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Class 9 Civics Chapter 3 Notes - Electoral Politics


Electoral Politics refers to the process through which representatives are elected by the people to govern on their behalf in a democracy. It encompasses all activities related to elections, including campaigning, voting, and the declaration of results.

Electoral PoliticsElectoral Politics

In a democratic system, citizens govern indirectly by choosing representatives through elections.
This chapter explores the essential role of elections in democracy, explaining why they are necessary and how they work. It focuses on:

  • The importance of electoral competition among political parties.
  • The key features that make elections democratic.
  • A step-by-step look at the Indian electoral process, from drawing constituencies to declaring results.
  • An assessment of whether elections in India are truly free and fair.
  • The role of the Election Commission in maintaining the integrity of the electoral process.

By understanding these points, we gain insight into how elections shape democratic governance and the challenges of ensuring fairness in the process.

Why Elections?

Elections are a vital mechanism in a democracy, enabling people to choose their leaders and hold them accountable. The example of the 1987 Haryana Assembly election illustrates this.

Assembly Election in Haryana

  • The state had been previously ruled by the Congress party since 1982
  • Opposition leader Chaudhary Devi Lal led 'Nyaya Yudh' movement (Struggle for Justice)
  • Formed a new party Lok Dal, joined with other opposition parties against Congress

Chaudhary Devi LalChaudhary Devi Lal

Election Campaign Promises

  • Waive loans for farmers and small businessmen if elected
  • Attracted unhappy citizens with this promise

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What was the main reason for the formation of the Lok Dal party in Haryana?
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Election Results

  • The public was unhappy with the current government and found Devi's promise appealing. Lok Dal and allies won 76 out of 90 seats in the State Assembly
  • Lok Dal alone won 60 seats, and Congress only 5. Devi Lal was chosen as leader by newly elected MLAs
  • The Governor then invited by Governor to be the new Chief Minister.

Devi Lal Government Actions

  • Waived outstanding loans for small farmers, agricultural labourers, and small businessmen
  • Ruled the state for four years

1991 Haryana State Assembly Election

  • Lok Dal did not win popular support
  • Congress won the election and formed the government

Why Do We Need Elections?

Class 9 Civics Chapter 3 Notes - Electoral Politics

Elections are a crucial part of any democratic system. They serve several key purposes:

  1. Representation: In a large society, it is not practical for everyone to gather and make decisions directly. Elections allow people to choose representatives who will make decisions on their behalf.
  2. Accountability: Elections provide a way for people to hold their representatives accountable. If the representatives do not perform well or fulfill their promises, voters can replace them in the next election.
  3. Legitimacy: Elections give legitimacy to the government. When leaders are chosen by the people, it reinforces the idea that the government represents the will of the majority.
  4. Freedom of Choice: Elections allow citizens to choose who will create laws, form the government, and guide policies. This gives people a direct role in shaping their society.
  5. Regular Intervals: Elections occur at regular intervals, ensuring that representatives are continuously accountable and that citizens have the opportunity to make new choices.

Without elections, a system cannot truly be democratic because there would be no way to measure public opinion, change leadership, or ensure that government power reflects the people's will.

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Why do we need elections in a democracy?
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What Makes an Election Democratic?

Democratic Elections vs. Other Elections

  • Democratic elections exist in all democratic countries, while some non-democratic countries also hold elections.
  • It's essential to distinguish democratic elections from other elections for a better understanding.

Minimum Conditions for Democratic Elections

Class 9 Civics Chapter 3 Notes - Electoral Politics

  • Equal voting rights: Everyone should have one vote, and each vote should have equal value.
  • Availability of choices: Parties and candidates should be free to contest elections, providing real choices to voters.
  • Regular intervals: Elections should be held every few years to maintain a democratic system.
  • People's preference: The candidate preferred by the majority should be elected.
  • Free and fair conduct: Elections should be conducted in a manner where people can choose according to their wishes.

Applying Conditions to Our Country

  • It's necessary to assess if these conditions are met in our country to determine if our elections are democratic.
  • Many countries do not fulfill these simple yet essential conditions for democratic elections.

Is it good to have political competition?

Role of Political Competition in Elections

Class 9 Civics Chapter 3 Notes - Electoral Politics

  • Political competition is a fundamental aspect of elections, manifesting primarily through competition among political parties and individual candidates at the constituency level.
  • Without competition, elections would lose their significance and purpose.

