Flora and Fauna | Uttarakhand State PSC (UKPSC): Preparation - UKPSC (Uttarakhand) PDF Download

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Flora and Fauna
Uttarakhand houses a rich wealth of flora that mostly comprises of a variety
of flowers. The flora of Uttarakhand contains the alpine meadows where
flowers of different hues bloom every spring.
Moreover, as the statistics says, the flora of Uttarakhand comprises 343
species representing 256 genera belonging to 107 families. According to
scientific studies carried out by the Botanical Survey of India (BSI),
Uttarakhand is a floristically super-diverse state, with around 4,700 species of
flowering plant, representing nearly 25 percent of the Indian angiosperm
flora, reported. This vast diversity is found in various vegetation types,
ranging from the sub-tropical forests in the upper Gangetic plains and the
Shivalik zone in the south to the arctic-alpine vegetation of the trans-
Himalayan cold desert in the north.
Traditionally, the mountains in the lower regions of Uttarakhand were
covered with moist deciduous forest. Between elevations of 1,500-3,000m,
the major natural vegetation entails of Pine, Oak, Rhododendron, Walnut and
Larch. Below the snow line, the vegetation consists of forests of Spruce, Fir,
Cypress, Juniper and Birch, while above the snow line (in the higher altitude
of the State) is Alpine vegetation which includes Mosses, Lichen and a
diversity of wildflowers such as Blue Poppies and Edelweiss. As a result of
deforestation, much of the original fauna of the Himalayas are restricted to
protected areas and sanctuaries. Major fauna in the region are Himalayan
Bear, Musk Deer, the wild Goat Ghoral, Bharal or Blue Goat, Wolves, Snow
Leopards and varieties of deer such as Barking Deer. Avifauna in the region
is regarded as one of the richest in the sub-continent, with over 500 species of
The flora and vegetation of the state ranges from tropical deciduous to
alpine vegetation; broadly catagorised into three mazor types: 1. Sub-Tropical
Zone of Uttarakhand The sub-tropical zone has pure as well as mixed forests
of Shore Robusta (Sa I), the others being Lannea coromandelica (Jhingan),
Buchanania lanzan, Dalbergia disso (Shisham), Haldina cordifolia (Haldu),
Syzygium cumini (Jamun), Mallotus philippinensis (Rohini), Mitragyna
parvifolia, Terminalia spp. (Myrobalans), Ficus spp. (Figs), Macaranga
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Flora and Fauna
Uttarakhand houses a rich wealth of flora that mostly comprises of a variety
of flowers. The flora of Uttarakhand contains the alpine meadows where
flowers of different hues bloom every spring.
Moreover, as the statistics says, the flora of Uttarakhand comprises 343
species representing 256 genera belonging to 107 families. According to
scientific studies carried out by the Botanical Survey of India (BSI),
Uttarakhand is a floristically super-diverse state, with around 4,700 species of
flowering plant, representing nearly 25 percent of the Indian angiosperm
flora, reported. This vast diversity is found in various vegetation types,
ranging from the sub-tropical forests in the upper Gangetic plains and the
Shivalik zone in the south to the arctic-alpine vegetation of the trans-
Himalayan cold desert in the north.
