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NCERT Solution: Unit 1 | English Class 9 PDF Download

Text I: The Future Cars

Q1: How will the self-driving cars or driverless cars be safe?
Self-driving cars will be safe because they will communicate with each other to avoid accidents and traffic jams. Additionally, the absence of human drivers will reduce the risk of human error, making driving conditions safer.

Q2: What do you understand by ‘cars will communicate with each other’?
"Cars will communicate with each other" means that self-driving cars will be equipped with technology that allows them to exchange information about their position, speed, and route to avoid collisions and manage traffic more efficiently.

Q3: What are the advantages of self-driving cars?
The advantages of self-driving cars include: - Reduction in the need for parking spaces. - Continuous use of cars, which will reduce the number of cars needed. - Elimination of street signs as cars will navigate without human assistance. - Cleaner air due to the likely use of electric vehicles. - More space for parks and sidewalks.

Q4: What is the use of GPS?
GPS (Global Positioning System) is used for hailing taxis, getting mapping directions, inspecting critical infrastructure, surveying disaster areas, and delivering medical supplies to remote locations.

Q5: What is a drone? What are its advantages?
A drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle initially used for military purposes but now used for various consumer and commercial applications. Its advantages include inspecting infrastructure, surveying disaster-struck areas, fighting poaching, and delivering medical supplies to remote areas.

Q6: Which technology will be used in flying cars?
Flying cars will use the same advanced technology as drones, including materials, batteries, and software.

Q7: How will the flying cars be more convenient than planes and helicopters?
Flying cars will be more convenient than planes and helicopters because they will be more affordable, use advanced technology for safety and efficiency, and provide easy access and transportation.

Text II: Humanoid Robot, Sophia Back in India

Q1: Who is Sophia and who is her creator?
Ans: Sophia is the world’s first humanoid robot created by American scientist David Hanson of Hanson Robotics of Hong Kong.

Q2: Why were the audience excited on the second day of the World Congress on Information Technology–2018?
Ans: The audience was excited because Sophia, the humanoid robot, answered rapid-fire questions with witty responses, making the session engaging and entertaining.

Q3: The favourite tech person in Sophia’s life is:
(a) Shah Rukh Khan
(b) David Hanson
(c) Bill Gates
(d) Mark Zuckerberg

Ans: (b) David Hanson

Q4: What changes does the humanoid robot want to see in the world?
Ans: Sophia wants people to develop a feeling of "love for all" and use robotics to fight for the rights of women.

Q5: Which of the following statements regarding Sophia is true?
Ans: (c) Hong Kong is her favourite place.

Q6: What are David’s assertions as far as robots are concerned?
Ans: David asserts that robots will be friends to humans and not a threat. He emphasizes the need for mutual trust and respect between humans and robots.


Q1: Go back to the chapter ‘The Fun They Had’ given in your textbook, Beehive, and identify words that mean the following. The paragraph numbers are given in brackets.
(a) Sadly (3): sorrowfully
(b) Unfamiliar (7): strange
(c) Quite likely (8): probably
(d) In a casual, calm and relaxed manner (9): nonchalantly
(e) Something beaming and shining (10): glowing

Q2: Imagine the school in the story ‘The Fun They Had’. Compare it with your own school. Given below are two outlines for mindmaps. Fill these with words that you can think of in the two situations.

NCERT Solution: Unit 1 | English Class 9

Q3: Find the odd one out.

(a) Pleasure, misery, happiness, delight:
Ans: misery

(b) Note, diary, book, copy:
Ans: copy

(c) TV, computer, mobile, scanner:
Ans: scanner

(d) Display, exhibit, appear, show:
Ans: appear

(e) Scornful, contemptuous, mocking, diversity:
Ans: diversity

(f) Illuminating, gladdening, pleasing, gratifying:
Ans: illuminating

Q4: You would have come across the use of prefixes like ‘dis’, ‘un’, ‘mis’, ‘in’, etc., to make opposite words. For example, ‘consolate – disconsolate’. Write the opposites of the following.

(a) Use: misuse
(b) Agree: disagree
(c) Engage: disengage
(d) Understand: misunderstand
(e) Fold: unfold
(f) Spell: misspell
(g) Connect: disconnect
(h) Like: dislike
(i) Visible: invisible
(j) Predictable: unpredictable

Q5: The suffixes are used to get adjective form of the words. (Example: danger – dangerous). Use the correct suffix to the following to make adjectives.

