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NCERT Textbook: Living in Harmony | EVS Class 3: The World around us (Our Wondrous World) PDF Download

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Living in Harmony
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Living in Harmony
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Living in Harmony
72 73
•	 Do	 any	 of	 these	 animals, 	 birds,	 insects	 and 	 plants	
live	with 	 you 	in	 your 	house?
•	 Do	 you	and	your	family	 take 	 care	of	 them?
Note to the Teacher
Collect 	 information	 from	 all	 the	 children, 	 summarise	 the	 list	 and	
encourage	 children 	 to 	 talk	 about	 it.
Monkey Tree
Place where you have seen them Name of the animal
We 	 bring	 some	 animals	 and	 plants	 into	 our	 homes. 	 Some	
may 	 just 	 have	 started 	 living	 there.	 Sometimes	 we 	 share	
our 	 home	 with 	 them	 happily,	 but	 sometimes	 we	 do	 not 	 	
like 	them	in	 our	home.
•	 Discuss	 with	 elders	 in	 your	 family 	 which	 animals 	
and 	 plants	 they	 kept 	 at	 home	 when 	 they	 were	 young.	
Ask	 them	 to	 share	 any	 story	 about 	 these	 animals	
and	plants.
	 •	 	 Are	 there	 any	 animals, 	 birds	 and 	 insects 	 that	 you 	
have 	 spotted 	 that	 are	 not 	 in 	 the	 picture	 given 	 on	
page	72?
	 •	 	 Try 	 to 	 find 	 out 	 their 	 names 	 and 	 write 	 them 	 in 	 the 	 table	
given 	 below. 	 One 	 example 	 has 	 been 	 done 	 for 	 you.
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Living in Harmony
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Living in Harmony
72 73
•	 Do	 any	 of	 these	 animals, 	 birds,	 insects	 and 	 plants	
live	with 	 you 	in	 your 	house?
•	 Do	 you	and	your	family	 take 	 care	of	 them?
Note to the Teacher
Collect 	 information	 from	 all	 the	 children, 	 summarise	 the	 list	 and	
encourage	 children 	 to 	 talk	 about	 it.
Monkey Tree
Place where you have seen them Name of the animal
We 	 bring	 some	 animals	 and	 plants	 into	 our	 homes. 	 Some	
may 	 just 	 have	 started 	 living	 there.	 Sometimes	 we 	 share	
our 	 home	 with 	 them	 happily,	 but	 sometimes	 we	 do	 not 	 	
like 	them	in	 our	home.
•	 Discuss	 with	 elders	 in	 your	 family 	 which	 animals 	
and 	 plants	 they	 kept 	 at	 home	 when 	 they	 were	 young.	
Ask	 them	 to	 share	 any	 story	 about 	 these	 animals	
and	plants.
	 •	 	 Are	 there	 any	 animals, 	 birds	 and 	 insects 	 that	 you 	
have 	 spotted 	 that	 are	 not 	 in 	 the	 picture	 given 	 on	
page	72?
	 •	 	 Try 	 to 	 find 	 out 	 their 	 names 	 and 	 write 	 them 	 in 	 the 	 table	
given 	 below. 	 One 	 example 	 has 	 been 	 done 	 for 	 you.
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Our Wondrous World | Class 3
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Discuss in Pairs     
•	 Which 	 are	 the 	 uninvited 	 animals,	 birds	 and 	 insects	
that	visit	 your	 home?
•	 	 Why	do	you	think	they	come 	 to 	your	homes?
•	 	 How	 do	 you 	 feel	 about	 their 	 presence 	 in	 your 	 home?
•	 	 Which	of 	them	do	you	 like?
•	 	 What 	do 	you 	do	when	you	 do 	 not	like	them?
We 	 take	 care 	 of	 some	 animals	 and 	 plants	 in 	 our	 homes	 by	
giving 	 them	 water,	 food 	 and	 shelter.
Note to the Teacher
Emphasise	 on	 not 	 hurting	 animals	 even	 if	 we 	 do	 not	 like 	 or	 are 	
scared 	 of	 them.	 Animals 	 generally 	 do	 not	 hurt	 others 	 unless 	 they	
feel 	 threatened 	 by	 us.	
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Living in Harmony
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Living in Harmony
72 73
•	 Do	 any	 of	 these	 animals, 	 birds,	 insects	 and 	 plants	
live	with 	 you 	in	 your 	house?