Traditionally, the mountains in the lower regions of Uttarakhand were
covered with moist deciduous forest. Between elevations of 1,500-3,000m,
the major natural vegetation entails of Pine, Oak, Rhododendron, Walnut and
Larch. Below the snow line, the vegetation consists of forests of Spruce, Fir,
Cypress, Juniper and Birch, while above the snow line (in the higher altitude
of the State) is Alpine vegetation which includes Mosses, Lichen and a
diversity of wildflowers such as Blue Poppies and Edelweiss. As a result of
deforestation, much of the original fauna of the Himalayas are restricted to
protected areas and sanctuaries. Major fauna in the region are Himalayan
Bear, Musk Deer, the wild Goat Ghoral, Bharal or Blue Goat, Wolves, Snow
Leopards and varieties of deer such as Barking Deer. Avifauna in the region
is regarded as one of the richest in the sub-continent, with over 500 species of
The flora and vegetation of the state ranges from tropical deciduous to
alpine vegetation; broadly catagorised into three mazor types: 1. Sub-Tropical
Zone of Uttarakhand The sub-tropical zone has pure as well as mixed forests
of Shore Robusta (Sa I), the others being Lannea coromandelica (Jhingan),
Buchanania lanzan, Dalbergia disso (Shisham), Haldina cordifolia (Haldu),
Syzygium cumini (Jamun), Mallotus philippinensis (Rohini), Mitragyna
parvifolia, Terminalia spp. (Myrobalans), Ficus spp. (Figs), Macaranga
pustulata, Callicarpa arborea, Diopoknema butyracea (Chyura), Bauhinia
variegate (Kachnar), Bomb ax cobia (Semal), Lydia claying (Pula),
Schleicher oleos (Kokum), Holoptelea integrities (Karanj), Cassia fistula
(Amaltas), Nyctanthes arbor-tristis (Parijat), Anogeissus latifolia (Bakli,
Dhaura), etc. The shrubby vegetation is represented by Murraya koenigii,
Carissa opaca, Clerodendrum viscous, Adhatoda vasica, Jasminum
multiflorum, Solanum erianthum, Cal/icarpa macrophylla, Eranthemum
nervosum, Phlogacanthus thyrsiformis, Jatropha curcas, Rhus parviflora,
Dodonaea viscosa, Woodfordia fruticosa and many others. 2. Temperate
Zone of Uttarakhand The Temperate zone is marked by the presence of
Quercus leucotrichophora (Banj oak), Rhododendron arboretum (Burans),
Myrica esculent a (Kaphal), Leonia ovalifolia (Aynor), Ibex dipyrena,
Quercus semecarpifolia (Kharsu Oak), Q. dilatata (Moru Oak), etc. The
coniferous forests in this zone are unique. Pure stands of Pinus roxburghii
(Chir Pine) and Cadres deodar (Deodar, Cedar), Abides windrow (Raga),
Pinus wal/ichiana (Kail), Taxus wal/ichiana (Thuner, Himalayan Yew) at
places give a pristine look to the slopes. The slopes in temperate zone also
have insectivorous plants like Drosera peltata and species of Utricularia.
Another such species is Pinguicula alpina seen in Martoli Bugyal, Kumaon.
The Saprophytes and Parasites are also well represented by Monotropa
unit/ora, Dendrophthoe falcata (Banda), Balanophora in volucrata, and
species of Viscum, Korthalsella, Arceuthobium, Scurrula, etc. The zone has a
variety of useful plants, some of them well known for centuries. These
include Cedrus deodar a, Pinus spp., Abies pindrow, Quercus spp., Aconitum
heterophyllum, Paeonia emodi, Swertia chirayita, Bergenia ciliata, Dioscorea
deltoidea, Angelica glauca (Choru), etc. 3. Sub-Alpine and Alpine Zones of
Uttarakhand The altitude above 3,000 metres is generally considered a zone
of sub-alpine and alpine vegetation. The tree species are represented by Pinus
wallichiana, Abies pindrow, Prunus cornuta, Acer caesium, Betula utilis
(Bhoj Patra) and Salix sp. Species of the genera Cotoneaster, Rosa, Berberis,
Ribes, Junipers, Rhododendron anthropogenic, Rhododendron campanulas
are the shrubby components of the zone. The herbaceous vegetation is
represented by a number of species of genera Po ten till, Primula, Aster,
Saxifrage, Achaean, Delphinium, Polygonal,Corydalis, Pleurospermum,
Meconopsis, Pedicularis, Saussurea, Rheum, Silene, etc. The Bugyals of this
zone are well known for a rich and diversified flora. Plant species like
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Flora and Fauna
Uttarakhand houses a rich wealth of flora that mostly comprises of a variety
of flowers. The flora of Uttarakhand contains the alpine meadows where
flowers of different hues bloom every spring.
