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 Pinnacle  Static GK 
 Sol.775.(a)  USSR  .  It  was  launched  into 
 an  elliptical  low  Earth  orbit  by  the  USSR 
 on  4  October  1957  as  part  of  the  Soviet 
 space  program.  Launch  site:  Baikonur 
 Rocket: Sputnik 8K71PS. 
 Q.776.  Who  among  the  following  has 
 been  the  ?rst  sportsperson  to  receive  the 
 Padma  Shri  award  from  the  Government 
 of India? 
 SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Balbir Dosanjh     (b) Milkha Singh 
 (c) Manpreet Singh   (d) Dhanraj Pillay 
 Sol.776.(a)  Balbir  Singh  Dosanjh.  Padma 
 Shri  (1957).  He  wrote  two  books:  his 
 autobiography  The  Golden  Hat  Trick 
 (1977)  and  The  Golden  Yardstick:  In 
 Quest of Hockey Excellence (2008). 
 Q.777.  Who  among  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst woman commando trainer in India? 
 SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Avani Chaturvedi   (b) Damyanti Beshra 
 (c) Dr. Seema Rao       (d) Rani Rampal 
 Sol.777.(c)  Dr.  Seema  Rao  .  India's  ?rst 
 female  jawan  in  the  Indian  army  is  Shanti 
 Tigga.  The  ?rst  woman  o?cer  in  the 
 Indian  Air  Force,  Vijayalakshmi  Ramanan. 
 Punita  Arora  was  the  ?rst  woman  in  the 
 Indian  Armed  Forces  to  be  promoted  to  a 
 three-star rank. 
 Q.778.  What  was  the  name  of  the  ?rst 
 arti?cial  satellite  launched  by  India  in 
 SSC CGL 18/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Panini  (b) Sushruta 
 (c) Aryabhatta  (d) Charaka 
 Sol.778.(c)  Aryabhatta  .  Rohini  was 
 India's  ?rst  satellite  launched  from  an 
 Indian-made launch vehicle. 
 Q.779.  Who  among  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst  Indian  to  win  a  seat  in  the  House  of 
 SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Afternoon) 
 (a) MN Roy  (b) Dadabhai Naoroji 
 (c) WC Bonnerjee  (d) Hasrat Mohani 
 Sol.779.(b)  Dadabhai  Naoroji  .  The  House 
 of  Commons  is  the  lower  house 
 (democratically  elected  house)  of  the 
 Parliament of the United Kingdom. 
 Q.780.  Who  among  the  following  is  the 
 ?rst-ever  woman  ?ghter  pilot  to  have 
 taken part at a  Republic Day Parade? 
 SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Anny Divya 
 (b) Bhawna Kanth 
 (c) Mohana Singh Jitarwal 
 (d) Avani Chaturvedi 
 Sol.780.(b)  Bhawna Kanth.  She was 
 declared  as  the  ?rst  combat  pilot  along 
 with  two  of  her  cohorts  Mohana  Singh 
 and Avani Chaturvedi. 
 Q.781.  Who  was  the  ?rst 
 Director-General  of  Archaeological 
 Survey of India? 
 SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Lord Curzon 
 (b) Alexander Cunningham 
 (c) Mortimer Wheeler 
 (d) John Marshall 
 Sol.781.(b)  Alexander  Cunningham  .  ASI 
 is  an  Indian  government  agency 
 responsible  for  archaeological  research 
 and the conservation and preservation of 
 cultural monuments in the country. 
 Q.782.  In  which  of  the  following 
 countries  was  the  ?rst  hockey 
 association formed? 
 SSC CGL 23/08/2021 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Spain (b) The UK (c) The US (d) India 
 Sol.782.(b)  The  UK  (1876).  India  has 
 recently  won  a  bronze  medal  in  the  2020 
 Tokyo Olympics in Men’s Hockey Title. 
 Q.783.  Who  among  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst  player  from  the  Indian  subcontinent 
 to  play  for  a  European  Football  club 
 (Celtic FC) ? 
 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Morning) 
 (a) Sailen Manna 
 (b) Mohammed Salim 
 (c) Neville D'Souza 
 (d) Pradeep Kumar Banerjee 
 Sol.783.(b)  Mohammed  Salim  .  The 
 Celtic  Football  Club  is  a  Scottish 
 professional  football  club  based  in 
 Glasgow,  which  plays  in  the  Scottish 
 Q.784.  In  which  of  the  following  years 
 was the ?rst rocket launched in India? 
 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) 1948  (b) 1973  (c) 1963  (d) 1977 
 Sol.784.(c)  1963  .  The  launchpad  for  the 
 ?rst  rocket  ‘RH200’  was  Thumba 
 Balasore  and  took  off  from  Thumba  near 
 Q.785.  Who  among  the  following  was 
 appointed  as  the  ?rst  woman 
 Chairperson  of  BCCC  (Broadcasting 
 Content Complaints Council) by IBF 
 (Indian Broadcasting Foundation)? 
 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Indra Nooyi               (b) Kiran Mazumdar 
 (c) Chitra Ramakrishna (d) Gita Mittal 
 Sol.785.(d)  Justice  Gita  Mittal  .  She  has 
 also served as the ?rst woman Chief 
 Justice of Jammu & Kashmir High Court. 
 Q.786.  When  was  the  First  Law 
 Commission set up in independent India? 
 SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Afternoon) 
 (a) 1955  (b) 1951   (c) 1952   (d) 1956 
 Sol.786.(a)  1955  .  The  ?rst  Law 
 Commission  was  established  during  the 
 British  Raj  era  in  1834  by  the  Charter  Act 
 of  1833.  It  was  presided  by  Lord 
 Macaulay.  After  that,  three  more 
 Commissions  were  established  in 
 pre-independent India. 
 Q.787.  Which  of  the  following  satellites 
 is  India’s  ?rst  Earth  imaging  satellite  in  a 
 geostationary orbit ? 
 SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Morning) 
 (a) RISAT-1A  (b) RISAT-2BR2 
 (c) GISAT-1  (d) Oceansat-3 
 Sol.787.(c)  GISAT -1.  Starting  with  IRS-1A 
 in  1988,  ISRO  has  launched  41 
 operational remote sensing satellites. 
 Q.788.  Who  among  the  following 
 became the ?rst Lokpal of India? 
 SSC CHSL 04/08/2021  (Morning) 
 (a) Dilip B Bhosale 
 (b) Pradip Kumar Mohanty 
 (c) Pinaki Chandra Ghose 
 (d) Ajay Kumar Tripathi   
 Sol.788.(c)  Pinaki  Chandra  Ghose.  The 
 Lokpal  has  jurisdiction  over  the  central 
 government  to  inquire  into  allegations  of 
 corruption  against  its  public 
 functionaries  and  for  matters  connected 
 to corruption. 
 Q.789.  In  which  year  did  India  host  the 
 Commonwealth Games? 
 SSC CHSL 04/08/2021  (Afternoon) 
 (a) 2018  (b) 2010  (c) 2006   (d) 2014 
 Sol.789.(b)  In  2010,  India  hosted  the 
 Commonwealth  Games.  The  event  was 
 ?rst  held  in  1930,  and  with  the  exception 
 of  1942  and  1946,  has  taken  place  every 
 four years since then. 
 Q.790.  Which  of  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst High Court established in India? 
 SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Bombay  (b) Calcutta 
 (c) Delhi  (d) Madras 
 Sol.790.(b)  The  Calcutta  High  Court  is 
 the  oldest  high  court  in  the  country, 
 established on  1 July 1862. 
 Q.791.  In  which  state  of  India  does  the 
 sunrise ?rst appear? 
 SSC CHSL 18/03/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) Arunachal Pradesh  (b) Odisha 
 (c) Meghalaya  (d) West Bengal 
 Sol.791.(a)  Dong  village  in  Arunachal 
 Pradesh  , which is known as the                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 59
Page 2

 Pinnacle  Static GK 
 Sol.775.(a)  USSR  .  It  was  launched  into 
 an  elliptical  low  Earth  orbit  by  the  USSR 
 on  4  October  1957  as  part  of  the  Soviet 
 space  program.  Launch  site:  Baikonur 
 Rocket: Sputnik 8K71PS. 
 Q.776.  Who  among  the  following  has 
 been  the  ?rst  sportsperson  to  receive  the 
 Padma  Shri  award  from  the  Government 
 of India? 
 SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Balbir Dosanjh     (b) Milkha Singh 
 (c) Manpreet Singh   (d) Dhanraj Pillay 
 Sol.776.(a)  Balbir  Singh  Dosanjh.  Padma 
 Shri  (1957).  He  wrote  two  books:  his 
 autobiography  The  Golden  Hat  Trick 
 (1977)  and  The  Golden  Yardstick:  In 
 Quest of Hockey Excellence (2008). 
 Q.777.  Who  among  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst woman commando trainer in India? 
 SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Avani Chaturvedi   (b) Damyanti Beshra 
 (c) Dr. Seema Rao       (d) Rani Rampal 
 Sol.777.(c)  Dr.  Seema  Rao  .  India's  ?rst 
 female  jawan  in  the  Indian  army  is  Shanti 
 Tigga.  The  ?rst  woman  o?cer  in  the 
 Indian  Air  Force,  Vijayalakshmi  Ramanan. 
 Punita  Arora  was  the  ?rst  woman  in  the 
 Indian  Armed  Forces  to  be  promoted  to  a 
 three-star rank. 
 Q.778.  What  was  the  name  of  the  ?rst 
 arti?cial  satellite  launched  by  India  in 
 SSC CGL 18/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Panini  (b) Sushruta 
 (c) Aryabhatta  (d) Charaka 
 Sol.778.(c)  Aryabhatta  .  Rohini  was 
 India's  ?rst  satellite  launched  from  an 
 Indian-made launch vehicle. 
 Q.779.  Who  among  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst  Indian  to  win  a  seat  in  the  House  of 
 SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Afternoon) 
 (a) MN Roy  (b) Dadabhai Naoroji 
 (c) WC Bonnerjee  (d) Hasrat Mohani 
 Sol.779.(b)  Dadabhai  Naoroji  .  The  House 
 of  Commons  is  the  lower  house 
 (democratically  elected  house)  of  the 
 Parliament of the United Kingdom. 
 Q.780.  Who  among  the  following  is  the 
 ?rst-ever  woman  ?ghter  pilot  to  have 
 taken part at a  Republic Day Parade? 
 SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Anny Divya 
 (b) Bhawna Kanth 
 (c) Mohana Singh Jitarwal 
 (d) Avani Chaturvedi 
 Sol.780.(b)  Bhawna Kanth.  She was 
 declared  as  the  ?rst  combat  pilot  along 
 with  two  of  her  cohorts  Mohana  Singh 
 and Avani Chaturvedi. 
 Q.781.  Who  was  the  ?rst 
 Director-General  of  Archaeological 
 Survey of India? 
 SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Lord Curzon 
 (b) Alexander Cunningham 
 (c) Mortimer Wheeler 
 (d) John Marshall 
 Sol.781.(b)  Alexander  Cunningham  .  ASI 
 is  an  Indian  government  agency 
 responsible  for  archaeological  research 
 and the conservation and preservation of 
 cultural monuments in the country. 
 Q.782.  In  which  of  the  following 
 countries  was  the  ?rst  hockey 
 association formed? 
 SSC CGL 23/08/2021 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Spain (b) The UK (c) The US (d) India 
 Sol.782.(b)  The  UK  (1876).  India  has 
 recently  won  a  bronze  medal  in  the  2020 
 Tokyo Olympics in Men’s Hockey Title. 
 Q.783.  Who  among  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst  player  from  the  Indian  subcontinent 
 to  play  for  a  European  Football  club 
 (Celtic FC) ? 
 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Morning) 
 (a) Sailen Manna 
 (b) Mohammed Salim 
 (c) Neville D'Souza 
 (d) Pradeep Kumar Banerjee 
 Sol.783.(b)  Mohammed  Salim  .  The 
 Celtic  Football  Club  is  a  Scottish 
 professional  football  club  based  in 
 Glasgow,  which  plays  in  the  Scottish 
 Q.784.  In  which  of  the  following  years 
 was the ?rst rocket launched in India? 
 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) 1948  (b) 1973  (c) 1963  (d) 1977 
 Sol.784.(c)  1963  .  The  launchpad  for  the 
 ?rst  rocket  ‘RH200’  was  Thumba 
 Balasore  and  took  off  from  Thumba  near 
 Q.785.  Who  among  the  following  was 
 appointed  as  the  ?rst  woman 
 Chairperson  of  BCCC  (Broadcasting 
 Content Complaints Council) by IBF 
 (Indian Broadcasting Foundation)? 
 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Indra Nooyi               (b) Kiran Mazumdar 
 (c) Chitra Ramakrishna (d) Gita Mittal 
 Sol.785.(d)  Justice  Gita  Mittal  .  She  has 
 also served as the ?rst woman Chief 
 Justice of Jammu & Kashmir High Court. 
 Q.786.  When  was  the  First  Law 
 Commission set up in independent India? 
 SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Afternoon) 
 (a) 1955  (b) 1951   (c) 1952   (d) 1956 
 Sol.786.(a)  1955  .  The  ?rst  Law 
 Commission  was  established  during  the 
 British  Raj  era  in  1834  by  the  Charter  Act 
 of  1833.  It  was  presided  by  Lord 
 Macaulay.  After  that,  three  more 
 Commissions  were  established  in 
 pre-independent India. 
 Q.787.  Which  of  the  following  satellites 
 is  India’s  ?rst  Earth  imaging  satellite  in  a 
 geostationary orbit ? 
 SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Morning) 
 (a) RISAT-1A  (b) RISAT-2BR2 
 (c) GISAT-1  (d) Oceansat-3 
 Sol.787.(c)  GISAT -1.  Starting  with  IRS-1A 
 in  1988,  ISRO  has  launched  41 
 operational remote sensing satellites. 
 Q.788.  Who  among  the  following 
 became the ?rst Lokpal of India? 
 SSC CHSL 04/08/2021  (Morning) 
 (a) Dilip B Bhosale 
 (b) Pradip Kumar Mohanty 
 (c) Pinaki Chandra Ghose 
 (d) Ajay Kumar Tripathi   
 Sol.788.(c)  Pinaki  Chandra  Ghose.  The 
 Lokpal  has  jurisdiction  over  the  central 
 government  to  inquire  into  allegations  of 
 corruption  against  its  public 
 functionaries  and  for  matters  connected 
 to corruption. 
 Q.789.  In  which  year  did  India  host  the 
 Commonwealth Games? 
 SSC CHSL 04/08/2021  (Afternoon) 
 (a) 2018  (b) 2010  (c) 2006   (d) 2014 
 Sol.789.(b)  In  2010,  India  hosted  the 
 Commonwealth  Games.  The  event  was 
 ?rst  held  in  1930,  and  with  the  exception 
 of  1942  and  1946,  has  taken  place  every 
 four years since then. 
