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Functions: Practice Problems | Basics of Python - Software Development PDF Download

Problem 1: Write a Python function called max_of_three to find the maximum value between three numbers. Do not use the max() function.

Hint: in my solution, I found it easiest to create a different function called max_of_two and use that function to base my max_of_three off of.

def max_of_two( x, y ):

    if x > y:

        return x

    return y

def max_of_three( x, y, z ):

    return max_of_two( x, max_of_two( y, z ) )

print(max_of_three(3, 6, -5))

Problem 2: Write a Python function called multiply to multiply all of the numbers in a list together and return that value. The function should be created in such a way that it will work for both lists, tuples, and sets.

def multiply(numbers):  

    total = 1

    for x in numbers:

        total *= x  

    return total  

testList = [8, 2, 3, -1, 7]


Problem 3: Write a Python function called caseCounter that counts the number of lowercase and uppercase characters in a string. If you're up to it, store the lowercase and uppercase variables in a dictionary within the function. The function should print two sentences that state the number of uppercase and lowercase characters.

def caseCounter(s):

    d={"UPPER_CASE":0, "LOWER_CASE":0}

    for c in s:

        if c.isupper():


        elif c.islower():




    print ("No. of uppercase characters : ", d["UPPER_CASE"])

    print ("No. of lowercase Characters : ", d["LOWER_CASE"])

    print(caseCounter('Nicholas McCullum'))

Problem 4: Write a Python function called duplicateEliminator that takes in a list, eliminates any duplicate values, and returns a set.
Hint: This is probably easier than you think.

def duplicateEliminator(l):

    return set(l)


Problem 5: Write a Python function called squareMachine that takes in a list and returns another list whose elements are the values of the first list squared.

def squareMachine(theList):

    i = 0

    while i < len(theList):

        theList[i] = theList[i]**2

        i += 1

    return theList


Problem 6: Write a Python function called dictDecomposer that takes in a dictionary and prints two lines of text:

  • One line stating the keys of the dictionary
  • One line stating the values of the dictionary

An example output from the correct solution is below:
The keys of the dictionary are ['firstName', 'lastName']
The values of the dictionary are ['Nick', 'McCullum']

def dictDecomposer(theDict):

    print(f"The keys of the dictionary are {list(theDict.keys())}")

    print(f"The values of the dictionary are {list(theDict.values())}")

    testDictionary = {

    'firstName': 'Nick',

    'lastName': 'McCullum'



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