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 Page 1

 company form of organisation is the third stage
 in the evolution of forms of organisation. Its
capital is contributed by a large number of persons
called shareholders who are the real owners of the
company. But neither it is possible for all of them to
participate in the management of the company nor
considered desirable. Therefore, they elect a Board
of Directors as their representative to manage the
affairs of the company. In fact, all the affairs of the
company are governed by the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013. A company means a company
incorporated or registered under the Companies Act,
2013 or under any other earlier Companies Acts.
According to Chief Justice Marshal, “a company is
a person, artificial, invisible, intangible and existing
only in the eyes of law. Being a mere creation of law,
it possesses only those properties which the charter
of its creation confers upon it, either expressly or as
incidental to its very existence”.
A company usually raises its capital in the form of
shares (called share capital) and debentures (debt
capital.) This chapter deals with the accounting for
share capital of companies.
1.1 Features of a Company
A company may be viewed as an association of
person who contribute money or money’s worth to
a common inventory and use it for a common
purpose. It is an artificial person having  corporate
legal entity distinct from its members (shareholders)
and has a common seal used for its signature. Thus,
After studying this chapter,
you will be able to :
• explain the basic nature
of a joint stock company
as a form of business
organisation and the
various kinds of
companies based on
liability of their
• describe the types of
shares issued by a
• explain the accounting
treatment of shares
issued at par, at
premium and at
discount including
• outline the accounting
for  forfeiture of shares
and reissue of forfeited
shares under varying
• workout the amounts to
be transferred to capital
reserve when forfeited
shares are reissued; and
prepare share forfeited
account ;
Accounting for Share Capital 1
Page 2

 company form of organisation is the third stage
 in the evolution of forms of organisation. Its
capital is contributed by a large number of persons
called shareholders who are the real owners of the
company. But neither it is possible for all of them to
participate in the management of the company nor
considered desirable. Therefore, they elect a Board
of Directors as their representative to manage the
affairs of the company. In fact, all the affairs of the
company are governed by the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013. A company means a company
incorporated or registered under the Companies Act,
2013 or under any other earlier Companies Acts.
According to Chief Justice Marshal, “a company is
a person, artificial, invisible, intangible and existing
only in the eyes of law. Being a mere creation of law,
it possesses only those properties which the charter
of its creation confers upon it, either expressly or as
incidental to its very existence”.
A company usually raises its capital in the form of
shares (called share capital) and debentures (debt
capital.) This chapter deals with the accounting for
share capital of companies.
1.1 Features of a Company
A company may be viewed as an association of
person who contribute money or money’s worth to
a common inventory and use it for a common
purpose. It is an artificial person having  corporate
legal entity distinct from its members (shareholders)
and has a common seal used for its signature. Thus,
After studying this chapter,
you will be able to :
• explain the basic nature
of a joint stock company
as a form of business
organisation and the
various kinds of
companies based on
liability of their
• describe the types of
shares issued by a
• explain the accounting
treatment of shares
issued at par, at
premium and at
discount including
• outline the accounting
for  forfeiture of shares
and reissue of forfeited
shares under varying
• workout the amounts to
be transferred to capital
reserve when forfeited
shares are reissued; and
prepare share forfeited
account ;
Accounting for Share Capital 1
2 Accountancy : Company Accounts and Analysis of Financial Statements
it has certain special features which distinguish it from the other forms of
organisation. These are as follows:
• Body Corporate: A company is formed according to the provisions of
Law enforced from time to time. Generally, in India, the companies are
formed and registered under Companies Law except in the case of Banking
and Insurance companies for which a separate Law is provided for.
• Separate Legal Entity: A company has a separate legal entity which is
distinct and separate from its members. It can hold and deal with any
type of property. It can enter into contracts and even open a bank account
in its own name.
• Limited Liability: The liability of the members of the company is limited
to the extent of unpaid amount of the shares held by them. In the case of
the companies limited by guarantee, the liability of its members is limited
to the extent of the guarantee given by them in the event of the company
being wound up.
• Perpetual Succession: The company being an artificial person created by
law continues to exist irrespective of the changes in its membership. A
company can be terminated only through law. The death or insanity or
insolvency of any member of the company in no way affects the existence of
the company. Members may come and go but the company continues.
