Percentage error is a measurement of the discrepancy between an observed and a true or accepted value. While measuring data, the result often varies from the true value. The error can arise due to many different reasons that are often related to human error but can also be due to estimations and limitations of devices used in the measurement. Regardless, in such cases , it becomes important to calculate the percentage error. The computation of percentage error involves the absolute error, which is simply the difference between the observed and the true value. The absolute error is then divided by the true value, resulting in the relative error multiplied by 100 to obtain the percentage error. Refer to the equations below for clarification.
Absolute error = |Vtrue−Vobserved|
Whenever an experiment is done, we get results that will match with the actual value or sometimes vary with the actual value. Error is the difference between the estimated value and the actual value. Measurement errors arise because of unavoidable faults in the measuring instrument and limitations of the human eye. Errors come in all sizes, and sometimes we need to decide if the error in our measurement is so big that it makes the measurement useless. The smaller the error indicates that we are close to the actual value. Therefore, scientists have devised a method to calculate the extent of error in estimation.
Percent Error Definition
Percent error is the difference between the actual value and the estimated value compared to the actual value and is expressed in a percentage format. In other words, you find the difference between the actual answer and the guessed answer, divide it by the actual answer, and express it as a percentage. Percent errors indicate how huge our errors are when we measure something. For example, a 5% error indicates that we got very close to the accepted value, while 60% means that we were quite far from the actual value.
Percent error will let us know how much extent these unavoidable errors affect our experimental results. The formula for finding percent error:
Most of the time, the percentage error is expressed as a positive value. Absolute value can be some times termed as true value or theoretical value. The absolute value of the error is divided by an true value and shown as a percent.
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How do you Find the Percent Error?
Percentage error can be calculated using three simple steps:
Absolute Error = Approximate Value – Exact Value
Relative Error = |Approximate Value – Exact Value|/Exact Value
Percent Error = |Approximate Value – Exact Value|/Exact Value × 100%
Important Notes
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