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UPPSC (Mains) General Studies -VI Paper VI (29 September 2023) | UPPSC Previous Year Papers - UPPSC (UP) PDF Download

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No. of Printed Pages : 3 
k1I 1  i'i 3*.R (1— — VI) 
°N  !P S 
[311tI31: 200 
Time Allowed : Three Hours]
[Maximum Marks: 200 
1ii: (i) c120i t'Tt I — 31 10 ii c1 
1*i 1c4 
Iq-1lHI 125 1T
10 11 W {*1 1c* S1k iç fl.ii 200 
i -i f a11 aiI 1ii 
(ii) nft r iIc4I4 I 
(iii) 1c* -I/WT r1L I1d 3T .3'1 HII.11 
(iv) 11?t 'i-41HI 
 t1R  I 
(v) I I 
fr: ci I 
Specific Instructions: (1) There are 20 questions. Section - A consists of 
10 short answer questions with word limit of 125 
each and Section - B consists of 10 long answer 
questions with word limit of 200 each. All questions 
are printed both in Hindi and in English. 
(ii) All questions are compulsory. 
(iii) The number of marks carried by a question/part 
is indicated against it. 
(iv) Keep in mind the word limit indicated in the 
(v) Any page or portion of the page left blank in the 
answer booklet must be clearly struck off. 
- v/sEcTIoN - A 
3itCk 11/Short answer questions. 
1. IT t ¶J 11c1 -fl1 - 2019, U4
 Pi1d ii iid1 içi-i 
How does the Uttar Pradesh Agriculture Export Policy - 2019 strengthens 
the agricultural export activities in the State? 
58/General Studies-VI 1 P.T.0. 
Page 2

No. of Printed Pages : 3 
k1I 1  i'i 3*.R (1— — VI) 
°N  !P S 
[311tI31: 200 
Time Allowed : Three Hours]
[Maximum Marks: 200 
1ii: (i) c120i t'Tt I — 31 10 ii c1 
1*i 1c4 
Iq-1lHI 125 1T
10 11 W {*1 1c* S1k iç fl.ii 200 
i -i f a11 aiI 1ii 
(ii) nft r iIc4I4 I 
(iii) 1c* -I/WT r1L I1d 3T .3'1 HII.11 
(iv) 11?t 'i-41HI 
 t1R  I 
(v) I I 
fr: ci I 
Specific Instructions: (1) There are 20 questions. Section - A consists of 
10 short answer questions with word limit of 125 
each and Section - B consists of 10 long answer 
questions with word limit of 200 each. All questions 
are printed both in Hindi and in English. 
(ii) All questions are compulsory. 
(iii) The number of marks carried by a question/part 
is indicated against it. 
(iv) Keep in mind the word limit indicated in the 
(v) Any page or portion of the page left blank in the 
answer booklet must be clearly struck off. 
- v/sEcTIoN - A 
3itCk 11/Short answer questions. 
1. IT t ¶J 11c1 -fl1 - 2019, U4
 Pi1d ii iid1 içi-i 
How does the Uttar Pradesh Agriculture Export Policy - 2019 strengthens 
the agricultural export activities in the State? 
58/General Studies-VI 1 P.T.0. 
2. '3i. T ikii& t i ? 
What are the key features of the Uttar Pradesh Defence Industrial Corridor? 
3. fic -fl TPTI .15 uii4l 11dIL, 31 Icl 1T ' ? 
What are the key features and significance of the Lower Ganga Canal System 
in Uttar Pradesh? 
4. + ct;kci 4I*fl 'fl
? 8 
What is the Skill Development Scheme under One District One Product 
Programme of the Government of Uttar Pradesh? 
5. 51T 1I11c4,UI 3R 
T ? 8 
What are the major schemes for Empowerment and Welfare of Divyaangjan 
in Uttar Pradesh? 
6. iii ct11 '1F)\*$I TT 1T ' ? 8 
What are the major benefits of the Poorvanchal Expressway Project? 
7. ik 1Ic1 .i'k4ik ci4bH '* t rcl'lc1ITf ? 8 
What are the main features of the Uttar Pradesh Millets Revival Programme? 
8. LIt9 Ic q 
I 8 
Mention the major problems and challenges associated with the utilization 
of the groundwater in Uttar Pradesh. 
9. I14, 3iif 5riTT WbI4. 15 1itPii 1T 8 
What are the major guidelines of Uttar Pradesh Government with reference 
to Plastic Waste Management? 
10. 3rR Wc*R T &I'r.1 ' IiftT iFfc fi'*i iH 2030 T1 ? 8 
What is the Vision Plan 2030 of Uttar Pradesh Government with reference 
to the terrestrial ecosystem in the State? 
- i/SECTION - B 
41 dU 1/Long answer questions. 
11. irt 2023-24 
i i 
11I41  r1L TW111 f,ir* ? 12 
What provisions have been made in the budget of Uttar Pradesh for 2023-24 
to improve its infrastructure? 
58/General Studies-Ill 2 
Page 3