• Common Seal: The company being an artificial person, cannot sign its name
by itself. Therefore, every company is required to have its own seal which
acts as official signatures of the company. Any document which does not
carry the common seal of the company is not binding on the company.
• Transferability of Shares: The shares of a public limited company are
freely transferable. The permission of the company or the consent of any
member of the company is not necessary for the transfer of shares. But
the Articles of the company can prescribe the manner in which the transfer
of shares will be made.
• May Sue or be Sued: A company being a legal person can enter into
contracts and can enforce the contractual rights against others. It can
sue and be sued in its name if there is a breach of contract by the company.
1.2 Kinds of Companies
Companies can be classified either on the basis of the liability of its members
or on the basis of the number of members. On the basis of liability of its
members the companies can be classified into the following three categories:
(i) Companies Limited by Shares: In this case, the liability of its members
is limited to the extent of the nominal value of shares held by them. If
a member has paid the full amount of the shares, there is no liability
on his part whatsoever may be for the debts of the company. He need
not pay a single paise from his private property. However, if there is
Page 3

 company form of organisation is the third stage
 in the evolution of forms of organisation. Its
capital is contributed by a large number of persons
called shareholders who are the real owners of the
company. But neither it is possible for all of them to
participate in the management of the company nor
considered desirable. Therefore, they elect a Board
of Directors as their representative to manage the
affairs of the company. In fact, all the affairs of the
company are governed by the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013. A company means a company
incorporated or registered under the Companies Act,
2013 or under any other earlier Companies Acts.
According to Chief Justice Marshal, “a company is
a person, artificial, invisible, intangible and existing
only in the eyes of law. Being a mere creation of law,
it possesses only those properties which the charter
of its creation confers upon it, either expressly or as
incidental to its very existence”.
A company usually raises its capital in the form of
shares (called share capital) and debentures (debt
capital.) This chapter deals with the accounting for
share capital of companies.
1.1 Features of a Company
A company may be viewed as an association of
person who contribute money or money’s worth to
a common inventory and use it for a common
purpose. It is an artificial person having  corporate
legal entity distinct from its members (shareholders)
and has a common seal used for its signature. Thus,
After studying this chapter,
you will be able to :
• explain the basic nature
of a joint stock company
as a form of business
organisation and the
various kinds of
companies based on
liability of their
• describe the types of
shares issued by a
• explain the accounting
treatment of shares
issued at par, at
premium and at
discount including
• outline the accounting
for  forfeiture of shares
and reissue of forfeited
shares under varying
• workout the amounts to
be transferred to capital
reserve when forfeited
shares are reissued; and
prepare share forfeited
account ;
Accounting for Share Capital 1
2 Accountancy : Company Accounts and Analysis of Financial Statements
it has certain special features which distinguish it from the other forms of
organisation. These are as follows:
• Body Corporate: A company is formed according to the provisions of
Law enforced from time to time. Generally, in India, the companies are
formed and registered under Companies Law except in the case of Banking
and Insurance companies for which a separate Law is provided for.
• Separate Legal Entity: A company has a separate legal entity which is
distinct and separate from its members. It can hold and deal with any
type of property. It can enter into contracts and even open a bank account
in its own name.
• Limited Liability: The liability of the members of the company is limited
to the extent of unpaid amount of the shares held by them. In the case of
the companies limited by guarantee, the liability of its members is limited
to the extent of the guarantee given by them in the event of the company
being wound up.
• Perpetual Succession: The company being an artificial person created by
law continues to exist irrespective of the changes in its membership. A
company can be terminated only through law. The death or insanity or
insolvency of any member of the company in no way affects the existence of
the company. Members may come and go but the company continues.
• Common Seal: The company being an artificial person, cannot sign its name
by itself. Therefore, every company is required to have its own seal which
acts as official signatures of the company. Any document which does not
carry the common seal of the company is not binding on the company.
• Transferability of Shares: The shares of a public limited company are
freely transferable. The permission of the company or the consent of any
member of the company is not necessary for the transfer of shares. But
the Articles of the company can prescribe the manner in which the transfer
of shares will be made.
• May Sue or be Sued: A company being a legal person can enter into
contracts and can enforce the contractual rights against others. It can
sue and be sued in its name if there is a breach of contract by the company.
