Page 1
Bg nwpñVH$m _| 56> _w{ÐV n¥ð> h¢?& narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m
This Book let con tains 56 printed pages. Test Book let No.
_w»` narjm nwpñVH$m / MAIN TEST BOOKLET
narjm nwpñVH$m g§Ho$V
Test Booklet Code
In st ruc t ions for Candidat es :
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When
you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and
Side-2 carefully with Black/Blue Ballpoint Pen only.
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of 150
questions. There is no negative marking.
3. Use Black/Blue Ballpoint Pen only for writing particulars
on this page/marking responses in the Answer Sheet.
4. The CODE for this Booklet is I. Make sure that the
CODE printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same
as that on this Booklet. Also ensure that your Test
Booklet No. and Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case
of discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report
the matter to the Invigilator for replacement of both the
Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet.
5. This Test Booklet has Five Parts—I, II, III, IV and V,
consisting of 150 Objective-type Questions and each
carrying 1 mark :
Part–I :Child Development and Pedagogy (Q. Nos. 1–30)
Part–II :Mathematics (Q. Nos. 31–60)
Part–III:Environmental Studies (Q. Nos. 61–90)
Part–IV:Language–I (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 91–120)
Part–V :Language–II (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 121–150)
6. Part–IV contains 30 questions for Language–I and Part–V
contains 30 questions for Language–II. In this Test
Booklet, only questions pertaining to English and Hindi
Language have been given. In case the language(s) you
have opted for as Language–I and/or Language–II is a
language other than English or Hindi, please ask for
a Supplement Test Booklet that contains questions
on that Language. The languages being answered
must tally with the languages opted for in your
Application Form.
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions in
Language–II (Part–V) in a language other than the one
chosen as Language–I (Part–IV) from the list of
8. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in
the Test Booklet for the same.
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer
Sheet only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener
is allowed for changing answers.
narjm{W©`m| Ho$ {bE {ZX}e :
1. OMR CÎma-nÌ Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa aIm h¡?& O~ AmnH$mo narjm
nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo H$hm OmE, Vmo CÎma-nÌ {ZH$mb H$a n¥ð>-1 Ed§ n¥ð>-2
na Ü`mZ go Ho$db H$mbo/Zrbo ~m°bnm°B§Q> noZ go {ddaU ^a|?&
2. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2½ KÊQ>o h¡ Ed§ narjm _| 150 àíZ h¢?& H$moB© G$UmË_H$
A§H$Z Zht h¡?&
3. Bg n¥ð> na {ddaU A§{H$V H$aZo Ed§ CÎma-nÌ na {ZemZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE Ho$db
H$mbo/Zrbo ~m°bnm°B§Q> noZ H$m à`moJ H$a|?&
4. Bg nwpñVH$m H$m g§Ho$V I h¡?& `h gw{Z{üV H$a b| {H$ Bg nwpñVH$m H$m g§Ho$V,
CÎma-nÌ Ho$ n¥ð>-2 na N>no g§Ho$V go {_bVm h¡?& `h ^r gw{Z{üV H$a b| {H$
narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m Am¡a CÎma-nÌ g§»`m {_bVo h¢?& AJa `h {^Þ hmo, Vmo
narjmWu Xygar narjm nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma-nÌ boZo Ho$ {bE {ZarjH$ H$mo VwaÝV
AdJV H$amE±?&
5. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| nm±M ^mJI, II, III, IV Am¡a V h¢, {OZ_| 150
dñVw{Zð> àíZ h¢ VWm àË`oH$ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ :
^mJI : ~mb {dH$mg Am¡a {ejm-emó (àíZ g§0 1–30)
^mJII : J{UV (àíZ g§0 31–60)
^mJIII : n`m©daU AÜ``Z (àíZ g§0 61–90)
^mJIV : ^mfmI (A§J«oOr/qhXr) (àíZ g§0 91–120)
^mJV : ^mfmII (A§J«oOr/qhXr) (àíZ g§0 121–150)
6. ^mJIV _| ^mfmI Ho$ {bE 30 àíZ Am¡a ^mJV _| ^mfmII Ho$ {bE 30
àíZ {XE JE h¢?& Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| Ho$db A§J«oOr d qhXr ^mfm go
gå~pÝYV àíZ {XE JE h¢?& `{X ^mfmI Am¡a/`m ^mfmII _| AmnHo$ Ûmam
MwZr JB© ^mfm(E±) A§J«oOr `m qhXr Ho$ Abmdm h¡/h¢, Vmo H¥$n`m Cg
^mfm dmbr n[a{eï> narjm nwpñVH$m _m±J b|?& {OZ ^mfmAm| Ho$ àíZm| Ho$
CÎma Amn Xo aho h¢ do AmdoXZ-nÌ _| MwZr JB© ^mfmAm| go Adí` _ob
ImZr Mm{hE?&
7. narjmWu ^mfmII (^mJV) Ho$ {bE ^mfm gyMr go Eogr ^mfm MwZ| Omo
CZHo$ Ûmam ^mfmI (^mJIV) _| MwZr JB© ^mfm go {^Þ hmo?&
8. aµ\$ H$m`© narjm nwpñVH$m _| Bg à`moOZ Ho$ {bE Xr JB© Imbr OJh na hr H$a|?&
9. g^r CÎma Ho$db OMR CÎma-nÌ na hr A§{H$V H$a|?& AnZo CÎma Ü`mZnyd©H$
A§{H$V H$a|?& CÎma ~XbZo hoVw ?oV a§OH$ H$m à`moJ {Z{fÕ h¡?&
Bg narjm nwpñVH$m H$mo V~ VH$ Z Imob| O~ VH$ H$hm Z OmE?&
Do not open this Test Book let un til you are asked to do so.
Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ {nN>bo AmdaU na {XE JE {ZX}em| H$mo Ü`mZ go n?T>|?&
Read care fully the In struc tions on the Back Cover of this Test Book let.
Name of the Candidate (in Capital letters)
Roll Number (in figures)
(in words)
Centre of Examination (in Capital ) letters
narjmWu H$m Zm_ (~?S>o Ajam| _|) :
(eãXm| _|) :
AZwH«$_m§H$ (A§H$m| _|) :
narjm-Ho$ÝÐ (~?S>o Ajam| _|) :
Candidate’s Signature Invigilator’s Signature
narjmWu Ho$ hñVmja : {ZarjH$ Ho$ hñVmja :
Facsimile Signature Stamp of Centre Superintendent
Page 2
Bg nwpñVH$m _| 56> _w{ÐV n¥ð> h¢?& narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m
This Book let con tains 56 printed pages. Test Book let No.
_w»` narjm nwpñVH$m / MAIN TEST BOOKLET
narjm nwpñVH$m g§Ho$V
Test Booklet Code
In st ruc t ions for Candidat es :
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When
you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and
Side-2 carefully with Black/Blue Ballpoint Pen only.
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of 150
questions. There is no negative marking.
3. Use Black/Blue Ballpoint Pen only for writing particulars
on this page/marking responses in the Answer Sheet.
4. The CODE for this Booklet is I. Make sure that the
CODE printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same
as that on this Booklet. Also ensure that your Test
Booklet No. and Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case
of discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report
the matter to the Invigilator for replacement of both the
Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet.
5. This Test Booklet has Five Parts—I, II, III, IV and V,
consisting of 150 Objective-type Questions and each
carrying 1 mark :
Part–I :Child Development and Pedagogy (Q. Nos. 1–30)
Part–II :Mathematics (Q. Nos. 31–60)
Part–III:Environmental Studies (Q. Nos. 61–90)
Part–IV:Language–I (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 91–120)
Part–V :Language–II (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 121–150)
6. Part–IV contains 30 questions for Language–I and Part–V
contains 30 questions for Language–II. In this Test
Booklet, only questions pertaining to English and Hindi
Language have been given. In case the language(s) you
have opted for as Language–I and/or Language–II is a
language other than English or Hindi, please ask for
a Supplement Test Booklet that contains questions
on that Language. The languages being answered
must tally with the languages opted for in your
Application Form.