(a) Comfort: comfortable
(b) Sun: sunny
(c) Read: readable
(d) Beauty: beautiful
(e) Enjoy: enjoyable
(f) Suit: suitable
(g) Help: helpful
(h) Use: useful
(i) Hazard: hazardous
(j) Impress: impressive


When we talk about present situations or present time we can use either ‘unless’ or ‘if…not’.
You can’t go on a holiday unless you save some money.

Q1: Fill in the blanks with ‘if’ or ‘unless’.

(a) I won’t be able to assist you ___________________ you give me all the details of the report.
Ans: I won’t be able to assist you unless you give me all the details of the report.

(b) I will take this job ___________________________ the working hours suit me

Ans: I will take this job if the working hours suit me.

(c) ___________________he advertises on TV, he will get a lot of publicity.
Ans:  If he advertises on TV, he will get a lot of publicity.

(d) ________________________ it is very cold, we will not have any snow.
Ans: Unless it is very cold, we will not have any snow.

(e) The thief threatened to kill us _________ we didn’t give him the money.
Ans: The thief threatened to kill us if we didn’t give him the money.

(f) ________________________ you use high quality material, you cannot build a strong house.
Ans: Unless you use high-quality material, you cannot build a strong house.

Q2: Join the following sentences using ‘unless’ or ‘if…not’.

(a) I would never keep a large dog. I have time to exercise it properly.
Ans: I would never keep a large dog unless I have time to exercise it properly.

(b) Sita would have come first in class. She had not fallen ill.
Ans: Sita would have come first in class if she had not fallen ill.

(c) You must not dive. You have been properly trained.
Ans: You must not dive unless you have been properly trained.

(d) Medical evidence suggests that people would enjoy better health. They did not consume refined sugar.
Ans: Medical evidence suggests that people would enjoy better health if they did not consume refined sugar.

(e) I might have got the job. I hadn’t been late for the interview.
Ans: I might have got the job if I hadn’t been late for the interview.

(f) You do not stop smoking. You will fall seriously ill.
Ans: You will fall seriously ill if you do not stop smoking.

(g) You do not come now. I am going to leave without you.
Ans: I am going to leave without you if you do not come now.

Q3: Put the adverbs given at the end of the sentence at the appropriate place within the sentence.

(a) Mr. Sharma died as the family was getting ready to go for the wedding. (suddenly)
Ans: Mr. Sharma suddenly died as the family was getting ready to go for the wedding.

(b) My grandfather arrived to avoid the traffic rush. (early)
Ans: My grandfather arrived early to avoid the traffic rush.

(c) The man thanked me before he drove off. (profusely)
Ans: The man thanked me profusely before he drove off.

(d) The children clapped at the little girl’s extraordinary performance. (admiringly)
Ans: The children clapped admiringly at the little girl’s extraordinary performance.

(e) The dog bit me when I was coming home from school. (hard)
Ans: The dog bit me hard when I was coming home from school.

(f) The police had several photographs of the suspect. (fortunately)
Ans: The police had fortunately several photographs of the suspect.

(g) Sunil left the room when he saw the bull coming in. (abruptly)
Ans: Sunil abruptly left the room when he saw the bull coming in.


Q1: Use capital letters, full-stops, commas and inverted commas wherever necessary in the following paragraph. Rewrite the paragraph in the space given below.

The teacher gave an assignment to the students “Go to people you love and tell them i am sorry.” It sounded stupid to me but after one week i went to my teacher i confided i didn’t have anyone to say those words to but as i began walking down home my conscience started talking. five months ago my friend and i had a vicious disagreement we avoided seeing each other we hardly spoke i convinced myself i should tell my friend i am sorry.
at 5.30 in the evening I went to him and said i am sorry a transformation came over my friend his face softened, the arrogance seemed to disappear and he began to cry he hugged me and said i am sorry too but i’ve never been able to say it.

