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Science Past Year Paper SA-1(Set-8)- 2014, Class 9, CBSE | Extra Documents & Tests for Class 9 PDF Download

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Summative Assessment-1 2014-2015 
Class – IX 
 Time allowed: 3:00 hours                                Maximum Marks: 90 
 General Instructions: 
a) The question paper comprises of two sections A and B. You are to attempt both the 
b) All questions are compulsory. 
c) All questions of Section – A and Section – B are to be attempted separately. 
d) Q. No. 1 to 3 in Section A – 1 marks questions. These are to be answered in about one 
word or in one sentence. 
e) Q. No. 4 to 6 in Section A – 2 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 30 
words each. 
f) Q. No. 7 to 18 in Section A – 3 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 50 
words each. 
g) Q. No. 19 to 24 in Section A – 5 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 70 
words each. 
h) Q. No. 25 to 33 in Section B are MCQ based on practical skills. Each question is a 1 mark 
question. You are to select one most appropriate response out of the four provided to 
i) Question number 34 to 36 in Section – B are questions based on practical skills are two 
marks questions. 
Section A 
1. What is Avogadro’s constant? 
2. Why do some atoms react with other atoms to form compounds where as some do not? 
3. Name any two diseases which are caused due to unprotected sexual intercourse. 
4. Give two applications based on the concept of pressure. 
5. Define negative work. Give two examples where negative work is done? 
a) State the law of conservation of mass. 
b) In a chemical reaction 4.2 g of sodium hydrogen carbonate reacted with 3.0 g of ethanoic 
acid. The products obtained were 4.1 g of sodium ethanoate, 0.9 g of water and 2.2 g of 
carbon dioxide. Show that these observations are in agreement with the law of 
conservation of mass. 
c) State the postulate of Dalton’s atomic theory which can explain the law of conservation of 
a) From Rutherford’s a -particle scattering experiment give the experiment evidence for 
deriving the conclusion that 
Page 2

Summative Assessment-1 2014-2015 
Class – IX 
 Time allowed: 3:00 hours                                Maximum Marks: 90 
 General Instructions: 
a) The question paper comprises of two sections A and B. You are to attempt both the 
b) All questions are compulsory. 
c) All questions of Section – A and Section – B are to be attempted separately. 
d) Q. No. 1 to 3 in Section A – 1 marks questions. These are to be answered in about one 
word or in one sentence. 
e) Q. No. 4 to 6 in Section A – 2 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 30 
words each. 
f) Q. No. 7 to 18 in Section A – 3 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 50 
words each. 
g) Q. No. 19 to 24 in Section A – 5 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 70 
words each. 
h) Q. No. 25 to 33 in Section B are MCQ based on practical skills. Each question is a 1 mark 
question. You are to select one most appropriate response out of the four provided to 
i) Question number 34 to 36 in Section – B are questions based on practical skills are two 
marks questions. 
Section A 
1. What is Avogadro’s constant? 
2. Why do some atoms react with other atoms to form compounds where as some do not? 
3. Name any two diseases which are caused due to unprotected sexual intercourse. 
4. Give two applications based on the concept of pressure. 
5. Define negative work. Give two examples where negative work is done? 
a) State the law of conservation of mass. 
b) In a chemical reaction 4.2 g of sodium hydrogen carbonate reacted with 3.0 g of ethanoic 
acid. The products obtained were 4.1 g of sodium ethanoate, 0.9 g of water and 2.2 g of 
carbon dioxide. Show that these observations are in agreement with the law of 
conservation of mass. 
c) State the postulate of Dalton’s atomic theory which can explain the law of conservation of 
a) From Rutherford’s a -particle scattering experiment give the experiment evidence for 
deriving the conclusion that 
Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks 
i. Most of the space inside the atom is empty. 
ii. The nucleus of an atom is positively charged. 
b) What was the major drawback of Rutherford’s atomic model? 
