CTET & State TET Exam  >  CTET & State TET Notes  >  CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Mock Test Series 2024  >  CTET Previous Year Question Paper - 1 Set I (Jan - 2024)

CTET Previous Year Question Paper - 1 Set I (Jan - 2024) | CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Mock Test Series 2024 - CTET & State TET PDF Download

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PAPER-I / ¬?‡Ÿ-¬òÊ-I
Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so.
ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê? Ã’ Ã?§ Ÿ pÊ?‹?¥ ¡’ Ã?§ ?§„Ê Ÿ ¡Ê8–
Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet.
ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??§ Á¬¿U‹? •Ê?/UáÊ ¬/U ÁŒ8 ª8 ÁŸŒ?¸‡ÊÊ?¥ ?§Ê? äÿÊŸ ‚? ¬…??¥–
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this T est Booklet.  When you are directed
to open the T est Booklet, take out the Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars
on Side-1 and Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of 150 questions.  There is no
negative marking.
3. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars on this page/
marking responses in the Answer Sheet.
4. The CODE for this Booklet is I.  Make sure that the CODE printed on
Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that on this Booklet.  Also ensure
that your T est Booklet No. and Answer Sheet No. are the same.  In case of
discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the
Invigilator for replacement of both the T est Booklet and the Answer Sheet.
5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V, consisting of 150
Objective Type Questions and each carries 1 mark :
Part-I :   Child Development and Pedagogy (Q.Nos. 1-30)
Part-II :   Mathematics (Q.Nos. 31-60)
Part-III :   Environmental Studies (Q.Nos. 61-90)
Part-IV :   Language-I (English/Hindi) (Q.Nos. 91-120)
Part-V :   Language-II (English/Hindi) (Q.Nos. 121-150)
6. Part-IV contains 30 questions for Language-I and Part-V contains 30 questions
for Language-II.  In this T est Booklet, only questions pertaining to English
and Hindi language have been given.  In case the language/s you have
opted for as Language-I and/or Language-II is a language other than
English or Hindi, please ask for a Supplement (Language) Test
Booklet of I Code that contains questions on that language.  The
languages being answered must tally with the languages opted for
in your Application Form.  No change in languages is allowed.
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions in Language-II
(Part-V) in a language other than the one chosen as Language-I
(Part-IV) from the list of languages.
8. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the T est Booklet
for the same.
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet only.  Mark
your responses carefully.  No whitener is allowed for changing answers.
10. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions of questions/
answers, English version will be taken as final.
Name of the Candidate (in Capital Letters) : ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊÕ˸ ?§Ê ŸÊ? (’«?? •?Ê/UÊ?¥ ??¥) —
Roll Number (•ŸÈ??§?Ê¥?§) — in figures (•¥?§Ê?¥ ??¥) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
— in words (‡ÊéŒÊ?¥ ??¥) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Centre of Examination (in Capital Letters) : _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊ ??§ãŒ? (’«?? •?Ê/UÊ?¥ ??¥) —
Candidate’s Signature : _______________________________________________ Invigilator’s Signature : _________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊÕ˸ ??§ „SÃÊ?Ê/U — ÁŸ/UË?Ê?§ ??§ „SÃÊ?Ê/U —
Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent : ____________________________________________________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊÁÕ¸ÿÊ?¥ ??§ Á‹8 ÁŸŒ?¸‡Ê
1. OMR ©ûÊ/U ¬òÊ ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??§ •ãŒ/U /UpÊ „Ò–  ¡’ •Ê¬?§Ê? ¬/UË?ÊÊ
¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê pÊ?‹Ÿ? ?§Ê? ?§„Ê ¡Ê8, ÃÊ? ©ûÊ/U ¬òÊ ÁŸ?§Ê‹ ?§/U ¬Îc?U-1 8?¥ ¬Îc?-U2 ¬/U
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2. ¬/UË?ÊÊ ?§Ë •?Áœ 2½ ÉÊ¥˜? „Ò¥ 8?¥ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ??¥ 150 ¬?‡Ÿ „Ò¥–  ?§Ê?߸ ´§áÊÊà??§
•¥?§Ÿ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
3. ß‚ ¬Îc?U ¬/U Á??/UáÊ •¥Á?§Ã ?§/UŸ? 8?¥ ©ûÊ/U ¬òÊ ¬/U ÁŸ‡ÊÊŸ ‹ªÊŸ? ??§ Á‹8
??§?‹ ŸË‹?/?§Ê‹? ’ÊÚ‹ ¬ÊÚߥ˜U ¬?Ÿ ?§Ê ¬?ÿÊ?ª ?§/?¥U–
4. ß‚ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê ?§Ê?«U I „Ò–  ÿ„ ‚ÈÁŸÁ‡øà ?§/U ‹?¥ Á?§ ß‚ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê ?§Ê?«U,
©ûÊ/U ¬òÊ ??§ ¬Îc?U-2 ¬/U ¿U¬? ?§Ê?«U ‚? Á?‹ÃÊ „Ò–  ÿ„ ÷Ë ‚ÈÁŸÁ‡øà ?§/U ‹?¥ Á?§
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ÃÈ/Uãà •?ªÃ ?§/UÊ8°–
5. ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??¥ ¬Ê°ø ÷ʪ I, II, III, IV •ÊÒ/U V „Ò¥, Á¡Ÿ??¥ 150 ?SÃÈÁŸc?U
¬?‡Ÿ „Ò¥, ÃÕÊ ¬?àÿ??§ 1 •¥?§ ?§Ê „Ò —
÷ʪ-I :  ’Ê‹ Á??§Ê‚ ? Á‡Ê?ÊʇÊÊSòÊ (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 1-30)
÷ʪ-II :  ªÁáÊà (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 31-60)
÷ʪ-III :  ¬ÿʸ?/UáÊ •äÿÿŸ (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 61-90)
÷ʪ-IV :  ÷Ê·Ê-I (•¥ª??$¡Ë/Á„ãŒË)   (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 91-120)
÷ʪ-V :  ÷Ê·Ê-II (•¥ª??$¡Ë/Á„ãŒË)       (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 121-150)
6. ÷ʪ-IV ??¥ ÷Ê·Ê-I ??§ Á‹8 30 ¬?‡Ÿ •ÊÒ/U ÷ʪ-V ??¥ ÷Ê·Ê-II ??§ Á‹8 30 ¬?‡Ÿ
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•Ê¬ Œ? /U„? „Ò¥ ?„ •Ê??ŒŸ ¬òÊ ??¥ øÈŸË ªß¸ ÷Ê·Ê•Ê?¥ ‚? •?‡ÿ ??‹ pÊŸË øÊÁ„8–
÷Ê·Ê•Ê?¥ ?§Ê ¬Á/U?øŸ •ŸÈ?ãÿ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
7. ¬/UË?ÊÊÕ˸ ÷Ê·Ê-II (÷ʪ-V) ??§ Á‹8, ÷Ê·Ê ‚
øË ‚? 8?‚Ë ÷Ê·Ê øÈŸ?¥ ¡Ê? ©Ÿ??§
mÊ/UÊ ÷Ê·Ê-I (÷ʪ-IV) ??¥ øÈŸË ªß¸ ÷Ê·Ê ‚? Á÷ÛÊ „Ê?–
8. /U»§ ?§Êÿ¸ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??¥ ß‚ ¬?ÿÊ?¡Ÿ ??§ Á‹8 ŒË ªß¸ pÊ‹Ë ¡ª„ ¬/U „Ë
9. ‚÷Ë ©ûÊ/U ??§?‹ OMR ©ûÊ/U ¬òÊ ¬/U „Ë •¥Á?§Ã ?§/?¥U–  •¬Ÿ? ©ûÊ/U äÿÊŸ¬Í?¸?§
•¥Á?§Ã ?§/?¥U–  ©ûÊ/U ’Œ‹Ÿ? „?ÃÈ ‡??à /¥U¡?§ ?§Ê ¬?ÿÊ?ª ÁŸÁ·h „Ò–
10. ÿÁŒ •¥ª??$¡Ë •ÊÒ/U Á„ãŒË ‚¥S?§/UáÊ ??§ ¬?‡ŸÊ?¥/©ûÊ/UÊ?¥ ??¥ ?§Ê?߸ Á?‚¥ªÁà „Ê? ÃÊ?
•¥ª??$¡Ë ‚¥S?§/UáÊ •¥ÁÃ? ?ÊŸÊ ¡Êÿ?ªÊ–
Main Test Booklet Code / ?ÈÅÿ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê?«U
Page 2

PAPER-I / ¬?‡Ÿ-¬òÊ-I
Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so.
ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê? Ã’ Ã?§ Ÿ pÊ?‹?¥ ¡’ Ã?§ ?§„Ê Ÿ ¡Ê8–
Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet.
ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??§ Á¬¿U‹? •Ê?/UáÊ ¬/U ÁŒ8 ª8 ÁŸŒ?¸‡ÊÊ?¥ ?§Ê? äÿÊŸ ‚? ¬…??¥–
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this T est Booklet.  When you are directed
to open the T est Booklet, take out the Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars
on Side-1 and Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of 150 questions.  There is no
negative marking.
3. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars on this page/
marking responses in the Answer Sheet.
4. The CODE for this Booklet is I.  Make sure that the CODE printed on
Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that on this Booklet.  Also ensure
that your T est Booklet No. and Answer Sheet No. are the same.  In case of
discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the
Invigilator for replacement of both the T est Booklet and the Answer Sheet.
