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English Communicative Past Year Paper SA-1(Set-7)- 2014, Class 9, CBSE | Extra Documents & Tests for Class 9 PDF Download

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Summative Assessment-1 2014-2015 
 English Communicative 
Class – IX 
 Time allowed: 3:00 hours                                Maximum Marks: 70 
 General Instructions: 
The question paper is divided into Three sections. 
Section A: Reading     20 marks 
Section B: Writing and Grammar   25 marks 
Section C:  Literature and Long Reading Test  25 marks 
Section A 
(Reading: 20 marks) 
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 
The Olive Ridley turtle has a circumtropical distribution, living in tropical and warm waters 
of the Pacific and Indian Oceans from India, Arabia, Japan, and Micronesia south to southern 
Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. In the Atlantic Oceans, it has been observed off the 
western coast of Africa and the coasts of northern Brazil, Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana 
and Venezuela. Historically, this species has been widely regarded as the most abundant sea 
turtle in the world. More than one million  Olive Ridleys were commercially harvested off the 
coasts of Mexico in 1968 alone. 
The Chennai Seacoast is a breeding ground for the endangered Olive Ridley turtles. The 
‘Turtle walk is an initiative aimed at educating the educating the fishing community and the 
general public living near the beach on the need to protect Oliver Ridley turtle and its turtle 
During the night, under normal conditions, the sea is a brighter source of light than the land. 
But now with urbanization and night time lighting, the shore is brighter than the sea at night. 
This distracts the Olive Ridley turtles that come ashore to lay eggs. Even the hatchings get 
distracted. Instead of going in the direction of the sea, the hatchings and adults stray towards 
human habitations. 
The volunteers, during their walk, begin their enthusiastic search for turtles and their egg-
laden nests. Some may be lucky enough to witness at close quarters. A large number of 
Turtles come ashore, dig their nests in the sand, lay eggs, cover the nest, and then walk back 
into the sea. The volunteers trace many such nests and dig out the turtle eggs. While 
newborns are prone to attack by crows and dogs, adult turtles face the threat of being run 
over by vehicles. Eggs are collected and carried back to the hatchery where they would be 
kept safely for hatching, and once hatched, they are released into the sea. They also rescue 
lone baby turtles, which could have been hatched from one of the undiscovered nests, and 
Page 2

Summative Assessment-1 2014-2015 
 English Communicative 
Class – IX 
 Time allowed: 3:00 hours                                Maximum Marks: 70 
 General Instructions: 
The question paper is divided into Three sections. 
Section A: Reading     20 marks 
Section B: Writing and Grammar   25 marks 
Section C:  Literature and Long Reading Test  25 marks 
Section A 
(Reading: 20 marks) 
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 
The Olive Ridley turtle has a circumtropical distribution, living in tropical and warm waters 
of the Pacific and Indian Oceans from India, Arabia, Japan, and Micronesia south to southern 
Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. In the Atlantic Oceans, it has been observed off the 
western coast of Africa and the coasts of northern Brazil, Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana 
and Venezuela. Historically, this species has been widely regarded as the most abundant sea 
turtle in the world. More than one million  Olive Ridleys were commercially harvested off the 
coasts of Mexico in 1968 alone. 
The Chennai Seacoast is a breeding ground for the endangered Olive Ridley turtles. The 
‘Turtle walk is an initiative aimed at educating the educating the fishing community and the 
general public living near the beach on the need to protect Oliver Ridley turtle and its turtle 
During the night, under normal conditions, the sea is a brighter source of light than the land. 
But now with urbanization and night time lighting, the shore is brighter than the sea at night. 
This distracts the Olive Ridley turtles that come ashore to lay eggs. Even the hatchings get 
distracted. Instead of going in the direction of the sea, the hatchings and adults stray towards 
human habitations. 