 Q.790.  Which  of  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst High Court established in India? 
 SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Bombay  (b) Calcutta 
 (c) Delhi  (d) Madras 
 Sol.790.(b)  The  Calcutta  High  Court  is 
 the  oldest  high  court  in  the  country, 
 established on  1 July 1862. 
 Q.791.  In  which  state  of  India  does  the 
 sunrise ?rst appear? 
 SSC CHSL 18/03/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) Arunachal Pradesh  (b) Odisha 
 (c) Meghalaya  (d) West Bengal 
 Sol.791.(a)  Dong  village  in  Arunachal 
 Pradesh  , which is known as the                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 59
 Pinnacle  Static GK 
 easternmost village in India. 
 Q.792.  What  is  the  name  of  the  ?rst 
 crude oil pipeline constructed in India? 
 SSC  CHSL 12/10/2020 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Naharkatia-Nunmati-Barauni 
 (b) Kandla-Bhatinda Pipeline 
 (c) Hajira-Bijapur-Jagdishpur (HBJ) Gas 
 (d) Mumbai High-Kayoli Pipeline 
 Sol.792.(a)  Naharkatia  -  Nunmati  - 
 Barauni  Pipeline  .  The  pipeline  between 
 Naharkatia  and  Nunmati  became 
 operational  in  1962  and  between 
 Nunmati and Barauni in 1964. 
 Q.793.  Who  is  the  only  Indian  to  have 
 won the United Nations Award in the ?eld 
 of human rights? 
 SSC  CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) 
 (a) Verghese Kurien  (b) Ela Bhatt 
 (c) Kanshi Ram  (d) Baba Amte 
 Sol.793.(d)  Baba  Amte  is  the  only  Indian 
 to  have  won  the  United  Nations  Award  in 
 the ?eld of human rights in 1988. 
 Q.794.  Who was the ?rst Asian player to 
 win the Junior Wimbledon's Boys singles 
 SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) 
 (a) Sumit Nagal 
 (b) Mahesh Bhupathi 
 (c) Vijay Amritraj 
 (d) Ramanathan Krishnan 
 Sol.794.(d)  Ramanathan  Krishnan  was 
 the  ?rst  Asian  tennis  player  to  win  the 
 boy’s  singles  title  at  Wimbledon 
 Championship  1954  beating  Ashley 
 Cooper of Australia in the ?nals. 
 Q.795.  Who  was  India’s  ?rst  Chief  of 
 Defence Staff? 
 SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) General Bipin Rawat 
 (b) General Arjan Singh 
 (c) General Vijay Kumar Singh 
 (d) General Manoj Mukund Naravane 
 Sol.795.(a)  General  Bipin  Rawat  was 
 India’s ?rst Chief of Defence Staff. 
 Q.796.  What  is  the  name  of  the  ?rst 
 research  station  in  Antarctica  built  by  the 
 Government of India? 
 SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) Vaishali       (b) Maitri 
 (c) Bharati        (d) Dakshin Gangotri 
 Sol.796.(d)  Dakshin  Gangotri  was  the 
 ?rst  scienti?c  base  station  of  India 
 situated  in  the  Antarctic  established  in 
 Q.797.  The  ?rst  Backward  Classes 
 Commission of India was headed by ___. 
 SSC CHSL  20/10/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale 
 (b) Kaka Kalelkar 
 (c) Lokmanya Tilak 
 (d) Nanaji Deshmukh 
 Sol.797.(b)  Kaka  Kalelkar.  The  ?rst 
 Backward  Classes  Commission  of  India 
 was  set  up  by  a  Presidential  Order  in 
 1953 under the chairmanship of Kaka 
 Q.798.  Name  the  ?rst  female  amputee  to 
 climb Mount Everest. 
 SSC CGL 05/03/2020 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Arunima Sinha      (b) Poorna Malavath 
 (c) Anshu Jamsenpa (d) Premlata Agarwal 
 Sol.798.(a)  Arunima  Sinha  is  the  world's 
 ?rst  female  amputee  to  climb  Mount 
 Everest  in  2013.  She  is  also  the  ?rst 
 female  amputee  to  climb  Mount  Vinson, 
 the highest peak of Antarctica. 
 Q.799.  Who  is  the  ?rst  General  of  the 
 Indian  Army,  whose  retirement  day  is 
 celebrated as the 'Armed Forces 
 Veterans Day' every year? 
 SSC CGL 06/03/2020 (Morning) 
 (a) General Maharaj Rajendra Sinhji 
 (b) General S.M. Srinagesh 
 (c) General K.S. Thimayya 
 (d) General K.M. Cariappa 
 Sol.799.(d)  General  K.M.  Cariappa. 
 Armed  Forces  Veterans  Day  is  observed 
 each  year  on  14th  January  as  a  mark  of 
 respect  and  recognition  of  the  services 
 rendered  by  Field  Marshal  KM  Cariappa, 
 the  ?rst  Indian  Commander  -in-Chief  of 
 the  Indian  Armed  Forces  who  retired  on 
 14 Jan 1953  . 
 Q.800.  On  which  lake  is  the  world's  only 
 ?oating post o?ce situated? 
 SSC CGL 07/03/2020 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Wular Lake  (b) Dal Lake 
 (c) Chilika Lake  (d) Loktak Lake 
 Sol.800.(b)  Dal  Lake.  The  ?oating  post 
 o?ce  is  located  in  the  beautiful  city  of 
 Srinagar  in  Kashmir,  amidst  picturesque 
 snow-clad  mountains  on  a  huge 
 houseboat in Dal Lake. 
 Q.801.  Limba  Ram  is  associated  with 
 which sport? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) Athletics  (b) Badminton 
 (c) Archery  (d) Polo 
 Sol.801.(c) Archery.  Other Archery 
 Players  -  Atanu  Das,  Deepika  Kumari, 
 Tarundeep  Rai,  Neeraj  Chauhan,  Dola 
 Q.802.  The  Indian  Olympic  Association  is 
 a?liated to ________. 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) International Olympic Council 
 (b) International Olympic Association 
 (c) International Olympic Federation 
 (d) International Olympic Committee 
 Sol.802.(d)  International  Olympic 
 Committee.  Headquarters  -  Lausanne 
 (Switzerland).  Established  -  23  June 
 Q.803.  In  which  year  did  India  organise 
 the Asian Games for the second time? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1976 (b) 1984 (c) 1951 (d) 1982 
 Sol.803.(d)  1982.  Asian  Games:-  The 
 Asian  Games  are  held  every  four  years.  It 
 was  regulated  by  the  Asian  Games 
 Federation  (AGF)  from  1951  to  1978 
 Games.  Since  the  1982  Games,  they  have 
 been  organised  by  the  Olympic  Council 
 of  Asia  (OCA).  The  ?rst  edition  was 
 hosted  in  New  Delhi  (1951).  The  motto  - 
 "Play  the  game  in  the  spirit  of  the  game". 
 Second  edition  -  Manila,  Philippines 
 Q.804.  How  many  circles  does  a  target 
 have in archery? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 12       (b)  8       (c) 10       (d) 15 
 Sol.804.(c)  10.  Archery:  It  is  the  sport, 
 practice,  or  skill  of  using  a  bow  to  shoot 
 arrows.  Terminology:  Bodkin  point,  Bow, 
 Arm  guard,  Bow  Hand,  Full  Draw,  Release, 
 Crossbow, Overdraw. 
 Q.805.  Due  to  World  War  I  and  II  the 
 Olympic  Games  were  NOT  held  in  which 
 years ? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a)1916, 1936, 1940  (b)1916, 1940, 1944 
 (c)1924, 1940, 1944  (d)1920, 1944, 1948 
 Sol.805.(b)  1916,  1940,  1944.  The  ?rst 
 modern  Olympic  Games  were  held  in 
 Athens  (Greece)  in  1896.  Summer 
 Olympics  and  their  venues:  2024  -  Paris 
 (France),  2028  -  Los  Angeles  (U.S.A). 
 Winter  Olympics  and  their  venues:  2026  - 
 Milan–Cortina  d'Ampezzo  (Italy).  Baron 
 Pierre  de  Coubertin  founded  the 
 International  Olympic  Committee  (IOC)  in 
 Q.806.  ‘  Let  Ball’,  'Stroke  Ball'  and  'No  Let' 
 are part of which game ? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon)                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 60
Page 3

 Pinnacle  Static GK 
 Sol.775.(a)  USSR  .  It  was  launched  into 
 an  elliptical  low  Earth  orbit  by  the  USSR 
 on  4  October  1957  as  part  of  the  Soviet 
 space  program.  Launch  site:  Baikonur 
 Rocket: Sputnik 8K71PS. 
 Q.776.  Who  among  the  following  has 
 been  the  ?rst  sportsperson  to  receive  the 
 Padma  Shri  award  from  the  Government 
 of India? 
 SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Balbir Dosanjh     (b) Milkha Singh 
 (c) Manpreet Singh   (d) Dhanraj Pillay 
 Sol.776.(a)  Balbir  Singh  Dosanjh.  Padma 
 Shri  (1957).  He  wrote  two  books:  his 
 autobiography  The  Golden  Hat  Trick 
 (1977)  and  The  Golden  Yardstick:  In 
 Quest of Hockey Excellence (2008). 
 Q.777.  Who  among  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst woman commando trainer in India? 
 SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Avani Chaturvedi   (b) Damyanti Beshra 
 (c) Dr. Seema Rao       (d) Rani Rampal 
 Sol.777.(c)  Dr.  Seema  Rao  .  India's  ?rst 
 female  jawan  in  the  Indian  army  is  Shanti 
 Tigga.  The  ?rst  woman  o?cer  in  the 
 Indian  Air  Force,  Vijayalakshmi  Ramanan. 
 Punita  Arora  was  the  ?rst  woman  in  the 
 Indian  Armed  Forces  to  be  promoted  to  a 
 three-star rank. 
 Q.778.  What  was  the  name  of  the  ?rst 
 arti?cial  satellite  launched  by  India  in 
 SSC CGL 18/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Panini  (b) Sushruta 
 (c) Aryabhatta  (d) Charaka 
 Sol.778.(c)  Aryabhatta  .  Rohini  was 
 India's  ?rst  satellite  launched  from  an 
 Indian-made launch vehicle. 
 Q.779.  Who  among  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst  Indian  to  win  a  seat  in  the  House  of 
 SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Afternoon) 
 (a) MN Roy  (b) Dadabhai Naoroji 
 (c) WC Bonnerjee  (d) Hasrat Mohani 
 Sol.779.(b)  Dadabhai  Naoroji  .  The  House 
 of  Commons  is  the  lower  house 
 (democratically  elected  house)  of  the 
 Parliament of the United Kingdom. 
 Q.780.  Who  among  the  following  is  the 
 ?rst-ever  woman  ?ghter  pilot  to  have 
 taken part at a  Republic Day Parade? 
 SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Anny Divya 
 (b) Bhawna Kanth 
 (c) Mohana Singh Jitarwal 
 (d) Avani Chaturvedi 
 Sol.780.(b)  Bhawna Kanth.  She was 
 declared  as  the  ?rst  combat  pilot  along 
 with  two  of  her  cohorts  Mohana  Singh 
 and Avani Chaturvedi. 
 Q.781.  Who  was  the  ?rst 
 Director-General  of  Archaeological 
 Survey of India? 
 SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Lord Curzon 
 (b) Alexander Cunningham 
 (c) Mortimer Wheeler 
 (d) John Marshall 
 Sol.781.(b)  Alexander  Cunningham  .  ASI 
 is  an  Indian  government  agency 
 responsible  for  archaeological  research 
 and the conservation and preservation of 
 cultural monuments in the country. 
 Q.782.  In  which  of  the  following 
 countries  was  the  ?rst  hockey 
 association formed? 
 SSC CGL 23/08/2021 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Spain (b) The UK (c) The US (d) India 
 Sol.782.(b)  The  UK  (1876).  India  has 
 recently  won  a  bronze  medal  in  the  2020 
 Tokyo Olympics in Men’s Hockey Title. 
 Q.783.  Who  among  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst  player  from  the  Indian  subcontinent 
 to  play  for  a  European  Football  club 
 (Celtic FC) ? 
 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Morning) 
 (a) Sailen Manna 
 (b) Mohammed Salim 
 (c) Neville D'Souza 
 (d) Pradeep Kumar Banerjee 
 Sol.783.(b)  Mohammed  Salim  .  The 
 Celtic  Football  Club  is  a  Scottish 
 professional  football  club  based  in 
 Glasgow,  which  plays  in  the  Scottish 
 Q.784.  In  which  of  the  following  years 
 was the ?rst rocket launched in India? 
 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) 1948  (b) 1973  (c) 1963  (d) 1977 
 Sol.784.(c)  1963  .  The  launchpad  for  the 
 ?rst  rocket  ‘RH200’  was  Thumba 
 Balasore  and  took  off  from  Thumba  near 
 Q.785.  Who  among  the  following  was 
 appointed  as  the  ?rst  woman 
 Chairperson  of  BCCC  (Broadcasting 
 Content Complaints Council) by IBF 
 (Indian Broadcasting Foundation)? 
 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Indra Nooyi               (b) Kiran Mazumdar 
 (c) Chitra Ramakrishna (d) Gita Mittal 
 Sol.785.(d)  Justice  Gita  Mittal  .  She  has 
 also served as the ?rst woman Chief 
 Justice of Jammu & Kashmir High Court. 
 Q.786.  When  was  the  First  Law 
 Commission set up in independent India? 
 SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Afternoon) 
 (a) 1955  (b) 1951   (c) 1952   (d) 1956 
 Sol.786.(a)  1955  .  The  ?rst  Law 
 Commission  was  established  during  the 
 British  Raj  era  in  1834  by  the  Charter  Act 
 of  1833.  It  was  presided  by  Lord 
 Macaulay.  After  that,  three  more 
 Commissions  were  established  in 
 pre-independent India. 
 Q.787.  Which  of  the  following  satellites 
 is  India’s  ?rst  Earth  imaging  satellite  in  a 
 geostationary orbit ? 
 SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Morning) 
 (a) RISAT-1A  (b) RISAT-2BR2 
 (c) GISAT-1  (d) Oceansat-3 
 Sol.787.(c)  GISAT -1.  Starting  with  IRS-1A 
 in  1988,  ISRO  has  launched  41 
 operational remote sensing satellites. 
 Q.788.  Who  among  the  following 
 became the ?rst Lokpal of India? 
 SSC CHSL 04/08/2021  (Morning) 
 (a) Dilip B Bhosale 
 (b) Pradip Kumar Mohanty 
 (c) Pinaki Chandra Ghose 
 (d) Ajay Kumar Tripathi   
 Sol.788.(c)  Pinaki  Chandra  Ghose.  The 
 Lokpal  has  jurisdiction  over  the  central 
 government  to  inquire  into  allegations  of 
 corruption  against  its  public 
 functionaries  and  for  matters  connected 
 to corruption. 