5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V, consisting of 150
Objective Type Questions and each carries 1 mark :
Part-I :   Child Development and Pedagogy (Q.Nos. 1-30)
Part-II :   Mathematics (Q.Nos. 31-60)
Part-III :   Environmental Studies (Q.Nos. 61-90)
Part-IV :   Language-I (English/Hindi) (Q.Nos. 91-120)
Part-V :   Language-II (English/Hindi) (Q.Nos. 121-150)
6. Part-IV contains 30 questions for Language-I and Part-V contains 30 questions
for Language-II.  In this T est Booklet, only questions pertaining to English
and Hindi language have been given.  In case the language/s you have
opted for as Language-I and/or Language-II is a language other than
English or Hindi, please ask for a Supplement (Language) Test
Booklet of I Code that contains questions on that language.  The
languages being answered must tally with the languages opted for
in your Application Form.  No change in languages is allowed.
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions in Language-II
(Part-V) in a language other than the one chosen as Language-I
(Part-IV) from the list of languages.
8. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the T est Booklet
for the same.
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet only.  Mark
your responses carefully.  No whitener is allowed for changing answers.
10. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions of questions/
answers, English version will be taken as final.
Name of the Candidate (in Capital Letters) : ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊÕ˸ ?§Ê ŸÊ? (’«?? •?Ê/UÊ?¥ ??¥) —
Roll Number (•ŸÈ??§?Ê¥?§) — in figures (•¥?§Ê?¥ ??¥) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
— in words (‡ÊéŒÊ?¥ ??¥) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Centre of Examination (in Capital Letters) : _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊ ??§ãŒ? (’«?? •?Ê/UÊ?¥ ??¥) —
Candidate’s Signature : _______________________________________________ Invigilator’s Signature : _________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊÕ˸ ??§ „SÃÊ?Ê/U — ÁŸ/UË?Ê?§ ??§ „SÃÊ?Ê/U —
Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent : ____________________________________________________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊÁÕ¸ÿÊ?¥ ??§ Á‹8 ÁŸŒ?¸‡Ê
1. OMR ©ûÊ/U ¬òÊ ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??§ •ãŒ/U /UpÊ „Ò–  ¡’ •Ê¬?§Ê? ¬/UË?ÊÊ
¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê pÊ?‹Ÿ? ?§Ê? ?§„Ê ¡Ê8, ÃÊ? ©ûÊ/U ¬òÊ ÁŸ?§Ê‹ ?§/U ¬Îc?U-1 8?¥ ¬Îc?-U2 ¬/U
äÿÊŸ ‚? ??§?‹ ŸË‹?/?§Ê‹? ’ÊÚ‹ ¬ÊÚߥ˜U ¬?Ÿ ‚? Á??/UáÊ ÷/?¥U–
2. ¬/UË?ÊÊ ?§Ë •?Áœ 2½ ÉÊ¥˜? „Ò¥ 8?¥ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ??¥ 150 ¬?‡Ÿ „Ò¥–  ?§Ê?߸ ´§áÊÊà??§
•¥?§Ÿ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
3. ß‚ ¬Îc?U ¬/U Á??/UáÊ •¥Á?§Ã ?§/UŸ? 8?¥ ©ûÊ/U ¬òÊ ¬/U ÁŸ‡ÊÊŸ ‹ªÊŸ? ??§ Á‹8
??§?‹ ŸË‹?/?§Ê‹? ’ÊÚ‹ ¬ÊÚߥ˜U ¬?Ÿ ?§Ê ¬?ÿÊ?ª ?§/?¥U–
4. ß‚ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê ?§Ê?«U I „Ò–  ÿ„ ‚ÈÁŸÁ‡øà ?§/U ‹?¥ Á?§ ß‚ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê ?§Ê?«U,
©ûÊ/U ¬òÊ ??§ ¬Îc?U-2 ¬/U ¿U¬? ?§Ê?«U ‚? Á?‹ÃÊ „Ò–  ÿ„ ÷Ë ‚ÈÁŸÁ‡øà ?§/U ‹?¥ Á?§
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ÃÈ/Uãà •?ªÃ ?§/UÊ8°–
5. ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??¥ ¬Ê°ø ÷ʪ I, II, III, IV •ÊÒ/U V „Ò¥, Á¡Ÿ??¥ 150 ?SÃÈÁŸc?U
¬?‡Ÿ „Ò¥, ÃÕÊ ¬?àÿ??§ 1 •¥?§ ?§Ê „Ò —
÷ʪ-I :  ’Ê‹ Á??§Ê‚ ? Á‡Ê?ÊʇÊÊSòÊ (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 1-30)
÷ʪ-II :  ªÁáÊà (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 31-60)
÷ʪ-III :  ¬ÿʸ?/UáÊ •äÿÿŸ (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 61-90)
÷ʪ-IV :  ÷Ê·Ê-I (•¥ª??$¡Ë/Á„ãŒË)   (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 91-120)
÷ʪ-V :  ÷Ê·Ê-II (•¥ª??$¡Ë/Á„ãŒË)       (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 121-150)
6. ÷ʪ-IV ??¥ ÷Ê·Ê-I ??§ Á‹8 30 ¬?‡Ÿ •ÊÒ/U ÷ʪ-V ??¥ ÷Ê·Ê-II ??§ Á‹8 30 ¬?‡Ÿ
ÁŒ8 ª8 „Ò¥–  ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??¥ ??§?‹ •¥ª??$¡Ë ? Á„ãŒË ÷Ê·Ê ‚? ‚¥’¥ÁœÃ
¬?‡Ÿ ÁŒ8 ª8 „Ò¥–  ÿÁŒ ÷Ê·Ê-I •ÊÒ/U/ÿÊ ÷Ê·Ê-II ??¥ •Ê¬??§ mÊ/UÊ øÈŸË ªß¸
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•Ê¬ Œ? /U„? „Ò¥ ?„ •Ê??ŒŸ ¬òÊ ??¥ øÈŸË ªß¸ ÷Ê·Ê•Ê?¥ ‚? •?‡ÿ ??‹ pÊŸË øÊÁ„8–
÷Ê·Ê•Ê?¥ ?§Ê ¬Á/U?øŸ •ŸÈ?ãÿ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
7. ¬/UË?ÊÊÕ˸ ÷Ê·Ê-II (÷ʪ-V) ??§ Á‹8, ÷Ê·Ê ‚
øË ‚? 8?‚Ë ÷Ê·Ê øÈŸ?¥ ¡Ê? ©Ÿ??§
mÊ/UÊ ÷Ê·Ê-I (÷ʪ-IV) ??¥ øÈŸË ªß¸ ÷Ê·Ê ‚? Á÷ÛÊ „Ê?–
8. /U»§ ?§Êÿ¸ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??¥ ß‚ ¬?ÿÊ?¡Ÿ ??§ Á‹8 ŒË ªß¸ pÊ‹Ë ¡ª„ ¬/U „Ë
9. ‚÷Ë ©ûÊ/U ??§?‹ OMR ©ûÊ/U ¬òÊ ¬/U „Ë •¥Á?§Ã ?§/?¥U–  •¬Ÿ? ©ûÊ/U äÿÊŸ¬Í?¸?§
•¥Á?§Ã ?§/?¥U–  ©ûÊ/U ’Œ‹Ÿ? „?ÃÈ ‡??à /¥U¡?§ ?§Ê ¬?ÿÊ?ª ÁŸÁ·h „Ò–
10. ÿÁŒ •¥ª??$¡Ë •ÊÒ/U Á„ãŒË ‚¥S?§/UáÊ ??§ ¬?‡ŸÊ?¥/©ûÊ/UÊ?¥ ??¥ ?§Ê?߸ Á?‚¥ªÁà „Ê? ÃÊ?
•¥ª??$¡Ë ‚¥S?§/UáÊ •¥ÁÃ? ?ÊŸÊ ¡Êÿ?ªÊ–
Main Test Booklet Code / ?ÈÅÿ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê?«U
P-I  !SAS-24-I! I 2
PART - I / ÷ʪ - I
Direction : Answer the following questions (Q. Nos 1 to 30) by selecting the correct/most appropriate options.
ÁŸŒ?¸‡Ê — ÁŸêŸÁ‹Ápà ¬?‡ŸÊ?¥ (¬?. ‚¥ÅÿÊ  1 ‚? 30) ??§ ©ûÊ/U Œ?Ÿ? ??§ Á‹8 ‚„Ë/‚’‚? ©¬ÿÈÄà Á??§À¬ øÈÁŸ8–
1. While participating in a sports competition in class, Tanuj tells his friend that he will participate in
the javelin throw and his sister can participate in jump rope because she is a girl and girls cannot
throw javelin.  This depicts :
(1) Gender constancy (2) Gender equality
(3) Gender equity (4) Gender stereotyping
?§?ÊÊ ??¥ p?‹ ¬?ÁÃÿÊ?ÁªÃÊ ??¥ Á„S‚Ê ‹?Ã? ‚?ÿ ßȡ •¬Ÿ? ŒÊ?Sà ‚? ?§„ÃÊ „Ò Á?§ ?„ ÷Ê‹Ê »?¥§?§Ÿ? ??¥ Á„S‚Ê ‹?ªÊ •ÊÒ/U /US‚Ë
?ͧŒŸ? ??¥ ©‚?§Ë ’„Ÿ Á„S‚Ê ‹? ‚?§ÃË „Ò¥ ÄÿÊ?¥Á?§ ?„ 8?§ ‹«??§Ë „Ò •ÊÒ/U ‹«?Á?§ÿÊ¥ ÷Ê‹Ê Ÿ„Ë¥ »?¥§?§ ‚?§ÃË–  ÿ„
__________ ?§Ê? ¬?ŒÁ‡Ê¸Ã ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(1) ¡?¥«U/U ‚¥’¥œÃÊ (2) ¡?¥«U/U ‚?ÊŸÃÊ
(3) ¡?¥«U/U ‚?ÃÊ (4) ¡?¥«U/U M§Á…??ÊÁŒÃÊ
2. While divergent thinking __________ convergent thinking __________.
(1) encourages multiple answers; is fixed on one correct solution
(2) is fixed on one correct solution; encourages multiple answers
(3) Promotes mathematical abilities; promotes verbal abilities
(4) Promotes verbal abilities; promotes mathematical abilities
•¬‚Ê/UË Áø¥ÃŸ __________ ¡’Á?§ •Á÷‚Ê/UË Áø¥ÃŸ __________–
(1) ?§ß¸ ©ûÊ/UÊ?¥ ?§Ê? ¬?Ê?à‚ÊÁ„à ?§/UÃÊ „Ò; 8?§ ‚„Ë ‚?ʜʟ ¬/U ÁSÕ/U „Ò
(2) 8?§ ‚„Ë ‚?ʜʟ ¬/U ÁSÕ/U „Ò; ?§ß¸ ©ûÊ/UÊ?¥ ?§Ê? ¬?Ê?à‚ÊÁ„à ?§/UÃÊ „Ò
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3. Which of the following statements about inclusive education is not correct ?
