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CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature Question Paper 2011 PDF Download

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(Reading) (15 Marks)
ENGLISH (Language and Literature)
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum marks : 80
(i) The Question Paper is divided into four Sections.
Section A : Reading Comprehension 15 marks
Section B : Writing 15 marks
Section C : Grammar 15 marks
Section D : Literature/Text Books 35 marks
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Marks are indicated against each question.
1. Read the passage given below and choose the most appropriate answer to each
question out of the options that follow: 1x5= 5 marks
In ancient times, the Olympics were associated with Greek religious festivals. Life in
ancient Greece revolved around their gods. The Greeks believed that their gods
were immortal, and more powerful than human beings., They honoured their gods
with festivals devoted to sports.
The most important of these festivals were the four national festivals. They were
open to sportsmen from all Greek regions and colonies. Each of the festivals was
held at a different place and was celebrated in honour of a particular god. The
Olympic games were held in Olympia which was an important religious centre in
ancient Greece. A magnificent temple was built there in honour of the god, Zeus. He
was regarded as the ruler of both gods and men. People tried to please Zeus by
excelling in sports, and many contests of skill and strength were held.
It was believed that the Olympic games were founded by the Greek hero, Hercules
who was known as the son of the god, Zeus. He performed twelve seemingly im-
possible tasks to become the greatest of all Greek heroes. He cleaned in a single
day King Augeas' stables which was an impossible task. The king was fabulously
rich and had thousands and thousands of animals. So his stables were extremely
dirty and full of stink. Hercules redirected the course of the river, Alpheus through
Page 2

(Reading) (15 Marks)
ENGLISH (Language and Literature)
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum marks : 80
(i) The Question Paper is divided into four Sections.
Section A : Reading Comprehension 15 marks
Section B : Writing 15 marks
Section C : Grammar 15 marks
Section D : Literature/Text Books 35 marks
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Marks are indicated against each question.
1. Read the passage given below and choose the most appropriate answer to each
question out of the options that follow: 1x5= 5 marks
In ancient times, the Olympics were associated with Greek religious festivals. Life in
ancient Greece revolved around their gods. The Greeks believed that their gods
were immortal, and more powerful than human beings., They honoured their gods
with festivals devoted to sports.
The most important of these festivals were the four national festivals. They were
open to sportsmen from all Greek regions and colonies. Each of the festivals was
held at a different place and was celebrated in honour of a particular god. The
Olympic games were held in Olympia which was an important religious centre in
ancient Greece. A magnificent temple was built there in honour of the god, Zeus. He
was regarded as the ruler of both gods and men. People tried to please Zeus by
excelling in sports, and many contests of skill and strength were held.
It was believed that the Olympic games were founded by the Greek hero, Hercules
who was known as the son of the god, Zeus. He performed twelve seemingly im-
possible tasks to become the greatest of all Greek heroes. He cleaned in a single
day King Augeas' stables which was an impossible task. The king was fabulously
rich and had thousands and thousands of animals. So his stables were extremely
dirty and full of stink. Hercules redirected the course of the river, Alpheus through
the stables of the king. All the muck and dirt were washed out in a single day. To
celebrate this achievement he started the Olympic games in honour of his father,
(a) The Greeks celebrated festivals devoted to sport to ................... .
(i) gain physical strength
(ii) honour their gods
(iii) get power
(iv) become immortal
(b) In ancient Greece the Olympic games were held .................. .
(i) in Greek regions
(ii) in colonies
(iii) at religious centres
(iv) at Olympia
(c) They honoured Zeus by ................... .
(i) building magnificent temples
(ii) excelling in sports
(iii) excelling in contests of skill and strength
(iv) doing all of the above things
(d) The impossible task performed by Hercules was .................. .
(i) the cleaning of Augeas' stables in a day
(ii) removing the muck and dirt from the king's stables
(iii) redirecting the course of the river through the stables
(iv) all of the above
(e) The word/phrase in the passage which means 'deathless' is ..................... .