8. Define polyatomic ion. Write two examples along with their formulae. 
9. Identify the class of the following: 
a) Segmented, coelomate animals usually without limbs 
b) Animals having soft body inside and muscular foot  
c) Animals with jointed appendages 
10. Differentiate between infectious and non-infectious diseases (any three differences). 
11. Given any two differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms giving one example of 
12. An object of mass m when raised to height h possesses a potential energy of 1200 J. find the 
new potential energy: 
a) If the same object is raised to height h/4 
b) If the same object is raised to height 4h 
13. Define thrust and pressure. Given their SI unit. Calculate the pressure exerted by a block of 
100 N if the surface area in contact is 
2.5m . 
a) Define reverberation? How can it be reduced? 
b) An echo returned in 4 s. What is the distance of the reflecting surface from the source 
given that speed of sound in air is 344 m/s. 
15. Write three properties of longitudinal wave. 
16. Shruti went to a hill station with her parents and her elder brother Rushil. One day they were 
walking through a Valley where Shruti and her brother started playing. Shruti was surprised 
to distinctly hear the same sound twice. She discussed it with her brother. He told her that 
this phenomenon is called ‘echo’. 
a) Define echo. What should be the minimum distance from the source for a distinct echo to 
be heard? 
b) Name the value is shown by Rushil? 
a) Helium atom has an atomic mass of 4u and two protons in its nucleus. How many 
neutrons does it have? 
b) Write down the electronic configuration of oxygen. (At No=8). 
c) The atomic mass of an element X is 16.2u. What are the percentage of isotopes of ‘X’ 
having atomic number 8 and mass numbers 16 and 18. 
18. Write four conventions to be followed while writing the scientific names of the organisms. 
Write the scientific name of tiger. 
a) Name any one disease caused by each of the following:- 
i. Protozoa 
ii. Virus 
Page 3

Summative Assessment-1 2014-2015 
Class – IX 
 Time allowed: 3:00 hours                                Maximum Marks: 90 
 General Instructions: 
a) The question paper comprises of two sections A and B. You are to attempt both the 
b) All questions are compulsory. 
c) All questions of Section – A and Section – B are to be attempted separately. 
d) Q. No. 1 to 3 in Section A – 1 marks questions. These are to be answered in about one 
word or in one sentence. 
e) Q. No. 4 to 6 in Section A – 2 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 30 
words each. 
f) Q. No. 7 to 18 in Section A – 3 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 50 
words each. 
g) Q. No. 19 to 24 in Section A – 5 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 70 
words each. 
h) Q. No. 25 to 33 in Section B are MCQ based on practical skills. Each question is a 1 mark 
question. You are to select one most appropriate response out of the four provided to 
i) Question number 34 to 36 in Section – B are questions based on practical skills are two 
marks questions. 
Section A 
1. What is Avogadro’s constant? 
2. Why do some atoms react with other atoms to form compounds where as some do not? 
3. Name any two diseases which are caused due to unprotected sexual intercourse. 
4. Give two applications based on the concept of pressure. 
5. Define negative work. Give two examples where negative work is done? 
a) State the law of conservation of mass. 
b) In a chemical reaction 4.2 g of sodium hydrogen carbonate reacted with 3.0 g of ethanoic 
acid. The products obtained were 4.1 g of sodium ethanoate, 0.9 g of water and 2.2 g of 
carbon dioxide. Show that these observations are in agreement with the law of 
conservation of mass. 
c) State the postulate of Dalton’s atomic theory which can explain the law of conservation of 
a) From Rutherford’s a -particle scattering experiment give the experiment evidence for 
deriving the conclusion that 
Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks 
i. Most of the space inside the atom is empty. 
ii. The nucleus of an atom is positively charged. 
b) What was the major drawback of Rutherford’s atomic model? 
8. Define polyatomic ion. Write two examples along with their formulae. 
9. Identify the class of the following: 
a) Segmented, coelomate animals usually without limbs 
b) Animals having soft body inside and muscular foot  
c) Animals with jointed appendages 
10. Differentiate between infectious and non-infectious diseases (any three differences). 
11. Given any two differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms giving one example of 
12. An object of mass m when raised to height h possesses a potential energy of 1200 J. find the 
new potential energy: 
a) If the same object is raised to height h/4 
b) If the same object is raised to height 4h 
13. Define thrust and pressure. Given their SI unit. Calculate the pressure exerted by a block of 
100 N if the surface area in contact is 
2.5m . 
a) Define reverberation? How can it be reduced? 
b) An echo returned in 4 s. What is the distance of the reflecting surface from the source 
given that speed of sound in air is 344 m/s. 