 Q.789.  In  which  year  did  India  host  the 
 Commonwealth Games? 
 SSC CHSL 04/08/2021  (Afternoon) 
 (a) 2018  (b) 2010  (c) 2006   (d) 2014 
 Sol.789.(b)  In  2010,  India  hosted  the 
 Commonwealth  Games.  The  event  was 
 ?rst  held  in  1930,  and  with  the  exception 
 of  1942  and  1946,  has  taken  place  every 
 four years since then. 
 Q.790.  Which  of  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst High Court established in India? 
 SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Bombay  (b) Calcutta 
 (c) Delhi  (d) Madras 
 Sol.790.(b)  The  Calcutta  High  Court  is 
 the  oldest  high  court  in  the  country, 
 established on  1 July 1862. 
 Q.791.  In  which  state  of  India  does  the 
 sunrise ?rst appear? 
 SSC CHSL 18/03/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) Arunachal Pradesh  (b) Odisha 
 (c) Meghalaya  (d) West Bengal 
 Sol.791.(a)  Dong  village  in  Arunachal 
 Pradesh  , which is known as the                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 59
 Pinnacle  Static GK 
 easternmost village in India. 
 Q.792.  What  is  the  name  of  the  ?rst 
 crude oil pipeline constructed in India? 
 SSC  CHSL 12/10/2020 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Naharkatia-Nunmati-Barauni 
 (b) Kandla-Bhatinda Pipeline 
 (c) Hajira-Bijapur-Jagdishpur (HBJ) Gas 
 (d) Mumbai High-Kayoli Pipeline 
 Sol.792.(a)  Naharkatia  -  Nunmati  - 
 Barauni  Pipeline  .  The  pipeline  between 
 Naharkatia  and  Nunmati  became 
 operational  in  1962  and  between 
 Nunmati and Barauni in 1964. 
 Q.793.  Who  is  the  only  Indian  to  have 
 won the United Nations Award in the ?eld 
 of human rights? 
 SSC  CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) 
 (a) Verghese Kurien  (b) Ela Bhatt 
 (c) Kanshi Ram  (d) Baba Amte 
 Sol.793.(d)  Baba  Amte  is  the  only  Indian 
 to  have  won  the  United  Nations  Award  in 
 the ?eld of human rights in 1988. 
 Q.794.  Who was the ?rst Asian player to 
 win the Junior Wimbledon's Boys singles 
 SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) 
 (a) Sumit Nagal 
 (b) Mahesh Bhupathi 
 (c) Vijay Amritraj 
 (d) Ramanathan Krishnan 
 Sol.794.(d)  Ramanathan  Krishnan  was 
 the  ?rst  Asian  tennis  player  to  win  the 
 boy’s  singles  title  at  Wimbledon 
 Championship  1954  beating  Ashley 
 Cooper of Australia in the ?nals. 
 Q.795.  Who  was  India’s  ?rst  Chief  of 
 Defence Staff? 
 SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) General Bipin Rawat 
 (b) General Arjan Singh 
 (c) General Vijay Kumar Singh 
 (d) General Manoj Mukund Naravane 
 Sol.795.(a)  General  Bipin  Rawat  was 
 India’s ?rst Chief of Defence Staff. 
 Q.796.  What  is  the  name  of  the  ?rst 
 research  station  in  Antarctica  built  by  the 
 Government of India? 
 SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) Vaishali       (b) Maitri 
 (c) Bharati        (d) Dakshin Gangotri 
 Sol.796.(d)  Dakshin  Gangotri  was  the 
 ?rst  scienti?c  base  station  of  India 
 situated  in  the  Antarctic  established  in 
 Q.797.  The  ?rst  Backward  Classes 
 Commission of India was headed by ___. 
 SSC CHSL  20/10/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale 
 (b) Kaka Kalelkar 
 (c) Lokmanya Tilak 
 (d) Nanaji Deshmukh 
 Sol.797.(b)  Kaka  Kalelkar.  The  ?rst 
 Backward  Classes  Commission  of  India 
 was  set  up  by  a  Presidential  Order  in 
 1953 under the chairmanship of Kaka 
 Q.798.  Name  the  ?rst  female  amputee  to 
 climb Mount Everest. 
 SSC CGL 05/03/2020 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Arunima Sinha      (b) Poorna Malavath 
 (c) Anshu Jamsenpa (d) Premlata Agarwal 
 Sol.798.(a)  Arunima  Sinha  is  the  world's 
 ?rst  female  amputee  to  climb  Mount 
 Everest  in  2013.  She  is  also  the  ?rst 
 female  amputee  to  climb  Mount  Vinson, 
 the highest peak of Antarctica. 
 Q.799.  Who  is  the  ?rst  General  of  the 
 Indian  Army,  whose  retirement  day  is 
 celebrated as the 'Armed Forces 
 Veterans Day' every year? 
 SSC CGL 06/03/2020 (Morning) 
 (a) General Maharaj Rajendra Sinhji 
 (b) General S.M. Srinagesh 
 (c) General K.S. Thimayya 
 (d) General K.M. Cariappa 
 Sol.799.(d)  General  K.M.  Cariappa. 
 Armed  Forces  Veterans  Day  is  observed 
 each  year  on  14th  January  as  a  mark  of 
 respect  and  recognition  of  the  services 
 rendered  by  Field  Marshal  KM  Cariappa, 
 the  ?rst  Indian  Commander  -in-Chief  of 
 the  Indian  Armed  Forces  who  retired  on 
 14 Jan 1953  . 
 Q.800.  On  which  lake  is  the  world's  only 
 ?oating post o?ce situated? 
 SSC CGL 07/03/2020 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Wular Lake  (b) Dal Lake 
 (c) Chilika Lake  (d) Loktak Lake 
 Sol.800.(b)  Dal  Lake.  The  ?oating  post 
 o?ce  is  located  in  the  beautiful  city  of 
 Srinagar  in  Kashmir,  amidst  picturesque 
 snow-clad  mountains  on  a  huge 
 houseboat in Dal Lake. 
 Q.801.  Limba  Ram  is  associated  with 
 which sport? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) Athletics  (b) Badminton 
 (c) Archery  (d) Polo 
 Sol.801.(c) Archery.  Other Archery 
 Players  -  Atanu  Das,  Deepika  Kumari, 
 Tarundeep  Rai,  Neeraj  Chauhan,  Dola 
 Q.802.  The  Indian  Olympic  Association  is 
 a?liated to ________. 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) International Olympic Council 
 (b) International Olympic Association 
 (c) International Olympic Federation 
 (d) International Olympic Committee 
 Sol.802.(d)  International  Olympic 
 Committee.  Headquarters  -  Lausanne 
 (Switzerland).  Established  -  23  June 
 Q.803.  In  which  year  did  India  organise 
 the Asian Games for the second time? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1976 (b) 1984 (c) 1951 (d) 1982 
 Sol.803.(d)  1982.  Asian  Games:-  The 
 Asian  Games  are  held  every  four  years.  It 
 was  regulated  by  the  Asian  Games 
 Federation  (AGF)  from  1951  to  1978 
 Games.  Since  the  1982  Games,  they  have 
 been  organised  by  the  Olympic  Council 
 of  Asia  (OCA).  The  ?rst  edition  was 
 hosted  in  New  Delhi  (1951).  The  motto  - 
 "Play  the  game  in  the  spirit  of  the  game". 
 Second  edition  -  Manila,  Philippines 
 Q.804.  How  many  circles  does  a  target 
 have in archery? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 12       (b)  8       (c) 10       (d) 15 
 Sol.804.(c)  10.  Archery:  It  is  the  sport, 
 practice,  or  skill  of  using  a  bow  to  shoot 
 arrows.  Terminology:  Bodkin  point,  Bow, 
 Arm  guard,  Bow  Hand,  Full  Draw,  Release, 
 Crossbow, Overdraw. 
 Q.805.  Due  to  World  War  I  and  II  the 
 Olympic  Games  were  NOT  held  in  which 
 years ? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a)1916, 1936, 1940  (b)1916, 1940, 1944 
 (c)1924, 1940, 1944  (d)1920, 1944, 1948 
 Sol.805.(b)  1916,  1940,  1944.  The  ?rst 
 modern  Olympic  Games  were  held  in 
 Athens  (Greece)  in  1896.  Summer 
 Olympics  and  their  venues:  2024  -  Paris 
 (France),  2028  -  Los  Angeles  (U.S.A). 
 Winter  Olympics  and  their  venues:  2026  - 
 Milan–Cortina  d'Ampezzo  (Italy).  Baron 
 Pierre  de  Coubertin  founded  the 
 International  Olympic  Committee  (IOC)  in 
 Q.806.  ‘  Let  Ball’,  'Stroke  Ball'  and  'No  Let' 
 are part of which game ? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon)                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 60
 Pinnacle  Static GK 
 (a) Squash  (b) Rugby 
 (c) Handball  (d) Polo 
 Sol.806.(a)  Squash.  Terminologies  :  Foot 
 fault,  Not  up,  Out,  Fault,  Down,  Hand  Out, 
 Rally,  Striker,  Half  Court  Line,  Outline, 
 Quarter Court, Board, Hand. 
 Q.807.  In  table  tennis,  the  period  during 
 which  a  ball  is  in  play  is  called 
 ____________ . 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) let  (b) point  (c) obstruction (d) rally 
 Sol.807.(d)  Rally  starts  when  the  server 
 serves  the  ball  and  ends  when  the  point 
 is  awarded  to  one  of  the  players.  Let- 
 Service  ball  hitting  the  net  or  a 
 distraction  that  causes  the  point  played 
 over.  Point  -  A  unit  of  scoring  in  table 
 tennis. Dead - A ball without any spin. 
 Q.808.  Cristiano  Ronaldo  belongs  to 
 which country? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) Brazil  (b) Portugal 
 (c) Germany  (d) Argentina 
 Sol.808.(b)  Portugal.  Other  famous 
 footballers  (related  country)  -  Lionel 
 Messi  (Argentina),  Kylian  Mbappe 
 (French),  Andres  Iniesta  (Spain),  Zlatan 
 Ibrahimovic  (Sweden),  Radamel  Falcao 
 (Colombia),  Robin  van  Persie 
 (Netherlands),  Andrea  Pirlo  (Italy),  Sadio 
 Mane (Senegalese) . 
 Q.809.  The  rule  that  ‘it  can  move  only 
 one  square  in  any  direction’  applies  to 
 whom in a game of chess? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) The Rook  (b) The King 
 (c) The Bishop  (d) The Queen 
 Sol.809.(b)  The  King.  Chess  -  A  board 
 game  for  two  players,  called  White  and 
 Black.  It  is  played  on  a  chessboard  with 
 64  squares  arranged  in  an  8  ×  8  grid. 
 Different  movement  rule:  Rook  -  Moves 
 any  number  of  squares  horizontally  or 
 vertically.  Queen  -  Moves  any  number  of 
 unoccupied  squares  in  any  direction- 
 horizontally, vertically or diagonally. 
 Q.810.  In  which  year  was  the  Men's 
 cricket world cup started? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1985  (b) 1970  (c) 1975  (d) 1980 
 Sol.810.(c)  1975.  World  Cup  -  The  ?rst 
 World  Cup  was  organised  in  England  in 
 1975.  It  was  won  by  the  West  Indies 
 (?nal  was  played  between  Australia  and 
 West  Indies).  India  won  the  world  cup 
 two  times  -  First  win  came  in  1983 
 (Defeated  West  Indies  in  the  ?nal)  and 
 the second win came in 2011 (Defeated 
 Sri Lanka). 
 Q.811.  What  is  the  most  often  described 
 as gymnastics and dance on horseback? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) Jousting  (b) Barrel racing 
 (c) Equestrian vaulting  (d) Steeplechase 
 Sol.811.(c)  Equestrian  vaulting.  It  was 
 demonstrated  as  an  art  at  the  1920 
 Antwerp  Olympics.  Jousting  -  Medieval 
 tournament  that  saw  knights  compete 
 against  each  other  on  horseback.  Barrel 
 racing  -  An  event  in  which  a  horse  and 
 rider  attempt  to  run  a  cloverleaf  pattern 
 around preset barrels in the fastest time. 
 Q.812.  In  which  year  was  the  football 
 world cup started ? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1934  (b) 1928  (c) 1932  (d) 1930 
 Sol.812.(d)  1930.  FIFA  World  Cup:  Taking 
 place  quadrennially.  First  winner  and 
 runner-up:  Uruguay  and  Argentina.  The 
 ?rst  football  club  in  the  world  -  She?eld 
 football  club  (Founded  in  1857,  England). 
 FIFA  (Federation  of  International  Football 
 Association)  -  Formed  in  1904  by  seven 
 countries.  Founded  at  -  Paris,  France  . 
 Headquarters  -  Zurich,  Switzerland. 
 Football  was  included  in  the  Olympic 
 games  in  1900  and  o?cially  played  in 
 1908.  India  took  part  in  the  world 
 olympic football - 1948 (London). 
 Q.813.  The  ?rst  South  Asian  Federation 
 Games was held in _____ in ______. 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1984, Kathmandu (b) 1951, New Delhi 
 (c) 1981, New Delhi    (d) 1983, Dhaka 
 Sol.813.(a)  1984,  Kathmandu.  The  South 
 Asian  Federation  Games  (New  name  - 
 South  Asian  Games  in  2004):  The 
 governing  body  of  these  games  is  South 
 Asia  Olympic  Council,  formed  in  1983. 
 Afghanistan  joined  the  SAF  game  in  2004 
 but  left  in  2016.  Motto  -  ‘Peace, 
 Prosperity and Progress’. 
 Q.814.  The  Athletics  Federation  of  India 
 was formed in ________. 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1946  (b) 1950  (c) 1936  (d) 1948 
 Sol.814.(a)  1946.  The  Athletics 
 Federation  of  India  (AFI)  is  the  apex  body 
 for  running  and  managing  athletics  in 
 india.  Headquarters  -  New  Delhi.  AFI  has 
 decided  to  name  August  7  as  ‘Javelin 
 Throw  Day’  in  India  to  honor  Neeraj 
 Chopra’s  ?rst  historic  Olympic  gold 
 (2020).  International  Association  of 
 Athletics  Federation  (IAAF):  Founded  - 
 1912. Founded at - Stockholm, Sweden. 
 Headquarters - Monaco. 
 Q.815.  ______  hosted  the  2nd  Olympic 
 Games in _______. 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) France, 1900  (b) Japan, 1900 
 (c) USA, 1900  (d) England, 1900 
 Sol.815.(a)  France,  1900.  First  Olympic 
 games  were  held  in  Athens  (1896).  India 
 ?rst  participated  at  the  Olympic  Games 
 in  1900.  The  Summer  and  Winter 
 Olympic  Games  are  still  held  every  four 
 years.  The  ?ve  rings  represent  the  union 
 of  the  ?ve  inhabited  continents  –  Africa, 
 the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania. 