1.2 Kinds of Companies
Companies can be classified either on the basis of the liability of its members
or on the basis of the number of members. On the basis of liability of its
members the companies can be classified into the following three categories:
(i) Companies Limited by Shares: In this case, the liability of its members
is limited to the extent of the nominal value of shares held by them. If
a member has paid the full amount of the shares, there is no liability
on his part whatsoever may be for the debts of the company. He need
not pay a single paise from his private property. However, if there is
3 Accounting for Share Capital
any liability involved, it can be enforced during the existence of the
company as well as during the winding up.
(ii) Companies Limited by Guarantee: In this case, the liability of its members
is limited to the amount they undertake to contribute in the event of
the company being wound up. Thus, the liability of the members will
arise only in the event of its winding up.
(iii) Unlimited Companies: When there is no limit on the liability of its
members, the company is called an unlimited company. When the
company’s property is not sufficient to pay off its debts, the private
property of its members can be used for the purpose. In other words,
the creditors can claim their dues from its members. Such companies
are not found in India even though permitted by the Companies Act.
On the basis of the number of members, companies can be divided into
three categories as follows:
(i) Public Company: A public company means a company which (a) is not
a private company; (b) is a company which is not a subsidiary of a
private company.
(ii) Private Company: A private company is one which by its articles of
(a) Restricts the right to transfer its shares;
(b) A private company must have at least 2 persons, except in case
of one person company;
(c) Limits the number of its members to 200 (excluding its
(iii) One Person Company (OPC): Sec. 2 (62) of the companies Act, 2013,
defines OPC as a “company which has only one person as a member”.
Rule 3 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 provides that:
(a) Only a natural person being an Indian citizen and resident in
India can form one person company,
(b) It cannot carry out non-banking financial investment activities.
(c) Its paid up share capital is not more than Rs. 50 Lakhs
(d) Its average annual turnover of three years does not exceed
Rs. 2 Crores.
1.3 Share Capital of a Company
A company, being an artificial person, cannot generate its own capital which
has necessarily to be collected from several persons. These persons are known
as shareholders and the amount contributed by them is called share capital.
Since the number of shareholders is very very large, a separate capital account
cannot be opened for each one of them. Hence, innumerable streams of capital
contribution merge their identities in a common capital account called as
‘Share Capital Account’.
Page 4

 company form of organisation is the third stage
 in the evolution of forms of organisation. Its
capital is contributed by a large number of persons
called shareholders who are the real owners of the
company. But neither it is possible for all of them to
participate in the management of the company nor
considered desirable. Therefore, they elect a Board
of Directors as their representative to manage the
affairs of the company. In fact, all the affairs of the
company are governed by the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013. A company means a company
incorporated or registered under the Companies Act,
2013 or under any other earlier Companies Acts.
According to Chief Justice Marshal, “a company is
a person, artificial, invisible, intangible and existing
only in the eyes of law. Being a mere creation of law,
it possesses only those properties which the charter
of its creation confers upon it, either expressly or as
incidental to its very existence”.
A company usually raises its capital in the form of
shares (called share capital) and debentures (debt
capital.) This chapter deals with the accounting for
share capital of companies.
1.1 Features of a Company
A company may be viewed as an association of
person who contribute money or money’s worth to
a common inventory and use it for a common
purpose. It is an artificial person having  corporate
legal entity distinct from its members (shareholders)
and has a common seal used for its signature. Thus,
After studying this chapter,
you will be able to :
• explain the basic nature
of a joint stock company
as a form of business
organisation and the
various kinds of
companies based on
liability of their
• describe the types of
shares issued by a
• explain the accounting
treatment of shares
issued at par, at
premium and at
discount including
• outline the accounting
for  forfeiture of shares
and reissue of forfeited
shares under varying
• workout the amounts to
be transferred to capital
reserve when forfeited
shares are reissued; and
prepare share forfeited
account ;
Accounting for Share Capital 1
2 Accountancy : Company Accounts and Analysis of Financial Statements
it has certain special features which distinguish it from the other forms of
organisation. These are as follows:
• Body Corporate: A company is formed according to the provisions of
Law enforced from time to time. Generally, in India, the companies are
formed and registered under Companies Law except in the case of Banking
and Insurance companies for which a separate Law is provided for.
