) his theory undermines the feminine perspective
(2) he did not refer to Piaget’s theory of moral
(3) he does not propose specific responses of
children at each stage
(4) he did not conduct any research on children
10. Howard Gardner suggested that there are distinct
kinds of intelligence. Which of the following
intelligence was not proposed by Gardner?
(1) Musical (2) Linguistic
(3) Body-Kinesthetic (4) Practical
11. Which of the following illustrates a constructivist
learning approach in a progressive classroom?
(1) Multiple interpretations
(2) Rote memorization and verbatim recall
(3) Rewards and punishment
(4) Repeated drill and practice
12. In context of multilingualism, which of the following
is an appropriate approach?
(1) Students should be penalized for using their
mother tongue or local language during school
(2) The schools should admit only those students
whose mother tongue is same as the language of
(3) The teacher should accept & respect diverse
languages and create a classroom environment
which supports inclusion of all students.
(4) The teacher should ignore children who use
their mother tongue in the class.
13. Children who often see their parents cross
normative gender lines such as mothers repairing
the appliances and fathers taking care of the baby,
(1) less likely to adhere to gender stereotypes.
(2) more likely to practice gender segregation.
(3) more likely to practice gender stereotypes.
(4) less likely to break gender norms prevalent in
14. The purposes of assessment according to National
Education Policy (2020) are:
(i) to generate stress and induce fear amongst
students to ensure learning levels.
(ii) to revise-teaching learning processes.
(iii) to optimize learning and development.
(iv) to support students inside and outside the
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (4) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Paper - 2 (Social Science)
3rd January 2022
15. Dynamic assessment helps to understand
(1) the intelligence Quotient of a child
(2) relative rank of the student in comparison to her
(3) the specific learning needs of a child
(4) if child is fit to study in a regular school or not.
16. For successful inclusion of students with ‘giftedness’,
which of the following strategy a teacher should
avoid to use?
(1) Allow opportunities to express diverse
(2) Provide academic enrichment activities to
(3) Implement teacher-centred curriculum.
(4) Allow students to pursue independent projects
based on their interests.
17. In order to create a system which respects individual
differences among learners, it is important to:
(1) use standardised curriculum for all learners
(2) allow variation in learning pace and perspectives
(3) keep low expectations of learning from all
(4) pay attention only towards high achievers in
18. A student is unable to pay attention in class, becomes
distracted easily, can’t sit in the assigned seat, fidgets
and loses things. These characteristics are indicative
(1) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(2) Visual impairment
(3) Dyslexia
(4) Dysgraphia
19. For inclusion of students with hearing impairment,
a teacher should ............... .
(1) avoid speaking anytime when student can’t see
her face
(2) discourage use of sign language
(3) avoid use of assistive technology
(4) avoid giving extra time for processing
20. Choosing activities that provide scope for insightful
and divergent answers promote ............... .
(1) rote memorisation
(2) creativity
(3) frustration
(4) competition
21. Students who score less marks during exams should
............... .
(1) be placed in special schools.
(2) be guided to pursue only vocational education.
(3) be subjected to corporal punishment.
(4) be provided with necessary support as per their
individual needs.
22. Assertion (A): To ensure meaningful learning, it is
essential to connect new materials with something
the child already knows.
Reason (R): Learning occurs in a linear manner.
Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
23. Which of the following notions of success in school
needs to be challenged?
(1) Students achieve success in school by proving
themselves to be better than others.
(2) Success need not to be about competition.
(3) Schools should give importance to cognitive as
well as emotional domains while conceptualising
(4) In creating an evaluation sytem in which
someone comes ‘first’, we also create a system in
which someone is destined to ‘last’.
24. While teaching a concept which of the following, a
teacher should avoid?
(1) Use of analogies across and within domains
(2) Highlight correlations among different
(3) Ask students to look for cause-effect relations
(4) Exclude non-examplers and exceptions.
25. Which of the following form of learning, a teacher
should emphasize upon:
(1) learning through stimulus-response
(2) learning through process of structured enquiry
(3) learning through rote-memorisation
(4) learning to achieve more marks than others
26. Which of the following is NOT an example of
extrinsic motivation?
(1) Avoidance of punishment
(2) Interest
(3) Rewards
(4) Fear of failure
27. Which of the following emotion hinders student’s
(1) Eagerness (2) Gratitude
(3) Curiosity (4) Hopelessness
28. During the classroom discussion on concept of
water, a child responded, “water is not colourless”.
