Directions: Answer the questions with the given information and the graph.
The analyst at a retail giant has modelled the consumer spending and consumer sentiment to prepare a strategy on product offers in the upcoming festive season. The data given in the figure are from last 10 years on 3 parameters namely, food spending (Food_Spend), style spending (Style_Spend), and sentiment index (Sentiment_Index). Study the figure below and answer the following questions :

Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:From the years mentioned below, in which year total of Food_Spend and StyleSpend as a proportion of Sentiment_Index is lowest ?
2011 : 910/390= 2.33
2013: 1330/750= 1.77
2016: 970/550 = 1.75
2017: 960/370 = 2.6
Option C , 2016 is the correct answer.
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Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:From the years mentioned below, in which year Food_Spend as a proportion of Style_Spend is lowest ?
2012 : 520/350 = 1.49
2013 : 700/650 = 1.07
2015 : 520/450 = 1.15
2016 : 520 / 450= 1.15
2013 is the lowest and hence it is the correct answer.
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Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:In which year, ratio of percentage annual change in Style_Spend to percentage annual change in Sentiment_Index is highest ?
2015 = (450-300)/300 = 0.5
2014 = (650-300)/650 =0.54
2013 = (620-350)/350 = 0.77
2011 Style spend = (350-300)/350= 0.14
2011 sentiment index = 140/250 = 0.56
2011 ratio = 1/4.
2012 Style spend = 50/300 = 1/6
2012 sentiment index = 140/390
Ratio 2012 = 0.06
2014 Style spend = (650-300)/650 =0.54
2014 sentiment index =360/750=0.48
Ratio = 1.1
2017 style spend = 100/450
2017 sentiment Index = 160/550
Ratio = 0.75
Option C is the correct answer.
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Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:In which year, highest annual percentage change in StyleSpend is recorded ?
2015 = (450-300)/300 = 0.5
2014 = (650-300)/650 =0.54
2013 = (620-350)/350 = 0.77
2011 = (350-300)/350= 0.14
The highest percentage change is in the year 2013
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Directions: Answer the questions with the given information and the data.
Given below are transactions of 17 customers who brought products available from a range of 5 products namely Product A, Product B, Product C, Product D and Product E, on a particular day. “1” means product was purchased and “0” means product was not purchased on that day. There tail manager wants to study the product purchase behaviour based on customer transactions. Example of Paired Product purchase, there are three paired product purchases made by customer with Customer_ID : 101 - (1) Product A and Product D, (2) Product A and Product E and (3) Product D and Product E.

Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:How many paired product purchases were done with Product A as one product?

With A as one of the product, A-B, A-C, A-D, A-E are the pairs.
Hence, the total is 17
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Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:Assuming profit margin of the products is as follows : Product A - ₹ 50, Product B - ₹ 45, Product C - ₹ 60, Product D - ₹ 40 and Product E - ₹ 70, which of the following paired product purchases generates highest profit margin given the existing buying frequency ?

Product A and Product D = 6 x 90 = 540
Product A and Product E = 5 x 120 = 600
Product B and Product D = 8 x 85 = 680
Product B and Product E = 5 x 115 = 575
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Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:Given the profit margins of the products as follows : Product A - ₹ 50, Product B - ₹ 45, Product C - ₹ 60, Product D - ₹ 40 and Product E - ₹ 70, and the retailer decides to offer discount in case customer buys more than two products. The discount is equal to 10% of the margin of higher margin product in the combination of products purchased, then how many customer in the sample data generate profit margin of ₹ 150 or more?

From the above table we can see that the answer is 5
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Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:How many customers buy lowest selling product pair as well as highest selling product pair ?

Lowest selling pair is A-C with 2 customers.
Highest selling pair is B-D with 8 customers.
Only 115 buys both. Hence, the answer is 1.
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Directions: Answer the questions with the given information and the data.
The figures given below show the amount of work distribution (in operational hours) for a toy manufacturing company having manufacturing plants in Chennai and Kanpur. Each plant carries out six activities. Planned operational cost per hour of Chennai and Kanpur plants are ₹ 250 and %₹300 respectively. However, the actual operational cost per hour is ₹ 270 in Chennai and ₹ 315 in Kanpur.
Cost Difference (in %) = Absolute ((Actual Cost - Planned Cost) / Planned Cost) x 100

Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:Overall Cost difference in Chennai plant is approximately :

Planned cost in chennai = 1032 x 250=258000
Actual cost in chennai = 1350 x 270 = 364500
Cost difference = (106500/258000) x 100 = 41%
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Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:In how many activities plant in Chennai could meet at least 50% shortfall in the actual operational hours compared to planned operational hours of plant in Kanpur?