Moreover, as the statistics says, the flora of Uttarakhand comprises 343
species representing 256 genera belonging to 107 families. According to
scientific studies carried out by the Botanical Survey of India (BSI),
Uttarakhand is a floristically super-diverse state, with around 4,700 species of
flowering plant, representing nearly 25 percent of the Indian angiosperm
flora, reported. This vast diversity is found in various vegetation types,
ranging from the sub-tropical forests in the upper Gangetic plains and the
Shivalik zone in the south to the arctic-alpine vegetation of the trans-
Himalayan cold desert in the north.
Traditionally, the mountains in the lower regions of Uttarakhand were
covered with moist deciduous forest. Between elevations of 1,500-3,000m,
the major natural vegetation entails of Pine, Oak, Rhododendron, Walnut and
Larch. Below the snow line, the vegetation consists of forests of Spruce, Fir,
Cypress, Juniper and Birch, while above the snow line (in the higher altitude
of the State) is Alpine vegetation which includes Mosses, Lichen and a
diversity of wildflowers such as Blue Poppies and Edelweiss. As a result of
deforestation, much of the original fauna of the Himalayas are restricted to
protected areas and sanctuaries. Major fauna in the region are Himalayan
Bear, Musk Deer, the wild Goat Ghoral, Bharal or Blue Goat, Wolves, Snow
Leopards and varieties of deer such as Barking Deer. Avifauna in the region
is regarded as one of the richest in the sub-continent, with over 500 species of
The flora and vegetation of the state ranges from tropical deciduous to
alpine vegetation; broadly catagorised into three mazor types: 1. Sub-Tropical
Zone of Uttarakhand The sub-tropical zone has pure as well as mixed forests
of Shore Robusta (Sa I), the others being Lannea coromandelica (Jhingan),
Buchanania lanzan, Dalbergia disso (Shisham), Haldina cordifolia (Haldu),
Syzygium cumini (Jamun), Mallotus philippinensis (Rohini), Mitragyna
parvifolia, Terminalia spp. (Myrobalans), Ficus spp. (Figs), Macaranga
pustulata, Callicarpa arborea, Diopoknema butyracea (Chyura), Bauhinia
variegate (Kachnar), Bomb ax cobia (Semal), Lydia claying (Pula),
Schleicher oleos (Kokum), Holoptelea integrities (Karanj), Cassia fistula
(Amaltas), Nyctanthes arbor-tristis (Parijat), Anogeissus latifolia (Bakli,
Dhaura), etc. The shrubby vegetation is represented by Murraya koenigii,
Carissa opaca, Clerodendrum viscous, Adhatoda vasica, Jasminum
multiflorum, Solanum erianthum, Cal/icarpa macrophylla, Eranthemum
nervosum, Phlogacanthus thyrsiformis, Jatropha curcas, Rhus parviflora,
Dodonaea viscosa, Woodfordia fruticosa and many others. 2. Temperate
Zone of Uttarakhand The Temperate zone is marked by the presence of
Quercus leucotrichophora (Banj oak), Rhododendron arboretum (Burans),
Myrica esculent a (Kaphal), Leonia ovalifolia (Aynor), Ibex dipyrena,
Quercus semecarpifolia (Kharsu Oak), Q. dilatata (Moru Oak), etc. The
coniferous forests in this zone are unique. Pure stands of Pinus roxburghii
(Chir Pine) and Cadres deodar (Deodar, Cedar), Abides windrow (Raga),
Pinus wal/ichiana (Kail), Taxus wal/ichiana (Thuner, Himalayan Yew) at
places give a pristine look to the slopes. The slopes in temperate zone also
have insectivorous plants like Drosera peltata and species of Utricularia.
Another such species is Pinguicula alpina seen in Martoli Bugyal, Kumaon.
