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CAT Exam Syllabus 2025: Latest Section-wise Syllabus | Download PDF PDF Download

The Common Admission Test (CAT) 2025 is expected to take place in November 2025, divided into three slots. The Official Notification for the exam, which will include information on the exam date and registration dates, is anticipated to be issued in July 2025. Additionally, the CAT application form for 2025 is also expected to be made available soon after the release of the official notification.

CAT Exam Syllabus 2025: Latest Section-wise Syllabus | Download PDF

However, candidates must already begin their CAT Preparation to clear the cut-offs with the highest percentile.

  • The CAT Syllabus covers all of the fundamental concepts in Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension & Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation.
  • According to the basics of these three components, questions are designed in a complicated manner to assess applicants' decision-making ability, time management skills, and analytical abilities. 
  • The initial step in preparing for the CAT 2025 is to have comprehensive information and an understanding of the CAT 2025 Syllabus and the relevant topics.

Also Read: 11 steps to clear CAT 2023

CAT Exam Syllabus 2025: An Overview

The CAT Syllabus is very generalized and vast. The IIMs do not have a fixed syllabus for CAT, but the questions are mostly based on middle school math and english topics.

Here is an overview of the CAT 2025 Syllabus for your understanding:

CAT Syllabus - Sectional Division

Important Topics in CAT 

Quantitative Ability (QA)

Geometry, Number System, Modern Math, Arithmetic, Mensuration, Algebra

Data Interpretations & Logical Reasoning

Team Formation, Seating Arrangement, Clocks and Calendars, Venn Diagrams, Bar Graphs

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension

Para jumbles, Para-Summary, Long & Short Passages

  • The detailed syllabus topics from each chapter are given in the article below and a comprehensive analysis of the weightage of each chapter is also given for better understanding. 
  • It should be noted that CAT is conducted by the Indian Institutes of Management as a prerequisite for admission to various management programs of IIMs, Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), National Institutes of Technology (NITs), Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and other institutions.

Before delving into the important topics of CAT Exam 2025, you must be aware of its Exam Pattern:

CAT Exam Pattern 2025

Candidates planning to appear for CAT 2025, must familiarize themselves with the latest CAT Exam Pattern. It will help them understand the structure of the CAT Exam Question Paper and marking scheme to prepare well. Go through the main features of CAT Exam Pattern

CAT Exam Syllabus 2025: Latest Section-wise Syllabus | Download PDF

Below mentioned are the key highlights of the CAT Exam Pattern:

CAT Exam Syllabus 2025: Latest Section-wise Syllabus | Download PDF

The Common Admission Test (CAT) exam pattern has undergone several changes over the years. The most recent change was made in the year 2021. Read more about the Evolution of the CAT Exam Pattern.

Now that you are aware of the CAT Exam Pattern, let us look in depth at the syllabus of the CAT Entrance Exam.

If you’re a B-school/IIM aspirant planning to get admission in top IIMs, you can prepare with EduRev Infinity for CAT to boost your preparation.

CAT Syllabus 2025: Quantitative Ability (QA)

Quantitative Ability is a wide-ranging and the trickiest section in the CAT Entrance Exam. 

  • There are 22 questions in the Quantitative Aptitude section, with 6-8 of them being TITA-based.
  • There are a few topics in the quantitative aptitude section that are extremely important and are repeated every year in the CAT Exam.
  • This section is focused on mathematics as the syllabus for QA is entirely based on school maths. Topics included are LCM & HCF, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Probability etc.

IIM prescribes no fixed syllabus for the CAT Exam. Experts at EduRev have compiled a thorough list of topics that have been observed in the past years.

The following is a general overview of the topics that you have to cover for the CAT 2025 Quantitative Ability section.

  1. Number System.
  2. Arithmetic
  3. Algebra
  4. Geometry and Mensuration
  5. Modern Maths
  6. Data Sufficiency

1. Number System:

2. Arithmetic:

3. Algebra:

Also Read: Must know formulae for CAT

4. Geometry and Mensuration:

5. Modern math:

Let us look in depth at the topic-wise distribution of the Quantitative Aptitude syllabus.

Topic-wise Distribution of Quantitative Aptitude (QA)

Given table shows the significance of different topics from varied areas of Quant:
CAT Exam Syllabus 2025: Latest Section-wise Syllabus | Download PDF

CAT Quant Topic Wise DistributionCAT Quant Topic Wise Distribution

From the above representation of the topic-wise distribution of Quantitative Aptitude, it can be concluded that Geometry, Number Systems, and Algebra questions dominate the QA section of the CAT Exam.

In the last few years, there has been an increased focus on Arithmetic-based questions in QA.  CAT 2022 featured the majority of questions from arithmetic. 

Another topic of high importance is algebra. There were a few questions from geometry as well.

You cannot score well in this section if you are not thorough with the fundamentals of these subsections.