The volunteers, during their walk, begin their enthusiastic search for turtles and their egg-
laden nests. Some may be lucky enough to witness at close quarters. A large number of 
Turtles come ashore, dig their nests in the sand, lay eggs, cover the nest, and then walk back 
into the sea. The volunteers trace many such nests and dig out the turtle eggs. While 
newborns are prone to attack by crows and dogs, adult turtles face the threat of being run 
over by vehicles. Eggs are collected and carried back to the hatchery where they would be 
kept safely for hatching, and once hatched, they are released into the sea. They also rescue 
lone baby turtles, which could have been hatched from one of the undiscovered nests, and 
had strayed away on account of the distracting lights on the shore. They carry them to the 
sea, and let them free in the water. 
a) The Olive Ridley turtle is an _______________ species. 
b) Where do the endangered Olive Ridley breed in India? 
c) What is the Turtle Walk 
d) Why do the turtles and hatchlings go towards human habitation? 
e) “enthusiastic” refers _______________ 
f) What is the danger to newborns? 
g) After rescuing lone baby turtles, what is done to them? 
h) Find a word from the passage which means “disturbing”. 
2. Read the passage given below and answer that follow: 
It happens to us all, however hard we may try to delay the process. We grow old. Cosmetic 
surgery may remove the wrinkles, skin which has sagged may be tightened by means of a 
facelift and a hair dresser may dye grey hair a more youthful colour, but we cannot remain 
young forever. 
Age brings intelligence, experience, wisdom and beauty. So why are we so scared of it? The 
trouble is that many of us find it impossible to relate to these worrying, facts, unable to face 
the reality that every day we inch ever closer to our own dotage. Our older generations 
experienced the majority of the most tumultuous century in human history and yet at best 
we infantilise, at worst outright ignore them. 
However, what is important is the quality of life. Some people are lucky to be taken care of at 
home whereas others may have to move to residential homes. The worst part of ageing is 
that often the mind becomes less alert. As people grow older they experience short-term 
memory. Later, some may suffer from dementia, often in the form of Alzheimer’s disease. 
By no means are all people in this category. Many senior citizens are in the possession of all 
their faculties and see retirement as a time of freedom. Not only that if they have a generous 
retirement pension they are likely to be quite well-off with money to be spent on a holiday 
and other luxuries. Because of this, both business and government have a new respect for 
what is known as grey power. 
It is unfortunate that many people regard old people as geriatrics who have one foot in the 
grave. Someone should remind them that they too would be old one day! 
a) What does the writer imply by saying ‘some people are lucky’ in the third paragraph? 
b) Why do we have such an aversion to ageing? 
c) What is meant by ‘Grey Power’? 
d) Why is retirement considered a time of freedom? 
e) Why is meant by ‘generous’? (Para 4) 
f) What is meant by ‘well-off’? (Para 4) 
g) Find the word opposite to ‘income’. (Para 4) 
h) Find the word opposite to ‘peaceful’. (Para 2) 
Page 3

Summative Assessment-1 2014-2015 
 English Communicative 
Class – IX 
 Time allowed: 3:00 hours                                Maximum Marks: 70 
 General Instructions: 
The question paper is divided into Three sections. 
Section A: Reading     20 marks 
Section B: Writing and Grammar   25 marks 
Section C:  Literature and Long Reading Test  25 marks 
Section A 
(Reading: 20 marks) 
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 
The Olive Ridley turtle has a circumtropical distribution, living in tropical and warm waters 
of the Pacific and Indian Oceans from India, Arabia, Japan, and Micronesia south to southern 
Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. In the Atlantic Oceans, it has been observed off the 
western coast of Africa and the coasts of northern Brazil, Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana 
and Venezuela. Historically, this species has been widely regarded as the most abundant sea 
turtle in the world. More than one million  Olive Ridleys were commercially harvested off the 
coasts of Mexico in 1968 alone. 
