Card: 17 / 44 |
What is the greatest 8-digit number, and how can the smallest 9-digit number be derived from it? |
Card: 18 / 44 |
The greatest 8-digit number is 99999999. Adding 1 to this number gives the smallest 9-digit number, which is 100000000. |
Card: 20 / 44 |
It is read as 'ninety-nine crore ninety-nine lakh ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine'. |
Card: 21 / 44 |
Fill in the blank: The smallest 10-digit number can be obtained by adding 1 to ___. |
Card: 37 / 44 |
Fill in the blank: The place value of each digit in a number is determined by its ___ in the number. |
Card: 39 / 44 |
Riddle: I am a period that consists of three digits, starting from the right, what am I? |