(i) gods
(ii) immortal
(iii) human beings
(iv) religious centre
Page 3

(Reading) (15 Marks)
ENGLISH (Language and Literature)
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum marks : 80
(i) The Question Paper is divided into four Sections.
Section A : Reading Comprehension 15 marks
Section B : Writing 15 marks
Section C : Grammar 15 marks
Section D : Literature/Text Books 35 marks
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Marks are indicated against each question.
1. Read the passage given below and choose the most appropriate answer to each
question out of the options that follow: 1x5= 5 marks
In ancient times, the Olympics were associated with Greek religious festivals. Life in
ancient Greece revolved around their gods. The Greeks believed that their gods
were immortal, and more powerful than human beings., They honoured their gods
with festivals devoted to sports.
The most important of these festivals were the four national festivals. They were
open to sportsmen from all Greek regions and colonies. Each of the festivals was
held at a different place and was celebrated in honour of a particular god. The
Olympic games were held in Olympia which was an important religious centre in
ancient Greece. A magnificent temple was built there in honour of the god, Zeus. He
was regarded as the ruler of both gods and men. People tried to please Zeus by
excelling in sports, and many contests of skill and strength were held.
It was believed that the Olympic games were founded by the Greek hero, Hercules
who was known as the son of the god, Zeus. He performed twelve seemingly im-
possible tasks to become the greatest of all Greek heroes. He cleaned in a single
day King Augeas' stables which was an impossible task. The king was fabulously
rich and had thousands and thousands of animals. So his stables were extremely
dirty and full of stink. Hercules redirected the course of the river, Alpheus through
the stables of the king. All the muck and dirt were washed out in a single day. To
celebrate this achievement he started the Olympic games in honour of his father,
(a) The Greeks celebrated festivals devoted to sport to ................... .
(i) gain physical strength
(ii) honour their gods
(iii) get power
(iv) become immortal
(b) In ancient Greece the Olympic games were held .................. .
(i) in Greek regions
(ii) in colonies
(iii) at religious centres
(iv) at Olympia
(c) They honoured Zeus by ................... .
(i) building magnificent temples
(ii) excelling in sports
(iii) excelling in contests of skill and strength
(iv) doing all of the above things
(d) The impossible task performed by Hercules was .................. .
(i) the cleaning of Augeas' stables in a day
(ii) removing the muck and dirt from the king's stables
(iii) redirecting the course of the river through the stables
(iv) all of the above
(e) The word/phrase in the passage which means 'deathless' is ..................... .
(i) gods
(ii) immortal
(iii) human beings
(iv) religious centre
2. Read the poem given below and choose the most appropriate answer to each
question out of the options that follow: 1x5=5 marks
Oh, books, what books they used to know,
Those children living long ago!
So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,
Go throw your TV set away,
And in its place you can install
A lovely bookshelf on the wall.
Then fill the shelves with lots of books,
Ignoring all the dirty looks, ........
Fear not, because we promise you
That, in about a week or two
Of having nothing else to do,
They'll now begin to feel the need
Of having something to read.
And once they start - oh boy, oh boy!
Y ou watch the slowly growing joy
That fills their hearts. They'll grow so keen
They'll wonder what they'd ever seen
In that ridiculous machine ............
Roald Dahl
(a) The word, 'they' in the first line refers to ................ .
(i) writers
(ii) children living in the present times
(iii) children living in the olden days
(iv) parents of children
(b) The poet wants the T.V . set to be replaced with .............. .
(i) gadgets
(ii) bookshelves filled with lots of books
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(Reading) (15 Marks)
ENGLISH (Language and Literature)
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum marks : 80
(i) The Question Paper is divided into four Sections.
Section A : Reading Comprehension 15 marks
Section B : Writing 15 marks
Section C : Grammar 15 marks
Section D : Literature/Text Books 35 marks
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Marks are indicated against each question.
