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Climatic Regions of The World | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams PDF Download

Climatic region is a group of areas where the conditions of relief, temperature, rainfall, natural vegetation and consequently the cultural environment are more or less similar.

Climatic Regions of The World | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams

Climate World Map

  • The boundaries of naturals regions are permanent because they are determined by nature.
  • They do not, therefore, change as political boundaries do.
  • But at the same time, the boundaries of natural regions are not well demarcated as political boundaries.
  • As this is an introductory document, we will briefly go through the regions which will be covered extensively in the upcoming documents.

World may be divided in the following natural regions

Equatorial Region:

Climatic Regions of The World | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams

  • The equatorial belt extends roughly between 10 to 15 degree south and north latitude to the equator..
  • It has uniformly hot and wet climatic conditions throughout the year.
  • The annual range of temperature is low, and seasonal contrasts are at a minimum.
  • The combination of high temperature and high humidity makes the climate unfavourable for sustained human effort, but very favourable for the growth of vegetation.

Tropical grassland (Savanna) Region:

Climatic Regions of The World | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams

  • This region lies in the interior of the continents extending up to the sea in the west in the tropical belt.
  • It comes under the influence of equatorial belt of calms during summer and receives convectional rainfall and it is under the influence of trade winds during winter which are dry winds and the re­gion experiences drought.
  • It generally lies between 5°N and 20°S latitudes.
  • This region has moderate rainfall and greater annual range of temperature.
  • It occurs extensively in Africa, parts of Brazilian Plateau and Orinoco basin in South America.

Tropical Deciduous forest region:

Climatic Regions of The World | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams

  • This region includes eastern mar­gins of the continents between 10°N to 30°N and 10°S to 30°S.
  • Rainfall is moderate except in coastal re­gions and mountainous tracts.
  • The summers are hot and rainy while winters are warm and dry.

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Try yourself:Which of the following region is situated between 10 degrees north and 10 degrees south?
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Tropical Deserts

Climatic Regions of The World | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams

  • Tropical deserts are located on the western margins of continents in the Trade Wind belt roughly between 20° and 30°N and S latitudes and are known as hot or trade wind deserts. Annual pre­cipitation is generally less than 25 cm.
  • In most of the region, clear skies favour fired passage of insolation during day time and outgoing radiation from the earth during the night. Therefore, the diurnal range of tem­perature is high.

China type Region

Climatic Regions of The World | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams

  • It lies on the eastern margins of the continents in the subtropical belt between 20° and 48° latitude in both hemispheres.
  • The main characteris­tics of this region are summers are warm and moist and winters are cold, and during summer, trade winds blow from adjoining ocean and moderate rainfall occurs which decreases towards the equator and in winter, westerly winds blow from the interior towards the oceans.
  • These land winds do not give rainfall and so winters are dry.

Mediterranean type Region

Climatic Regions of The World | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams

  • This region lies poleward of the tropical deserts on the western margin of the continents, roughly between 30° and 40° N and S latitudes.
  • The summers are hot and dry while winters are mild and rainy.
  • In summer, trade winds blow from land to sea giving practically no rain.
  • In winters, this region comes under the influence of moist wester­lies blowing on-shore and bringing cyclonic rain.

Midlatitudes desert

Climatic Regions of The World | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams

  • These deserts are located in the in­terior plateau and basins in Asia and North America. They are surrounded by high mountain regions.
  • Tibet and Gobi are typical examples.
  • The main characteristic of this region is that it receives scanty rainfall as the interior location is surrounded by high mountains which prevent the inflow of moist air.
  • Interior location results in the greater extreme of temperature between summer and winter.

St. Lawrence type Region

Climatic Regions of The World | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams

  • This region lies poleward of the Warm East Margin Region.
  • The region has warm wet summer and cold dry winters.
  • North Eastern United States and adjoining parts of Canada, North China, Manchuria, Korea, and Northern Japan are the main ar­eas included in this Region.

Mid Latitude grasslands

Climatic Regions of The World | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams

  • This region lies in the interior of the continents and therefore receives low rainfall.
  • The annual range of temperature is high between warm summer and cold winter.
  • Rainfall occurs as a result of the convectional ascent of air during summer.
  • Owing to low rainfall and cold winter, trees are generally absent.

Cool (Mid Latitude) West European Type

Climatic Regions of The World | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams

  • Regions of this type are found on the western margins of the continents in the permanent zone of westerlies.
  • It includes Western Europe from Northern Norway to the British Isles, North-West United States, and Southern Chile in South America and Tasmania Island of New Zealand in Australia. 
    Question for Climatic Regions of The World
    Try yourself:In which side margin is China type climate region found?
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The Taiga (coniferous) Region

Climatic Regions of The World | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams

  • This region occurs as a broad belt in Europe, Asia and North America between the mid-latitude of grassland region in South and Polar Tun­dra in the North.
  • The climate is cold and moist.
  • The region has a short warm summer and long cold winter.
  • Rivers remain frozen and snow covers the ground for many months.
  • Annual precipitation is moderate in amount with a maximum during summer.
  • Coniferous forests occur and contain softwood trees like oak, birch and maple.

Polar Lowlands (Tundra)

  • The vast lowlands, lying along the shores of Arctic Ocean, where the ground is frozen for the greater part of the year are known as Tundras.
  • They are low-lying cold deserts between the regions of eternal snow and ice in north and coniferous in the south.
  • They are found in the north of Asia as well as in Canada and Europe where they are known as Barren lands.
  • The region has long severe cold winter and a short cool summer.

Climatic Regions of The World | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams

Polar Highlands (Icecap type)

  • Antarctica and Greenland are ex­amples of large landmasses in polar regions having permanent ice caps.
  • During summer temperature does not exceed 10°C.
  • Precipitation is low and occurs as snowfall during winter.
The document Climatic Regions of The World | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams is a part of the Bank Exams Course General Awareness & Knowledge.
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FAQs on Climatic Regions of The World - General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams

1. What are the main climatic regions of the world?
Ans. The main climatic regions of the world are tropical, dry, temperate, continental, and polar regions. These regions are characterized by unique weather patterns and temperature variations.
2. What is the difference between tropical and temperate climatic regions?
Ans. The tropical climatic regions are located near the equator and experience high temperatures throughout the year. They also receive abundant rainfall. On the other hand, temperate climatic regions are located between the tropics and the polar regions, and they have moderate temperatures and distinct seasons.
3. Which climatic regions have the least amount of precipitation?
Ans. The dry climatic regions have the least amount of precipitation. These regions, such as deserts, experience very low rainfall and are characterized by arid conditions. The scarcity of water and vegetation is a common feature of these areas.
4. How are continental climatic regions different from other regions?
Ans. Continental climatic regions are characterized by large temperature variations throughout the year. They are found in the interiors of large land masses, away from the moderating influence of oceans. These regions have hot summers and cold winters, with less precipitation compared to other regions.
5. What are the characteristics of polar climatic regions?
Ans. Polar climatic regions are located near the Earth's poles and experience extremely cold temperatures throughout the year. They have long winters and short summers. These regions also have ice caps, glaciers, and tundra vegetation due to the freezing temperatures and lack of sunlight during certain seasons.
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