[Green moss or cord moss or rope moss]
Systematic Position
Division : Bryophyta
Class : Bryopsida
Order : Funariales
Family : Funariaceae
Genus : Funaria
Species: Funaria hygrometrica
Distribution & Habitat
Funaria hygrometrica is a cosmopolitan species.
The plants (mosses) are found in damp and shady localities.
Tallest moss is Dawsonia.
The adult plant body of moss represents Gametophytic phase.
It is found in two forms :
(a) Protonema : Prostrate, Creeping filament, Ephemeral, Multicellular and filamentous algae like – [Juvenile stage]
(b) Gametophore : [Erect and Foliose]
(i) Rhizoids (ii) Axis (iii) Leaves
Rhizoids :
Function :
They help to fix the plant and in the absorption of water and minerals.
Axis :
Leaves :
Note : A pyramidal shape apical cell is responsible for the growth of apex of axis.
Internal Structure
1. Axis or stem : A transverse section of the mature axis shows three distinct regions.
(a) Epidermis : It is the outermost layer, composed of tangentially elongated chlrophyllous cells. It has no stomata and cuticle.
(b) Cortex : It is multilayered parenchymatous region. The cells of outer layers are thick walled and the cells of inner layers are thin walled.
(c) Central Cylinder : It is composed of long, colourless and thin walled cells. These cells are dead and lack protoplasm. They help in the conduction of water and nutrients.
2. Leaf : In the V.S. of leaf lamina one multilayered median vein is found and its both side having single layered wings.
Reproduction in gametophyte of Funaria is of two type-
(1) Vegetative (2) Sexual
Fragmentation of primary protonema
(ii) Secondary protonema
(iii) Bulbils
Sexual Reproduction
[Note : Autocious means when two different sex organs are born on different head of the same plant.]
It has single layer jacket.
In Antheridium many androcytes are present. Each androcyte forms long, spirally coiled, biflagellated antherozoids by metamorphosis.
Chloroplast is present in jacket cells of young antheridium due to which they are green but orange colour of jacket of mature antheridium is due to presence of chromoplast.
At the apex of jacket two colourless cells are present called as opercular cells or cap cells.
In between the antheridia, paraphysis are present which are green, upright and multicellular capitate hairs.
Antheridia and paraphysis are surrounded by perigonial leaves.
Function of paraphysis : Provide protection to antheridia and water secretion.
Archegonium of Funaria develops from an apical cell at the archegonial branch.
A mature archegonium is flask shaped structure paraphysis are also present between archegonia which are not capitate. They are surrounded by perichaetial leaves.
Archegonium is distinguished into stalk, venter and neck.
A swollen double layered venter contain an egg and a venter canal cell.
Neck contains six or more (6-10) neck canal cells. It is capped by four cover cells.
Jacket of neck is single layered and made of six vertical rows of neck cells.
In each vertical row 6 to 9 neck cells are present.
Water medium is essential for fertilization and the apical cells of the antheridium Jacket which forms operculum absorbs water and bursts.
The spirally coiled biflagellate antherozoids escape from the antheridium.
The neck canal cells and venter canal cells also degenerate to form a mucilaginous substance which absorb water to exert a pressure so cover cells become separated from each other and to form a passage for antherozoids.
The antherozoids are attracted towards the neck of the archegonium by some chemotactic substance, possibly sugar, produced by archegonium.
An antherozoids fused with egg of archegonium to form a diploid zygote.
Diploid zygote divides to produce sporophyte of Funaria.
The mature sporophyte distinguished into three parts : Foot, seta and capsule.
(i) Foot : Foot is very small and formed by parenchymatous cells. It absorbs water and nutrients from the gametophyte.
(ii) Seta : Seta is a thick and thread like structure. It is hygroscopic in nature.
Function :
(iii) Capsule :
Development of capsule takes place by upper apical cell of embryo.
(i) Upper Opercular region
(ii) Middle Theca region
(iii) Lower Apophyseal region - Stoma
(i) Opercular region :
(ii) Theca region :
Function of columella : It provides water and food to developing spores in spore sac.
Function of trabeculae : It connects the inner most layer of capsule wall to outer most layer of outer wall of spore sac.
(iii) Apophyseal region :
Note :
Funaria is a protoandrous moss.
Internal structure of Sphagnum stem is differentiated into central medulla, cortex and epidermis.
Medulla has hadrome. Hadrome is water conducting tissue and it is made up of parenchyma.
Stem of Sphagnum contain special type of water storage cells are called “retort cells”(Star shape or bottle neck like cells.).
Upper region of capsule is covered by membranous structure called calyptra. Calyptra is formed by venter of archegonium. So it is gametophytic tissue or paternal tissue (n).
The sterile tissue of capsule can be divided into four regions.
Polytrichum : (Hair cap moss) :
Sphagnum – Peat moss / Bog moss / Turf moss.
Peristome teeth absent
1. What is Funaria? |
2. What are the distinguishing features of Funaria mosses? |
3. How does Funaria reproduce? |
4. Where can Funaria mosses be found? |
5. What is the ecological significance of Funaria mosses? |