15. Write three properties of longitudinal wave. 
16. Shruti went to a hill station with her parents and her elder brother Rushil. One day they were 
walking through a Valley where Shruti and her brother started playing. Shruti was surprised 
to distinctly hear the same sound twice. She discussed it with her brother. He told her that 
this phenomenon is called ‘echo’. 
a) Define echo. What should be the minimum distance from the source for a distinct echo to 
be heard? 
b) Name the value is shown by Rushil? 
a) Helium atom has an atomic mass of 4u and two protons in its nucleus. How many 
neutrons does it have? 
b) Write down the electronic configuration of oxygen. (At No=8). 
c) The atomic mass of an element X is 16.2u. What are the percentage of isotopes of ‘X’ 
having atomic number 8 and mass numbers 16 and 18. 
18. Write four conventions to be followed while writing the scientific names of the organisms. 
Write the scientific name of tiger. 
a) Name any one disease caused by each of the following:- 
i. Protozoa 
ii. Virus 
iii. Bacteria 
iv. Fungi 
b) How is malaria disease transmitted? 
c) What are the common preventive measures taken against communicable disease? 
a) State the principle of floatation. 
b) A body weighs 500 gram in air. This object is fully immersed in water. State whether it 
will weigh less in water or more in water. 
Give reason to support your answer. 
a) Enlist two forces which act as on a body when it is immersed in a liquid. State the 
condition for a body require to float or sink in a liquid. 
b) Why does an iron sink and a piece of wood floats when placed on the surface of water. 
Section – B 
(*Please ensure that open text of the given theme is supplied with this question paper.) 
Theme: Understanding the Environment of Mars 
22. How much time did Mangalyaan took to successfully insert in Mars orbit? Name the physical 
feature of earth which has helped in to recycle its carbonate to carbon dioxide. 
23. Explain the air saturation condition on Mars with the help of an activity. 
24. In a recently released movie “Interstellar”, it was shown that earth is degrading and it is 
having a lot of dust storms. What do you think of this situation. Is Earth becoming like Mars? 
Section – C 
25. The velocity of a sound wave, which covers a distance of 8.1 m in 0.3 s is: 
a) 27 m/s 
b) 2.7 m/s 
c) 2.43 m/s 
d) 24.3 m/s 
26. An iron cuboid and a wooden cuboid of the same dimensions are placed on loose sand on the 
face having the same area, then: 
a) Wooden cuboid exert greater pressure 
b) Iron cuboid exert greater pressure 
c) Both cuboid exert equal pressure 
d) Pressure exerted is independent of dimensions of cuboid 
27. A strong transverse pulse is created at one end of a string. It complete 10 journey along its 
length, before fading out. The initial reading of the stop clock used in the experiment was 25 
s and the final reading was 75 s. If the length of the string for one journey is L metre, the 
speed of the pulse, through the string is: 
/ 75 L ms 
Page 4

Summative Assessment-1 2014-2015 
Class – IX 
 Time allowed: 3:00 hours                                Maximum Marks: 90 
 General Instructions: 
a) The question paper comprises of two sections A and B. You are to attempt both the 
b) All questions are compulsory. 
c) All questions of Section – A and Section – B are to be attempted separately. 
d) Q. No. 1 to 3 in Section A – 1 marks questions. These are to be answered in about one 
word or in one sentence. 
e) Q. No. 4 to 6 in Section A – 2 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 30 
words each. 
f) Q. No. 7 to 18 in Section A – 3 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 50 
words each. 
g) Q. No. 19 to 24 in Section A – 5 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 70 
words each. 
h) Q. No. 25 to 33 in Section B are MCQ based on practical skills. Each question is a 1 mark 
question. You are to select one most appropriate response out of the four provided to 
i) Question number 34 to 36 in Section – B are questions based on practical skills are two 
marks questions. 
