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Multiferroic Materials | Basic Physics for IIT JAM PDF Download

Materials that are both ferroelectric and magnetic–multiferroics–are rare.  This is because in most ferroelectrics, such as BaTiO3, the ferroelectricity is driven by a hybridization of empty d orbitals with occupied p orbitals of the octahedrally coordinated oxygen ions.  This mechanism requires empty d orbitals and thus cannot lead to multiferroic behavior.  There are consequently very few ferroelectrics that exhibit long range magnetic order, and rarer still are materials where these
two disparate order parameters exist and exhibit significant coupling.  Multiferroics have been of particular interest recently both to understand the fundamental aspects of the novel mechanism that gives rise to th
is magnetic-ferroelectric coupling, as well as because of the intriguing possibility of using these coupled order parameters in novel device applications.  In particular,

recent "proof of principle" work has shown that it is possible to control the magnetic phase with an applied electric field, and control the electric polarization with an applied magnetic field.
The hexagonal HoMnO3 system of particular interest here is a prototype multiferroic.  The holmium-oxygen displacements give rise to a ferroelectric moment along the crystallographic c axis at very high tem
peratures (TC = 875 K), while the Mn moments order at 72 K.  The order parameters are naturally coupled through the Ho-Mn exchange and ani
sotropy interactions.  The crystal structure is shown in the figure, where we see that the Mn spin system has the added interest that the moments occupy a fully frustrated triangular lattice.

Multiferroic Materials | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Side view of crystal structure 

Multiferroic Materials | Basic Physics for IIT JAM
Top View

Purple spheres represent holmium ions, blue spheres oxygen ions arranged octahedrally with the Mn ions in the middle.
The Mn spins order at 72 K, and then the magnetic structure undergoes a spin reorientation transition at 40 K (in zero applied field).  At both of these transitions there are anomalies in the dielectric constant, demonstrating that there is strong coupling between the magnetic and ferroelectric order parameters.
Multiferroic Materials | Basic Physics for IIT JAM
Multiferroic Materials | Basic Physics for IIT JAM
Magnetic order parameters for HoMnO3;  (left) isometric plot of the [1,0,1] magnetic Bragg peak and (right) integrated intensities vs. T for two different magnetic peaks.  The magnetic structure changes three times in evolving to the ground state.  All three magnetic structures are non-collinear, and possess different chiral symmetries as shown below.  The transition at ~8K includes the development of magnetic order for the holmium moments as well as a change in the magnetic structure of the Mn spins.
Multiferroic Materials | Basic Physics for IIT JAM
Multiferroic Materials | Basic Physics for IIT JAM
Three magnetic structures for the Mn spins.
The application of a magnetic field (along the c-axis) broadens and moves the spin-reorientation transition in temperature, as shown by the data below.  The data allow the phase boundary to be mapped in the (H,T) plane.  At low T additional transitions are observed, which are also hysteretic.
Multiferroic Materials | Basic Physics for IIT JAM
Field dependence of the magnetic intensities at intermediate T (left) and low T (right)
Multiferroic Materials | Basic Physics for IIT JAM
Phase diagram as a function of (H,T) determined from neutron diffraction measurements.
The spin dynamics of this system turns out to be particularly interesting.  Inelastic neutron scattering measurements reveal the planar nature of the spin system, and have established the basic model for the magnetic interactions in the system. The non-collinear spin structure gives rise to three different "flavors" of bosons.  The single-ion anisotropy of the (ferroelectric) holmium rare earth ions couples to the Mn spins, and in our view plays a critical role in both the spin reorientation transitions (much like that found in Nd2CuO4) and in the multiferroic behavior.
Multiferroic Materials | Basic Physics for IIT JAM
Spin-wave dispersion relations at 20 K for two in-plane directions in reciprocal space, and along the c-axis (inset) where no significant dispersion is observed, indicating that the system is 2d in nature.  The solid curves are fits to a 2d Heisenberg model.  Dashed lines indicate two (dispersionless) crystal field levels of Ho at 1.5 and 3.1 meV. The scan shown is for Q=1.3,0,0, where the apparent sloping background is actually due to the holmium crystal field level at lower energy.

The document Multiferroic Materials | Basic Physics for IIT JAM is a part of the Physics Course Basic Physics for IIT JAM.
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FAQs on Multiferroic Materials - Basic Physics for IIT JAM

1. What are multiferroic materials?
Multiferroic materials are a class of materials that exhibit both ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties simultaneously. This means that they can show both electric polarization and magnetic ordering at the same time.
2. What are the potential applications of multiferroic materials?
Multiferroic materials have a wide range of potential applications due to their unique properties. They can be used in the development of next-generation data storage devices, sensors, actuators, and energy conversion systems. Additionally, they hold promise for magnetic field sensors, spintronics, and even in the field of medicine for targeted drug delivery systems.
3. How are multiferroic materials typically synthesized?
Multiferroic materials can be synthesized through various techniques, including solid-state reactions, chemical solution processes, and thin film deposition methods. These methods involve carefully controlling the composition, crystal structure, and morphology of the materials to achieve the desired multiferroic properties.
4. What challenges exist in the study of multiferroic materials?
Studying and understanding multiferroic materials present several challenges. One major challenge is the limited number of naturally occurring multiferroic materials, which restricts their availability for research and applications. Another challenge is the difficulty in achieving strong coupling between the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties, as these properties often compete with each other. Additionally, the complex interplay of different factors, such as crystal structure, defects, and strain, can make it challenging to predict and control the multiferroic behavior.
5. How can the properties of multiferroic materials be optimized?
The properties of multiferroic materials can be optimized through various approaches. One approach is through the engineering of material compositions and structures to enhance the coupling between ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties. This can be achieved by controlling the crystal symmetry, doping with specific elements, or inducing strain in the material. Another approach is through the use of external stimuli such as electric fields, magnetic fields, or temperature, which can help manipulate and enhance the multiferroic properties.
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