The Chennai Seacoast is a breeding ground for the endangered Olive Ridley turtles. The 
‘Turtle walk is an initiative aimed at educating the educating the fishing community and the 
general public living near the beach on the need to protect Oliver Ridley turtle and its turtle 
During the night, under normal conditions, the sea is a brighter source of light than the land. 
But now with urbanization and night time lighting, the shore is brighter than the sea at night. 
This distracts the Olive Ridley turtles that come ashore to lay eggs. Even the hatchings get 
distracted. Instead of going in the direction of the sea, the hatchings and adults stray towards 
human habitations. 
The volunteers, during their walk, begin their enthusiastic search for turtles and their egg-
laden nests. Some may be lucky enough to witness at close quarters. A large number of 
Turtles come ashore, dig their nests in the sand, lay eggs, cover the nest, and then walk back 
into the sea. The volunteers trace many such nests and dig out the turtle eggs. While 
newborns are prone to attack by crows and dogs, adult turtles face the threat of being run 
over by vehicles. Eggs are collected and carried back to the hatchery where they would be 
kept safely for hatching, and once hatched, they are released into the sea. They also rescue 
lone baby turtles, which could have been hatched from one of the undiscovered nests, and 
had strayed away on account of the distracting lights on the shore. They carry them to the 
sea, and let them free in the water. 
a) The Olive Ridley turtle is an _______________ species. 
b) Where do the endangered Olive Ridley breed in India? 
c) What is the Turtle Walk 
d) Why do the turtles and hatchlings go towards human habitation? 
e) “enthusiastic” refers _______________ 
f) What is the danger to newborns? 
g) After rescuing lone baby turtles, what is done to them? 
h) Find a word from the passage which means “disturbing”. 
2. Read the passage given below and answer that follow: 
It happens to us all, however hard we may try to delay the process. We grow old. Cosmetic 
surgery may remove the wrinkles, skin which has sagged may be tightened by means of a 
facelift and a hair dresser may dye grey hair a more youthful colour, but we cannot remain 
young forever. 
Age brings intelligence, experience, wisdom and beauty. So why are we so scared of it? The 
trouble is that many of us find it impossible to relate to these worrying, facts, unable to face 
the reality that every day we inch ever closer to our own dotage. Our older generations 
experienced the majority of the most tumultuous century in human history and yet at best 
we infantilise, at worst outright ignore them. 
However, what is important is the quality of life. Some people are lucky to be taken care of at 
home whereas others may have to move to residential homes. The worst part of ageing is 
that often the mind becomes less alert. As people grow older they experience short-term 
memory. Later, some may suffer from dementia, often in the form of Alzheimer’s disease. 
By no means are all people in this category. Many senior citizens are in the possession of all 
their faculties and see retirement as a time of freedom. Not only that if they have a generous 
retirement pension they are likely to be quite well-off with money to be spent on a holiday 
and other luxuries. Because of this, both business and government have a new respect for 
what is known as grey power. 
It is unfortunate that many people regard old people as geriatrics who have one foot in the 
grave. Someone should remind them that they too would be old one day! 
a) What does the writer imply by saying ‘some people are lucky’ in the third paragraph? 
b) Why do we have such an aversion to ageing? 
c) What is meant by ‘Grey Power’? 
d) Why is retirement considered a time of freedom? 
e) Why is meant by ‘generous’? (Para 4) 
f) What is meant by ‘well-off’? (Para 4) 
g) Find the word opposite to ‘income’. (Para 4) 
h) Find the word opposite to ‘peaceful’. (Para 2) 
Section – B 
(Writing and Grammar: 25 Marks) 
3. Do you wonder why the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence? Basically 
the saying means that things might look good somewhere else but that is not necessarily true 
because from the other side, what you have might look pretty good to them. Write an article 
for you school magazine in not more than 120 words explaining the relevance of this 
statement in today’s life. 
4. ‘Music and I were the best of friends…’ Write a story starting with the given line in 150-200 
words. Also give a suitable title. 
5. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones 
given below. Write your answers in the answer sheets against the correct blank number. Do 
not copy the entire passage. 