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions in
Language–II (Part–V) in a language other than the one
chosen as Language–I (Part–IV) from the list of
8. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in
the Test Booklet for the same.
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer
Sheet only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener
is allowed for changing answers.
narjm{W©`m| Ho$ {bE {ZX}e :
1. OMR CÎma-nÌ Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa aIm h¡?& O~ AmnH$mo narjm
nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo H$hm OmE, Vmo CÎma-nÌ {ZH$mb H$a n¥ð>-1 Ed§ n¥ð>-2
na Ü`mZ go Ho$db H$mbo/Zrbo ~m°bnm°B§Q> noZ go {ddaU ^a|?&
2. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2½ KÊQ>o h¡ Ed§ narjm _| 150 àíZ h¢?& H$moB© G$UmË_H$
A§H$Z Zht h¡?&
3. Bg n¥ð> na {ddaU A§{H$V H$aZo Ed§ CÎma-nÌ na {ZemZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE Ho$db
H$mbo/Zrbo ~m°bnm°B§Q> noZ H$m à`moJ H$a|?&
4. Bg nwpñVH$m H$m g§Ho$V I h¡?& `h gw{Z{üV H$a b| {H$ Bg nwpñVH$m H$m g§Ho$V,
CÎma-nÌ Ho$ n¥ð>-2 na N>no g§Ho$V go {_bVm h¡?& `h ^r gw{Z{üV H$a b| {H$
narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m Am¡a CÎma-nÌ g§»`m {_bVo h¢?& AJa `h {^Þ hmo, Vmo
narjmWu Xygar narjm nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma-nÌ boZo Ho$ {bE {ZarjH$ H$mo VwaÝV
AdJV H$amE±?&
5. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| nm±M ^mJI, II, III, IV Am¡a V h¢, {OZ_| 150
dñVw{Zð> àíZ h¢ VWm àË`oH$ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ :
^mJI : ~mb {dH$mg Am¡a {ejm-emó (àíZ g§0 1–30)
^mJII : J{UV (àíZ g§0 31–60)
^mJIII : n`m©daU AÜ``Z (àíZ g§0 61–90)
^mJIV : ^mfmI (A§J«oOr/qhXr) (àíZ g§0 91–120)
^mJV : ^mfmII (A§J«oOr/qhXr) (àíZ g§0 121–150)
6. ^mJIV _| ^mfmI Ho$ {bE 30 àíZ Am¡a ^mJV _| ^mfmII Ho$ {bE 30
àíZ {XE JE h¢?& Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| Ho$db A§J«oOr d qhXr ^mfm go
gå~pÝYV àíZ {XE JE h¢?& `{X ^mfmI Am¡a/`m ^mfmII _| AmnHo$ Ûmam
MwZr JB© ^mfm(E±) A§J«oOr `m qhXr Ho$ Abmdm h¡/h¢, Vmo H¥$n`m Cg
^mfm dmbr n[a{eï> narjm nwpñVH$m _m±J b|?& {OZ ^mfmAm| Ho$ àíZm| Ho$
CÎma Amn Xo aho h¢ do AmdoXZ-nÌ _| MwZr JB© ^mfmAm| go Adí` _ob
ImZr Mm{hE?&
7. narjmWu ^mfmII (^mJV) Ho$ {bE ^mfm gyMr go Eogr ^mfm MwZ| Omo
CZHo$ Ûmam ^mfmI (^mJIV) _| MwZr JB© ^mfm go {^Þ hmo?&
8. aµ\$ H$m`© narjm nwpñVH$m _| Bg à`moOZ Ho$ {bE Xr JB© Imbr OJh na hr H$a|?&
9. g^r CÎma Ho$db OMR CÎma-nÌ na hr A§{H$V H$a|?& AnZo CÎma Ü`mZnyd©H$
A§{H$V H$a|?& CÎma ~XbZo hoVw ?oV a§OH$ H$m à`moJ {Z{fÕ h¡?&
Bg narjm nwpñVH$m H$mo V~ VH$ Z Imob| O~ VH$ H$hm Z OmE?&
Do not open this Test Book let un til you are asked to do so.
Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ {nN>bo AmdaU na {XE JE {ZX}em| H$mo Ü`mZ go n?T>|?&
Read care fully the In struc tions on the Back Cover of this Test Book let.
Name of the Candidate (in Capital letters)
Roll Number (in figures)
(in words)
Centre of Examination (in Capital ) letters
narjmWu H$m Zm_ (~?S>o Ajam| _|) :
(eãXm| _|) :
AZwH«$_m§H$ (A§H$m| _|) :
narjm-Ho$ÝÐ (~?S>o Ajam| _|) :
Candidate’s Signature Invigilator’s Signature
narjmWu Ho$ hñVmja : {ZarjH$ Ho$ hñVmja :
Facsimile Signature Stamp of Centre Superintendent
CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY / ~mb {dH$mg Am¡a> {ejm-emó
P-I/I 2
Directions : Answer the following questions
by selecting the correct/most appropriate
1. Which one of the following
statements is true about the role of
heredity and environment?
(1) Certain aspects of development
are influenced more by heredity
and others more by environ-
(2) A child’s ability to learn and
perform is completely decided
by the genes.
(3) Good care and a nutritious diet
can fight off any disorder a child
is born with.
(4) Environment plays a significant
role only in the child’s language
2. Which one of the following
statements cannot be attributed to
Piaget’s theory?
(1)Development occurs in
qualitative stages.
(2) Children construct and use
knowledge about their world.
(3) Learning takes place through
constant practice.
(4)Children act on their
3. Which one of the following is not
a limitation of the preoperational
(1) Tendency to concentrate
(2) Development of the symbolic
(3) Egocentrism
(4) Irreversibility
{ZX}e ? {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma XoZo Ho$ {bE ghr/g~go
Cn`wº$ {dH$ën Mw{ZE?&
1. AmZwd§{eH$Vm Am¡a n`m©daU H$s ^y{_H$m Ho$ ~mao _|
{ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ gË` h¡?
(1) {dH$mg Ho$ Hw$N> nhby AmZwd§{eH$Vm Am¡a
Hw$N> AÝ` n`m©daU go A{YH$ à^m{dV
hmoVo h¡§?&
(2) grIZo Am¡a àXe©Z H$aZo H$s EH$ ~?o H$s
j_Vm OrZm| Ûmam nyar Vah go {ZYm©[aV H$s
OmVr h¡?&
(3) AÀN>r XoI^mb Am¡a nm¡{ï>H$ Amhma ~?o Ho$
{H$gr ^r OÝ_OmV {dH$ma H$mo Xya H$a
gH$Vm h¡?&
(4) n`m©daU Ho$db ~?o Ho$ ^mfm-{dH$mg _|
_hÎdnyU© ^y{_H$m {Z^mVm h¡?&
2. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ {n`mOo Ho$
{gÕm§V Ho$ AZwgma H$hm Zhr§ Om gH$Vm?
(1) {dH$mg JwUmË_H$ MaUm| _| hmoVm h¡?&
(2) ~?o AnZr Xw{Z`m Ho$ ~mao _| kmZ H$m {Z_m©U
Am¡a Cn`moJ H$aVo h¢?&
(3) {Za§Va Aä`mg go A{YJ_ hmoVm h¡?&
(4) ~?o AnZo n`m©daU na {H«$`m H$aVo h¢?&
3. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gr nyd©-g§{H«$`mË_H$ {dMma
H$s EH$ gr_m Zht h¡?
