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Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET

1. Distance Formula :
The distance between the points A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2) is Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET

2. Section Formula :
If P(x,y) divides the line joining A(x1,y1) & B(x2,y2) in the ratio m : n, then ;
Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETis positive, the division is internal, but ifImportant Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETis negative, the division is external.
Note : If P divides AB internally in the ratio m : n & Q divides AB externally in the ratio m : n then P & Q are said to be harmonic conjugate of each other w.r.t. AB.
Mathematically ; Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETi.e. AP, AB & AQ are in H.P.

3. Centroid And Incentre :
If A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2), C(x3, y3) are the vertices of triangle ABC, whose sides BC, CA, AB are of lengths a, b, c respectively, then the coordinates of the centroid are : Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET& the coordinates of the incentre are : Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETNote that incentre divides the angle bisectors in the ratio (b + c) : a ; (c + a) : b & (a + b) : c.
Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
Remember :
(i) Orthocentre, Centroid & circumcentre are always collinear & centroid divides the line joining orthocentre & cercumcentre in the ratio 2 : 1 .
(ii) In an isosceles triangle G, O, I & C lie on the same line .

4. Slope Formula :
If θ is the angle at which a straight line is inclined to the positive direction of x−axis, & 0° < q < 180°, θ ≠ 90°, then the slope of the line, denoted by m, is defined by m = tan θ. If θ is 90°, m does not exist, but the line is parallel to the y−axis.If θ = 0, then m = 0 & the line is parallel to the x−axis. If A (x1, y1) & B (x2, y2), x1≠ x2, are points on a straight line, then the slope m of the line is given by: m = Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
5. Condition Of Collinearity Of Three Points −(Slope Form) :Points A (x1, y1), B (x2, y2), C(x3, y3) are collinear if Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET

6. Equation Of A Straight Line In Various Forms :
(i) Slope − intercept form: y = mx + c is the equation of a straight line whose slope is m & which makes an intercept c on the y−axis .
(ii) Slope one point form: y − y1 = m (x − x1) is the equation of a straight line whose slope is m & which passes through the point (x1, y1)
(iii) Parametric form : The equation of the line in parametric form is given by Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET= r (say). Where ‘r’ is the distance of any point (x , y) on the line from the fixed point (x1, y1) on the line. r is positive if the point (x, y) is on the right of (x1, y1) and negative if (x,y) lies on the left of (x1, y1) .
(iv) Two point form : Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETis the equation of a straight line which passes through the points (x1, y1) & (x2, y2) .
(v) Intercept form : Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETis the equation of a straight line which makes intercepts a & b on OX & OY respectively .
(vi) Perpendicular form : xcos α + ysin α = p is the equation of the straight line where the length of the perpendicular from the origin O on the line is p and this perpendicular makes angle α with positive side of x−axis .
(vii) General Form : ax + by + c = 0 is the equation of a straight line in the general form

7. Position Of The Point (X1, Y1) Relative To The Line ax + by + C = 0 : If ax+ by1 + c is of the same sign as c, then the point (x1, y1) lie on the origin side of ax + by + c = 0. But if the sign of ax1 + by1 + c is opposite to that of c, the point (x, y1) will lie on the non-origin side of ax + by + c = 0.
8. The Ratio In Which A Given Line Divides The Line Segment Joining Two Points :

Let the given line ax + by + c = 0 divide the line segment joining A(x1, y1) & B(x2, y2) in the ratio m : n, thenImportant Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETIf A & B are on the same side of the given line then Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETis negative but if A & B are on opposite sides of the given line , then Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETis positive.

9. Length Of Perpendicular From A Point On A Line :
The length of perpendicular from P(x1, y1) on ax + by + c = 0 is Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET

10. Angle Between Two Straight Lines In Terms Of Their Slopes :
If m1 & m2 are the slopes of two intersecting straight lines (m1 m2 ≠ −1) & q is the acute angle between them, then tan θ = Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
Note : Let m1, m2, m3 are the slopes of three lines L1 = 0 ; L2 = 0 ; L3 = 0 where m1 > m2 > mthen the interior angles of the D ABC found by these lines are given by,
Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
11. Parallel Lines :
(i) When two straight lines are parallel their slopes are equal. Thus any line parallel to ax + by + c = 0 is of the type ax + by + k = 0 . Where k is a parameter.
(ii) The distance between two parallel lines with equations ax + by + c1 = 0 & ax + by + c2 = Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETNote that the coefficients of x & y in both the equations must be same.
(iii) The area of the parallelogram = Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETwhere p1 & p2 are distances between two pairs of opposite sides & θ is the angle between any two adjacent sides . Note that area of the parallelogram bounded by the lines y = m1x + c1, y = m1x + c2 and y = m2x + d1 , y = m2x + d2 is given by Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET

12. Perpendicular Lines :
(i) When two lines of slopes m1& mare at right angles, the product of their slopes is −1, i.e. m1 m= −1. Thus any line perpendicular to ax + by + c = 0 is of the form bx − ay + k = 0, where k is any parameter.
(ii) St. lines ax + by + c = 0 & a' x + b' y + c' = 0 are right angles if & only if aa' + bb' = 0.

13. Equations of straight lines through (x, y1) making angle α with y = mx + c are:
(y − y1) = tan (θ − α) (x − x1) & (y − y1) = tan (θ + α) (x − x1) , where tan q = m.

14. Condition Of Concurrency :
Three lines a1x + b1y + c1 = 0, a2x + b2y + c2 = 0 & a3x + b3y + c3 = 0 are concurrent if Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
Alternatively : If three constants A, B & C can be found such that A(a1x + b1y + c1) + B(a2x + b2y + c2) + C(a3x + b3y + c3) = 0 , then the three straight lines are concurrent.

