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 Page 1

After returning home from school, there are two people with
whom I like to share all my news. They enjoy listening to my
The first person is my nani. She is always anxious to listen
to me. She waits for me to return from school. She is quite old
and often has back pains. She cannot see or hear well. Everyday
in the morning, papa reads the newspaper aloud to her. She
does the rest of her work herself. If someone tries to help her
she gets very upset. Though she cannot see properly she is very
fond of cutting vegetables. She says – these days children do
not know how to cut vegetables properly.
Sharing Our Feelings 1 1
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know what our relationship is
but he is a very loving brother.
He is always ready to answer
my questions. He never says –
I will tell you later.
Ravi bhaiya teaches in a
college. The students of the
college respect him a lot. A few
of them come home to study
from him. Ravi bhaiya is very
fond of listening to music and
taking part in plays. He enjoys
chatting with his friends and
going out with them.
He has a good sense of humour
and makes all of us laugh.
The second person is my Ravi bhaiya. He lives with us. I call
him Ravi bhaiya and he calls my parents –bhaiya-bhabhi. I do not
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Page 2

After returning home from school, there are two people with
whom I like to share all my news. They enjoy listening to my
The first person is my nani. She is always anxious to listen
to me. She waits for me to return from school. She is quite old
and often has back pains. She cannot see or hear well. Everyday
in the morning, papa reads the newspaper aloud to her. She
does the rest of her work herself. If someone tries to help her
she gets very upset. Though she cannot see properly she is very
fond of cutting vegetables. She says – these days children do
not know how to cut vegetables properly.
Sharing Our Feelings 1 1
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3 3 3
know what our relationship is
but he is a very loving brother.
He is always ready to answer
my questions. He never says –
I will tell you later.
Ravi bhaiya teaches in a
college. The students of the
college respect him a lot. A few
of them come home to study
from him. Ravi bhaiya is very
fond of listening to music and
taking part in plays. He enjoys
chatting with his friends and
going out with them.
He has a good sense of humour
and makes all of us laugh.
The second person is my Ravi bhaiya. He lives with us. I call
him Ravi bhaiya and he calls my parents –bhaiya-bhabhi. I do not
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Bhaiya carries a white stick when he goes out. Looking at
him, moving around in the house, no one can say that he cannot
see. He likes to do all his work himself. If someone tries to help
him against his wish he gets angry. Whenever he needs any
help, he asks for it.
Some of Bhaiya’s students take books from him and return
them after recording them on tapes. Ravi bhaiya listens to these
Bhaiya has many other books too. The pages of these books
are thick and have rows of raised points (dots). He reads by
running his fingers on the raised dots.
To have fun with bhaiya, I sometimes change the place of
his stick. He does get upset but never gets angry. After all, I am
his favourite sister– Seema.
I had hardly reached the door that bhaiya spoke up – Seema,
you seem to be very happy today.
Bhaiya recognises not only me but all the other family
members from the sound we make as we move. He can even tell
whether I am happy or sad.
Bhaiya ! Finally I am in the football team – I shared my news
with him. He patted me and said lovingly – From today, you are
my football coach!
i Seema’s father reads the newspaper aloud to her
nani. How do you help old people?
i What kind of problems do people have in old age?
Children take interest in stories. Children can be sensitised by
discussing the characters in this story.
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Page 3

After returning home from school, there are two people with
whom I like to share all my news. They enjoy listening to my
The first person is my nani. She is always anxious to listen
to me. She waits for me to return from school. She is quite old
and often has back pains. She cannot see or hear well. Everyday
in the morning, papa reads the newspaper aloud to her. She
does the rest of her work herself. If someone tries to help her
she gets very upset. Though she cannot see properly she is very
fond of cutting vegetables. She says – these days children do
not know how to cut vegetables properly.
Sharing Our Feelings 1 1
1 1 13 3
3 3 3
know what our relationship is
but he is a very loving brother.
He is always ready to answer
my questions. He never says –
I will tell you later.
Ravi bhaiya teaches in a
college. The students of the
college respect him a lot. A few
of them come home to study
from him. Ravi bhaiya is very
fond of listening to music and
taking part in plays. He enjoys
chatting with his friends and
going out with them.
He has a good sense of humour
and makes all of us laugh.