In Activity 1, 50% shortfall of planned and actual in Kanpur is 25. Excess in chennai is 25. Hence this activity is counted.
In Activity 2 there is no shortfall
In Activity 3, the 50% shortfall is 50. Excess in chennai is 28. Hence this is incorrect
In Activity 4 and 5 there is no shortfall
In Activity 6 the 50% shortfall is 25. Excess in Chennai is 78. Hence, this activity is counted.
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Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:Whichof following activities has maximum cost difference in Kanpur Plant ?

ACtivity 1 : 50/100 x 100 = 50%
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Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:In how manyactivities plant in Chennai has higher planned operational hours as compared to plant in Kanpur?

Chennai has more planned operational hours in Activity 2 and 6.
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Directions: Answer the questions with the given information and the data.
The following table gives number of T-Shirts sold (in thousand units) in Delhi and Mumbai. The T-Shirts are sold in different styles (S1, S2, S3, and S4) with different colours as shown in the table.

Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:The average sales of which colour T-Shirt sold is same in both the cities ?
Yellow - Delhi : 70.75 - Yellow - Mumbai : 66.
Blue - Delhi : 83.25 - Blue - Mumbai :76.75
Black - Delhi :67 - Black - Mumbai : 92.5
Red - Delhi :77.75 - Red - Mumbai : 77.75.
Red has same average sales in both cities
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Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:Which style T-Shirt has highest difference in numberof units sold between twocities of Delhi and Mumbai?
S1- Delhi = 507 - S1- Mumbai = 543 - Difference = 36
S2-Delhi = 506 - S2 - Mumbai=560 - Difference = 54
S3 - Delhi =515 - S3 - Mumbai = 154 - Difference = 1
S4 - Delhi = 496 - S4 - Mumbai = 554 - Difference = 58.
Option D, S4 is the correct answer.
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Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:If the profit margin of T-Shirts of various styles S1, $2, S3 and S4 are = 100, ¥ 100, ¥ 120 and & 120 respectively, then among the colour an city combinations given below, which combination has the maximum profit ?
Red - Mumbai = 100 x (76+89) + 120*(65+81) = 34020
Red - Delhi = 100 x (76+70) + 120*(70 + 95) = 34400
Green - Delhi = 100 x (71+89) + 120*(92+65) = 36040
Blue - Mumbai = 100 x (94+64) + 120*(75+74) = 33680.
Maximum profit is with Green- Delhi
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Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:From the combinations given below, which one has minimum difference in units sold across cities of Delhi and Mumbai ?
Red S2 = |70 - 89| = 19
Green S2 = |89-70| = 19
Yellow S1 = |50-69| = 19
Black S3 = |76-94| = 18.
Option (d) , Black S3 is the correct answer.
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Directions : Answer the questions based on the information provided.
In Gargi’s family there are 7 members A, B,C, D, E, F and G other than her consisting of Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Grandfather and Grandmother. They are Doctor, Professor, Director, Actor, Minister, Business Person and Artist by profession not necessarily in the same order. Gargi is a Manager of a leading restaurant and invites the family to her restaurant having round tables for seating to have dinner. The family members select a table for dinner while Gargi is on duty. Few other details are :
(a) The mother and father do not sit together.
(b) C is seated on the immediate left of Professor and A sits with B.
(c) The artist is either the sister or grandmother and sits to the immediate right of Father.
(d) The grandmother is seated on the immediate left of D who is an actor.
(e) G who is an artist sits with the Business person, F who is a female.
(f) E sits second to the left of Director.
(g) There is one family member between Grandmother and C who is a Director.
(h) Father is a doctor and sits between Professor and Sister.
(i) Brother is not a Professor and sits with Grandmother.
Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:How many minimum/least number of people are between the Business person and Professor?
After reading the sentences D,G,B, we get two cases with the following partially filled table

After filling in details with b and e we arrive at

Here, father/doctor has to sit between professor and sister. This is violated in first case. Hence, it is rejected.

The final arrangement is as given above. There are two persons between business person and professor.
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Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:If B is a Doctor, then who is A ?
After reading the sentences D,G,B, we get two cases with the following partially filled table

After filling in details with b and e we arrive at

Here, father/doctor has to sit between professor and sister. This is violated in first case. Hence, it is rejected.

The final arrangement is as given above. If B is doctor, then A is professor.
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Question for LRDI For IIFT 2019
Try yourself:If C is the Uncle, then Professor is :
After reading the sentences D,G,B, we get two cases with the following partially filled table

After filling in details with b and e we arrive at

Here, father/doctor has to sit between professor and sister. This is violated in first case. Hence, it is rejected.

The final arrangement is as given above. If C is uncle, then professor is grandfather.
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