No. of Printed Pages : 3 
k1I 1  i'i 3*.R (1— — VI) 
°N  !P S 
[311tI31: 200 
Time Allowed : Three Hours]
[Maximum Marks: 200 
1ii: (i) c120i t'Tt I — 31 10 ii c1 
1*i 1c4 
Iq-1lHI 125 1T
10 11 W {*1 1c* S1k iç fl.ii 200 
i -i f a11 aiI 1ii 
(ii) nft r iIc4I4 I 
(iii) 1c* -I/WT r1L I1d 3T .3'1 HII.11 
(iv) 11?t 'i-41HI 
 t1R  I 
(v) I I 
fr: ci I 
Specific Instructions: (1) There are 20 questions. Section - A consists of 
10 short answer questions with word limit of 125 
each and Section - B consists of 10 long answer 
questions with word limit of 200 each. All questions 
are printed both in Hindi and in English. 
(ii) All questions are compulsory. 
(iii) The number of marks carried by a question/part 
is indicated against it. 
(iv) Keep in mind the word limit indicated in the 
(v) Any page or portion of the page left blank in the 
answer booklet must be clearly struck off. 
- v/sEcTIoN - A 
3itCk 11/Short answer questions. 
1. IT t ¶J 11c1 -fl1 - 2019, U4
 Pi1d ii iid1 içi-i 
How does the Uttar Pradesh Agriculture Export Policy - 2019 strengthens 
the agricultural export activities in the State? 
58/General Studies-VI 1 P.T.0. 
2. '3i. T ikii& t i ? 
What are the key features of the Uttar Pradesh Defence Industrial Corridor? 
3. fic -fl TPTI .15 uii4l 11dIL, 31 Icl 1T ' ? 
What are the key features and significance of the Lower Ganga Canal System 
in Uttar Pradesh? 
4. + ct;kci 4I*fl 'fl
? 8 
What is the Skill Development Scheme under One District One Product 
Programme of the Government of Uttar Pradesh? 
5. 51T 1I11c4,UI 3R 
T ? 8 
What are the major schemes for Empowerment and Welfare of Divyaangjan 
in Uttar Pradesh? 
6. iii ct11 '1F)\*$I TT 1T ' ? 8 
What are the major benefits of the Poorvanchal Expressway Project? 
7. ik 1Ic1 .i'k4ik ci4bH '* t rcl'lc1ITf ? 8 
What are the main features of the Uttar Pradesh Millets Revival Programme? 
8. LIt9 Ic q 
I 8 
Mention the major problems and challenges associated with the utilization 
of the groundwater in Uttar Pradesh. 
9. I14, 3iif 5riTT WbI4. 15 1itPii 1T 8 
What are the major guidelines of Uttar Pradesh Government with reference 
to Plastic Waste Management? 
10. 3rR Wc*R T &I'r.1 ' IiftT iFfc fi'*i iH 2030 T1 ? 8 
What is the Vision Plan 2030 of Uttar Pradesh Government with reference 
to the terrestrial ecosystem in the State? 
- i/SECTION - B 
41 dU 1/Long answer questions. 
11. irt 2023-24 
i i 
11I41  r1L TW111 f,ir* ? 12 
What provisions have been made in the budget of Uttar Pradesh for 2023-24 
to improve its infrastructure? 
58/General Studies-Ill 2 
12. 511 RctR Pii 3flIc1 ici T T1 t ? 12 
What recent initiatives has the Government of Uttar Pradesh undertaken to 
attract investment in the State? 
13. IHIr.1c—c4I1i4) t  .ik 51T Wl'I( RI 1t 'T 15 1TE 3 
 1T ? 12 
What are the key initiatives and strategies undertaken by the Government 
of Uttar Pradesh to promote social-forestry in the State? 
14. &I'Y1 iiiiciirfl 1ii'i fii zict i.0 ii   ii1)  
cbI 12 
Discuss the major facilities offered by Government of Uttar Pradesh for 
development of horticulture in the State. 
15. ik 3TE 1ii c1dHH ') 3Th 'I1 t PTRT3Rt it 3tc1*1IcHcl 
rIkuI ct. I 12 
Critically analyse the current initiatives and future prospects for bio-energy 
development in Uttar Pradesh. 
16. i* fl 41H '.1 4II.1 4ki-i I1H , i-i -i )i1i I 12 
Outline the importance of the Meteorological Centre, Lucknow with reference 
to weather forecasts in Uttar Pradesh. 
17. lI 1cH 1cici.i 
 kI cb14 '1iii eiili fi-i'i i 
fci.ui i'&cj,i I 12 
Present an account of the missions included in the State Action Plan on 
Climate Change in Uttar Pradesh. 
18. cRI cfr4sIlc4 3Tt] i 4T!t1.1Th4 1c'c1 o1i1i t I 12 
Explain the ecological importance of the Wildlife Sanctuaries in the Taraf 
region of Uttar Pradesh. 
19. ik 5IT 311uu{Ic4 ItR1 H T 1Iui 
 I 12 
Analyse the importance of minerals in industrial development of Bundelkhand 
region of Uttar Pradesh. 
20. ik IE 1iii i u[cGl '.4Tk'1 iI 
TI'T ? 12 
What are the major objectives and target group in Innovation Promotion 
Programmes of the Council of Science and Technology in Uttar Pradesh? 
58/General Studies-VI 3 
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56 docs