The Saprophytes and Parasites are also well represented by Monotropa
unit/ora, Dendrophthoe falcata (Banda), Balanophora in volucrata, and
species of Viscum, Korthalsella, Arceuthobium, Scurrula, etc. The zone has a
variety of useful plants, some of them well known for centuries. These
include Cedrus deodar a, Pinus spp., Abies pindrow, Quercus spp., Aconitum
heterophyllum, Paeonia emodi, Swertia chirayita, Bergenia ciliata, Dioscorea
deltoidea, Angelica glauca (Choru), etc. 3. Sub-Alpine and Alpine Zones of
Uttarakhand The altitude above 3,000 metres is generally considered a zone
of sub-alpine and alpine vegetation. The tree species are represented by Pinus
wallichiana, Abies pindrow, Prunus cornuta, Acer caesium, Betula utilis
(Bhoj Patra) and Salix sp. Species of the genera Cotoneaster, Rosa, Berberis,
Ribes, Junipers, Rhododendron anthropogenic, Rhododendron campanulas
are the shrubby components of the zone. The herbaceous vegetation is
represented by a number of species of genera Po ten till, Primula, Aster,
Saxifrage, Achaean, Delphinium, Polygonal,Corydalis, Pleurospermum,
Meconopsis, Pedicularis, Saussurea, Rheum, Silene, etc. The Bugyals of this
zone are well known for a rich and diversified flora. Plant species like
Nardostachys grand flora (Jatamansi), Podophyllum hexandrum (Himalayan
May-Apple, Papri), Picrorhiza kurrooa (Kutaki), Gentian burro, Armenia
benthonic (Bal char), Rheum moorcroftianum (Dole), Ephedra gerardiana,
Dactylorhiza hatagirea (Hatthajari), etc., common in this zone, are of
immense medicinal value. The rich floral diversity of the state comprises
5096 species of Angiosperms and Gymnosperms.Uttarakhand is a home for
many species species of birds, mammals and reptiles. A total of 4907 faunal
species including mammals, birds, reptiles, etc have been reports from the
Uttarakhand is a storehouse for a diverse range of flora and fauna and rare
species of plants including a rich variety of herbs, medicinal and aromatic
plant species. This enables the state to offer immense opportunities for the
development of export-oriented units based on such products. The state is
home to more than 175 species of rare medicinal, aromatic & herbal plants
with 625 Ha area under their cultivation (Forest Department, Uttarakhand).
Recognizing the potential of this sector, the state government has already
declared it as a ‘herbal state’. These plants play a vital role in primary health
care systems, ethno-medicine, as well as the traditional Indian system of
medicines, viz., ayurveda, unani, siddha, naturopathy and even in
homeopathy and allopathy. In the budget 2016-17, the state government
decided to select 20 villages of the state for plantation of medicinal herbs.
The Himalayas have a great wealth of medicinal plants and traditional
medicinal knowledge. The Central Himalayan Region covers the Uttarakhand
state of India, provides excellent opportunities for studying the Traditional
Knowledge Systems. The Indian Himalayan region of Uttarakhand alone
supports about 18,440 species of plants (Angiosperms: 8000 spp.,
Gymnosperm: 44 spp., Pteridophytes: 600 spp., Bryophytes: 1736 spp.,
Lichens: 1159 spp. and Fungi: 6900 spp.) of which about 45% are having
medicinal properties. According to Samant et al., out of the total species of
vascular plants, 1748 spp. species are medicinal. Uttarakhand is a storehouse
of a rich variety herbs and medicinal and aromatic plant species. The
Government intends to exploit this advantage. Uttarakhand has observed an
increase in the area under cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants. The
number of farmers engaged in cultivation of aromatic plants in Uttarakhand
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Flora and Fauna
Uttarakhand houses a rich wealth of flora that mostly comprises of a variety
of flowers. The flora of Uttarakhand contains the alpine meadows where
flowers of different hues bloom every spring.
Moreover, as the statistics says, the flora of Uttarakhand comprises 343
species representing 256 genera belonging to 107 families. According to
scientific studies carried out by the Botanical Survey of India (BSI),
Uttarakhand is a floristically super-diverse state, with around 4,700 species of
flowering plant, representing nearly 25 percent of the Indian angiosperm
flora, reported. This vast diversity is found in various vegetation types,
ranging from the sub-tropical forests in the upper Gangetic plains and the
Shivalik zone in the south to the arctic-alpine vegetation of the trans-
Himalayan cold desert in the north.
