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Morphological Variations | Biology for JAMB PDF Download


Morphological variations refer to the differences in physical characteristics among individuals of a species. These variations can be categorized into different types, including size, color, and fingerprints. Variations in these traits can be classified as either continuous or discontinuous. Additionally, these variations are influenced by a combination of genetic factors and environmental conditions.

Size (Height, Weight)

  • Continuous Variation: Continuous variations are traits that show a wide range of values and can be measured on a spectrum. Height and weight are examples of continuous variations. In a population of individuals, heights and weights can vary continuously within a certain range. Factors such as nutrition, exercise, and overall health can influence these variations.
  • Discontinuous Variation: Discontinuous variations are traits that show distinct categories or groups. For example, blood types (A, B, AB, O) are discontinuous variations because individuals can be categorized into specific blood types. Genetic factors play a significant role in determining discontinuous variations.

Measurement and Graphing

To study variations in height and weight, pupils of the same age group can be measured using standardized techniques. Measurements can be recorded and used to create frequency distributions. Frequency distributions can be graphed using histograms, with height or weight on the x-axis and frequency on the y-axis. This allows for the visualization and analysis of the distribution of height and weight within the population.

Color (Skin, Eye, Hair, Coat of Animals, Scales, and Feathers)

  • Continuous Variation: Color variations in physical traits such as skin, eye, hair, coat, scales, and feathers can display continuous variation. For instance, human skin color exists on a spectrum ranging from light to dark. Environmental conditions, such as exposure to sunlight, can also affect these variations.
  • Discontinuous Variation: Some color patterns may exhibit discontinuous variations, such as specific coat colors in animals or distinct eye colors in humans. These variations are often influenced by genetic factors and may follow Mendelian inheritance patterns.

Observation and Recording

To study color variations in plants and mammals, careful observation and recording of various color patterns can be done. This involves examining the diversity in colors and patterns within a population. These observations can help identify and categorize the variations present, providing insights into the genetic and environmental factors influencing color traits.


Fingerprints are unique patterns formed by ridges on the fingertips and are used for identity detection. Fingerprint patterns exhibit discontinuous variations.

Application of Fingerprint Classification

Fingerprint classification is essential in forensic science and identification processes. Different patterns, such as loops, whorls, and arches, are categorized and used for matching fingerprints to individuals. This classification aids in accurate identification and distinguishes individuals based on their unique fingerprint patterns.


Morphological variations in the physical appearance of individuals encompass size, color, and fingerprints. These variations can be classified as continuous or discontinuous and are influenced by genetic constitution as well as environmental conditions. Measurements, graphing, observation, and recording techniques help analyze and understand these variations, contributing to fields such as biology, genetics, and forensic science.

The document Morphological Variations | Biology for JAMB is a part of the JAMB Course Biology for JAMB.
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