Also Read: How to Prepare Quantitative Aptitude for CAT?

CAT Syllabus 2025: Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)

VARC is the first section to be solved in the exam. 

  • There are 24 questions in the verbal ability and reading comprehension segment, with 5 of them being TITA-based. 
  • Out of the 24 questions, 16 questions are from RCs coupled with 8 verbal ability questions.

Some of the key syllabus topics for the CAT VARC part are listed below.

The detailed syllabus of the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) Section is mentioned in the table below:

VARC Syllabus

Fill in the blanks

Para Completion and inference

Verbal Logic

Verbal Reasoning

Subject-Verb Agreement

Para Jumbles

Sentence completion

Foreign language words used in English

Different usage of the same word


Reading Comprehension





Jumbled paragraphs

Sentence correction

One word substitution

Parts of speech


Types of Clauses

Phrases Modifiers

Errors in tenses

Articles usage

Learn to Read, Understand, and Analyze—Master Reading Comprehension with EduRev's 100 Reading Comprehension Course!

Topic-wise Distribution of Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)

The VARC section is divided into two main parts; 

  • Reading Comprehension and
  • Verbal Ability. 

The topic with the most weightage in the VARC section is Reading Comprehension which includes paragraphs of varying lengths with MCQ and TITA questions. The Verbal Ability section comprises para jumbles, odd sentences etc.

As per the analysis of the VARC section of previous year's CAT papers, we have indicated the weightage of different topics:
CAT Exam Syllabus 2025: Latest Section-wise Syllabus | Download PDFCAT VARC Topic Wise DistributionCAT VARC Topic Wise Distribution

As previously stated, Reading Comprehension has the highest weightage in the VARC section and thus requires a lot of practice to score well in this section. 

EduRev offers you a 100+ RC course to help you prepare and master RCs, which will give you an edge in the CAT Exam and move you a step closer to your IIM dream. 

CAT Syllabus 2025: Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)

In the DILR section, there are nearly an equal number of questions on Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, with some of these based on a combination of both. 

  • This section is usually the most time-consuming one. 
  • The CAT logical thinking and data interpretation portion contain 20 questions, with 6 TITA-based questions.
  • There are a total of 4 sets which are comprised of 2 sets of 6 questions each and 2 sets of 4 questions each.

CAT Logical Reasoning Syllabus

  1. Syllogisms, 
  2. Puzzles, 
  3. Critical Reasoning, 
  4. Blood Relations, 
  5. Coding-Decoding, 
  6. Statement & Assumption, 
  7. Inference,
  8. Ranking, 
  9. Direction sense test
  10. Seating Arrangement (facing inwards/outwards).
  11. Coins
  12. Scheduling
  13. Enumeration-based Sets
  14. Games and tournaments for CAT.
  15. Truth-Liar concept
  16. Team Selection (with conditions)
  17. 2D & 3D Space LRs
  18. Games & Tournaments

CAT Data Interpretation Syllabus

  1. Line chart
  2. Bar chart
  3. Pie chart
  4. Unconventional charts - radar chart, bubble chart, area chart
  5. Tables, tables with missing values, incorrect values, connected data sets
  6. Venn diagrams  
  7. Maxima & Minima
  8. Caselets
  9. Assumption and Binary Logic

Topic-wise Distribution of Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)

 As per CAT Exam Pattern 2022, a total of 20 questions worth 60 marks were asked from the DILR section

  • Last year, there were 4 DILR sets- 2 with 6 questions each, and 2 with 4 questions each.
  • Questions from CAT Logical Reasoning Syllabus are asked from topics like blood relations, seating arrangements, puzzles, etc., and in CAT DI, questions are based on data represented in tables, charts, etc
    CAT Exam Syllabus 2025: Latest Section-wise Syllabus | Download PDF

CAT DILR Topic Wise DistributionCAT DILR Topic Wise Distribution

  • The best way to prepare for DILR is to practice as many questions as possible. 
  • It is difficult to predict the type of questions that will be asked and it is not effective to rely on shortcuts.

Also Read: How to Prepare DILR for CAT?

Latest Changes in CAT Exam Syllabus

Since IIMs don't provide a specified syllabus for CAT Exam, it is difficult to point out whether there have been any drastic changes in the syllabus.
However, it has been noticed that the questions have been coming from similar topics only over the past years.

The only change that one can consider in the CAT Syllabus for IIM is the change in the number of questions, which has been reduced from 100 to 66 in the year 2021.

Check the table below for details.

Changes in CAT Exam SyllabusChanges in CAT Exam Syllabus

Best Books for CAT Preparation

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude are the three areas that make up the CAT Test Syllabus. Candidates should prepare independently for each of the syllabus's several components.