Section A 
1. What is Avogadro’s constant? 
2. Why do some atoms react with other atoms to form compounds where as some do not? 
3. Name any two diseases which are caused due to unprotected sexual intercourse. 
4. Give two applications based on the concept of pressure. 
5. Define negative work. Give two examples where negative work is done? 
a) State the law of conservation of mass. 
b) In a chemical reaction 4.2 g of sodium hydrogen carbonate reacted with 3.0 g of ethanoic 
acid. The products obtained were 4.1 g of sodium ethanoate, 0.9 g of water and 2.2 g of 
carbon dioxide. Show that these observations are in agreement with the law of 
conservation of mass. 
c) State the postulate of Dalton’s atomic theory which can explain the law of conservation of 
a) From Rutherford’s a -particle scattering experiment give the experiment evidence for 
deriving the conclusion that 
Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks 
i. Most of the space inside the atom is empty. 
ii. The nucleus of an atom is positively charged. 
b) What was the major drawback of Rutherford’s atomic model? 
8. Define polyatomic ion. Write two examples along with their formulae. 
9. Identify the class of the following: 
a) Segmented, coelomate animals usually without limbs 
b) Animals having soft body inside and muscular foot  
c) Animals with jointed appendages 
10. Differentiate between infectious and non-infectious diseases (any three differences). 
11. Given any two differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms giving one example of 
12. An object of mass m when raised to height h possesses a potential energy of 1200 J. find the 
new potential energy: 
a) If the same object is raised to height h/4 
b) If the same object is raised to height 4h 
13. Define thrust and pressure. Given their SI unit. Calculate the pressure exerted by a block of 
100 N if the surface area in contact is 
2.5m . 
a) Define reverberation? How can it be reduced? 
b) An echo returned in 4 s. What is the distance of the reflecting surface from the source 
given that speed of sound in air is 344 m/s. 
15. Write three properties of longitudinal wave. 
16. Shruti went to a hill station with her parents and her elder brother Rushil. One day they were 
walking through a Valley where Shruti and her brother started playing. Shruti was surprised 
to distinctly hear the same sound twice. She discussed it with her brother. He told her that 
this phenomenon is called ‘echo’. 
a) Define echo. What should be the minimum distance from the source for a distinct echo to 
be heard? 
b) Name the value is shown by Rushil? 
a) Helium atom has an atomic mass of 4u and two protons in its nucleus. How many 
neutrons does it have? 
b) Write down the electronic configuration of oxygen. (At No=8). 
c) The atomic mass of an element X is 16.2u. What are the percentage of isotopes of ‘X’ 
having atomic number 8 and mass numbers 16 and 18. 
18. Write four conventions to be followed while writing the scientific names of the organisms. 
Write the scientific name of tiger. 
a) Name any one disease caused by each of the following:- 
i. Protozoa 
ii. Virus 
iii. Bacteria 
iv. Fungi 
b) How is malaria disease transmitted? 
c) What are the common preventive measures taken against communicable disease? 
a) State the principle of floatation. 
b) A body weighs 500 gram in air. This object is fully immersed in water. State whether it 
will weigh less in water or more in water. 
Give reason to support your answer. 
a) Enlist two forces which act as on a body when it is immersed in a liquid. State the 
condition for a body require to float or sink in a liquid. 
b) Why does an iron sink and a piece of wood floats when placed on the surface of water. 
Section – B 
(*Please ensure that open text of the given theme is supplied with this question paper.) 
Theme: Understanding the Environment of Mars 
22. How much time did Mangalyaan took to successfully insert in Mars orbit? Name the physical 
feature of earth which has helped in to recycle its carbonate to carbon dioxide. 
23. Explain the air saturation condition on Mars with the help of an activity. 
24. In a recently released movie “Interstellar”, it was shown that earth is degrading and it is 
having a lot of dust storms. What do you think of this situation. Is Earth becoming like Mars? 