On enquiring by the teacher, child gave reference of
dirty water which he had seen in a drain near his
home. A teacher respond to this misconception of
the child by:
(1) completely discarding this answer
(2) asserting that his logic is baseless
(3) accept the response and explain the logic of
calling the water colourless
(4) emphasing on only one correct answer i.e. water
is colourless
29. Socio-constructivist approach to learning emphasises
on importance of ............... .
(1) Rewards and Punishment
(2) Standardised Assessment
(3) Cultural Context
(4) Expository Teaching
30. Learning is most effective and meaningful when
(1) it occurs in contextualised manner
(2) learners are performance-oriented
(3) learners are motivated by intrinsic factors
(4) information is presented in disconnected chunks
Social Science/Social Studies
31. In which state of India can you find the old sites of
(1) Andhra Pradesh (2) Madhya Pradesh
(3) Maharashtra (4) Karnataka
32. Arrange the following Gupta Kings in the
chronological order.
(i) Sri Gupta (ii) Chandra Gupta II
(iii) Skanda Gupta (iv) Samudra Gupta
(1) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) (2) (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)
(3) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i) (4) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
33. Assertion (A): Al-Biruni wrote Kitab al–Hind.
Reasoning (R): Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni was
interested in finding out more about the people he
Choose the correct option.
(1) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(2) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the reason of
(4) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the reason
of (A).
34. Which is the meaning of Pishtaq, an important
aspect of Mughal architecture?
(1) Forty pillared halls.
(2) Tall gateway.
(3) Central Hall surrounded by eight rooms.
(4) Rectangular walled enclosures.
35. Arrange the following in the descending order
(background) starting from the recent period:
A. Composing of Rigveda
B. Emergence of Varna system
C. Rise of Mauryan Empire
D. Emergence of Buddhism.
(1) B, A, C and D (2) D, A, C and B
(3) A, B, D and C (4) C, D, B and A
36. Read the statements A and B and choose the correct
A. Around 2500 years ago, there is evidence for
the growing use of iron tools including axes
for clearing forests and the iron plough share,
which were useful for increasing agricultural
B. Many cities developed from about 2500 years
(1) A is true but B is false.
(2) A is false but B is true.
(3) Both A and B are true and there is a relation
between A and B.
(4) Both A and B are true but there is a relation
between A and B.
37. Match the following categories of land during the
Chola period with the correct option:
List-I List-II
(a) V ellanvagai (i) Land gifted to temple
(b) Brahmadeya (ii) Land for the maintenance
of a school
(c) Shalabhoga (iii) Land of non-Brahmana
peasant proprietors
(d) Devadana (iv) Land gifted to Brahmanas
(1) (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)–(iii), (d)-(ii)
(2) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)–(ii), (d)-(i)
(3) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)–(i), (d)-(ii)
(4) (a)–(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)–(iv), (d)-(i)
38. Read the statements A and B and choose the correct
Assertion (A): The crisis in Bengal economy after
1765 had adverse effect on artisans and peasants.
Artisonal production declined and agricultural
cultivation showed signs of collapse. In 1770 a
famine killed ten million people in Bengal.
Reason (R): The effort of the East India Company
after getting the Diwani of Bengal was to increase
the revenue as much as it could and buy fine cotton
and silk cloth as cheap as possible. The revenue
collected in Bengal was used to finance the purchase
of goods for export.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
39. Who contributed to the banning of Sati in 1829?
(1) Raja Rammohun Roy
(2) Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar
(3) Jyoti Rao Phule
(4) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
40. Read the statements (A) and (R) and choose the
correct option.
Assertion (A): Between 1927 and 1935 Ambedkar
led three temple entry movements.
Reason (R): Ambedkar’s aim was to make everyone
sea the power of British rule in India.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
41. Match the reforms movements with their leaders
List-I List-II
(a) Matua Panth (i) Jyotirao Phule
(b) Satyashodhak
(ii) Raja Rammohan
(c) Arya Samaj (iii) Haridar Thakur
(d) Brahmo Samaj (iv) Swami Dayanand
(1) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iv)
(2) (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iii)
(3) (a)-(i), (b)-(iv), (c)-(iii), (d)-(ii)
(4) (a)-(iii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(ii)
42. Read the following statements on emergence of
Nationalism and choose the correct option.