Traditionally, the mountains in the lower regions of Uttarakhand were
covered with moist deciduous forest. Between elevations of 1,500-3,000m,
the major natural vegetation entails of Pine, Oak, Rhododendron, Walnut and
Larch. Below the snow line, the vegetation consists of forests of Spruce, Fir,
Cypress, Juniper and Birch, while above the snow line (in the higher altitude
of the State) is Alpine vegetation which includes Mosses, Lichen and a
diversity of wildflowers such as Blue Poppies and Edelweiss. As a result of
deforestation, much of the original fauna of the Himalayas are restricted to
protected areas and sanctuaries. Major fauna in the region are Himalayan
Bear, Musk Deer, the wild Goat Ghoral, Bharal or Blue Goat, Wolves, Snow
Leopards and varieties of deer such as Barking Deer. Avifauna in the region
is regarded as one of the richest in the sub-continent, with over 500 species of
The flora and vegetation of the state ranges from tropical deciduous to
alpine vegetation; broadly catagorised into three mazor types: 1. Sub-Tropical
Zone of Uttarakhand The sub-tropical zone has pure as well as mixed forests
of Shore Robusta (Sa I), the others being Lannea coromandelica (Jhingan),
Buchanania lanzan, Dalbergia disso (Shisham), Haldina cordifolia (Haldu),
Syzygium cumini (Jamun), Mallotus philippinensis (Rohini), Mitragyna
parvifolia, Terminalia spp. (Myrobalans), Ficus spp. (Figs), Macaranga
pustulata, Callicarpa arborea, Diopoknema butyracea (Chyura), Bauhinia
variegate (Kachnar), Bomb ax cobia (Semal), Lydia claying (Pula),
Schleicher oleos (Kokum), Holoptelea integrities (Karanj), Cassia fistula
(Amaltas), Nyctanthes arbor-tristis (Parijat), Anogeissus latifolia (Bakli,
Dhaura), etc. The shrubby vegetation is represented by Murraya koenigii,
Carissa opaca, Clerodendrum viscous, Adhatoda vasica, Jasminum
multiflorum, Solanum erianthum, Cal/icarpa macrophylla, Eranthemum
nervosum, Phlogacanthus thyrsiformis, Jatropha curcas, Rhus parviflora,
Dodonaea viscosa, Woodfordia fruticosa and many others. 2. Temperate
Zone of Uttarakhand The Temperate zone is marked by the presence of
Quercus leucotrichophora (Banj oak), Rhododendron arboretum (Burans),
Myrica esculent a (Kaphal), Leonia ovalifolia (Aynor), Ibex dipyrena,
Quercus semecarpifolia (Kharsu Oak), Q. dilatata (Moru Oak), etc. The
coniferous forests in this zone are unique. Pure stands of Pinus roxburghii
(Chir Pine) and Cadres deodar (Deodar, Cedar), Abides windrow (Raga),
Pinus wal/ichiana (Kail), Taxus wal/ichiana (Thuner, Himalayan Yew) at
places give a pristine look to the slopes. The slopes in temperate zone also
have insectivorous plants like Drosera peltata and species of Utricularia.
Another such species is Pinguicula alpina seen in Martoli Bugyal, Kumaon.