(1) Inclusive teaching means “teaching in ways that do not exclude”.
(2) Inclusive teaching means “adopting pedagogies that support needs of all learners”.
(3) An inclusive classroom “accommodates differences in language styles and promotes
(4) An inclusive classroom centres around “fixed curricula and standard assessment”.
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(2) ‚?Ê??‡ÊË Á‡Ê?ÊáÊ ?§Ê •Õ¸ „Ò  ““©‚ Á‡Ê?ÊʇÊÊSòÊ ?§Ê? •¬ŸÊŸÊ ¡Ê? ‚÷Ë Á‡Ê?ÊÊÁÕ¸ÿÊ?¥ ?§Ë •Ê?‡ÿ?§ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê ‚?Õ¸Ÿ ?§/UÃÊ
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(4) ““ÁŸÁ‡øà ¬Ê?Køÿʸ •ÊÒ/U ?ÊŸ?§ ?ÍÀÿÊ¥?§Ÿ”” ??§ •Ê‚¬Ê‚ „Ë 8?§ ‚?Ê??‡ÊË ?§?ÊÊ ?§Ê ??¥§Œ? „Ê?ÃÊ „Ò–
Page 3

PAPER-I / ¬?‡Ÿ-¬òÊ-I
Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so.
ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê? Ã’ Ã?§ Ÿ pÊ?‹?¥ ¡’ Ã?§ ?§„Ê Ÿ ¡Ê8–
Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet.
ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??§ Á¬¿U‹? •Ê?/UáÊ ¬/U ÁŒ8 ª8 ÁŸŒ?¸‡ÊÊ?¥ ?§Ê? äÿÊŸ ‚? ¬…??¥–
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this T est Booklet.  When you are directed
to open the T est Booklet, take out the Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars
on Side-1 and Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of 150 questions.  There is no
negative marking.
3. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars on this page/
marking responses in the Answer Sheet.
4. The CODE for this Booklet is I.  Make sure that the CODE printed on
Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that on this Booklet.  Also ensure
that your T est Booklet No. and Answer Sheet No. are the same.  In case of
discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the
Invigilator for replacement of both the T est Booklet and the Answer Sheet.
5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V, consisting of 150
Objective Type Questions and each carries 1 mark :
Part-I :   Child Development and Pedagogy (Q.Nos. 1-30)
Part-II :   Mathematics (Q.Nos. 31-60)
Part-III :   Environmental Studies (Q.Nos. 61-90)
Part-IV :   Language-I (English/Hindi) (Q.Nos. 91-120)
Part-V :   Language-II (English/Hindi) (Q.Nos. 121-150)
6. Part-IV contains 30 questions for Language-I and Part-V contains 30 questions
for Language-II.  In this T est Booklet, only questions pertaining to English
and Hindi language have been given.  In case the language/s you have
opted for as Language-I and/or Language-II is a language other than
English or Hindi, please ask for a Supplement (Language) Test
Booklet of I Code that contains questions on that language.  The
languages being answered must tally with the languages opted for
in your Application Form.  No change in languages is allowed.
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions in Language-II
(Part-V) in a language other than the one chosen as Language-I
(Part-IV) from the list of languages.
8. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the T est Booklet
for the same.
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet only.  Mark
your responses carefully.  No whitener is allowed for changing answers.
10. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions of questions/
answers, English version will be taken as final.
Name of the Candidate (in Capital Letters) : ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊÕ˸ ?§Ê ŸÊ? (’«?? •?Ê/UÊ?¥ ??¥) —
Roll Number (•ŸÈ??§?Ê¥?§) — in figures (•¥?§Ê?¥ ??¥) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
— in words (‡ÊéŒÊ?¥ ??¥) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Centre of Examination (in Capital Letters) : _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊ ??§ãŒ? (’«?? •?Ê/UÊ?¥ ??¥) —
Candidate’s Signature : _______________________________________________ Invigilator’s Signature : _________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊÕ˸ ??§ „SÃÊ?Ê/U — ÁŸ/UË?Ê?§ ??§ „SÃÊ?Ê/U —
Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent : ____________________________________________________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊÁÕ¸ÿÊ?¥ ??§ Á‹8 ÁŸŒ?¸‡Ê
1. OMR ©ûÊ/U ¬òÊ ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??§ •ãŒ/U /UpÊ „Ò–  ¡’ •Ê¬?§Ê? ¬/UË?ÊÊ
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4. ß‚ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê ?§Ê?«U I „Ò–  ÿ„ ‚ÈÁŸÁ‡øà ?§/U ‹?¥ Á?§ ß‚ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê ?§Ê?«U,
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5. ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??¥ ¬Ê°ø ÷ʪ I, II, III, IV •ÊÒ/U V „Ò¥, Á¡Ÿ??¥ 150 ?SÃÈÁŸc?U
¬?‡Ÿ „Ò¥, ÃÕÊ ¬?àÿ??§ 1 •¥?§ ?§Ê „Ò —
÷ʪ-I :  ’Ê‹ Á??§Ê‚ ? Á‡Ê?ÊʇÊÊSòÊ (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 1-30)
÷ʪ-II :  ªÁáÊà (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 31-60)
÷ʪ-III :  ¬ÿʸ?/UáÊ •äÿÿŸ (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 61-90)
÷ʪ-IV :  ÷Ê·Ê-I (•¥ª??$¡Ë/Á„ãŒË)   (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 91-120)
÷ʪ-V :  ÷Ê·Ê-II (•¥ª??$¡Ë/Á„ãŒË)       (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 121-150)
6. ÷ʪ-IV ??¥ ÷Ê·Ê-I ??§ Á‹8 30 ¬?‡Ÿ •ÊÒ/U ÷ʪ-V ??¥ ÷Ê·Ê-II ??§ Á‹8 30 ¬?‡Ÿ
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9. ‚÷Ë ©ûÊ/U ??§?‹ OMR ©ûÊ/U ¬òÊ ¬/U „Ë •¥Á?§Ã ?§/?¥U–  •¬Ÿ? ©ûÊ/U äÿÊŸ¬Í?¸?§
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•¥ª??$¡Ë ‚¥S?§/UáÊ •¥ÁÃ? ?ÊŸÊ ¡Êÿ?ªÊ–
Main Test Booklet Code / ?ÈÅÿ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê?«U
P-I  !SAS-24-I! I 2
PART - I / ÷ʪ - I
Direction : Answer the following questions (Q. Nos 1 to 30) by selecting the correct/most appropriate options.
ÁŸŒ?¸‡Ê — ÁŸêŸÁ‹Ápà ¬?‡ŸÊ?¥ (¬?. ‚¥ÅÿÊ  1 ‚? 30) ??§ ©ûÊ/U Œ?Ÿ? ??§ Á‹8 ‚„Ë/‚’‚? ©¬ÿÈÄà Á??§À¬ øÈÁŸ8–
1. While participating in a sports competition in class, Tanuj tells his friend that he will participate in
the javelin throw and his sister can participate in jump rope because she is a girl and girls cannot
throw javelin.  This depicts :
(1) Gender constancy (2) Gender equality
(3) Gender equity (4) Gender stereotyping
?§?ÊÊ ??¥ p?‹ ¬?ÁÃÿÊ?ÁªÃÊ ??¥ Á„S‚Ê ‹?Ã? ‚?ÿ ßȡ •¬Ÿ? ŒÊ?Sà ‚? ?§„ÃÊ „Ò Á?§ ?„ ÷Ê‹Ê »?¥§?§Ÿ? ??¥ Á„S‚Ê ‹?ªÊ •ÊÒ/U /US‚Ë
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__________ ?§Ê? ¬?ŒÁ‡Ê¸Ã ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(1) ¡?¥«U/U ‚¥’¥œÃÊ (2) ¡?¥«U/U ‚?ÊŸÃÊ
(3) ¡?¥«U/U ‚?ÃÊ (4) ¡?¥«U/U M§Á…??ÊÁŒÃÊ
2. While divergent thinking __________ convergent thinking __________.
(1) encourages multiple answers; is fixed on one correct solution
(2) is fixed on one correct solution; encourages multiple answers
(3) Promotes mathematical abilities; promotes verbal abilities
(4) Promotes verbal abilities; promotes mathematical abilities
•¬‚Ê/UË Áø¥ÃŸ __________ ¡’Á?§ •Á÷‚Ê/UË Áø¥ÃŸ __________–
(1) ?§ß¸ ©ûÊ/UÊ?¥ ?§Ê? ¬?Ê?à‚ÊÁ„à ?§/UÃÊ „Ò; 8?§ ‚„Ë ‚?ʜʟ ¬/U ÁSÕ/U „Ò
(2) 8?§ ‚„Ë ‚?ʜʟ ¬/U ÁSÕ/U „Ò; ?§ß¸ ©ûÊ/UÊ?¥ ?§Ê? ¬?Ê?à‚ÊÁ„à ?§/UÃÊ „Ò
(3) ªÁáÊÃËÿ ?Ê?ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃÊ „Ò; ?ÊÒÁp?§ ?Ê?ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃÊ „Ò
(4) ?ÊÒÁp?§ ?Ê?ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃÊ „Ò; ªÁáÊÃËÿ ?Ê?ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃÊ „Ò
3. Which of the following statements about inclusive education is not correct ?
(1) Inclusive teaching means “teaching in ways that do not exclude”.