 Q.816.  Rangaswami  Cup  is  associated 
 with which game ? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Volleyball  (b) Basketball 
 (c) Hockey  (d) Football 
 Sol.816.(c)  Hockey.  Important  cups  and 
 trophies  associated  with  various  games: 
 Hockey  -  Agha  Khan  Cup,  Beighton  Cup. 
 Cricket  -  Asia  Cup,  C.  K.  Naidu  Trophy, 
 Deodhar  Trophy,  Duleep  Trophy,  Irani 
 Trophy,  Ranji  Trophy,  ICC  Champions 
 Trophy,  ICC  World  Cup.  Football  - 
 Bandodkar  Trophy,  Durand  Cup, 
 Federation  Cup,  FIFA  World  Cup,  Merdeka 
 Cup.  Volleyball  -  Indira  Pradhan  trophy, 
 Centennial  Cup,  and  Shivanthi  Gold  Cup. 
 Basketball  -  Todd  Memorial  Trophy, 
 Williams Jones Cup. 
 Q.817.  Which  was  the  ?rst  country  to 
 host the Asian Games? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Sri Lanka (b) Japan (c) China (d) India 
 Sol.817.(d)  India.  Asian  Games: 
 Organised  by  the  Olympic  Council  of  Asia 
 (OCA)  after  every  4  years.  Headquarters  - 
 Kuwait.  India  hosted  the  Asian  Games  in 
 1951 and in 1982. 
 Q.818.  Which  is  the  only  piece  in  chess 
 that  can  jump  to  any  square  in  an  L 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) King  (b) Queen   (c) Knight  (d) Rook 
 Sol.818.(c)  Knight.  A  chess  piece,  or 
 chessman,  is  any  of  the  six  different 
 types  of  movable  objects  used  on  a 
 chessboard  to  play  the  game  of  chess. 
 The  chessboard  consists  of  64  squares. 
 It  consists  of  1  king,  1  queen,  2  rooks,  2 
 bishops,  2  knights,  8  pawns  on  both 
 sides  of  the  chess  board.  The  bishop  is  a 
 piece  in  the  game  of  chess,  moves  and 
 captures  along  diagonals  without 
 jumping  over  intervening  pieces.  20th 
 July - World Chess Day.                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 61
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 Sol.775.(a)  USSR  .  It  was  launched  into 
 an  elliptical  low  Earth  orbit  by  the  USSR 
 on  4  October  1957  as  part  of  the  Soviet 
 space  program.  Launch  site:  Baikonur 
 Rocket: Sputnik 8K71PS. 
 Q.776.  Who  among  the  following  has 
 been  the  ?rst  sportsperson  to  receive  the 
 Padma  Shri  award  from  the  Government 
 of India? 
 SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Balbir Dosanjh     (b) Milkha Singh 
 (c) Manpreet Singh   (d) Dhanraj Pillay 
 Sol.776.(a)  Balbir  Singh  Dosanjh.  Padma 
 Shri  (1957).  He  wrote  two  books:  his 
 autobiography  The  Golden  Hat  Trick 
 (1977)  and  The  Golden  Yardstick:  In 
 Quest of Hockey Excellence (2008). 
 Q.777.  Who  among  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst woman commando trainer in India? 
 SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Avani Chaturvedi   (b) Damyanti Beshra 
 (c) Dr. Seema Rao       (d) Rani Rampal 
 Sol.777.(c)  Dr.  Seema  Rao  .  India's  ?rst 
 female  jawan  in  the  Indian  army  is  Shanti 
 Tigga.  The  ?rst  woman  o?cer  in  the 
 Indian  Air  Force,  Vijayalakshmi  Ramanan. 
 Punita  Arora  was  the  ?rst  woman  in  the 
 Indian  Armed  Forces  to  be  promoted  to  a 
 three-star rank. 
 Q.778.  What  was  the  name  of  the  ?rst 
 arti?cial  satellite  launched  by  India  in 
 SSC CGL 18/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Panini  (b) Sushruta 
 (c) Aryabhatta  (d) Charaka 
 Sol.778.(c)  Aryabhatta  .  Rohini  was 
 India's  ?rst  satellite  launched  from  an 
 Indian-made launch vehicle. 
 Q.779.  Who  among  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst  Indian  to  win  a  seat  in  the  House  of 
 SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Afternoon) 
 (a) MN Roy  (b) Dadabhai Naoroji 
 (c) WC Bonnerjee  (d) Hasrat Mohani 
 Sol.779.(b)  Dadabhai  Naoroji  .  The  House 
 of  Commons  is  the  lower  house 
 (democratically  elected  house)  of  the 
 Parliament of the United Kingdom. 
 Q.780.  Who  among  the  following  is  the 
 ?rst-ever  woman  ?ghter  pilot  to  have 
 taken part at a  Republic Day Parade? 
 SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Anny Divya 
 (b) Bhawna Kanth 
 (c) Mohana Singh Jitarwal 
 (d) Avani Chaturvedi 
 Sol.780.(b)  Bhawna Kanth.  She was 
 declared  as  the  ?rst  combat  pilot  along 
 with  two  of  her  cohorts  Mohana  Singh 
 and Avani Chaturvedi. 
 Q.781.  Who  was  the  ?rst 
 Director-General  of  Archaeological 
 Survey of India? 
 SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Lord Curzon 
 (b) Alexander Cunningham 
 (c) Mortimer Wheeler 
 (d) John Marshall 
 Sol.781.(b)  Alexander  Cunningham  .  ASI 
 is  an  Indian  government  agency 
 responsible  for  archaeological  research 
 and the conservation and preservation of 
 cultural monuments in the country. 
 Q.782.  In  which  of  the  following 
 countries  was  the  ?rst  hockey 
 association formed? 
 SSC CGL 23/08/2021 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Spain (b) The UK (c) The US (d) India 
 Sol.782.(b)  The  UK  (1876).  India  has 
 recently  won  a  bronze  medal  in  the  2020 
 Tokyo Olympics in Men’s Hockey Title. 
 Q.783.  Who  among  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst  player  from  the  Indian  subcontinent 
 to  play  for  a  European  Football  club 
 (Celtic FC) ? 
 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Morning) 
 (a) Sailen Manna 
 (b) Mohammed Salim 
 (c) Neville D'Souza 
 (d) Pradeep Kumar Banerjee 
 Sol.783.(b)  Mohammed  Salim  .  The 
 Celtic  Football  Club  is  a  Scottish 
 professional  football  club  based  in 
 Glasgow,  which  plays  in  the  Scottish 
 Q.784.  In  which  of  the  following  years 
 was the ?rst rocket launched in India? 
 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) 1948  (b) 1973  (c) 1963  (d) 1977 
 Sol.784.(c)  1963  .  The  launchpad  for  the 
 ?rst  rocket  ‘RH200’  was  Thumba 
 Balasore  and  took  off  from  Thumba  near 
 Q.785.  Who  among  the  following  was 
 appointed  as  the  ?rst  woman 
 Chairperson  of  BCCC  (Broadcasting 
 Content Complaints Council) by IBF 
 (Indian Broadcasting Foundation)? 
 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Indra Nooyi               (b) Kiran Mazumdar 
 (c) Chitra Ramakrishna (d) Gita Mittal 
 Sol.785.(d)  Justice  Gita  Mittal  .  She  has 
 also served as the ?rst woman Chief 
 Justice of Jammu & Kashmir High Court. 
 Q.786.  When  was  the  First  Law 
 Commission set up in independent India? 
 SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Afternoon) 
 (a) 1955  (b) 1951   (c) 1952   (d) 1956 
 Sol.786.(a)  1955  .  The  ?rst  Law 
 Commission  was  established  during  the 
 British  Raj  era  in  1834  by  the  Charter  Act 
 of  1833.  It  was  presided  by  Lord 
 Macaulay.  After  that,  three  more 
 Commissions  were  established  in 
 pre-independent India. 
 Q.787.  Which  of  the  following  satellites 
 is  India’s  ?rst  Earth  imaging  satellite  in  a 
 geostationary orbit ? 
 SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Morning) 
 (a) RISAT-1A  (b) RISAT-2BR2 
 (c) GISAT-1  (d) Oceansat-3 
 Sol.787.(c)  GISAT -1.  Starting  with  IRS-1A 
 in  1988,  ISRO  has  launched  41 
 operational remote sensing satellites. 
 Q.788.  Who  among  the  following 
 became the ?rst Lokpal of India? 
 SSC CHSL 04/08/2021  (Morning) 
 (a) Dilip B Bhosale 
 (b) Pradip Kumar Mohanty 
 (c) Pinaki Chandra Ghose 
 (d) Ajay Kumar Tripathi   
 Sol.788.(c)  Pinaki  Chandra  Ghose.  The 
 Lokpal  has  jurisdiction  over  the  central 
 government  to  inquire  into  allegations  of 
 corruption  against  its  public 
 functionaries  and  for  matters  connected 
 to corruption. 
 Q.789.  In  which  year  did  India  host  the 
 Commonwealth Games? 
 SSC CHSL 04/08/2021  (Afternoon) 
 (a) 2018  (b) 2010  (c) 2006   (d) 2014 
 Sol.789.(b)  In  2010,  India  hosted  the 
 Commonwealth  Games.  The  event  was 
 ?rst  held  in  1930,  and  with  the  exception 
 of  1942  and  1946,  has  taken  place  every 
 four years since then. 
 Q.790.  Which  of  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst High Court established in India? 
 SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Bombay  (b) Calcutta 
 (c) Delhi  (d) Madras 
 Sol.790.(b)  The  Calcutta  High  Court  is 
 the  oldest  high  court  in  the  country, 
 established on  1 July 1862. 
 Q.791.  In  which  state  of  India  does  the 
 sunrise ?rst appear? 
 SSC CHSL 18/03/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) Arunachal Pradesh  (b) Odisha 
 (c) Meghalaya  (d) West Bengal 
 Sol.791.(a)  Dong  village  in  Arunachal 
 Pradesh  , which is known as the                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 59
 Pinnacle  Static GK 
 easternmost village in India. 
 Q.792.  What  is  the  name  of  the  ?rst 
 crude oil pipeline constructed in India? 
 SSC  CHSL 12/10/2020 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Naharkatia-Nunmati-Barauni 
 (b) Kandla-Bhatinda Pipeline 
 (c) Hajira-Bijapur-Jagdishpur (HBJ) Gas 
 (d) Mumbai High-Kayoli Pipeline 
 Sol.792.(a)  Naharkatia  -  Nunmati  - 
 Barauni  Pipeline  .  The  pipeline  between 
 Naharkatia  and  Nunmati  became 
 operational  in  1962  and  between 
 Nunmati and Barauni in 1964. 
 Q.793.  Who  is  the  only  Indian  to  have 
 won the United Nations Award in the ?eld 
 of human rights? 
 SSC  CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) 
 (a) Verghese Kurien  (b) Ela Bhatt 
 (c) Kanshi Ram  (d) Baba Amte 
 Sol.793.(d)  Baba  Amte  is  the  only  Indian 
 to  have  won  the  United  Nations  Award  in 
 the ?eld of human rights in 1988. 
 Q.794.  Who was the ?rst Asian player to 
 win the Junior Wimbledon's Boys singles 
 SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) 
 (a) Sumit Nagal 
 (b) Mahesh Bhupathi 
 (c) Vijay Amritraj 
 (d) Ramanathan Krishnan 
 Sol.794.(d)  Ramanathan  Krishnan  was 
 the  ?rst  Asian  tennis  player  to  win  the 
 boy’s  singles  title  at  Wimbledon 
 Championship  1954  beating  Ashley 
 Cooper of Australia in the ?nals. 
 Q.795.  Who  was  India’s  ?rst  Chief  of 
 Defence Staff? 
 SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) General Bipin Rawat 
 (b) General Arjan Singh 
 (c) General Vijay Kumar Singh 
 (d) General Manoj Mukund Naravane 
 Sol.795.(a)  General  Bipin  Rawat  was 
 India’s ?rst Chief of Defence Staff. 
 Q.796.  What  is  the  name  of  the  ?rst 
 research  station  in  Antarctica  built  by  the 
 Government of India? 
 SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) Vaishali       (b) Maitri 
 (c) Bharati        (d) Dakshin Gangotri 
 Sol.796.(d)  Dakshin  Gangotri  was  the 
 ?rst  scienti?c  base  station  of  India 
 situated  in  the  Antarctic  established  in 
 Q.797.  The  ?rst  Backward  Classes 
 Commission of India was headed by ___. 
 SSC CHSL  20/10/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale 
 (b) Kaka Kalelkar 
 (c) Lokmanya Tilak 
 (d) Nanaji Deshmukh 
 Sol.797.(b)  Kaka  Kalelkar.  The  ?rst 
 Backward  Classes  Commission  of  India 
 was  set  up  by  a  Presidential  Order  in 
 1953 under the chairmanship of Kaka 
 Q.798.  Name  the  ?rst  female  amputee  to 
 climb Mount Everest. 
 SSC CGL 05/03/2020 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Arunima Sinha      (b) Poorna Malavath 
 (c) Anshu Jamsenpa (d) Premlata Agarwal 
 Sol.798.(a)  Arunima  Sinha  is  the  world's 
 ?rst  female  amputee  to  climb  Mount 
 Everest  in  2013.  She  is  also  the  ?rst 
 female  amputee  to  climb  Mount  Vinson, 
 the highest peak of Antarctica. 
 Q.799.  Who  is  the  ?rst  General  of  the 
 Indian  Army,  whose  retirement  day  is 
 celebrated as the 'Armed Forces 
 Veterans Day' every year? 
 SSC CGL 06/03/2020 (Morning) 
 (a) General Maharaj Rajendra Sinhji 
 (b) General S.M. Srinagesh 
 (c) General K.S. Thimayya 
 (d) General K.M. Cariappa 
 Sol.799.(d)  General  K.M.  Cariappa. 
 Armed  Forces  Veterans  Day  is  observed 
 each  year  on  14th  January  as  a  mark  of 
 respect  and  recognition  of  the  services 
 rendered  by  Field  Marshal  KM  Cariappa, 
 the  ?rst  Indian  Commander  -in-Chief  of 
 the  Indian  Armed  Forces  who  retired  on 
 14 Jan 1953  . 
 Q.800.  On  which  lake  is  the  world's  only 
 ?oating post o?ce situated? 
 SSC CGL 07/03/2020 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Wular Lake  (b) Dal Lake 
 (c) Chilika Lake  (d) Loktak Lake 
 Sol.800.(b)  Dal  Lake.  The  ?oating  post 
 o?ce  is  located  in  the  beautiful  city  of 
 Srinagar  in  Kashmir,  amidst  picturesque 
 snow-clad  mountains  on  a  huge 
 houseboat in Dal Lake. 