The second person is my Ravi bhaiya. He lives with us. I call
him Ravi bhaiya and he calls my parents –bhaiya-bhabhi. I do not
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Bhaiya carries a white stick when he goes out. Looking at
him, moving around in the house, no one can say that he cannot
see. He likes to do all his work himself. If someone tries to help
him against his wish he gets angry. Whenever he needs any
help, he asks for it.
Some of Bhaiya’s students take books from him and return
them after recording them on tapes. Ravi bhaiya listens to these
Bhaiya has many other books too. The pages of these books
are thick and have rows of raised points (dots). He reads by
running his fingers on the raised dots.
To have fun with bhaiya, I sometimes change the place of
his stick. He does get upset but never gets angry. After all, I am
his favourite sister– Seema.
I had hardly reached the door that bhaiya spoke up – Seema,
you seem to be very happy today.
Bhaiya recognises not only me but all the other family
members from the sound we make as we move. He can even tell
whether I am happy or sad.
Bhaiya ! Finally I am in the football team – I shared my news
with him. He patted me and said lovingly – From today, you are
my football coach!
i Seema’s father reads the newspaper aloud to her
nani. How do you help old people?
i What kind of problems do people have in old age?
Children take interest in stories. Children can be sensitised by
discussing the characters in this story.
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i How does Ravi bhaiya come to know so many things
without seeing?
i Have you ever needed a stick? When?
i Can you think when you may need a stick?
i How do we help those people who cannot see?
Blindfold Blindfold Blindfold Blindfold Blindfold
Blindfold any one child in the group. One by one, the other
children come to him or her quietly. The child who is blindfolded
has to guess who the other child is, by touching him or her.
Take care not to make any sound. Do you know why?
In the same way, one by one, blindfold all the other
children. Each one has to try and guess by touching who the other
children are.
Is there any member in your family who cannot see,
speak or hear ?  Do you know any such person? How do
people help them with their work?
You read in the story that Ravi bhaiya cannot see.
But he does all his work on his own. He studies from a
different kind of books. To understand how he is able to
do his work, close your eyes and play this game.
We can understand the problems of others better by putting ourselves
in their situations.
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Page 4

After returning home from school, there are two people with
whom I like to share all my news. They enjoy listening to my
The first person is my nani. She is always anxious to listen
to me. She waits for me to return from school. She is quite old
and often has back pains. She cannot see or hear well. Everyday
in the morning, papa reads the newspaper aloud to her. She
does the rest of her work herself. If someone tries to help her
she gets very upset. Though she cannot see properly she is very
fond of cutting vegetables. She says – these days children do
not know how to cut vegetables properly.
Sharing Our Feelings 1 1
1 1 13 3
3 3 3
know what our relationship is
but he is a very loving brother.
He is always ready to answer
my questions. He never says –
I will tell you later.
Ravi bhaiya teaches in a
college. The students of the
college respect him a lot. A few
of them come home to study
from him. Ravi bhaiya is very
fond of listening to music and
taking part in plays. He enjoys
chatting with his friends and
going out with them.
He has a good sense of humour
and makes all of us laugh.
The second person is my Ravi bhaiya. He lives with us. I call
him Ravi bhaiya and he calls my parents –bhaiya-bhabhi. I do not
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Bhaiya carries a white stick when he goes out. Looking at
him, moving around in the house, no one can say that he cannot
see. He likes to do all his work himself. If someone tries to help
him against his wish he gets angry. Whenever he needs any
help, he asks for it.
Some of Bhaiya’s students take books from him and return
them after recording them on tapes. Ravi bhaiya listens to these
Bhaiya has many other books too. The pages of these books
are thick and have rows of raised points (dots). He reads by
running his fingers on the raised dots.
To have fun with bhaiya, I sometimes change the place of
his stick. He does get upset but never gets angry. After all, I am
his favourite sister– Seema.
I had hardly reached the door that bhaiya spoke up – Seema,
you seem to be very happy today.
Bhaiya recognises not only me but all the other family
members from the sound we make as we move. He can even tell
whether I am happy or sad.
Bhaiya ! Finally I am in the football team – I shared my news
with him. He patted me and said lovingly – From today, you are
my football coach!
i Seema’s father reads the newspaper aloud to her
nani. How do you help old people?
i What kind of problems do people have in old age?
Children take interest in stories. Children can be sensitised by
discussing the characters in this story.
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i How does Ravi bhaiya come to know so many things
without seeing?
i Have you ever needed a stick? When?
i Can you think when you may need a stick?
i How do we help those people who cannot see?