(1) Ü`mZ Ho§${ÐV H$aZo H$s àd¥{Îm
(2) àVrH$mË_H$ {dMma H$m {dH$mg
(3) Ah§_Ý`Vm
(4) AZwËH«$_Ur`Vm
Page 3
Bg nwpñVH$m _| 56> _w{ÐV n¥ð> h¢?& narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m
This Book let con tains 56 printed pages. Test Book let No.
_w»` narjm nwpñVH$m / MAIN TEST BOOKLET
narjm nwpñVH$m g§Ho$V
Test Booklet Code
In st ruc t ions for Candidat es :
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When
you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and
Side-2 carefully with Black/Blue Ballpoint Pen only.
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of 150
questions. There is no negative marking.
3. Use Black/Blue Ballpoint Pen only for writing particulars
on this page/marking responses in the Answer Sheet.
4. The CODE for this Booklet is I. Make sure that the
CODE printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same
as that on this Booklet. Also ensure that your Test
Booklet No. and Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case
of discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report
the matter to the Invigilator for replacement of both the
Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet.
5. This Test Booklet has Five Parts—I, II, III, IV and V,
consisting of 150 Objective-type Questions and each
carrying 1 mark :
Part–I :Child Development and Pedagogy (Q. Nos. 1–30)
Part–II :Mathematics (Q. Nos. 31–60)
Part–III:Environmental Studies (Q. Nos. 61–90)
Part–IV:Language–I (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 91–120)
Part–V :Language–II (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 121–150)
6. Part–IV contains 30 questions for Language–I and Part–V
contains 30 questions for Language–II. In this Test
Booklet, only questions pertaining to English and Hindi
Language have been given. In case the language(s) you
have opted for as Language–I and/or Language–II is a
language other than English or Hindi, please ask for
a Supplement Test Booklet that contains questions
on that Language. The languages being answered
must tally with the languages opted for in your
Application Form.
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions in
Language–II (Part–V) in a language other than the one
chosen as Language–I (Part–IV) from the list of
8. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in
the Test Booklet for the same.
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer
Sheet only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener
is allowed for changing answers.
narjm{W©`m| Ho$ {bE {ZX}e :
1. OMR CÎma-nÌ Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa aIm h¡?& O~ AmnH$mo narjm
nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo H$hm OmE, Vmo CÎma-nÌ {ZH$mb H$a n¥ð>-1 Ed§ n¥ð>-2
na Ü`mZ go Ho$db H$mbo/Zrbo ~m°bnm°B§Q> noZ go {ddaU ^a|?&
2. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2½ KÊQ>o h¡ Ed§ narjm _| 150 àíZ h¢?& H$moB© G$UmË_H$
A§H$Z Zht h¡?&
3. Bg n¥ð> na {ddaU A§{H$V H$aZo Ed§ CÎma-nÌ na {ZemZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE Ho$db
H$mbo/Zrbo ~m°bnm°B§Q> noZ H$m à`moJ H$a|?&
4. Bg nwpñVH$m H$m g§Ho$V I h¡?& `h gw{Z{üV H$a b| {H$ Bg nwpñVH$m H$m g§Ho$V,
CÎma-nÌ Ho$ n¥ð>-2 na N>no g§Ho$V go {_bVm h¡?& `h ^r gw{Z{üV H$a b| {H$
narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m Am¡a CÎma-nÌ g§»`m {_bVo h¢?& AJa `h {^Þ hmo, Vmo
narjmWu Xygar narjm nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma-nÌ boZo Ho$ {bE {ZarjH$ H$mo VwaÝV
AdJV H$amE±?&
5. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| nm±M ^mJI, II, III, IV Am¡a V h¢, {OZ_| 150
dñVw{Zð> àíZ h¢ VWm àË`oH$ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ :
^mJI : ~mb {dH$mg Am¡a {ejm-emó (àíZ g§0 1–30)
^mJII : J{UV (àíZ g§0 31–60)
^mJIII : n`m©daU AÜ``Z (àíZ g§0 61–90)
^mJIV : ^mfmI (A§J«oOr/qhXr) (àíZ g§0 91–120)
^mJV : ^mfmII (A§J«oOr/qhXr) (àíZ g§0 121–150)
6. ^mJIV _| ^mfmI Ho$ {bE 30 àíZ Am¡a ^mJV _| ^mfmII Ho$ {bE 30
àíZ {XE JE h¢?& Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| Ho$db A§J«oOr d qhXr ^mfm go
gå~pÝYV àíZ {XE JE h¢?& `{X ^mfmI Am¡a/`m ^mfmII _| AmnHo$ Ûmam
MwZr JB© ^mfm(E±) A§J«oOr `m qhXr Ho$ Abmdm h¡/h¢, Vmo H¥$n`m Cg
^mfm dmbr n[a{eï> narjm nwpñVH$m _m±J b|?& {OZ ^mfmAm| Ho$ àíZm| Ho$
CÎma Amn Xo aho h¢ do AmdoXZ-nÌ _| MwZr JB© ^mfmAm| go Adí` _ob
ImZr Mm{hE?&
7. narjmWu ^mfmII (^mJV) Ho$ {bE ^mfm gyMr go Eogr ^mfm MwZ| Omo
CZHo$ Ûmam ^mfmI (^mJIV) _| MwZr JB© ^mfm go {^Þ hmo?&
8. aµ\$ H$m`© narjm nwpñVH$m _| Bg à`moOZ Ho$ {bE Xr JB© Imbr OJh na hr H$a|?&
9. g^r CÎma Ho$db OMR CÎma-nÌ na hr A§{H$V H$a|?& AnZo CÎma Ü`mZnyd©H$
A§{H$V H$a|?& CÎma ~XbZo hoVw ?oV a§OH$ H$m à`moJ {Z{fÕ h¡?&
Bg narjm nwpñVH$m H$mo V~ VH$ Z Imob| O~ VH$ H$hm Z OmE?&
Do not open this Test Book let un til you are asked to do so.
Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ {nN>bo AmdaU na {XE JE {ZX}em| H$mo Ü`mZ go n?T>|?&
Read care fully the In struc tions on the Back Cover of this Test Book let.
Name of the Candidate (in Capital letters)
Roll Number (in figures)
(in words)
Centre of Examination (in Capital ) letters
narjmWu H$m Zm_ (~?S>o Ajam| _|) :
(eãXm| _|) :
AZwH«$_m§H$ (A§H$m| _|) :
narjm-Ho$ÝÐ (~?S>o Ajam| _|) :
Candidate’s Signature Invigilator’s Signature
narjmWu Ho$ hñVmja : {ZarjH$ Ho$ hñVmja :
Facsimile Signature Stamp of Centre Superintendent
CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY / ~mb {dH$mg Am¡a> {ejm-emó
P-I/I 2
Directions : Answer the following questions
by selecting the correct/most appropriate
1. Which one of the following
statements is true about the role of
heredity and environment?
(1) Certain aspects of development
are influenced more by heredity
and others more by environ-
(2) A child’s ability to learn and
perform is completely decided
by the genes.
(3) Good care and a nutritious diet
can fight off any disorder a child
is born with.
(4) Environment plays a significant
role only in the child’s language
2. Which one of the following
statements cannot be attributed to
Piaget’s theory?
(1)Development occurs in
qualitative stages.
(2) Children construct and use
knowledge about their world.
(3) Learning takes place through
constant practice.
(4)Children act on their
3. Which one of the following is not
a limitation of the preoperational
(1) Tendency to concentrate
(2) Development of the symbolic
(3) Egocentrism
(4) Irreversibility
{ZX}e ? {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma XoZo Ho$ {bE ghr/g~go
Cn`wº$ {dH$ën Mw{ZE?&
1. AmZwd§{eH$Vm Am¡a n`m©daU H$s ^y{_H$m Ho$ ~mao _|
{ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ gË` h¡?