When Frank and I stepped (a) _____________ the post office doors, (b) ____________ was a crowd 
gathered, gawking (c) ______________ the new fixture on the wall like a chorus of wide-mouthed 
a) (i) through (ii) by  (iii) from   (iv) against 
b) (i) their  (ii) there  (iii) there being  (iv) been 
c) (i) on  (ii) at  (iii) by   (iv) along 
6. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the answer 
sheet as given below: 
Incorrect Correct 
Education is a process, with apart from  (a) ________ _________ 
acquiring certain skills also help in using  (b) ________ _________ 
them efficiently in a relevant context and of (c) ________ _________ 
understanding. Thus, it should not became (d) ________ _________ 
a mechanic process.  
7. Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. Write 
the correct sentences in your answer sheet. 
Eg: are located / the Artic and the Antarctica / the south / around the north / of the earth / 
poles / and 
The Arctic and the Antarctica, are located around the north and the south poles of the earth. 
a) the / at both / atmosphere / is / cold / these places / very 
b) experience / they / extreme / solar / periods / exposure 
c) several / therefore / similarities / weather patterns / in the / there / are 
Section – C 
(Literature and Long Reading Text: 25 Marks) 
8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. 
“Those who saw it said the dog knew it instantly. He never jumped on Chuck again. From that 
moment, he took up a post beside his master’s bed around the clock.” 
Page 4

Summative Assessment-1 2014-2015 
 English Communicative 
Class – IX 
 Time allowed: 3:00 hours                                Maximum Marks: 70 
 General Instructions: 
The question paper is divided into Three sections. 
Section A: Reading     20 marks 
Section B: Writing and Grammar   25 marks 
Section C:  Literature and Long Reading Test  25 marks 
Section A 
(Reading: 20 marks) 
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 
The Olive Ridley turtle has a circumtropical distribution, living in tropical and warm waters 
of the Pacific and Indian Oceans from India, Arabia, Japan, and Micronesia south to southern 
Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. In the Atlantic Oceans, it has been observed off the 
western coast of Africa and the coasts of northern Brazil, Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana 
and Venezuela. Historically, this species has been widely regarded as the most abundant sea 
turtle in the world. More than one million  Olive Ridleys were commercially harvested off the 
coasts of Mexico in 1968 alone. 
The Chennai Seacoast is a breeding ground for the endangered Olive Ridley turtles. The 
‘Turtle walk is an initiative aimed at educating the educating the fishing community and the 
general public living near the beach on the need to protect Oliver Ridley turtle and its turtle 
During the night, under normal conditions, the sea is a brighter source of light than the land. 
But now with urbanization and night time lighting, the shore is brighter than the sea at night. 
This distracts the Olive Ridley turtles that come ashore to lay eggs. Even the hatchings get 
distracted. Instead of going in the direction of the sea, the hatchings and adults stray towards 
human habitations. 
The volunteers, during their walk, begin their enthusiastic search for turtles and their egg-
laden nests. Some may be lucky enough to witness at close quarters. A large number of 
Turtles come ashore, dig their nests in the sand, lay eggs, cover the nest, and then walk back 
into the sea. The volunteers trace many such nests and dig out the turtle eggs. While 
newborns are prone to attack by crows and dogs, adult turtles face the threat of being run 
over by vehicles. Eggs are collected and carried back to the hatchery where they would be 
kept safely for hatching, and once hatched, they are released into the sea. They also rescue 
lone baby turtles, which could have been hatched from one of the undiscovered nests, and 
had strayed away on account of the distracting lights on the shore. They carry them to the 
sea, and let them free in the water. 
a) The Olive Ridley turtle is an _______________ species. 
b) Where do the endangered Olive Ridley breed in India? 
c) What is the Turtle Walk 
d) Why do the turtles and hatchlings go towards human habitation? 
e) “enthusiastic” refers _______________ 
f) What is the danger to newborns? 
g) After rescuing lone baby turtles, what is done to them? 
h) Find a word from the passage which means “disturbing”. 