Blindfold Blindfold Blindfold Blindfold Blindfold
Blindfold any one child in the group. One by one, the other
children come to him or her quietly. The child who is blindfolded
has to guess who the other child is, by touching him or her.
Take care not to make any sound. Do you know why?
In the same way, one by one, blindfold all the other
children. Each one has to try and guess by touching who the other
children are.
Is there any member in your family who cannot see,
speak or hear ?  Do you know any such person? How do
people help them with their work?
You read in the story that Ravi bhaiya cannot see.
But he does all his work on his own. He studies from a
different kind of books. To understand how he is able to
do his work, close your eyes and play this game.
We can understand the problems of others better by putting ourselves
in their situations.
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Discuss and tell
© How many children could recognise the others by
© How many children could recognise the other
children by only hearing them?
© Which was easier of the two?
i Touch and tell how many teeth are there in your
mouth? Which students in the class have the
maximum number of teeth?
i How many things can you recognise by only touching?
i Close your eyes and listen. What sounds can you
hear? Which people can you identify from the sound
they make as they move?
i By just smelling can you guess if it is someone close
to you?
i Let us see whether it is difficult or easy to recognise
a shape without seeing it.
Take a sheet of sandpaper. Make a shape on it by pressing a
piece of thick wool or thick thread on it. Ask your friend to close
her/his eyes and identify the shape by running her/his finger
on the sheet. Ask your friend, was it easy or difficult?
i Ask your friend to make a shape on the sand paper
in the similar way. Now, you identify it by feeling
with your fingers.
Take a thick piece of paper. Make an outline on the paper with
the help of a compass or a needle. Make dots at a short distance
There is a special way of reading and writing for people who
cannot see. It is called Braille. It is written on a thick paper by
making a row of raised points (dots) with a pointed tool. Braille
is read by running the fingers on the raised dots.
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Page 5

After returning home from school, there are two people with
whom I like to share all my news. They enjoy listening to my
The first person is my nani. She is always anxious to listen
to me. She waits for me to return from school. She is quite old
and often has back pains. She cannot see or hear well. Everyday
in the morning, papa reads the newspaper aloud to her. She
does the rest of her work herself. If someone tries to help her
she gets very upset. Though she cannot see properly she is very
fond of cutting vegetables. She says – these days children do
not know how to cut vegetables properly.
Sharing Our Feelings 1 1
1 1 13 3
3 3 3
know what our relationship is
but he is a very loving brother.
He is always ready to answer
my questions. He never says –
I will tell you later.
Ravi bhaiya teaches in a
college. The students of the
college respect him a lot. A few
of them come home to study
from him. Ravi bhaiya is very
fond of listening to music and
taking part in plays. He enjoys
chatting with his friends and
going out with them.
He has a good sense of humour
and makes all of us laugh.
The second person is my Ravi bhaiya. He lives with us. I call
him Ravi bhaiya and he calls my parents –bhaiya-bhabhi. I do not
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Bhaiya carries a white stick when he goes out. Looking at
him, moving around in the house, no one can say that he cannot
see. He likes to do all his work himself. If someone tries to help
him against his wish he gets angry. Whenever he needs any
help, he asks for it.
Some of Bhaiya’s students take books from him and return
them after recording them on tapes. Ravi bhaiya listens to these
Bhaiya has many other books too. The pages of these books
are thick and have rows of raised points (dots). He reads by
running his fingers on the raised dots.
To have fun with bhaiya, I sometimes change the place of
his stick. He does get upset but never gets angry. After all, I am
his favourite sister– Seema.
I had hardly reached the door that bhaiya spoke up – Seema,
you seem to be very happy today.
Bhaiya recognises not only me but all the other family
members from the sound we make as we move. He can even tell
whether I am happy or sad.
Bhaiya ! Finally I am in the football team – I shared my news
with him. He patted me and said lovingly – From today, you are
my football coach!
i Seema’s father reads the newspaper aloud to her
nani. How do you help old people?
i What kind of problems do people have in old age?
Children take interest in stories. Children can be sensitised by
discussing the characters in this story.
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i How does Ravi bhaiya come to know so many things
without seeing?
i Have you ever needed a stick? When?
i Can you think when you may need a stick?
i How do we help those people who cannot see?
