Joint Entrance Examination - Main or commonly known as JEE Main is a national level entrance exam conducted by the NTA to offer admission to BE/BTech, BPlan and BArch courses at the IIITs (Indian Institute of Information Technology), NITs (National Institute of Technology) and other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions (CFTIs) across the country.
NTA has taken several measures for JEE Main 2021 including holding the exam in four sessions this year.
Here's a look at the important points to remember in the new exam pattern:
Table: JEE Main 2021 Exam Details
Table: JEE Main 2021 Exam Dates for all Four Sessions
JEE Main 2021 will consist of three papers. Each paper will be for three hours. NTA JEE Main 2021 question paper will include both multiple-choice questions as well as numerical-based questions.
Table: Important highlights of the JEE Main 2021 exam pattern.
Table: JEE Main Exam Schedule for all Four Sessions
They can follow the given steps for successfully submitting the online application form:
Step 1: Visit the official website ( and register for the online form. Make a note of the application number. It will be required to generate the password and for future correspondence.
Step 2: Log in to the portal using the application number and password and access the application form.
Step 3: Start filling in the form and type in all the required details.
Step 4: Upload the scanned copy of the documents containing the signature and also photographs.
Step 5: Payment of JEE Main Exam Fees – online or offline payment.
Step 6: Take a printout of the acknowledgment or confirmation page.
NTA will also provide a one-time correction facility to make all the required changes in the form. For the new session, the correction window will be opened on certain dates which will be announced by the exam authority. Additional fees have to be paid.
NTA has released the JEE Main 2021 eligibility criteria for BTech, BArch and BPlan papers. Candidates must fulfill all the eligibility conditions to be eligible for JEE Main exam.
The eligibility criteria for JEE Main 2021 is as follows:
1. Age Criteria: There is no age limit for aspirants appearing in the JEE Main 2021.
2. Year of Appearance in Qualifying Examination (QE)
3. Qualifying Subjects: Candidates should have studied Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as compulsory subjects in their 10+2 qualifying examination.
4. Qualifying Marks: 75% marks in boards examination criteria have been waived off for the academic year 2021-22.
5. Total Attempts: A candidate is allowed to attempt the exam for three consecutive years.
Table: Reservation Criteria for JEE Main 2021
The NTA will release JEE Main 2021 admit card date for every session around 15 days prior to the exam. Registered candidates can download the admit card from the official website. The admit card is an essential document that must be carried to the examination hall. The authority also informs candidates about the release of admit cards through registered email ID and mobile number.
Steps to download JEE Main 2021 Admit Card are:
Along with the JEE Main admit card, candidates must carry any one of identity proofs in original: PAN card / Driving License / Voter ID / Passport / Aadhaar Card (With photograph) / Ration Card.
NTA will conduct JEE Main 2021 in four sessions - February, March, July and August.
Question.2: Whether NTA has changed the syllabus of JEE Main 2021?
No, the syllabus of JEE Main 2021 is the same as that of the last year. However, keeping in view the decision taken by different Boards all over India, NTA has decided that there will be a total of 90 Questions in the Question Paper and candidates will be required to attempt 75 questions only. There will be no negative marking for 15 optional questions.
Question.3: What precautions should I take while appearing for JEE Main 2021 during the pandemic?
Candidates should make sure to keep their nose and mouth covered all the way during commutation and while in the JEE Main exam centre. Touching any surface should be avoided and regular use of sanitiser is recommended.
Question.4: What will be the advantages of Multiple Sessions in JEE Main 2021?
This will give multiple opportunities to the candidates to improve their scores in the examination if they fail to give their best in one attempt. Also, If anyone missed the examination due to reasons beyond control (such as Board examination), then he/she will not have to wait for one full year.
Question.5: How many attempts can I give in JEE Main 2021?
The total number of attempts will be four in JEE Main 2021 as exam will be conducted in four sessions.
Question.6: Whether a candidate has to fill up the separate Application Form for each session?
No, the candidate has to fill up one Application Form for all sessions. If he/ she fills up now, there will be only one Application Form. If he fills up now (for a few sessions), and chooses to fill up the application for the other sessions later, the same Application Form will be shown to him later on, once the Application Forms.
Question.7: Can a candidate correct/ change in his/her particulars including City of Exam Centre in the Online Application?
Yes, candidates may correct/ change his/her particulars including the City of Exam Centre in the Online Application, when the correction window will be opened under intimation to the candidates through Public Notice for each Session.
Question.8: If any candidate did not apply for the February session, can he/she apply for the remaining session?
Yes, if any candidate did not apply for February Session, then he/she can apply for the remaining 3 sessions. The application window will be re-opened briefly immediately after the declaration of the result of the February / March / April Session.
Question.9: Whether a candidate can appear in one session or he has to appear in all four sessions?
It is the choice of the candidate. A candidate can appear in one or two or three or all four sessions.
Question.10: Whether a candidate has to pay the fee for one session or all four sessions and when the fee is to be paid?
While filling Application Form, the candidate has to choose the Number of sessions he/she wishes to appear and pay the fee accordingly.
Question.11: Which score will be considered in the compilation of Result and Preparation of Merit List / Ranking?
A candidate has a choice to appear in one/ more sessions. He/ she will be awarded an NTA score in each session based on his performance. The candidate’s best NTA Scores of all the sessions in which he/ she has appeared will be considered for preparation of Merit List/ Ranking.
Question.12: When will the JEE Main 2021 admit card by NTA be released?
The admit card for JEE Mains 2021 will be available on the official website. The admit card of JEE Main 2021 January exam will be available 15 days prior to the exam.
Question.13: How can I download the JEE Main admit card?
Candidates can download the admit card of JEE Main 2021 by entering the application number and date of birth on the login window.
Question.14: Can I get the JEE Main application form 2021 in offline mode?
No, JEE Main 2021 will not be available in offline mode. The conducting authority will release the application form in online mode only.
Question.15: Will a duplicate JEE Main admit card be issued if I lost my admit card?
No. The authority will not issue any duplicate admit card of JEE Main. In this case, candidates can go back to the JEE Main official website, download and reprint admit cards by entering the login credentials.
Question.16: The spelling of my name is incorrect in the admit card. How can I correct it?
In case of such errors in the admit card, candidates must immediately contact the JEE Main officials.
Question.17: Is there an age limit in JEE Main?
For appearing in the JEE Main 2021 examination, there is no age limit for the candidates.
Question.18: What is NTA and its role in JEE Main 2021?
NTA or National Testing Agency is an autonomous testing organisation to conduct entrance exams for admission/fellowship in higher education institutions. NTA is entrusted to take care of all issues from test preparation, to test delivery and to test marking in the exams conducted by the agency including JEE Main 2021.