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Extract Based Questions: A Thing of Beauty | English Class 12 PDF Download

Read the given extract and answer the questions

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
(A Thing Of Beauty)

Question (i): What is the rhyme scheme of this extract?

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To find the rhyme scheme of a poem, we need to look at the last words of each line and assign them letters based on their sounds. For example, if two lines end with words that rhyme, we give them the same letter. If a line ends with a word that does not rhyme with any other word, we give it a different letter.
  • In this extract, the last words of the first and fifth lines are "ever" and "breathing," which rhyme with each other. So we give them the letter A. The last words of the second and fourth lines are "never" and "sleep," which rhyme with each other. So we give them the letter B. The last word of the third line is "keep," which does not rhyme with any other word. So we give it a different letter, C. Therefore, the rhyme scheme of this extract is ABABA.

Question (ii): What does the use of the word "nothingness" suggest in line 3 of the extract? (a) The speaker thinks that beauty is eternal and immortal.
(b) The speaker thinks that beauty is temporary and mortal.
(c) The speaker thinks that beauty is abstract and intangible.
(d) The speaker thinks that beauty is concrete and tangible.

Ans: (a) The speaker thinks that beauty is eternal and immortal.
Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to understand the meaning and context of the word "nothingness" in line 3 of the extract. The word "nothingness" is a noun that describes the state or condition of being nothing or having nothing. It can also mean nonexistence or emptiness.
  • In this extract, the word "nothingness" is used to contrast with beauty in line 3. It means that beauty will never pass into nonexistence or emptiness. It will always exist and have value.
  • Option A is correct because it matches the meaning and context of the word "nothingness" in line 3 of the extract. It shows that the speaker thinks that beauty is eternal and immortal. He believes that beauty never fades or dies. Option B is incorrect because it does not match the meaning and context of the word “nothingness” in line 3 of the extract. Option C is incorrect because it does not match the meaning and context of the word “nothingness” in line 3 of the extract. Option D is incorrect because it does not match the meaning and context of the word “nothingness” in line 3 of the extract.
  • Therefore, option A is correct and the rest are incorrect.

Question (iii): Complete the sentence with the best option:

The speaker uses _____________ to create a sense of comfort and relaxation in line 4 of the extract.
(a) metaphor
(b) simile
(c) personification
(d) hyperbole
(a) metaphor
Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to identify the literary device that the speaker uses to create a sense of comfort and relaxation in line 4 of the extract.
  • A literary device is a technique that a writer uses to enhance the style, meaning, or effect of a text. It can also create different effects on the reader.
  • In line 4 of the extract, the speaker says that beauty will keep "a bower quiet for us." This creates a sense of comfort and relaxation for the reader. It makes us feel that beauty will provide us with a sheltered and peaceful place to rest and enjoy.
  • Option A is correct because it matches the literary device that the speaker uses to create a sense of comfort and relaxation in line 4 of the extract. It shows that he uses metaphor, which is a technique that involves using a word or phrase to describe something in a way that is not literally true but suggests a similarity or comparison. He compares beauty to a bower, which is a leafy shelter or recess. Option B is incorrect because it does not match the literary device that the speaker uses to create a sense of comfort and relaxation in line 4 of the extract. Option C is incorrect because it does not match the literary device that the speaker uses to create a sense of comfort and relaxation in line 4 of the extract. Option D is incorrect because it does not match the literary device that the speaker uses to create a sense of comfort and relaxation in line 4 of the extract.
  • Therefore, option A is correct and the rest are incorrect.

Question (iv): What is the tone of this extract?

(a) Angry and bitter
(b) Sad and hopeless
(c) Joyful and optimistic
(d) Calm and hopeful
(d) Calm and hopeful
Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to understand the tone of this extract. The tone of a text is the attitude or emotion that the writer conveys through their words and style. It can also affect how the reader feels about the text.
  • In this extract, the tone is calm and hopeful. The writer uses words and phrases that suggest a peaceful and positive mood, such as "a joy forever," "its loveliness increases," "a bower quiet for us," "a sleep full of sweet dreams," etc. He also expresses his appreciation and admiration for beauty and its effects on us.
  • Option D is correct because it matches the tone of this extract. It shows that the writer conveys a calm and hopeful attitude or emotion through his words and style. Option A is incorrect because it does not match the tone of this extract. Option B is incorrect because it does not match the tone of this extract. Option C is incorrect because it does not match the tone of this extract.
  • Therefore, option D is correct and the rest are incorrect.

Question (v): What does the use of the word "sleep" suggest in line 5 of the extract? (a) The speaker thinks that beauty is relaxing and soothing.
(b) The speaker thinks that beauty is boring and dull.
(c) The speaker thinks that beauty is dreamy and unreal.
(d) The speaker thinks that beauty is unconscious and unaware.

