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Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry


Coordinate Geometry holds significant importance in many competitive exams such as CAT Quantitative Ability (QA) section. Typically, problems in Coordinate Geometry are not overly challenging, making it crucial not to overlook them. Practicing a sufficient number of Coordinate Geometry questions enhances your ability to tackle such problems effortlessly during the actual exam. In this article, we will delve into essential Coordinate Geometry questions for QA, offering valuable practice.

  • A coordinate graph is a rectangular grid with two number lines called axes. The x-axis is the horizontal number line and the y-axis is the vertical number line. 
  • The axes intersect at the origin which is the point (0,0).Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry
  • Coordinate geometry is used to describe various curves such as circles, parabolas, etc. 
  • Coordinate geometry divides the coordinate plane into four different quadrants, which are the I quadrant, II quadrant, III quadrant, and IV quadrants.

Coordinate Geometry Formulae

1. Distance Formula 

To Calculate Distance Between Two Points:
Let the two points be A and B, having coordinates to be (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) respectively.
Thus, the distance between two points is-
distance =
Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry
Example: Find the distance between the points (5,2) and (3,4)?
Using distance formula,
Distance = √(5-3)2 + (2-4)2
= 2√2 units

2.  Midpoint Theorem 

To Find Mid-point of a Line Connecting Two Points:
Consider the same points A and B, having coordinates to be (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) respectively. Let M(x,y) be the midpoint of lying on the line connecting these two points A and B. The coordinates of this point are –

Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry

3.  Angle Formula

To Find the Angle Between Two Lines:
Consider two straight lines and, with given slopes as m1 and m2 respectively.
Let “θ” be the angle between these two lines, we can then represent the angle between them as-
Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry

4.  Section Formula

Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate GeometryTo Find a Point which divides a line into m:n ratio: Consider two straight lines having coordinates (x1, y1) & (x2, y2) respectively. 

Let a point which divides the line in some ratio as m:n, then the coordinates of this point are-

(i) When the ratio m:n is internal:

Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry

(ii) When the ratio m:n is external:

Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry
Example: Find the point which divides the line segment joining (2,5) and (1,2)  in ratio 2:1 internally?
Using mid point theorem, 
x = (2 x1 + 1x2) / (1+2)
= 4/3
y =  (2x2+1x5)/ (2+1)
= 9/3 = 3

5.  Area of a Triangle in Cartesian Plane

Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate GeometryWe can compute the area of a triangle in Cartesian Geometry if we know all the coordinates of all three vertices. If coordinates are (x1,y1),(x2,y2) and (x3,y3) then area will be:

Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry
Example: Find the area of triangle (0,4) , (3,6) and (-8,-2)?
Area of triangle = I1/2 { 0(6 -(-2)) + 3((-2) - 4) + (-8)(4-6)}I
                                            = I1/2 (-2)I
                                            = I-1I 
                                            = 1 sq. unit

6.  Centroid of a Triangle

Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate GeometryIf G (x, y) is the centroid of triangle ABC, A  (x1, y1), B   (x2, y2), C   (x3, y3), then:

Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate GeometryImportant Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry

7.  In-Center of a Triangle

Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry

If I (x, y) is the in-center of triangle ABC, A   (x1, y1), B   (x2, y2), C   (x3, y3), then,
Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry

where a, b and c are the lengths of the BC, AC and AB respectively
Example: Find the incenter of the right angled isosceles triangle having one vertex at the origin and having the other two vertices at (6,0) and (0,6)?

Sol: Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate GeometryAs it is mentioned in the question that the triangle is an isosceles triangle ,therefore the sides AB = BC = 6 units and the length of the third side = (62 + 62)1/2
hence, a = c = 6 units, b = 6√2 units
In Centre will be at
→ (6x0 + 6√2 x0 + 6 x 6)/(6+6+6√2) , (6x6 + 6√2 x0 + 6 x 0)/(6+6+6√2)
→ 36/ 12+6√2 , 36/ 12+6√2

Now, let us have a look at some more formulas for coordinate geometry. We will use the below picture as a reference for the formulas.

Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry

  • Slope of PQ = m = Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry
  • Equation of PQ is as below:
    Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometryor y = mx + c 
  • The product of the slopes of two perpendicular lines is –1.
  • The slopes of two parallel lines are always equal.
    If m1 and m2 are slopes of two parallel lines, then m1=m2.
  • The distance between the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry
  • If point P(x, y) divides the segment AB, where A  (x1, y1) and B   (x2, y2), internally in the ratio m: n, then,
    x= (mx2 + nx1)/(m+n)  and  y= (my2 + ny1)/(m+n)
  • The equation of a straight line is y = mx + c, where m is the slope and c is the y-intercept (tan   = m, where   is the angle that the line makes with the positive X-axis).
  • If two intersecting lines have slopes m1 and m2 then the angle between two lines θ will be tan θ = (m1−m2) / (1+m1m2)
  • The length of perpendicular from a point (x1 ,y1 ) on the line AX+BY+C = 0 is
    P = (Ax1+By1+C) / (A2+B2)

Question for Coordinate Geometry: Concepts, Formulas & Examples
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Equations of a Line

Let us learn all the straight lines formulas along with the general equation of a line and different forms to find the equation of a straight line in detail here.