 Q.801.  Limba  Ram  is  associated  with 
 which sport? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) Athletics  (b) Badminton 
 (c) Archery  (d) Polo 
 Sol.801.(c) Archery.  Other Archery 
 Players  -  Atanu  Das,  Deepika  Kumari, 
 Tarundeep  Rai,  Neeraj  Chauhan,  Dola 
 Q.802.  The  Indian  Olympic  Association  is 
 a?liated to ________. 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) International Olympic Council 
 (b) International Olympic Association 
 (c) International Olympic Federation 
 (d) International Olympic Committee 
 Sol.802.(d)  International  Olympic 
 Committee.  Headquarters  -  Lausanne 
 (Switzerland).  Established  -  23  June 
 Q.803.  In  which  year  did  India  organise 
 the Asian Games for the second time? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1976 (b) 1984 (c) 1951 (d) 1982 
 Sol.803.(d)  1982.  Asian  Games:-  The 
 Asian  Games  are  held  every  four  years.  It 
 was  regulated  by  the  Asian  Games 
 Federation  (AGF)  from  1951  to  1978 
 Games.  Since  the  1982  Games,  they  have 
 been  organised  by  the  Olympic  Council 
 of  Asia  (OCA).  The  ?rst  edition  was 
 hosted  in  New  Delhi  (1951).  The  motto  - 
 "Play  the  game  in  the  spirit  of  the  game". 
 Second  edition  -  Manila,  Philippines 
 Q.804.  How  many  circles  does  a  target 
 have in archery? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 12       (b)  8       (c) 10       (d) 15 
 Sol.804.(c)  10.  Archery:  It  is  the  sport, 
 practice,  or  skill  of  using  a  bow  to  shoot 
 arrows.  Terminology:  Bodkin  point,  Bow, 
 Arm  guard,  Bow  Hand,  Full  Draw,  Release, 
 Crossbow, Overdraw. 
 Q.805.  Due  to  World  War  I  and  II  the 
 Olympic  Games  were  NOT  held  in  which 
 years ? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a)1916, 1936, 1940  (b)1916, 1940, 1944 
 (c)1924, 1940, 1944  (d)1920, 1944, 1948 
 Sol.805.(b)  1916,  1940,  1944.  The  ?rst 
 modern  Olympic  Games  were  held  in 
 Athens  (Greece)  in  1896.  Summer 
 Olympics  and  their  venues:  2024  -  Paris 
 (France),  2028  -  Los  Angeles  (U.S.A). 
 Winter  Olympics  and  their  venues:  2026  - 
 Milan–Cortina  d'Ampezzo  (Italy).  Baron 
 Pierre  de  Coubertin  founded  the 
 International  Olympic  Committee  (IOC)  in 
 Q.806.  ‘  Let  Ball’,  'Stroke  Ball'  and  'No  Let' 
 are part of which game ? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon)                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 60
 Pinnacle  Static GK 
 (a) Squash  (b) Rugby 
 (c) Handball  (d) Polo 
 Sol.806.(a)  Squash.  Terminologies  :  Foot 
 fault,  Not  up,  Out,  Fault,  Down,  Hand  Out, 
 Rally,  Striker,  Half  Court  Line,  Outline, 
 Quarter Court, Board, Hand. 
 Q.807.  In  table  tennis,  the  period  during 
 which  a  ball  is  in  play  is  called 
 ____________ . 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) let  (b) point  (c) obstruction (d) rally 
 Sol.807.(d)  Rally  starts  when  the  server 
 serves  the  ball  and  ends  when  the  point 
 is  awarded  to  one  of  the  players.  Let- 
 Service  ball  hitting  the  net  or  a 
 distraction  that  causes  the  point  played 
 over.  Point  -  A  unit  of  scoring  in  table 
 tennis. Dead - A ball without any spin. 
 Q.808.  Cristiano  Ronaldo  belongs  to 
 which country? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) Brazil  (b) Portugal 
 (c) Germany  (d) Argentina 
 Sol.808.(b)  Portugal.  Other  famous 
 footballers  (related  country)  -  Lionel 
 Messi  (Argentina),  Kylian  Mbappe 
 (French),  Andres  Iniesta  (Spain),  Zlatan 
 Ibrahimovic  (Sweden),  Radamel  Falcao 
 (Colombia),  Robin  van  Persie 
 (Netherlands),  Andrea  Pirlo  (Italy),  Sadio 
 Mane (Senegalese) . 
 Q.809.  The  rule  that  ‘it  can  move  only 
 one  square  in  any  direction’  applies  to 
 whom in a game of chess? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) The Rook  (b) The King 
 (c) The Bishop  (d) The Queen 
 Sol.809.(b)  The  King.  Chess  -  A  board 
 game  for  two  players,  called  White  and 
 Black.  It  is  played  on  a  chessboard  with 
 64  squares  arranged  in  an  8  ×  8  grid. 
 Different  movement  rule:  Rook  -  Moves 
 any  number  of  squares  horizontally  or 
 vertically.  Queen  -  Moves  any  number  of 
 unoccupied  squares  in  any  direction- 
 horizontally, vertically or diagonally. 
 Q.810.  In  which  year  was  the  Men's 
 cricket world cup started? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1985  (b) 1970  (c) 1975  (d) 1980 
 Sol.810.(c)  1975.  World  Cup  -  The  ?rst 
 World  Cup  was  organised  in  England  in 
 1975.  It  was  won  by  the  West  Indies 
 (?nal  was  played  between  Australia  and 
 West  Indies).  India  won  the  world  cup 
 two  times  -  First  win  came  in  1983 
 (Defeated  West  Indies  in  the  ?nal)  and 
 the second win came in 2011 (Defeated 
 Sri Lanka). 
 Q.811.  What  is  the  most  often  described 
 as gymnastics and dance on horseback? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) Jousting  (b) Barrel racing 
 (c) Equestrian vaulting  (d) Steeplechase 
 Sol.811.(c)  Equestrian  vaulting.  It  was 
 demonstrated  as  an  art  at  the  1920 
 Antwerp  Olympics.  Jousting  -  Medieval 
 tournament  that  saw  knights  compete 
 against  each  other  on  horseback.  Barrel 
 racing  -  An  event  in  which  a  horse  and 
 rider  attempt  to  run  a  cloverleaf  pattern 
 around preset barrels in the fastest time. 
 Q.812.  In  which  year  was  the  football 
 world cup started ? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1934  (b) 1928  (c) 1932  (d) 1930 
 Sol.812.(d)  1930.  FIFA  World  Cup:  Taking 
 place  quadrennially.  First  winner  and 
 runner-up:  Uruguay  and  Argentina.  The 
 ?rst  football  club  in  the  world  -  She?eld 
 football  club  (Founded  in  1857,  England). 
 FIFA  (Federation  of  International  Football 
 Association)  -  Formed  in  1904  by  seven 
 countries.  Founded  at  -  Paris,  France  . 
 Headquarters  -  Zurich,  Switzerland. 
 Football  was  included  in  the  Olympic 
 games  in  1900  and  o?cially  played  in 
 1908.  India  took  part  in  the  world 
 olympic football - 1948 (London). 
 Q.813.  The  ?rst  South  Asian  Federation 
 Games was held in _____ in ______. 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1984, Kathmandu (b) 1951, New Delhi 
 (c) 1981, New Delhi    (d) 1983, Dhaka 
 Sol.813.(a)  1984,  Kathmandu.  The  South 
 Asian  Federation  Games  (New  name  - 
 South  Asian  Games  in  2004):  The 
 governing  body  of  these  games  is  South 
 Asia  Olympic  Council,  formed  in  1983. 
 Afghanistan  joined  the  SAF  game  in  2004 
 but  left  in  2016.  Motto  -  ‘Peace, 
 Prosperity and Progress’. 
 Q.814.  The  Athletics  Federation  of  India 
 was formed in ________. 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1946  (b) 1950  (c) 1936  (d) 1948 
 Sol.814.(a)  1946.  The  Athletics 
 Federation  of  India  (AFI)  is  the  apex  body 
 for  running  and  managing  athletics  in 
 india.  Headquarters  -  New  Delhi.  AFI  has 
 decided  to  name  August  7  as  ‘Javelin 
 Throw  Day’  in  India  to  honor  Neeraj 
 Chopra’s  ?rst  historic  Olympic  gold 
 (2020).  International  Association  of 
 Athletics  Federation  (IAAF):  Founded  - 
 1912. Founded at - Stockholm, Sweden. 
 Headquarters - Monaco. 
 Q.815.  ______  hosted  the  2nd  Olympic 
 Games in _______. 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) France, 1900  (b) Japan, 1900 
 (c) USA, 1900  (d) England, 1900 
 Sol.815.(a)  France,  1900.  First  Olympic 
 games  were  held  in  Athens  (1896).  India 
 ?rst  participated  at  the  Olympic  Games 
 in  1900.  The  Summer  and  Winter 
 Olympic  Games  are  still  held  every  four 
 years.  The  ?ve  rings  represent  the  union 
 of  the  ?ve  inhabited  continents  –  Africa, 
 the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania. 
 Q.816.  Rangaswami  Cup  is  associated 
 with which game ? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Volleyball  (b) Basketball 
 (c) Hockey  (d) Football 
 Sol.816.(c)  Hockey.  Important  cups  and 
 trophies  associated  with  various  games: 
 Hockey  -  Agha  Khan  Cup,  Beighton  Cup. 
 Cricket  -  Asia  Cup,  C.  K.  Naidu  Trophy, 
 Deodhar  Trophy,  Duleep  Trophy,  Irani 
 Trophy,  Ranji  Trophy,  ICC  Champions 
 Trophy,  ICC  World  Cup.  Football  - 
 Bandodkar  Trophy,  Durand  Cup, 
 Federation  Cup,  FIFA  World  Cup,  Merdeka 
 Cup.  Volleyball  -  Indira  Pradhan  trophy, 
 Centennial  Cup,  and  Shivanthi  Gold  Cup. 
 Basketball  -  Todd  Memorial  Trophy, 
 Williams Jones Cup. 
 Q.817.  Which  was  the  ?rst  country  to 
 host the Asian Games? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Sri Lanka (b) Japan (c) China (d) India 
 Sol.817.(d)  India.  Asian  Games: 
 Organised  by  the  Olympic  Council  of  Asia 
 (OCA)  after  every  4  years.  Headquarters  - 
 Kuwait.  India  hosted  the  Asian  Games  in 
 1951 and in 1982. 
 Q.818.  Which  is  the  only  piece  in  chess 
 that  can  jump  to  any  square  in  an  L 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) King  (b) Queen   (c) Knight  (d) Rook 
 Sol.818.(c)  Knight.  A  chess  piece,  or 
 chessman,  is  any  of  the  six  different 
 types  of  movable  objects  used  on  a 
 chessboard  to  play  the  game  of  chess. 
 The  chessboard  consists  of  64  squares. 
 It  consists  of  1  king,  1  queen,  2  rooks,  2 
 bishops,  2  knights,  8  pawns  on  both 
 sides  of  the  chess  board.  The  bishop  is  a 
 piece  in  the  game  of  chess,  moves  and 
 captures  along  diagonals  without 
 jumping  over  intervening  pieces.  20th 
 July - World Chess Day.                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 61
 Pinnacle  Static GK 
 Q.819.  Netaji  Subhas  National  Institute 
 of Sports is situated in______. 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) Patiala  (b) Bengaluru 
 (c) Kolkata  (d) New Delhi 
 Sol.819.(a)  Patiala.  Netaji  Subhas 
 National  Institute  of  Sports  :  Established 
 -  1961,  Commonly  known  -  National 
 Institute  of  sports  (NIS).  It  is  the 
 Academic  Wing  of  the  Sports  Authority 
 of  India  (SAI).  It  is  Asia’s  largest  sports 
 Q.820.  With  which  sport  is  the  oval 
 stadium associated ? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) Football  (b) Hockey 
 (c) Basketball  (d) Cricket 
 Sol.820.(d)  Cricket.  ICC  is  the  governing 
 body  for  international  cricket.  It  was 
 established  as  the  Imperial  Cricket 
 Conference in 1909. 
 Q.821.  What  is  the  distance  between  the 
 football goal posts ? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) 8.34 m  (b) 7.10 m 
 (c) 7.32 m  (d) 6.32 m 
 Sol.821.(c)  7.32  m.  Dimensions  -  length 
 of  115  yards  and  width  of  75  yards.  A 
 Football  match  contains  two  equal 
 halves  of  45  minutes.  Each  team  has  11 
 players.  A  football  weighs  between  410 
 to  450  grams.  Terms  related  to  football  - 
 Penalty  Kick,  Kick,  Goal,  Head,  Side  Back, 
 Pass,  Baseline,  Rebound,  Comer  Bick, 
 Right  Out,  Hattrick,  Move,  Left  Out,  Off 
 Side, Stopper, Defender, etc. 
 Q.822.  Which  of  the  following  is  NOT  an 
 Equestrian discipline? 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) Dressage  (b) Vaulting 
 (c) Sprint  (d) Show jumping 
 Sol.822.(c)  Sprint.  Equestrian  is  the 
 broad  umbrella  term  for  sport  involving 
 riding  on  horseback.  There  are  numerous 
 equestrian  disciplines  ranging  from 
 horse  racing  and  vaulting  (gymnastics  on 
 horseback)  to  polo  and  rodeo.  There  are 
 three  disciplines  in  the  Olympic  Games: 
 Dressage,  Eventing,  and  jumping  (also 
 known as show jumping). 
 Q.823.  In  a  volleyball  game,  each  team 
 comprise of how many players? 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 5  (b) 8  (c) 6  (d) 7 
 Sol.823.(c)  6.  Volleyball  (Originally 
 called  Mintonette)  is  a  net  game  that 
 involves  two  teams  of  12  players  (six 
 playing  and  six  substitutes).  William  G. 
 Morgan  is  credited  with  creating  the 
 game  of  volleyball  in  1895  in  Holyoke, 
 Q.824.  The  First  Commonwealth  Games 
 were  organized  in  which  of  the  following 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1926  (b) 1930  (c) 1920  (d) 1922 
 Sol.824.(b)  1930.  Commonwealth 
 Games  (British  Empire  Games)  -  1st 
 Event  (1930)  -  Host  city  -  Hamilton, 
 Canada.  Nations  -  11.  XXII  Event  (In 
 2022)  -  Host  city  -  Birmingham,  England. 
 Moto  -  Games  for  Everyone.  Nations  -  72. 
 Rank  -  1st-  Australia  (67  Gold),  2nd  - 
 England (58 Gold), 4th - India (22 Gold). 
 Q.825.  Who  is  the  ?rst  Indian  to 
 participate  in  a  Super  Heavyweight 
 Boxing  event  in  the  2020  Olympic 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) Amit Panghal  (b) Manish Harshit 
 (c) Satish Kumar  (d) Sakshi Chaudhary 
 Sol.825.(c)  Satish  Kumar.  2020  Olympic 
 Games  -  Host  city  -  Tokyo,  Japan.  Motto  - 
 United  by  Emotion.  Nations  -  206.  Ranks  - 
 1st  -  United  States  (113  medal),  2nd  - 
 China (89 medal), 48th - India (7 medal). 