(Source: ,
Workbook for Class X, NCERT, 2003, p. 14)

The teacher gave an assignment to the students, "Go to people you love and tell them 'I am sorry.'” It sounded stupid to me but after one week I went to my teacher. I confided I didn’t have anyone to say those words to but as I began walking down home, my conscience started talking. Five months ago, my friend and I had a vicious disagreement. We avoided seeing each other and hardly spoke. I convinced myself I should tell my friend I am sorry.
At 5.30 in the evening, I went to him and said, “I am sorry.” A transformation came over my friend. His face softened, the arrogance seemed to disappear, and he began to cry. He hugged me and said, “I am sorry too but I’ve never been able to say it.”

Q2: Rearrange each set of words to form meaningful sentences. Use appropriate punctuation marks.

(a) wise, every, a, is, proverb, saying
Ans: Every proverb is a wise saying.

(b) see, you, can, from, me, there
Ans: You can see me from there.

(c) happy, they, to, the, were, meet, visitor
Ans: They were happy to meet the visitor.

(d) impatient, do, be, not
Ans: Do not be impatient.


Q1: Who is Morrie?
Ans: Morrie is a college professor who is stricken with a rare and incurable disease. He shares his wisdom on life through his final class on the meaning of life with his student, Mitch Albom.

Q2: How did Morrie develop his own culture of living?
Ans: Morrie developed his own culture of living by engaging in discussion groups, walking with friends, dancing, starting a project called Greenhouse, reading books for new ideas, visiting colleagues, keeping up with old students, writing letters to distant friends, and spending time in nature.

Q3: What was the name of the project Morrie had started? What was it about?
Ans: The project was called Greenhouse, and it was about providing mental health services to poor people.

Q4: What did human activities mean to Morrie?
Ans: Human activities meant conversation, interaction, and affection, which filled his life with meaningful and fulfilling experiences.

Q5: Why was the subject of the class ‘the meaning of life’?
Ans: The subject was 'the meaning of life' because it was taught from experience and covered essential aspects of living, such as love, work, community, family, aging, forgiveness, and death.


1. Prepare a speech for the school assembly based on the thoughts given below.

  • Once we have computer outlets in every home, each of them hooked up to enormous libraries, where you can ask any question and be given answers, you can look up something you’re interested in knowing, however silly it might seem to someone else. (Isaac Asimov)
  • Men are only as good as their technological development allows them to be. (George Orwell) Speech:

Write your points here for speech.


"Good morning everyone,
Today, I would like to share some thoughts on the importance of technology in our lives. Imagine a world where every home has a computer outlet connected to vast libraries of information. You can ask any question and receive answers instantly. This vision, shared by Isaac Asimov, highlights the potential of technology to transform our quest for knowledge. No matter how trivial our queries might seem to others, technology allows us to explore and learn without limits.
George Orwell once said, 'Men are only as good as their technological development allows them to be.' This statement underscores the significant role that technology plays in shaping our capabilities and achievements. As we continue to develop and embrace new technologies, we must ensure that we use them to improve our lives and the world around us. Let us strive to harness the power of technology to foster innovation, solve problems, and create a better future for all.
Thank you."

2. The chapter ‘The Fun They Had’ presents different perspectives on school and education. Prepare and give a speech in class presenting your views on how best can students be educated. Discuss why you would prefer to be taught by both human teachers and a robot.
Your views.

"Good morning everyone,
Today, I want to discuss how we can best educate students in the modern world. The chapter 'The Fun They Had' presents different perspectives on school and education, highlighting both the advantages and limitations of traditional and futuristic approaches.
In my view, the best way to educate students is through a combination of human teachers and robotic assistance. Human teachers bring empathy, creativity, and adaptability to the classroom. They can inspire and motivate students, understand their individual needs, and provide emotional support. On the other hand, robots can offer personalized learning experiences, handle repetitive tasks, and provide instant feedback.
By integrating both human and robotic elements in education, we can create a more dynamic and effective learning environment. Human teachers can focus on fostering critical thinking, collaboration, and emotional intelligence, while robots can enhance learning through interactive lessons, real-time assessments, and access to a wealth of information.
In conclusion, the synergy between human teachers and robots can revolutionize education, making it more engaging, efficient, and tailored to each student's needs. Let us embrace this combination to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the future.
Thank you."