Section – C 
25. The velocity of a sound wave, which covers a distance of 8.1 m in 0.3 s is: 
a) 27 m/s 
b) 2.7 m/s 
c) 2.43 m/s 
d) 24.3 m/s 
26. An iron cuboid and a wooden cuboid of the same dimensions are placed on loose sand on the 
face having the same area, then: 
a) Wooden cuboid exert greater pressure 
b) Iron cuboid exert greater pressure 
c) Both cuboid exert equal pressure 
d) Pressure exerted is independent of dimensions of cuboid 
27. A strong transverse pulse is created at one end of a string. It complete 10 journey along its 
length, before fading out. The initial reading of the stop clock used in the experiment was 25 
s and the final reading was 75 s. If the length of the string for one journey is L metre, the 
speed of the pulse, through the string is: 
/ 75 L ms 
/ 5 L ms 
/ 25 L ms 
/10 L ms 
28. The mode of nutrition in agaricus is: 
a) Parasitic 
b) Saprophytic 
c) Holozoic 
d) Symbiotic 
29. Which of the following parameters remains constant in a chemical reactions? 
a) Total mass 
b) Total volume 
c) Mass of the reactants 
d) None of the above 
30. On complete combustion of a hydrocarbon in sufficient oxygen, carbon dioxide and water are 
produced. Then according to the law of conservation of mass: 
a) Mass of hydrocarbon + Mass of Carbon dioxide = Mass of water 
b) Mass of hydrocarbon + Mass of Carbon dioxide = Mass of oxygen + Mass of water 
c) Mass of hydrocarbon + Mass of oxygen = Mass of carbon dioxide + Mass of water 
d) Mass of oxygen + Mass of carbon dioxide = Mass of hydro carbon + Mass of water 
31. A student identified a specimen as bamboo. The basis on which he has identified is: 
a) Tap roots and parallel venation in its leaf 
b) Fibrous roots and reticulate venation in its leaf 
c) Tap roots and reticulate venation in its leaf 
d) Fibrous roots and parallel venation in its leaf 
32. In monocotyledonous pilants flowers have petals that are: 
a) Four in number 
b) Five in number 
c) Two in number 
d) Three or multiples of three in number 
33. A student after observing the life cycle of mosquito, identified the stages are egg, __________ 
pupa, adult. Fill up the blank by choosing the correct option: 
a) Maggot 
b) Nymph 
c) Larva 
d) Insect 
34. You are given a sphere of volume 
33cm . If you are asked to select a best suited spring 
balance to determine its weight, then what should be the range of the spring balance? 
(The sphere is made an alloy of density 
7g cm ) 
35. An object of volume 25 mL suffers a loss in weight of 15 g wt. when immersed fully in a 
solution. Find the density of the solution. 
Page 5

Summative Assessment-1 2014-2015 
Class – IX 
 Time allowed: 3:00 hours                                Maximum Marks: 90 
 General Instructions: 
a) The question paper comprises of two sections A and B. You are to attempt both the 
b) All questions are compulsory. 
c) All questions of Section – A and Section – B are to be attempted separately. 
d) Q. No. 1 to 3 in Section A – 1 marks questions. These are to be answered in about one 
word or in one sentence. 
e) Q. No. 4 to 6 in Section A – 2 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 30 
words each. 
f) Q. No. 7 to 18 in Section A – 3 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 50 
words each. 
g) Q. No. 19 to 24 in Section A – 5 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 70 
words each. 
h) Q. No. 25 to 33 in Section B are MCQ based on practical skills. Each question is a 1 mark 
question. You are to select one most appropriate response out of the four provided to 
i) Question number 34 to 36 in Section – B are questions based on practical skills are two 
marks questions. 
Section A 
1. What is Avogadro’s constant? 
2. Why do some atoms react with other atoms to form compounds where as some do not? 
3. Name any two diseases which are caused due to unprotected sexual intercourse. 
4. Give two applications based on the concept of pressure. 
5. Define negative work. Give two examples where negative work is done? 
a) State the law of conservation of mass. 
b) In a chemical reaction 4.2 g of sodium hydrogen carbonate reacted with 3.0 g of ethanoic 
acid. The products obtained were 4.1 g of sodium ethanoate, 0.9 g of water and 2.2 g of 
carbon dioxide. Show that these observations are in agreement with the law of 
conservation of mass. 
c) State the postulate of Dalton’s atomic theory which can explain the law of conservation of 
a) From Rutherford’s a -particle scattering experiment give the experiment evidence for 
deriving the conclusion that 
Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks 
i. Most of the space inside the atom is empty. 
ii. The nucleus of an atom is positively charged. 
b) What was the major drawback of Rutherford’s atomic model? 