2. Read the passage given below and answer that follow: 
It happens to us all, however hard we may try to delay the process. We grow old. Cosmetic 
surgery may remove the wrinkles, skin which has sagged may be tightened by means of a 
facelift and a hair dresser may dye grey hair a more youthful colour, but we cannot remain 
young forever. 
Age brings intelligence, experience, wisdom and beauty. So why are we so scared of it? The 
trouble is that many of us find it impossible to relate to these worrying, facts, unable to face 
the reality that every day we inch ever closer to our own dotage. Our older generations 
experienced the majority of the most tumultuous century in human history and yet at best 
we infantilise, at worst outright ignore them. 
However, what is important is the quality of life. Some people are lucky to be taken care of at 
home whereas others may have to move to residential homes. The worst part of ageing is 
that often the mind becomes less alert. As people grow older they experience short-term 
memory. Later, some may suffer from dementia, often in the form of Alzheimer’s disease. 
By no means are all people in this category. Many senior citizens are in the possession of all 
their faculties and see retirement as a time of freedom. Not only that if they have a generous 
retirement pension they are likely to be quite well-off with money to be spent on a holiday 
and other luxuries. Because of this, both business and government have a new respect for 
what is known as grey power. 
It is unfortunate that many people regard old people as geriatrics who have one foot in the 
grave. Someone should remind them that they too would be old one day! 
a) What does the writer imply by saying ‘some people are lucky’ in the third paragraph? 
b) Why do we have such an aversion to ageing? 
c) What is meant by ‘Grey Power’? 
d) Why is retirement considered a time of freedom? 
e) Why is meant by ‘generous’? (Para 4) 
f) What is meant by ‘well-off’? (Para 4) 
g) Find the word opposite to ‘income’. (Para 4) 
h) Find the word opposite to ‘peaceful’. (Para 2) 
Section – B 
(Writing and Grammar: 25 Marks) 
3. Do you wonder why the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence? Basically 
the saying means that things might look good somewhere else but that is not necessarily true 
because from the other side, what you have might look pretty good to them. Write an article 
for you school magazine in not more than 120 words explaining the relevance of this 
statement in today’s life. 
4. ‘Music and I were the best of friends…’ Write a story starting with the given line in 150-200 
words. Also give a suitable title. 
5. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones 
given below. Write your answers in the answer sheets against the correct blank number. Do 
not copy the entire passage. 
When Frank and I stepped (a) _____________ the post office doors, (b) ____________ was a crowd 
gathered, gawking (c) ______________ the new fixture on the wall like a chorus of wide-mouthed 
a) (i) through (ii) by  (iii) from   (iv) against 
b) (i) their  (ii) there  (iii) there being  (iv) been 
c) (i) on  (ii) at  (iii) by   (iv) along 
6. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the answer 
sheet as given below: 
Incorrect Correct 
Education is a process, with apart from  (a) ________ _________ 
acquiring certain skills also help in using  (b) ________ _________ 
them efficiently in a relevant context and of (c) ________ _________ 
understanding. Thus, it should not became (d) ________ _________ 
a mechanic process.  
7. Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. Write 
the correct sentences in your answer sheet. 
Eg: are located / the Artic and the Antarctica / the south / around the north / of the earth / 
poles / and 
The Arctic and the Antarctica, are located around the north and the south poles of the earth. 
a) the / at both / atmosphere / is / cold / these places / very 
b) experience / they / extreme / solar / periods / exposure 
c) several / therefore / similarities / weather patterns / in the / there / are 
Section – C 
(Literature and Long Reading Text: 25 Marks) 
8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. 
“Those who saw it said the dog knew it instantly. He never jumped on Chuck again. From that 
moment, he took up a post beside his master’s bed around the clock.” 
a) What was it that dog knew instantly? 
b) What was the name of the dog? 
c) What had happened to the master? 