(2) Inclusive teaching means “adopting pedagogies that support needs of all learners”.
(3) An inclusive classroom “accommodates differences in language styles and promotes
(4) An inclusive classroom centres around “fixed curricula and standard assessment”.
ÁŸêŸÁ‹Ápà ??¥ ‚? ?§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ?§ÕŸ ‚?Ê??‡ÊË Á‡Ê?ÊÊ ??§ ’Ê/?U ??¥ ‚„Ë Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?
(1) ‚?Ê??‡ÊË Á‡Ê?ÊáÊ ?§Ê •Õ¸ „Ò  ““8?‚? Ã/UË?§Ê?¥ ‚? Á‡Ê?ÊáÊ ¡Ê? ’Á„c?Χà Ÿ ?§/?¥U””–
(2) ‚?Ê??‡ÊË Á‡Ê?ÊáÊ ?§Ê •Õ¸ „Ò  ““©‚ Á‡Ê?ÊʇÊÊSòÊ ?§Ê? •¬ŸÊŸÊ ¡Ê? ‚÷Ë Á‡Ê?ÊÊÁÕ¸ÿÊ?¥ ?§Ë •Ê?‡ÿ?§ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê ‚?Õ¸Ÿ ?§/UÃÊ
(3) 8?§ ‚?Ê??‡ÊË ?§?ÊÊ ““÷Ê·Ê ‡ÊÒ‹Ë ??¥ •¥Ã/U ?§Ê?? ‚?ÊÿÊ?Á¡Ã ?§/UÃË „Ò •ÊÒ/U ‚„ÿÊ?ª ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃË „Ò””–
(4) ““ÁŸÁ‡øà ¬Ê?Køÿʸ •ÊÒ/U ?ÊŸ?§ ?ÍÀÿÊ¥?§Ÿ”” ??§ •Ê‚¬Ê‚ „Ë 8?§ ‚?Ê??‡ÊË ?§?ÊÊ ?§Ê ??¥§Œ? „Ê?ÃÊ „Ò–
P-I  !SAS-24-I! I 3
4. Assertion (A) : Learners construct their own knowledge based on what they already know.
Reason (R) : Finding patterns and making linkages with previous knowledge helps learners to
process information meaningfully.
Choose the correct option :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not  the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
•Á÷?§ÕŸ (A) — Á‡Ê?ÊÊÕ˸ ¡Ê? ¬„‹? ‚? ¡ÊŸÃ? „Ò¥ ©‚??§ •ÊœÊ/U ¬/U •¬Ÿ? ôÊÊŸ ?§Ê ÁŸ?ʸáÊ ?§/UÃ? „Ò¥–
?§Ê/UáÊ (R)— ¬Ò˜UŸ¸ …Í°U…ŸÊ •ÊÒ/U Á¬¿U‹? ôÊÊŸ ??§ ‚ÊÕ ¡È«?Ê? ’ŸÊŸ? ‚? Á‡Ê?ÊÊÁÕ¸ÿÊ?¥ ?§Ê? ¡ÊŸ?§Ê/UË ?§Ê? ‚ÊÕ¸?§ M§¬ ‚?
‚¥‚ÊÁœÃ ?§/UŸ? ??¥ ?ŒŒ Á?‹ÃË „Ò–
‚„Ë Á??§À¬ øÈŸ?¥ —
(1) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ/U (A) ?§Ë (R) ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ ‹?Á?§Ÿ (A) ?§Ë (R)  ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò ‹?Á?§Ÿ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ª‹Ã „Ò¥–
5. Assertion (A) : Childhood is experienced differently by children across cultures.
Reason (R) : Childrens’ development is universal.
Choose the correct option :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not  the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
•Á÷?§ÕŸ (A) — ’ìÊÊ?¥ mÊ/UÊ ’ø¬Ÿ •‹ª-•‹ª ‚¥S?ΧÁÃÿÊ?¥ ??¥ •‹ª-•‹ª Ã/U„ ‚? •ŸÈ÷? Á?§ÿÊ ¡ÊÃÊ „Ò–
?§Ê/UáÊ (R) — ’ìÊÊ?¥ ?§Ê Á??§Ê‚ ‚Ê?¸÷ÊÒÁ??§ „Ò¥–
‚„Ë Á??§À¬ øÈŸ?¥ —
(1) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ/U (A) ?§Ë (R) ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ ‹?Á?§Ÿ (A) ?§Ë (R) ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò ‹?Á?§Ÿ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ª‹Ã „Ò¥–
6. According to attribution theory of motivation which of the following is more likely to result in
persistent effort and improved performance ?
(1) An internal attribution for success and an external attribution for failure
(2) An external attribution for success and an internal attribution for failure
(3) Internal attribution for failure as well as success
(4) External attribution for failure as well as success
•Á÷¬??/UáÊÊ ??§ •Ê/UÊ?¬áÊ Á‚hʥà ??§ •ŸÈ‚Ê/U ÁŸêŸÁ‹Ápà ??¥ ‚? Á?§‚‚? ‹ªÊÃÊ/U ?§Ê?Á‡Ê‡Ê •ÊÒ/U ’?„Ã/U ¬?Œ‡Ê¸Ÿ ?§Ë ‚¥÷Ê?ŸÊ „Ò?
(1) ‚»§‹ÃÊ ??§ Á‹8 •Ê¥ÃÁ/U?§ •Ê/Ê?¬áÊ •ÊÒ/U •‚»§‹ÃÊ ??§ Á‹8 ’Ê„/UË •Ê/UÊ?¬áÊ
(2) ‚»§‹ÃÊ ??§ Á‹8 ’Ê„/UË •Ê/UÊ?¬áÊ •ÊÒ/U •‚»§‹ÃÊ ??§ Á‹8 •Ê¥ÃÁ/U?§ •Ê/UÊ?¬áÊ
(3) •‚»§‹ÃÊ •ÊÒ/U ‚»§‹ÃÊ ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ??§ Á‹8 •Ê¥ÃÁ/U?§ •Ê/Ê?¬áÊ
(4) •‚»§‹ÃÊ •ÊÒ/U ‚»§‹ÃÊ ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ??§ Á‹8 ’Ê„/UË •Ê/Ê?¬áÊ
Page 4

PAPER-I / ¬?‡Ÿ-¬òÊ-I
Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so.
ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê? Ã’ Ã?§ Ÿ pÊ?‹?¥ ¡’ Ã?§ ?§„Ê Ÿ ¡Ê8–
Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet.
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1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this T est Booklet.  When you are directed
to open the T est Booklet, take out the Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars
on Side-1 and Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of 150 questions.  There is no
negative marking.
3. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars on this page/
marking responses in the Answer Sheet.
4. The CODE for this Booklet is I.  Make sure that the CODE printed on
Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that on this Booklet.  Also ensure
that your T est Booklet No. and Answer Sheet No. are the same.  In case of
discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the
Invigilator for replacement of both the T est Booklet and the Answer Sheet.
5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V, consisting of 150
Objective Type Questions and each carries 1 mark :
Part-I :   Child Development and Pedagogy (Q.Nos. 1-30)
Part-II :   Mathematics (Q.Nos. 31-60)
Part-III :   Environmental Studies (Q.Nos. 61-90)
Part-IV :   Language-I (English/Hindi) (Q.Nos. 91-120)
Part-V :   Language-II (English/Hindi) (Q.Nos. 121-150)
6. Part-IV contains 30 questions for Language-I and Part-V contains 30 questions
for Language-II.  In this T est Booklet, only questions pertaining to English
and Hindi language have been given.  In case the language/s you have
opted for as Language-I and/or Language-II is a language other than
English or Hindi, please ask for a Supplement (Language) Test
Booklet of I Code that contains questions on that language.  The
languages being answered must tally with the languages opted for
in your Application Form.  No change in languages is allowed.
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions in Language-II
(Part-V) in a language other than the one chosen as Language-I
(Part-IV) from the list of languages.
8. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the T est Booklet
for the same.
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet only.  Mark
your responses carefully.  No whitener is allowed for changing answers.
10. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions of questions/
answers, English version will be taken as final.
Name of the Candidate (in Capital Letters) : ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊÕ˸ ?§Ê ŸÊ? (’«?? •?Ê/UÊ?¥ ??¥) —
Roll Number (•ŸÈ??§?Ê¥?§) — in figures (•¥?§Ê?¥ ??¥) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
— in words (‡ÊéŒÊ?¥ ??¥) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Centre of Examination (in Capital Letters) : _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊ ??§ãŒ? (’«?? •?Ê/UÊ?¥ ??¥) —
Candidate’s Signature : _______________________________________________ Invigilator’s Signature : _________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊÕ˸ ??§ „SÃÊ?Ê/U — ÁŸ/UË?Ê?§ ??§ „SÃÊ?Ê/U —
Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent : ____________________________________________________________________________________________
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1. OMR ©ûÊ/U ¬òÊ ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??§ •ãŒ/U /UpÊ „Ò–  ¡’ •Ê¬?§Ê? ¬/UË?ÊÊ
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5. ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??¥ ¬Ê°ø ÷ʪ I, II, III, IV •ÊÒ/U V „Ò¥, Á¡Ÿ??¥ 150 ?SÃÈÁŸc?U
¬?‡Ÿ „Ò¥, ÃÕÊ ¬?àÿ??§ 1 •¥?§ ?§Ê „Ò —
÷ʪ-I :  ’Ê‹ Á??§Ê‚ ? Á‡Ê?ÊʇÊÊSòÊ (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 1-30)
÷ʪ-II :  ªÁáÊà (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 31-60)
÷ʪ-III :  ¬ÿʸ?/UáÊ •äÿÿŸ (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 61-90)
÷ʪ-IV :  ÷Ê·Ê-I (•¥ª??$¡Ë/Á„ãŒË)   (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 91-120)
÷ʪ-V :  ÷Ê·Ê-II (•¥ª??$¡Ë/Á„ãŒË)       (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 121-150)
6. ÷ʪ-IV ??¥ ÷Ê·Ê-I ??§ Á‹8 30 ¬?‡Ÿ •ÊÒ/U ÷ʪ-V ??¥ ÷Ê·Ê-II ??§ Á‹8 30 ¬?‡Ÿ
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Main Test Booklet Code / ?ÈÅÿ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê?«U
P-I  !SAS-24-I! I 2
PART - I / ÷ʪ - I
Direction : Answer the following questions (Q. Nos 1 to 30) by selecting the correct/most appropriate options.