8. Define polyatomic ion. Write two examples along with their formulae. 
9. Identify the class of the following: 
a) Segmented, coelomate animals usually without limbs 
b) Animals having soft body inside and muscular foot  
c) Animals with jointed appendages 
10. Differentiate between infectious and non-infectious diseases (any three differences). 
11. Given any two differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms giving one example of 
12. An object of mass m when raised to height h possesses a potential energy of 1200 J. find the 
new potential energy: 
a) If the same object is raised to height h/4 
b) If the same object is raised to height 4h 
13. Define thrust and pressure. Given their SI unit. Calculate the pressure exerted by a block of 
100 N if the surface area in contact is 
2.5m . 
a) Define reverberation? How can it be reduced? 
b) An echo returned in 4 s. What is the distance of the reflecting surface from the source 
given that speed of sound in air is 344 m/s. 
15. Write three properties of longitudinal wave. 
16. Shruti went to a hill station with her parents and her elder brother Rushil. One day they were 
walking through a Valley where Shruti and her brother started playing. Shruti was surprised 
to distinctly hear the same sound twice. She discussed it with her brother. He told her that 
this phenomenon is called ‘echo’. 
a) Define echo. What should be the minimum distance from the source for a distinct echo to 
be heard? 
b) Name the value is shown by Rushil? 
a) Helium atom has an atomic mass of 4u and two protons in its nucleus. How many 
neutrons does it have? 
b) Write down the electronic configuration of oxygen. (At No=8). 
c) The atomic mass of an element X is 16.2u. What are the percentage of isotopes of ‘X’ 
having atomic number 8 and mass numbers 16 and 18. 
18. Write four conventions to be followed while writing the scientific names of the organisms. 
Write the scientific name of tiger. 
a) Name any one disease caused by each of the following:- 
i. Protozoa 
ii. Virus 
iii. Bacteria 
iv. Fungi 
b) How is malaria disease transmitted? 
c) What are the common preventive measures taken against communicable disease? 
a) State the principle of floatation. 
b) A body weighs 500 gram in air. This object is fully immersed in water. State whether it 
will weigh less in water or more in water. 
Give reason to support your answer. 
a) Enlist two forces which act as on a body when it is immersed in a liquid. State the 
condition for a body require to float or sink in a liquid. 
b) Why does an iron sink and a piece of wood floats when placed on the surface of water. 
Section – B 
(*Please ensure that open text of the given theme is supplied with this question paper.) 
Theme: Understanding the Environment of Mars 
22. How much time did Mangalyaan took to successfully insert in Mars orbit? Name the physical 
feature of earth which has helped in to recycle its carbonate to carbon dioxide. 
23. Explain the air saturation condition on Mars with the help of an activity. 
24. In a recently released movie “Interstellar”, it was shown that earth is degrading and it is 
having a lot of dust storms. What do you think of this situation. Is Earth becoming like Mars? 
Section – C 
25. The velocity of a sound wave, which covers a distance of 8.1 m in 0.3 s is: 
a) 27 m/s 
b) 2.7 m/s 
c) 2.43 m/s 
d) 24.3 m/s 
26. An iron cuboid and a wooden cuboid of the same dimensions are placed on loose sand on the 
face having the same area, then: 
a) Wooden cuboid exert greater pressure 
b) Iron cuboid exert greater pressure 
c) Both cuboid exert equal pressure 
d) Pressure exerted is independent of dimensions of cuboid 
27. A strong transverse pulse is created at one end of a string. It complete 10 journey along its 
length, before fading out. The initial reading of the stop clock used in the experiment was 25 
s and the final reading was 75 s. If the length of the string for one journey is L metre, the 
speed of the pulse, through the string is: 
