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Introduction to Sales Promotion
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.
Lesson: Introduction to sales Promotion
Course Developer : Astha Kanjlia
College/ Department : Keshav Mahavidyalaya, Business Studies
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Introduction to Sales Promotion
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.
Lesson: Introduction to sales Promotion
Course Developer : Astha Kanjlia
College/ Department : Keshav Mahavidyalaya, Business Studies
Introduction to Sales Promotion
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.
Table of Contents:
Chapter: Introduction to Sales Promotion
1: Learning Outcomes
2: Introduction
3: Difference between Advertising and Sales Promotion
4: Nature, Importance and Objectives of Sales Promotion
4.1: Nature
4.2: Importance
4.3: Objectives
5: Functions of Sales Promotion
6: Forms of Sales Promotions
6.1: Consumer Promotion
6.2: Trade Promotion
6.3: Sales-Force Promotion
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Introduction to Sales Promotion
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.
Lesson: Introduction to sales Promotion
Course Developer : Astha Kanjlia
College/ Department : Keshav Mahavidyalaya, Business Studies
Introduction to Sales Promotion
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.
Table of Contents:
Chapter: Introduction to Sales Promotion
1: Learning Outcomes
2: Introduction
3: Difference between Advertising and Sales Promotion
4: Nature, Importance and Objectives of Sales Promotion
4.1: Nature
4.2: Importance
4.3: Objectives
5: Functions of Sales Promotion
6: Forms of Sales Promotions
6.1: Consumer Promotion
6.2: Trade Promotion
6.3: Sales-Force Promotion
Introduction to Sales Promotion
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.
1. Learning Outcomes
After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:
? understand the concept of sales promotion,
? differentiate between sales promotion and advertising,
? comprehend the importance of sales promotion,
? understand the objectives of sales promotion,
? describe the functions of sales promotion,
? appreciate various forms of sales promotion.
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Introduction to Sales Promotion
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.
Lesson: Introduction to sales Promotion
Course Developer : Astha Kanjlia
College/ Department : Keshav Mahavidyalaya, Business Studies
Introduction to Sales Promotion
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.
Table of Contents:
Chapter: Introduction to Sales Promotion
1: Learning Outcomes
2: Introduction
3: Difference between Advertising and Sales Promotion
4: Nature, Importance and Objectives of Sales Promotion
4.1: Nature
4.2: Importance
4.3: Objectives
5: Functions of Sales Promotion
6: Forms of Sales Promotions
6.1: Consumer Promotion
6.2: Trade Promotion
6.3: Sales-Force Promotion
Introduction to Sales Promotion
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.
1. Learning Outcomes
After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:
? understand the concept of sales promotion,
? differentiate between sales promotion and advertising,
? comprehend the importance of sales promotion,
? understand the objectives of sales promotion,
? describe the functions of sales promotion,
? appreciate various forms of sales promotion.
Introduction to Sales Promotion
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.
2. Introduction
Figure 1: Marketing Communication Mix
Marketers have always been looking out for the best possible ways to communicate their
colorful and aesthetically designed ideas, messages to stimulate a desired response or
specific perception about their products/ services among the targeted group of customers.
There are several modes of communicating a message to the targeted audience. The
process of assembling of the idea, message, design, media, color and form is known as
“Communication Mix”. In order to gather this communication mix, organizations have a
variety of tools to choose from as shown in the figure above. The tool could be any one or a
combination of few. “Communication Mix” is also referred to as “Promotion Mix”. It helps in
not just spreading awareness about the manufacturer’s product but also stimulating the
customers to make purchases.
“Sales Promotion” is one such tool; Advertising, Personal Selling, Direct Marketing and
Public Relations are the rest of them. Each one has a specific purpose to serve, objective to
accomplish. They are used at different points in time during a product’s life cycle.
Page 5
Introduction to Sales Promotion
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.
Lesson: Introduction to sales Promotion
Course Developer : Astha Kanjlia
College/ Department : Keshav Mahavidyalaya, Business Studies
Introduction to Sales Promotion
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.
Table of Contents:
Chapter: Introduction to Sales Promotion
1: Learning Outcomes
2: Introduction
3: Difference between Advertising and Sales Promotion
4: Nature, Importance and Objectives of Sales Promotion
4.1: Nature
4.2: Importance
4.3: Objectives
5: Functions of Sales Promotion
6: Forms of Sales Promotions
6.1: Consumer Promotion
6.2: Trade Promotion
6.3: Sales-Force Promotion
Introduction to Sales Promotion
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.
1. Learning Outcomes
After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:
? understand the concept of sales promotion,
? differentiate between sales promotion and advertising,
? comprehend the importance of sales promotion,
? understand the objectives of sales promotion,
? describe the functions of sales promotion,
? appreciate various forms of sales promotion.
Introduction to Sales Promotion
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.
2. Introduction
Figure 1: Marketing Communication Mix
Marketers have always been looking out for the best possible ways to communicate their
colorful and aesthetically designed ideas, messages to stimulate a desired response or
specific perception about their products/ services among the targeted group of customers.
There are several modes of communicating a message to the targeted audience. The
process of assembling of the idea, message, design, media, color and form is known as
“Communication Mix”. In order to gather this communication mix, organizations have a
variety of tools to choose from as shown in the figure above. The tool could be any one or a
combination of few. “Communication Mix” is also referred to as “Promotion Mix”. It helps in
not just spreading awareness about the manufacturer’s product but also stimulating the
customers to make purchases.
“Sales Promotion” is one such tool; Advertising, Personal Selling, Direct Marketing and
Public Relations are the rest of them. Each one has a specific purpose to serve, objective to
accomplish. They are used at different points in time during a product’s life cycle.
Introduction to Sales Promotion
Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.
In order to increase their sales, trial or usage of a product or service, organizations make
use of initiatives such as Sales Promotion. It is essentially an inducement, a direct and
immediate one that prompts the customer/ dealer to buy the product. It does so by adding
extra value in the product than what is actually available at its normal price. The offers are
made at such places and usually at the time when the buying decisions are being made.
Sales promotion can hence be referred to as activities that offer incentive and create
interest. Generally, these activities are events that are short-term in nature. Some of the
objectives of sales promotion are to motivate and influence the customer’s purchase,
stimulate particular behavioral reactions from them.
With respect to the picture below, sales promotion can be understood as an incentive to
induce, persuade and motivate the customers to purchase products immediately since such
offers, promotions and schemes are available only for a short period of time.
Figure 2: Hurry!! Offer Valid till Stocks last
In the light of the present competitive market conditions, sales promotions are very
common and are increasing at a very fast pace. In spite of the directness of Sales
promotion, it is considered to be fairly complicated. It is also known to be a useful tool of
marketing with numerous possibilities of creativity limited only by the promotion planner’s
imagination. Some common names by which Sales promotion is often referred to are ‘extra
purchase value’ and ‘below-the-line selling’. In other words, Sales Promotion can also be
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