 Q.826.  During  a  game  of  hockey, 
 following  an  offense,  if  a  player  is  shown 
 a  yellow  card  then  he  will  be  sent  off  the 
 pitch for _______. 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) 5 minutes  (b) 3 minutes 
 (c) 4 minutes  (d) 6 minutes 
 Sol.826.(a)  5  minutes.  Other  used 
 penalty  cards  :  Red  card  -  A  player  being 
 permanently  suspended  from  the  game. 
 Green  card  -  An  o?cial  warning  when  a 
 minor  offense  has  occurred.  White  card  - 
 It  is  used  in  bandy  to  indicate  a 
 ?ve-minute  timed  penalty  given  to  a 
 player.  Blue  card  -  It  is  used  in  bandy  to 
 indicate  a  ten-minute  timed  penalty  given 
 to  a  player.  Black  card  -  It  is  used  in  the 
 sport  of  badminton  to  indicate 
 Q.827.  Syed  Modi  India  International  is 
 organized in which sporting event? 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Volleyball  (b) Badminton 
 (c) Chess  (d) Kabaddi 
 Sol.827.(b)  Badminton.  Syed  Modi 
 International  -  This  tournament  was 
 introduced  to  the  badminton  circuit  as  a 
 BWF  Grand  Prix  event  in  2009,  Since  then 
 the  tournament  is  being  annually  held  in 
 Lucknow  (Babu  Banarasi  Das  Indoor 
 Stadium).  Famous  Badminton  Trophy  : 
 Uber  Cup  (Women),  Tunku  Abdul 
 -Rahman  Cup,  Thomas  Cup,  BWF  World 
 Championship, Narang Cup. 
 Q.828.  India's  rank  in  Tokyo  Olympic 
 2020 is: 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) 47  (b) 46  (c) 49  (d) 48 
 Sol.828.(d)  48.  Tokyo  Olympics  (2020): 
 India’s  position  -  1  gold  (Neeraj  Chopra 
 for  javelin),  2  Silvers  (Meerabai  Chanu  for 
 weightlifting,  and  Ravi  Kumar  Dahiya  for 
 wrestling),  and  4  bronze  (P .V  Sindhu  for 
 badminton,  Lovlina  Borgohain  for  Boxing, 
 Indian  men's  hockey  team,  and  Bajrang 
 Punia  for  wrestling).  Competitors  -  122  in 
 18  sports.  Flag  bearers  (opening)  -  Mary 
 Kom  and  Manpreet  Singh.  Flag  bearer 
 (closing)  -  Bajrang  Punia.  1st  Rank  - 
 United  States  (Gold  -  39,  Silver  -  41, 
 Bronze - 33). 
 Q.829.  Who  was  the  ?rst  winner  of  the 
 Arjuna Award in Kabaddi? 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) BC Ramesh 
 (b) Manjeet Chhillar 
 (c) Sahanand Mahadev Shetty 
 (d) Bholanath Guin 
 Sol.829.(c)  Sahanand  Mahadev  Shetty 
 (1972)  .  First  time  twenty  sports  persons 
 were  awarded  the  Arjun  award  in  1961. 
 First  winners:  G.S.  Randhawa  (Athletics), 
 Nandu  M.  Natekar  (Basketball),  Buddy  D’ 
 Suza  (Boxing),  Manuel  Aaron  (Chess), 
 Saleem  Durrani  (Cricket),  P .K.  Banerjee 
 (Football),  Kumari  Ann  Lumsden 
 (Hockey),  J.C.  Vora  (Table  Tennis),  R. 
 Krishnan  (Tennis),  A.  Palaniswamy 
 (Volleyball),  A.N.  Ghosh  (weightlifting), 
 Havaldar Udey Chand (Wrestling). 
 Q.830.  The  number  of  pawns  in  chess 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) 14  (b) 15  (c) 16  (d) 17 
 Sol.830.(c)  16.  There  are  six  different 
 types  of  chess  pieces.  Each  side  starts 
 with  16  pieces:  eight  pawns,  two  bishops, 
 two  knights,  two  rooks,  one  queen,  and 
 one  king.  Terminology:  Attack,  Back 
 Rank,  Blitz,  Book,  Blunder,  Castle, 
 Checkmate,  Desperado,  Fork, 
 Q.831.  What  is  the  height  of  the 
 badminton net? 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a)  6 feet  (b) 5.1 feet 
 (c) 6.5 feet  (d) 5.5 feet 
 Sol.831.(b) 5.1 feet.  The length of the                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 62
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 Pinnacle  Static GK 
 Sol.775.(a)  USSR  .  It  was  launched  into 
 an  elliptical  low  Earth  orbit  by  the  USSR 
 on  4  October  1957  as  part  of  the  Soviet 
 space  program.  Launch  site:  Baikonur 
 Rocket: Sputnik 8K71PS. 
 Q.776.  Who  among  the  following  has 
 been  the  ?rst  sportsperson  to  receive  the 
 Padma  Shri  award  from  the  Government 
 of India? 
 SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Balbir Dosanjh     (b) Milkha Singh 
 (c) Manpreet Singh   (d) Dhanraj Pillay 
 Sol.776.(a)  Balbir  Singh  Dosanjh.  Padma 
 Shri  (1957).  He  wrote  two  books:  his 
 autobiography  The  Golden  Hat  Trick 
 (1977)  and  The  Golden  Yardstick:  In 
 Quest of Hockey Excellence (2008). 
 Q.777.  Who  among  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst woman commando trainer in India? 
 SSC MTS 2/11/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Avani Chaturvedi   (b) Damyanti Beshra 
 (c) Dr. Seema Rao       (d) Rani Rampal 
 Sol.777.(c)  Dr.  Seema  Rao  .  India's  ?rst 
 female  jawan  in  the  Indian  army  is  Shanti 
 Tigga.  The  ?rst  woman  o?cer  in  the 
 Indian  Air  Force,  Vijayalakshmi  Ramanan. 
 Punita  Arora  was  the  ?rst  woman  in  the 
 Indian  Armed  Forces  to  be  promoted  to  a 
 three-star rank. 
 Q.778.  What  was  the  name  of  the  ?rst 
 arti?cial  satellite  launched  by  India  in 
 SSC CGL 18/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Panini  (b) Sushruta 
 (c) Aryabhatta  (d) Charaka 
 Sol.778.(c)  Aryabhatta  .  Rohini  was 
 India's  ?rst  satellite  launched  from  an 
 Indian-made launch vehicle. 
 Q.779.  Who  among  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst  Indian  to  win  a  seat  in  the  House  of 
 SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Afternoon) 
 (a) MN Roy  (b) Dadabhai Naoroji 
 (c) WC Bonnerjee  (d) Hasrat Mohani 
 Sol.779.(b)  Dadabhai  Naoroji  .  The  House 
 of  Commons  is  the  lower  house 
 (democratically  elected  house)  of  the 
 Parliament of the United Kingdom. 
 Q.780.  Who  among  the  following  is  the 
 ?rst-ever  woman  ?ghter  pilot  to  have 
 taken part at a  Republic Day Parade? 
 SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Anny Divya 
 (b) Bhawna Kanth 
 (c) Mohana Singh Jitarwal 
 (d) Avani Chaturvedi 
 Sol.780.(b)  Bhawna Kanth.  She was 
 declared  as  the  ?rst  combat  pilot  along 
 with  two  of  her  cohorts  Mohana  Singh 
 and Avani Chaturvedi. 
 Q.781.  Who  was  the  ?rst 
 Director-General  of  Archaeological 
 Survey of India? 
 SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Lord Curzon 
 (b) Alexander Cunningham 
 (c) Mortimer Wheeler 
 (d) John Marshall 
 Sol.781.(b)  Alexander  Cunningham  .  ASI 
 is  an  Indian  government  agency 
 responsible  for  archaeological  research 
 and the conservation and preservation of 
 cultural monuments in the country. 
 Q.782.  In  which  of  the  following 
 countries  was  the  ?rst  hockey 
 association formed? 
 SSC CGL 23/08/2021 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Spain (b) The UK (c) The US (d) India 
 Sol.782.(b)  The  UK  (1876).  India  has 
 recently  won  a  bronze  medal  in  the  2020 
 Tokyo Olympics in Men’s Hockey Title. 
 Q.783.  Who  among  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst  player  from  the  Indian  subcontinent 
 to  play  for  a  European  Football  club 
 (Celtic FC) ? 
 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Morning) 
 (a) Sailen Manna 
 (b) Mohammed Salim 
 (c) Neville D'Souza 
 (d) Pradeep Kumar Banerjee 
 Sol.783.(b)  Mohammed  Salim  .  The 
 Celtic  Football  Club  is  a  Scottish 
 professional  football  club  based  in 
 Glasgow,  which  plays  in  the  Scottish 
 Q.784.  In  which  of  the  following  years 
 was the ?rst rocket launched in India? 
 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) 1948  (b) 1973  (c) 1963  (d) 1977 
 Sol.784.(c)  1963  .  The  launchpad  for  the 
 ?rst  rocket  ‘RH200’  was  Thumba 
 Balasore  and  took  off  from  Thumba  near 
 Q.785.  Who  among  the  following  was 
 appointed  as  the  ?rst  woman 
 Chairperson  of  BCCC  (Broadcasting 
 Content Complaints Council) by IBF 
 (Indian Broadcasting Foundation)? 
 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Indra Nooyi               (b) Kiran Mazumdar 
 (c) Chitra Ramakrishna (d) Gita Mittal 
 Sol.785.(d)  Justice  Gita  Mittal  .  She  has 
 also served as the ?rst woman Chief 
 Justice of Jammu & Kashmir High Court. 
 Q.786.  When  was  the  First  Law 
 Commission set up in independent India? 
 SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Afternoon) 
 (a) 1955  (b) 1951   (c) 1952   (d) 1956 
 Sol.786.(a)  1955  .  The  ?rst  Law 
 Commission  was  established  during  the 
 British  Raj  era  in  1834  by  the  Charter  Act 
 of  1833.  It  was  presided  by  Lord 
 Macaulay.  After  that,  three  more 
 Commissions  were  established  in 
 pre-independent India. 
 Q.787.  Which  of  the  following  satellites 
 is  India’s  ?rst  Earth  imaging  satellite  in  a 
 geostationary orbit ? 
 SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Morning) 
 (a) RISAT-1A  (b) RISAT-2BR2 
 (c) GISAT-1  (d) Oceansat-3 
 Sol.787.(c)  GISAT -1.  Starting  with  IRS-1A 
 in  1988,  ISRO  has  launched  41 
 operational remote sensing satellites. 
 Q.788.  Who  among  the  following 
 became the ?rst Lokpal of India? 
 SSC CHSL 04/08/2021  (Morning) 
 (a) Dilip B Bhosale 
 (b) Pradip Kumar Mohanty 
 (c) Pinaki Chandra Ghose 
 (d) Ajay Kumar Tripathi   
 Sol.788.(c)  Pinaki  Chandra  Ghose.  The 
 Lokpal  has  jurisdiction  over  the  central 
 government  to  inquire  into  allegations  of 
 corruption  against  its  public 
 functionaries  and  for  matters  connected 
 to corruption. 
 Q.789.  In  which  year  did  India  host  the 
 Commonwealth Games? 
 SSC CHSL 04/08/2021  (Afternoon) 
 (a) 2018  (b) 2010  (c) 2006   (d) 2014 
 Sol.789.(b)  In  2010,  India  hosted  the 
 Commonwealth  Games.  The  event  was 
 ?rst  held  in  1930,  and  with  the  exception 
 of  1942  and  1946,  has  taken  place  every 
 four years since then. 
 Q.790.  Which  of  the  following  was  the 
 ?rst High Court established in India? 
 SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Evening) 
 (a) Bombay  (b) Calcutta 
 (c) Delhi  (d) Madras 
 Sol.790.(b)  The  Calcutta  High  Court  is 
 the  oldest  high  court  in  the  country, 
 established on  1 July 1862. 
 Q.791.  In  which  state  of  India  does  the 
 sunrise ?rst appear? 
 SSC CHSL 18/03/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) Arunachal Pradesh  (b) Odisha 
 (c) Meghalaya  (d) West Bengal 
 Sol.791.(a)  Dong  village  in  Arunachal 
 Pradesh  , which is known as the                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 59
 Pinnacle  Static GK 
 easternmost village in India. 
 Q.792.  What  is  the  name  of  the  ?rst 
 crude oil pipeline constructed in India? 
 SSC  CHSL 12/10/2020 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Naharkatia-Nunmati-Barauni 
 (b) Kandla-Bhatinda Pipeline 
 (c) Hajira-Bijapur-Jagdishpur (HBJ) Gas 
 (d) Mumbai High-Kayoli Pipeline 
 Sol.792.(a)  Naharkatia  -  Nunmati  - 
 Barauni  Pipeline  .  The  pipeline  between 
 Naharkatia  and  Nunmati  became 
 operational  in  1962  and  between 
 Nunmati and Barauni in 1964. 
 Q.793.  Who  is  the  only  Indian  to  have 
 won the United Nations Award in the ?eld 
 of human rights? 
 SSC  CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) 
 (a) Verghese Kurien  (b) Ela Bhatt 
 (c) Kanshi Ram  (d) Baba Amte 
 Sol.793.(d)  Baba  Amte  is  the  only  Indian 
 to  have  won  the  United  Nations  Award  in 
 the ?eld of human rights in 1988. 
 Q.794.  Who was the ?rst Asian player to 
 win the Junior Wimbledon's Boys singles 
 SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning) 
 (a) Sumit Nagal 
 (b) Mahesh Bhupathi 
 (c) Vijay Amritraj 
 (d) Ramanathan Krishnan 
 Sol.794.(d)  Ramanathan  Krishnan  was 
 the  ?rst  Asian  tennis  player  to  win  the 
 boy’s  singles  title  at  Wimbledon 
 Championship  1954  beating  Ashley 
 Cooper of Australia in the ?nals. 
 Q.795.  Who  was  India’s  ?rst  Chief  of 
 Defence Staff? 
 SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) General Bipin Rawat 
 (b) General Arjan Singh 
 (c) General Vijay Kumar Singh 
 (d) General Manoj Mukund Naravane 
 Sol.795.(a)  General  Bipin  Rawat  was 
 India’s ?rst Chief of Defence Staff. 
 Q.796.  What  is  the  name  of  the  ?rst 
 research  station  in  Antarctica  built  by  the 
 Government of India? 
 SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) Vaishali       (b) Maitri 
 (c) Bharati        (d) Dakshin Gangotri 
 Sol.796.(d)  Dakshin  Gangotri  was  the 
 ?rst  scienti?c  base  station  of  India 
 situated  in  the  Antarctic  established  in 
 Q.797.  The  ?rst  Backward  Classes 
 Commission of India was headed by ___. 