(1) {dH$mg Ho$ Hw$N> nhby AmZwd§{eH$Vm Am¡a
Hw$N> AÝ` n`m©daU go A{YH$ à^m{dV
hmoVo h¡§?&
(2) grIZo Am¡a àXe©Z H$aZo H$s EH$ ~?o H$s
j_Vm OrZm| Ûmam nyar Vah go {ZYm©[aV H$s
OmVr h¡?&
(3) AÀN>r XoI^mb Am¡a nm¡{ï>H$ Amhma ~?o Ho$
{H$gr ^r OÝ_OmV {dH$ma H$mo Xya H$a
gH$Vm h¡?&
(4) n`m©daU Ho$db ~?o Ho$ ^mfm-{dH$mg _|
_hÎdnyU© ^y{_H$m {Z^mVm h¡?&
2. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ {n`mOo Ho$
{gÕm§V Ho$ AZwgma H$hm Zhr§ Om gH$Vm?
(1) {dH$mg JwUmË_H$ MaUm| _| hmoVm h¡?&
(2) ~?o AnZr Xw{Z`m Ho$ ~mao _| kmZ H$m {Z_m©U
Am¡a Cn`moJ H$aVo h¢?&
(3) {Za§Va Aä`mg go A{YJ_ hmoVm h¡?&
(4) ~?o AnZo n`m©daU na {H«$`m H$aVo h¢?&
3. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gr nyd©-g§{H«$`mË_H$ {dMma
H$s EH$ gr_m Zht h¡?
(1) Ü`mZ Ho§${ÐV H$aZo H$s àd¥{Îm
(2) àVrH$mË_H$ {dMma H$m {dH$mg
(3) Ah§_Ý`Vm
(4) AZwËH«$_Ur`Vm
P-I/I 3 [ P.T.O.
4. Play has a significant role in
development of young children for
the following reasons, except—
(1) they gain mastery over their
(2) it stimulates their senses
(3) it is just a pleasant way to
spend time
(4) they acquire new skills and
learn when to use them
5. Which one of the following questions
invites children to think critically?
(1) Do you know the answer to
(2) What is the right answer?
(3) Can you think of a similar
(4) What are the different ways in
which we can solve this?
6. Which one of the following
options best describes progressive
(1) Learning by doing, project
method, cooperative learning
(2) Thematic units, regular unit
tests, ranking
(3) Personalized learning, ability
grouping, labeling students
(4)Project method, ability
grouping, ranking
7. Which one of the following
statements about progressive
education explains—Education is
life itself ?
(1)School education should
continue as long as possible.
(2) Schools are not required,
children can learn from their life
(3) Education in schools should
reflect the social and natural
(4) Life is the true educator.
4. _____ Ho$ Abmdm, {ZåZ{b{IV H$maUm| go Iob
`wdm ~?m| Ho$ {dH$mg _| EH$ _hÎdnyU© ^y{_H$m
{Z^mVm h¡?:
(1) do AnZo eara na {ZnwUVm àmá H$aVo h¢
(2) `h CZH$s B§{Ð`m| H$mo CÎmo{OV H$aVm h¡
(3) `h g_` {~VmZo H$m EH$ gwIX VarH$m h¡
(4) do ZE H$m¡eb hm{gb H$aVo h¢ Am¡a grIVo h¢
{H$ CÝh| H$~ Cn`moJ {H$`m OmE
5. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm àíZ ~?m| H$mo J§^ra
ê$n go gmoMZo Ho$ {bE Am_§{ÌV H$aVm h¡?
(1) ?`m Amn BgH$m CÎma OmZVo h¡§?
(2) ghr Odm~ ?`m h¡?
(3) ?`m Amn Bgr Vah H$s pñW{V Ho$ ~mao _|
gmoM gH$Vo h¢?
(4) {d{^Þ VarH$m| go h_ Bgo H¡$go hb H$a
gH$Vo h¢?
6. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm {dH$ën àJ{Verb
{ejm H$m g~go AÀN>m dU©Z H$aVm h¡?
(1) H$a Ho$ grIZm, n[a`moOZm {d{Y, gh`moJ go
(2) {W_¡{Q>H$ BH$mB`m±, {Z`{_V BH$mB© narjU,
(3) ì`{º$JV A{YJ_, j_Vm g_yh ~ZmZm,
N>mÌm| H$s bo~qbJ
(4) n[a`moOZm {d{Y, j_Vm g_yh ~ZmZm, a¢qH$J
7. àJ{Verb {ejm Ho$ ~mao _| {ZåZ{b{IV _|
go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ ~VmVm h¡—{ejm ñd`§ hr
OrdZ h¡??
(1) ñHy$b {ejm H$mo `Wmg§^d b§~o g_` VH$
Omar aIZm Mm{hE?&
(2) ñHy$bm| H$s Amdí`H$Vm Zht h¡, ~?o AnZo
OrdZ Ho$ AZw^dm| go grI gH$Vo h¢?&
(3) ñHy$bm| _| {ejm gm_m{OH$ Am¡a àmH¥${VH$
Xw{Z`m H$mo à{Vq~{~V H$ao?&
(4) OrdZ g?m {ejH$ h¡?&
Page 4
Bg nwpñVH$m _| 56> _w{ÐV n¥ð> h¢?& narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m
This Book let con tains 56 printed pages. Test Book let No.
_w»` narjm nwpñVH$m / MAIN TEST BOOKLET
narjm nwpñVH$m g§Ho$V
Test Booklet Code
In st ruc t ions for Candidat es :
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When
you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and
Side-2 carefully with Black/Blue Ballpoint Pen only.
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of 150
questions. There is no negative marking.
3. Use Black/Blue Ballpoint Pen only for writing particulars
on this page/marking responses in the Answer Sheet.
4. The CODE for this Booklet is I. Make sure that the
CODE printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same
as that on this Booklet. Also ensure that your Test
Booklet No. and Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case
of discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report
the matter to the Invigilator for replacement of both the
Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet.
5. This Test Booklet has Five Parts—I, II, III, IV and V,
consisting of 150 Objective-type Questions and each
carrying 1 mark :
Part–I :Child Development and Pedagogy (Q. Nos. 1–30)
Part–II :Mathematics (Q. Nos. 31–60)
Part–III:Environmental Studies (Q. Nos. 61–90)
Part–IV:Language–I (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 91–120)
Part–V :Language–II (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 121–150)
6. Part–IV contains 30 questions for Language–I and Part–V
contains 30 questions for Language–II. In this Test
Booklet, only questions pertaining to English and Hindi
Language have been given. In case the language(s) you
have opted for as Language–I and/or Language–II is a
language other than English or Hindi, please ask for
a Supplement Test Booklet that contains questions
on that Language. The languages being answered
must tally with the languages opted for in your
Application Form.
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions in
Language–II (Part–V) in a language other than the one
chosen as Language–I (Part–IV) from the list of
8. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in
the Test Booklet for the same.