Demerits of Electoral Competition

Class 9 Civics Chapter 3 Notes - Electoral Politics

  • Electoral competition can lead to disunity and factionalism within communities, often resulting in complaints about “party politics.”
  • Political parties and candidates may resort to dirty tricks to secure victories.
  • The pressure to win can hinder the formulation of long-term policies.
  • Some well-intentioned individuals may choose to stay away from politics due to the unhealthy competition.

Constitutional Choice for Free Competition

  • Despite the drawbacks, the framers of the Constitution favored free competition in elections as the preferred method for selecting leaders.
  • This choice was made because, in the long run, competitive elections tend to produce better outcomes.

Motivations of Political Leaders

  • In an ideal world, political leaders would be solely motivated by a desire to serve the people. However, in reality, they are often driven by a desire to advance their political careers.
  • Political leaders seek to remain in power or gain positions for themselves, and while they may also want to help the public, it is unwise to rely entirely on their sense of duty.

Improving Political Leadership

  • One approach to addressing these issues is to improve the knowledge and character of political leaders.
  • A more practical solution is to establish a system where political leaders are rewarded for serving the public and punished for failing to do so.

Role of the People in Reward and Punishment

  • The responsibility of determining rewards and punishments for political leaders lies with the people.
  • Electoral competition empowers the public to make these decisions.

Incentives for Political Parties and Leaders

  • Regular electoral competition creates incentives for political parties and leaders to address issues that matter to the public.
  • Those who meet the needs of voters enhance their popularity and chances of electoral success
  • Conversely, those who fail to satisfy voters risk losing future elections.

Comparison to Market Dynamics

  • Political competition operates similarly to market dynamics, where shopkeepers must provide good service to customers to remain in business.
  • Even if a shopkeeper is solely focused on profit, poor service will drive customers to competitors.


  • While political competition may lead to divisions and unpleasantness, it ultimately compels political parties and leaders to serve the public interest.

What is Our System of Elections?

To determine whether Indian elections are democratic, let's examine how they are conducted. 

  • Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha (Assembly) elections take place every five years, at which point the term of all elected representatives ends, and the Lok Sabha or Vidhan Sabha is considered 'dissolved'. 
  • Elections occur in all constituencies either on the same day or within a few days, which is known as a general election. 
  • Occasionally, an election is held in a single constituency to fill a vacancy caused by a member's death or resignation, and this is called a by-election. 

Electoral Constituencies

  • India follows an area based system of representation. For this purpose, the country is divided into different areas for purposes of elections. These are called electoral constituencies.
  • Voters who live in a constituency elect a representative for their area.
  • For Lok Sabha elections, the country is divided into 543 constituencies.
  • Each constituency elects a representative, known as a Member of Parliament or MP.
  • Therefore, 543 MPs get elected to Lok Sabha as people’s representatives.
  • In a democratic election, every vote should hold equal value, so the Constitution mandates that each constituency should have a roughly equal population.
  • Each state is also divided into a specific number of Assembly constituencies, where the elected representative is called the Member of Legislative Assembly or MLA.
  • The same principle applies to Panchayat and Municipal elections. Every village or town is divided into various 'wards' that function like constituencies. Each ward elects one member of the village or urban local body.
  • Sometimes, these constituencies are referred to as 'seats', as each constituency represents one seat in the assembly.
  • For example, when we say 'Lok Dal won60 seats' in Haryana, it means that Lok Dal candidates emerged victorious in 60 assembly constituencies in the state, resulting in 60 MLAs for Lok Dal in the state assembly.

Reserved Constituencies

A true democracy provides equal opportunity to all individuals and sections of society to take part in elections get elected and share in the governance of the economy.

Concerns of Constitution Makers

  • Weaker sections may not have a fair chance in open electoral competition
  • Lack of resources, education, and contacts could hinder their chances of winning elections.
  • Democracy would be less representative without the voice of these significant sections

Reserved Constituencies

  • Special system for weaker sections (Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes).
  • SC reserved constituencies: only Scheduled Castes candidates can stand for election.
  • ST reserved constituencies: only Scheduled Tribes candidates can stand for election.
  • 84 Lok Sabha seats reserved for Scheduled Castes, 47 for Scheduled Tribes (as on 26 January).