Ans: (a) The speaker thinks that beauty is relaxing and soothing.
Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to understand the meaning and context of the word "sleep" in line 5 of the extract. The word "sleep" is a noun that describes the state or condition of being asleep. It can also mean rest or slumber.
  • In this extract, the word "sleep" is used to describe what beauty will provide us with in line 5. It means that beauty will give us a restful and pleasant sleep that is full of sweet dreams, health, and quiet breathing.
  • Option A is correct because it matches the meaning and context of the word "sleep" in line 5 of the extract. It shows that the speaker thinks that beauty is relaxing and soothing. He believes that beauty can make us feel calm and comfortable. Option B is incorrect because it does not match the meaning and context of the word "sleep" in line 5 of the extract. Option C is incorrect because it does not match the meaning and context of the word "sleep" in line 5 of the extract. Option D is incorrect because it does not match the meaning and context of the word "sleep" in line 5 of the extract.
  • Therefore, option A is correct and the rest are incorrect.

Question (vi): What is the main theme or message of this extract? (a) The power and value of beauty in a world full of pain and sorrow.
(b) The diversity and complexity of beauty in a world full of different cultures and perspectives.
(c) The challenge and difficulty of beauty in a world full of competition and standards.
(d) The change and progress of beauty in a world full of innovation and development.

Ans: (a) The power and value of beauty in a world full of pain and sorrow.
Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to understand the main theme or message of this extract. The theme or message of a text is the main idea or lesson that the writer wants to convey through their words and style. It can also reflect their views or opinions on a topic or issue.
  • In this extract, the main theme or message is the power and value of beauty in a world full of pain and sorrow. The writer wants us to appreciate and admire beauty as a source of joy and inspiration that never fades or dies. He wants us to realize that beauty can make us love life and forget our troubles. He wants us to see beauty as a gift from God and a blessing for humanity.
  • Option A is correct because it matches the main theme or message of this extract. It shows that the writer wants to convey the power and value of beauty in a world full of pain and sorrow. Option B is incorrect because it does not match the main theme or message of this extract. Option C is incorrect because it does not match the main theme or message of this extract. Option D is incorrect because it does not match the main theme or message of this extract.
  • Therefore, option A is correct and the rest are incorrect.

Read the given extract and answer the questions
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils
With the green world they live in; and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make
‘Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake
(A Thing Of Beauty)

Question (i)What is the rhyme scheme of this extract?
(a) ABAB
(b) ABCB
(c) AABA
(d) None of the above
Ans: Answer written by the student: (a) ABAB
Step-by-step explanation:
A rhyme scheme is the pattern of sounds that repeats at the end of a line or stanza in a poem. To identify the rhyme scheme, we can assign a letter to each sound and see how they match or differ. For example, in the following extract, the rhyme scheme is ABAB:

  • For simple sheep; and such are daffodils (A)
  • With the green world they live in; and clear rills (B)
  • That for themselves a cooling covert make (A)
  • ‘Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake (B)

In this extract from "A Thing Of Beauty", there is a rhyme scheme because some of the sounds at the end of each line match or repeat. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) ABAB.

Question (ii) What does the use of the word "simple" suggest?
(a) The speaker is fond and respectful of sheep and daffodils

(b) The speaker is bored and disdainful of sheep and daffodils
(c) The speaker is curious and admiring of sheep and daffodils
(d) The speaker is confused and puzzled by sheep and daffodils
Ans: Answer written by the student: (a) The speaker is fond and respectful of sheep and daffodils
Step-by-step explanation:

  • Analysis is the process of examining the meaning and effect of the language used in a text. To analyze the use of a word, we can look at its definition, context, and connotations. The word "simple" means easy to understand or do; not complex or complicated.
  • In the context of the poem, the speaker says "for simple sheep; and such are daffodils." This implies that sheep and daffodils are examples of things that are simple and uncomplicated in their nature and behavior. They are also part of the green world that they live in, which suggests that they are natural and harmonious with their environment.
  • The connotations of the word "simple" are positive and respectful. It suggests that the speaker is fond and respectful of sheep and daffodils, not bored and disdainful, curious and admiring, or confused and puzzled by them. It also suggests that they appreciate their simplicity as a source of beauty and joy.
  • Therefore, the correct answer is (a) The speaker is fond and respectful of sheep and daffodils.

Question (iii) Select the option that is NOT true about the use of personification in this extract.

(a) It creates a sense of liveliness and movement in the poem
(b) It shows that the speaker is imaginative and creative in their vision
(c) It indicates that the speaker is lonely and isolated from other humans
(d) It reflects the speaker's connection and empathy with nature
Ans: Answer written by the student: (c) It indicates that the speaker is lonely and isolated from other humans
Step-by-step explanation:

Interpretation is the process of explaining the significance and implications of a text. To interpret the use of a literary device, we can look at how it affects the tone, mood, theme, and message of the text.

Personification is a literary device that gives human qualities or abilities to non-human things or phenomena. In this extract from "A Thing Of Beauty", the speaker uses personification in several ways:

  • They compare daffodils to sheep, which are living creatures that can move and graze.
  • They say that clear rills make a cooling covert for themselves, which implies that they have agency and intelligence to create shelter.
  • They use words like "live" and "make", which are verbs that denote human actions or activities.