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer
Sheet only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener
is allowed for changing answers.
narjm{W©`m| Ho$ {bE {ZX}e :
1. OMR CÎma-nÌ Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa aIm h¡?& O~ AmnH$mo narjm
nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo H$hm OmE, Vmo CÎma-nÌ {ZH$mb H$a n¥ð>-1 Ed§ n¥ð>-2
na Ü`mZ go Ho$db H$mbo/Zrbo ~m°bnm°B§Q> noZ go {ddaU ^a|?&
2. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2½ KÊQ>o h¡ Ed§ narjm _| 150 àíZ h¢?& H$moB© G$UmË_H$
A§H$Z Zht h¡?&
3. Bg n¥ð> na {ddaU A§{H$V H$aZo Ed§ CÎma-nÌ na {ZemZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE Ho$db
H$mbo/Zrbo ~m°bnm°B§Q> noZ H$m à`moJ H$a|?&
4. Bg nwpñVH$m H$m g§Ho$V I h¡?& `h gw{Z{üV H$a b| {H$ Bg nwpñVH$m H$m g§Ho$V,
CÎma-nÌ Ho$ n¥ð>-2 na N>no g§Ho$V go {_bVm h¡?& `h ^r gw{Z{üV H$a b| {H$
narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m Am¡a CÎma-nÌ g§»`m {_bVo h¢?& AJa `h {^Þ hmo, Vmo
narjmWu Xygar narjm nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma-nÌ boZo Ho$ {bE {ZarjH$ H$mo VwaÝV
AdJV H$amE±?&
5. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| nm±M ^mJI, II, III, IV Am¡a V h¢, {OZ_| 150
dñVw{Zð> àíZ h¢ VWm àË`oH$ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ :
^mJI : ~mb {dH$mg Am¡a {ejm-emó (àíZ g§0 1–30)
^mJII : J{UV (àíZ g§0 31–60)
^mJIII : n`m©daU AÜ``Z (àíZ g§0 61–90)
^mJIV : ^mfmI (A§J«oOr/qhXr) (àíZ g§0 91–120)
^mJV : ^mfmII (A§J«oOr/qhXr) (àíZ g§0 121–150)
6. ^mJIV _| ^mfmI Ho$ {bE 30 àíZ Am¡a ^mJV _| ^mfmII Ho$ {bE 30
àíZ {XE JE h¢?& Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| Ho$db A§J«oOr d qhXr ^mfm go
gå~pÝYV àíZ {XE JE h¢?& `{X ^mfmI Am¡a/`m ^mfmII _| AmnHo$ Ûmam
MwZr JB© ^mfm(E±) A§J«oOr `m qhXr Ho$ Abmdm h¡/h¢, Vmo H¥$n`m Cg
^mfm dmbr n[a{eï> narjm nwpñVH$m _m±J b|?& {OZ ^mfmAm| Ho$ àíZm| Ho$
CÎma Amn Xo aho h¢ do AmdoXZ-nÌ _| MwZr JB© ^mfmAm| go Adí` _ob
ImZr Mm{hE?&
7. narjmWu ^mfmII (^mJV) Ho$ {bE ^mfm gyMr go Eogr ^mfm MwZ| Omo
CZHo$ Ûmam ^mfmI (^mJIV) _| MwZr JB© ^mfm go {^Þ hmo?&
8. aµ\$ H$m`© narjm nwpñVH$m _| Bg à`moOZ Ho$ {bE Xr JB© Imbr OJh na hr H$a|?&
9. g^r CÎma Ho$db OMR CÎma-nÌ na hr A§{H$V H$a|?& AnZo CÎma Ü`mZnyd©H$
A§{H$V H$a|?& CÎma ~XbZo hoVw ?oV a§OH$ H$m à`moJ {Z{fÕ h¡?&
Bg narjm nwpñVH$m H$mo V~ VH$ Z Imob| O~ VH$ H$hm Z OmE?&
Do not open this Test Book let un til you are asked to do so.
Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ {nN>bo AmdaU na {XE JE {ZX}em| H$mo Ü`mZ go n?T>|?&
Read care fully the In struc tions on the Back Cover of this Test Book let.
Name of the Candidate (in Capital letters)
Roll Number (in figures)
(in words)
Centre of Examination (in Capital ) letters
narjmWu H$m Zm_ (~?S>o Ajam| _|) :
(eãXm| _|) :
AZwH«$_m§H$ (A§H$m| _|) :
narjm-Ho$ÝÐ (~?S>o Ajam| _|) :
Candidate’s Signature Invigilator’s Signature
narjmWu Ho$ hñVmja : {ZarjH$ Ho$ hñVmja :
Facsimile Signature Stamp of Centre Superintendent
CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY / ~mb {dH$mg Am¡a> {ejm-emó
P-I/I 2
Directions : Answer the following questions
by selecting the correct/most appropriate
1. Which one of the following
statements is true about the role of
heredity and environment?
(1) Certain aspects of development
are influenced more by heredity
and others more by environ-
(2) A child’s ability to learn and
perform is completely decided
by the genes.
(3) Good care and a nutritious diet
can fight off any disorder a child
is born with.
(4) Environment plays a significant
role only in the child’s language
2. Which one of the following
statements cannot be attributed to
Piaget’s theory?
(1)Development occurs in
qualitative stages.
(2) Children construct and use
knowledge about their world.
(3) Learning takes place through
constant practice.
(4)Children act on their
3. Which one of the following is not
a limitation of the preoperational
(1) Tendency to concentrate
(2) Development of the symbolic
(3) Egocentrism
(4) Irreversibility
{ZX}e ? {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma XoZo Ho$ {bE ghr/g~go
Cn`wº$ {dH$ën Mw{ZE?&
1. AmZwd§{eH$Vm Am¡a n`m©daU H$s ^y{_H$m Ho$ ~mao _|
{ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ gË` h¡?
(1) {dH$mg Ho$ Hw$N> nhby AmZwd§{eH$Vm Am¡a
Hw$N> AÝ` n`m©daU go A{YH$ à^m{dV
hmoVo h¡§?&
(2) grIZo Am¡a àXe©Z H$aZo H$s EH$ ~?o H$s
j_Vm OrZm| Ûmam nyar Vah go {ZYm©[aV H$s
OmVr h¡?&
(3) AÀN>r XoI^mb Am¡a nm¡{ï>H$ Amhma ~?o Ho$
{H$gr ^r OÝ_OmV {dH$ma H$mo Xya H$a
gH$Vm h¡?&
(4) n`m©daU Ho$db ~?o Ho$ ^mfm-{dH$mg _|
_hÎdnyU© ^y{_H$m {Z^mVm h¡?&
2. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ {n`mOo Ho$
{gÕm§V Ho$ AZwgma H$hm Zhr§ Om gH$Vm?
(1) {dH$mg JwUmË_H$ MaUm| _| hmoVm h¡?&
(2) ~?o AnZr Xw{Z`m Ho$ ~mao _| kmZ H$m {Z_m©U
Am¡a Cn`moJ H$aVo h¢?&
(3) {Za§Va Aä`mg go A{YJ_ hmoVm h¡?&
(4) ~?o AnZo n`m©daU na {H«$`m H$aVo h¢?&
3. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gr nyd©-g§{H«$`mË_H$ {dMma
H$s EH$ gr_m Zht h¡?
(1) Ü`mZ Ho§${ÐV H$aZo H$s àd¥{Îm
(2) àVrH$mË_H$ {dMma H$m {dH$mg
(3) Ah§_Ý`Vm
(4) AZwËH«$_Ur`Vm
P-I/I 3 [ P.T.O.
4. Play has a significant role in
development of young children for
the following reasons, except—
(1) they gain mastery over their
(2) it stimulates their senses
(3) it is just a pleasant way to
spend time
(4) they acquire new skills and
learn when to use them
5. Which one of the following questions
invites children to think critically?
(1) Do you know the answer to
(2) What is the right answer?
(3) Can you think of a similar
(4) What are the different ways in
which we can solve this?
6. Which one of the following
options best describes progressive
(1) Learning by doing, project
method, cooperative learning
(2) Thematic units, regular unit
tests, ranking
(3) Personalized learning, ability
grouping, labeling students
(4)Project method, ability
grouping, ranking
7. Which one of the following
statements about progressive
education explains—Education is
life itself ?