1. Read the passage given below and choose the most appropriate answer to each
question out of the options that follow: 1x5= 5 marks
In ancient times, the Olympics were associated with Greek religious festivals. Life in
ancient Greece revolved around their gods. The Greeks believed that their gods
were immortal, and more powerful than human beings., They honoured their gods
with festivals devoted to sports.
The most important of these festivals were the four national festivals. They were
open to sportsmen from all Greek regions and colonies. Each of the festivals was
held at a different place and was celebrated in honour of a particular god. The
Olympic games were held in Olympia which was an important religious centre in
ancient Greece. A magnificent temple was built there in honour of the god, Zeus. He
was regarded as the ruler of both gods and men. People tried to please Zeus by
excelling in sports, and many contests of skill and strength were held.
It was believed that the Olympic games were founded by the Greek hero, Hercules
who was known as the son of the god, Zeus. He performed twelve seemingly im-
possible tasks to become the greatest of all Greek heroes. He cleaned in a single
day King Augeas' stables which was an impossible task. The king was fabulously
rich and had thousands and thousands of animals. So his stables were extremely
dirty and full of stink. Hercules redirected the course of the river, Alpheus through
the stables of the king. All the muck and dirt were washed out in a single day. To
celebrate this achievement he started the Olympic games in honour of his father,
(a) The Greeks celebrated festivals devoted to sport to ................... .
(i) gain physical strength
(ii) honour their gods
(iii) get power
(iv) become immortal
(b) In ancient Greece the Olympic games were held .................. .
(i) in Greek regions
(ii) in colonies
(iii) at religious centres
(iv) at Olympia
(c) They honoured Zeus by ................... .
(i) building magnificent temples
(ii) excelling in sports
(iii) excelling in contests of skill and strength
(iv) doing all of the above things
(d) The impossible task performed by Hercules was .................. .
(i) the cleaning of Augeas' stables in a day
(ii) removing the muck and dirt from the king's stables
(iii) redirecting the course of the river through the stables
(iv) all of the above
(e) The word/phrase in the passage which means 'deathless' is ..................... .
(i) gods
(ii) immortal
(iii) human beings
(iv) religious centre
2. Read the poem given below and choose the most appropriate answer to each
question out of the options that follow: 1x5=5 marks
Oh, books, what books they used to know,
Those children living long ago!
So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,
Go throw your TV set away,
And in its place you can install
A lovely bookshelf on the wall.
Then fill the shelves with lots of books,
Ignoring all the dirty looks, ........
Fear not, because we promise you
That, in about a week or two
Of having nothing else to do,
They'll now begin to feel the need
Of having something to read.
And once they start - oh boy, oh boy!
Y ou watch the slowly growing joy
That fills their hearts. They'll grow so keen
They'll wonder what they'd ever seen
In that ridiculous machine ............
Roald Dahl
(a) The word, 'they' in the first line refers to ................ .
(i) writers
(ii) children living in the present times
(iii) children living in the olden days
(iv) parents of children
(b) The poet wants the T.V . set to be replaced with .............. .
(i) gadgets
(ii) bookshelves filled with lots of books
(iii) bookshelves
(iv) showcases
(c) The poet is sure that the children would begin to read the books within a
week or two because they .................. .
(i) will have no other work
(ii) will have no television
(iii) will have books in the shelves
(iv) with no work, will feel the need for something to read
(d) Once the children start reading they will get .................. .
(i) joy
(ii) surprise
(iii) excitement
(iv) thrill
(e) The tone of the poem is ........................ .
(i) sad
(ii) humorous
(iii) happy
(iv) satirical
3. Read the passage given below and complete the sentences that follow: 1x5= 5 marks
Once a carpenter went looking for a job. He approached a building contractor, and
got a job at a decent salary and good working conditions. The carpenter was thrilled
and determined to do his best. His boss provided him with tools and showed him
the place where he was supposed to work.