•	 Do	 you	and	your	family	 take 	 care	of	 them?
Note to the Teacher
Collect 	 information	 from	 all	 the	 children, 	 summarise	 the	 list	 and	
encourage	 children 	 to 	 talk	 about	 it.
Monkey Tree
Place where you have seen them Name of the animal
We 	 bring	 some	 animals	 and	 plants	 into	 our	 homes. 	 Some	
may 	 just 	 have	 started 	 living	 there.	 Sometimes	 we 	 share	
our 	 home	 with 	 them	 happily,	 but	 sometimes	 we	 do	 not 	 	
like 	them	in	 our	home.
•	 Discuss	 with	 elders	 in	 your	 family 	 which	 animals 	
and 	 plants	 they	 kept 	 at	 home	 when 	 they	 were	 young.	
Ask	 them	 to	 share	 any	 story	 about 	 these	 animals	
and	plants.
	 •	 	 Are	 there	 any	 animals, 	 birds	 and 	 insects 	 that	 you 	
have 	 spotted 	 that	 are	 not 	 in 	 the	 picture	 given 	 on	
page	72?
	 •	 	 Try 	 to 	 find 	 out 	 their 	 names 	 and 	 write 	 them 	 in 	 the 	 table	
given 	 below. 	 One 	 example 	 has 	 been 	 done 	 for 	 you.
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Our Wondrous World | Class 3
74 75
Discuss in Pairs     
•	 Which 	 are	 the 	 uninvited 	 animals,	 birds	 and 	 insects	
that	visit	 your	 home?
•	 	 Why	do	you	think	they	come 	 to 	your	homes?
•	 	 How	 do	 you 	 feel	 about	 their 	 presence 	 in	 your 	 home?
•	 	 Which	of 	them	do	you	 like?
•	 	 What 	do 	you 	do	when	you	 do 	 not	like	them?
We 	 take	 care 	 of	 some	 animals	 and 	 plants	 in 	 our	 homes	 by	
giving 	 them	 water,	 food 	 and	 shelter.
Note to the Teacher
Emphasise	 on	 not 	 hurting	 animals	 even	 if	 we 	 do	 not	 like 	 or	 are 	
scared 	 of	 them.	 Animals 	 generally 	 do	 not	 hurt	 others 	 unless 	 they	
feel 	 threatened 	 by	 us.	
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Living in Harmony
74 75
The Mango Tree     
One	 day	 Shambhu,	 a	 little 	 boy,	
was	 going 	 through	 the 	 forest	 with	
his	 father.	 They	 sat	 under	 the	
shade	 of	 a	 huge 	 mango	 tree.	 The	
mango	 tree 	 was	 home	 to	 birds,	
squirrels,	 monkeys 	 and	 many	
other	 animals.	 Shambhu	 saw	
a	 monkey 	 eating	 a	 mango 	 and 	
throwing	 out	 the	 seed.	 He	 	 told	 his	
father	 about	 it.	 His	 father	 said,	
“Shambhu,	 do	 you	 know	 that	 a	
new	 plant	 would 	 emerge	 from	 this	
seed? 	 This 	 is 	 how	 animals	 and	
plants	 help	 each	 other.”
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Living in Harmony
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Living in Harmony
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•	 Do	 any	 of	 these	 animals, 	 birds,	 insects	 and 	 plants	
live	with 	 you 	in	 your 	house?
•	 Do	 you	and	your	family	 take 	 care	of	 them?
Note to the Teacher
Collect 	 information	 from	 all	 the	 children, 	 summarise	 the	 list	 and	
encourage	 children 	 to 	 talk	 about	 it.
Monkey Tree
Place where you have seen them Name of the animal
We 	 bring	 some	 animals	 and	 plants	 into	 our	 homes. 	 Some	
may 	 just 	 have	 started 	 living	 there.	 Sometimes	 we 	 share	
our 	 home	 with 	 them	 happily,	 but	 sometimes	 we	 do	 not 	 	
like 	them	in	 our	home.
•	 Discuss	 with	 elders	 in	 your	 family 	 which	 animals 	
and 	 plants	 they	 kept 	 at	 home	 when 	 they	 were	 young.	
Ask	 them	 to	 share	 any	 story	 about 	 these	 animals	
and	plants.
	 •	 	 Are	 there	 any	 animals, 	 birds	 and 	 insects 	 that	 you 	
have 	 spotted 	 that	 are	 not 	 in 	 the	 picture	 given 	 on	
page	72?