Reservation Extensions

  • Reservation system extended to district and local level.
  • Seats in rural (panchayat) and urban (municipalities and corporations) local bodies reserved for Other Backward Classes (OBC) in many states.
  • Proportion of seats reserved varies from state to state
  • One-third of seats reserved in rural and urban local bodies for women candidates.

Voters' list

  • Deciding Voter Eligibility cannot be left to anyone till the last day
  • List of eligible voters prepared much before the election
  • Officially called the Electoral Roll, commonly known as Voters' List

Example of a Voters ListExample of a Voters ListEqual Opportunity in Democratic Elections

  • Universal adult franchise principle
  • One vote per person, each vote having equal value
  • No discrimination based on caste, religion, or gender

Voting Age and Eligibility

  • Citizens aged 18 years and above can vote
  • Some criminals and persons with unsound minds can be denied the right to vote in rare situations
  • Government responsibility to keep voters' list updated

Updating the Voters' List

  • Adding new eligible voters and removing those who moved or passed away
  • Complete revision of the list every five years
  • Introduction of the Election Photo Identity Card (EPIC) system

Identification for Voting

  • Voters are required to carry EPIC when voting
  • Other proofs of identity accepted, such as ration card or driving license
  • EPIC is not yet compulsory for voting

Nomination of Candidates

Democratic Elections and Candidate Eligibility

  • Minimal restrictions on candidacy ensure the real choice in democratic elections.
  • Anyone who can be a voter can also become a candidate, with a minimum age of 25 years.
  • Some other restrictions apply to criminals in extreme cases.
  • Political parties nominate candidates who receive the party symbol and support.

Nomination Process

  • Candidates must fill in a 'nomination form' and provide a 'security deposit' to contest in an election.
  • A new declaration system has been introduced per the Supreme Court's direction.
  • Candidates must provide a legal declaration with their personal details.

Declaration Details

  • Serious criminal cases pending against the candidate.
  • Details of assets and liabilities of the candidate and their family.
  • Educational qualifications of the candidate.
  • This information is made public, allowing voters to make informed decisions.

Election Campaign

Election campaign in India Election campaign in India 

  • Main Purpose of Election Give people a chance to choose representatives, government, and policies
  • It necessitates free and open discussions during election campaigns
  • The two-week period between candidate list announcement and polling date
  • Includes candidates contacting voters, political leaders addressing meetings, and party supporters mobilizing
  • Newspapers and television news filled with election-related stories and debates
  • Political parties start preparing for elections months in advance

Successful Slogans in Various Elections

slogans in various election campaigns slogans in various election campaigns 

  • Garibi Hatao (Remove poverty) - Congress party led by Indira Gandhi, Lok Sabha elections 1971
  • Save Democracy - Janata Party under Jayaprakash Narayan, Lok Sabha election 1977
  • Land to the Tiller - Left Front, West Bengal Assembly elections 1977
  • Protect the Self-Respect of the Telugus - N. T. Rama Rao, Telugu Desam Party, Andhra Pradesh Assembly elections 1983

Election Campaign Regulations

  • No party or candidate can bribe or threaten voters
  • No party or candidate can appeal to voters in the name of caste or religion
  • No party or candidate can use government resources for election campaigns
  • Spending limits: 25 lakh in a constituency for a Lok Sabha election, 10 lakh in a constituency for an Assembly election

Model Code of Conduct for Election Campaigns

Class 9 Civics Chapter 3 Notes - Electoral Politics

  • No party or candidate can use any place of worship for election propaganda
  • No party or candidate can use government vehicles, aircrafts, and officials for elections
  • Once elections are announced, Ministers shall not lay foundation stones of any projects, take any big policy decisions, or make any promises of providing public facilities

Polling and Counting of Votes

  • On the Election Day, every person whose name is on the voters' list can go to a nearby polling booth, situated usually in a local school or a government office.

