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150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12 PDF Download

NEET is one of the most competitive exams we have in our country, with lakhs of medical aspirants sitting for this test every year. If you have the proper determination and dedication, 5 months would be enough to prepare all the topics, but you must create a proper plan. 

  • The first and foremost thing every student needs to know is what to study, and then move on to how to study it all in the most effective manner.
  • 150 days are more than enough if you are clear with the basics.

    There are 79 chapters in NEET Syllabus

    150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

Things you need to stop doing right away:

Before you start your preparation you need to stop doing these things right away-

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

Things you need to do in 150 days NEET Time Table -

For every topic, especially in Biology and Chemistry students must follow the rule of thumb of first going through the chapter-wise NCERTs, then watching video lectures, after that you need to revise from notes, and then give the topic-wise tests.
EduRev provides you with the syllabus, NCERTs, topic-wise video lectures, tests, notes, past year papers, mock test series, and more under one huge umbrella. We have streamlined everything to help you study what matters.

Week 1: Topic Wise: Biology and Physics Class 11

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 to 6 - Biology  

  • Day 1 - 2 - The Living World
    - Stick to NCERT only, as questions are asked in NEET based on NCERT books. 
    - Give a read to the summary given in NCERT of this chapter as one question was asked from the summary too. 
    -  Get the best understanding of a concept and then solve NEET previous year's question papers, take up subject-wise tests, etc.
    - Find the previous year's question papers of the chapter The Living World here.
  • Day 3 - 4  - Biological Classification
    - For this chapter, present data in a proper manner which will help you in recalling the chapter easily. 
    Make mind maps and proper charts with all the important points. You can refer to Mind Maps available in EduRev app and can use them for a quick revision.
    - Mention every point from NCERT in a short way and make mnemonics of the examples given in this chapter. 
  • Day 5 - 6 - Plant Kingdom
    - The students need to understand the chapter and also need to memorize a lot of terms and facts in this chapter.
    - One thing which students should not do is learn everything in a day and try to remember all the phylum at once. 
    - Note down the key points to remember and biological names can also be listed down to memorize clearly. Revise the chapter at regular intervals. 
    Things you need to do (Biology):-
    Here is the list of things you need to keep in mind for studying Biology for NEET. 
    a. Do one chapter every day. Small chapters like the living world, Cell cycle can be done together.
    b. Focus on diagrams.
    c. Focus on the back exercise of NCERT. Read the book line by line.
    d. Check the weightage of different chapters from the analysis of previous year's papers and revise the important chapters again and again. 

2. Day 7- physics 

  • Day 7 - Units and Measurements part - 1
    - From the chapter physical world most of the time only 1 question is asked and sometimes 2 questions are asked.
    -  Read the NCERT properly and practice the previous year papers 

Things you need to do (Physics):-
Here is the list of things you need to keep in mind for studying Physics for NEET.
a. Clear your basics and concepts by watching videos
b. Make a summary sheet with all formulas, keep practicing and revising them
c. Solve last 30 years papers of physics.
d. Do not go for other books instead try to solve more and more previous year's questions or sample papers.

Week 2: Topic Wise: Physics and Biology Class 11

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 to 4 - Biology

  • Day 1 - 2 -   Animal Kingdom  
    - Read only the NCERT Textbook thoroughly and mark down various important points that are required.
    - Try solving and answering questions from the NCERT solution book be it objective-type questions or descriptive and solve almost all the questions from that part.
    - One more important point is that students must try to solve previous years' question papers which helps them in understanding the pattern of the question paper.
    - Read the NCERT properly and practice the previous year papers
  • Day 3- 4 -    Morphology of Flowering Plants  
    -  Chapter Morphology of flowering plants is full of examples. It is quite normal to face difficulties in remembering all the examples of the chapter
    -  Create your own mnemonics and learn them and revise at regular intervals.

Things you need to do (Physics) :-
Here is the list of things you need to keep in mind for studying Physics for NEET.
a. Clear your basics and concepts by watching videos 
b. Make a summary sheet with all formulas, keep practicing and revising them
c. Solve last 30 years papers of physics. 
d. Do not go for other books instead try to solve more and more previous year's questions or sample papers. 

2. Day 5 to 7 - physics

  • Day 5 -   Units and Measurements part - 2  
    - Read only the NCERT Textbook thoroughly and mark down various important points that are required.
    - Try solving and answering questions from the NCERT solution book be it objective-type questions or descriptive and solve almost all the questions from that part.
    - One more important point is that students must try to solve previous years' question papers which helps them in understanding the pattern of the question paper. 