 SSC CHSL  20/10/2020 (Evening) 
 (a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale 
 (b) Kaka Kalelkar 
 (c) Lokmanya Tilak 
 (d) Nanaji Deshmukh 
 Sol.797.(b)  Kaka  Kalelkar.  The  ?rst 
 Backward  Classes  Commission  of  India 
 was  set  up  by  a  Presidential  Order  in 
 1953 under the chairmanship of Kaka 
 Q.798.  Name  the  ?rst  female  amputee  to 
 climb Mount Everest. 
 SSC CGL 05/03/2020 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Arunima Sinha      (b) Poorna Malavath 
 (c) Anshu Jamsenpa (d) Premlata Agarwal 
 Sol.798.(a)  Arunima  Sinha  is  the  world's 
 ?rst  female  amputee  to  climb  Mount 
 Everest  in  2013.  She  is  also  the  ?rst 
 female  amputee  to  climb  Mount  Vinson, 
 the highest peak of Antarctica. 
 Q.799.  Who  is  the  ?rst  General  of  the 
 Indian  Army,  whose  retirement  day  is 
 celebrated as the 'Armed Forces 
 Veterans Day' every year? 
 SSC CGL 06/03/2020 (Morning) 
 (a) General Maharaj Rajendra Sinhji 
 (b) General S.M. Srinagesh 
 (c) General K.S. Thimayya 
 (d) General K.M. Cariappa 
 Sol.799.(d)  General  K.M.  Cariappa. 
 Armed  Forces  Veterans  Day  is  observed 
 each  year  on  14th  January  as  a  mark  of 
 respect  and  recognition  of  the  services 
 rendered  by  Field  Marshal  KM  Cariappa, 
 the  ?rst  Indian  Commander  -in-Chief  of 
 the  Indian  Armed  Forces  who  retired  on 
 14 Jan 1953  . 
 Q.800.  On  which  lake  is  the  world's  only 
 ?oating post o?ce situated? 
 SSC CGL 07/03/2020 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Wular Lake  (b) Dal Lake 
 (c) Chilika Lake  (d) Loktak Lake 
 Sol.800.(b)  Dal  Lake.  The  ?oating  post 
 o?ce  is  located  in  the  beautiful  city  of 
 Srinagar  in  Kashmir,  amidst  picturesque 
 snow-clad  mountains  on  a  huge 
 houseboat in Dal Lake. 
 Q.801.  Limba  Ram  is  associated  with 
 which sport? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) Athletics  (b) Badminton 
 (c) Archery  (d) Polo 
 Sol.801.(c) Archery.  Other Archery 
 Players  -  Atanu  Das,  Deepika  Kumari, 
 Tarundeep  Rai,  Neeraj  Chauhan,  Dola 
 Q.802.  The  Indian  Olympic  Association  is 
 a?liated to ________. 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) International Olympic Council 
 (b) International Olympic Association 
 (c) International Olympic Federation 
 (d) International Olympic Committee 
 Sol.802.(d)  International  Olympic 
 Committee.  Headquarters  -  Lausanne 
 (Switzerland).  Established  -  23  June 
 Q.803.  In  which  year  did  India  organise 
 the Asian Games for the second time? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1976 (b) 1984 (c) 1951 (d) 1982 
 Sol.803.(d)  1982.  Asian  Games:-  The 
 Asian  Games  are  held  every  four  years.  It 
 was  regulated  by  the  Asian  Games 
 Federation  (AGF)  from  1951  to  1978 
 Games.  Since  the  1982  Games,  they  have 
 been  organised  by  the  Olympic  Council 
 of  Asia  (OCA).  The  ?rst  edition  was 
 hosted  in  New  Delhi  (1951).  The  motto  - 
 "Play  the  game  in  the  spirit  of  the  game". 
 Second  edition  -  Manila,  Philippines 
 Q.804.  How  many  circles  does  a  target 
 have in archery? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 12       (b)  8       (c) 10       (d) 15 
 Sol.804.(c)  10.  Archery:  It  is  the  sport, 
 practice,  or  skill  of  using  a  bow  to  shoot 
 arrows.  Terminology:  Bodkin  point,  Bow, 
 Arm  guard,  Bow  Hand,  Full  Draw,  Release, 
 Crossbow, Overdraw. 
 Q.805.  Due  to  World  War  I  and  II  the 
 Olympic  Games  were  NOT  held  in  which 
 years ? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a)1916, 1936, 1940  (b)1916, 1940, 1944 
 (c)1924, 1940, 1944  (d)1920, 1944, 1948 
 Sol.805.(b)  1916,  1940,  1944.  The  ?rst 
 modern  Olympic  Games  were  held  in 
 Athens  (Greece)  in  1896.  Summer 
 Olympics  and  their  venues:  2024  -  Paris 
 (France),  2028  -  Los  Angeles  (U.S.A). 
 Winter  Olympics  and  their  venues:  2026  - 
 Milan–Cortina  d'Ampezzo  (Italy).  Baron 
 Pierre  de  Coubertin  founded  the 
 International  Olympic  Committee  (IOC)  in 
 Q.806.  ‘  Let  Ball’,  'Stroke  Ball'  and  'No  Let' 
 are part of which game ? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon)                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 60
 Pinnacle  Static GK 
 (a) Squash  (b) Rugby 
 (c) Handball  (d) Polo 
 Sol.806.(a)  Squash.  Terminologies  :  Foot 
 fault,  Not  up,  Out,  Fault,  Down,  Hand  Out, 
 Rally,  Striker,  Half  Court  Line,  Outline, 
 Quarter Court, Board, Hand. 
 Q.807.  In  table  tennis,  the  period  during 
 which  a  ball  is  in  play  is  called 
 ____________ . 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) let  (b) point  (c) obstruction (d) rally 
 Sol.807.(d)  Rally  starts  when  the  server 
 serves  the  ball  and  ends  when  the  point 
 is  awarded  to  one  of  the  players.  Let- 
 Service  ball  hitting  the  net  or  a 
 distraction  that  causes  the  point  played 
 over.  Point  -  A  unit  of  scoring  in  table 
 tennis. Dead - A ball without any spin. 
 Q.808.  Cristiano  Ronaldo  belongs  to 
 which country? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) Brazil  (b) Portugal 
 (c) Germany  (d) Argentina 
 Sol.808.(b)  Portugal.  Other  famous 
 footballers  (related  country)  -  Lionel 
 Messi  (Argentina),  Kylian  Mbappe 
 (French),  Andres  Iniesta  (Spain),  Zlatan 
 Ibrahimovic  (Sweden),  Radamel  Falcao 
 (Colombia),  Robin  van  Persie 
 (Netherlands),  Andrea  Pirlo  (Italy),  Sadio 
 Mane (Senegalese) . 
 Q.809.  The  rule  that  ‘it  can  move  only 
 one  square  in  any  direction’  applies  to 
 whom in a game of chess? 
 SSC Stenographer 12/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) The Rook  (b) The King 
 (c) The Bishop  (d) The Queen 
 Sol.809.(b)  The  King.  Chess  -  A  board 
 game  for  two  players,  called  White  and 
 Black.  It  is  played  on  a  chessboard  with 
 64  squares  arranged  in  an  8  ×  8  grid. 
 Different  movement  rule:  Rook  -  Moves 
 any  number  of  squares  horizontally  or 
 vertically.  Queen  -  Moves  any  number  of 
 unoccupied  squares  in  any  direction- 
 horizontally, vertically or diagonally. 
 Q.810.  In  which  year  was  the  Men's 
 cricket world cup started? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1985  (b) 1970  (c) 1975  (d) 1980 
 Sol.810.(c)  1975.  World  Cup  -  The  ?rst 
 World  Cup  was  organised  in  England  in 
 1975.  It  was  won  by  the  West  Indies 
 (?nal  was  played  between  Australia  and 
 West  Indies).  India  won  the  world  cup 
 two  times  -  First  win  came  in  1983 
 (Defeated  West  Indies  in  the  ?nal)  and 
 the second win came in 2011 (Defeated 
 Sri Lanka). 
 Q.811.  What  is  the  most  often  described 
 as gymnastics and dance on horseback? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) Jousting  (b) Barrel racing 
 (c) Equestrian vaulting  (d) Steeplechase 
 Sol.811.(c)  Equestrian  vaulting.  It  was 
 demonstrated  as  an  art  at  the  1920 
 Antwerp  Olympics.  Jousting  -  Medieval 
 tournament  that  saw  knights  compete 
 against  each  other  on  horseback.  Barrel 
 racing  -  An  event  in  which  a  horse  and 
 rider  attempt  to  run  a  cloverleaf  pattern 
 around preset barrels in the fastest time. 
 Q.812.  In  which  year  was  the  football 
 world cup started ? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1934  (b) 1928  (c) 1932  (d) 1930 
 Sol.812.(d)  1930.  FIFA  World  Cup:  Taking 
 place  quadrennially.  First  winner  and 
 runner-up:  Uruguay  and  Argentina.  The 
 ?rst  football  club  in  the  world  -  She?eld 
 football  club  (Founded  in  1857,  England). 
 FIFA  (Federation  of  International  Football 
 Association)  -  Formed  in  1904  by  seven 
 countries.  Founded  at  -  Paris,  France  . 
 Headquarters  -  Zurich,  Switzerland. 
 Football  was  included  in  the  Olympic 
 games  in  1900  and  o?cially  played  in 
 1908.  India  took  part  in  the  world 
 olympic football - 1948 (London). 
 Q.813.  The  ?rst  South  Asian  Federation 
 Games was held in _____ in ______. 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1984, Kathmandu (b) 1951, New Delhi 
 (c) 1981, New Delhi    (d) 1983, Dhaka 
 Sol.813.(a)  1984,  Kathmandu.  The  South 
 Asian  Federation  Games  (New  name  - 
 South  Asian  Games  in  2004):  The 
 governing  body  of  these  games  is  South 
 Asia  Olympic  Council,  formed  in  1983. 
 Afghanistan  joined  the  SAF  game  in  2004 
 but  left  in  2016.  Motto  -  ‘Peace, 
 Prosperity and Progress’. 
 Q.814.  The  Athletics  Federation  of  India 
 was formed in ________. 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1946  (b) 1950  (c) 1936  (d) 1948 
 Sol.814.(a)  1946.  The  Athletics 
 Federation  of  India  (AFI)  is  the  apex  body 
 for  running  and  managing  athletics  in 
 india.  Headquarters  -  New  Delhi.  AFI  has 
 decided  to  name  August  7  as  ‘Javelin 
 Throw  Day’  in  India  to  honor  Neeraj 
 Chopra’s  ?rst  historic  Olympic  gold 
 (2020).  International  Association  of 
 Athletics  Federation  (IAAF):  Founded  - 
 1912. Founded at - Stockholm, Sweden. 
 Headquarters - Monaco. 
 Q.815.  ______  hosted  the  2nd  Olympic 
 Games in _______. 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) France, 1900  (b) Japan, 1900 
 (c) USA, 1900  (d) England, 1900 
 Sol.815.(a)  France,  1900.  First  Olympic 
 games  were  held  in  Athens  (1896).  India 
 ?rst  participated  at  the  Olympic  Games 
 in  1900.  The  Summer  and  Winter 
 Olympic  Games  are  still  held  every  four 
 years.  The  ?ve  rings  represent  the  union 
 of  the  ?ve  inhabited  continents  –  Africa, 
 the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania. 
 Q.816.  Rangaswami  Cup  is  associated 
 with which game ? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Volleyball  (b) Basketball 
 (c) Hockey  (d) Football 
 Sol.816.(c)  Hockey.  Important  cups  and 
 trophies  associated  with  various  games: 
 Hockey  -  Agha  Khan  Cup,  Beighton  Cup. 
 Cricket  -  Asia  Cup,  C.  K.  Naidu  Trophy, 
 Deodhar  Trophy,  Duleep  Trophy,  Irani 
 Trophy,  Ranji  Trophy,  ICC  Champions 
 Trophy,  ICC  World  Cup.  Football  - 
 Bandodkar  Trophy,  Durand  Cup, 
 Federation  Cup,  FIFA  World  Cup,  Merdeka 
 Cup.  Volleyball  -  Indira  Pradhan  trophy, 
 Centennial  Cup,  and  Shivanthi  Gold  Cup. 
 Basketball  -  Todd  Memorial  Trophy, 
 Williams Jones Cup. 
 Q.817.  Which  was  the  ?rst  country  to 
 host the Asian Games? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Sri Lanka (b) Japan (c) China (d) India 
 Sol.817.(d)  India.  Asian  Games: 
 Organised  by  the  Olympic  Council  of  Asia 
 (OCA)  after  every  4  years.  Headquarters  - 
 Kuwait.  India  hosted  the  Asian  Games  in 
 1951 and in 1982. 
 Q.818.  Which  is  the  only  piece  in  chess 
 that  can  jump  to  any  square  in  an  L 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) King  (b) Queen   (c) Knight  (d) Rook 
 Sol.818.(c)  Knight.  A  chess  piece,  or 
 chessman,  is  any  of  the  six  different 
 types  of  movable  objects  used  on  a 
 chessboard  to  play  the  game  of  chess. 
 The  chessboard  consists  of  64  squares. 
 It  consists  of  1  king,  1  queen,  2  rooks,  2 
 bishops,  2  knights,  8  pawns  on  both 
 sides  of  the  chess  board.  The  bishop  is  a 
 piece  in  the  game  of  chess,  moves  and 
 captures  along  diagonals  without 
 jumping  over  intervening  pieces.  20th 
 July - World Chess Day.                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 61
 Pinnacle  Static GK 
 Q.819.  Netaji  Subhas  National  Institute 
 of Sports is situated in______. 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) Patiala  (b) Bengaluru 
 (c) Kolkata  (d) New Delhi 
 Sol.819.(a)  Patiala.  Netaji  Subhas 
 National  Institute  of  Sports  :  Established 
 -  1961,  Commonly  known  -  National 
 Institute  of  sports  (NIS).  It  is  the 
 Academic  Wing  of  the  Sports  Authority 
 of  India  (SAI).  It  is  Asia’s  largest  sports 
 Q.820.  With  which  sport  is  the  oval 
 stadium associated ? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) Football  (b) Hockey 
 (c) Basketball  (d) Cricket 
 Sol.820.(d)  Cricket.  ICC  is  the  governing 
 body  for  international  cricket.  It  was 
 established  as  the  Imperial  Cricket 
 Conference in 1909. 
 Q.821.  What  is  the  distance  between  the 
 football goal posts ? 
 SSC Stenographer 13/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) 8.34 m  (b) 7.10 m 
 (c) 7.32 m  (d) 6.32 m 
 Sol.821.(c)  7.32  m.  Dimensions  -  length 
 of  115  yards  and  width  of  75  yards.  A 
 Football  match  contains  two  equal 
 halves  of  45  minutes.  Each  team  has  11 
 players.  A  football  weighs  between  410 
 to  450  grams.  Terms  related  to  football  - 
 Penalty  Kick,  Kick,  Goal,  Head,  Side  Back, 
 Pass,  Baseline,  Rebound,  Comer  Bick, 
 Right  Out,  Hattrick,  Move,  Left  Out,  Off 
 Side, Stopper, Defender, etc. 