• Separate Legal Entity: A company has a separate legal entity which is
distinct and separate from its members. It can hold and deal with any
type of property. It can enter into contracts and even open a bank account
in its own name.
• Limited Liability: The liability of the members of the company is limited
to the extent of unpaid amount of the shares held by them. In the case of
the companies limited by guarantee, the liability of its members is limited
to the extent of the guarantee given by them in the event of the company
being wound up.
• Perpetual Succession: The company being an artificial person created by
law continues to exist irrespective of the changes in its membership. A
company can be terminated only through law. The death or insanity or
insolvency of any member of the company in no way affects the existence of
the company. Members may come and go but the company continues.
• Common Seal: The company being an artificial person, cannot sign its name
by itself. Therefore, every company is required to have its own seal which
acts as official signatures of the company. Any document which does not
carry the common seal of the company is not binding on the company.
• Transferability of Shares: The shares of a public limited company are
freely transferable. The permission of the company or the consent of any
member of the company is not necessary for the transfer of shares. But
the Articles of the company can prescribe the manner in which the transfer
of shares will be made.
• May Sue or be Sued: A company being a legal person can enter into
contracts and can enforce the contractual rights against others. It can
sue and be sued in its name if there is a breach of contract by the company.
1.2 Kinds of Companies
Companies can be classified either on the basis of the liability of its members
or on the basis of the number of members. On the basis of liability of its
members the companies can be classified into the following three categories:
(i) Companies Limited by Shares: In this case, the liability of its members
is limited to the extent of the nominal value of shares held by them. If
a member has paid the full amount of the shares, there is no liability
on his part whatsoever may be for the debts of the company. He need
not pay a single paise from his private property. However, if there is
3 Accounting for Share Capital
any liability involved, it can be enforced during the existence of the
company as well as during the winding up.
(ii) Companies Limited by Guarantee: In this case, the liability of its members
is limited to the amount they undertake to contribute in the event of
the company being wound up. Thus, the liability of the members will
arise only in the event of its winding up.
(iii) Unlimited Companies: When there is no limit on the liability of its
members, the company is called an unlimited company. When the
company’s property is not sufficient to pay off its debts, the private
property of its members can be used for the purpose. In other words,
the creditors can claim their dues from its members. Such companies
are not found in India even though permitted by the Companies Act.
On the basis of the number of members, companies can be divided into
three categories as follows:
(i) Public Company: A public company means a company which (a) is not
a private company; (b) is a company which is not a subsidiary of a
private company.
(ii) Private Company: A private company is one which by its articles of
(a) Restricts the right to transfer its shares;
(b) A private company must have at least 2 persons, except in case
of one person company;
(c) Limits the number of its members to 200 (excluding its
(iii) One Person Company (OPC): Sec. 2 (62) of the companies Act, 2013,
defines OPC as a “company which has only one person as a member”.
Rule 3 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 provides that:
(a) Only a natural person being an Indian citizen and resident in
India can form one person company,
(b) It cannot carry out non-banking financial investment activities.
(c) Its paid up share capital is not more than Rs. 50 Lakhs
(d) Its average annual turnover of three years does not exceed
Rs. 2 Crores.
1.3 Share Capital of a Company
A company, being an artificial person, cannot generate its own capital which
has necessarily to be collected from several persons. These persons are known
as shareholders and the amount contributed by them is called share capital.
Since the number of shareholders is very very large, a separate capital account
cannot be opened for each one of them. Hence, innumerable streams of capital
contribution merge their identities in a common capital account called as
‘Share Capital Account’.
4 Accountancy : Company Accounts and Analysis of Financial Statements
1.3.1 Categories of Share Capital
From accounting point of view the share capital of the company can be classified
as follows:
• Authorised Capital: Authorised capital is the amount of share capital which
a company is authorised to issue by its Memorandum of Association. The
company cannot raise more than the amount of capital as specified in the
Memorandum of Association. It is also called Nominal or Registered capital.
The authorised capital can be increased or decreased as per the procedure
laid down in the Companies Act. It should be noted that the company need
not issue the entire authorised capital for public subscription at a time.
Depending upon its requirement, it may issue share capital but in any
case, it should not be more than the amount of authorised capital.
• Issued Capital: It is that part of the authorised capital which is actually
issued to the public for subscription including the shares allotted to vendors
and the signatories to the company’s memorandum. The authorised capital
which is not offered for public subscription is known as ‘unissued capital’.