A. The Indian National Congress was founded in
the year 1885.
B. The early Nationalist leaders were largely from
rural and uneducated background.
(1) A is true but B is false
(2) A is false but B is true
(3) Both A and B are true
(4) Both A and B are false
43. Read the Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R) and
choose the correct option.
Assertion (A): The British decided that the
proportion of Indian soldiers in the army in India
would be reduced and the number of European
soldiers would be increased.
Reason (R): In May 1857 sepoys of the East India
Company mutinied in several places in India and
a large number of people from different sections of
society rose up in rebellion.
(1) (A) is true but (R) is false
(2) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(4) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
44. Read the following Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R)
on formation of states and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A): Both Prime Minister Jawaharlal
Nehru and Deputy Prime Minister Vallabhbhai Patel
were against the creating of linguistic states.
Reasoning (R): State Reorganisation Commission
recommended in 1956 the redrawing of districts and
provisional boundaries to form compact provinces
at Assamese, Bengali, Oriya, Tamil, Malayalam,
Kannada and Telugu speakers respectively.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
45. Given statements are about various celestial bodies
in the sky. Which of the statements are correct?
A. We do not feel heat and light of countless
twinkling stars in the night sky as they are very
far away from us.
B. Ursa Major Constellation is a group of seven
stars also called Saptarishi.
C. Pole Star keeps changing its position in the sky.
D. Moon appears at different times, in different
shapes and at different positions.
Choose the correct option.
(1) A, B and D (2) A, C and D
(3) B, C and D (4) A, B and C
46. Which of the following statements correct
description of the globe?
A. Globe is a true model (miniature from) of the
B. Globes can be of varying size and type.
C. On the globe, countries, continents and oceans
are shown in their correct size.
D. It is fixed and cannot be rotated.
(1) Only A, B and C (2) Only A, C and D
(3) Only A, B and D (4) Only B, C and D
47. Identify the heat zone of the earth from the
A. The midday sun never shines overhead.
B. These areas have moderate temperature.
C. These areas are bounded by the Tropic of
Cancer and the Arctic Circle in the Northern
Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn and the
Antarctic Circle in the southern Hemisphere.
(1) Frigid zone
(2) Temperate zone
(3) Torrid zone
(4) North and South Poles
48. India is located east of Greenwich at 82° 32° E. What
will be Indian Standard Time (IST) if Greenwich
Mean Time is 1 PM?
(1) 7.30 PM (2) 6.30 PM
(3) 6.30 AM (4) 7.30 AM
49. In which type of forests do softwood trees like chir,
pine and cedar grow?
(1) Temperate deciduous forests
(2) Temperate evergreen forests
(3) Coniferous forests
(4) Tropical deciduous forests
50. Read the given statements and select the correct
Assertion (A): There is a close relationship between
height of land and the character of vegetation.
Reason (R): The growth of vegetation depends on
slope and thickness of soil.
(i) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(ii) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
correct explanation of (A).
(iii) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(iv) Both (A) and (R) are false.
51. Match the following about movement of water on
ocean surface and choose the correct option:
A. Cold ocean
(i) Alternate rise and fall of
water on ocean surface.
B. Tides (ii) Rhythmic rise and fall of
ocean water twice in a
C. Waves (iii) Originated near the
D. Warm oceans
(iv) Carry water from polar to
tropical latitudes
(1) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(ii)
(2) A-(ii), B-(iv), C-(iii), D-(i)
(3) A-(i), B-(iii), C-(ii), D-(iv)
(4) A-(iv), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(iii)
52. Choose the correct option Monsoon winds are:
(1) Planetary winds (2) Seasonal winds
(3) Permanent winds (4) Local winds
53. Which of the following represents correct matching
of the layers of atmosphere.
A. Exosphere (i) Layer help in radio
B. T roposphere (ii) Upper most layer of
C. Stratosphere (iii) Lower most layer of
D. Thermosphere (iv) Layer contains ozone
(1) A-(iv), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(iii)
(2) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iv)
(3) A-(i), B-(iv), C-(iii), D-(ii)
(4) A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(i)
Page 5
Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. The social expectations at each stage of development
are referred to as
(1) Developmental tasks
(2) Developmental needs
(3) Developmental hazards
(4) Developmental domains
2. Development ............... .
(1) proceeds from centre of the body in an outward
(2) development proceeds from bottom to top.