ÁŸŒ?¸‡Ê — ÁŸêŸÁ‹Ápà ¬?‡ŸÊ?¥ (¬?. ‚¥ÅÿÊ  1 ‚? 30) ??§ ©ûÊ/U Œ?Ÿ? ??§ Á‹8 ‚„Ë/‚’‚? ©¬ÿÈÄà Á??§À¬ øÈÁŸ8–
1. While participating in a sports competition in class, Tanuj tells his friend that he will participate in
the javelin throw and his sister can participate in jump rope because she is a girl and girls cannot
throw javelin.  This depicts :
(1) Gender constancy (2) Gender equality
(3) Gender equity (4) Gender stereotyping
?§?ÊÊ ??¥ p?‹ ¬?ÁÃÿÊ?ÁªÃÊ ??¥ Á„S‚Ê ‹?Ã? ‚?ÿ ßȡ •¬Ÿ? ŒÊ?Sà ‚? ?§„ÃÊ „Ò Á?§ ?„ ÷Ê‹Ê »?¥§?§Ÿ? ??¥ Á„S‚Ê ‹?ªÊ •ÊÒ/U /US‚Ë
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__________ ?§Ê? ¬?ŒÁ‡Ê¸Ã ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(1) ¡?¥«U/U ‚¥’¥œÃÊ (2) ¡?¥«U/U ‚?ÊŸÃÊ
(3) ¡?¥«U/U ‚?ÃÊ (4) ¡?¥«U/U M§Á…??ÊÁŒÃÊ
2. While divergent thinking __________ convergent thinking __________.
(1) encourages multiple answers; is fixed on one correct solution
(2) is fixed on one correct solution; encourages multiple answers
(3) Promotes mathematical abilities; promotes verbal abilities
(4) Promotes verbal abilities; promotes mathematical abilities
•¬‚Ê/UË Áø¥ÃŸ __________ ¡’Á?§ •Á÷‚Ê/UË Áø¥ÃŸ __________–
(1) ?§ß¸ ©ûÊ/UÊ?¥ ?§Ê? ¬?Ê?à‚ÊÁ„à ?§/UÃÊ „Ò; 8?§ ‚„Ë ‚?ʜʟ ¬/U ÁSÕ/U „Ò
(2) 8?§ ‚„Ë ‚?ʜʟ ¬/U ÁSÕ/U „Ò; ?§ß¸ ©ûÊ/UÊ?¥ ?§Ê? ¬?Ê?à‚ÊÁ„à ?§/UÃÊ „Ò
(3) ªÁáÊÃËÿ ?Ê?ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃÊ „Ò; ?ÊÒÁp?§ ?Ê?ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃÊ „Ò
(4) ?ÊÒÁp?§ ?Ê?ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃÊ „Ò; ªÁáÊÃËÿ ?Ê?ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃÊ „Ò
3. Which of the following statements about inclusive education is not correct ?
(1) Inclusive teaching means “teaching in ways that do not exclude”.
(2) Inclusive teaching means “adopting pedagogies that support needs of all learners”.
(3) An inclusive classroom “accommodates differences in language styles and promotes
(4) An inclusive classroom centres around “fixed curricula and standard assessment”.
ÁŸêŸÁ‹Ápà ??¥ ‚? ?§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ?§ÕŸ ‚?Ê??‡ÊË Á‡Ê?ÊÊ ??§ ’Ê/?U ??¥ ‚„Ë Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?
(1) ‚?Ê??‡ÊË Á‡Ê?ÊáÊ ?§Ê •Õ¸ „Ò  ““8?‚? Ã/UË?§Ê?¥ ‚? Á‡Ê?ÊáÊ ¡Ê? ’Á„c?Χà Ÿ ?§/?¥U””–
(2) ‚?Ê??‡ÊË Á‡Ê?ÊáÊ ?§Ê •Õ¸ „Ò  ““©‚ Á‡Ê?ÊʇÊÊSòÊ ?§Ê? •¬ŸÊŸÊ ¡Ê? ‚÷Ë Á‡Ê?ÊÊÁÕ¸ÿÊ?¥ ?§Ë •Ê?‡ÿ?§ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê ‚?Õ¸Ÿ ?§/UÃÊ
(3) 8?§ ‚?Ê??‡ÊË ?§?ÊÊ ““÷Ê·Ê ‡ÊÒ‹Ë ??¥ •¥Ã/U ?§Ê?? ‚?ÊÿÊ?Á¡Ã ?§/UÃË „Ò •ÊÒ/U ‚„ÿÊ?ª ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃË „Ò””–
(4) ““ÁŸÁ‡øà ¬Ê?Køÿʸ •ÊÒ/U ?ÊŸ?§ ?ÍÀÿÊ¥?§Ÿ”” ??§ •Ê‚¬Ê‚ „Ë 8?§ ‚?Ê??‡ÊË ?§?ÊÊ ?§Ê ??¥§Œ? „Ê?ÃÊ „Ò–
P-I  !SAS-24-I! I 3
4. Assertion (A) : Learners construct their own knowledge based on what they already know.
Reason (R) : Finding patterns and making linkages with previous knowledge helps learners to
process information meaningfully.
Choose the correct option :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not  the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
•Á÷?§ÕŸ (A) — Á‡Ê?ÊÊÕ˸ ¡Ê? ¬„‹? ‚? ¡ÊŸÃ? „Ò¥ ©‚??§ •ÊœÊ/U ¬/U •¬Ÿ? ôÊÊŸ ?§Ê ÁŸ?ʸáÊ ?§/UÃ? „Ò¥–
?§Ê/UáÊ (R)— ¬Ò˜UŸ¸ …Í°U…ŸÊ •ÊÒ/U Á¬¿U‹? ôÊÊŸ ??§ ‚ÊÕ ¡È«?Ê? ’ŸÊŸ? ‚? Á‡Ê?ÊÊÁÕ¸ÿÊ?¥ ?§Ê? ¡ÊŸ?§Ê/UË ?§Ê? ‚ÊÕ¸?§ M§¬ ‚?
‚¥‚ÊÁœÃ ?§/UŸ? ??¥ ?ŒŒ Á?‹ÃË „Ò–
‚„Ë Á??§À¬ øÈŸ?¥ —
(1) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ/U (A) ?§Ë (R) ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ ‹?Á?§Ÿ (A) ?§Ë (R)  ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò ‹?Á?§Ÿ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ª‹Ã „Ò¥–
5. Assertion (A) : Childhood is experienced differently by children across cultures.
Reason (R) : Childrens’ development is universal.
Choose the correct option :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not  the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
•Á÷?§ÕŸ (A) — ’ìÊÊ?¥ mÊ/UÊ ’ø¬Ÿ •‹ª-•‹ª ‚¥S?ΧÁÃÿÊ?¥ ??¥ •‹ª-•‹ª Ã/U„ ‚? •ŸÈ÷? Á?§ÿÊ ¡ÊÃÊ „Ò–
?§Ê/UáÊ (R) — ’ìÊÊ?¥ ?§Ê Á??§Ê‚ ‚Ê?¸÷ÊÒÁ??§ „Ò¥–
‚„Ë Á??§À¬ øÈŸ?¥ —
(1) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ/U (A) ?§Ë (R) ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ ‹?Á?§Ÿ (A) ?§Ë (R) ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò ‹?Á?§Ÿ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ª‹Ã „Ò¥–
6. According to attribution theory of motivation which of the following is more likely to result in
persistent effort and improved performance ?
(1) An internal attribution for success and an external attribution for failure
(2) An external attribution for success and an internal attribution for failure
(3) Internal attribution for failure as well as success
(4) External attribution for failure as well as success
•Á÷¬??/UáÊÊ ??§ •Ê/UÊ?¬áÊ Á‚hʥà ??§ •ŸÈ‚Ê/U ÁŸêŸÁ‹Ápà ??¥ ‚? Á?§‚‚? ‹ªÊÃÊ/U ?§Ê?Á‡Ê‡Ê •ÊÒ/U ’?„Ã/U ¬?Œ‡Ê¸Ÿ ?§Ë ‚¥÷Ê?ŸÊ „Ò?