(1)School education should
continue as long as possible.
(2) Schools are not required,
children can learn from their life
(3) Education in schools should
reflect the social and natural
(4) Life is the true educator.
4. _____ Ho$ Abmdm, {ZåZ{b{IV H$maUm| go Iob
`wdm ~?m| Ho$ {dH$mg _| EH$ _hÎdnyU© ^y{_H$m
{Z^mVm h¡?:
(1) do AnZo eara na {ZnwUVm àmá H$aVo h¢
(2) `h CZH$s B§{Ð`m| H$mo CÎmo{OV H$aVm h¡
(3) `h g_` {~VmZo H$m EH$ gwIX VarH$m h¡
(4) do ZE H$m¡eb hm{gb H$aVo h¢ Am¡a grIVo h¢
{H$ CÝh| H$~ Cn`moJ {H$`m OmE
5. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm àíZ ~?m| H$mo J§^ra
ê$n go gmoMZo Ho$ {bE Am_§{ÌV H$aVm h¡?
(1) ?`m Amn BgH$m CÎma OmZVo h¡§?
(2) ghr Odm~ ?`m h¡?
(3) ?`m Amn Bgr Vah H$s pñW{V Ho$ ~mao _|
gmoM gH$Vo h¢?
(4) {d{^Þ VarH$m| go h_ Bgo H¡$go hb H$a
gH$Vo h¢?
6. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm {dH$ën àJ{Verb
{ejm H$m g~go AÀN>m dU©Z H$aVm h¡?
(1) H$a Ho$ grIZm, n[a`moOZm {d{Y, gh`moJ go
(2) {W_¡{Q>H$ BH$mB`m±, {Z`{_V BH$mB© narjU,
(3) ì`{º$JV A{YJ_, j_Vm g_yh ~ZmZm,
N>mÌm| H$s bo~qbJ
(4) n[a`moOZm {d{Y, j_Vm g_yh ~ZmZm, a¢qH$J
7. àJ{Verb {ejm Ho$ ~mao _| {ZåZ{b{IV _|
go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ ~VmVm h¡—{ejm ñd`§ hr
OrdZ h¡??
(1) ñHy$b {ejm H$mo `Wmg§^d b§~o g_` VH$
Omar aIZm Mm{hE?&
(2) ñHy$bm| H$s Amdí`H$Vm Zht h¡, ~?o AnZo
OrdZ Ho$ AZw^dm| go grI gH$Vo h¢?&
(3) ñHy$bm| _| {ejm gm_m{OH$ Am¡a àmH¥${VH$
Xw{Z`m H$mo à{Vq~{~V H$ao?&
(4) OrdZ g?m {ejH$ h¡?&
P-I/I 4
8. Which one of the following can be
considered as a contribution of
Kohlberg’s theory?
(1) His theory has supported an
association between cognitive
maturity and moral maturity.
(2) The theory has elaborate testing
(3) It establishes a clear relation-
ship between moral reasoning
and action.
(4) His belief is that children are
moral philosophers.
9. The Zone of Proximal Development
refers to—
(1) the phase when maximum
development is possible
(2) the developmental phase when
child takes complete responsi-
bility for learning
(3) a context in which children can
almost perform a task on their
own with the right level of
(4) the point in learning when
support can be withdrawn
10. An androgynous personality—
(1) refers to men with feminine
(2) has a balance of what are
generally considered masculine
and feminine traits
(3) tends to be assertive and
(4) adheres to stereotypical gender
roles prevalent in the society
8. H$moh²b~J© Ho$ {gÕm§V Ho$ `moJXmZ Ho$ ê$n _|
{ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$go _mZm Om gH$Vm h¡?
(1) CZHo$ {gÕm§V Zo g§kmZmË_H$ n[an¹$Vm Am¡a
Z¡{VH$ n[an¹$Vm Ho$ ~rM EH$ gh`moJ H$m
g_W©Z {H$`m h¡?&
(2) Bg {gÕm§V _| {dñV¥V narjU à{H«$`mE± h¢?&
(3) `h Z¡{VH$ VH©$ Am¡a H$ma©dmB© Ho$ ~rM EH$
ñnï> g§~§Y ñWm{nV H$aVm h¡?&
(4) CZH$m {d?mg h¡ {H$ ~?o Z¡{VH$ Xme©{ZH$ h¢ &
9. {ZH$Q>dVu {dH$mg H$m joÌ g§X{^©V H$aVm h¡—
(1) Cg MaU H$mo, O~ A{YH$V_ {dH$mg g§^d
(2) Cg {dH$mgmË_H$ MaU H$mo, O~ ~?m grIZo
H$s nyar {µOå_oXmar boVm h¡
(3) EH$ g§X^© H$mo, {Og_| ~?o gh`moJ Ho$ ghr
ñVa Ho$ gmW H$moB© H$m`© bJ^J ñd`§ H$a
gH$Vo h¢
(4) Cg grIZo Ho$ q~Xw H$mo, O~ gh`moJ dmng
{b`m Om gH$Vm h¡
10. EH$ C^`qbJr ì`{º$Ëd—
(1) ór bjUm| dmbo nwéfm| H$mo g§X{^©V H$aVm h¡
(2) _| Am_Vm¡a na _mZo JE _Xm©Zm Am¡a ór JwUm|
H$m g_m`moOZ hmoVm h¡
(3) _| Ñ?T> Am¡a Ah§H$mar hmoZo H$s AmXV h¡
(4) g_mO _| àM{bV ê${?T>dmXr qbJ ^y{_H$mAm|
H$m nmbZ H$aVm h¡
Page 5
Bg nwpñVH$m _| 56> _w{ÐV n¥ð> h¢?& narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m
This Book let con tains 56 printed pages. Test Book let No.
_w»` narjm nwpñVH$m / MAIN TEST BOOKLET
narjm nwpñVH$m g§Ho$V
Test Booklet Code
In st ruc t ions for Candidat es :
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When
you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and
Side-2 carefully with Black/Blue Ballpoint Pen only.
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of 150
questions. There is no negative marking.
3. Use Black/Blue Ballpoint Pen only for writing particulars
on this page/marking responses in the Answer Sheet.
4. The CODE for this Booklet is I. Make sure that the
CODE printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same
as that on this Booklet. Also ensure that your Test
Booklet No. and Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case
of discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report
the matter to the Invigilator for replacement of both the
Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet.
5. This Test Booklet has Five Parts—I, II, III, IV and V,
consisting of 150 Objective-type Questions and each
carrying 1 mark :
Part–I :Child Development and Pedagogy (Q. Nos. 1–30)
Part–II :Mathematics (Q. Nos. 31–60)
Part–III:Environmental Studies (Q. Nos. 61–90)
Part–IV:Language–I (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 91–120)
Part–V :Language–II (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 121–150)
6. Part–IV contains 30 questions for Language–I and Part–V
contains 30 questions for Language–II. In this Test
Booklet, only questions pertaining to English and Hindi
Language have been given. In case the language(s) you
have opted for as Language–I and/or Language–II is a
language other than English or Hindi, please ask for
a Supplement Test Booklet that contains questions
on that Language. The languages being answered
must tally with the languages opted for in your
Application Form.
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions in
Language–II (Part–V) in a language other than the one
chosen as Language–I (Part–IV) from the list of
8. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in
the Test Booklet for the same.