FAQs on UPPSC (Mains) General Studies -VI Paper VI (29 September 2023) - UPPSC Previous Year Papers - UPPSC (UP)

1. UPPSC Mains General Studies Paper VI का पाठ्यक्रम क्या है?
Ans.UPPSC Mains General Studies Paper VI का पाठ्यक्रम विभिन्न सामाजिक, आर्थिक, और सांस्कृतिक विषयों को शामिल करता है। इसमें भारतीय समाज, सामाजिक न्याय, और मानवाधिकार जैसे मुद्दों पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया जाता है। इसके अलावा, यह प्रश्न पत्र भारतीय संस्कृति, परंपराओं, और नैतिक मूल्यों पर भी प्रकाश डालता है।
2. UPPSC Mains में सामान्य अध्ययन पेपर VI की तैयारी के लिए कौन सी किताबें सबसे अच्छी हैं?
Ans.UPPSC Mains सामान्य अध्ययन पेपर VI की तैयारी के लिए कुछ महत्वपूर्ण किताबों में "Indian Society" (NCERT), "Social Issues in India" (Ram Ahuja), और "Human Rights and Social Justice" शामिल हैं। इसके अलावा, विभिन्न पत्रिकाएँ और रिपोर्ट्स भी तैयारी में सहायक होती हैं।
3. UPPSC Mains के लिए सामान्य अध्ययन पेपर VI में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों का प्रारूप क्या होता है?
Ans.UPPSC Mains सामान्य अध्ययन पेपर VI में प्रश्न अक्सर निबंधात्मक और विवेचनात्मक होते हैं। प्रश्नों का प्रारूप ऐसी स्थितियों पर आधारित होता है जहां उम्मीदवार को अपने विचारों को स्पष्ट रूप से और तार्किक तरीके से प्रस्तुत करना होता है।
4. UPPSC Mains सामान्य अध्ययन पेपर VI में पिछले वर्षों में पूछे गए कुछ महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न कौन से हैं?
Ans.पिछले वर्षों में पूछे गए महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों में "भारतीय समाज में जाति प्रथा का प्रभाव" और "महिला सशक्तिकरण के लिए सरकारी योजनाएं" शामिल हैं। ये प्रश्न समाज के विभिन्न पहलुओं पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं और उम्मीदवारों के विश्लेषणात्मक कौशल को परखते हैं।
5. UPPSC Mains सामान्य अध्ययन पेपर VI के लिए कौन सी रणनीतियाँ अपनाई जानी चाहिए?
Ans.UPPSC Mains सामान्य अध्ययन पेपर VI के लिए तैयारी करते समय, उम्मीदवारों को नियमित रूप से समाचार पत्र पढ़ने, सामाजिक मुद्दों पर चर्चा करने, और मॉक परीक्षण लेने की सलाह दी जाती है। इसके अलावा, विभिन्न विषयों की गहन समझ विकसित करना और समय प्रबंधन पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना भी महत्वपूर्ण है।
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