Vote counting Vote counting 

  • Once the voter goes inside the booth, the election officials identify her, put a mark on his finger and allow him to cast his vote. An agent of each candidate is allowed to sit inside the polling booth and ensure that the voting takes place in a fair way.
  • Earlier the voters used to indicate whom they wanted to vote for by putting stamp on the ballot paper. A ballot paper is a sheet of paper on which the names of the contesting candidates along with party name and symbols are listed.
  • Nowadays electronic voting machines (EVM) are used to record votes. The machine shows the names of the candidates and the party symbols. Independent candidates too have their own symbols, allotted by election officials. All the voter has to do is to press the button against the name of the candidate he wants to give his vote.
  • Once the polling is over, all the EVMs are sealed and taken to a secure place. A few days later, on a fixed data, all the EVMs from a constituency are opened and the votes secured by each candidate are counted. The agents of all candidates are present there to ensure that the counting is done properly. The candidate who secures the highest number of votes from a constituency is declared elected.
  • In a general election, usually the counting of votes in all the constituencies takes place at the same time, on the same day. Television channels, radio and newspapers report this event. Within a few hours of counting, all the results are declared and it becomes clear as to who will form the next government.

What Makes Elections in India Democratic?

Unfair practices in elections are often reported by the media, and they typically include the following:

  1. Voter List Issues: The inclusion of false names or the exclusion of genuine voters from the electoral rolls.
  2. Misuse of Government Resources: Ruling parties may misuse government facilities and officials to gain an advantage in elections.
  3. Excessive Use of Money: Wealthy candidates and large parties often use excessive amounts of money to influence voters.
  4. Intimidation and Rigging: Voters may be threatened, and there can be attempts to rig the voting process on election day.

While these practices are troubling, they usually do not occur at a scale large enough to undermine the overall purpose of elections

Independent Election Commission

Class 9 Civics Chapter 3 Notes - Electoral Politics

  • Election Commission is an independent body provided for in the Constitution.
  • The whole election business is carried out by the Election Commission. 
  • It is charged with the responsibility of conducting free and fair elections which are the foundation of the whole system of democracy.

Class 9 Civics Chapter 3 Notes - Electoral Politics

Headed by the Chief Election Commissioner and two other members, the functions of the Commission are as follows:

  • Preparation of voters ‘list
  • Delimitation of the constituencies
  • Controlling the election machinery
  • Recognizing newly formed parties
  • Allotting party symbols to parties
  • Conducting of polling and counting of votes
  • Announcement of results.

The procedure for the appointment of Election Commission is laid down in the Constitution. The Election Commission makes sure that the party in power does not take undue advantage of its position.

Popular Participation

1. Measuring Election Quality through Participation:

  • Popular participation is a key measure of election quality.
  • A fair and free election process fosters enthusiastic participation.
  • If the process lacks fairness, people tend to withdraw from participation.

2. Voter Turnout as a Metric:

  • Voter turnout represents the percentage of eligible voters who actually vote.
  • In Europe and North America, voter turnout has declined over the past fifty years.
  • In India, turnout has remained stable or increased over time.

3. Participation Trends in India:

  • In India, a larger proportion of poor, illiterate, and underprivileged people vote compared to the rich and privileged.
  • This contrasts with voting patterns in Western democracies.

4. Importance of Elections to Common People:

  • Elections are seen by the Indian populace as a means to influence political parties.
  • Voters believe elections can pressure political parties to adopt policies favorable to them.
  • People feel their vote has a significant impact on governance.

5. Growing Interest in Elections:

  • Over the years, interest in election-related activities has grown.
  • During the 2004 elections, more than one-third of voters participated in campaign-related activities.
  • Over half of the population identified with a political party.
  • One in seven voters is a member of a political party.

Acceptance of Election Outcome

If election are not free and fair, the outcome always favours the powerful. in such a situation, the ruling parties do not lose elections. The outcome of India’s elections speaks for itself:

  • The ruling parties routinely lose elections in India both at the national and state level. In fact in every two out of the three elections held in the last fifteen years, the ruling party lost.
  • In the US, an incumbent or ‘sitting’ elected representative rarely loses an election. In India about half of the sitting MPs or MLAs lose elections.
  • Candidates who are known to have spent a lot of money on ‘buying votes’ and those with known criminal connections often lose elections.
  • Barring few disputed elections, the electoral outcomes are usually accepted as ‘people’s verdict’ by the defeated party.