15. Area Of A Triangle :
If (xi, yi), i = 1, 2, 3 are the vertices of a triangle, then its area is equal to Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET provided the vertices are considered in the counter clockwise sense. The above formula will give a (−) ve area if the vertices (xi, yi) , i = 1, 2, 3 are placed in the clockwise sense.

16. Condition Of Collinearity Of Three Points(Area Form):
The points (xi , yi) , i = 1 , 2 , 3 are collinear if Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET

17. The Equation Of A Family Of Straight Lines Passing Through The Points Of Intersection Of Two Given Lines:
The equation of a family of lines passing through the point of intersection of a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 & a2x + b2y + c2 = 0 is given by (a1x + b1y + c1) + k(a2x + b2y + c2) = 0, where k is an arbitrary real number.
Note: If u1 = ax + by + c , u2 = a'x + b'y + d , u= ax + by + c', u4 = a'x + b'y + d'
then, u1 = 0; u2 = 0; u3 = 0; u4 = 0 form a parallelogram.
u2 u3 − u1 u4 = 0 represents the diagonal BD.
Proof : Since it is the first degree equation in x & y it is a straight line. Secondly point B satisfies the equation because the co−ordinates of B satisfy u2 = 0 and u1 = 0.
Similarly for the point D. Hence the result.
On the similar lines u1u2 − u3u4 = 0 represents the diagonal AC.
Note: The diagonal AC is also given by u1 + lu4 = 0 and u2 + μu= 0, if the two equations are identical for some λ and μ.
[For getting the values of λ & μ compare the coefficients of x, y & the constant terms]

18. Bisectors Of The Angles Between Two Lines :
(i) Equations of the bisectors of angles between the lines ax + by + c = 0 &
a'x + b'y + c' = 0 (ab' ≠ a'b) are : Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
(ii) To discriminate between the acute angle bisector & the obtuse angle bisector
If θ be the angle between one of the lines & one of the bisectors, find tan q .
If Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET then 2θ < 90° so that this bisector is the acute angle bisector .
If Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET then we get the bisector to be the obtuse angle bisector .
(iii) To discriminate between the bisector of the angle containing the origin & that of the angle not containing the origin. Rewrite the equations , ax + by + c = 0 & a'x + b'y + c' = 0 such that the constant terms c , c' are positive. Then; Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET gives the equation of the bisector of the angle containing the origin & Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETgives the equation of the bisector of the angle not containing the origin.
(iv) To discriminate between acute angle bisector & obtuse angle bisector proceed as follows
Write ax + by + c = 0 & a'x + b'y + c' = 0 such that constant terms are positive .
If aa' + bb' < 0 , then the angle between the lines that contains the origin is acute and the equation of the bisector of this acute angle is Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
therefore Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETis the equation of other bisector.
If, however , aa' + bb' > 0 , then the angle between the lines that contains the origin is obtuse & the equation of the bisector of this obtuse angle is:
Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
is the equation of other bisector.
(v) Another way of identifying an acute and obtuse angle bisector is as follows :
Let L1 = 0 & L2 = 0 are the given lines & u1 = 0 and u2 = 0 are the bisectors between L1 = 0 & L2 = 0. Take a point P on any one of the lines L= 0 or L2 = 0 and drop perpendicular on u1 = 0 & u2 = 0 as shown. If ,Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETu1 is the acute angle bisector .
Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETu1 is the obtuse angle bisector .
Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETthe lines L1 & L2 are perpendicular .
Note : Equation of straight lines passing through P(x1, y1) & equally inclined with the lines a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 & a2x + b2y + c2 = 0 are those which are parallel to the bisectors between these two lines & passing through the point P .

19. A Pair Of Straight Lines Through Origin :
(i) A homogeneous equation of degree two of the type ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 always represents a pair of straight lines passing through the origin & if :
(a) h2 > ab ⇒ lines are real & distinct .
(b) h2 = ab ⇒ lines are coincident .
(c) h2 < ab ⇒ lines are imaginary with real point of intersection i.e. (0, 0)
(ii) If y = m1x & y = m2x be the two equations represented by ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0, then;
m1 + m2 = Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET& mm2 = Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
(iii) If θ is the acute angle between the pair of straight lines represented by, ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0, then; tan θ = Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEETThe condition that these lines are:
(a) At right angles to each other is a + b = 0. i.e. co−efficient of x2 + coefficient of y2 =0.
(b) Coincident is h2 = ab.
(c) Equally inclined to the axis of x is h = 0. i.e. coeff. of xy = 0.
Note: A homogeneous equation of degree n represents n straight lines passing through origin.

20. General Equation Of Second Degree Representing A Pair Of Straight Lines:
(i) ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 represents a pair of straight lines if:
abc + 2fgh − af2 − bg2 − ch2 = 0, i.e. if Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
(ii) The angle θ between the two lines representing by a general equation is the same as that between the two lines represented by its homogeneous part only .

21. The joint equation of a pair of straight lines joining origin to the points of intersection of the line given
by lx + my + n = 0 ................ (i) &
the 2nd degree curve : ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 ....... (ii)
is ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
(iii) is obtained by homogenizing (ii) with the help of (i), by writing (i) in the form: Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
22. The equation to the straight lines bisecting the angle between the straight lines,
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 is Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
23. The product of the perpendiculars, dropped from (x1, y1) to the pair of lines represented by the equation, ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 is Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET
24. Any second degree curve through the four point of intersection of f(x y) = 0 & xy = 0 is given by f (x y) + λ xy = 0 where f(xy) = 0 is also a second degree curve.

The document Important Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines Formulas for JEE and NEET is a part of the JEE Course Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced.
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