(1) ‚»§‹ÃÊ ??§ Á‹8 •Ê¥ÃÁ/U?§ •Ê/Ê?¬áÊ •ÊÒ/U •‚»§‹ÃÊ ??§ Á‹8 ’Ê„/UË •Ê/UÊ?¬áÊ
(2) ‚»§‹ÃÊ ??§ Á‹8 ’Ê„/UË •Ê/UÊ?¬áÊ •ÊÒ/U •‚»§‹ÃÊ ??§ Á‹8 •Ê¥ÃÁ/U?§ •Ê/UÊ?¬áÊ
(3) •‚»§‹ÃÊ •ÊÒ/U ‚»§‹ÃÊ ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ??§ Á‹8 •Ê¥ÃÁ/U?§ •Ê/Ê?¬áÊ
(4) •‚»§‹ÃÊ •ÊÒ/U ‚»§‹ÃÊ ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ??§ Á‹8 ’Ê„/UË •Ê/Ê?¬áÊ
P-I  !SAS-24-I! I 4
7. Which of the following is a key principle of progressive education ?
(1) Standardized testing is the best way to measure student learning
(2) Students should be passive recipients of knowledge from their teachers
(3) Learning should be based on authentic tasks
(4) Curriculum should be predetermined and universal
ÁŸêŸÁ‹Ápà ??¥ ‚? ?§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ¬?ªÁÇÊË‹ Á‡Ê?ÊÊ ?§Ê 8?§ ¬??Èp Á‚hʥà „Ò?
(1) ¿UÊòÊÊ?¥ ??§ ‚ËpŸ? ?§Ê? ?ʬŸ? ??§ Á‹8 ?ÊŸ?§Ë?Χà ¬/UË?ÊáÊ ‚’‚? •ë¿UÊ Ã/UË?§Ê „Ò–
(2) ¿UÊòÊÊ?¥ ?§Ê? •¬Ÿ? Á‡Ê?Ê?§Ê?¥ ‚? ôÊÊŸ ?§Ê ÁŸÁc??§ÿ ¬?ÊåÃ?§Ãʸ „Ê?ŸÊ øÊÁ„8–
(3) ‚ËpŸÊ ¬?Ê?ÊÁáÊ?§ ?§ÊÿÊ?Z ¬/U •ÊœÊÁ/Uà „Ê?ŸÊ øÊÁ„8–
(4) ¬Ê?Køÿʸ ¬Í?¸ ÁŸœÊ¸Á/Uà •ÊÒ/U ‚Ê?¸÷ÊÒÁ??§ „Ê?ŸË øÊÁ„8–
8. Reasoning, thinking and problem-solving are explained in which aspect of development ?
(1) Social Development (2) Cognitive Development
(3) Moral Development (4) Motor Development
Á??§Ê‚ ??§ Á?§‚ ¬„‹Í ??¥ Ã?¸§, Áø¥ÃŸ •ÊÒ/U ‚?SÿÊ ‚?ʜʟ ?§Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ ?§Ë ¡ÊÃË „Ò?
(1) ‚Ê?ÊÁ¡?§ Á??§Ê‚ (2) ‚¥ôÊÊŸÊà??§ Á??§Ê‚
(3) ŸÒÁÃ?§ Á??§Ê‚ (4) ªÁÃ?§ Á??§Ê‚
9. Lev Vygotsky proposes that __________ is important for self-regulation in children.
(1) Disequilibrium (2) Inner speech
(3) Adaptation (4) Organization
‹?? ?ÊÿªÊ?àS?§Ë ¬?SÃÊÁ?à ?§/UÃ? „Ò¥ Á?§ __________ ’ìÊÊ?¥ ??¥ S?-ÁŸÿ?Ÿ ??§ Á‹8 ?„à?¬Íáʸ „¥Ò–
(1) •‚¥ÃÈ‹Ÿ (2) ÁŸ¡Ë ?Ê?˜§
(3) •ŸÈ?ͧ‹Ÿ (4) ‚¥ª?UŸ
10. Assertion (A) : In Lawrence Kohlberg’s moral development theory children move from
understanding consequences of acts to determine whether they are good or bad
to understanding that rules and laws are flexible and can be changed.
Reason (R) : Lawrence Kohlberg argues that moral development occurs progressively in stages.
Choose the correct option :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not  the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
•Á÷?§ÕŸ (A) — ‹ÚÊ/?¥U‚ ?§Ê?„‹’ª¸ ??§ ŸÒÁÃ?§ Á??§Ê‚ Á‚hʥà ??¥ ’ìÊ? ?§ÊÿÊ?Z ?§Ê? ©Ÿ??§ ¬Á/UáÊÊ? ??§ •ÊœÊ/U ¬/U •ë¿UÊ ÿÊ ’È/UÊ
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‚„Ë Á??§À¬ øÈŸ?¥ —
(1) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚àÿ „Ò¥ •ÊÒ/U (R), (A) ?§Ë  ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚àÿ „Ò¥ ‹?Á?§Ÿ (R), (A) ?§Ë ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚àÿ „Ò ‹?Á?§Ÿ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ª‹Ã „Ò¥–
Page 5

PAPER-I / ¬?‡Ÿ-¬òÊ-I
Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so.
ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê? Ã’ Ã?§ Ÿ pÊ?‹?¥ ¡’ Ã?§ ?§„Ê Ÿ ¡Ê8–
Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet.
ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??§ Á¬¿U‹? •Ê?/UáÊ ¬/U ÁŒ8 ª8 ÁŸŒ?¸‡ÊÊ?¥ ?§Ê? äÿÊŸ ‚? ¬…??¥–
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this T est Booklet.  When you are directed
to open the T est Booklet, take out the Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars
on Side-1 and Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of 150 questions.  There is no
negative marking.
3. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars on this page/
marking responses in the Answer Sheet.
4. The CODE for this Booklet is I.  Make sure that the CODE printed on
Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that on this Booklet.  Also ensure
that your T est Booklet No. and Answer Sheet No. are the same.  In case of
discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the
Invigilator for replacement of both the T est Booklet and the Answer Sheet.
5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V, consisting of 150
Objective Type Questions and each carries 1 mark :
Part-I :   Child Development and Pedagogy (Q.Nos. 1-30)
Part-II :   Mathematics (Q.Nos. 31-60)
Part-III :   Environmental Studies (Q.Nos. 61-90)
Part-IV :   Language-I (English/Hindi) (Q.Nos. 91-120)
Part-V :   Language-II (English/Hindi) (Q.Nos. 121-150)
6. Part-IV contains 30 questions for Language-I and Part-V contains 30 questions
for Language-II.  In this T est Booklet, only questions pertaining to English
and Hindi language have been given.  In case the language/s you have
opted for as Language-I and/or Language-II is a language other than
English or Hindi, please ask for a Supplement (Language) Test
Booklet of I Code that contains questions on that language.  The
languages being answered must tally with the languages opted for
in your Application Form.  No change in languages is allowed.
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions in Language-II
(Part-V) in a language other than the one chosen as Language-I
(Part-IV) from the list of languages.
8. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the T est Booklet
for the same.
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet only.  Mark
your responses carefully.  No whitener is allowed for changing answers.
10. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions of questions/
answers, English version will be taken as final.
Name of the Candidate (in Capital Letters) : ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊÕ˸ ?§Ê ŸÊ? (’«?? •?Ê/UÊ?¥ ??¥) —
Roll Number (•ŸÈ??§?Ê¥?§) — in figures (•¥?§Ê?¥ ??¥) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
— in words (‡ÊéŒÊ?¥ ??¥) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Centre of Examination (in Capital Letters) : _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊ ??§ãŒ? (’«?? •?Ê/UÊ?¥ ??¥) —
Candidate’s Signature : _______________________________________________ Invigilator’s Signature : _________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊÕ˸ ??§ „SÃÊ?Ê/U — ÁŸ/UË?Ê?§ ??§ „SÃÊ?Ê/U —
Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent : ____________________________________________________________________________________________
¬/UË?ÊÊÁÕ¸ÿÊ?¥ ??§ Á‹8 ÁŸŒ?¸‡Ê
1. OMR ©ûÊ/U ¬òÊ ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??§ •ãŒ/U /UpÊ „Ò–  ¡’ •Ê¬?§Ê? ¬/UË?ÊÊ
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4. ß‚ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê ?§Ê?«U I „Ò–  ÿ„ ‚ÈÁŸÁ‡øà ?§/U ‹?¥ Á?§ ß‚ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê ?§Ê?«U,
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5. ß‚ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??¥ ¬Ê°ø ÷ʪ I, II, III, IV •ÊÒ/U V „Ò¥, Á¡Ÿ??¥ 150 ?SÃÈÁŸc?U
¬?‡Ÿ „Ò¥, ÃÕÊ ¬?àÿ??§ 1 •¥?§ ?§Ê „Ò —
÷ʪ-I :  ’Ê‹ Á??§Ê‚ ? Á‡Ê?ÊʇÊÊSòÊ (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 1-30)
÷ʪ-II :  ªÁáÊà (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 31-60)
÷ʪ-III :  ¬ÿʸ?/UáÊ •äÿÿŸ (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 61-90)
÷ʪ-IV :  ÷Ê·Ê-I (•¥ª??$¡Ë/Á„ãŒË)   (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 91-120)
÷ʪ-V :  ÷Ê·Ê-II (•¥ª??$¡Ë/Á„ãŒË)       (¬?‡Ÿ ‚¥. 121-150)
6. ÷ʪ-IV ??¥ ÷Ê·Ê-I ??§ Á‹8 30 ¬?‡Ÿ •ÊÒ/U ÷ʪ-V ??¥ ÷Ê·Ê-II ??§ Á‹8 30 ¬?‡Ÿ
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mÊ/UÊ ÷Ê·Ê-I (÷ʪ-IV) ??¥ øÈŸË ªß¸ ÷Ê·Ê ‚? Á÷ÛÊ „Ê?–
8. /U»§ ?§Êÿ¸ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ??¥ ß‚ ¬?ÿÊ?¡Ÿ ??§ Á‹8 ŒË ªß¸ pÊ‹Ë ¡ª„ ¬/U „Ë
9. ‚÷Ë ©ûÊ/U ??§?‹ OMR ©ûÊ/U ¬òÊ ¬/U „Ë •¥Á?§Ã ?§/?¥U–  •¬Ÿ? ©ûÊ/U äÿÊŸ¬Í?¸?§
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•¥ª??$¡Ë ‚¥S?§/UáÊ •¥ÁÃ? ?ÊŸÊ ¡Êÿ?ªÊ–
Main Test Booklet Code / ?ÈÅÿ ¬/UË?ÊÊ ¬ÈÁSÃ?§Ê ?§Ê?«U
P-I  !SAS-24-I! I 2
PART - I / ÷ʪ - I
Direction : Answer the following questions (Q. Nos 1 to 30) by selecting the correct/most appropriate options.