/ 75 L ms 
/ 5 L ms 
/ 25 L ms 
/10 L ms 
28. The mode of nutrition in agaricus is: 
a) Parasitic 
b) Saprophytic 
c) Holozoic 
d) Symbiotic 
29. Which of the following parameters remains constant in a chemical reactions? 
a) Total mass 
b) Total volume 
c) Mass of the reactants 
d) None of the above 
30. On complete combustion of a hydrocarbon in sufficient oxygen, carbon dioxide and water are 
produced. Then according to the law of conservation of mass: 
a) Mass of hydrocarbon + Mass of Carbon dioxide = Mass of water 
b) Mass of hydrocarbon + Mass of Carbon dioxide = Mass of oxygen + Mass of water 
c) Mass of hydrocarbon + Mass of oxygen = Mass of carbon dioxide + Mass of water 
d) Mass of oxygen + Mass of carbon dioxide = Mass of hydro carbon + Mass of water 
31. A student identified a specimen as bamboo. The basis on which he has identified is: 
a) Tap roots and parallel venation in its leaf 
b) Fibrous roots and reticulate venation in its leaf 
c) Tap roots and reticulate venation in its leaf 
d) Fibrous roots and parallel venation in its leaf 
32. In monocotyledonous pilants flowers have petals that are: 
a) Four in number 
b) Five in number 
c) Two in number 
d) Three or multiples of three in number 
33. A student after observing the life cycle of mosquito, identified the stages are egg, __________ 
pupa, adult. Fill up the blank by choosing the correct option: 
a) Maggot 
b) Nymph 
c) Larva 
d) Insect 
34. You are given a sphere of volume 
33cm . If you are asked to select a best suited spring 
balance to determine its weight, then what should be the range of the spring balance? 
(The sphere is made an alloy of density 
7g cm ) 
35. An object of volume 25 mL suffers a loss in weight of 15 g wt. when immersed fully in a 
solution. Find the density of the solution. 
36. Enumerate any two adaptive features of Earthworm. 
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Top Courses for Class 9

FAQs on Science Past Year Paper SA-1(Set-8)- 2014, Class 9, CBSE - Extra Documents & Tests for Class 9

1. What is the importance of SA-1 exams in Class 9 and how does it contribute to the final result?
Ans. SA-1 exams in Class 9 are important as they form a significant part of the overall assessment. The marks obtained in these exams are usually considered for the final result preparation. It helps in evaluating the knowledge and understanding of students in various subjects, including Science, and gives them an opportunity to showcase their learning progress.
2. How can I prepare effectively for the Science exam in Class 9?
Ans. To prepare effectively for the Science exam in Class 9, it is important to have a clear understanding of the concepts taught in the syllabus. One can start by revising the textbook thoroughly and making notes of important points. Practicing with previous year question papers, sample papers, and mock tests can also help in understanding the exam pattern and improving problem-solving skills. Additionally, seeking guidance from teachers or joining study groups can provide further assistance in preparing for the exam.
3. What are the topics covered under the Science syllabus for Class 9 SA-1 exam?
Ans. The Science syllabus for Class 9 SA-1 exam generally includes topics from various branches of Science such as Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Some of the common topics covered in this exam may include matter and its properties, motion, force, sound, natural resources, structure of atoms, plant and animal tissues, etc. It is important to refer to the prescribed textbook and syllabus provided by the CBSE board for a detailed understanding of the topics.
4. Are there any specific guidelines or instructions to follow during the Class 9 SA-1 Science exam?
Ans. Yes, there are specific guidelines and instructions to follow during the Class 9 SA-1 Science exam. Students should carefully read the question paper and understand the marking scheme. They should manage their time effectively and allocate sufficient time to each section of the paper. It is important to write clear and concise answers, label diagrams properly, and use appropriate units while answering numerical questions. Students should also avoid any kind of malpractice or unfair means during the exam.
5. How can I improve my performance in the Class 9 Science SA-1 exam?
Ans. To improve performance in the Class 9 Science SA-1 exam, one can focus on regular studies and revision. It is important to understand the concepts clearly and practice solving different types of questions. Analyzing and learning from previous mistakes can also help in identifying weak areas and improving them. Seeking guidance from teachers, clarifying doubts, and taking mock tests can further enhance preparation. Additionally, maintaining a healthy study routine, staying organized, and managing time effectively can contribute to better performance in the exam.
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