At the end of the first day, the carpenter prepared fifteen doors. His boss was happy
with his performance and congratulated him. The carpenter tried harder the next
day but he was able to prepare only 10 doors. The third day he tried even harder,
but he could prepare only seven. Day after day he was preparing less and less
"I must be losing my strength," the carpenter thought. He went to the boss and
apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on. "When was the
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(Reading) (15 Marks)
ENGLISH (Language and Literature)
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum marks : 80
(i) The Question Paper is divided into four Sections.
Section A : Reading Comprehension 15 marks
Section B : Writing 15 marks
Section C : Grammar 15 marks
Section D : Literature/Text Books 35 marks
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Marks are indicated against each question.
1. Read the passage given below and choose the most appropriate answer to each
question out of the options that follow: 1x5= 5 marks
In ancient times, the Olympics were associated with Greek religious festivals. Life in
ancient Greece revolved around their gods. The Greeks believed that their gods
were immortal, and more powerful than human beings., They honoured their gods
with festivals devoted to sports.
The most important of these festivals were the four national festivals. They were
open to sportsmen from all Greek regions and colonies. Each of the festivals was
held at a different place and was celebrated in honour of a particular god. The
Olympic games were held in Olympia which was an important religious centre in
ancient Greece. A magnificent temple was built there in honour of the god, Zeus. He
was regarded as the ruler of both gods and men. People tried to please Zeus by
excelling in sports, and many contests of skill and strength were held.
It was believed that the Olympic games were founded by the Greek hero, Hercules
who was known as the son of the god, Zeus. He performed twelve seemingly im-
possible tasks to become the greatest of all Greek heroes. He cleaned in a single
day King Augeas' stables which was an impossible task. The king was fabulously
rich and had thousands and thousands of animals. So his stables were extremely
dirty and full of stink. Hercules redirected the course of the river, Alpheus through
the stables of the king. All the muck and dirt were washed out in a single day. To
celebrate this achievement he started the Olympic games in honour of his father,
(a) The Greeks celebrated festivals devoted to sport to ................... .
(i) gain physical strength
(ii) honour their gods
(iii) get power
(iv) become immortal
(b) In ancient Greece the Olympic games were held .................. .
(i) in Greek regions
(ii) in colonies
(iii) at religious centres
(iv) at Olympia
(c) They honoured Zeus by ................... .
(i) building magnificent temples
(ii) excelling in sports
(iii) excelling in contests of skill and strength
(iv) doing all of the above things
(d) The impossible task performed by Hercules was .................. .
(i) the cleaning of Augeas' stables in a day
(ii) removing the muck and dirt from the king's stables
(iii) redirecting the course of the river through the stables
(iv) all of the above
(e) The word/phrase in the passage which means 'deathless' is ..................... .
(i) gods
(ii) immortal
(iii) human beings
(iv) religious centre
2. Read the poem given below and choose the most appropriate answer to each
question out of the options that follow: 1x5=5 marks
Oh, books, what books they used to know,
Those children living long ago!
So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,
Go throw your TV set away,
And in its place you can install
A lovely bookshelf on the wall.
Then fill the shelves with lots of books,
Ignoring all the dirty looks, ........
Fear not, because we promise you
That, in about a week or two
Of having nothing else to do,
They'll now begin to feel the need
Of having something to read.
And once they start - oh boy, oh boy!
Y ou watch the slowly growing joy
That fills their hearts. They'll grow so keen
They'll wonder what they'd ever seen
In that ridiculous machine ............
Roald Dahl
(a) The word, 'they' in the first line refers to ................ .
(i) writers
(ii) children living in the present times
(iii) children living in the olden days
(iv) parents of children
(b) The poet wants the T.V . set to be replaced with .............. .
(i) gadgets
(ii) bookshelves filled with lots of books
(iii) bookshelves
(iv) showcases
(c) The poet is sure that the children would begin to read the books within a
week or two because they .................. .
(i) will have no other work
(ii) will have no television
(iii) will have books in the shelves
(iv) with no work, will feel the need for something to read
(d) Once the children start reading they will get .................. .