(3) is unidimensional.
(4) is not influenced by environmental efforts.
3. Assertion (A): Cognitive development progresses
quite rapidly untill middle childhood and then
comes to a stop.
Reason (R): Human beings cannot learn new things
after the stage of middle childhood.
Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
4. A group of children enact scenes from a popular
dance reality show in their play. As a judge,
8-year-old Sana gives comments on other children’s
dances. This situation highlights the important role
of ............... in the socialization of children.
(1) religious institutions (2) family
(3) media (4) school
5. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive
development, in which stage children gain the
ability to seriate objects in a specified order?
(1) Sensory motor
(2) Pre operational
(3) Concrete operational
(4) Formal operational
6. According to Jean Piaget, an ongoing process which
refines and transforms mental structures is called
............... .
(1) Deferred Imitation
(2) Object Permanence
(3) Assimilation
(4) Equilibration
7. After seeing students struggling to solve a problem,
a teacher gave them hints and half solved examples
to assist them.
As per Lev Vygotsky’s theory, this is an example of
............... .
(1) scaffolding (2) reversibility
(3) seriation (4) expository teaching
8. Which theorist asserted that cognitive development
is a collaborative process?
(1) Lev Vygotsky (2) Ivan Pavlov
(3) B. F . Skinner (4) John B. Watson
9. One of the chief criticisms of Lawrence Kohlberg’s
theory is that
(1) his theory undermines the feminine perspective
(2) he did not refer to Piaget’s theory of moral
(3) he does not propose specific responses of
children at each stage
(4) he did not conduct any research on children
10. Howard Gardner suggested that there are distinct
kinds of intelligence. Which of the following
intelligence was not proposed by Gardner?
(1) Musical (2) Linguistic
(3) Body-Kinesthetic (4) Practical
11. Which of the following illustrates a constructivist
learning approach in a progressive classroom?
(1) Multiple interpretations
(2) Rote memorization and verbatim recall
(3) Rewards and punishment
(4) Repeated drill and practice
12. In context of multilingualism, which of the following
is an appropriate approach?
(1) Students should be penalized for using their
mother tongue or local language during school
(2) The schools should admit only those students
whose mother tongue is same as the language of
(3) The teacher should accept & respect diverse
languages and create a classroom environment
which supports inclusion of all students.
(4) The teacher should ignore children who use
their mother tongue in the class.
13. Children who often see their parents cross
normative gender lines such as mothers repairing
the appliances and fathers taking care of the baby,
(1) less likely to adhere to gender stereotypes.
(2) more likely to practice gender segregation.
(3) more likely to practice gender stereotypes.
(4) less likely to break gender norms prevalent in
14. The purposes of assessment according to National
Education Policy (2020) are:
(i) to generate stress and induce fear amongst
students to ensure learning levels.
(ii) to revise-teaching learning processes.
(iii) to optimize learning and development.
(iv) to support students inside and outside the
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (4) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Paper - 2 (Social Science)
3rd January 2022
15. Dynamic assessment helps to understand
(1) the intelligence Quotient of a child
(2) relative rank of the student in comparison to her
(3) the specific learning needs of a child
(4) if child is fit to study in a regular school or not.
16. For successful inclusion of students with ‘giftedness’,
which of the following strategy a teacher should
avoid to use?
(1) Allow opportunities to express diverse
(2) Provide academic enrichment activities to
(3) Implement teacher-centred curriculum.
(4) Allow students to pursue independent projects
based on their interests.
17. In order to create a system which respects individual
differences among learners, it is important to:
(1) use standardised curriculum for all learners
(2) allow variation in learning pace and perspectives
(3) keep low expectations of learning from all
(4) pay attention only towards high achievers in
18. A student is unable to pay attention in class, becomes
distracted easily, can’t sit in the assigned seat, fidgets
and loses things. These characteristics are indicative
(1) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(2) Visual impairment
(3) Dyslexia
(4) Dysgraphia
19. For inclusion of students with hearing impairment,
a teacher should ............... .
(1) avoid speaking anytime when student can’t see
her face
(2) discourage use of sign language
(3) avoid use of assistive technology
(4) avoid giving extra time for processing
20. Choosing activities that provide scope for insightful
and divergent answers promote ............... .
(1) rote memorisation
(2) creativity
(3) frustration
(4) competition
21. Students who score less marks during exams should
............... .