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer
Sheet only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener
is allowed for changing answers.
narjm{W©`m| Ho$ {bE {ZX}e :
1. OMR CÎma-nÌ Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa aIm h¡?& O~ AmnH$mo narjm
nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo H$hm OmE, Vmo CÎma-nÌ {ZH$mb H$a n¥ð>-1 Ed§ n¥ð>-2
na Ü`mZ go Ho$db H$mbo/Zrbo ~m°bnm°B§Q> noZ go {ddaU ^a|?&
2. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2½ KÊQ>o h¡ Ed§ narjm _| 150 àíZ h¢?& H$moB© G$UmË_H$
A§H$Z Zht h¡?&
3. Bg n¥ð> na {ddaU A§{H$V H$aZo Ed§ CÎma-nÌ na {ZemZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE Ho$db
H$mbo/Zrbo ~m°bnm°B§Q> noZ H$m à`moJ H$a|?&
4. Bg nwpñVH$m H$m g§Ho$V I h¡?& `h gw{Z{üV H$a b| {H$ Bg nwpñVH$m H$m g§Ho$V,
CÎma-nÌ Ho$ n¥ð>-2 na N>no g§Ho$V go {_bVm h¡?& `h ^r gw{Z{üV H$a b| {H$
narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m Am¡a CÎma-nÌ g§»`m {_bVo h¢?& AJa `h {^Þ hmo, Vmo
narjmWu Xygar narjm nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma-nÌ boZo Ho$ {bE {ZarjH$ H$mo VwaÝV
AdJV H$amE±?&
5. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| nm±M ^mJI, II, III, IV Am¡a V h¢, {OZ_| 150
dñVw{Zð> àíZ h¢ VWm àË`oH$ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ :
^mJI : ~mb {dH$mg Am¡a {ejm-emó (àíZ g§0 1–30)
^mJII : J{UV (àíZ g§0 31–60)
^mJIII : n`m©daU AÜ``Z (àíZ g§0 61–90)
^mJIV : ^mfmI (A§J«oOr/qhXr) (àíZ g§0 91–120)
^mJV : ^mfmII (A§J«oOr/qhXr) (àíZ g§0 121–150)
6. ^mJIV _| ^mfmI Ho$ {bE 30 àíZ Am¡a ^mJV _| ^mfmII Ho$ {bE 30
àíZ {XE JE h¢?& Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| Ho$db A§J«oOr d qhXr ^mfm go
gå~pÝYV àíZ {XE JE h¢?& `{X ^mfmI Am¡a/`m ^mfmII _| AmnHo$ Ûmam
MwZr JB© ^mfm(E±) A§J«oOr `m qhXr Ho$ Abmdm h¡/h¢, Vmo H¥$n`m Cg
^mfm dmbr n[a{eï> narjm nwpñVH$m _m±J b|?& {OZ ^mfmAm| Ho$ àíZm| Ho$
CÎma Amn Xo aho h¢ do AmdoXZ-nÌ _| MwZr JB© ^mfmAm| go Adí` _ob
ImZr Mm{hE?&
7. narjmWu ^mfmII (^mJV) Ho$ {bE ^mfm gyMr go Eogr ^mfm MwZ| Omo
CZHo$ Ûmam ^mfmI (^mJIV) _| MwZr JB© ^mfm go {^Þ hmo?&
8. aµ\$ H$m`© narjm nwpñVH$m _| Bg à`moOZ Ho$ {bE Xr JB© Imbr OJh na hr H$a|?&
9. g^r CÎma Ho$db OMR CÎma-nÌ na hr A§{H$V H$a|?& AnZo CÎma Ü`mZnyd©H$
A§{H$V H$a|?& CÎma ~XbZo hoVw ?oV a§OH$ H$m à`moJ {Z{fÕ h¡?&
Bg narjm nwpñVH$m H$mo V~ VH$ Z Imob| O~ VH$ H$hm Z OmE?&
Do not open this Test Book let un til you are asked to do so.
Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ {nN>bo AmdaU na {XE JE {ZX}em| H$mo Ü`mZ go n?T>|?&
Read care fully the In struc tions on the Back Cover of this Test Book let.
Name of the Candidate (in Capital letters)
Roll Number (in figures)
(in words)
Centre of Examination (in Capital ) letters
narjmWu H$m Zm_ (~?S>o Ajam| _|) :
(eãXm| _|) :
AZwH«$_m§H$ (A§H$m| _|) :
narjm-Ho$ÝÐ (~?S>o Ajam| _|) :
Candidate’s Signature Invigilator’s Signature
narjmWu Ho$ hñVmja : {ZarjH$ Ho$ hñVmja :
Facsimile Signature Stamp of Centre Superintendent
CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY / ~mb {dH$mg Am¡a> {ejm-emó
P-I/I 2
Directions : Answer the following questions
by selecting the correct/most appropriate
1. Which one of the following
statements is true about the role of
heredity and environment?
(1) Certain aspects of development
are influenced more by heredity
and others more by environ-
(2) A child’s ability to learn and
perform is completely decided
by the genes.
(3) Good care and a nutritious diet
can fight off any disorder a child
is born with.
(4) Environment plays a significant
role only in the child’s language
2. Which one of the following
statements cannot be attributed to
Piaget’s theory?
(1)Development occurs in
qualitative stages.
(2) Children construct and use
knowledge about their world.
(3) Learning takes place through
constant practice.
(4)Children act on their
3. Which one of the following is not
a limitation of the preoperational
(1) Tendency to concentrate
(2) Development of the symbolic
(3) Egocentrism
(4) Irreversibility
{ZX}e ? {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma XoZo Ho$ {bE ghr/g~go
Cn`wº$ {dH$ën Mw{ZE?&
1. AmZwd§{eH$Vm Am¡a n`m©daU H$s ^y{_H$m Ho$ ~mao _|
{ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ gË` h¡?
(1) {dH$mg Ho$ Hw$N> nhby AmZwd§{eH$Vm Am¡a
Hw$N> AÝ` n`m©daU go A{YH$ à^m{dV
hmoVo h¡§?&
(2) grIZo Am¡a àXe©Z H$aZo H$s EH$ ~?o H$s
j_Vm OrZm| Ûmam nyar Vah go {ZYm©[aV H$s
OmVr h¡?&
(3) AÀN>r XoI^mb Am¡a nm¡{ï>H$ Amhma ~?o Ho$
{H$gr ^r OÝ_OmV {dH$ma H$mo Xya H$a
gH$Vm h¡?&
(4) n`m©daU Ho$db ~?o Ho$ ^mfm-{dH$mg _|
_hÎdnyU© ^y{_H$m {Z^mVm h¡?&
2. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ {n`mOo Ho$
{gÕm§V Ho$ AZwgma H$hm Zhr§ Om gH$Vm?
(1) {dH$mg JwUmË_H$ MaUm| _| hmoVm h¡?&
(2) ~?o AnZr Xw{Z`m Ho$ ~mao _| kmZ H$m {Z_m©U
Am¡a Cn`moJ H$aVo h¢?&
(3) {Za§Va Aä`mg go A{YJ_ hmoVm h¡?&
(4) ~?o AnZo n`m©daU na {H«$`m H$aVo h¢?&
3. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gr nyd©-g§{H«$`mË_H$ {dMma
H$s EH$ gr_m Zht h¡?
(1) Ü`mZ Ho§${ÐV H$aZo H$s àd¥{Îm
(2) àVrH$mË_H$ {dMma H$m {dH$mg
(3) Ah§_Ý`Vm
(4) AZwËH«$_Ur`Vm
P-I/I 3 [ P.T.O.
4. Play has a significant role in
development of young children for
the following reasons, except—
(1) they gain mastery over their
(2) it stimulates their senses
(3) it is just a pleasant way to
spend time
(4) they acquire new skills and
learn when to use them
5. Which one of the following questions
invites children to think critically?
(1) Do you know the answer to
(2) What is the right answer?
(3) Can you think of a similar
(4) What are the different ways in
which we can solve this?