-Remember the seven fundamental units and 15 to 18 derived units and their dimensions as well as dimensional analysis. 

  • Day 6 - 7 -    Motion in a Straight Line  
    -  Focus on concepts, formulas, and the application part rather than just reading NCERT
    - Solve (if not able to solve then see solution) multiple examples on the topic. 
    - Start with very easy formulae-based questions and then increase the difficulty to past year's neet exam question

Week 3: Topic Wise: Chemistry, Physics and Biology Class 11

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 to 3 - Chemistry

  • Day 1 - Some basic concepts of chemistry
    - The more you see the periodic table, the more it will be etched in your memory. 
    - It is also suggested to make jingles to by heart the periodic table. 
  • Day 2 - 3 - Atomic Structure
    - Follow NCERT
    - The tables and graphs in ncert are very important like the one of Shape and geometry, hybridisation, linear combination of atomic orbitals, etc.
  • Things you need to do (Chemistry) :-
    Here is the list of things you need to keep in mind for studying Chemistry for NEET.
    a. Start with the last 4 chapters of NCERT and try finishing them in a day or two. Chapters like biomolecules, polymers, chemistry in everyday life are very easy and 4-5 questions are asked from them.
    b. Just do NCERT ONLY! Be it organic or inorganic. Neet 2023 was completely NCERT text-based
    c. Keep the order as Physical -> Inorganic -> Organic.
    d. Solve and practice a lot of numerical questions in physical chemistry
    e. Understand reaction mechanism properly especially to solve class 12 th organic questions.

2. Day 4 to  5 - Biology & 6 - 7 Physics

  • Day 4 - 5 - Anatomy of Flowering Plants
    - NCERT is far more than enough for anatomy in flowering plants. 
    - Have NCERT on your tips along and understand all the diagrams well.
    - Focus on understanding the diagrams of this chapter. 
  • Day 6 - 7 - Motion in a Plane
    -  This chapter is not like you will get all concepts in one go, you need to read it several times for understanding the concepts.
    - Read it, again and again, to keep it fresh.  

Week 4: Topic Wise: Physics, Chemistry and Biology Class 11

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 to 2 - Chemistry  

  • Day 1 - 2 -  Classification of elements Periodicity in their Properties
    - Focus on concepts, formulas, and the application part rather than just reading NCERT
    - Solve (if not able to solve then see solution) multiple examples on the topic. 
    - Start with very easy formulae-based questions and then increase the difficulty to past year's neet exam questions. 

2. Day 3 to 4 - Physics

  • Day 3- 4 - Laws of Motion
    - Start by reading and understanding concepts from NCERT
    - Solve all examples and in-text questions covered in NCERT

3. Day 5- 7 - Biology

  • Day 5- 7 - Structural organisation in animals
    -  This chapter is not like you will get all concepts in one go, you need to read it several times for understanding the concepts.
    - Read it, again and again, to keep it fresh.  

Week 5: Topic Wise: Chemistry and Biology Class 11

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 to 4 - Chemistry

2. Day 5 to 7 - Biology 

  • Day 5- 7 - Cell - The unit of life
    Things you need to keep in mind for the week: 
    Be thorough with your NCERTs as most of the questions will revolve around it.
    - State of matter chapter is very small and few questions are asked in NEET
    - Make short notes of the chapter thermodynamics, focus on formulas and important concepts.
    - Focus on NCERTs, diagrams, and solving topic-wise Neet previous year papers to retain the concepts well. 

Week 6: Topic Wise: Physics and Biology Class 11

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 to 4 - Physics  

2. Day 5 to 7 - Biology

  • Day 5  -  Biomolecules                                                                 
  • Day 6 - 7 -  Cell Cycle and Cell division   
    Things you need to keep in mind for the week
    Physics: Prepare for physics in just 3 simple steps 
    1) Learn the formulas given in NCERT
    2) Understand the concepts well through video sources
    3) Practice well enough through PYQs and Sample Papers
    1) Use the NCERT textbook to focus on conceptual parts
    2) Make your own short notes, mnemonics, mind maps and revise them at regular intervals 
    3) Solve NEET PYQs and Sample Papers 

Week 7: Topic Wise: Chemistry and Biology Class 11

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 to 3 - Chemistry

2. Day 4 - 7 - Biology

  • Day 4 - 5 -   Photosynthesis in Higher Plants                                                                                                            
  • Day 6 - 7 -   Respiration in Plants  
    Things you need to keep in mind for the week
    1) Use the NCERT textbook to focus on conceptual parts
    2) Make your own short notes, mnemonics, mind maps and revise them at regular intervals 
    3) Solve NEET PYQs and Sample Papers 

    Physical Chemistry: 
    1) Learn all formulas and practice the application of the formulas. Most of the questions are directly based on formulas. 
    2) Question practice is the backbone of physical chemistry, try to solve maximum number of questions.  