Read the extract given below and answer the questions / complete the sentences that follow. 
“Oh! I’m fed up with the place.” 
a) Who spoke these words to whom? 
b) Which place is she fed up of and why? 
c) Pick out the word from this line similar in meaning to ‘depressed’. 
9. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words: 
a) ‘It was like lighting a fuse. Duke shimmied himself U-shaped in anticipation’. Explain. 
b) Why did the grandmother depend on her granddaughter to know the story of ‘Kashi 
c) In the poem, “The Road Not Taken” where is the poet and what did he see in front of him. 
d) Why did Juliette hang the sign at night to sell her villa? 
10. ‘I am independent.’ 
Based on this statement of the grandmother, write a paragraph on the topic ‘Education can 
make one independent’ in about 80-100 words. 
Today we live in a business world full of cut-throat competition. In this world, only those 
who are smart and resourceful can survive. In the play ‘Villa for Sale’, the character of Gaston 
may be labelled as someone who is very cunning but a good businessman. Based on Gaston’s 
character sketch, write a paragraph on the topic ‘Business should not be all about exploiting 
opportunities’ highlighting the values of honesty and fairness. 
Attempt either question no. 11 or 12 (in 150-200 words). 
11. Glumdalclitch took certain precautions to keep Gulliver safe during the travels with her 
father. Mention some of the precautions taken by her in 150-200 words. 
The express of Lilliput vows to take revenge on Gulliver. Examine her character in 150-200 
12. The novel ‘Three Men in a Boat’ involves neither great adventure nor great humour, yet it is 
an amusing story that conveys a moral. Elaborate. 
Each character in the novel is quite amusing in his/her own way. Whom do you like the best? 
Give reasons for your answer. 
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FAQs on English Communicative Past Year Paper SA-1(Set-7)- 2014, Class 9, CBSE - Extra Documents & Tests for Class 9

1. What are the key topics covered in the English Communicative Past Year Paper SA-1 (Set-7) of CBSE Class 9 in 2014?
Ans. The key topics covered in the English Communicative Past Year Paper SA-1 (Set-7) of CBSE Class 9 in 2014 include comprehension passages, grammar, writing skills, literature, and vocabulary.
2. How can I prepare for the English Communicative exam of CBSE Class 9?
Ans. To prepare for the English Communicative exam of CBSE Class 9, you can start by thoroughly studying the prescribed textbooks, practicing grammar exercises, improving your reading comprehension skills, and writing practice essays. Additionally, solving past year papers and mock tests can also be helpful in understanding the exam pattern and identifying areas of improvement.
3. What is the marking scheme for the English Communicative exam of CBSE Class 9?
Ans. The marking scheme for the English Communicative exam of CBSE Class 9 usually consists of different sections, such as comprehension, grammar, writing skills, literature, and vocabulary. Each section carries a specific weightage, and the total marks are divided accordingly. It is essential to understand the marking scheme to allocate time and effort appropriately to different sections during the exam.
4. Are there any specific tips to improve my writing skills for the English Communicative exam of CBSE Class 9?
Ans. Yes, there are specific tips to improve your writing skills for the English Communicative exam of CBSE Class 9. Firstly, focus on developing a strong vocabulary by reading extensively and learning new words. Secondly, practice writing essays, letters, and paragraphs regularly to improve your overall writing style and coherence. Additionally, pay attention to grammar and sentence structure to enhance the quality of your writing.
5. How can I effectively manage my time during the English Communicative exam of CBSE Class 9?
Ans. To effectively manage your time during the English Communicative exam of CBSE Class 9, it is essential to allocate specific time slots for each section based on the marking scheme. Start with the section you are most comfortable with to gain confidence and save time. Read the questions carefully and plan your answers before writing to avoid confusion and save time. It is also advisable to keep some time for revision at the end to ensure accuracy and make any necessary corrections.
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