Corrects statement/s with regard to UTs is/are:1. The parliament can m...
Articles 239 to 241 in Part VIII of the Constitution deal with the union territories. The Parliament can make laws on any subject of the three lists (including the State List) for the union
territories. This power of Parliament also extends to Puducherry and Delhi, which have their own
local legislatures. This means that, the legislative power of Parliament for the union territories on
subjects of the State List remain unaffected even after establishing a local legislature for them. But,
the legislative assembly of Puducherry can also make laws on any subject of the State List and the
Concurrent List. Similarly, the legislative assembly of Delhi can make laws on any subject of the
State List (except public order, police and land) and the Concurrent List.
The Lt. governor is empowered to promulgate ordinances during recess of the assembly. An
Ordinance has the same force as an act of the assembly. Every such ordinance must be approved by
the assembly within six weeks from its reassembly. He can also withdraw an ordinance at any time.
But, he cannot promulgate an ordinance when the assembly is dissolved or suspended. Further, no such ordinance can be promulgated or withdrawn without the prior permission of the President