The Saprophytes and Parasites are also well represented by Monotropa
unit/ora, Dendrophthoe falcata (Banda), Balanophora in volucrata, and
species of Viscum, Korthalsella, Arceuthobium, Scurrula, etc. The zone has a
variety of useful plants, some of them well known for centuries. These
include Cedrus deodar a, Pinus spp., Abies pindrow, Quercus spp., Aconitum
heterophyllum, Paeonia emodi, Swertia chirayita, Bergenia ciliata, Dioscorea
deltoidea, Angelica glauca (Choru), etc. 3. Sub-Alpine and Alpine Zones of
Uttarakhand The altitude above 3,000 metres is generally considered a zone
of sub-alpine and alpine vegetation. The tree species are represented by Pinus
wallichiana, Abies pindrow, Prunus cornuta, Acer caesium, Betula utilis
(Bhoj Patra) and Salix sp. Species of the genera Cotoneaster, Rosa, Berberis,
Ribes, Junipers, Rhododendron anthropogenic, Rhododendron campanulas
are the shrubby components of the zone. The herbaceous vegetation is
represented by a number of species of genera Po ten till, Primula, Aster,
Saxifrage, Achaean, Delphinium, Polygonal,Corydalis, Pleurospermum,
Meconopsis, Pedicularis, Saussurea, Rheum, Silene, etc. The Bugyals of this
zone are well known for a rich and diversified flora. Plant species like
Nardostachys grand flora (Jatamansi), Podophyllum hexandrum (Himalayan
May-Apple, Papri), Picrorhiza kurrooa (Kutaki), Gentian burro, Armenia
benthonic (Bal char), Rheum moorcroftianum (Dole), Ephedra gerardiana,
Dactylorhiza hatagirea (Hatthajari), etc., common in this zone, are of
immense medicinal value. The rich floral diversity of the state comprises
5096 species of Angiosperms and Gymnosperms.Uttarakhand is a home for
many species species of birds, mammals and reptiles. A total of 4907 faunal
species including mammals, birds, reptiles, etc have been reports from the
Uttarakhand is a storehouse for a diverse range of flora and fauna and rare
species of plants including a rich variety of herbs, medicinal and aromatic
plant species. This enables the state to offer immense opportunities for the
development of export-oriented units based on such products. The state is
home to more than 175 species of rare medicinal, aromatic & herbal plants
with 625 Ha area under their cultivation (Forest Department, Uttarakhand).
Recognizing the potential of this sector, the state government has already
declared it as a ‘herbal state’. These plants play a vital role in primary health
care systems, ethno-medicine, as well as the traditional Indian system of
medicines, viz., ayurveda, unani, siddha, naturopathy and even in
homeopathy and allopathy. In the budget 2016-17, the state government
decided to select 20 villages of the state for plantation of medicinal herbs.
The Himalayas have a great wealth of medicinal plants and traditional
medicinal knowledge. The Central Himalayan Region covers the Uttarakhand
state of India, provides excellent opportunities for studying the Traditional
Knowledge Systems. The Indian Himalayan region of Uttarakhand alone
supports about 18,440 species of plants (Angiosperms: 8000 spp.,
Gymnosperm: 44 spp., Pteridophytes: 600 spp., Bryophytes: 1736 spp.,
Lichens: 1159 spp. and Fungi: 6900 spp.) of which about 45% are having
medicinal properties. According to Samant et al., out of the total species of
vascular plants, 1748 spp. species are medicinal. Uttarakhand is a storehouse
of a rich variety herbs and medicinal and aromatic plant species. The
Government intends to exploit this advantage. Uttarakhand has observed an
increase in the area under cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants. The
number of farmers engaged in cultivation of aromatic plants in Uttarakhand
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Flora and Fauna
Uttarakhand houses a rich wealth of flora that mostly comprises of a variety
of flowers. The flora of Uttarakhand contains the alpine meadows where
flowers of different hues bloom every spring.
Moreover, as the statistics says, the flora of Uttarakhand comprises 343
species representing 256 genera belonging to 107 families. According to
scientific studies carried out by the Botanical Survey of India (BSI),
Uttarakhand is a floristically super-diverse state, with around 4,700 species of
flowering plant, representing nearly 25 percent of the Indian angiosperm
flora, reported. This vast diversity is found in various vegetation types,
ranging from the sub-tropical forests in the upper Gangetic plains and the
Shivalik zone in the south to the arctic-alpine vegetation of the trans-
Himalayan cold desert in the north.