  • General equation of a line Ax + By = C
  • Slope intercept form y = mx + c (c is y intercept)
  • Point-slope form y – y1 = m (x – x1) (m is the slope of the line)
  • Intercept form x / a + y / b = 1 (where a and b are x and y intercepts respectively)
  • Two point form:  (y−y1) / (y2−y1) = (x−x1) / (x2−x1)

Solved Examples

Example 1: What is the distance between the points A (3,8) and B(-2,-7) ?
a) 5√2
b) 5
c) 5√10
d) 10√2

Ans: Option 'c' is correct

Sol: The distance between 2 points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is given as

 √((x2-x1)2 + (y2-y1)2)

 Hence, required distance = √((-2-3)2 + (-7-8)2) = 5√10

Example 2: The points of intersection of three lines 2X + 3Y – 5=0 and 5X – 7Y + 2=0 and 9X – 5Y – 4 = 0
a) Form a triangle
b) Are on lines perpendicular to each other
c) Are on lines parallel to each other
d) Are coincident

Sol: To solve the question above, we should remember the properties of the lines for being parallel, perpendicular or intersecting:
Two lines are parallel to each other if their slopes are equal

Two lines are perpendicular if the product of slopes is -1.
Lines are coincident if they at least have one point which satisfies all the equation.
The three lines can be expressed in the y=mx + c format as:
Y = (5/3) – (2X/3),   Y = (5X/7) + (2/7)   , Y = (9X/5) – (4/5)
Therefore, the slopes of the three lines are -2/3, 5/7, 9/5 and their Y intercepts are 5/3, 2/7 and 4/5 respectively.
We see above that the product of slopes of none of the lines is -1. Thus, lines are not perpendicular to each other.
Also, slopes of the no two lines is same. Thus, lines are not parallel to each other.
Solving the first two equations we get X=1 and Y = 1. If we substitute (1,1) in the third equation Y=(9X/5 – 4/5), we find that it also satisfies the equation. This shows that the three lines intersect at a common point and hence coincident.

Example 3: The area of the triangle whose vertices are (a + 1, a + 1), (a, a) and (a+2, a) is
a) a3
b) 1
c) 2a
d) 2

Ans: Option 'b' is correct

Sol: Let a = 0, Thus the three vertices of the triangle becomes (1, 1) (0, 0) and (2, 0)
If we look at the below figure, Area = ½ * base * height = ½ * 2 * 1 = 1
Imp: The main point to note here is that area will be independent of a.

Example 4: Consider a triangle drawn on the X – Y plane with its three vertices of (41,0) , (0,41) and (0,0), each vertex being represented by its (X,Y) coordinates. The number of points with integer coordinates inside the triangle (excluding all the points on the boundary) is:
a) 780
b) 800
c) 740
d) 830

Ans: Option 'a' is correct

Sol: Equation of the line will be of the form => x + y = 41.

Now, we know that if the x,y coordinates of a point are integer, the sum will also be an integer x+ y = k (k, a variable)

As per the question we need to exclude all the values lying on the boundary of triangle, k can take all values from 1 to 40 only. K = 0 is rejected as at k =0 will give the point at A which is also not allowed.

With K = 40, x + y = 40; this will be satisfied by points (1, 39), (2, 38), (3,37) …… (38, 2), (39, 1). That is a total of 39 points

Similarly x + y = 38, will be satisfied by 37 points.
X + Y = 37, will be satisfied by 36 points
X + Y = 3 will be satisfied by 2 points
X + Y = 2 will be satisfied by 1 point
X + Y = 1 will not be satisfied by any point

So, the total number of all such points is: 39 + 38 + 37 + 36 + ……………………. + 3 + 2 + 1 = n(n+1)/2 points =  (39*40) / 2 = 780 points
Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry

Example 5: Two lines P and Q intersect at point (3, 2) in the x-y plane. The slope of line P is 45 degrees and line Q is parallel to the X axis. What is the area (in sq. units) of the triangle formed by P, Q and a line perpendicular to P passing through point (5, 4) ?
a) 12
b) 8
c) 6
d) 4

Ans: Option 'd' is correct

Sol: Let us look at the image below:
Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry

As slope of line P is 45 degree. Therefore, ∠ABC = 45 degree

In triangle ABC, length of AB = SQRT [(5-3)+ (4-2)2] = 22 units

Therefore, length of line AC = 22 units (Since ABC is an isosceles triangle. Thus AB = AC)

Thus, required area = ½ * 22 * 22 = 4 sq. units

Example 6: The line 3 Y = x is the radius of the circle. It meets the circle o=centered at origin O at point M (3, 1). If PQ is the tangent to the circle at M as shown, find the length of the PQ.

Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry

a) (5/2)√3 units
b) 3 √3 units
c) 2√3 units
d) 8/√3 units

Ans: Option 'd' is correct

Sol: PQ is perpendicular to line Y = X / 3 (Since, radius of a circle is perpendicular to the tangent of the circle)

Therefore, slope of PQ = -1 / (1/ 3) = – 3 (Since, product of slopes of line perpendicular to each other is -1)

Therefore, Let equation of the line PQ be y = – 3x + c

Now at the point M, when x = 3, y = 1

Putting the above values of x and y in the above equation, we get c = 4 The equation of the line becomes, Y = – 3x + 4

Thus, by using the above equation, we get:

Coordinates of point P = (0, 4) and coordinates of point Q = (4/3, 0) (Putting x = 0 in above equation, we find value of P and putting Y = 0 in above equation, we find value of Q)

Hence PQ = sqrt [(4/3) + 42] = 8/3 units.

Example 7: What is the equation of a circle with centre of origin and radius is 6 cm?

Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry
Ans: Option 'c' is correct

Sol: Given,
Center of the circle = (0,0)
Radius of the circle (r) = 6 cm

∴ Equation of the circle is 

Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry

Example 8: The equation of circle with centre (1, -2) and radius 4 cm is:
(a) x2 + y+2x - 4y = 11
(b) x2 + y+ 2x - 4y = 16
(c) x2 + y2 - 2x + 4y = 16
(d) x2 + y- 2x + 4y = 11

Ans:  Option 'd' is correct

Sol: Given,
Centre of the circle (a, b) = (1, -2)
Radius of the circle (r) = 4 cm
... Equation of the circle is (xa)2 + (y - b)= r2
=> (x-1)2 +(y-(-2))2 = 42
=> (x-1)2 + (y+2)2 = 42
=> x2+1- 2.x.1 + y2 + 2+2.y.2 = 16
=> x+ 1 - 2x + y+ 4 + 4y = 16
=> x2 - 2x + y2 + 4y = 16 - 1 - 4
=> x+ y- 2x + 4y = 11
Hence, the correct answer is Option (d)

Example 9 3: In ΔABC, AB = AC. A circle drawn through B touches AC at D and intersect AB at P. If D is the mid point of AC and AP 2.5 cm, then AB is equal to:
(a) 9 cm 
(b) 10 cm 
(c) 7.5 cm 
(d) 12.5 cm

Ans: Option 'b' is correct

Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry
Given D is midpoint of AC so,

AD = AC/2

But also given AC = AB

AD = AB/2 - (1)

AD is a tangent and APB is a secant. So the tangent secant theorem can be applied,


(AB/4)2 = 2.5 × AB

AB2/4 = 2.5 × AB

AB = 10 cm

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FAQs on Important Formulas for CAT Coordinate Geometry

1. What are the basic coordinate geometry formulae that one should know for CAT preparation?
Ans. The basic coordinate geometry formulae include the distance formula, midpoint formula, and the section formula. The distance formula is given by \(d = \sqrt{(x_2 - x_1)^2 + (y_2 - y_1)^2}\). The midpoint formula is given by \(M = \left(\frac{x_1 + x_2}{2}, \frac{y_1 + y_2}{2}\right)\). The section formula for a point dividing a line segment in the ratio \(m:n\) is given by \(P = \left(\frac{mx_2 + nx_1}{m+n}, \frac{my_2 + ny_1}{m+n}\right)\).
2. How do you derive the equation of a line in slope-intercept form?
Ans. The slope-intercept form of a line is given by \(y = mx + b\), where \(m\) is the slope and \(b\) is the y-intercept. To derive this, you start with the slope formula \(m = \frac{y_2 - y_1}{x_2 - x_1}\) using two points \((x_1, y_1)\) and \((x_2, y_2)\). Once you have the slope, you can substitute one of the points into the equation to solve for \(b\), thus giving you the complete equation of the line.
3. What is the significance of the point-slope form of a line in coordinate geometry?
Ans. The point-slope form of a line is useful for writing the equation of a line when you know a point on the line and the slope. It is expressed as \(y - y_1 = m(x - x_1)\). This form is particularly helpful in situations where you need to quickly derive the equation based on a known point and slope, making it easier to solve problems related to lines in coordinate geometry.
4. Can you explain how to find the angle between two intersecting lines?
Ans. To find the angle between two intersecting lines, you first need the slopes \(m_1\) and \(m_2\) of the lines. The angle \(θ\) between the two lines can be found using the formula: \(\tan(θ) = \left|\frac{m_1 - m_2}{1 + m_1m_2}\right|\). You can then use the arctangent function to calculate \(θ\) in degrees or radians based on the context of the problem.
5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when solving coordinate geometry problems in CAT?
Ans. Common mistakes include not correctly applying the formulas, mixing up the coordinates (x and y), failing to simplify expressions, and misinterpreting the slope. Additionally, overlooking the signs in calculations or using incorrect units can lead to errors. It’s essential to double-check calculations and ensure that each step follows logically from the previous one.
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