Unissued capital may be offered for public subscription at a later date.
• Subscribed Capital: It is that part of the issued capital which has been
actually subscribed by the public. When the shares offered for public
subscription are subscribed fully by the public the issued capital and
subscribed capital would be the same. It may be noted that ultimately,
the subscribed capital may be equal to or less than issued capital. In
case the number of shares subscribed is less than what is offered, the
company allots only the number of shares for which subscription has
been received. In case it is higher than what is offered, the allotment
will be equal to the offer. In other words, the fact of over subscription is
not reflected in the books.
• Called up Capital: It is that part of the subscribed capital which has been
called up on the shares, i.e., what the company has asked the shareholders
to pay. The company may decide to call the entire amount or part of the
face value of the shares, For example, if the face value (also called nominal
value) of a share allotted is Rs. 10 and the company has called up only Rs.
7 per share, in that scenario, the called up capital is Rs. 7 per share. The
remaining Rs. 3 may be collected from its shareholders as and when needed.
• Paid up Capital: It is that portion of the called up capital which has been
actually received from the shareholders. When the shareholders have paid
all the called amount, the called up capital is the same to the paid up
capital. If any of the shareholders has not paid amount on calls, such an
amount may be called as ‘calls in arrears’. Therefore, paid up capital is
equal to the called-up capital minus call in arrears.
• Uncalled Capital: That portion of the subscribed capital which has not yet
been called up. As stated earlier, the company may collect this amount
any time when it needs further funds.
Page 5

 company form of organisation is the third stage
 in the evolution of forms of organisation. Its
capital is contributed by a large number of persons
called shareholders who are the real owners of the
company. But neither it is possible for all of them to
participate in the management of the company nor
considered desirable. Therefore, they elect a Board
of Directors as their representative to manage the
affairs of the company. In fact, all the affairs of the
company are governed by the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013. A company means a company
incorporated or registered under the Companies Act,
2013 or under any other earlier Companies Acts.
According to Chief Justice Marshal, “a company is
a person, artificial, invisible, intangible and existing
only in the eyes of law. Being a mere creation of law,
it possesses only those properties which the charter
of its creation confers upon it, either expressly or as
incidental to its very existence”.
A company usually raises its capital in the form of
shares (called share capital) and debentures (debt
capital.) This chapter deals with the accounting for
share capital of companies.
1.1 Features of a Company
A company may be viewed as an association of
person who contribute money or money’s worth to
a common inventory and use it for a common
purpose. It is an artificial person having  corporate
legal entity distinct from its members (shareholders)
and has a common seal used for its signature. Thus,
After studying this chapter,
you will be able to :
• explain the basic nature
of a joint stock company
as a form of business
organisation and the
various kinds of
companies based on
liability of their
• describe the types of
shares issued by a
• explain the accounting
treatment of shares
issued at par, at
premium and at
discount including
• outline the accounting
for  forfeiture of shares
and reissue of forfeited
shares under varying
• workout the amounts to
be transferred to capital
reserve when forfeited
shares are reissued; and
prepare share forfeited
account ;
Accounting for Share Capital 1
2 Accountancy : Company Accounts and Analysis of Financial Statements
it has certain special features which distinguish it from the other forms of
organisation. These are as follows:
• Body Corporate: A company is formed according to the provisions of
Law enforced from time to time. Generally, in India, the companies are
formed and registered under Companies Law except in the case of Banking
and Insurance companies for which a separate Law is provided for.
• Separate Legal Entity: A company has a separate legal entity which is
distinct and separate from its members. It can hold and deal with any
type of property. It can enter into contracts and even open a bank account
in its own name.
• Limited Liability: The liability of the members of the company is limited
to the extent of unpaid amount of the shares held by them. In the case of
the companies limited by guarantee, the liability of its members is limited
to the extent of the guarantee given by them in the event of the company
being wound up.
• Perpetual Succession: The company being an artificial person created by
law continues to exist irrespective of the changes in its membership. A
company can be terminated only through law. The death or insanity or
insolvency of any member of the company in no way affects the existence of
the company. Members may come and go but the company continues.
• Common Seal: The company being an artificial person, cannot sign its name
by itself. Therefore, every company is required to have its own seal which
acts as official signatures of the company. Any document which does not
carry the common seal of the company is not binding on the company.
