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Books and Authors | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams PDF Download

CLAT expects you to have knowledge regarding both Indian and World literature, under the Static GK portion. In this respect you are not expected to be aware of the storylines of each and every book. Knowing the names of the most prominent books and authors of those books would be adequate. Here we have compiled for you a list of books and authors of these books. By the time you sit for CLAT you should know each one of these pairs by heart.
Remember that this knowledge will not only help you crack CLAT but greatly increase your cultural awareness and aid you when you are participating in quizzes and debates.
For your convenience we have divided this list into various heads. Keep in mind that the list is not exhaustive and only an indicative one; it will be updated as and when required. Feel free to add your own books and authors pairs to it.


1) Antigone-Sophocles

2) Arthashastra-Kautilya

3) Ashokavadana- Buddhist monks of the Mathura region

4) Brihaddeshi- Matanga Muni

5) Buddha Charitam-Ashwaghosha

6) Geet Govinda-Jaya Deva

7) Harshacharita-Banabhatta

8) Illiad-Homer

9) Natya Shastra-Bharata Muni

10) Indica-Megasthenes

11) Kamsutra-Vatsayan

12) Kathasaritsagar- Somdeva

13) Kumar Sambhava-Kalidas

14) Lysistrata-Aristrophanes

15) Mahabharata- Veda Vyasa

16) Malikagnimitra-Kalidas

17) Manusmriti-Manu

18) Medea-Euripides

19) Meghdoot-Kalidas


21)Mudra Rakshasa-Vishakha Datta

22) Nagananda-Harshavardhana

23) Odyssey-Homer

24) Oedipus rex-Sophocles

25) Oresteia-Aeschylus

26) Panchatantra- Vishnu Sharma

27) Priyadarsika- Harshavardhana

28) Raghuvansha-Kalidas

29) Rajtarangini-Kalhana

30) Ramayana- Valmiki

31) Ratnavali-Harshavardhana

32) Shatapatha Brahmana-Yajnavalkya

33) The Bacchae-Euripides

34) Yoga Sutra- Patanjali

Illiad by HomerIlliad by Homer

Medieval India

1) A Voyage to East India-Thomas Roe

2) Akbarnama-Abul Fazl

3) Baburnama- Babur

4) Book of Durate Barbosa- Duarte Barbosa

5) Book of Sir Marco Polo- Marco Polo   

6) Burkan-i-Maasir- Saiyaad Ali Tabtaba

7) Chua-Fan Char- Chonjukua

8) Fatwa-i-Jahandari-Ziauddin Barni

9) Futuhat-i-Alamgiri- Ishwar Das Nagar

10) Futuhat-i-Ferozshahi-Ferozshah Tughlaq

11) History of the late Rebellion in the State of the great Mughal-Francois Bernier

12) Humayanama- Ghiyasuddin Mohammad

13) Humayun Nama-Gulbadan

14) Insha-i-Mahru- Ainul-ul-Mulq Multani

15) Kitab-ul-Hind-Al Beruni

16) Kitab-ul-Rehala- Ibn Batuta

17) Maasir-e-Alamgiri- Mohammad Saqi Mustaid Khan

18) Maasir-e-Apm- Mirza Mohammad Qazwini

19) Mirat-i-Ahmadi- Diwan Ali Mohammad bin Khan

20) Mirat-i-Sikandari-Sikandar bin Mohammad Manju

21) Murujul Jahab- Al Masudi

22) Narrative of Domingo Paes- Domingo Paes

23) Padshahnama- Abdul Hamid Lahori

24) Raj Tarangini-Kalhan

25) Shahjahannama- Inayat Khan

26) Storio Dor Mogor- Manucci

27) Tabkat-i-Akbari- Khwaja Nizamuddin Ahmed Harvi

28) Tabkat-i-Nasiri- Minhanjus Siraj

29) Tajkirat-ul-Muluk- Rafiuddin Shiraz

30) Tarikh-i-Alfi- Abdul Qadir Badayuni

31) Tarikh-i-Feroz shahi-Ziauddin Barni

32) Tarikh-i-Khafi Khan- Mohammad Hashim Khafi Khan

33) Tarikh-i-Mubarak Shahi- Yahya Abdullah Sarhindi

34) Tarikh-i-Shershahi- Abbas Khan Sherwani

35) The Itinerary of Ludouico de Verthema- Ludouico de Verthema

36) The Voyage of John Hughen Von Linschotten-John Linschotten

37) Trarikh-I-Farishta- Mohammad Qasim Hindu Shah Astarabadi

38) Travels in India- Jean Baptist Tavernier

39) Travels in the Mogul Empire-Francois Bernier

40) Tughlaq Nama-Amir Khusrau

41) Tujuk-i-Jahangiri- Jahangir

In case you are interested in knowing more about some of these books and their authors, please consult Pratiyogita Darpan Extra Issue Series 16-Indian History-Medieval India

Medieval Europe (1500 AD-1900 AD)

1. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland-Lewis Caroll

2. Around the World in Eighty Days-Jules Verne

3. Dracula-Bram Stoker

4. Frankenstein-Mary Shelley

5. Great Expectations-Charles Dickens

6. Gulliver’s Travels-Jonathan Swift

7. Huckleberry Finn-Mark Twain

8. Ivanhoe- Walter Scott

9. Jane Eyre-Charlotte Bronte

10. Les Propheties-Nostradamus

11. Little Women-Louisa May Alcott

12. Macbeth-William Shakespeare

13. Merchant of Venice-William Shakespeare

14. Moby Dick-Herman Melville

15. Paradise Lost-John Milton

16. Pride and Prejudice-Jane Austen

17. Romeo Juliet-William Shakespeare

18.  Sense and Sensibility-Jane Austen

19. Silas Marner-George Elliot

20. Tess of the D’Ubervilles-Thomas Hardy

21. The Picture of Dorian Gray-Oscar Wilde

22. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz-L. Frank Baum

23. Three Men in a Boat-Jerome.K.Jerome

24. Treasure Island- Robert Louis Stevenson

25. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea-Jules Verne

26. Vanity Fair-William Makepeace Thackeray

27. Wuthering Heights-Emily Bronte

Pre Independent India

1. A Forgotten Empire (Vijayanagar)- Robert Sewell

2. A Gift to Monotheists-Raja Rammohan Roy

3. A Nation in the Making-S.N.Banerjee

4. Anand Math-Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay

5. Byomkesh Bakshi series-Saradindu Bandopadhyay

6. Debi Choudhurani-Bankim Chandra  Chattopadhyay

7. Devdas- Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay

8. Discovery of India-Jawaharlal Nehru

9. Ghulam Giri-Jyotibha Phule

10. Gitanjali-Rabindranath Tagore

11. Hind Swaraj-Mahatma Gandhi

12. Neeldarpan-Dinbandhu Mitra

13. Parineeta – Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay

14. Pather Panchali-Bibhutibhuson Bandopadhyay

15. Poverty and Un-British rule in India-Dadabhai Naoroji

16. Precepts of Jesus-Raja Rammohan Roy

17. Stree Purusha Tulana-Tarabai Shinde

18. Sultana’s Dream-Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossein

19. The Indian Struggle-Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose

20. The Spirit of Islam-Syed Amir Ali

21. Unhappy India-Lala Lajpat Rai

22. Untouchable-Mulk Raj Anand

23.Why am I an Atheist?-Bhagat Singh

Hind Swaraj by M.K.GandhiHind Swaraj by M.K.Gandhi


A Game of Thrones-George R.R.Martin

A History of Rome- Christian Matthias Theodor Mommsen

A Streetcar Named Desire-Tennessee Williams

A Suitable Boy-Vikram Seth

Animal Farm-George Orwell

Atonement-Ian McEwan

Black Beauty-Anna Sewell

Dear John-Nicholas Sparks

Dubliners-James Joyce

Famous Five series-Enid Blyton

Feluda series-Satyajit Ray

Flood of Fire-Amitav Ghosh

Go Set a Watchman-Harper Lee

Gone Girl-Gillian Flynn

Half Girlfriend-Chetan Bhagat

Harry Potter series-J.K.Rowling

I Too Had a Love Story-Ravinder Singh

Ignited Minds-A.P.J.Abdul Kalam

James Bond series-Ian Fleming

Lady Chatterley’s Lover-Chester Brown

Lolita-Vladimir Nabokov

Mary Poppins-P.L.Travers

Matilda-Roald Dahl

Midnight’s Children-Salman Rushdie

Nostromo-Joseph Conrad

Old Man and the Sea-Ernest Hemmingway

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest-Ken Kesey

One Hundred Years of Solitude-Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Peter Pan-J.M.Barrie

Q&A-Vikas Swarup

Rebecca-Daphne du Maurier

Sherlock Holmes-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Tarzan of the Apes-Edgar Rice Burroughs

The Alchemist-Paulo Coelho

The Bell Jar-Sylvia Plath

The Cask of Amontillado-Edgar Allan Poe

The Chronicles of Narnia-C.S. Lewis

The Cuckoo’s Calling-Robert Galbraith (J.K.Rowling)

The Da Vinci Code-Dan Brown

The Diary of a Young Girl-Anne Frank

The Doomsday Conspiracy-Sidney Sheldon

The Firm-John Grisham

The God of Small Things-Arundhati Roy

The Great Gatsby-F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Indian Novel-Shashi Tharoor

The Host-Stephenie Meyer

The Kiterunner-Khaled Hosseini

The Lord of the Rings-J.R.R. Tolkien

The Maneater of Malgudi-R.K.Narayan

The Metamorphosis-Franz Kafka

The Mysterious Affair at Styles-Agatha Christie

The Namesake-Jhumpa Lahiri

The Oath of the Vayuputras-Amish Tripathi

The Peacock Garden-Anita Desai

The Shining-Stephen King

The Sins of the Father-Jeffrey Archer

The White Tiger-Aravind Adiga

To Kill A Mockingbird-Harper Lee

Train to Pakistan-Khushwant Singh

War and Peace-Leo Tolstoy

Winnie the Pooh-A.A.Milne

Wise and Otherwise-Sudha Murty

Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini 

The document Books and Authors | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams is a part of the Bank Exams Course General Awareness & Knowledge.
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