(1) be placed in special schools.
(2) be guided to pursue only vocational education.
(3) be subjected to corporal punishment.
(4) be provided with necessary support as per their
individual needs.
22. Assertion (A): To ensure meaningful learning, it is
essential to connect new materials with something
the child already knows.
Reason (R): Learning occurs in a linear manner.
Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
23. Which of the following notions of success in school
needs to be challenged?
(1) Students achieve success in school by proving
themselves to be better than others.
(2) Success need not to be about competition.
(3) Schools should give importance to cognitive as
well as emotional domains while conceptualising
(4) In creating an evaluation sytem in which
someone comes ‘first’, we also create a system in
which someone is destined to ‘last’.
24. While teaching a concept which of the following, a
teacher should avoid?
(1) Use of analogies across and within domains
(2) Highlight correlations among different
(3) Ask students to look for cause-effect relations
(4) Exclude non-examplers and exceptions.
25. Which of the following form of learning, a teacher
should emphasize upon:
(1) learning through stimulus-response
(2) learning through process of structured enquiry
(3) learning through rote-memorisation
(4) learning to achieve more marks than others
26. Which of the following is NOT an example of
extrinsic motivation?
(1) Avoidance of punishment
(2) Interest
(3) Rewards
(4) Fear of failure
27. Which of the following emotion hinders student’s
(1) Eagerness (2) Gratitude
(3) Curiosity (4) Hopelessness
28. During the classroom discussion on concept of
water, a child responded, “water is not colourless”.
On enquiring by the teacher, child gave reference of
dirty water which he had seen in a drain near his
home. A teacher respond to this misconception of
the child by:
(1) completely discarding this answer
(2) asserting that his logic is baseless
(3) accept the response and explain the logic of
calling the water colourless
(4) emphasing on only one correct answer i.e. water
is colourless
29. Socio-constructivist approach to learning emphasises
on importance of ............... .
(1) Rewards and Punishment
(2) Standardised Assessment
(3) Cultural Context
(4) Expository Teaching
30. Learning is most effective and meaningful when
(1) it occurs in contextualised manner
(2) learners are performance-oriented
(3) learners are motivated by intrinsic factors
(4) information is presented in disconnected chunks
Social Science/Social Studies
31. In which state of India can you find the old sites of
(1) Andhra Pradesh (2) Madhya Pradesh
(3) Maharashtra (4) Karnataka
32. Arrange the following Gupta Kings in the
chronological order.
(i) Sri Gupta (ii) Chandra Gupta II
(iii) Skanda Gupta (iv) Samudra Gupta
(1) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) (2) (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)
(3) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i) (4) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
33. Assertion (A): Al-Biruni wrote Kitab al–Hind.
Reasoning (R): Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni was
interested in finding out more about the people he
Choose the correct option.
(1) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(2) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the reason of
(4) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the reason
of (A).
34. Which is the meaning of Pishtaq, an important
aspect of Mughal architecture?
(1) Forty pillared halls.
(2) Tall gateway.
(3) Central Hall surrounded by eight rooms.
(4) Rectangular walled enclosures.
35. Arrange the following in the descending order
(background) starting from the recent period:
A. Composing of Rigveda
B. Emergence of Varna system
C. Rise of Mauryan Empire
D. Emergence of Buddhism.
(1) B, A, C and D (2) D, A, C and B
(3) A, B, D and C (4) C, D, B and A
36. Read the statements A and B and choose the correct
A. Around 2500 years ago, there is evidence for
the growing use of iron tools including axes
for clearing forests and the iron plough share,
which were useful for increasing agricultural
B. Many cities developed from about 2500 years
(1) A is true but B is false.
(2) A is false but B is true.
(3) Both A and B are true and there is a relation
between A and B.
(4) Both A and B are true but there is a relation
between A and B.
37. Match the following categories of land during the
Chola period with the correct option:
List-I List-II
(a) V ellanvagai (i) Land gifted to temple
(b) Brahmadeya (ii) Land for the maintenance
of a school
(c) Shalabhoga (iii) Land of non-Brahmana
peasant proprietors
(d) Devadana (iv) Land gifted to Brahmanas
(1) (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)–(iii), (d)-(ii)
(2) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)–(ii), (d)-(i)
(3) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)–(i), (d)-(ii)
(4) (a)–(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)–(iv), (d)-(i)
38. Read the statements A and B and choose the correct
Assertion (A): The crisis in Bengal economy after
1765 had adverse effect on artisans and peasants.