ÁŸŒ?¸‡Ê — ÁŸêŸÁ‹Ápà ¬?‡ŸÊ?¥ (¬?. ‚¥ÅÿÊ  1 ‚? 30) ??§ ©ûÊ/U Œ?Ÿ? ??§ Á‹8 ‚„Ë/‚’‚? ©¬ÿÈÄà Á??§À¬ øÈÁŸ8–
1. While participating in a sports competition in class, Tanuj tells his friend that he will participate in
the javelin throw and his sister can participate in jump rope because she is a girl and girls cannot
throw javelin.  This depicts :
(1) Gender constancy (2) Gender equality
(3) Gender equity (4) Gender stereotyping
?§?ÊÊ ??¥ p?‹ ¬?ÁÃÿÊ?ÁªÃÊ ??¥ Á„S‚Ê ‹?Ã? ‚?ÿ ßȡ •¬Ÿ? ŒÊ?Sà ‚? ?§„ÃÊ „Ò Á?§ ?„ ÷Ê‹Ê »?¥§?§Ÿ? ??¥ Á„S‚Ê ‹?ªÊ •ÊÒ/U /US‚Ë
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__________ ?§Ê? ¬?ŒÁ‡Ê¸Ã ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(1) ¡?¥«U/U ‚¥’¥œÃÊ (2) ¡?¥«U/U ‚?ÊŸÃÊ
(3) ¡?¥«U/U ‚?ÃÊ (4) ¡?¥«U/U M§Á…??ÊÁŒÃÊ
2. While divergent thinking __________ convergent thinking __________.
(1) encourages multiple answers; is fixed on one correct solution
(2) is fixed on one correct solution; encourages multiple answers
(3) Promotes mathematical abilities; promotes verbal abilities
(4) Promotes verbal abilities; promotes mathematical abilities
•¬‚Ê/UË Áø¥ÃŸ __________ ¡’Á?§ •Á÷‚Ê/UË Áø¥ÃŸ __________–
(1) ?§ß¸ ©ûÊ/UÊ?¥ ?§Ê? ¬?Ê?à‚ÊÁ„à ?§/UÃÊ „Ò; 8?§ ‚„Ë ‚?ʜʟ ¬/U ÁSÕ/U „Ò
(2) 8?§ ‚„Ë ‚?ʜʟ ¬/U ÁSÕ/U „Ò; ?§ß¸ ©ûÊ/UÊ?¥ ?§Ê? ¬?Ê?à‚ÊÁ„à ?§/UÃÊ „Ò
(3) ªÁáÊÃËÿ ?Ê?ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃÊ „Ò; ?ÊÒÁp?§ ?Ê?ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃÊ „Ò
(4) ?ÊÒÁp?§ ?Ê?ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃÊ „Ò; ªÁáÊÃËÿ ?Ê?ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃÊ „Ò
3. Which of the following statements about inclusive education is not correct ?
(1) Inclusive teaching means “teaching in ways that do not exclude”.
(2) Inclusive teaching means “adopting pedagogies that support needs of all learners”.
(3) An inclusive classroom “accommodates differences in language styles and promotes
(4) An inclusive classroom centres around “fixed curricula and standard assessment”.
ÁŸêŸÁ‹Ápà ??¥ ‚? ?§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ?§ÕŸ ‚?Ê??‡ÊË Á‡Ê?ÊÊ ??§ ’Ê/?U ??¥ ‚„Ë Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?
(1) ‚?Ê??‡ÊË Á‡Ê?ÊáÊ ?§Ê •Õ¸ „Ò  ““8?‚? Ã/UË?§Ê?¥ ‚? Á‡Ê?ÊáÊ ¡Ê? ’Á„c?Χà Ÿ ?§/?¥U””–
(2) ‚?Ê??‡ÊË Á‡Ê?ÊáÊ ?§Ê •Õ¸ „Ò  ““©‚ Á‡Ê?ÊʇÊÊSòÊ ?§Ê? •¬ŸÊŸÊ ¡Ê? ‚÷Ë Á‡Ê?ÊÊÁÕ¸ÿÊ?¥ ?§Ë •Ê?‡ÿ?§ÃÊ•Ê?¥ ?§Ê ‚?Õ¸Ÿ ?§/UÃÊ
(3) 8?§ ‚?Ê??‡ÊË ?§?ÊÊ ““÷Ê·Ê ‡ÊÒ‹Ë ??¥ •¥Ã/U ?§Ê?? ‚?ÊÿÊ?Á¡Ã ?§/UÃË „Ò •ÊÒ/U ‚„ÿÊ?ª ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃË „Ò””–
(4) ““ÁŸÁ‡øà ¬Ê?Køÿʸ •ÊÒ/U ?ÊŸ?§ ?ÍÀÿÊ¥?§Ÿ”” ??§ •Ê‚¬Ê‚ „Ë 8?§ ‚?Ê??‡ÊË ?§?ÊÊ ?§Ê ??¥§Œ? „Ê?ÃÊ „Ò–
P-I  !SAS-24-I! I 3
4. Assertion (A) : Learners construct their own knowledge based on what they already know.
Reason (R) : Finding patterns and making linkages with previous knowledge helps learners to
process information meaningfully.
Choose the correct option :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not  the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
•Á÷?§ÕŸ (A) — Á‡Ê?ÊÊÕ˸ ¡Ê? ¬„‹? ‚? ¡ÊŸÃ? „Ò¥ ©‚??§ •ÊœÊ/U ¬/U •¬Ÿ? ôÊÊŸ ?§Ê ÁŸ?ʸáÊ ?§/UÃ? „Ò¥–
?§Ê/UáÊ (R)— ¬Ò˜UŸ¸ …Í°U…ŸÊ •ÊÒ/U Á¬¿U‹? ôÊÊŸ ??§ ‚ÊÕ ¡È«?Ê? ’ŸÊŸ? ‚? Á‡Ê?ÊÊÁÕ¸ÿÊ?¥ ?§Ê? ¡ÊŸ?§Ê/UË ?§Ê? ‚ÊÕ¸?§ M§¬ ‚?
‚¥‚ÊÁœÃ ?§/UŸ? ??¥ ?ŒŒ Á?‹ÃË „Ò–
‚„Ë Á??§À¬ øÈŸ?¥ —
(1) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ/U (A) ?§Ë (R) ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ ‹?Á?§Ÿ (A) ?§Ë (R)  ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò ‹?Á?§Ÿ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ª‹Ã „Ò¥–
5. Assertion (A) : Childhood is experienced differently by children across cultures.
Reason (R) : Childrens’ development is universal.
Choose the correct option :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not  the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
•Á÷?§ÕŸ (A) — ’ìÊÊ?¥ mÊ/UÊ ’ø¬Ÿ •‹ª-•‹ª ‚¥S?ΧÁÃÿÊ?¥ ??¥ •‹ª-•‹ª Ã/U„ ‚? •ŸÈ÷? Á?§ÿÊ ¡ÊÃÊ „Ò–
?§Ê/UáÊ (R) — ’ìÊÊ?¥ ?§Ê Á??§Ê‚ ‚Ê?¸÷ÊÒÁ??§ „Ò¥–
‚„Ë Á??§À¬ øÈŸ?¥ —
(1) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ/U (A) ?§Ë (R) ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ ‹?Á?§Ÿ (A) ?§Ë (R) ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò ‹?Á?§Ÿ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ª‹Ã „Ò¥–
6. According to attribution theory of motivation which of the following is more likely to result in
persistent effort and improved performance ?
(1) An internal attribution for success and an external attribution for failure
(2) An external attribution for success and an internal attribution for failure
(3) Internal attribution for failure as well as success
(4) External attribution for failure as well as success
•Á÷¬??/UáÊÊ ??§ •Ê/UÊ?¬áÊ Á‚hʥà ??§ •ŸÈ‚Ê/U ÁŸêŸÁ‹Ápà ??¥ ‚? Á?§‚‚? ‹ªÊÃÊ/U ?§Ê?Á‡Ê‡Ê •ÊÒ/U ’?„Ã/U ¬?Œ‡Ê¸Ÿ ?§Ë ‚¥÷Ê?ŸÊ „Ò?
(1) ‚»§‹ÃÊ ??§ Á‹8 •Ê¥ÃÁ/U?§ •Ê/Ê?¬áÊ •ÊÒ/U •‚»§‹ÃÊ ??§ Á‹8 ’Ê„/UË •Ê/UÊ?¬áÊ
(2) ‚»§‹ÃÊ ??§ Á‹8 ’Ê„/UË •Ê/UÊ?¬áÊ •ÊÒ/U •‚»§‹ÃÊ ??§ Á‹8 •Ê¥ÃÁ/U?§ •Ê/UÊ?¬áÊ
(3) •‚»§‹ÃÊ •ÊÒ/U ‚»§‹ÃÊ ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ??§ Á‹8 •Ê¥ÃÁ/U?§ •Ê/Ê?¬áÊ
(4) •‚»§‹ÃÊ •ÊÒ/U ‚»§‹ÃÊ ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ??§ Á‹8 ’Ê„/UË •Ê/Ê?¬áÊ
P-I  !SAS-24-I! I 4
7. Which of the following is a key principle of progressive education ?
(1) Standardized testing is the best way to measure student learning
(2) Students should be passive recipients of knowledge from their teachers
(3) Learning should be based on authentic tasks
(4) Curriculum should be predetermined and universal
ÁŸêŸÁ‹Ápà ??¥ ‚? ?§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ¬?ªÁÇÊË‹ Á‡Ê?ÊÊ ?§Ê 8?§ ¬??Èp Á‚hʥà „Ò?