Challenges to free and fair elections

  • Candidates and parties with a lot of money may not be sure of their victory but they do enjoy a big and unfair advantage over smaller parties and independents.
  • In some parts of the country, candidates with criminal connection have been able to push others out of the electoral race and to secure a ‘ticket’ from major parties.
  • Some families tend to dominate political parties; tickets are distributed to relatives from these families.
  • Very often elections offer little choice to ordinary citizens, for both the major parties are quite similar to each other both in policies and practice.
  • Smaller parties and independent candidates suffer a huge disadvantage compared to  bigger parties.

These challenges exist not just in India but also in many established democracies. these deeper issues are a matter of concern for those who believe in democracy. That is why citizens, social activists and organizations have been demanding reforms in our electoral system.

Difficult Words

  1. Electoral Constituencies: Specific geographic areas defined for the purpose of elections, from which representatives are elected to legislative bodies. Each constituency elects one representative.

  2. Reserved Constituencies: Constituencies where seats are reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) to ensure political representation for these historically marginalized communities.

  3. Voter Eligibility: The criteria that determine who is qualified to vote in elections, generally based on citizenship, residence, age, and absence of legal disqualifications such as certain criminal convictions.

  4. Electoral Roll (Voters' List): The official list of eligible voters who can participate in an election. This list is crucial for the organization and fairness of electoral processes.

  5. Nomination of Candidates: The process by which individuals declare their intent to run for office, typically involving the submission of required documents and, sometimes, a deposit.

  6. Election Campaign: The period leading up to the election when candidates and parties promote their policies and criticize their opponents to win voter support.

  7. Model Code of Conduct: A set of guidelines issued by the Election Commission to regulate the behavior of parties and candidates during an election. It ensures that the election campaign is conducted in a fair and respectful manner.

  8. Polling Booth: A designated place where voting takes place. It is equipped to ensure the privacy of voters as they cast their ballots.

  9. Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs): Devices used in elections to record votes. Voters press buttons corresponding to their chosen candidates. EVMs are designed to increase the efficiency and reliability of the electoral process.

  10. By-Election: An election held in a single constituency to fill a vacancy that arises due to death or resignation of a member, outside the regular election cycle.

  11. General Election: Regularly scheduled elections where representatives are chosen in all electoral constituencies, typically held at fixed intervals, as stipulated by law or the constitution.

  12. Independent Election Commission: A neutral body established by the constitution or legislative act to oversee the conduct of elections and ensure they are free and fair.

  13. Universal Adult Franchise: The right of all adult citizens to vote without discrimination on the basis of race, sex, belief, wealth, or social status.

  14. Voting Age: The legal minimum age at which a citizen can participate in the electoral process, typically 18 years in most democracies.

  15. Security Deposit: A sum of money that candidates must deposit when submitting their nomination papers, forfeited if the candidate fails to get a minimum percentage of votes.

The document Class 9 Civics Chapter 3 Notes - Electoral Politics is a part of the Class 9 Course Social Studies (SST) Class 9.
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FAQs on Class 9 Civics Chapter 3 Notes - Electoral Politics

1. What is the importance of elections in a democracy?
Ans. Elections are crucial in a democracy as they provide a mechanism for citizens to express their preferences for governance. They allow people to choose their representatives, hold them accountable, and influence policy decisions. Elections ensure that power is derived from the consent of the governed.
2. How does political competition enhance democracy?
Ans. Political competition enhances democracy by offering voters choices and promoting accountability. It encourages parties to address public issues and engage with citizens' needs. Healthy competition prevents the monopolization of power and fosters an environment where diverse opinions can be expressed.
3. What are the key features of India's electoral system?
Ans. India's electoral system is characterized by universal adult suffrage, secret ballot, and regular free and fair elections. It includes a multi-party system which reflects the diverse interests of the population. The Election Commission of India supervises the electoral process to ensure transparency and fairness.
4. In what ways do elections in India reflect democratic principles?
Ans. Elections in India reflect democratic principles through the participation of a wide electorate, equal voting rights for all citizens, and the ability to choose from multiple candidates and parties. They also ensure that elected representatives are accountable to the people, promoting a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people.
5. What challenges do elections in India face?
Ans. Elections in India face several challenges, including electoral fraud, use of money and muscle power, low voter turnout, and systemic issues like caste and communal politics. Additionally, the influence of media and social media can affect the fairness of elections, posing risks to the integrity of the democratic process.
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