Blindfold Blindfold Blindfold Blindfold Blindfold
Blindfold any one child in the group. One by one, the other
children come to him or her quietly. The child who is blindfolded
has to guess who the other child is, by touching him or her.
Take care not to make any sound. Do you know why?
In the same way, one by one, blindfold all the other
children. Each one has to try and guess by touching who the other
children are.
Is there any member in your family who cannot see,
speak or hear ?  Do you know any such person? How do
people help them with their work?
You read in the story that Ravi bhaiya cannot see.
But he does all his work on his own. He studies from a
different kind of books. To understand how he is able to
do his work, close your eyes and play this game.
We can understand the problems of others better by putting ourselves
in their situations.
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Discuss and tell
© How many children could recognise the others by
© How many children could recognise the other
children by only hearing them?
© Which was easier of the two?
i Touch and tell how many teeth are there in your
mouth? Which students in the class have the
maximum number of teeth?
i How many things can you recognise by only touching?
i Close your eyes and listen. What sounds can you
hear? Which people can you identify from the sound
they make as they move?
i By just smelling can you guess if it is someone close
to you?
i Let us see whether it is difficult or easy to recognise
a shape without seeing it.
Take a sheet of sandpaper. Make a shape on it by pressing a
piece of thick wool or thick thread on it. Ask your friend to close
her/his eyes and identify the shape by running her/his finger
on the sheet. Ask your friend, was it easy or difficult?
i Ask your friend to make a shape on the sand paper
in the similar way. Now, you identify it by feeling
with your fingers.
Take a thick piece of paper. Make an outline on the paper with
the help of a compass or a needle. Make dots at a short distance
There is a special way of reading and writing for people who
cannot see. It is called Braille. It is written on a thick paper by
making a row of raised points (dots) with a pointed tool. Braille
is read by running the fingers on the raised dots.
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on the outline drawn. You can see that the paper is raised on the
other side. Now, ask your friend to close his or her eyes and feel
with the fingers to tell what you have outlined. Isn’t it difficult?
Think, about how people who cannot see are able to read.
Let us learn about Braille Let us learn about Braille Let us learn about Braille Let us learn about Braille Let us learn about Braille
You have seen that Ravi bhaiya reads special types of books.
How were these books made? Who first thought of these books?
Let us find out about it.
Louis Braille belonged to France. One day, when he was
three years old, he was playing with his father’s tools. Suddenly,
a pointed tool hurt his eyes. He lost his eyesight. He had keen
interest in studies. He did not give up. He kept thinking of
different ways to read and write. Finally he found a way – reading
by touching and feeling. This way of reading later came to be
known as the Braille script.
In this type of a script, a row of raised dots are made on a
thick paper. Because these dots are raised they can be read by
running the fingers on them. This script is based on six points.
The Braille script has undergone many changes these days.
This has made reading and writing simpler. Braille can now
also be written using the computer.
If you show the children the actual Braille script they will be able to
understand it better.
The Braille Script The Braille Script The Braille Script The Braille Script The Braille Script
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FAQs on NCERT Textbook - Sharing Our Feelings - EVS for Class 3

1. What is the importance of sharing our feelings?
Ans. Sharing our feelings is important as it helps us to express ourselves, communicate effectively, and build stronger relationships with others. It also helps in reducing stress, finding support, and gaining a better understanding of our own emotions.
2. How can sharing our feelings improve our mental health?
Ans. Sharing our feelings can improve our mental health by providing us with an outlet to release our emotions, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation, and promoting a sense of connection and understanding with others. It can also help in problem-solving and finding solutions to challenging situations.
3. What are some effective ways to share our feelings with others?
Ans. Some effective ways to share our feelings with others include talking openly and honestly, actively listening to others, using "I" statements to express our emotions, seeking professional help if needed, and engaging in activities that promote emotional well-being, such as journaling or art therapy.
4. How can sharing our feelings strengthen relationships?
Ans. Sharing our feelings can strengthen relationships by promoting trust, empathy, and understanding between individuals. It allows for open communication, helps in resolving conflicts, and fosters a supportive and caring environment where both parties feel valued and heard.
5. What are the possible barriers to sharing our feelings?
Ans. Some possible barriers to sharing our feelings include fear of judgment or rejection, cultural or societal norms that discourage emotional expression, lack of trust or a safe space to share, and personal beliefs or experiences that make it difficult to open up. It is important to recognize these barriers and find ways to overcome them in order to experience the benefits of sharing our feelings.
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