1. Write a paragraph on each of the following:

(a) Electronic Waste and Environmental Pollution:
Ans: Electronic waste, or e-waste, is a growing environmental concern. Discarded electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, and televisions contain hazardous materials like lead, mercury, and cadmium. When improperly disposed of, these substances can leach into the soil and water, causing significant pollution and health risks. Recycling and proper disposal of e-waste are essential to mitigate its impact on the environment. Promoting awareness and establishing efficient e-waste management systems can help protect our planet from the harmful effects of electronic waste.

(b) Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence:
Ans: In the age of artificial intelligence (AI), being human means embracing the unique qualities that machines cannot replicate. AI can perform tasks with precision and efficiency, but it lacks empathy, creativity, and emotional intelligence. As humans, we must focus on nurturing these traits to complement the advancements in AI. By fostering compassion, critical thinking, and innovation, we can create a harmonious relationship between humans and AI. This synergy will enable us to leverage technology for the betterment of society while preserving the essence of our humanity.

(c)After listening to the excerpts (Page No. 14 of this workbook), do you think a robot should replace the human teacher? Give reasons in support of your answer.
Ans: After listening to the excerpts, I believe that a robot should not replace the human teacher. While robots can offer valuable assistance in delivering personalized learning experiences and handling administrative tasks, they lack the emotional intelligence and adaptability that human teachers possess. Human teachers can inspire, motivate, and understand the individual needs of their students, fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment. The combination of human teachers and robotic tools can enhance education, but the irreplaceable human touch remains essential for holistic development.

2. There is so much debris in space, which sooner rather than later, is going to cause major damage. As a concerned citizen of Earth, write a letter to NASA Chief outlining your concerns. Your letter should be ‘formal’ in style and structure.

The points are given below for you to use. You may use other points as well.
(a) More than 5,00,000 pieces of debris or space ‘junk’ that travel at 17,500mph can damage satellites in the space.
(b) The debris can damage International Space Station and other spacecrafts with humans in it.
(c) Enormous amount of money would be lost if that happens.
(d) Much of the debris is so small that it cannot be tracked — this makes it more dangerous.
(e) Accidents have happened in the past.
From: [Your Name]
[Your Address]
Date: [Date]
To: Chief of NASA
NASA Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
Subject: Concerns Regarding Space Debris
I am writing to express my deep concern about the growing issue of space debris and its potential impact on our space missions and assets. More than 500,000 pieces of debris or space 'junk' are currently orbiting Earth at high speeds, posing significant risks to satellites and the International Space Station (ISS). The possibility of collisions with this debris endangers not only our valuable equipment but also the lives of astronauts on board.
The financial implications of such incidents are immense, with the loss of satellites resulting in substantial economic setbacks. Furthermore, much of this debris is too small to be tracked, making it even more hazardous. Past accidents have demonstrated the severity of this issue, and it is crucial that we take proactive measures to mitigate the risks.
I urge NASA to prioritize the development of effective debris removal and mitigation strategies. Investing in technologies to clean up existing debris and prevent future accumulation will ensure the safety of our space missions and the sustainability of space exploration.
Thank you for your attention to this pressing matter.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]

The document NCERT Solution: Unit 1 | English Class 9 is a part of the Class 9 Course English Class 9.
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FAQs on NCERT Solution: Unit 1 - English Class 9

1. What are some of the features of the future cars mentioned in the article?
Ans. Some features of the future cars mentioned in the article include autonomous driving capabilities, advanced safety features, and eco-friendly technology.
2. How does Sophia, the humanoid robot, contribute to society as mentioned in the article?
Ans. Sophia, the humanoid robot, contributes to society by engaging in conversations, assisting in customer service, and promoting technological advancements.
3. How is Sophia's visit to India significant according to the article?
Ans. Sophia's visit to India is significant as it showcases the latest advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence, and promotes innovation and collaboration in the field.
4. What are some potential challenges or ethical concerns associated with the development of future cars?
Ans. Some potential challenges or ethical concerns associated with the development of future cars include data privacy issues, job displacement, and the impact on the environment.
5. How can individuals prepare for the increasing integration of technology like humanoid robots and autonomous cars in society as mentioned in the article?
Ans. Individuals can prepare for the increasing integration of technology by staying informed about the latest advancements, acquiring relevant skills, and adapting to changes in the workforce and daily life.
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