In the table below, we've listed recommended reading lists for the CAT Exam 2025 , organized by section:

CAT Exam Syllabus 2025: Latest Section-wise Syllabus | Download PDF

Also check out the CAT Preparation Books: Best Books, Section-Wise CAT Books

How to Prepare for CAT Exam with EduRev?

EduRev is the best way to take your CAT Preparation to the next level! We are an online learning platform designed to provide comprehensive and interactive study material to help you ace the competitive exam. 

Our platform is designed to provide you with the right amount of guidance, support, and motivation so that you can succeed in the exam.
With our comprehensive study material, you can get the latest updates on CAT syllabus, strategy, and tips. 

We also provide comprehensive Practice Questions and Mock Tests to help you understand the paper pattern, sections, and question types. With our intuitive dashboard, you can track your progress and compare your performance with other students as well.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on CAT Exam Syllabus

When should I start preparing for CAT 2025?

As CAT 2025 is expected to be held in the last week of November, the best time to start preparing for the exam is in March. Starting early provides students with ample time to cover all the necessary topics and practice important concepts. Additionally, starting early also gives students enough time to identify and address any areas of weakness, which can be crucial for success on the CAT.

EduRev's CAT Exam Preparation Course is tailored to meet the needs of students at all levels. Whether you're just starting your CAT preparation or looking to fine-tune your skills, EduRev has the resources you need to succeed. The program includes expert video lectures, practice questions, and mock tests, all of which are designed to help students achieve their best possible scores on the CAT.

Does the syllabus for CAT change every year?

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is an entrance examination used by Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and other management schools in India to evaluate candidates for admissions. While there is no official syllabus prescribed for the CAT, the examination typically covers topics such as Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Ability.

However, the weightage of different areas in the CAT Exam may be modified after every few years. This means that the relative importance of the different topics in the 3 sections of the exam may change from year to year. 

It is suggested that candidates preparing for CAT to check the official CAT website for the most up-to-date information on the structure and weightage of the exam as well as CAT Past Year Papers and analysis to get an idea of the changes in exam pattern over the years.

Who can give CAT 2025?

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is an entrance examination used by Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and other management schools in India to evaluate candidates for admissions. One of the eligibility criteria for the CAT Exam is that the candidate must hold a bachelor's degree in any discipline with a minimum score of 50% for the General and NC-OBC (Non-Creamy Other Backward Classes) categories.

Which book is best for CAT Exam 2025?

Best books for CAT preparation are available online and offline but choosing the right ones can be a challenge. To help candidates choose the best CAT books for exam preparation, we have prepared section-wise lists.

CAT Exam Syllabus 2025: Latest Section-wise Syllabus | Download PDF


Also check out the CAT Preparation Books: Best Books, Section-Wise CAT Books

Is CAT Syllabus same every year?

Since IIMs don't provide a specified syllabus for CAT Exam, it is difficult to point out whether there have been any drastic changes in the syllabus.

However, the weightage of different areas has seen modifications every few years.

Which section of CAT is the toughest?

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is widely considered to be a difficult exam, and for good reason. The exam is designed to test a wide range of skills and knowledge, including quantitative ability, data interpretation, logical reasoning, and verbal ability. Each section of the CAT Exam is challenging in its own right, but the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) section is often considered to be the most time-consuming and difficult of the three sections.

The document CAT Exam Syllabus 2025: Latest Section-wise Syllabus | Download PDF is a part of CAT category.
All you need of CAT at this link: CAT

FAQs on CAT Exam Syllabus 2025: Latest Section-wise Syllabus - Download PDF

1. What is the CAT exam pattern?
Ans. The CAT exam pattern consists of three sections - Quantitative Ability (QA), Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC), and Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR). Each section has a time limit of 60 minutes, and the total duration of the exam is 180 minutes. The exam is conducted online and consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) as well as non-MCQs.
2. What is the syllabus for the Quantitative Ability (QA) section in the CAT exam?
Ans. The syllabus for the QA section in the CAT exam includes topics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, number system, modern mathematics, and data interpretation. Candidates are expected to have a strong foundation in mathematics and should be able to solve complex mathematical problems with speed and accuracy.
3. What is the syllabus for the Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) section in the CAT exam?
Ans. The syllabus for the VARC section in the CAT exam includes topics such as reading comprehension, verbal reasoning, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence correction. Candidates are expected to have a good command of the English language and should be able to comprehend and analyze written passages effectively.
4. What is the syllabus for the Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) section in the CAT exam?
Ans. The syllabus for the DILR section in the CAT exam includes topics such as data interpretation, data sufficiency, logical reasoning, and analytical reasoning. Candidates are expected to have strong analytical and logical reasoning skills and should be able to interpret and analyze complex data sets.
5. Are there any recent changes in the CAT exam syllabus?
Ans. As of now, there have been no recent changes in the CAT exam syllabus. However, it is always recommended to stay updated with the official CAT website or notifications for any changes or updates in the syllabus.
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