Artisonal production declined and agricultural
cultivation showed signs of collapse. In 1770 a
famine killed ten million people in Bengal.
Reason (R): The effort of the East India Company
after getting the Diwani of Bengal was to increase
the revenue as much as it could and buy fine cotton
and silk cloth as cheap as possible. The revenue
collected in Bengal was used to finance the purchase
of goods for export.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
39. Who contributed to the banning of Sati in 1829?
(1) Raja Rammohun Roy
(2) Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar
(3) Jyoti Rao Phule
(4) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
40. Read the statements (A) and (R) and choose the
correct option.
Assertion (A): Between 1927 and 1935 Ambedkar
led three temple entry movements.
Reason (R): Ambedkar’s aim was to make everyone
sea the power of British rule in India.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
41. Match the reforms movements with their leaders
List-I List-II
(a) Matua Panth (i) Jyotirao Phule
(b) Satyashodhak
(ii) Raja Rammohan
(c) Arya Samaj (iii) Haridar Thakur
(d) Brahmo Samaj (iv) Swami Dayanand
(1) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iv)
(2) (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iii)
(3) (a)-(i), (b)-(iv), (c)-(iii), (d)-(ii)
(4) (a)-(iii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(ii)
42. Read the following statements on emergence of
Nationalism and choose the correct option.
A. The Indian National Congress was founded in
the year 1885.
B. The early Nationalist leaders were largely from
rural and uneducated background.
(1) A is true but B is false
(2) A is false but B is true
(3) Both A and B are true
(4) Both A and B are false
43. Read the Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R) and
choose the correct option.
Assertion (A): The British decided that the
proportion of Indian soldiers in the army in India
would be reduced and the number of European
soldiers would be increased.
Reason (R): In May 1857 sepoys of the East India
Company mutinied in several places in India and
a large number of people from different sections of
society rose up in rebellion.
(1) (A) is true but (R) is false
(2) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(4) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
44. Read the following Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R)
on formation of states and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A): Both Prime Minister Jawaharlal
Nehru and Deputy Prime Minister Vallabhbhai Patel
were against the creating of linguistic states.
Reasoning (R): State Reorganisation Commission
recommended in 1956 the redrawing of districts and
provisional boundaries to form compact provinces
at Assamese, Bengali, Oriya, Tamil, Malayalam,
Kannada and Telugu speakers respectively.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
45. Given statements are about various celestial bodies
in the sky. Which of the statements are correct?
A. We do not feel heat and light of countless
twinkling stars in the night sky as they are very
far away from us.
B. Ursa Major Constellation is a group of seven
stars also called Saptarishi.
C. Pole Star keeps changing its position in the sky.
D. Moon appears at different times, in different
shapes and at different positions.
Choose the correct option.
(1) A, B and D (2) A, C and D
(3) B, C and D (4) A, B and C
46. Which of the following statements correct
description of the globe?
A. Globe is a true model (miniature from) of the
B. Globes can be of varying size and type.
C. On the globe, countries, continents and oceans
are shown in their correct size.
D. It is fixed and cannot be rotated.
(1) Only A, B and C (2) Only A, C and D
(3) Only A, B and D (4) Only B, C and D
47. Identify the heat zone of the earth from the
A. The midday sun never shines overhead.
B. These areas have moderate temperature.
C. These areas are bounded by the Tropic of
Cancer and the Arctic Circle in the Northern
Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn and the
Antarctic Circle in the southern Hemisphere.
(1) Frigid zone
(2) Temperate zone
(3) Torrid zone
(4) North and South Poles
48. India is located east of Greenwich at 82° 32° E. What
will be Indian Standard Time (IST) if Greenwich
Mean Time is 1 PM?
(1) 7.30 PM (2) 6.30 PM
(3) 6.30 AM (4) 7.30 AM
49. In which type of forests do softwood trees like chir,
pine and cedar grow?
(1) Temperate deciduous forests
(2) Temperate evergreen forests
(3) Coniferous forests
(4) Tropical deciduous forests
50. Read the given statements and select the correct
Assertion (A): There is a close relationship between
height of land and the character of vegetation.
Reason (R): The growth of vegetation depends on
slope and thickness of soil.
(i) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(ii) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
correct explanation of (A).