Traditionally, the mountains in the lower regions of Uttarakhand were
covered with moist deciduous forest. Between elevations of 1,500-3,000m,
the major natural vegetation entails of Pine, Oak, Rhododendron, Walnut and
Larch. Below the snow line, the vegetation consists of forests of Spruce, Fir,
Cypress, Juniper and Birch, while above the snow line (in the higher altitude
of the State) is Alpine vegetation which includes Mosses, Lichen and a
diversity of wildflowers such as Blue Poppies and Edelweiss. As a result of
deforestation, much of the original fauna of the Himalayas are restricted to
protected areas and sanctuaries. Major fauna in the region are Himalayan
Bear, Musk Deer, the wild Goat Ghoral, Bharal or Blue Goat, Wolves, Snow
Leopards and varieties of deer such as Barking Deer. Avifauna in the region
is regarded as one of the richest in the sub-continent, with over 500 species of
The flora and vegetation of the state ranges from tropical deciduous to
alpine vegetation; broadly catagorised into three mazor types: 1. Sub-Tropical
Zone of Uttarakhand The sub-tropical zone has pure as well as mixed forests
of Shore Robusta (Sa I), the others being Lannea coromandelica (Jhingan),
Buchanania lanzan, Dalbergia disso (Shisham), Haldina cordifolia (Haldu),
Syzygium cumini (Jamun), Mallotus philippinensis (Rohini), Mitragyna
parvifolia, Terminalia spp. (Myrobalans), Ficus spp. (Figs), Macaranga
pustulata, Callicarpa arborea, Diopoknema butyracea (Chyura), Bauhinia
variegate (Kachnar), Bomb ax cobia (Semal), Lydia claying (Pula),
Schleicher oleos (Kokum), Holoptelea integrities (Karanj), Cassia fistula
(Amaltas), Nyctanthes arbor-tristis (Parijat), Anogeissus latifolia (Bakli,
Dhaura), etc. The shrubby vegetation is represented by Murraya koenigii,
Carissa opaca, Clerodendrum viscous, Adhatoda vasica, Jasminum
multiflorum, Solanum erianthum, Cal/icarpa macrophylla, Eranthemum
nervosum, Phlogacanthus thyrsiformis, Jatropha curcas, Rhus parviflora,
Dodonaea viscosa, Woodfordia fruticosa and many others. 2. Temperate
Zone of Uttarakhand The Temperate zone is marked by the presence of
Quercus leucotrichophora (Banj oak), Rhododendron arboretum (Burans),
Myrica esculent a (Kaphal), Leonia ovalifolia (Aynor), Ibex dipyrena,
Quercus semecarpifolia (Kharsu Oak), Q. dilatata (Moru Oak), etc. The
coniferous forests in this zone are unique. Pure stands of Pinus roxburghii
(Chir Pine) and Cadres deodar (Deodar, Cedar), Abides windrow (Raga),
Pinus wal/ichiana (Kail), Taxus wal/ichiana (Thuner, Himalayan Yew) at
places give a pristine look to the slopes. The slopes in temperate zone also
have insectivorous plants like Drosera peltata and species of Utricularia.
Another such species is Pinguicula alpina seen in Martoli Bugyal, Kumaon.