6. Which one of the following
options best describes progressive
(1) Learning by doing, project
method, cooperative learning
(2) Thematic units, regular unit
tests, ranking
(3) Personalized learning, ability
grouping, labeling students
(4)Project method, ability
grouping, ranking
7. Which one of the following
statements about progressive
education explains—Education is
life itself ?
(1)School education should
continue as long as possible.
(2) Schools are not required,
children can learn from their life
(3) Education in schools should
reflect the social and natural
(4) Life is the true educator.
4. _____ Ho$ Abmdm, {ZåZ{b{IV H$maUm| go Iob
`wdm ~?m| Ho$ {dH$mg _| EH$ _hÎdnyU© ^y{_H$m
{Z^mVm h¡?:
(1) do AnZo eara na {ZnwUVm àmá H$aVo h¢
(2) `h CZH$s B§{Ð`m| H$mo CÎmo{OV H$aVm h¡
(3) `h g_` {~VmZo H$m EH$ gwIX VarH$m h¡
(4) do ZE H$m¡eb hm{gb H$aVo h¢ Am¡a grIVo h¢
{H$ CÝh| H$~ Cn`moJ {H$`m OmE
5. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm àíZ ~?m| H$mo J§^ra
ê$n go gmoMZo Ho$ {bE Am_§{ÌV H$aVm h¡?
(1) ?`m Amn BgH$m CÎma OmZVo h¡§?
(2) ghr Odm~ ?`m h¡?
(3) ?`m Amn Bgr Vah H$s pñW{V Ho$ ~mao _|
gmoM gH$Vo h¢?
(4) {d{^Þ VarH$m| go h_ Bgo H¡$go hb H$a
gH$Vo h¢?
6. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm {dH$ën àJ{Verb
{ejm H$m g~go AÀN>m dU©Z H$aVm h¡?
(1) H$a Ho$ grIZm, n[a`moOZm {d{Y, gh`moJ go
(2) {W_¡{Q>H$ BH$mB`m±, {Z`{_V BH$mB© narjU,
(3) ì`{º$JV A{YJ_, j_Vm g_yh ~ZmZm,
N>mÌm| H$s bo~qbJ
(4) n[a`moOZm {d{Y, j_Vm g_yh ~ZmZm, a¢qH$J
7. àJ{Verb {ejm Ho$ ~mao _| {ZåZ{b{IV _|
go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ ~VmVm h¡—{ejm ñd`§ hr
OrdZ h¡??
(1) ñHy$b {ejm H$mo `Wmg§^d b§~o g_` VH$
Omar aIZm Mm{hE?&
(2) ñHy$bm| H$s Amdí`H$Vm Zht h¡, ~?o AnZo
OrdZ Ho$ AZw^dm| go grI gH$Vo h¢?&
(3) ñHy$bm| _| {ejm gm_m{OH$ Am¡a àmH¥${VH$
Xw{Z`m H$mo à{Vq~{~V H$ao?&
(4) OrdZ g?m {ejH$ h¡?&
P-I/I 4
8. Which one of the following can be
considered as a contribution of
Kohlberg’s theory?
(1) His theory has supported an
association between cognitive
maturity and moral maturity.
(2) The theory has elaborate testing
(3) It establishes a clear relation-
ship between moral reasoning
and action.
(4) His belief is that children are
moral philosophers.
9. The Zone of Proximal Development
refers to—
(1) the phase when maximum
development is possible
(2) the developmental phase when
child takes complete responsi-
bility for learning
(3) a context in which children can
almost perform a task on their
own with the right level of
(4) the point in learning when
support can be withdrawn
10. An androgynous personality—
(1) refers to men with feminine
(2) has a balance of what are
generally considered masculine
and feminine traits
(3) tends to be assertive and
(4) adheres to stereotypical gender
roles prevalent in the society
8. H$moh²b~J© Ho$ {gÕm§V Ho$ `moJXmZ Ho$ ê$n _|
{ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$go _mZm Om gH$Vm h¡?
(1) CZHo$ {gÕm§V Zo g§kmZmË_H$ n[an¹$Vm Am¡a
Z¡{VH$ n[an¹$Vm Ho$ ~rM EH$ gh`moJ H$m
g_W©Z {H$`m h¡?&
(2) Bg {gÕm§V _| {dñV¥V narjU à{H«$`mE± h¢?&
(3) `h Z¡{VH$ VH©$ Am¡a H$ma©dmB© Ho$ ~rM EH$
ñnï> g§~§Y ñWm{nV H$aVm h¡?&
(4) CZH$m {d?mg h¡ {H$ ~?o Z¡{VH$ Xme©{ZH$ h¢ &
9. {ZH$Q>dVu {dH$mg H$m joÌ g§X{^©V H$aVm h¡—
(1) Cg MaU H$mo, O~ A{YH$V_ {dH$mg g§^d
(2) Cg {dH$mgmË_H$ MaU H$mo, O~ ~?m grIZo
H$s nyar {µOå_oXmar boVm h¡
(3) EH$ g§X^© H$mo, {Og_| ~?o gh`moJ Ho$ ghr
ñVa Ho$ gmW H$moB© H$m`© bJ^J ñd`§ H$a
gH$Vo h¢
(4) Cg grIZo Ho$ q~Xw H$mo, O~ gh`moJ dmng
{b`m Om gH$Vm h¡
10. EH$ C^`qbJr ì`{º$Ëd—
(1) ór bjUm| dmbo nwéfm| H$mo g§X{^©V H$aVm h¡
(2) _| Am_Vm¡a na _mZo JE _Xm©Zm Am¡a ór JwUm|
H$m g_m`moOZ hmoVm h¡
(3) _| Ñ?T> Am¡a Ah§H$mar hmoZo H$s AmXV h¡
(4) g_mO _| àM{bV ê${?T>dmXr qbJ ^y{_H$mAm|
H$m nmbZ H$aVm h¡
P-I/I 5 [ P.T.O.
11. Children acquire gender roles
through all of the following,
(1) media
(2) socialization
(3) culture
(4) tutoring
12. One of the critiques of standardized
tests has been that—
(1) they represent largely the
mainstream culture and are
therefore biased
(2) their language is difficult to
(3) the tests cannot be adminis-
tered on large populations
(4) they do not give a clear picture
of a child’s ability
13. The theory of multiple intelligence
says that—
(1) intelligence can be rapidly
(2) intelligence can be of several
(3) paper-pencil tests are not
(4) intelligence can be multiplied
with effective pedagogy
11. ~?o _____ H$mo N>mo?S>H$a AÝ` g^r Ho$ Ûmam qbJ
^y{_H$mE± J«hU H$aVo h¢?&
(1) _r{S>`m
(2) g_mOrH$aU
(3) g§ñH¥${V
(4) Q>çyeZ
12. _mZH$sH¥$V narjUm| H$s AmbmoMZmAm| _| go EH$
`h h¡ {H$—
(1) do _w»` ê$n go _w»`Ymam H$s g§ñH¥${V H$m
à{V{Z{YËd H$aVo h¢ Am¡a Bg{bE njnmVr h¢?
(2) CZH$s ^mfm H$mo g_PZm _wpíH$b h¡
(3) narjU ~?S>r Am~mXr na bmJy Zht {H$E Om
gH$Vo h¢
(4) do ~?o H$s j_Vm H$s ñnï> Vñdra Zht XoVo h¢
13. EH$m{YH$ ~w{Õ_mZr H$m {gÕm§V H$hVm h¡ {H$—
(1) ~w{Õ VoOr go ~?T>mB© Om gH$Vr h¡
(2) ~w{Õ H$B© àH$ma H$s hmo gH$Vr h¡
(3) nona-n|{gb narjU ghm`H$ Zht h¢?
(4) à^mdr AÜ`mnZ Ho$ Ûmam ~w{Õ ~?T>mB© Om
gH$Vr h¡
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