Week 8: Topic Wise: Physics and Biology Class 11

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 - 3 - Physics

2. Day 5 - 7 - Biology

Things you need to keep in mind for the week
Physics: Prepare for physics in just 3 simple steps 
1) Learn the formulas given in NCERT
2) Understand the concepts well through video sources
3) Practice well enough through PYQs and Sample Papers
1) Use the NCERT textbook to focus on conceptual parts
2) Make your own short notes, mnemonics, mind maps and revise them at regular intervals 
3) Solve NEET PYQs and Sample Papers

Week 9: Topic Wise: Chemistry and Physics Class 11

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 - 2 - Physics 

2. Day 3  to 7 - Chemistry 

  • Day 3 -  4  - Redox Reactions                                                              
  • Day  5- 7 - Organic chemistry - some basic principles and techniques     
    Things you need to keep in mind for the week Biology: 
    1) Use the NCERT textbook to focus on conceptual parts
    2) Make your own short notes, mnemonics, mind maps and revise them at regular intervals 
    3) Solve NEET PYQs and Sample Papers

    Inorganic  and Organic Chemistry:
    1) Study NCERTs, Inorganic Chemistry is almost like Biology you need to stick to the NCERTs for basics 
    2) Solve NEET previous year's questions. You will get to know how the questions are framed from NCERTs.

Week 10: Topic Wise: Physics  and Biology Class 11

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 - 4 - Physics

2. Day 4 - 7 - Biology

  • Day 5 - 6 - Body Fluids and Circulation
  • Day 7 -  Excretory Products and their Elimination
    Things you need to keep in mind for the week
    Physics: Prepare for physics in just 3 simple steps 
    1) Learn the formulas given in NCERT
    2) Understand the concepts well through video sources
    3) Practice well enough through PYQs and Sample Papers
    1) Use the NCERT textbook to focus on conceptual parts
    2) Make your own short notes, mnemonics, mind maps and revise them at regular intervals 
    3) Solve NEET PYQs and Sample Papers

Week 11: Topic Wise: Physics and Biology Class 11

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 - 5 - Physics

2. Day 6 - 7 - Biology

  • Day 6 - 7 - Locomotion and Movement
    Things you need to keep in mind for the week
    1) Use the NCERT textbook to focus on conceptual parts
    2) Make your own short notes, mnemonics, mind maps and revise them at regular intervals 
    3) Solve NEET PYQs and Sample Papers

    Physics: Prepare for physics in just 3 simple steps 
    1) Learn the formulas given in NCERT
    2) Understand the concepts well through video sources
    3) Practice well enough through PYQs and Sample Papers

Week 12: Topic Wise: Chemistry and Biology Class 11

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 - 4 - Chemistry

  • Day 1 - 2 - Hydrocarbons
  • Day 3 - 4 -  Purification and characterization of organic compounds 

2. Day 5 - 7 - Biology

  • Day 5- 6 - Neural control and coordination 
  • Day 7 - Chemical control and coordination 
    Things you need to keep in mind for the week
    Prepare for Chemistry in just 3 simple steps 
    1) Learn the formulas given in NCERT
    2) Understand the concepts well through video sources
    3) Practice well enough through PYQs and Sample Papers
    1) Use the NCERT textbook to focus on conceptual parts
    2) Make your own short notes, mnemonics, mind maps and revise them at regular intervals 
    3) Solve NEET PYQs and Sample Papers

Week 13: Topic Wise: Physics and Biology Class 12

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 - 4 - Physics

  • Day 1 - 2 - Electric charges and fields 
  • Day 3 - 4 - Electrostatic potential and capacitance 

2. Day 5 and 7 - Biology

  • Day 5 -  Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 
  • Day 6 - 7 - Human Reproduction