 Q.822.  Which  of  the  following  is  NOT  an 
 Equestrian discipline? 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) Dressage  (b) Vaulting 
 (c) Sprint  (d) Show jumping 
 Sol.822.(c)  Sprint.  Equestrian  is  the 
 broad  umbrella  term  for  sport  involving 
 riding  on  horseback.  There  are  numerous 
 equestrian  disciplines  ranging  from 
 horse  racing  and  vaulting  (gymnastics  on 
 horseback)  to  polo  and  rodeo.  There  are 
 three  disciplines  in  the  Olympic  Games: 
 Dressage,  Eventing,  and  jumping  (also 
 known as show jumping). 
 Q.823.  In  a  volleyball  game,  each  team 
 comprise of how many players? 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 5  (b) 8  (c) 6  (d) 7 
 Sol.823.(c)  6.  Volleyball  (Originally 
 called  Mintonette)  is  a  net  game  that 
 involves  two  teams  of  12  players  (six 
 playing  and  six  substitutes).  William  G. 
 Morgan  is  credited  with  creating  the 
 game  of  volleyball  in  1895  in  Holyoke, 
 Q.824.  The  First  Commonwealth  Games 
 were  organized  in  which  of  the  following 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1926  (b) 1930  (c) 1920  (d) 1922 
 Sol.824.(b)  1930.  Commonwealth 
 Games  (British  Empire  Games)  -  1st 
 Event  (1930)  -  Host  city  -  Hamilton, 
 Canada.  Nations  -  11.  XXII  Event  (In 
 2022)  -  Host  city  -  Birmingham,  England. 
 Moto  -  Games  for  Everyone.  Nations  -  72. 
 Rank  -  1st-  Australia  (67  Gold),  2nd  - 
 England (58 Gold), 4th - India (22 Gold). 
 Q.825.  Who  is  the  ?rst  Indian  to 
 participate  in  a  Super  Heavyweight 
 Boxing  event  in  the  2020  Olympic 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) Amit Panghal  (b) Manish Harshit 
 (c) Satish Kumar  (d) Sakshi Chaudhary 
 Sol.825.(c)  Satish  Kumar.  2020  Olympic 
 Games  -  Host  city  -  Tokyo,  Japan.  Motto  - 
 United  by  Emotion.  Nations  -  206.  Ranks  - 
 1st  -  United  States  (113  medal),  2nd  - 
 China (89 medal), 48th - India (7 medal). 
 Q.826.  During  a  game  of  hockey, 
 following  an  offense,  if  a  player  is  shown 
 a  yellow  card  then  he  will  be  sent  off  the 
 pitch for _______. 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) 5 minutes  (b) 3 minutes 
 (c) 4 minutes  (d) 6 minutes 
 Sol.826.(a)  5  minutes.  Other  used 
 penalty  cards  :  Red  card  -  A  player  being 
 permanently  suspended  from  the  game. 
 Green  card  -  An  o?cial  warning  when  a 
 minor  offense  has  occurred.  White  card  - 
 It  is  used  in  bandy  to  indicate  a 
 ?ve-minute  timed  penalty  given  to  a 
 player.  Blue  card  -  It  is  used  in  bandy  to 
 indicate  a  ten-minute  timed  penalty  given 
 to  a  player.  Black  card  -  It  is  used  in  the 
 sport  of  badminton  to  indicate 
 Q.827.  Syed  Modi  India  International  is 
 organized in which sporting event? 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Volleyball  (b) Badminton 
 (c) Chess  (d) Kabaddi 
 Sol.827.(b)  Badminton.  Syed  Modi 
 International  -  This  tournament  was 
 introduced  to  the  badminton  circuit  as  a 
 BWF  Grand  Prix  event  in  2009,  Since  then 
 the  tournament  is  being  annually  held  in 
 Lucknow  (Babu  Banarasi  Das  Indoor 
 Stadium).  Famous  Badminton  Trophy  : 
 Uber  Cup  (Women),  Tunku  Abdul 
 -Rahman  Cup,  Thomas  Cup,  BWF  World 
 Championship, Narang Cup. 
 Q.828.  India's  rank  in  Tokyo  Olympic 
 2020 is: 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) 47  (b) 46  (c) 49  (d) 48 
 Sol.828.(d)  48.  Tokyo  Olympics  (2020): 
 India’s  position  -  1  gold  (Neeraj  Chopra 
 for  javelin),  2  Silvers  (Meerabai  Chanu  for 
 weightlifting,  and  Ravi  Kumar  Dahiya  for 
 wrestling),  and  4  bronze  (P .V  Sindhu  for 
 badminton,  Lovlina  Borgohain  for  Boxing, 
 Indian  men's  hockey  team,  and  Bajrang 
 Punia  for  wrestling).  Competitors  -  122  in 
 18  sports.  Flag  bearers  (opening)  -  Mary 
 Kom  and  Manpreet  Singh.  Flag  bearer 
 (closing)  -  Bajrang  Punia.  1st  Rank  - 
 United  States  (Gold  -  39,  Silver  -  41, 
 Bronze - 33). 
 Q.829.  Who  was  the  ?rst  winner  of  the 
 Arjuna Award in Kabaddi? 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) BC Ramesh 
 (b) Manjeet Chhillar 
 (c) Sahanand Mahadev Shetty 
 (d) Bholanath Guin 
 Sol.829.(c)  Sahanand  Mahadev  Shetty 
 (1972)  .  First  time  twenty  sports  persons 
 were  awarded  the  Arjun  award  in  1961. 
 First  winners:  G.S.  Randhawa  (Athletics), 
 Nandu  M.  Natekar  (Basketball),  Buddy  D’ 
 Suza  (Boxing),  Manuel  Aaron  (Chess), 
 Saleem  Durrani  (Cricket),  P .K.  Banerjee 
 (Football),  Kumari  Ann  Lumsden 
 (Hockey),  J.C.  Vora  (Table  Tennis),  R. 
 Krishnan  (Tennis),  A.  Palaniswamy 
 (Volleyball),  A.N.  Ghosh  (weightlifting), 
 Havaldar Udey Chand (Wrestling). 
 Q.830.  The  number  of  pawns  in  chess 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) 14  (b) 15  (c) 16  (d) 17 
 Sol.830.(c)  16.  There  are  six  different 
 types  of  chess  pieces.  Each  side  starts 
 with  16  pieces:  eight  pawns,  two  bishops, 
 two  knights,  two  rooks,  one  queen,  and 
 one  king.  Terminology:  Attack,  Back 
 Rank,  Blitz,  Book,  Blunder,  Castle, 
 Checkmate,  Desperado,  Fork, 
 Q.831.  What  is  the  height  of  the 
 badminton net? 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a)  6 feet  (b) 5.1 feet 
 (c) 6.5 feet  (d) 5.5 feet 
 Sol.831.(b) 5.1 feet.  The length of the                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 62
 Pinnacle  Static GK 
 badminton  court  for  singles  is  13.40  m 
 (44ft).  The  width  for  singles  court  is 
 5.18m  (17  feet),  while  for  the  doubles 
 court,  the  width  is  6.1m  (20  feet).  The 
 diagonal  length  of  the  full  court  is  14.723 
 m.  Terminology  used  in  badminton  : 
 Server  and  Receiver,  Service  Over,  All, 
 Love,  Deuce.  Badminton  is  the  National 
 game of Indonesia. 
 Q.832.  What  is  the  dimension  of  the 
 kabaddi play ?eld for men ? 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 13 m  10 m  (b) 14 m  10 m × ×
 (c) 12.50 m  10 m    (d) 14 m  8m × ×
 Sol.832.(a)  13  m  ×  10  m  and  for  women 
 12m  ×  8m.  A  kabaddi  match  runs  for  40 
 minutes  (two  halves  of  20  minutes  each). 
 Each  team  in  a  kabaddi  match  has  7 
 Q.833.  Linthoi  Chanambam  is 
 associated  with  which  of  the  following 
 sports events ? 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) Cricket  (b) Judo 
 (c) Chess  (d) Badminton 
 Sol.833.(b)  Judo.  Linthoi  Chanambam 
 (Manipur)  -  First  Indian  to  be  crowned 
 world  cadet  judo  championships  in  2022. 
 She  won  the  silver  medal  at  the  2021 
 Asia-Oceania  Junior  Championships  and 
 bronze  at  the  2021  Asia-Oceania  Cadet 
 Championships.  Indian  Judo  Players: 
 Avtar  Singh,  Jasleen  Singh  Saini,  Vijay 
 Kumar  Yadav,  Sushila  Devi  Likmabam, 
 Tulika Mann. 
 Q.834.  Which  of  the  following  sports 
 does  NOT  have  its  apex  national 
 governing  body  headquartered  in  New 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Badminton Association of India 
 (b) Volleyball Federation of India 
 (c) Athletes Federation of India 
 (d) Hockey India 
 Sol.834.(b)  Volleyball  Federation  of 
 India:  It  was  founded  in  1951  and  its 
 Headquarter  is  located  in  Chennai,  Tamil 
 Nadu.  Volleyball  is  played  by  two  teams 
 of  six  players  on  a  court  divided  by  a  net. 
 Volleyball-court  is  18m  long  and  9m 
 wide.  Terms  related  to  Volleyball  -  Spike, 
 Block,  Serve,  Dig,  Set,  Attack,  Rotation, 
 Ace, Side out, Net violation, Kill, etc. 
 Q.835.  How  many  balls  are  there  in  an 
 over in cricket? 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) 6  (b) 4  (c) 7  (d) 5 
 Sol.835.(a) 6.  One bowler can bowl 10 
 overs  in  ODI  cricket  and  4  Overs  in  T20 
 Q.836.  In  football,  a  kick  is  awarded  to 
 the  opposition  player  when  a  player  has 
 committed  a  foul.  What  is  the  kick 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) Bicycle kick  (b) Goal kick 
 (c) Wide kick  (d) Free kick 
 Sol.836.(d)  Free  kick.  Football  related 
 fact  :  dimensions  105  meters  x  68 
 meters;  game  lasts  for  90  minutes  with 
 two  halves  of  45  minutes;  Players  -  11. 
 Football  Terms  -  Attacker,  Back  Heel, 
 Back  Pass,  Bicycle  Kick,  Center  Spot, 
 Corner Flag, Corner Kick, Foul, Free Kick. 
 Q.837.  The  term  'inning'  is  related  to 
 which of the following sports ? 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) Basketball  (b) Hockey 
 (c) Volleyball  (d) kho kho 
 Sol.837.(d)  kho  kho.  Terminology:  Kho, 
 Chaser,  Runner,  Cross  lane,  Central  Lane, 
 Pole, Square. Total Players - 12  . 
 Q.838.  In  the  game  of  ice  hockey,  during 
 normal  play  how  many  players  are  there 
 in  each  team  on  the  ice  at  any  one  time 
 to compete ? 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 5  (b) 10  (c) 12  (d) 6 
 Sol.838.(d)  6.  Ice  hockey  -  Canadian 
 national  sport.  The  ?rst  recognised  team, 
 the  McGill  University  Hockey  Club,  was 
 formed  in  1880.  Sport  and  number  of 
 players  (in  one  Team)  :  Baseball  -  9, 
 Basketball  -12  players  (with  ?ve  players 
 on  the  court  at  any  given  time),  Hockey  - 
 11,  Kabaddi  -  7,  Kho  Kho  -  12  (but  during 
 a  contest,  only  9  players  from  each  side 
 take the ?eld), Polo - 4, Volleyball - 6. 
 Q.839.  How  many  times  has  India  won 
 the ICC T20 Men's World Cup in cricket? 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) 1  (b) 3  (c) 4  (d) 2 
 Sol.839.(a)  1.  Indian  Cricket  team  won 
 the  ?rst  edition  of  the  ICC  T20  cricket 
 world  cup  in  2007  under  the  captain 
 Mahendra  singh  Dhoni.  It  was  held  in 
 South  Africa.  Runner  Up  -  Pakistan.  India 
 has  won  Two  (1983,  2011)  One  Day 
 International (ODI) men's World Cup. 
 Q.840.  The  shape  of  a  basketball  court  is 
 a _________ 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Morning) 
 (a) circle  (b) rectangle 
 (c) square  (d) triangle 
 Sol.840.(b) rectangle.  Shape of other 
 Sports  court:  Boxing  -  Square/Circle, 
 Cricket  -  Circular,  Hockey  -  Rectangular, 
 Volleyball  courts  -  Rectangular,  Tennis 
 courts  -  Rectangular,  Badminton  Courts  - 
 Q.841.  In  test  match  cricket,  how  many 
 minimum overs can a team play in a day ? 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) 60  (b) 80  (c) 70  (d) 90 
 Sol.841.(d)  90.  Test  cricket:  Longest 
 form  of  cricket.  Test  matches  are  played 
 for  ?ve  days  which  comprises  two 
 innings  by  each  team.  First  test  match 
 was  played  between  Australia  and 
 England  in  1877.  Overs  played  in  forms 
 of  cricket  :  T20  cricket  -  20  overs  per 
 innings,  One  Day  International  (ODI)  -  50 
 overs.  One  Day  Internationals  (ODIs)  are 
 a pacier format  started in 1971. 
 Q.842.  Cricket became an international 
 game  with  the  formation  of  the  Imperial 
 Cricket  Conference  (ICC)  in  the 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) 1947  (b) 1951  (c) 1921  (d) 1909 
 Sol.842.(d)  1909.  Imperial  Cricket 
 Conference  (ICC)  -  The  governing  body 
 of  world  cricket.  It  was  renamed  as 
 International  Cricket  Council  (ICC)  in 
 1989. Headquarters - Dubai. 
 Q.843.  In  a  basketball  game,  how  many 
 players  from  one  team  play  on  the  court 
 at any given time? 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) 7  (b) 5  (c) 4  (d) 6 
 Sol.843.(b)  5.  A  traditional  basketball 
 team  has  12  players,  with  ?ve  basketball 
 players  on  the  court  at  any  given  time. 
 Name  of  positions  of  ?ve  players:  Point 
 guard,  Shooting  guard,  Small  forward, 
 Power forward and Center. 
 Q.844.  The  ?rst  Indian  who  won  a  medal 
 in  World  Athletics  Championship 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Afternoon) 
 (a) Neeraj Chopra 
 (b) Annu Rani 
 (c) Anju Bobby George 
 (d) Murali Sreeshankar 
 Sol.844.(c)  Anju  Bobby  George  -  She 
 won  a  bronze  medal  in  long  jump  at  the 
 2003  World  Championships  in  Athletics 
 in Paris. 
 Q.845.  The  term  ‘Dribble’  is  generally 
 associated with______. 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Evening) 
 (a) cricket  (b) baseball                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 63
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