Chapter 5 - Children and Sports, Chapter Notes, Class 12, Physical Education
Key Points :
5.1 Motor Development-Motor Development refers to the development of a child’s Bone, muscles and ability to move around and manipulate his/her environment.
5.2 Factors affecting Motor Development
l. Heredity
2. Nutrition
3. Sleep
4. Immunization
5. Environment
6. Stimulation and Interaction
7. Opportunities
8. Training and Practice
9. Recreation
10. Education-Learning and Productivity
11. Gender
12. Posture Deformities
13. Sensory Impairment
14. Obesity
15. Social Skills
16. Mental Health
5.3 Physical and Physiological benefits of Exercise on Children
5.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Weight training and food supplement for children
Weight training:-Those exercise, that is designed to strengthen specific muscles By causing them to overcome a fixed resistance, usually in the form of Barbells or Dumbbells
Advantages of Weight Training
1. Improves Posture and range of motion
2. Increases muscle strength, bone density, and endurance
3. Protection against injury
4. Improve motor performance
5. Promote healthy Blood pressure and cholesterol levels
6. Maintain Healthy Weight
7. Develop confidence and self-esteem
8. Improve immune system functions
9. lmprove Psyco-socio well being
10. Promote and develops exercise habits
Disadvantages of Weight Training
1. Maturity
2. Introduce Injury
3. Safety
4. Loss of Flexibility
Food Supplements for Children:-The nutrients, that is added to the diet to nourish
the body Without getting a regular diet.
Food supplement include Vitamins, Minerals, Fibers, Fatty acids or Amino acids
among Other substances in the form of Powder or Tablets.
Types of Food Supplement
l. Protein Supplement
2. Vitamine Supplement
3. Calorie Supplement
4. Fiber Supplement
Benefits of Food supplements
1. To provide the substances to body in case of incomplete diet
2. They ensure to replenish sufficient quantity of nutrients to avoid deficiency from meal
3. Provide instant energy to the body
4. Children with chronic medical conditions such as Asthma, Scurvy, rickets or digestive problems-provide nutrients to survive
Disadvantages of Food Supplements
1. Some body building supplements may contain steroids or like substance which are very harmful substance and could lead to serious liver injury, stroke, Kidney Failure etc.
2. Weight loss supplements may contain numerous untested ingredients, which are not safe and effective for children
3. Mostly, the supplements cause allergy and intolerance among the children.
4. Dietary supplements, including herbal products may interact with other products or medicines may cause unwanted side effects.
5. Numerous Multi-vitamins and Mineral supplements may cause headache, Diarrohea, nausea, cramps etc. among the children due to overdose.
*Warning*:- “Food supplements must be taken under the supervision of a qualified medical practitioner”
5.5 Activities and Quality of Life
“Quality of life is the satisfaction of any individual’s values, goals and needs through the actualization of their abilities or their lifestyle”
“Quality of life as well being covering all areas of life i.e. Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional And Spiritual well being”
Role of Physical Activities in Improving Quality of Life
17 videos|63 docs|35 tests
1. What are the benefits of children participating in sports? |
2. What are some popular sports for children to play? |
3. What should parents consider when selecting a sport for their child to play? |
4. How can coaches promote positive experiences for children in sports? |
5. What are some potential risks or challenges associated with children participating in sports? |