(i) joy
(ii) surprise
(iii) excitement
(iv) thrill
(e) The tone of the poem is ........................ .
(i) sad
(ii) humorous
(iii) happy
(iv) satirical
3. Read the passage given below and complete the sentences that follow: 1x5= 5 marks
Once a carpenter went looking for a job. He approached a building contractor, and
got a job at a decent salary and good working conditions. The carpenter was thrilled
and determined to do his best. His boss provided him with tools and showed him
the place where he was supposed to work.
At the end of the first day, the carpenter prepared fifteen doors. His boss was happy
with his performance and congratulated him. The carpenter tried harder the next
day but he was able to prepare only 10 doors. The third day he tried even harder,
but he could prepare only seven. Day after day he was preparing less and less
"I must be losing my strength," the carpenter thought. He went to the boss and
apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on. "When was the
last time you sharpened your tools ?" the boss asked. "Sharpen! I had no time to
sharpen my tools. I have been busy trying to prepare doors," said the carpenter.
Most of us never update our skills. We think that whatever we have learned is
(a) The carpenter approached the building contractor because ....................... .
(b) The carpenter became extremely happy because he ................... .
(c) The boss congratulated him because ......................... .
(d) His boss advised him .................... .
(e) The word in the passage which means the same as 'asked someone for some-
thing' is ........................ .
Writing 15 Marks
4. Y ou are Arun/ Arunima staying at Room No. 15, Ramjas School Hostel, Paharganj,
Delhi. W rite a letter in not more than 100 words requesting your father to permit you
to go with your friends on an adventure trip organized by your boarding school. 6 marks
Employing minor children, both boys and girls, as full time domestic helps is a common
feature. Write a letter in not more than 100 words to the Editor, 'The Times of India'
advocating the need to stop such a practice which deprives the children of their
basic rights.
5. The rate of crime in Delhi does not fall down in spite of all the efforts made by the
police. It seems that either the number of police personnel is less in proportion to the
population or they are ill equipped in terms of training and arms. Write an article in
not more than 120 words on the state of crime in Delhi and how to solve it. Y ou are
Sunita/Sumit. 6 marks
Nowadays just about everyone owns a cellphone. Most of the users do not follow
even the basic rules of cellphone conduct. Write a speech in not more than 120
words to be delivered in the school assembly to apprise the fellow students of
cellphone etiquette. Use the hints given below. Y ou are Kartik/Kritika.
 speak loudly, distracting others
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FAQs on CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature Question Paper 2011

1. What is the format of the CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature Question Paper?
Ans. The CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature Question Paper consists of multiple sections, including Reading, Writing, and Grammar. The paper usually contains a mix of objective-type questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions.
2. How can I prepare for the CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature exam?
Ans. To prepare for the CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature exam, you can start by thoroughly studying the prescribed textbooks and understanding the concepts. Additionally, practicing previous years' question papers and sample papers can help you familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and improve your time management skills.
3. What are the important topics to focus on for the CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature exam?
Ans. Some important topics to focus on for the CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature exam include comprehension passages, grammar rules, writing skills, literature chapters, and poetry analysis. It is essential to have a good understanding of these topics to perform well in the exam.
4. Are there any specific tips to score well in the CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature exam?
Ans. Yes, here are some tips to score well in the CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature exam: - Read the question paper carefully and plan your answers accordingly. - Answer the questions in a structured manner, providing relevant examples or supporting evidence. - Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling while writing the answers. - Practice writing essays, letters, and reports to improve your writing skills. - Revise the literature chapters thoroughly, understanding the themes, characters, and plot details.
5. How can I manage my time effectively during the CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature exam?
Ans. Time management is crucial during the CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature exam. To manage your time effectively, divide the allotted time for each section and question. Start with the questions you find easier and quicker to answer. If you get stuck on a particular question, move on to the next one and come back to it later. Also, avoid spending too much time on any one question. Keep track of time while writing your answers to ensure you complete the paper within the given timeframe.
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