1. Climbers : those plant that take support for climb up are called climbers.
2. Conduct : stamps conduct water and materials.
3. Creepers : plants with weak stems that cannot stand upright but spread on the ground are called creepers.
4. Fibrous root : plants which have not the main root. all root seems similar and these are called fibrous root .
5. Herbs : plants with green and tender stems. are called Herbs. they are usually short and may have not many branches .
6. Lamina : the broad green part of the leaf is called lamina .
7. Laternal root : the small roots are called laternal roots.
8. Midrib : a prominent line in the middle of a leaf is called my midrib.
9. Ovule : small bead like structures inside the ovary are called ovules.
10. Petiole : the part of leaf which is attached to stem is called petiole.
11. Photosynthesis : leaves prepare their food in the presence of Sunlight and green coloured substances present in them they also use water and carbon dioxide this process is called photosynthesis .
12. Pistil : the innermost part of flower is called pistil.
13. Reticulate venation :when the veins are arranged in the web like on network like all over the lamina it is known as reticulate venation .
14. Sepal : small leaf like structure they are called sepal.
15.Shrubs : stem is hard but not very thick these plants are called shrubs.
16. Stamen : Stamens are the male reproductive organs of flowering plants.
17. Taproot : the main root is called tap root .
18. Transpiration : water comes out of leaves in the form of vapour by a process is called transpiration.
19. Trees : some plants are very tall and have thick stem these are called trees.
20. Veins : These lines on the leaf are called veins.
1. What are plants? |
2. How do plants obtain their nutrients? |
3. How do plants reproduce? |
4. What is photosynthesis and why is it important for plants? |
5. How do plants adapt to their environment? |