• Transferability of Shares: The shares of a public limited company are
freely transferable. The permission of the company or the consent of any
member of the company is not necessary for the transfer of shares. But
the Articles of the company can prescribe the manner in which the transfer
of shares will be made.
• May Sue or be Sued: A company being a legal person can enter into
contracts and can enforce the contractual rights against others. It can
sue and be sued in its name if there is a breach of contract by the company.
1.2 Kinds of Companies
Companies can be classified either on the basis of the liability of its members
or on the basis of the number of members. On the basis of liability of its
members the companies can be classified into the following three categories:
(i) Companies Limited by Shares: In this case, the liability of its members
is limited to the extent of the nominal value of shares held by them. If
a member has paid the full amount of the shares, there is no liability
on his part whatsoever may be for the debts of the company. He need
not pay a single paise from his private property. However, if there is
3 Accounting for Share Capital
any liability involved, it can be enforced during the existence of the
company as well as during the winding up.
(ii) Companies Limited by Guarantee: In this case, the liability of its members
is limited to the amount they undertake to contribute in the event of
the company being wound up. Thus, the liability of the members will
arise only in the event of its winding up.
(iii) Unlimited Companies: When there is no limit on the liability of its
members, the company is called an unlimited company. When the
company’s property is not sufficient to pay off its debts, the private
property of its members can be used for the purpose. In other words,
the creditors can claim their dues from its members. Such companies
are not found in India even though permitted by the Companies Act.
On the basis of the number of members, companies can be divided into
three categories as follows:
(i) Public Company: A public company means a company which (a) is not
a private company; (b) is a company which is not a subsidiary of a
private company.
(ii) Private Company: A private company is one which by its articles of
(a) Restricts the right to transfer its shares;
(b) A private company must have at least 2 persons, except in case
of one person company;
(c) Limits the number of its members to 200 (excluding its
(iii) One Person Company (OPC): Sec. 2 (62) of the companies Act, 2013,
defines OPC as a “company which has only one person as a member”.
Rule 3 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 provides that:
(a) Only a natural person being an Indian citizen and resident in
India can form one person company,
(b) It cannot carry out non-banking financial investment activities.
(c) Its paid up share capital is not more than Rs. 50 Lakhs
(d) Its average annual turnover of three years does not exceed
Rs. 2 Crores.
1.3 Share Capital of a Company
A company, being an artificial person, cannot generate its own capital which
has necessarily to be collected from several persons. These persons are known
as shareholders and the amount contributed by them is called share capital.
Since the number of shareholders is very very large, a separate capital account
cannot be opened for each one of them. Hence, innumerable streams of capital
contribution merge their identities in a common capital account called as
‘Share Capital Account’.
4 Accountancy : Company Accounts and Analysis of Financial Statements
1.3.1 Categories of Share Capital
From accounting point of view the share capital of the company can be classified
as follows:
• Authorised Capital: Authorised capital is the amount of share capital which
a company is authorised to issue by its Memorandum of Association. The
company cannot raise more than the amount of capital as specified in the
Memorandum of Association. It is also called Nominal or Registered capital.
The authorised capital can be increased or decreased as per the procedure
laid down in the Companies Act. It should be noted that the company need
not issue the entire authorised capital for public subscription at a time.
Depending upon its requirement, it may issue share capital but in any
case, it should not be more than the amount of authorised capital.
• Issued Capital: It is that part of the authorised capital which is actually
issued to the public for subscription including the shares allotted to vendors
and the signatories to the company’s memorandum. The authorised capital
which is not offered for public subscription is known as ‘unissued capital’.
Unissued capital may be offered for public subscription at a later date.
• Subscribed Capital: It is that part of the issued capital which has been
actually subscribed by the public. When the shares offered for public
subscription are subscribed fully by the public the issued capital and
subscribed capital would be the same. It may be noted that ultimately,
the subscribed capital may be equal to or less than issued capital. In
case the number of shares subscribed is less than what is offered, the
company allots only the number of shares for which subscription has
been received. In case it is higher than what is offered, the allotment
will be equal to the offer. In other words, the fact of over subscription is
not reflected in the books.
