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IIT JAM Mathematics 2012 Past Year Paper | Past Year Papers of IIT JAM Mathematics PDF Download

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 2012- MA
 Test Centre: 
 Do not write your Registration Number 
or Name anywhere else in this 
question-cum-answer booklet. 
 I have read all the instructions and shall 
abide by them. 
Signature of the Candidate 
        2012- MA 
Test Paper Code: MA 
        Time: 3 Hours             Maximum Marks: 300 
1. This question-cum-answer booklet has 36 pages 
and has 29 questions. Please ensure that the 
copy of the question-cum-answer booklet you 
have received contains all the questions.  
2. Write your Registration Number, Name and 
the name of the Test Centre in the appropriate 
space provided on the right side. 
3. Write the answers to the objective questions 
against each Question Number in the Answer 
Table for Objective Questions, provided on 
Page 7. Do not write anything else on this page.  
4. Each objective question has 4 choices for its 
answer: (A), (B), (C) and (D). Only ONE of them 
is the correct answer. There will be negative 
marking for wrong answers to objective 
questions. The following marking scheme for 
objective questions shall be used: 
(a) For each correct answer, you will be 
awarded 6 (Six) marks.  
(b)  For each wrong answer, you will be 
awarded -2 (Negative two) mark. 
(c)  Multiple answers to a question will be 
treated as a wrong answer. 
(d)  For each un-attempted question, you will be 
awarded 0 (Zero) mark.  
(e) Negative marks for objective part will be 
carried over to total marks. 
5. Answer the subjective question only in the 
space provided after each question.  
6. Do not write more than one answer for the same 
question. In case you attempt a subjective 
question more than once, please cancel the 
answer(s) you consider wrong. Otherwise, the 
answer appearing last only will be evaluated. 
7. All answers must be written in blue/black/blue-
black ink only. Sketch pen, pencil or ink of any 
other colour should not be used. 
8. All rough work should be done in the space 
provided and scored out finally. 
9. No supplementary sheets will be provided to the 
10. Clip board, log tables, slide rule, calculator, 
cellular phone and electronic gadgets in any 
form are NOT allowed. 
11. The question-cum-answer booklet must be 
returned in its entirety to the Invigilator before 
leaving the examination hall. Do not remove any 
page from this booklet. 
12. Refer to special instructions/useful data on the 
I have verified the information filled by the 
Candidate above. 
Signature of the Invigilator 
MA-    / 36 
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18 docs

FAQs on IIT JAM Mathematics 2012 Past Year Paper - Past Year Papers of IIT JAM Mathematics

1. What is the format of the IIT JAM Mathematics 2012 exam?
Ans. The IIT JAM Mathematics 2012 exam had a total duration of 3 hours. It consisted of multiple-choice questions, with each question having four options. Candidates had to select the correct option for each question.
2. How many questions were there in the IIT JAM Mathematics 2012 exam?
Ans. The IIT JAM Mathematics 2012 exam had a total of 60 questions. These questions covered various topics within mathematics, including calculus, algebra, differential equations, and linear algebra.
3. What were the marking scheme and negative marking in the IIT JAM Mathematics 2012 exam?
Ans. For each correct answer, candidates were awarded 1 or 2 marks, depending on the question. However, for each incorrect answer, 1/3 or 2/3 marks were deducted, again depending on the question. There was no negative marking for unattempted questions.
4. Can I use a calculator during the IIT JAM Mathematics 2012 exam?
Ans. No, the use of calculators or any other electronic devices was not allowed during the IIT JAM Mathematics 2012 exam. Candidates had to rely on their mathematical skills and calculations to solve the questions.
5. How can I prepare for the IIT JAM Mathematics 2012 exam effectively?
Ans. To prepare effectively for the IIT JAM Mathematics 2012 exam, it is advisable to thoroughly study the syllabus and practice solving previous year question papers. Additionally, joining coaching classes or online test series can help in understanding the exam pattern and improving time management skills.
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