(1) ¿UÊòÊÊ?¥ ??§ ‚ËpŸ? ?§Ê? ?ʬŸ? ??§ Á‹8 ?ÊŸ?§Ë?Χà ¬/UË?ÊáÊ ‚’‚? •ë¿UÊ Ã/UË?§Ê „Ò–
(2) ¿UÊòÊÊ?¥ ?§Ê? •¬Ÿ? Á‡Ê?Ê?§Ê?¥ ‚? ôÊÊŸ ?§Ê ÁŸÁc??§ÿ ¬?ÊåÃ?§Ãʸ „Ê?ŸÊ øÊÁ„8–
(3) ‚ËpŸÊ ¬?Ê?ÊÁáÊ?§ ?§ÊÿÊ?Z ¬/U •ÊœÊÁ/Uà „Ê?ŸÊ øÊÁ„8–
(4) ¬Ê?Køÿʸ ¬Í?¸ ÁŸœÊ¸Á/Uà •ÊÒ/U ‚Ê?¸÷ÊÒÁ??§ „Ê?ŸË øÊÁ„8–
8. Reasoning, thinking and problem-solving are explained in which aspect of development ?
(1) Social Development (2) Cognitive Development
(3) Moral Development (4) Motor Development
Á??§Ê‚ ??§ Á?§‚ ¬„‹Í ??¥ Ã?¸§, Áø¥ÃŸ •ÊÒ/U ‚?SÿÊ ‚?ʜʟ ?§Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ ?§Ë ¡ÊÃË „Ò?
(1) ‚Ê?ÊÁ¡?§ Á??§Ê‚ (2) ‚¥ôÊÊŸÊà??§ Á??§Ê‚
(3) ŸÒÁÃ?§ Á??§Ê‚ (4) ªÁÃ?§ Á??§Ê‚
9. Lev Vygotsky proposes that __________ is important for self-regulation in children.
(1) Disequilibrium (2) Inner speech
(3) Adaptation (4) Organization
‹?? ?ÊÿªÊ?àS?§Ë ¬?SÃÊÁ?à ?§/UÃ? „Ò¥ Á?§ __________ ’ìÊÊ?¥ ??¥ S?-ÁŸÿ?Ÿ ??§ Á‹8 ?„à?¬Íáʸ „¥Ò–
(1) •‚¥ÃÈ‹Ÿ (2) ÁŸ¡Ë ?Ê?˜§
(3) •ŸÈ?ͧ‹Ÿ (4) ‚¥ª?UŸ
10. Assertion (A) : In Lawrence Kohlberg’s moral development theory children move from
understanding consequences of acts to determine whether they are good or bad
to understanding that rules and laws are flexible and can be changed.
Reason (R) : Lawrence Kohlberg argues that moral development occurs progressively in stages.
Choose the correct option :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not  the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
•Á÷?§ÕŸ (A) — ‹ÚÊ/?¥U‚ ?§Ê?„‹’ª¸ ??§ ŸÒÁÃ?§ Á??§Ê‚ Á‚hʥà ??¥ ’ìÊ? ?§ÊÿÊ?Z ?§Ê? ©Ÿ??§ ¬Á/UáÊÊ? ??§ •ÊœÊ/U ¬/U •ë¿UÊ ÿÊ ’È/UÊ
‚?¤ÊŸ? ‚?, ß‚ ‚?¤Ê ¬/U ¬„È°øÃ? „¥Ò Á?§ ÁŸÿ? •ÊÒ/U ?§ÊŸÍŸ Ÿêÿ „¥Ò •ÊÒ/U ’Œ‹? ¡Ê ‚?§Ã? „Ò¥–
?§Ê/UáÊ (R) — ‹ÚÊ/?¥U‚ ?§Ê?„‹’ª¸ ?§Ê Ã?¸§ „Ò Á?§ ŸÒÁÃ?§ Á??§Ê‚ ??§Á??§ M§¬ ‚? ø/UáÊÊ?¥ ??¥ „Ê?ÃÊ „Ò–
‚„Ë Á??§À¬ øÈŸ?¥ —
(1) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚àÿ „Ò¥ •ÊÒ/U (R), (A) ?§Ë  ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ‚àÿ „Ò¥ ‹?Á?§Ÿ (R), (A) ?§Ë ‚„Ë vÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ ?§/UÃÊ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚àÿ „Ò ‹?Á?§Ÿ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) •ÊÒ/U (R) ŒÊ?ŸÊ?¥ ª‹Ã „Ò¥–
P-I  !SAS-24-I! I 5
11. As per Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence, which of the following set represents
correct match of intelligence and associated characteristics ?
(1) Intrapersonal : skill in understanding and relating to others
(2) Logical-Mathematical : skill of dance or athletic abilities
(3) Musical : performance or composition skills
(4) Spatial : skill of appreciating the natural world
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??‹ ?§Ê ¬?ÁÃÁŸÁœà? ?§/UÃÊ „Ò?
(1) •¥Ã?ÒÿÁÄÃ?§ — ŒÍ‚/UÊ?¥ ?§Ê? ‚?¤ÊŸ? •ÊÒ/U ©Ÿ??§ ‚ÊÕ ‚¥’¥œ SÕÊÁ¬Ã ?§/UŸ? ??§ ?§Ê҇ʋ
(2) ÃÊÁ?¸§?§-ªÁáÊÃËÿ — ŸÎàÿ ÿÊ ??§Ë«?Ê-‚¥’¥œË ?Ê?ÃÊ8°
(3) ‚¥ªËÃ?ÿ — ¬?Œ‡Ê¸Ÿ ÿÊ /UøŸÊ ?§/UŸ? ??§ ?§Ê҇ʋ
(4) SÕÊÁŸ?§ — ¬?Ê?ΧÁÃ?§ ?ÊÃÊ?/UáÊ ?§Ë ‚/UÊ„ŸÊ ?§/UŸ? ??§ ?§Ê҇ʋ
12. Which of the following statements is not correct about learning ?
(1) Learning depends on learner’s previous  knowledge
(2) Learning implies reorganisation of prior conceptual schemes
(3) Learning is facilitated by social action
(4) Learning as a product rather than a process
ÁŸêŸÁ‹Ápà ??¥ ‚? ?§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ?§ÕŸ •Áœª? ??§ ’Ê/?U ??¥ ‚„Ë Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?
(1) •Áœª? Á‡Ê?ÊÊÕ˸ ??§ ¬Í?¸ ôÊÊŸ ¬/U ÁŸ÷¸/U ?§/UÃÊ „Ò
(2) •Áœª? ?§Ê ÃÊà¬ÿ¸ ¬Í?¸ ?ÒøÊÁ/U?§ S?§Ëê‚ ??§ ¬ÈŸª¸?UŸ ‚? „Ò
(3) •Áœª? ‚Ê?ÊÁ¡?§ Á??§ÿÊ mÊ/UÊ ‚¥‚ÊÁœÃ „Ê?ÃË „Ò
(4) •Áœª? 8?§ ¬?Á??§ÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ •Á¬ÃÈ 8?§ ©à¬ÊŒ „Ò
13. Problem solving is fostered by :
(1) Divergent thinking (2) Functional fixedness
(3) Passive imitation (4) Response Set
ÁŸêŸÁ‹Ápà ??¥ ‚? ?§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ?§Ê/U?§ ‚?SÿÊ ‚?ʜʟ ?§Ê? ’…?Ê?Ê Œ?ÃÊ „Ò?
(1) •¬‚Ê/UË Áø¥ÃŸ (2) ?§Êÿʸà??§ ÁSÕ/UÃÊ
(3) ÁŸÁc??§ÿ •ŸÈ‚/UáÊ (4) ¬?ÁÃÁ??§ÿÊ ‚?˜U
14. According to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, at what stage are children self-centered
and see their own benefit in doing something ?
(1) at the first stage in the first level
(2) at the second stage in the first level
(3) at the third stage in the second level
(4) at the fifth stage in the third level
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„Ë ‹Ê÷ Œ?pÃ? „Ò¥?
(1) ¬„‹? SÃ/U ??§ ¬„‹? ø/UáÊ ??¥
(2) ¬„‹? SÃ/U ??§ ŒÍ‚/?U ø/UáÊ ??¥
(3) ŒÍ‚/?U SÃ/U ??§ ÃË‚/?U ø/UáÊ ??¥
(4) ÃË‚/?U SÃ/U ??§ ¬Ê°ø?? ø/UáÊ ??¥
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FAQs on CTET Previous Year Question Paper - 1 Set I (Jan - 2024) - CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Mock Test Series 2024 - CTET & State TET

1. What is the eligibility criteria for appearing in the CTET exam?
Ans. To appear for the CTET exam, candidates must have a minimum qualification of a Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education.
2. How many papers are there in the CTET exam?
Ans. The CTET exam consists of two papers - Paper I is for candidates aspiring to be a teacher for classes I to V, and Paper II is for candidates aspiring to be a teacher for classes VI to VIII.
3. What is the validity period of the CTET certificate?
Ans. The CTET certificate is valid for a period of seven years from the date of declaration of result for all categories.
4. Is there negative marking in the CTET exam?
Ans. No, there is no negative marking in the CTET exam. Candidates are awarded one mark for each correct answer.
5. Can candidates choose the language of the question paper in the CTET exam?
Ans. Yes, candidates can choose either English or Hindi as the medium of the question paper while filling the application form for the CTET exam.
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