(iii) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(iv) Both (A) and (R) are false.
51. Match the following about movement of water on
ocean surface and choose the correct option:
A. Cold ocean
(i) Alternate rise and fall of
water on ocean surface.
B. Tides (ii) Rhythmic rise and fall of
ocean water twice in a
C. Waves (iii) Originated near the
D. Warm oceans
(iv) Carry water from polar to
tropical latitudes
(1) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(ii)
(2) A-(ii), B-(iv), C-(iii), D-(i)
(3) A-(i), B-(iii), C-(ii), D-(iv)
(4) A-(iv), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(iii)
52. Choose the correct option Monsoon winds are:
(1) Planetary winds (2) Seasonal winds
(3) Permanent winds (4) Local winds
53. Which of the following represents correct matching
of the layers of atmosphere.
A. Exosphere (i) Layer help in radio
B. T roposphere (ii) Upper most layer of
C. Stratosphere (iii) Lower most layer of
D. Thermosphere (iv) Layer contains ozone
(1) A-(iv), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(iii)
(2) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iv)
(3) A-(i), B-(iv), C-(iii), D-(ii)
(4) A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(i)
54. Matching the regions with the animals used for
transport in these region and choose the correct
A. Andes Mountains (i) Camels and bullocks
B. Tibet (ii) Mules and donkey
C. Indian desert (iii) Llamas
D. Indian hills (iv) Yaks
(1) A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(i), D-(ii)
(2) A-(i), B-(iii), C-(ii), D-(iv)
(3) A-(iv), B-(ii), C-(iii), D-(i)
(4) A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(iii)
55. Study the given statements and choose the correct
Assertion (A): Utility or usability is what makes an
object or substance a resource.
Reason (R): Some resources have economic value,
some do not have economic value.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
56. How can we as citizens and teachers help in
conserving plants and animals? Choose the correct
statements from the following:
A. Planting of trees by students and community
B. Dumping of a garbage in vacant spaces and
C. Organise student visits to nature camps.
D. National parks can be developed as tourist spots.
Choose the correct option:
(1) A, B and C (2) A, C and D
(3) B, C and D (4) A, B and D
57. Read the following and choose the correct methods
of soil conservation:
A. Overuse of chemical fertilisers
B. Mulching
C. Contour barriers
D. Shelter belts
(1) A,B and D (2) A, C and D
(3) A, B and C (4) B, C and D
58. Read the following statements:
Statement (A): There is considerable socio-cultural
diversity in India.
Statement (B): Diversity necessarily leads to equal
Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (B) are true and (B) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (B) are true but (B) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (B) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (B) are false.
59. Match the following:
A. Fixing people into one
(i) Prejudice
B. Judging other people
(ii) Untouchability
C. Treating some one less
fairly than others
(iii) Stereotype
D. Practicing purity and
(iv) Discrimination
(1) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(ii)
(2) A-(i), B-(iv), C-(ii), D-(iii)
(3) A-(iv), B-(iii), C-(ii), D-(i)
(4) A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(i), D-(iv)
60. Who is responsible for measuring land and keeping
Land records in a village?
(1) Station House Officer
(2) Block Development Officer
(3) Patwari/Village Administrative officer
(4) District Collector
61. Match the following:
A. Zilla Parishad (i) Village
B. Gram Sabha (ii) Mayor
C. Ward Committee (iii) Municipalities
D. Corporation (iv) District Collector
(1) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(iii), D-(ii)
(2) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iv), D-(iii)
(3) A-(ii), B-(iv), C-(ii), D-(i)
(4) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(ii)
62. Which of the following example/s would you give in
a class while explaining the term casual worker
A. Mason working at a constructive site
B. Domestic maids
C. Bank manager in a nationalized bank
Choose the correct option:
(1) Only A and B (2) Only A and C
(3) Only B and C (4) Only A
63. Read the following statements
Assertion (A): Agricultural labourers are seasonal
Reason (R): Working on a farm requires operations
such as preparing the land, sowing, weeding and
harvesting of crops.
Choose the correct option:
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
64. Read the following statements and choose the
correct options
A. The Disability Act 1995 states that persons with
special needs have equal right and government
should make possible their full participation in
B. Under this Act the government has to segregate
children with special needs into special schools.
(1) Only A is true (2) Only B is true
(3) Both A and B are true (4) Both A and B are false
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