	 •	 	 Try 	 to 	 find 	 out 	 their 	 names 	 and 	 write 	 them 	 in 	 the 	 table	
given 	 below. 	 One 	 example 	 has 	 been 	 done 	 for 	 you.
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Our Wondrous World | Class 3
74 75
Discuss in Pairs     
•	 Which 	 are	 the 	 uninvited 	 animals,	 birds	 and 	 insects	
that	visit	 your	 home?
•	 	 Why	do	you	think	they	come 	 to 	your	homes?
•	 	 How	 do	 you 	 feel	 about	 their 	 presence 	 in	 your 	 home?
•	 	 Which	of 	them	do	you	 like?
•	 	 What 	do 	you 	do	when	you	 do 	 not	like	them?
We 	 take	 care 	 of	 some	 animals	 and 	 plants	 in 	 our	 homes	 by	
giving 	 them	 water,	 food 	 and	 shelter.
Note to the Teacher
Emphasise	 on	 not 	 hurting	 animals	 even	 if	 we 	 do	 not	 like 	 or	 are 	
scared 	 of	 them.	 Animals 	 generally 	 do	 not	 hurt	 others 	 unless 	 they	
feel 	 threatened 	 by	 us.	
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Living in Harmony
74 75
The Mango Tree     
One	 day	 Shambhu,	 a	 little 	 boy,	
was	 going 	 through	 the 	 forest	 with	
his	 father.	 They	 sat	 under	 the	
shade	 of	 a	 huge 	 mango	 tree.	 The	
mango	 tree 	 was	 home	 to	 birds,	
squirrels,	 monkeys 	 and	 many	
other	 animals.	 Shambhu	 saw	
a	 monkey 	 eating	 a	 mango 	 and 	
throwing	 out	 the	 seed.	 He	 	 told	 his	
father	 about	 it.	 His	 father	 said,	
“Shambhu,	 do	 you	 know	 that	 a	
new	 plant	 would 	 emerge	 from	 this	
seed? 	 This 	 is 	 how	 animals	 and	
plants	 help	 each	 other.”
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Our Wondrous World | Class 3
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Shambhu 	 ran	 to	 pick	 up	 a	 mango	 that	 dropped 	
from	 the 	 tree.	 He 	 said,	 “Look! 	 I	 too	 have	 got	 a	 mango.” 	
“Not 	 only 	 fruits,	 we	 get	 vegetables	 and 	 many	 other	
things 	 from	 plants,”	 said	 Shambhu’s 	 father.
“Oh 	 yes,	 I	 now	 remember	 that	 you	 had	 told	 this	
to 	 me 	 earlier.	 We	 get	 medicines, 	 fibre 	 for	 clothes	
and	 wood 	 for 	 our	 houses 	 from	 plants.”	 	 	 	 	
Shelter	 for	 animals
Uses	of 	
Fresh	 air Fruit
Ch 6 Living in Harmony.indd   76 6/24/2024   2:41:47 PM
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FAQs on NCERT Textbook: Living in Harmony - EVS Class 3: The World around us (Our Wondrous World)

1. How can we promote harmony in our daily lives?
Ans. We can promote harmony in our daily lives by being kind and respectful towards others, listening to different perspectives, resolving conflicts peacefully, and celebrating diversity.
2. Why is living in harmony important for a community?
Ans. Living in harmony is important for a community as it fosters unity, understanding, and cooperation among its members, leading to a peaceful and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.
3. What are some ways to resolve conflicts in a harmonious manner?
Ans. Some ways to resolve conflicts in a harmonious manner include active listening, communication, compromise, seeking common ground, and showing empathy towards others' feelings and perspectives.
4. How can children be taught about the importance of living in harmony?
Ans. Children can be taught about the importance of living in harmony through storytelling, role-playing, discussions, and setting a positive example for them to follow in their interactions with others.
5. How can individuals contribute to creating a harmonious society?
Ans. Individuals can contribute to creating a harmonious society by practicing tolerance, respecting others' differences, volunteering for community service, promoting equality and justice, and being empathetic towards those in need.
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NCERT Textbook: Living in Harmony | EVS Class 3: The World around us (Our Wondrous World)


NCERT Textbook: Living in Harmony | EVS Class 3: The World around us (Our Wondrous World)




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