Week 14: Topic Wise: Physics , Chemistry and Biology Class 12

1. Day 1 - 4 - Chemistry

  • Day 1 - 2 - Solutions 
  • Day 3 - 4  - Electrochemistry

2. Day 5 - 6 - Physics

  • Day 5 - 6 - Current Electricity

3. Day 7 - Biology

  • Day 7 - Reproductive Health

Week 15: Topic Wise: Physics and Biology Class 12

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 to 3 - Physics

2. Day 4 to 7 - Biology 

  • Day 4 - 5 - Principles of inheritance and variation 
  • Day 6 - 7 -  Molecular basis of Inheritance

Week 16: Chemistry and Biology Class 12

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 - 5 - Chemistry

  • Day 1 - Chemical Kinetics
  • Day 2 - P- Block elements
  • Day 3 -4 -  D & F Block elements
  • Day 5 - Coordination Compounds

2. Day 6 - 7 - Biology

  • Day 6 - Human health and disease
  • Day 7 - Microbes in human welfare

Week 17: Topic Wise: Physics and Biology Class 12

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 to 4 - Physics

2. Day  5 to 7 - Biology

  • Day 5 - Evolution
  •  Day 6 - Biotechnology - Principles and Processes
  • Day 7 - Biotechnology and its applications

Week 18: Chemistry and  Physics Class 12

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 to 2 - Chemistry

  • Day 1- 2 - Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

2. Day 3 to 7 - Physics

Week 19: Chemistry and Physics Class 12

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 : Physics

  • Day 1 -  - Semiconductor 

2. Day 2 to 7: Chemistry

  • Day 2 - 3 - Alcohol Phenol Ether 
  • Day 4 - 5 - Aldehyde , ketone and carboxylic acid 
  • Day 6 - 7 - Amines and Biomolecules

Week 20: Chemistry Class 12 and Biology  31 years NEET PYQ’s

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

1. Day 1 - principle related to practical chemistry 

2. Day 2 -Biology

  • Day 2 -  Organisms and populations 
  • Day 3 - Ecosystem & Biodiversity and conservation 

2. Day 4 - 7 - Biology  31 years NEET PYQ’s

  • Biology 31 Years NEET Chapter-wise solved papers

150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12

Week 21: Chemistry , Physics 31 years PYQ’s

1. Day 1 - 3 - Chemistry 31 Years NEET Chapter- wise papers

2. Day 4 - 7 - Physics 31 Years NEET Chapter-wise solved papers

Week 22: Revision Notes and Mock test series

1. Day 1 - 3 Revision Notes

2. Day 4 - 7 - NEET Mock Test Series

We hope this helps you in covering your course for NEET effectively and quickly. We recommend you save/bookmark this article and refer to it daily during your 150-day journey.

With our timetable keep your progress tracked and study what matters. 

Happy learning with EduRev!!

The document 150 Days time table for NEET | Chemistry Class 12 is a part of the NEET Course Chemistry Class 12.
All you need of NEET at this link: NEET
108 videos|286 docs|123 tests

FAQs on 150 Days time table for NEET - Chemistry Class 12

1. How should I start my 150 days preparation for NEET?
Ans. To begin your 150 days preparation for NEET, create a structured study plan that covers all the subjects: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Allocate specific time slots for each subject daily and ensure you include time for revision and practice tests. Start by understanding the NEET syllabus and prioritize topics based on your strengths and weaknesses.
2. What study materials should I use for effective NEET preparation?
Ans. For effective NEET preparation, use NCERT textbooks as your primary study material, as they are crucial for understanding concepts. Additionally, refer to other competitive exam preparation books, online resources, and video lectures. Practice previous years' question papers and take mock tests to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern.
3. How can I manage my time effectively during the 150 days?
Ans. To manage your time effectively during the 150 days, create a daily and weekly schedule that balances study sessions, breaks, and revision. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to maintain focus during study sessions. Prioritize difficult topics earlier in the day when you are most alert, and set specific goals for each study session.
4. What is the importance of revision in the 150 days timetable?
Ans. Revision is crucial in the 150 days timetable as it helps reinforce the concepts you've learned and enhances retention. Regular revision prevents last-minute cramming and allows you to identify areas that need more focus. Schedule weekly revision sessions to revisit topics, solve practice questions, and clarify any doubts.
5. How can I stay motivated throughout my NEET preparation?
Ans. Staying motivated during your NEET preparation can be achieved by setting achievable goals and rewarding yourself after completing them. Surround yourself with supportive peers, join study groups, and maintain a positive mindset. Regularly remind yourself of your ultimate goal of becoming a medical professional, and visualize your success to keep your motivation high.
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