• Called up Capital: It is that part of the subscribed capital which has been
called up on the shares, i.e., what the company has asked the shareholders
to pay. The company may decide to call the entire amount or part of the
face value of the shares, For example, if the face value (also called nominal
value) of a share allotted is Rs. 10 and the company has called up only Rs.
7 per share, in that scenario, the called up capital is Rs. 7 per share. The
remaining Rs. 3 may be collected from its shareholders as and when needed.
• Paid up Capital: It is that portion of the called up capital which has been
actually received from the shareholders. When the shareholders have paid
all the called amount, the called up capital is the same to the paid up
capital. If any of the shareholders has not paid amount on calls, such an
amount may be called as ‘calls in arrears’. Therefore, paid up capital is
equal to the called-up capital minus call in arrears.
• Uncalled Capital: That portion of the subscribed capital which has not yet
been called up. As stated earlier, the company may collect this amount
any time when it needs further funds.
5 Accounting for Share Capital
• Reserve Capital: A company may reserve a portion of its uncalled capital
to be called only in the event of winding up of the company. Such uncalled
amount is called ‘Reserve Capital’ of the company. It is available only
for the creditors on winding up of the company.
Authorised Share Capital
Issued Capital Unissued Capital
Subscribed Capital
Subscribed and Fully Paid up Subscribed but not Fully Paid up
Exhibit. 1.1 : Categories of Share Capital
Let us take the following example and show how the share capital will be
shown in the balance sheet. Sunrise Company Ltd., New Delhi, has registered
its capital as Rs. 40,00,000, divided into 4,00,000 shares of Rs. 10 each. The
company offered to the public for subscription of 2,00,000 shares of Rs. 10
each, to be received as Rs. 2 on application, Rs.3 on allotment, Rs.3 on first
call and the balance on final call. The company received applications for
2,50,000 shares. The company finalised the allotment of 2,00,000 shares
and rejected applications for 50,000 shares. The company did not make the
final call. The company received all the amount except on 2,000 shares where
call money has not been received. The above amounts will be shown in the
Notes to Accounts of the balance sheet of Sunrise Company Ltd. as follows:
Notes to Accounts
Share Capital (Rs.)
Authorised or Registered or Nominal Capital:
4,00,000 Shares of Rs. 10 each 40,00,000
Issued Capital
2,00,000 Shares of Rs. 10 each 20,00,000
Subscribed Capital
Subscribed but not fully paid up
2,00,000 Shares of Rs. 10 each, Rs. 8 called up 16,00,000
Less :  Calls in Arrears (6,000) 15,94,000
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FAQs on NCERT Textbook - Accounting for Share Capital - Accountancy Class 12 - Commerce

1. What is share capital in accounting?
Ans. Share capital is the total amount of capital raised by a company through the issue of shares to shareholders. It is the amount of money that a company raises by selling its shares to the public or to private investors. Share capital is an important component of a company's balance sheet and represents the ownership interest of the shareholders in the company.
2. What are the different types of share capital?
Ans. There are two main types of share capital: equity share capital and preference share capital. Equity share capital represents ownership in the company and gives shareholders the right to vote at shareholder meetings. Preference share capital gives shareholders priority over equity shareholders in terms of dividend payments and the return of capital in the event of the company's liquidation.
3. How is share capital recorded in the company's books?
Ans. Share capital is recorded in the company's books as a liability. When a company issues shares, it receives cash or other assets in exchange for the shares. This cash or assets are recorded as an increase in the company's cash or assets account, while the share capital is recorded as a liability. The share capital liability is then reduced when the company uses the funds to purchase assets or make payments.
4. What is authorized share capital?
Ans. Authorized share capital refers to the maximum amount of shares that a company is authorized to issue as per its Memorandum of Association. It is the maximum limit of the company's share capital and can only be changed by altering the Memorandum of Association. Companies typically authorize a larger amount of share capital than they actually issue, in order to have the flexibility to issue more shares in the future if needed.
5. What is the difference between share capital and share premium?
Ans. Share capital represents the nominal value of the shares issued by a company, while share premium represents the amount over and above the nominal value that investors are willing to pay for the shares. Share premium is recorded as a separate account on the company's balance sheet and can be used to finance the company's operations or to pay dividends to shareholders. Share premium cannot be paid to shareholders as it is not considered as a part of distributable profits.
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