ISO 9000
ISO 9000 is a set of international standards on quality management and quality assurance developed to help companies effectively document the quality system elements to be implemented to maintain an efficient quality system. They are not specific to any one industry and can be applied to organizations of any size.
ISO 9000 can help a company satisfy its customers, meet regulatory requirements, and achieve continual improvement. However, it should be considered to be a first step, the base level of a quality system, not a complete guarantee of quality.
ISO 9000 vs. 9001
ISO 9000 is a series, or family, of standards. ISO 9001 is a standard within the family. The ISO 9000 family of standards also contains an individual standard named ISO 9000. This standard lays out the fundamentals and vocabulary of quality management systems (QMS).
ISO 9000 Series standards
The ISO 9000 family contains these standards:
ISO 9001:2015: Quality management systems - Requirements
ISO 9000:2015: Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary (definitions)
ISO 9004:2009: Quality management systems – Managing for the sustained success of an organization (continuous improvement)
ISO 19011:2011: Guidelines for auditing management systems
ASQ is the only place to get the American National Standard versions of these standards in the ISO 9000 family.
ISO 9000 certification
Individuals and organizations cannot be certified to ISO 9000. ISO 9001 is the only standard within the ISO 9000 family to which organizations can certify.
ISO 9000:2000
ISO 9000:2000 refers to the ISO 9000 update released in the year 2000.
The Technical Committee responsible for the ISO 9000 family developed specifications for the ISO 9000:2000 revisions, leading to a significant advancement of the standards and reflecting contemporary concepts of quality management.
The ISO 9000:2000 revision had five goals:
Meet stakeholder needs
Be usable by all sizes of organizations
Be usable by all sectors
Be simple and clearly understood
Connect quality management system to business processes
(From ISO 9000:2000 Shifts Focus of Quality Management System Standards, by Jack West.)
ISO 9000:2000 was again updated in 2008 and 2015. ISO 9000:2015 is the most current version.
History & revisions: ISO 9000:2000, 2008, and 2015
Originally published in 1987 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a specialized international agency for standardization composed of the national standards bodies of more than 160 countries
Underwent major revision in 2000; revised again in 2008
Current versions of ISO 9000 and ISO 9001 were published in September 2015
ISO 9000 principles of quality management
The ISO 9000:2015 and ISO 9001:2015 standards are based on seven quality management principles that senior management can apply for organizational improvement:
Customer focus
Learn more about the customer experience and customer satisfaction.
Understand the needs of existing and future customers
Align organizational objectives with customer needs and expectations
Meet customer requirements
Measure customer satisfaction
Manage customer relationships
Aim to exceed customer expectations
Learn more about leadership and find related resources.
Establish a vision and direction for the organization
Set challenging goals
Model organizational values
Establish trust
Equip and empower employees
Recognize employee contributions
Engagement of people
Learn more about employee involvement.
Ensure that people’s abilities are used and valued
Make people accountable
Enable participation in continual improvement
Evaluate individual performance
Enable learning and knowledge sharing
Enable open discussion of problems and constraints
Process approach
Learn more about a process view of work and see process analysis tools.
Manage activities as processes
Measure the capability of activities
Identify linkages between activities
Prioritize improvement opportunities
Deploy resources effectively
Learn more about approaches to continual improvement.
Improve organizational performance and capabilities
Align improvement activities
Empower people to make improvements
Measure improvement consistently
Celebrate improvements
Evidence-based decision making
See tools for decision making.
Ensure the accessibility of accurate and reliable data
Use appropriate methods to analyze data
Make decisions based on analysis
Balance data analysis with practical experience
Relationship management
Identify and select suppliers to manage costs, optimize resources, and create value
Establish relationships considering both the short and long term
Share expertise, resources, information, and plans with partners
Collaborate on improvement and development activities
Recognize supplier successes
57 docs|25 tests
1. What is ISO 9000 and why is it important in the field of Human Resource Development? |
2. How does ISO 9000 help in improving the quality of HRD practices? |
3. What are the key benefits of implementing ISO 9000 in HRD? |
4. Are there any challenges in implementing ISO 9000 in HRD? |
5. How can organizations ensure compliance with ISO 9000 in HRD? |