The slides cover the following topics:
1. Frequency Modulation (FM)
2. FM Signal Spectrum
3. Generation of FM Signals
4. V/F Characteristics
5. FM signal waveforms
6. FM spectrum - Bessel Coefficients
7. Significant Sidebands - Spectrum
8. Carsons' Rule for FM bandwidth
9. Narrowband and Wideband FM
10. VHF/FM
11. Power in FM Signals
12. FM Demodulation
13. Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Angle Modulation – Frequency Modulation
Consider again the general carrier
represents the angle of the carrier.
There are two ways of varying the angle of the carrier.
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Frequency Modulation
In FM, the message signal m(t) controls the frequency fc of the carrier. Consider the carrier
then for FM we may write:
,where the frequency deviation will depend on m(t).
Given that the carrier frequency will change we may write for an instantaneous carrier signal
where φi is the instantaneous angle = and θi is the instantaneous frequency.
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Frequency Modulation
In FM, the message signal m(t) controls the frequency fc of the carrier. Consider the carrier
then for FM we may write: , where the frequency deviation will depend on m(t).
Given that the carrier frequency will change we may write for an instantaneous carrier signal
where φi is the instantaneous angle = and fi is the instantaneous frequency.
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Frequency Modulation
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Frequency Modulation
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Frequency Modulation
Note – FM, as implicit in the above equation for vs(t), is a non-linear process – i.e. the principle of superposition does not apply. The FM signal for a message m(t) as a band of signals is very complex. Hence, m(t) is usually considered as a 'single tone modulating signal' of the form
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Frequency Modulation
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Frequency Modulation
The amplitudes drawn are completely arbitrary, since we have not found any value for Jn(β) – this sketch is only to illustrate the spectrum.
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Generation of FM signals – Frequency Modulation
An FM demodulator is:
In these devices (V/F or VCO), the output frequency is dependent on the input voltage amplitude.
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V/F Characteristics
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
V/F Characteristics
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
V/F Characteristics
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Summary of the important points of FM
• The FM signal vs(t) from which the spectrum may be obtained as
where Jn(β) are Bessel coefficients and Modulation Index,
• α Hz per Volt is the V/F modulator, gradient or Frequency Conversion Factor, α per Volt
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
FM Signal Waveforms
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
FM Signal Waveforms
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
FM Signal Waveforms
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
FM Signal Waveforms
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
FM Signal Waveforms
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
FM Spectrum – Bessel Coefficients
The FM signal spectrum may be determined from
The values for the Bessel coefficients, Jn(β) may be found from graphs or, preferably, tables of ‘Bessel functions of the first kind’.
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
FM Spectrum – Bessel Coefficients
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
FM Spectrum – Bessel Coefficients
Hence for a given value of modulation index β, the values of Jn(β) may be read off the graph and hence the component amplitudes (VcJn(β)) may be determined.
A further way to interpret these curves is to imagine them in 3 dimensions
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Examples from the graph
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Significant Sidebands – Spectrum
As may be seen from the table of Bessel functions, for values of n above a certain value, the values of Jn(β) become progressively smaller. In FM the sidebands are considered to be significant if Jn(β) 0.01 (1%).
Although the bandwidth of an FM signal is infinite, components with amplitudes VcJn(β), for which Jn(β) < 0.01 are deemed to be insignificant and may be ignored.
Example: A message signal with a frequency fm Hz modulates a carrier fc to produce FM with a modulation index β = 1. Sketch the spectrum.
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Significant Sidebands – Spectrum
As shown, the bandwidth of the spectrum containing significant components is 6fm, for β = 1.
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Significant Sidebands – Spectrum
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Significant Sidebands – Spectrum
An approximation for the bandwidth of an FM signal is given by
BW = 2(Maximum frequency deviation + highest modulated frequency)
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Narrowband and Wideband FM
Narrowband FM NBFM
Wideband FM WBFM
For β > 0.3 there are more than 2 significant sidebands. As b increases the number of sidebands increases. This is referred to as wideband FM (WBFM).
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Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Comments FM
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Comments FM
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Power in FM Signals
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Power in FM Signals
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Power in FM Signals
Now consider – if we generate an FM signal, it will contain an infinite number of sidebands. However, if we wish to transfer this signal, e.g. over a radio or cable, this implies that we require an infinite bandwidth channel. Even if there was an infinite channel bandwidth it would not all be allocated to one user. Only a limited bandwidth is available for any particular signal. Thus we have to make the signal spectrum fit into the available channel bandwidth. We can think of the signal spectrum as a ‘train’ and the channel bandwidth as a tunnel – obviously we make the train slightly less wider than the tunnel if we can.
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Power in FM Signals
However, many signals (e.g. FM, square waves, digital signals) contain an infinite number of components. If we transfer such a signal via a limited channel bandwidth, we will lose some of the components and the output signal will be distorted. If we put an infinitely wide train through a tunnel, the train would come out distorted, the question is how much distortion can be tolerated?
Generally speaking, spectral components decrease in amplitude as we move away from the spectrum ‘centre’.
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Power in FM Signals
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Power in FM Signals
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
FM Demodulation –General Principles
• An FM demodulator or frequency discriminator is essentially a frequency-to-voltage converter (F/V). An F/V converter may be realised in several ways, including for example, tuned circuits and envelope detectors, phase locked loops etc. Demodulators are also called FM discriminators.
• Before considering some specific types, the general concepts for FM demodulation will be presented. An F/V converter produces an output voltage, VOUT which is proportional to the frequency input, fIN.
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FM Demodulation –General Principles
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
FM Demodulation –General Principles
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
FM Demodulation –General Principles
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
FM Demodulation –General Principles
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
FM Demodulation –General Principles
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Tuned Circuit – One method (used in the early days of FM) is to use the slope of a tuned circuit in conjunction with an envelope detector.
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• A better method is to use 2 similar circuits, known as a Foster-Seeley Discriminator
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Foster-Seeley Discriminator
This gives the composite characteristics shown. Diode D2 effectively inverts the f2 tuned circuit response. This gives the characteristic ‘S’ type detector.
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Phase Locked Loops PLL
Angle Modulation - Frequency Modulation ------------------------------------------------- Next slide
Phase Locked Loops PLL
1. What is angle modulation? |
2. What is frequency modulation (FM)? |
3. How does frequency modulation differ from amplitude modulation (AM)? |
4. What are the advantages of frequency modulation (FM) over amplitude modulation (AM)? |
5. How is frequency modulation (FM) implemented in practical communication systems? |