The Saprophytes and Parasites are also well represented by Monotropa
unit/ora, Dendrophthoe falcata (Banda), Balanophora in volucrata, and
species of Viscum, Korthalsella, Arceuthobium, Scurrula, etc. The zone has a
variety of useful plants, some of them well known for centuries. These
include Cedrus deodar a, Pinus spp., Abies pindrow, Quercus spp., Aconitum
heterophyllum, Paeonia emodi, Swertia chirayita, Bergenia ciliata, Dioscorea
deltoidea, Angelica glauca (Choru), etc. 3. Sub-Alpine and Alpine Zones of
Uttarakhand The altitude above 3,000 metres is generally considered a zone
of sub-alpine and alpine vegetation. The tree species are represented by Pinus
wallichiana, Abies pindrow, Prunus cornuta, Acer caesium, Betula utilis
(Bhoj Patra) and Salix sp. Species of the genera Cotoneaster, Rosa, Berberis,
Ribes, Junipers, Rhododendron anthropogenic, Rhododendron campanulas
are the shrubby components of the zone. The herbaceous vegetation is
represented by a number of species of genera Po ten till, Primula, Aster,
Saxifrage, Achaean, Delphinium, Polygonal,Corydalis, Pleurospermum,
Meconopsis, Pedicularis, Saussurea, Rheum, Silene, etc. The Bugyals of this
zone are well known for a rich and diversified flora. Plant species like
Nardostachys grand flora (Jatamansi), Podophyllum hexandrum (Himalayan
May-Apple, Papri), Picrorhiza kurrooa (Kutaki), Gentian burro, Armenia
benthonic (Bal char), Rheum moorcroftianum (Dole), Ephedra gerardiana,
Dactylorhiza hatagirea (Hatthajari), etc., common in this zone, are of
immense medicinal value. The rich floral diversity of the state comprises
5096 species of Angiosperms and Gymnosperms.Uttarakhand is a home for
many species species of birds, mammals and reptiles. A total of 4907 faunal
species including mammals, birds, reptiles, etc have been reports from the
Uttarakhand is a storehouse for a diverse range of flora and fauna and rare
species of plants including a rich variety of herbs, medicinal and aromatic
plant species. This enables the state to offer immense opportunities for the
development of export-oriented units based on such products. The state is
home to more than 175 species of rare medicinal, aromatic & herbal plants
with 625 Ha area under their cultivation (Forest Department, Uttarakhand).
Recognizing the potential of this sector, the state government has already
declared it as a ‘herbal state’. These plants play a vital role in primary health
care systems, ethno-medicine, as well as the traditional Indian system of
medicines, viz., ayurveda, unani, siddha, naturopathy and even in
homeopathy and allopathy. In the budget 2016-17, the state government
decided to select 20 villages of the state for plantation of medicinal herbs.
The Himalayas have a great wealth of medicinal plants and traditional
medicinal knowledge. The Central Himalayan Region covers the Uttarakhand
state of India, provides excellent opportunities for studying the Traditional
Knowledge Systems. The Indian Himalayan region of Uttarakhand alone
supports about 18,440 species of plants (Angiosperms: 8000 spp.,
Gymnosperm: 44 spp., Pteridophytes: 600 spp., Bryophytes: 1736 spp.,
Lichens: 1159 spp. and Fungi: 6900 spp.) of which about 45% are having
medicinal properties. According to Samant et al., out of the total species of
vascular plants, 1748 spp. species are medicinal. Uttarakhand is a storehouse
of a rich variety herbs and medicinal and aromatic plant species. The
Government intends to exploit this advantage. Uttarakhand has observed an
increase in the area under cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants. The
number of farmers engaged in cultivation of aromatic plants in Uttarakhand
R. lasiocarpus, Sm. Kala Hisalu Leaf In pregnancy
Bergenia ciliata, Moench. Silfhora Root For Hydrophobia
Ribes grossularia,Linn. Caktu
For preventing
Punica granatum, Linn. Darim
Skull of
As antimicrobials
Woodfordia floribunda,
Dhow Flower As energy syrup
Centella asiatica,
Brahmi Leaf For brain fever
Cuminum cyminum, L. Jeera Seed For indigestion
Foeniculum vulgare, Mill. Saup Seed For Hookworm
Pimpinella diversifolia, Dc Dhanjari Seed For Lactation
Abina cordifolia, Hook. F Haldu
For Wound & fever
Valeriana hardwichii,wall. Samyo, Dhup Root For titaini
Aesculus indica, Colebr. Pangar Fruit In stomach problem
Artemisia maritime,Linn. - Bud/Leaf For Indigestion
A. nilagirica, Pampanini. Patti,Kunj
For urinary tract
Artemisia parviflora, Roxb. Patti, Dhopani Leaf/ Bud For round worm
A. sacrorum, Ladeb.
Leaf/Bud For hair fall
For skin disease
S. rufinervis, DC. - Seed For wound
G. pretense, Linn. Chalmori
In fever, urine
problem, eye
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