The use of personification creates a sense of liveliness and movement in the poem, as it makes non-human things seem more animated and dynamic. This is true. The use of personification also shows that the speaker is imaginative and creative in their vision, as they use figurative language to describe nature in new and original ways. This is true. The use of personification also reflects the speaker's connection and empathy with nature, as they attribute human qualities or abilities to non-human things, which suggests that they feel close and related to them. This is true. The use of personification does not indicate that the speaker is lonely and isolated from other humans, as it does not imply any lack or absence of human companionship or interaction. Rather, it suggests that they find joy and comfort in nature's company. This is false.
Therefore, the correct answer is (c) It indicates that the speaker is lonely and isolated from other humans.

Question (iv)The speaker says that clear rills make a cooling covert for themselves. What does this imply about the nature and function of rills?

(a) Rills are small and insignificant streams that have no purpose or value
(b) Rills are large and powerful rivers that have a destructive or harmful impact
(c) Rills are calm and gentle brooks that have a soothing or refreshing effect
(d) Rills are fast and noisy rapids that have an exciting or thrilling influence

Ans: Answer written by the student: (c) Rills are calm and gentle brooks that have a soothing or refreshing effect
Step-by-step explanation:

  • Evaluation is the process of judging the quality and value of a text. To evaluate the implication of a statement, we can look at its logic, evidence, and relevance. The speaker says that clear rills make a cooling covert for themselves, which means that rills create a shady or hidden place for themselves to cool down.
  • This statement implies that rills are calm and gentle brooks, as they are clear and not muddy or polluted. They also have a soothing or refreshing effect, as they cool down themselves and their surroundings. Rills are not small and insignificant streams, as they have a purpose and value in nature. Rills are not large and powerful rivers, as they do not cause damage or harm to anything. Rills are not fast and noisy rapids, as they do not create excitement or thrill for anyone.
  • Therefore, the correct answer is (c) Rills are calm and gentle brooks that have a soothing or refreshing effect.

Question (v)Which word in the extract is closest in meaning to "covert"?

(a) Cover
(b) Convert
(c) Covert
(d) Comfort
Ans: Answer written by the student: (a) Cover
Step-by-step explanation:

  • Vocabulary is the set of words that a person knows and uses. To find the word that is closest in meaning to another word, we can look at their definitions, synonyms, and antonyms. The word "covert" means not openly acknowledged or displayed; secret or hidden.
  • In the context of the poem, the speaker says that clear rills make a cooling covert for themselves. This means that rills create a shady or hidden place for themselves to cool down. The word that is closest in meaning to "covert" is "cover", as it also implies something that protects or conceals something else, especially from view or danger. The word "convert" is different in meaning from "covert", as it implies something that changes or transforms something else, especially from one form or state to another. The word "covert" is the same in meaning as "covert", as it is the same word with a different spelling. The word "comfort" is different in meaning from "covert", as it implies something that provides physical or emotional relief or support to someone or something, especially in times of distress or difficulty.
  • Therefore, the correct answer is (a) Cover.

Question (vi)The speaker says that they make a flowery band to bind them to the earth. What does this suggest about their attitude towards nature?

(a) They are respectful and appreciative of nature
(b) They are curious and adventurous about nature
(c) They are fearful and cautious of nature
(d) They are dependent and attached to nature
Answer written by the student: (d) They are dependent and attached to nature
Step-by-step explanation:

  • Inference is the process of drawing conclusions from evidence and reasoning. To infer the attitude of the speaker, we can look at what they say and do in the poem, and how they relate to nature and its beauty.
  • The speaker says that they make a flowery band to bind them to the earth, which means that they try to find some beauty and joy in life by creating a wreath of flowers to connect them to nature and reality. This statement suggests that their attitude towards nature is dependent and attached, as they rely on nature for their happiness and meaning. They also feel bound by nature, with no hope or possibility of escape or change. They are not respectful or appreciative of nature, as they do not value or praise its beauty. They are not curious or adventurous about nature, as they do not seek or explore its diversity or wonders. They are not fearful or cautious of nature, as they do not avoid or protect themselves from its dangers or challenges.
  • Therefore, the correct answer is (d) They are dependent and attached to nature.
The document Extract Based Questions: A Thing of Beauty | English Class 12 is a part of the Class 12 Course English Class 12.
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FAQs on Extract Based Questions: A Thing of Beauty - English Class 12

1. What is the central theme of the poem "A Thing of Beauty"?
Ans. The central theme of the poem "A Thing of Beauty" is the idea that beauty has the power to bring joy and solace to our lives, even in the midst of sorrow and suffering.
2. Who is the poet of the poem "A Thing of Beauty"?
Ans. The poet of the poem "A Thing of Beauty" is John Keats, a renowned English Romantic poet.
3. What does the poet mean by "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" in the poem?
Ans. The poet means that beauty, whether in nature or art, has a timeless quality that can bring lasting happiness and inspiration to our lives.
4. How does the poet describe the beauty found in nature in the poem?
Ans. The poet describes the beauty found in nature as a source of solace and inspiration that can uplift the human spirit and provide comfort in times of sorrow.
5. What role does beauty play in the poet's exploration of the human experience in the poem?
Ans. Beauty serves as a powerful force that enriches and elevates the human experience, offering moments of joy, solace, and inspiration amidst the challenges and hardships of life.
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